diff --git a/main.js b/main.js index 86f9c408..61c2cb8b 100644 --- a/main.js +++ b/main.js @@ -2601,1394 +2601,778 @@ async function waitForResolvedLinks(app, delay = 1000, max = 50) { } } -var graphology_umd_min = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) { -!function(t,e){module.exports=e();}(commonjsGlobal,(function(){function t(e){return t="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(t){return typeof t}:function(t){return t&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&t.constructor===Symbol&&t!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof t},t(e)}function e(t,e){t.prototype=Object.create(e.prototype),t.prototype.constructor=t,r(t,e);}function n(t){return n=Object.setPrototypeOf?Object.getPrototypeOf:function(t){return t.__proto__||Object.getPrototypeOf(t)},n(t)}function r(t,e){return r=Object.setPrototypeOf||function(t,e){return t.__proto__=e,t},r(t,e)}function i(){if("undefined"==typeof Reflect||!Reflect.construct)return !1;if(Reflect.construct.sham)return !1;if("function"==typeof Proxy)return !0;try{return Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean,[],(function(){}))),!0}catch(t){return !1}}function o(t,e,n){return o=i()?Reflect.construct:function(t,e,n){var i=[null];i.push.apply(i,e);var o=new(Function.bind.apply(t,i));return n&&r(o,n.prototype),o},o.apply(null,arguments)}function a(t){var e="function"==typeof Map?new Map:void 0;return a=function(t){if(null===t||(i=t,-1===Function.toString.call(i).indexOf("[native code]")))return t;var i;if("function"!=typeof t)throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");if(void 0!==e){if(e.has(t))return e.get(t);e.set(t,a);}function a(){return o(t,arguments,n(this).constructor)}return a.prototype=Object.create(t.prototype,{constructor:{value:a,enumerable:!1,writable:!0,configurable:!0}}),r(a,t)},a(t)}function u(t){if(void 0===t)throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");return t}var c=function(){for(var t=arguments[0],e=1,n=arguments.length;e0&&a.length>i&&!a.warned){a.warned=!0;var c=new Error("Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. "+a.length+" "+String(e)+" listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit");c.name="MaxListenersExceededWarning",c.emitter=t,c.type=e,c.count=a.length,u=c,console&&console.warn&&console.warn(u);}return t}function S(){if(!this.fired)return this.target.removeListener(this.type,this.wrapFn),this.fired=!0,0===arguments.length?this.listener.call(this.target):this.listener.apply(this.target,arguments)}function A(t,e,n){var r={fired:!1,wrapFn:void 0,target:t,type:e,listener:n},i=S.bind(r);return i.listener=n,r.wrapFn=i,i}function L(t,e,n){var r=t._events;if(void 0===r)return [];var i=r[e];return void 0===i?[]:"function"==typeof i?n?[i.listener||i]:[i]:n?function(t){for(var e=new Array(t.length),n=0;n0&&(o=e[0]),o instanceof Error)throw o;var a=new Error("Unhandled error."+(o?" ("+o.message+")":""));throw a.context=o,a}var u=i[t];if(void 0===u)return !1;if("function"==typeof u)w(u,this,e);else {var c=u.length,d=N(u,c);for(n=0;n=0;o--)if(n[o]===e||n[o].listener===e){a=n[o].listener,i=o;break}if(i<0)return this;0===i?n.shift():function(t,e){for(;e+1=0;r--)this.removeListener(t,e[r]);return this},_.prototype.listeners=function(t){return L(this,t,!0)},_.prototype.rawListeners=function(t){return L(this,t,!1)},_.listenerCount=function(t,e){return "function"==typeof t.listenerCount?t.listenerCount(e):D.call(t,e)},_.prototype.listenerCount=D,_.prototype.eventNames=function(){return this._eventsCount>0?y(this._events):[]},"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&(j.prototype[Symbol.iterator]=function(){return this}),j.of=function(){var t=arguments,e=t.length,n=0;return new j((function(){return n>=e?{done:!0}:{done:!1,value:t[n++]}}))},j.empty=function(){return new j((function(){return {done:!0}}))},j.fromSequence=function(t){var e=0,n=t.length;return new j((function(){return e>=n?{done:!0}:{done:!1,value:t[e++]}}))},j.is=function(t){return t instanceof j||"object"==typeof t&&null!==t&&"function"==typeof t.next};var O=j,C={};C.ARRAY_BUFFER_SUPPORT="undefined"!=typeof ArrayBuffer,C.SYMBOL_SUPPORT="undefined"!=typeof Symbol;var z=O,M=C,P=M.ARRAY_BUFFER_SUPPORT,T=M.SYMBOL_SUPPORT;var R=function(t){var e=function(t){return "string"==typeof t||Array.isArray(t)||P&&ArrayBuffer.isView(t)?z.fromSequence(t):"object"!=typeof t||null===t?null:T&&"function"==typeof t[Symbol.iterator]?t[Symbol.iterator]():"function"==typeof t.next?t:null}(t);if(!e)throw new Error("obliterator: target is not iterable nor a valid iterator.");return e},W=R,K=function(t,e){for(var n,r=arguments.length>1?e:1/0,i=r!==1/0?new Array(r):[],o=0,a=W(t);;){if(o===r)return i;if((n=a.next()).done)return o!==e&&(i.length=o),i;i[o++]=n.value;}},I=function(t){function n(e){var n;return (n=t.call(this)||this).name="GraphError",n.message=e,n}return e(n,t),n}(a(Error)),F=function(t){function n(e){var r;return (r=t.call(this,e)||this).name="InvalidArgumentsGraphError","function"==typeof Error.captureStackTrace&&Error.captureStackTrace(u(r),n.prototype.constructor),r}return e(n,t),n}(I),Y=function(t){function n(e){var r;return (r=t.call(this,e)||this).name="NotFoundGraphError","function"==typeof Error.captureStackTrace&&Error.captureStackTrace(u(r),n.prototype.constructor),r}return e(n,t),n}(I),B=function(t){function n(e){var r;return (r=t.call(this,e)||this).name="UsageGraphError","function"==typeof Error.captureStackTrace&&Error.captureStackTrace(u(r),n.prototype.constructor),r}return e(n,t),n}(I);function q(t,e){this.key=t,this.attributes=e,this.clear();}function J(t,e){this.key=t,this.attributes=e,this.clear();}function V(t,e){this.key=t,this.attributes=e,this.clear();}function H(t,e,n,r,i){this.key=e,this.attributes=i,this.undirected=t,this.source=n,this.target=r;}function Q(t,e,n,r,i,o,a){var u,c,d="out",s="in";if(e&&(d=s="undirected"),t.multi){if(void 0===(c=(u=o[d])[i])&&(c=new Set,u[i]=c),c.add(n),r===i&&e)return;void 0===(u=a[s])[r]&&(u[r]=c);}else {if(o[d][i]=n,r===i&&e)return;a[s][r]=n;}}function X(t,e,n){var r=t.multi,i=n.source,o=n.target,a=i.key,u=o.key,c=i[e?"undirected":"out"],d=e?"undirected":"in";if(u in c)if(r){var s=c[u];1===s.size?(delete c[u],delete o[d][a]):s.delete(n);}else delete c[u];r||delete o[d][a];}q.prototype.clear=function(){this.inDegree=0,this.outDegree=0,this.undirectedDegree=0,this.directedSelfLoops=0,this.undirectedSelfLoops=0,this.in={},this.out={},this.undirected={};},J.prototype.clear=function(){this.inDegree=0,this.outDegree=0,this.directedSelfLoops=0,this.in={},this.out={};},J.prototype.upgradeToMixed=function(){this.undirectedDegree=0,this.undirectedSelfLoops=0,this.undirected={};},V.prototype.clear=function(){this.undirectedDegree=0,this.undirectedSelfLoops=0,this.undirected={};},V.prototype.upgradeToMixed=function(){this.inDegree=0,this.outDegree=0,this.directedSelfLoops=0,this.in={},this.out={};};function Z(t,e,n,r,i,o,a){var u,c,d,s;if(r=""+r,0===n){if(!(u=t._nodes.get(r)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(r,'" node in the graph.'));d=i,s=o;}else if(3===n){if(i=""+i,!(c=t._edges.get(i)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(i,'" edge in the graph.'));var h=c.source.key,f=c.target.key;if(r===h)u=c.target;else {if(r!==f)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': the "').concat(r,'" node is not attached to the "').concat(i,'" edge (').concat(h,", ").concat(f,")."));u=c.source;}d=o,s=a;}else {if(!(c=t._edges.get(r)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(r,'" edge in the graph.'));u=1===n?c.source:c.target,d=i,s=o;}return [u,d,s]}var $=[{name:function(t){return "get".concat(t,"Attribute")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r,i){var o=Z(this,e,n,t,r,i),a=o[0],u=o[1];return a.attributes[u]};}},{name:function(t){return "get".concat(t,"Attributes")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r){return Z(this,e,n,t,r)[0].attributes};}},{name:function(t){return "has".concat(t,"Attribute")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r,i){var o=Z(this,e,n,t,r,i),a=o[0],u=o[1];return a.attributes.hasOwnProperty(u)};}},{name:function(t){return "set".concat(t,"Attribute")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r,i,o){var a=Z(this,e,n,t,r,i,o),u=a[0],c=a[1],d=a[2];return u.attributes[c]=d,this.emit("nodeAttributesUpdated",{key:u.key,type:"set",attributes:u.attributes,name:c}),this};}},{name:function(t){return "update".concat(t,"Attribute")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r,i,o){var a=Z(this,e,n,t,r,i,o),u=a[0],c=a[1],d=a[2];if("function"!=typeof d)throw new F("Graph.".concat(e,": updater should be a function."));var s=u.attributes,h=d(s[c]);return s[c]=h,this.emit("nodeAttributesUpdated",{key:u.key,type:"set",attributes:u.attributes,name:c}),this};}},{name:function(t){return "remove".concat(t,"Attribute")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r,i){var o=Z(this,e,n,t,r,i),a=o[0],u=o[1];return delete a.attributes[u],this.emit("nodeAttributesUpdated",{key:a.key,type:"remove",attributes:a.attributes,name:u}),this};}},{name:function(t){return "replace".concat(t,"Attributes")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r,i){var o=Z(this,e,n,t,r,i),a=o[0],u=o[1];if(!h(u))throw new F("Graph.".concat(e,": provided attributes are not a plain object."));return a.attributes=u,this.emit("nodeAttributesUpdated",{key:a.key,type:"replace",attributes:a.attributes}),this};}},{name:function(t){return "merge".concat(t,"Attributes")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r,i){var o=Z(this,e,n,t,r,i),a=o[0],u=o[1];if(!h(u))throw new F("Graph.".concat(e,": provided attributes are not a plain object."));return c(a.attributes,u),this.emit("nodeAttributesUpdated",{key:a.key,type:"merge",attributes:a.attributes,data:u}),this};}},{name:function(t){return "update".concat(t,"Attributes")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r,i){var o=Z(this,e,n,t,r,i),a=o[0],u=o[1];if("function"!=typeof u)throw new F("Graph.".concat(e,": provided updater is not a function."));return a.attributes=u(a.attributes),this.emit("nodeAttributesUpdated",{key:a.key,type:"update",attributes:a.attributes}),this};}}];var tt=[{name:function(t){return "get".concat(t,"Attribute")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r){var i;if("mixed"!==this.type&&"mixed"!==n&&n!==this.type)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot find this type of edges in your ").concat(this.type," graph."));if(arguments.length>2){if(this.multi)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot use a {source,target} combo when asking about an edge's attributes in a MultiGraph since we cannot infer the one you want information about."));var o=""+t,a=""+r;if(r=arguments[2],!(i=d(this,o,a,n)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find an edge for the given path ("').concat(o,'" - "').concat(a,'").'))}else if(t=""+t,!(i=this._edges.get(t)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));if("mixed"!==n&&i.undirected!==("undirected"===n))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" ').concat(n," edge in the graph."));return i.attributes[r]};}},{name:function(t){return "get".concat(t,"Attributes")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t){var r;if("mixed"!==this.type&&"mixed"!==n&&n!==this.type)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot find this type of edges in your ").concat(this.type," graph."));if(arguments.length>1){if(this.multi)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot use a {source,target} combo when asking about an edge's attributes in a MultiGraph since we cannot infer the one you want information about."));var i=""+t,o=""+arguments[1];if(!(r=d(this,i,o,n)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find an edge for the given path ("').concat(i,'" - "').concat(o,'").'))}else if(t=""+t,!(r=this._edges.get(t)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));if("mixed"!==n&&r.undirected!==("undirected"===n))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" ').concat(n," edge in the graph."));return r.attributes};}},{name:function(t){return "has".concat(t,"Attribute")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r){var i;if("mixed"!==this.type&&"mixed"!==n&&n!==this.type)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot find this type of edges in your ").concat(this.type," graph."));if(arguments.length>2){if(this.multi)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot use a {source,target} combo when asking about an edge's attributes in a MultiGraph since we cannot infer the one you want information about."));var o=""+t,a=""+r;if(r=arguments[2],!(i=d(this,o,a,n)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find an edge for the given path ("').concat(o,'" - "').concat(a,'").'))}else if(t=""+t,!(i=this._edges.get(t)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));if("mixed"!==n&&i.undirected!==("undirected"===n))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" ').concat(n," edge in the graph."));return i.attributes.hasOwnProperty(r)};}},{name:function(t){return "set".concat(t,"Attribute")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r,i){var o;if("mixed"!==this.type&&"mixed"!==n&&n!==this.type)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot find this type of edges in your ").concat(this.type," graph."));if(arguments.length>3){if(this.multi)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot use a {source,target} combo when asking about an edge's attributes in a MultiGraph since we cannot infer the one you want information about."));var a=""+t,u=""+r;if(r=arguments[2],i=arguments[3],!(o=d(this,a,u,n)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find an edge for the given path ("').concat(a,'" - "').concat(u,'").'))}else if(t=""+t,!(o=this._edges.get(t)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));if("mixed"!==n&&o.undirected!==("undirected"===n))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" ').concat(n," edge in the graph."));return o.attributes[r]=i,this.emit("edgeAttributesUpdated",{key:o.key,type:"set",attributes:o.attributes,name:r}),this};}},{name:function(t){return "update".concat(t,"Attribute")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r,i){var o;if("mixed"!==this.type&&"mixed"!==n&&n!==this.type)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot find this type of edges in your ").concat(this.type," graph."));if(arguments.length>3){if(this.multi)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot use a {source,target} combo when asking about an edge's attributes in a MultiGraph since we cannot infer the one you want information about."));var a=""+t,u=""+r;if(r=arguments[2],i=arguments[3],!(o=d(this,a,u,n)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find an edge for the given path ("').concat(a,'" - "').concat(u,'").'))}else if(t=""+t,!(o=this._edges.get(t)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));if("function"!=typeof i)throw new F("Graph.".concat(e,": updater should be a function."));if("mixed"!==n&&o.undirected!==("undirected"===n))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" ').concat(n," edge in the graph."));return o.attributes[r]=i(o.attributes[r]),this.emit("edgeAttributesUpdated",{key:o.key,type:"set",attributes:o.attributes,name:r}),this};}},{name:function(t){return "remove".concat(t,"Attribute")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r){var i;if("mixed"!==this.type&&"mixed"!==n&&n!==this.type)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot find this type of edges in your ").concat(this.type," graph."));if(arguments.length>2){if(this.multi)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot use a {source,target} combo when asking about an edge's attributes in a MultiGraph since we cannot infer the one you want information about."));var o=""+t,a=""+r;if(r=arguments[2],!(i=d(this,o,a,n)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find an edge for the given path ("').concat(o,'" - "').concat(a,'").'))}else if(t=""+t,!(i=this._edges.get(t)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));if("mixed"!==n&&i.undirected!==("undirected"===n))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" ').concat(n," edge in the graph."));return delete i.attributes[r],this.emit("edgeAttributesUpdated",{key:i.key,type:"remove",attributes:i.attributes,name:r}),this};}},{name:function(t){return "replace".concat(t,"Attributes")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r){var i;if("mixed"!==this.type&&"mixed"!==n&&n!==this.type)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot find this type of edges in your ").concat(this.type," graph."));if(arguments.length>2){if(this.multi)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot use a {source,target} combo when asking about an edge's attributes in a MultiGraph since we cannot infer the one you want information about."));var o=""+t,a=""+r;if(r=arguments[2],!(i=d(this,o,a,n)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find an edge for the given path ("').concat(o,'" - "').concat(a,'").'))}else if(t=""+t,!(i=this._edges.get(t)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));if(!h(r))throw new F("Graph.".concat(e,": provided attributes are not a plain object."));if("mixed"!==n&&i.undirected!==("undirected"===n))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" ').concat(n," edge in the graph."));return i.attributes=r,this.emit("edgeAttributesUpdated",{key:i.key,type:"replace",attributes:i.attributes}),this};}},{name:function(t){return "merge".concat(t,"Attributes")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r){var i;if("mixed"!==this.type&&"mixed"!==n&&n!==this.type)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot find this type of edges in your ").concat(this.type," graph."));if(arguments.length>2){if(this.multi)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot use a {source,target} combo when asking about an edge's attributes in a MultiGraph since we cannot infer the one you want information about."));var o=""+t,a=""+r;if(r=arguments[2],!(i=d(this,o,a,n)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find an edge for the given path ("').concat(o,'" - "').concat(a,'").'))}else if(t=""+t,!(i=this._edges.get(t)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));if(!h(r))throw new F("Graph.".concat(e,": provided attributes are not a plain object."));if("mixed"!==n&&i.undirected!==("undirected"===n))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" ').concat(n," edge in the graph."));return c(i.attributes,r),this.emit("edgeAttributesUpdated",{key:i.key,type:"merge",attributes:i.attributes,data:r}),this};}},{name:function(t){return "update".concat(t,"Attributes")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r){var i;if("mixed"!==this.type&&"mixed"!==n&&n!==this.type)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot find this type of edges in your ").concat(this.type," graph."));if(arguments.length>2){if(this.multi)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot use a {source,target} combo when asking about an edge's attributes in a MultiGraph since we cannot infer the one you want information about."));var o=""+t,a=""+r;if(r=arguments[2],!(i=d(this,o,a,n)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find an edge for the given path ("').concat(o,'" - "').concat(a,'").'))}else if(t=""+t,!(i=this._edges.get(t)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));if("function"!=typeof r)throw new F("Graph.".concat(e,": provided updater is not a function."));if("mixed"!==n&&i.undirected!==("undirected"===n))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" ').concat(n," edge in the graph."));return i.attributes=r(i.attributes),this.emit("edgeAttributesUpdated",{key:i.key,type:"update",attributes:i.attributes}),this};}}];var et=O,nt=R,rt=function(){var t,e=arguments,n=-1;return new et((function r(){if(!t){if(++n>=e.length)return {done:!0};t=nt(e[n]);}var i=t.next();return i.done?(t=null,r()):i}))},it=[{name:"edges",type:"mixed"},{name:"inEdges",type:"directed",direction:"in"},{name:"outEdges",type:"directed",direction:"out"},{name:"inboundEdges",type:"mixed",direction:"in"},{name:"outboundEdges",type:"mixed",direction:"out"},{name:"directedEdges",type:"directed"},{name:"undirectedEdges",type:"undirected"}];function ot(t,e){for(var n in e)t.push(e[n].key);}function at(t,e){for(var n in e)e[n].forEach((function(e){return t.push(e.key)}));}function ut(t,e,n){for(var r in t)if(r!==n){var i=t[r];e(i.key,i.attributes,i.source.key,i.target.key,i.source.attributes,i.target.attributes,i.undirected);}}function ct(t,e,n){for(var r in t)r!==n&&t[r].forEach((function(t){return e(t.key,t.attributes,t.source.key,t.target.key,t.source.attributes,t.target.attributes,t.undirected)}));}function dt(t,e,n){for(var r in t)if(r!==n){var i=t[r];if(e(i.key,i.attributes,i.source.key,i.target.key,i.source.attributes,i.target.attributes,i.undirected))return i.key}}function st(t,e,n){var r,i,o,a,u;for(var c in t)if(c!==n)for(r=t[c].values();!0!==(i=r.next()).done;)if(a=(o=i.value).source,u=o.target,e(o.key,o.attributes,a.key,u.key,a.attributes,u.attributes,o.undirected))return o.key}function ht(t,e){var n=Object.keys(t),r=n.length,i=null,o=0;return new O((function a(){var u;if(i){var c=i.next();if(c.done)return i=null,o++,a();u=c.value;}else {if(o>=r)return {done:!0};var d=n[o];if(d===e)return o++,a();if((u=t[d])instanceof Set)return i=u.values(),a();o++;}return {done:!1,value:{edge:u.key,attributes:u.attributes,source:u.source.key,target:u.target.key,sourceAttributes:u.source.attributes,targetAttributes:u.target.attributes,undirected:u.undirected}}}))}function ft(t,e,n){var r=e[n];r&&t.push(r.key);}function pt(t,e,n){var r=e[n];r&&r.forEach((function(e){return t.push(e.key)}));}function lt(t,e,n){var r=t[e];if(r){var i=r.source,o=r.target;n(r.key,r.attributes,i.key,o.key,i.attributes,o.attributes,r.undirected);}}function gt(t,e,n){var r=t[e];r&&r.forEach((function(t){return n(t.key,t.attributes,t.source.key,t.target.key,t.source.attributes,t.target.attributes,t.undirected)}));}function yt(t,e,n){var r=t[e];if(r){var i=r.source,o=r.target;return n(r.key,r.attributes,i.key,o.key,i.attributes,o.attributes,r.undirected)?r.key:void 0}}function vt(t,e,n){var r=t[e];if(r)for(var i,o,a=r.values();!0!==(i=a.next()).done;)if(n((o=i.value).key,o.attributes,o.source.key,o.target.key,o.source.attributes,o.target.attributes,o.undirected))return o.key}function bt(t,e){var n=t[e];if(n instanceof Set){var r=n.values();return new O((function(){var t=r.next();if(t.done)return t;var e=t.value;return {done:!1,value:{edge:e.key,attributes:e.attributes,source:e.source.key,target:e.target.key,sourceAttributes:e.source.attributes,targetAttributes:e.target.attributes,undirected:e.undirected}}}))}return O.of([n.key,n.attributes,n.source.key,n.target.key,n.source.attributes,n.target.attributes])}function wt(t,e){if(0===t.size)return [];if("mixed"===e||e===t.type)return "function"==typeof Array.from?Array.from(t._edges.keys()):K(t._edges.keys(),t._edges.size);for(var n,r,i="undirected"===e?t.undirectedSize:t.directedSize,o=new Array(i),a="undirected"===e,u=t._edges.values(),c=0;!0!==(n=u.next()).done;)(r=n.value).undirected===a&&(o[c++]=r.key);return o}function mt(t,e,n){if(0!==t.size)for(var r,i,o="mixed"!==e&&e!==t.type,a="undirected"===e,u=t._edges.values();!0!==(r=u.next()).done;)if(i=r.value,!o||i.undirected===a){var c=i,d=c.key,s=c.attributes,h=c.source,f=c.target;n(d,s,h.key,f.key,h.attributes,f.attributes,i.undirected);}}function _t(t,e,n){if(0!==t.size)for(var r,i,o="mixed"!==e&&e!==t.type,a="undirected"===e,u=t._edges.values();!0!==(r=u.next()).done;)if(i=r.value,!o||i.undirected===a){var c=i,d=c.key,s=c.attributes,h=c.source,f=c.target;if(n(d,s,h.key,f.key,h.attributes,f.attributes,i.undirected))return d}}function kt(t,e){if(0===t.size)return O.empty();var n="mixed"!==e&&e!==t.type,r="undirected"===e,i=t._edges.values();return new O((function(){for(var t,e;;){if((t=i.next()).done)return t;if(e=t.value,!n||e.undirected===r)break}return {value:{edge:e.key,attributes:e.attributes,source:e.source.key,target:e.target.key,sourceAttributes:e.source.attributes,targetAttributes:e.target.attributes,undirected:e.undirected},done:!1}}))}function Gt(t,e,n,r){var i=[],o=t?at:ot;return "undirected"!==e&&("out"!==n&&o(i,r.in),"in"!==n&&o(i,r.out),!n&&r.directedSelfLoops>0&&i.splice(i.lastIndexOf(r.key),1)),"directed"!==e&&o(i,r.undirected),i}function xt(t,e,n,r,i){var o=t?ct:ut;"undirected"!==e&&("out"!==n&&o(r.in,i),"in"!==n&&o(r.out,i,n?null:r.key)),"directed"!==e&&o(r.undirected,i);}function Et(t,e,n,r,i){var o,a=t?st:dt;if("undirected"!==e){if("out"!==n&&(o=a(r.in,i)))return o;if("in"!==n&&(o=a(r.out,i,n?null:r.key)))return o}if("directed"!==e&&(o=a(r.undirected,i)))return o}function St(t,e,n){var r=O.empty();return "undirected"!==t&&("out"!==e&&void 0!==n.in&&(r=rt(r,ht(n.in))),"in"!==e&&void 0!==n.out&&(r=rt(r,ht(n.out,e?null:n.key)))),"directed"!==t&&void 0!==n.undirected&&(r=rt(r,ht(n.undirected))),r}function At(t,e,n,r,i){var o=e?pt:ft,a=[];return "undirected"!==t&&(void 0!==r.in&&"out"!==n&&o(a,r.in,i),void 0!==r.out&&"in"!==n&&o(a,r.out,i),!n&&r.directedSelfLoops>0&&a.splice(a.lastIndexOf(r.key),1)),"directed"!==t&&void 0!==r.undirected&&o(a,r.undirected,i),a}function Lt(t,e,n,r,i,o){var a=e?gt:lt;"undirected"!==t&&(void 0!==r.in&&"out"!==n&&a(r.in,i,o),r.key!==i&&void 0!==r.out&&"in"!==n&&a(r.out,i,o)),"directed"!==t&&void 0!==r.undirected&&a(r.undirected,i,o);}function Dt(t,e,n,r,i,o){var a,u=e?vt:yt;if("undirected"!==t){if(void 0!==r.in&&"out"!==n&&(a=u(r.in,i,o)))return a;if(r.key!==i&&void 0!==r.out&&"in"!==n&&(a=u(r.out,i,o,n?null:r.key)))return a}if("directed"!==t&&void 0!==r.undirected&&(a=u(r.undirected,i,o)))return a}function Nt(t,e,n,r){var i=O.empty();return "undirected"!==t&&(void 0!==n.in&&"out"!==e&&r in n.in&&(i=rt(i,bt(n.in,r))),void 0!==n.out&&"in"!==e&&r in n.out&&(i=rt(i,bt(n.out,r)))),"directed"!==t&&void 0!==n.undirected&&r in n.undirected&&(i=rt(i,bt(n.undirected,r))),i}var Ut=[{name:"neighbors",type:"mixed"},{name:"inNeighbors",type:"directed",direction:"in"},{name:"outNeighbors",type:"directed",direction:"out"},{name:"inboundNeighbors",type:"mixed",direction:"in"},{name:"outboundNeighbors",type:"mixed",direction:"out"},{name:"directedNeighbors",type:"directed"},{name:"undirectedNeighbors",type:"undirected"}];function jt(t,e){if(void 0!==e)for(var n in e)t.add(n);}function Ot(t,e,n){for(var r in e){var i=e[r];i instanceof Set&&(i=i.values().next().value);var o=i.source,a=i.target,u=o===t?a:o;n(u.key,u.attributes);}}function Ct(t,e,n,r){for(var i in n){var o=n[i];o instanceof Set&&(o=o.values().next().value);var a=o.source,u=o.target,c=a===e?u:a;t.has(c.key)||(t.add(c.key),r(c.key,c.attributes));}}function zt(t,e,n){for(var r in e){var i=e[r];i instanceof Set&&(i=i.values().next().value);var o=i.source,a=i.target,u=o===t?a:o;if(n(u.key,u.attributes))return u.key}}function Mt(t,e,n,r){for(var i in n){var o=n[i];o instanceof Set&&(o=o.values().next().value);var a=o.source,u=o.target,c=a===e?u:a;if(!t.has(c.key))if(t.add(c.key),r(c.key,c.attributes))return c.key}}function Pt(t,e){var n=Object.keys(e),r=n.length,i=0;return new O((function(){if(i>=r)return {done:!0};var o=e[n[i++]];o instanceof Set&&(o=o.values().next().value);var a=o.source,u=o.target,c=a===t?u:a;return {done:!1,value:{neighbor:c.key,attributes:c.attributes}}}))}function Tt(t,e,n){var r=Object.keys(n),i=r.length,o=0;return new O((function a(){if(o>=i)return {done:!0};var u=n[r[o++]];u instanceof Set&&(u=u.values().next().value);var c=u.source,d=u.target,s=c===e?d:c;return t.has(s.key)?a():(t.add(s.key),{done:!1,value:{neighbor:s.key,attributes:s.attributes}})}))}function Rt(t,e){var n=e.name,r=e.type,i=e.direction;t.prototype[n]=function(t){if("mixed"!==r&&"mixed"!==this.type&&r!==this.type)return [];t=""+t;var e=this._nodes.get(t);if(void 0===e)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(n,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return function(t,e,n){if("mixed"!==t){if("undirected"===t)return Object.keys(n.undirected);if("string"==typeof e)return Object.keys(n[e])}var r=new Set;return "undirected"!==t&&("out"!==e&&jt(r,n.in),"in"!==e&&jt(r,n.out)),"directed"!==t&&jt(r,n.undirected),K(r.values(),r.size)}("mixed"===r?this.type:r,i,e)};}function Wt(t,e){var n=e.name,r=e.type,i=e.direction,o="forEach"+n[0].toUpperCase()+n.slice(1,-1);t.prototype[o]=function(t,e){if("mixed"===r||"mixed"===this.type||r===this.type){t=""+t;var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(void 0===n)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(o,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));!function(t,e,n,r){if("mixed"!==t){if("undirected"===t)return Ot(n,n.undirected,r);if("string"==typeof e)return Ot(n,n[e],r)}var i=new Set;"undirected"!==t&&("out"!==e&&Ct(i,n,n.in,r),"in"!==e&&Ct(i,n,n.out,r)),"directed"!==t&&Ct(i,n,n.undirected,r);}("mixed"===r?this.type:r,i,n,e);}};var a="map"+n[0].toUpperCase()+n.slice(1);t.prototype[a]=function(t,e){var n=[];return this[o](t,(function(t,r){n.push(e(t,r));})),n};var u="filter"+n[0].toUpperCase()+n.slice(1);t.prototype[u]=function(t,e){var n=[];return this[o](t,(function(t,r){e(t,r)&&n.push(t);})),n};var c="reduce"+n[0].toUpperCase()+n.slice(1);t.prototype[c]=function(t,e,n){if(arguments.length<3)throw new F("Graph.".concat(c,": missing initial value. You must provide it because the callback takes more than one argument and we cannot infer the initial value from the first iteration, as you could with a simple array."));var r=n;return this[o](t,(function(t,n){r=e(r,t,n);})),r};}function Kt(t,e){var n=e.name,r=e.type,i=e.direction,o=n[0].toUpperCase()+n.slice(1,-1),a="find"+o;t.prototype[a]=function(t,e){if("mixed"===r||"mixed"===this.type||r===this.type){t=""+t;var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(void 0===n)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(a,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return function(t,e,n,r){if("mixed"!==t){if("undirected"===t)return zt(n,n.undirected,r);if("string"==typeof e)return zt(n,n[e],r)}var i,o=new Set;if("undirected"!==t){if("out"!==e&&(i=Mt(o,n,n.in,r)))return i;if("in"!==e&&(i=Mt(o,n,n.out,r)))return i}if("directed"!==t&&(i=Mt(o,n,n.undirected,r)))return i}("mixed"===r?this.type:r,i,n,e)}};var u="some"+o;t.prototype[u]=function(t,e){return !!this[a](t,e)};var c="every"+o;t.prototype[c]=function(t,e){return !this[a](t,(function(t,n){return !e(t,n)}))};}function It(t,e){var n=e.name,r=e.type,i=e.direction,o=n.slice(0,-1)+"Entries";t.prototype[o]=function(t){if("mixed"!==r&&"mixed"!==this.type&&r!==this.type)return O.empty();t=""+t;var e=this._nodes.get(t);if(void 0===e)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(o,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return function(t,e,n){if("mixed"!==t){if("undirected"===t)return Pt(n,n.undirected);if("string"==typeof e)return Pt(n,n[e])}var r=O.empty(),i=new Set;return "undirected"!==t&&("out"!==e&&(r=rt(r,Tt(i,n,n.in))),"in"!==e&&(r=rt(r,Tt(i,n,n.out)))),"directed"!==t&&(r=rt(r,Tt(i,n,n.undirected))),r}("mixed"===r?this.type:r,i,e)};}function Ft(t,e,n,r,i){for(var o,a,u,c,d,s,h,f=r._nodes.values(),p=r.type;!0!==(o=f.next()).done;){var l=!1;if(a=o.value,"undirected"!==p)for(u in c=a.out)if(s=(d=c[u]).target,l=!0,h=i(a.key,s.key,a.attributes,s.attributes,d.key,d.attributes,d.undirected),t&&h)return d;if("directed"!==p)for(u in c=a.undirected)if(!(e&&a.key>u)&&((s=(d=c[u]).target).key!==u&&(s=d.source),l=!0,h=i(a.key,s.key,a.attributes,s.attributes,d.key,d.attributes,d.undirected),t&&h))return d;if(n&&!l&&(h=i(a.key,null,a.attributes,null,null,null,null),t&&h))return null}}function Yt(t,e,n,r,i){for(var o,a,u,c,d,s,h,f,p,l=r._nodes.values(),g=r.type;!0!==(o=l.next()).done;){var y=!1;if(a=o.value,"undirected"!==g)for(u in s=a.out)for(c=s[u].values();!0!==(d=c.next()).done;)if(f=(h=d.value).target,y=!0,p=i(a.key,f.key,a.attributes,f.attributes,h.key,h.attributes,h.undirected),t&&p)return h;if("directed"!==g)for(u in s=a.undirected)if(!(e&&a.key>u))for(c=s[u].values();!0!==(d=c.next()).done;)if((f=(h=d.value).target).key!==u&&(f=h.source),y=!0,p=i(a.key,f.key,a.attributes,f.attributes,h.key,h.attributes,h.undirected),t&&p)return h;if(n&&!y&&(p=i(a.key,null,a.attributes,null,null,null,null),t&&p))return null}}function Bt(t,e){var n={key:t};return f(e.attributes)||(n.attributes=c({},e.attributes)),n}function qt(t,e){var n={key:t,source:e.source.key,target:e.target.key};return f(e.attributes)||(n.attributes=c({},e.attributes)),e.undirected&&(n.undirected=!0),n}function Jt(t){return h(t)?"key"in t?!("attributes"in t)||h(t.attributes)&&null!==t.attributes?null:"invalid-attributes":"no-key":"not-object"}function Vt(t){return h(t)?"source"in t?"target"in t?!("attributes"in t)||h(t.attributes)&&null!==t.attributes?"undirected"in t&&"boolean"!=typeof t.undirected?"invalid-undirected":null:"invalid-attributes":"no-target":"no-source":"not-object"}var Ht,Qt=(Ht=255&Math.floor(256*Math.random()),function(){return Ht++}),Xt=new Set(["directed","undirected","mixed"]),Zt=new Set(["domain","_events","_eventsCount","_maxListeners"]),$t={allowSelfLoops:!0,multi:!1,type:"mixed"};function te(t,e,n){var r=new t.NodeDataClass(e,n);return t._nodes.set(e,r),t.emit("nodeAdded",{key:e,attributes:n}),r}function ee(t,e,n,r,i,o,a,u){if(!r&&"undirected"===t.type)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": you cannot add a directed edge to an undirected graph. Use the #.addEdge or #.addUndirectedEdge instead."));if(r&&"directed"===t.type)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": you cannot add an undirected edge to a directed graph. Use the #.addEdge or #.addDirectedEdge instead."));if(u&&!h(u))throw new F("Graph.".concat(e,': invalid attributes. Expecting an object but got "').concat(u,'"'));if(o=""+o,a=""+a,u=u||{},!t.allowSelfLoops&&o===a)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,': source & target are the same ("').concat(o,"\"), thus creating a loop explicitly forbidden by this graph 'allowSelfLoops' option set to false."));var c=t._nodes.get(o),d=t._nodes.get(a);if(!c)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': source node "').concat(o,'" not found.'));if(!d)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': target node "').concat(a,'" not found.'));var s={key:null,undirected:r,source:o,target:a,attributes:u};if(n)i=t._edgeKeyGenerator();else if(i=""+i,t._edges.has(i))throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,': the "').concat(i,'" edge already exists in the graph.'));if(!t.multi&&(r?void 0!==c.undirected[a]:void 0!==c.out[a]))throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,': an edge linking "').concat(o,'" to "').concat(a,"\" already exists. If you really want to add multiple edges linking those nodes, you should create a multi graph by using the 'multi' option."));var f=new H(r,i,c,d,u);return t._edges.set(i,f),o===a?r?(c.undirectedSelfLoops++,t._undirectedSelfLoopCount++):(c.directedSelfLoops++,t._directedSelfLoopCount++):r?(c.undirectedDegree++,d.undirectedDegree++):(c.outDegree++,d.inDegree++),Q(t,r,f,o,a,c,d),r?t._undirectedSize++:t._directedSize++,s.key=i,t.emit("edgeAdded",s),i}function ne(t,e,n,r,i,o,a,u,d){if(!r&&"undirected"===t.type)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": you cannot merge/update a directed edge to an undirected graph. Use the #.mergeEdge/#.updateEdge or #.addUndirectedEdge instead."));if(r&&"directed"===t.type)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": you cannot merge/update an undirected edge to a directed graph. Use the #.mergeEdge/#.updateEdge or #.addDirectedEdge instead."));if(u)if(d){if("function"!=typeof u)throw new F("Graph.".concat(e,': invalid updater function. Expecting a function but got "').concat(u,'"'))}else if(!h(u))throw new F("Graph.".concat(e,': invalid attributes. Expecting an object but got "').concat(u,'"'));var s;if(o=""+o,a=""+a,d&&(s=u,u=void 0),!t.allowSelfLoops&&o===a)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,': source & target are the same ("').concat(o,"\"), thus creating a loop explicitly forbidden by this graph 'allowSelfLoops' option set to false."));var f,p,l=t._nodes.get(o),g=t._nodes.get(a);if(!n&&(f=t._edges.get(i))){if(f.source.key!==o||f.target.key!==a||r&&(f.source.key!==a||f.target.key!==o))throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,': inconsistency detected when attempting to merge the "').concat(i,'" edge with "').concat(o,'" source & "').concat(a,'" target vs. ("').concat(f.source.key,'", "').concat(f.target.key,'").'));p=f;}if(p||t.multi||!l||(p=r?l.undirected[a]:l.out[a]),p){var y=[p.key,!1,!1,!1];if(d?!s:!u)return y;if(d){var v=p.attributes;p.attributes=s(v),t.emit("edgeAttributesUpdated",{type:"replace",key:p.key,attributes:p.attributes});}else c(p.attributes,u),t.emit("edgeAttributesUpdated",{type:"merge",key:p.key,attributes:p.attributes,data:u});return y}u=u||{},d&&s&&(u=s(u));var b={key:null,undirected:r,source:o,target:a,attributes:u};if(n)i=t._edgeKeyGenerator();else if(i=""+i,t._edges.has(i))throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,': the "').concat(i,'" edge already exists in the graph.'));var w=!1,m=!1;return l||(l=te(t,o,{}),w=!0,o===a&&(g=l,m=!0)),g||(g=te(t,a,{}),m=!0),f=new H(r,i,l,g,u),t._edges.set(i,f),o===a?r?(l.undirectedSelfLoops++,t._undirectedSelfLoopCount++):(l.directedSelfLoops++,t._directedSelfLoopCount++):r?(l.undirectedDegree++,g.undirectedDegree++):(l.outDegree++,g.inDegree++),Q(t,r,f,o,a,l,g),r?t._undirectedSize++:t._directedSize++,b.key=i,t.emit("edgeAdded",b),[i,!0,w,m]}var re=function(n){function r(t){var e;if(e=n.call(this)||this,"boolean"!=typeof(t=c({},$t,t)).multi)throw new F("Graph.constructor: invalid 'multi' option. Expecting a boolean but got \"".concat(t.multi,'".'));if(!Xt.has(t.type))throw new F('Graph.constructor: invalid \'type\' option. Should be one of "mixed", "directed" or "undirected" but got "'.concat(t.type,'".'));if("boolean"!=typeof t.allowSelfLoops)throw new F("Graph.constructor: invalid 'allowSelfLoops' option. Expecting a boolean but got \"".concat(t.allowSelfLoops,'".'));var r="mixed"===t.type?q:"directed"===t.type?J:V;p(u(e),"NodeDataClass",r);var i=Qt(),o=0;return p(u(e),"_attributes",{}),p(u(e),"_nodes",new Map),p(u(e),"_edges",new Map),p(u(e),"_directedSize",0),p(u(e),"_undirectedSize",0),p(u(e),"_directedSelfLoopCount",0),p(u(e),"_undirectedSelfLoopCount",0),p(u(e),"_edgeKeyGenerator",(function(){var t;do{t="geid_"+i+"_"+o++;}while(e._edges.has(t));return t})),p(u(e),"_options",t),Zt.forEach((function(t){return p(u(e),t,e[t])})),l(u(e),"order",(function(){return e._nodes.size})),l(u(e),"size",(function(){return e._edges.size})),l(u(e),"directedSize",(function(){return e._directedSize})),l(u(e),"undirectedSize",(function(){return e._undirectedSize})),l(u(e),"selfLoopCount",(function(){return e._directedSelfLoopCount+e._undirectedSelfLoopCount})),l(u(e),"directedSelfLoopCount",(function(){return e._directedSelfLoopCount})),l(u(e),"undirectedSelfLoopCount",(function(){return e._undirectedSelfLoopCount})),l(u(e),"multi",e._options.multi),l(u(e),"type",e._options.type),l(u(e),"allowSelfLoops",e._options.allowSelfLoops),l(u(e),"implementation",(function(){return "graphology"})),e}e(r,n);var i=r.prototype;return i._resetInstanceCounters=function(){this._directedSize=0,this._undirectedSize=0,this._directedSelfLoopCount=0,this._undirectedSelfLoopCount=0;},i.hasNode=function(t){return this._nodes.has(""+t)},i.hasDirectedEdge=function(t,e){if("undirected"===this.type)return !1;if(1===arguments.length){var n=""+t,r=this._edges.get(n);return !!r&&!r.undirected}if(2===arguments.length){t=""+t,e=""+e;var i=this._nodes.get(t);if(!i)return !1;var o=i.out[e];return !!o&&(!this.multi||!!o.size)}throw new F("Graph.hasDirectedEdge: invalid arity (".concat(arguments.length,", instead of 1 or 2). You can either ask for an edge id or for the existence of an edge between a source & a target."))},i.hasUndirectedEdge=function(t,e){if("directed"===this.type)return !1;if(1===arguments.length){var n=""+t,r=this._edges.get(n);return !!r&&r.undirected}if(2===arguments.length){t=""+t,e=""+e;var i=this._nodes.get(t);if(!i)return !1;var o=i.undirected[e];return !!o&&(!this.multi||!!o.size)}throw new F("Graph.hasDirectedEdge: invalid arity (".concat(arguments.length,", instead of 1 or 2). You can either ask for an edge id or for the existence of an edge between a source & a target."))},i.hasEdge=function(t,e){if(1===arguments.length){var n=""+t;return this._edges.has(n)}if(2===arguments.length){t=""+t,e=""+e;var r=this._nodes.get(t);if(!r)return !1;var i=void 0!==r.out&&r.out[e];return i||(i=void 0!==r.undirected&&r.undirected[e]),!!i&&(!this.multi||!!i.size)}throw new F("Graph.hasEdge: invalid arity (".concat(arguments.length,", instead of 1 or 2). You can either ask for an edge id or for the existence of an edge between a source & a target."))},i.directedEdge=function(t,e){if("undirected"!==this.type){if(t=""+t,e=""+e,this.multi)throw new B("Graph.directedEdge: this method is irrelevant with multigraphs since there might be multiple edges between source & target. See #.directedEdges instead.");var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(!n)throw new Y('Graph.directedEdge: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" source node in the graph.'));if(!this._nodes.has(e))throw new Y('Graph.directedEdge: could not find the "'.concat(e,'" target node in the graph.'));var r=n.out&&n.out[e]||void 0;return r?r.key:void 0}},i.undirectedEdge=function(t,e){if("directed"!==this.type){if(t=""+t,e=""+e,this.multi)throw new B("Graph.undirectedEdge: this method is irrelevant with multigraphs since there might be multiple edges between source & target. See #.undirectedEdges instead.");var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(!n)throw new Y('Graph.undirectedEdge: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" source node in the graph.'));if(!this._nodes.has(e))throw new Y('Graph.undirectedEdge: could not find the "'.concat(e,'" target node in the graph.'));var r=n.undirected&&n.undirected[e]||void 0;return r?r.key:void 0}},i.edge=function(t,e){if(this.multi)throw new B("Graph.edge: this method is irrelevant with multigraphs since there might be multiple edges between source & target. See #.edges instead.");t=""+t,e=""+e;var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(!n)throw new Y('Graph.edge: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" source node in the graph.'));if(!this._nodes.has(e))throw new Y('Graph.edge: could not find the "'.concat(e,'" target node in the graph.'));var r=n.out&&n.out[e]||n.undirected&&n.undirected[e]||void 0;if(r)return r.key},i.areDirectedNeighbors=function(t,e){t=""+t,e=""+e;var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(!n)throw new Y('Graph.areDirectedNeighbors: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return "undirected"!==this.type&&(e in n.in||e in n.out)},i.areOutNeighbors=function(t,e){t=""+t,e=""+e;var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(!n)throw new Y('Graph.areOutNeighbors: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return "undirected"!==this.type&&e in n.out},i.areInNeighbors=function(t,e){t=""+t,e=""+e;var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(!n)throw new Y('Graph.areInNeighbors: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return "undirected"!==this.type&&e in n.in},i.areUndirectedNeighbors=function(t,e){t=""+t,e=""+e;var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(!n)throw new Y('Graph.areUndirectedNeighbors: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return "directed"!==this.type&&e in n.undirected},i.areNeighbors=function(t,e){t=""+t,e=""+e;var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(!n)throw new Y('Graph.areNeighbors: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return "undirected"!==this.type&&(e in n.in||e in n.out)||"directed"!==this.type&&e in n.undirected},i.areInboundNeighbors=function(t,e){t=""+t,e=""+e;var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(!n)throw new Y('Graph.areInboundNeighbors: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return "undirected"!==this.type&&e in n.in||"directed"!==this.type&&e in n.undirected},i.areOutboundNeighbors=function(t,e){t=""+t,e=""+e;var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(!n)throw new Y('Graph.areOutboundNeighbors: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return "undirected"!==this.type&&e in n.out||"directed"!==this.type&&e in n.undirected},i.inDegree=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._nodes.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.inDegree: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return "undirected"===this.type?0:e.inDegree+e.directedSelfLoops},i.outDegree=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._nodes.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.outDegree: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return "undirected"===this.type?0:e.outDegree+e.directedSelfLoops},i.directedDegree=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._nodes.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.directedDegree: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));if("undirected"===this.type)return 0;var n=e.directedSelfLoops;return e.inDegree+n+(e.outDegree+n)},i.undirectedDegree=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._nodes.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.undirectedDegree: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));if("directed"===this.type)return 0;var n=e.undirectedSelfLoops;return e.undirectedDegree+2*n},i.degree=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._nodes.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.degree: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));var n=0;return "directed"!==this.type&&(n+=e.undirectedDegree+2*e.undirectedSelfLoops),"undirected"!==this.type&&(n+=e.inDegree+e.outDegree+2*e.directedSelfLoops),n},i.inDegreeWithoutSelfLoops=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._nodes.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.inDegreeWithoutSelfLoops: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return "undirected"===this.type?0:e.inDegree},i.outDegreeWithoutSelfLoops=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._nodes.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.outDegreeWithoutSelfLoops: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return "undirected"===this.type?0:e.outDegree},i.directedDegreeWithoutSelfLoops=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._nodes.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.directedDegreeWithoutSelfLoops: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return "undirected"===this.type?0:e.inDegree+e.outDegree},i.undirectedDegreeWithoutSelfLoops=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._nodes.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.undirectedDegreeWithoutSelfLoops: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return "directed"===this.type?0:e.undirectedDegree},i.degreeWithoutSelfLoops=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._nodes.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.degreeWithoutSelfLoops: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));var n=0;return "directed"!==this.type&&(n+=e.undirectedDegree),"undirected"!==this.type&&(n+=e.inDegree+e.outDegree),n},i.source=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._edges.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.source: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));return e.source.key},i.target=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._edges.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.target: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));return e.target.key},i.extremities=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._edges.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.extremities: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));return [e.source.key,e.target.key]},i.opposite=function(t,e){t=""+t,e=""+e;var n=this._edges.get(e);if(!n)throw new Y('Graph.opposite: could not find the "'.concat(e,'" edge in the graph.'));var r=n.source.key,i=n.target.key;if(t===r)return i;if(t===i)return r;throw new Y('Graph.opposite: the "'.concat(t,'" node is not attached to the "').concat(e,'" edge (').concat(r,", ").concat(i,")."))},i.hasExtremity=function(t,e){t=""+t,e=""+e;var n=this._edges.get(t);if(!n)throw new Y('Graph.hasExtremity: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));return n.source.key===e||n.target.key===e},i.isUndirected=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._edges.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.isUndirected: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));return e.undirected},i.isDirected=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._edges.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.isDirected: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));return !e.undirected},i.isSelfLoop=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._edges.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.isSelfLoop: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));return e.source===e.target},i.addNode=function(t,e){var n=function(t,e,n){if(n&&!h(n))throw new F('Graph.addNode: invalid attributes. Expecting an object but got "'.concat(n,'"'));if(e=""+e,n=n||{},t._nodes.has(e))throw new B('Graph.addNode: the "'.concat(e,'" node already exist in the graph.'));var r=new t.NodeDataClass(e,n);return t._nodes.set(e,r),t.emit("nodeAdded",{key:e,attributes:n}),r}(this,t,e);return n.key},i.mergeNode=function(t,e){if(e&&!h(e))throw new F('Graph.mergeNode: invalid attributes. Expecting an object but got "'.concat(e,'"'));t=""+t,e=e||{};var n=this._nodes.get(t);return n?(e&&(c(n.attributes,e),this.emit("nodeAttributesUpdated",{type:"merge",key:t,attributes:n.attributes,data:e})),[t,!1]):(n=new this.NodeDataClass(t,e),this._nodes.set(t,n),this.emit("nodeAdded",{key:t,attributes:e}),[t,!0])},i.updateNode=function(t,e){if(e&&"function"!=typeof e)throw new F('Graph.updateNode: invalid updater function. Expecting a function but got "'.concat(e,'"'));t=""+t;var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(n){if(e){var r=n.attributes;n.attributes=e(r),this.emit("nodeAttributesUpdated",{type:"replace",key:t,attributes:n.attributes});}return [t,!1]}var i=e?e({}):{};return n=new this.NodeDataClass(t,i),this._nodes.set(t,n),this.emit("nodeAdded",{key:t,attributes:i}),[t,!0]},i.dropNode=function(t){var e=this;t=""+t;var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(!n)throw new Y('Graph.dropNode: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));this.forEachEdge(t,(function(t){e.dropEdge(t);})),this._nodes.delete(t),this.emit("nodeDropped",{key:t,attributes:n.attributes});},i.dropEdge=function(t){var e;if(arguments.length>1){var n=""+arguments[0],r=""+arguments[1];if(!(e=d(this,n,r,this.type)))throw new Y('Graph.dropEdge: could not find the "'.concat(n,'" -> "').concat(r,'" edge in the graph.'))}else if(t=""+t,!(e=this._edges.get(t)))throw new Y('Graph.dropEdge: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));this._edges.delete(e.key);var i=e,o=i.source,a=i.target,u=i.attributes,c=e.undirected;return o===a?c?(o.undirectedSelfLoops--,this._undirectedSelfLoopCount--):(o.directedSelfLoops--,this._directedSelfLoopCount--):c?(o.undirectedDegree--,a.undirectedDegree--):(o.outDegree--,a.inDegree--),X(this,c,e),c?this._undirectedSize--:this._directedSize--,this.emit("edgeDropped",{key:t,attributes:u,source:o.key,target:a.key,undirected:c}),this},i.clear=function(){this._edges.clear(),this._nodes.clear(),this._resetInstanceCounters(),this.emit("cleared");},i.clearEdges=function(){!function(t){for(var e,n=t._nodes.values();!0!==(e=n.next()).done;)e.value.clear();}(this),this._edges.clear(),this._resetInstanceCounters(),this.emit("edgesCleared");},i.getAttribute=function(t){return this._attributes[t]},i.getAttributes=function(){return this._attributes},i.hasAttribute=function(t){return this._attributes.hasOwnProperty(t)},i.setAttribute=function(t,e){return this._attributes[t]=e,this.emit("attributesUpdated",{type:"set",attributes:this._attributes,name:t}),this},i.updateAttribute=function(t,e){if("function"!=typeof e)throw new F("Graph.updateAttribute: updater should be a function.");var n=this._attributes[t];return this._attributes[t]=e(n),this.emit("attributesUpdated",{type:"set",attributes:this._attributes,name:t}),this},i.removeAttribute=function(t){return delete this._attributes[t],this.emit("attributesUpdated",{type:"remove",attributes:this._attributes,name:t}),this},i.replaceAttributes=function(t){if(!h(t))throw new F("Graph.replaceAttributes: provided attributes are not a plain object.");return this._attributes=t,this.emit("attributesUpdated",{type:"replace",attributes:this._attributes}),this},i.mergeAttributes=function(t){if(!h(t))throw new F("Graph.mergeAttributes: provided attributes are not a plain object.");return c(this._attributes,t),this.emit("attributesUpdated",{type:"merge",attributes:this._attributes,data:t}),this},i.updateAttributes=function(t){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new F("Graph.updateAttributes: provided updater is not a function.");return this._attributes=t(this._attributes),this.emit("attributesUpdated",{type:"update",attributes:this._attributes}),this},i.updateEachNodeAttributes=function(t,e){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new F("Graph.updateEachNodeAttributes: expecting an updater function.");if(e&&!g(e))throw new F("Graph.updateEachNodeAttributes: invalid hints. Expecting an object having the following shape: {attributes?: [string]}");for(var n,r,i=this._nodes.values();!0!==(n=i.next()).done;)(r=n.value).attributes=t(r.key,r.attributes);this.emit("eachNodeAttributesUpdated",{hints:e||null});},i.updateEachEdgeAttributes=function(t,e){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new F("Graph.updateEachEdgeAttributes: expecting an updater function.");if(e&&!g(e))throw new F("Graph.updateEachEdgeAttributes: invalid hints. Expecting an object having the following shape: {attributes?: [string]}");for(var n,r,i,o,a=this._edges.values();!0!==(n=a.next()).done;)i=(r=n.value).source,o=r.target,r.attributes=t(r.key,r.attributes,i.key,o.key,i.attributes,o.attributes,r.undirected);this.emit("eachEdgeAttributesUpdated",{hints:e||null});},i.forEachAdjacencyEntry=function(t){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new F("Graph.forEachAdjacencyEntry: expecting a callback.");this.multi?Yt(!1,!1,!1,this,t):Ft(!1,!1,!1,this,t);},i.forEachAdjacencyEntryWithOrphans=function(t){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new F("Graph.forEachAdjacencyEntryWithOrphans: expecting a callback.");this.multi?Yt(!1,!1,!0,this,t):Ft(!1,!1,!0,this,t);},i.forEachAssymetricAdjacencyEntry=function(t){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new F("Graph.forEachAssymetricAdjacencyEntry: expecting a callback.");this.multi?Yt(!1,!0,!1,this,t):Ft(!1,!0,!1,this,t);},i.forEachAssymetricAdjacencyEntryWithOrphans=function(t){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new F("Graph.forEachAssymetricAdjacencyEntryWithOrphans: expecting a callback.");this.multi?Yt(!1,!0,!0,this,t):Ft(!1,!0,!0,this,t);},i.nodes=function(){return "function"==typeof Array.from?Array.from(this._nodes.keys()):K(this._nodes.keys(),this._nodes.size)},i.forEachNode=function(t){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new F("Graph.forEachNode: expecting a callback.");for(var e,n,r=this._nodes.values();!0!==(e=r.next()).done;)t((n=e.value).key,n.attributes);},i.findNode=function(t){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new F("Graph.findNode: expecting a callback.");for(var e,n,r=this._nodes.values();!0!==(e=r.next()).done;)if(t((n=e.value).key,n.attributes))return n.key},i.mapNodes=function(t){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new F("Graph.mapNode: expecting a callback.");for(var e,n,r=this._nodes.values(),i=new Array(this.order),o=0;!0!==(e=r.next()).done;)n=e.value,i[o++]=t(n.key,n.attributes);return i},i.someNode=function(t){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new F("Graph.someNode: expecting a callback.");for(var e,n,r=this._nodes.values();!0!==(e=r.next()).done;)if(t((n=e.value).key,n.attributes))return !0;return !1},i.everyNode=function(t){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new F("Graph.everyNode: expecting a callback.");for(var e,n,r=this._nodes.values();!0!==(e=r.next()).done;)if(!t((n=e.value).key,n.attributes))return !1;return !0},i.filterNodes=function(t){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new F("Graph.filterNodes: expecting a callback.");for(var e,n,r=this._nodes.values(),i=[];!0!==(e=r.next()).done;)t((n=e.value).key,n.attributes)&&i.push(n.key);return i},i.reduceNodes=function(t,e){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new F("Graph.reduceNodes: expecting a callback.");if(arguments.length<2)throw new F("Graph.reduceNodes: missing initial value. You must provide it because the callback takes more than one argument and we cannot infer the initial value from the first iteration, as you could with a simple array.");for(var n,r,i=e,o=this._nodes.values();!0!==(n=o.next()).done;)i=t(i,(r=n.value).key,r.attributes);return i},i.nodeEntries=function(){var t=this._nodes.values();return new O((function(){var e=t.next();if(e.done)return e;var n=e.value;return {value:{node:n.key,attributes:n.attributes},done:!1}}))},i.exportNode=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._nodes.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.exportNode: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return Bt(t,e)},i.exportEdge=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._edges.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.exportEdge: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));return qt(t,e)},i.export=function(){var t=new Array(this._nodes.size),e=0;this._nodes.forEach((function(n,r){t[e++]=Bt(r,n);}));var n=new Array(this._edges.size);return e=0,this._edges.forEach((function(t,r){n[e++]=qt(r,t);})),{attributes:this.getAttributes(),nodes:t,edges:n,options:{type:this.type,multi:this.multi,allowSelfLoops:this.allowSelfLoops}}},i.importNode=function(t){var e=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]&&arguments[1],n=Jt(t);if(n){if("not-object"===n)throw new F('Graph.importNode: invalid serialized node. A serialized node should be a plain object with at least a "key" property.');if("no-key"===n)throw new F("Graph.importNode: no key provided.");if("invalid-attributes"===n)throw new F("Graph.importNode: invalid attributes. Attributes should be a plain object, null or omitted.")}var r=t.key,i=t.attributes,o=void 0===i?{}:i;return e?this.mergeNode(r,o):this.addNode(r,o),this},i.importEdge=function(t){var e=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]&&arguments[1],n=Vt(t);if(n){if("not-object"===n)throw new F('Graph.importEdge: invalid serialized edge. A serialized edge should be a plain object with at least a "source" & "target" property.');if("no-source"===n)throw new F("Graph.importEdge: missing souce.");if("no-target"===n)throw new F("Graph.importEdge: missing target.");if("invalid-attributes"===n)throw new F("Graph.importEdge: invalid attributes. Attributes should be a plain object, null or omitted.");if("invalid-undirected"===n)throw new F("Graph.importEdge: invalid undirected. Undirected should be boolean or omitted.")}var r=t.source,i=t.target,o=t.attributes,a=void 0===o?{}:o,u=t.undirected,c=void 0!==u&&u;return "key"in t?(e?c?this.mergeUndirectedEdgeWithKey:this.mergeDirectedEdgeWithKey:c?this.addUndirectedEdgeWithKey:this.addDirectedEdgeWithKey).call(this,t.key,r,i,a):(e?c?this.mergeUndirectedEdge:this.mergeDirectedEdge:c?this.addUndirectedEdge:this.addDirectedEdge).call(this,r,i,a),this},i.import=function(t){var e,n,r,i=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]&&arguments[1];if(s(t))return this.import(t.export(),i),this;if(!h(t))throw new F("Graph.import: invalid argument. Expecting a serialized graph or, alternatively, a Graph instance.");if(t.attributes){if(!h(t.attributes))throw new F("Graph.import: invalid attributes. Expecting a plain object.");i?this.mergeAttributes(t.attributes):this.replaceAttributes(t.attributes);}if(t.nodes){if(r=t.nodes,!Array.isArray(r))throw new F("Graph.import: invalid nodes. Expecting an array.");for(e=0,n=r.length;en)){var a=new Set;a.add(e.undirected[o]),e.undirected[o]=a,t._nodes.get(o).undirected[n]=a;}}))),this;var t;},i.toJSON=function(){return this.export()},i.toString=function(){return "[object Graph]"},i.inspect=function(){var e=this,n={};this._nodes.forEach((function(t,e){n[e]=t.attributes;}));var r={},i={};this._edges.forEach((function(t,n){var o,a=t.undirected?"--":"->",u="",c=t.source.key,d=t.target.key;t.undirected&&c>d&&(o=c,c=d,d=o);var s="(".concat(c,")").concat(a,"(").concat(d,")");n.startsWith("geid_")?e.multi&&(void 0===i[s]?i[s]=0:i[s]++,u+="".concat(i[s],". ")):u+="[".concat(n,"]: "),r[u+=s]=t.attributes;}));var o={};for(var a in this)this.hasOwnProperty(a)&&!Zt.has(a)&&"function"!=typeof this[a]&&"symbol"!==t(a)&&(o[a]=this[a]);return o.attributes=this._attributes,o.nodes=n,o.edges=r,p(o,"constructor",this.constructor),o},r}(v.exports.EventEmitter);"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&(re.prototype[Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")]=re.prototype.inspect),[{name:function(t){return "".concat(t,"Edge")},generateKey:!0},{name:function(t){return "".concat(t,"DirectedEdge")},generateKey:!0,type:"directed"},{name:function(t){return "".concat(t,"UndirectedEdge")},generateKey:!0,type:"undirected"},{name:function(t){return "".concat(t,"EdgeWithKey")}},{name:function(t){return "".concat(t,"DirectedEdgeWithKey")},type:"directed"},{name:function(t){return "".concat(t,"UndirectedEdgeWithKey")},type:"undirected"}].forEach((function(t){["add","merge","update"].forEach((function(e){var n=t.name(e),r="add"===e?ee:ne;t.generateKey?re.prototype[n]=function(i,o,a){return r(this,n,!0,"undirected"===(t.type||this.type),null,i,o,a,"update"===e)}:re.prototype[n]=function(i,o,a,u){return r(this,n,!1,"undirected"===(t.type||this.type),i,o,a,u,"update"===e)};}));})),function(t){$.forEach((function(e){var n=e.name,r=e.attacher;r(t,n("Node"),0),r(t,n("Source"),1),r(t,n("Target"),2),r(t,n("Opposite"),3);}));}(re),function(t){tt.forEach((function(e){var n=e.name,r=e.attacher;r(t,n("Edge"),"mixed"),r(t,n("DirectedEdge"),"directed"),r(t,n("UndirectedEdge"),"undirected");}));}(re),function(t){it.forEach((function(e){!function(t,e){var n=e.name,r=e.type,i=e.direction;t.prototype[n]=function(t,e){if("mixed"!==r&&"mixed"!==this.type&&r!==this.type)return [];if(!arguments.length)return wt(this,r);if(1===arguments.length){t=""+t;var o=this._nodes.get(t);if(void 0===o)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(n,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return Gt(this.multi,"mixed"===r?this.type:r,i,o)}if(2===arguments.length){t=""+t,e=""+e;var a=this._nodes.get(t);if(!a)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(n,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" source node in the graph.'));if(!this._nodes.has(e))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(n,': could not find the "').concat(e,'" target node in the graph.'));return At(r,this.multi,i,a,e)}throw new F("Graph.".concat(n,": too many arguments (expecting 0, 1 or 2 and got ").concat(arguments.length,")."))};}(t,e),function(t,e){var n=e.name,r=e.type,i=e.direction,o="forEach"+n[0].toUpperCase()+n.slice(1,-1);t.prototype[o]=function(t,e,n){if("mixed"===r||"mixed"===this.type||r===this.type){if(1===arguments.length)return mt(this,r,n=t);if(2===arguments.length){t=""+t,n=e;var a=this._nodes.get(t);if(void 0===a)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(o,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return xt(this.multi,"mixed"===r?this.type:r,i,a,n)}if(3===arguments.length){t=""+t,e=""+e;var u=this._nodes.get(t);if(!u)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(o,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" source node in the graph.'));if(!this._nodes.has(e))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(o,': could not find the "').concat(e,'" target node in the graph.'));return Lt(r,this.multi,i,u,e,n)}throw new F("Graph.".concat(o,": too many arguments (expecting 1, 2 or 3 and got ").concat(arguments.length,")."))}};var a="map"+n[0].toUpperCase()+n.slice(1);t.prototype[a]=function(){var t,e=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),n=e.pop();if(0===e.length){var i=0;"directed"!==r&&(i+=this.undirectedSize),"undirected"!==r&&(i+=this.directedSize),t=new Array(i);var a=0;e.push((function(e,r,i,o,u,c,d){t[a++]=n(e,r,i,o,u,c,d);}));}else t=[],e.push((function(e,r,i,o,a,u,c){t.push(n(e,r,i,o,a,u,c));}));return this[o].apply(this,e),t};var u="filter"+n[0].toUpperCase()+n.slice(1);t.prototype[u]=function(){var t=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),e=t.pop(),n=[];return t.push((function(t,r,i,o,a,u,c){e(t,r,i,o,a,u,c)&&n.push(t);})),this[o].apply(this,t),n};var c="reduce"+n[0].toUpperCase()+n.slice(1);t.prototype[c]=function(){var t,e,n=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);if(n.length<2||n.length>4)throw new F("Graph.".concat(c,": invalid number of arguments (expecting 2, 3 or 4 and got ").concat(n.length,")."));if("function"==typeof n[n.length-1]&&"function"!=typeof n[n.length-2])throw new F("Graph.".concat(c,": missing initial value. You must provide it because the callback takes more than one argument and we cannot infer the initial value from the first iteration, as you could with a simple array."));2===n.length?(t=n[0],e=n[1],n=[]):3===n.length?(t=n[1],e=n[2],n=[n[0]]):4===n.length&&(t=n[2],e=n[3],n=[n[0],n[1]]);var r=e;return n.push((function(e,n,i,o,a,u,c){r=t(r,e,n,i,o,a,u,c);})),this[o].apply(this,n),r};}(t,e),function(t,e){var n=e.name,r=e.type,i=e.direction,o="find"+n[0].toUpperCase()+n.slice(1,-1);t.prototype[o]=function(t,e,n){if("mixed"!==r&&"mixed"!==this.type&&r!==this.type)return !1;if(1===arguments.length)return _t(this,r,n=t);if(2===arguments.length){t=""+t,n=e;var a=this._nodes.get(t);if(void 0===a)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(o,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return Et(this.multi,"mixed"===r?this.type:r,i,a,n)}if(3===arguments.length){t=""+t,e=""+e;var u=this._nodes.get(t);if(!u)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(o,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" source node in the graph.'));if(!this._nodes.has(e))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(o,': could not find the "').concat(e,'" target node in the graph.'));return Dt(r,this.multi,i,u,e,n)}throw new F("Graph.".concat(o,": too many arguments (expecting 1, 2 or 3 and got ").concat(arguments.length,")."))};var a="some"+n[0].toUpperCase()+n.slice(1,-1);t.prototype[a]=function(){var t=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),e=t.pop();return t.push((function(t,n,r,i,o,a,u){return e(t,n,r,i,o,a,u)})),!!this[o].apply(this,t)};var u="every"+n[0].toUpperCase()+n.slice(1,-1);t.prototype[u]=function(){var t=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),e=t.pop();return t.push((function(t,n,r,i,o,a,u){return !e(t,n,r,i,o,a,u)})),!this[o].apply(this,t)};}(t,e),function(t,e){var n=e.name,r=e.type,i=e.direction,o=n.slice(0,-1)+"Entries";t.prototype[o]=function(t,e){if("mixed"!==r&&"mixed"!==this.type&&r!==this.type)return O.empty();if(!arguments.length)return kt(this,r);if(1===arguments.length){t=""+t;var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(!n)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(o,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return St(r,i,n)}if(2===arguments.length){t=""+t,e=""+e;var a=this._nodes.get(t);if(!a)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(o,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" source node in the graph.'));if(!this._nodes.has(e))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(o,': could not find the "').concat(e,'" target node in the graph.'));return Nt(r,i,a,e)}throw new F("Graph.".concat(o,": too many arguments (expecting 0, 1 or 2 and got ").concat(arguments.length,")."))};}(t,e);}));}(re),function(t){Ut.forEach((function(e){Rt(t,e),Wt(t,e),Kt(t,e),It(t,e);}));}(re);var ie=function(t){function n(e){var n=c({type:"directed"},e);if("multi"in n&&!1!==n.multi)throw new F("DirectedGraph.from: inconsistent indication that the graph should be multi in given options!");if("directed"!==n.type)throw new F('DirectedGraph.from: inconsistent "'+n.type+'" type in given options!');return t.call(this,n)||this}return e(n,t),n}(re),oe=function(t){function n(e){var n=c({type:"undirected"},e);if("multi"in n&&!1!==n.multi)throw new F("UndirectedGraph.from: inconsistent indication that the graph should be multi in given options!");if("undirected"!==n.type)throw new F('UndirectedGraph.from: inconsistent "'+n.type+'" type in given options!');return t.call(this,n)||this}return e(n,t),n}(re),ae=function(t){function n(e){var n=c({multi:!0},e);if("multi"in n&&!0!==n.multi)throw new F("MultiGraph.from: inconsistent indication that the graph should be simple in given options!");return t.call(this,n)||this}return e(n,t),n}(re),ue=function(t){function n(e){var n=c({type:"directed",multi:!0},e);if("multi"in n&&!0!==n.multi)throw new F("MultiDirectedGraph.from: inconsistent indication that the graph should be simple in given options!");if("directed"!==n.type)throw new F('MultiDirectedGraph.from: inconsistent "'+n.type+'" type in given options!');return t.call(this,n)||this}return e(n,t),n}(re),ce=function(t){function n(e){var n=c({type:"undirected",multi:!0},e);if("multi"in n&&!0!==n.multi)throw new F("MultiUndirectedGraph.from: inconsistent indication that the graph should be simple in given options!");if("undirected"!==n.type)throw new F('MultiUndirectedGraph.from: inconsistent "'+n.type+'" type in given options!');return t.call(this,n)||this}return e(n,t),n}(re);function de(t){t.from=function(e,n){var r=c({},e.options,n),i=new t(r);return i.import(e),i};}return de(re),de(ie),de(oe),de(ae),de(ue),de(ce),re.Graph=re,re.DirectedGraph=ie,re.UndirectedGraph=oe,re.MultiGraph=ae,re.MultiDirectedGraph=ue,re.MultiUndirectedGraph=ce,re.InvalidArgumentsGraphError=F,re.NotFoundGraphError=Y,re.UsageGraphError=B,re})); - -}); - -/** - * Graphology isGraph - * =================== - * - * Very simple function aiming at ensuring the given variable is a - * graphology instance. - */ -/** - * Checking the value is a graphology instance. - * - * @param {any} value - Target value. - * @return {boolean} - */ -var isGraph = function isGraph(value) { - return ( - value !== null && - typeof value === 'object' && - typeof value.addUndirectedEdgeWithKey === 'function' && - typeof value.dropNode === 'function' && - typeof value.multi === 'boolean' - ); -}; - -var ARRAY_BUFFER_SUPPORT$1 = typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined'; -var SYMBOL_SUPPORT$1 = typeof Symbol !== 'undefined'; - -var support = { - ARRAY_BUFFER_SUPPORT: ARRAY_BUFFER_SUPPORT$1, - SYMBOL_SUPPORT: SYMBOL_SUPPORT$1 -}; +/* +* loglevel - https://github.com/pimterry/loglevel +* +* Copyright (c) 2013 Tim Perry +* Licensed under the MIT license. +*/ -/** - * Obliterator ForEach Function - * ============================= - * - * Helper function used to easily iterate over mixed values. - */ +var loglevel = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { +(function (root, definition) { + if (module.exports) { + module.exports = definition(); + } else { + root.log = definition(); + } +}(commonjsGlobal, function () { -var ARRAY_BUFFER_SUPPORT = support.ARRAY_BUFFER_SUPPORT; -var SYMBOL_SUPPORT = support.SYMBOL_SUPPORT; + // Slightly dubious tricks to cut down minimized file size + var noop = function() {}; + var undefinedType = "undefined"; + var isIE = (typeof window !== undefinedType) && (typeof window.navigator !== undefinedType) && ( + /Trident\/|MSIE /.test(window.navigator.userAgent) + ); -/** - * Function able to iterate over almost any iterable JS value. - * - * @param {any} iterable - Iterable value. - * @param {function} callback - Callback function. - */ -var foreach = function forEach(iterable, callback) { - var iterator, k, i, l, s; + var logMethods = [ + "trace", + "debug", + "info", + "warn", + "error" + ]; - if (!iterable) throw new Error('obliterator/forEach: invalid iterable.'); + // Cross-browser bind equivalent that works at least back to IE6 + function bindMethod(obj, methodName) { + var method = obj[methodName]; + if (typeof method.bind === 'function') { + return method.bind(obj); + } else { + try { + return Function.prototype.bind.call(method, obj); + } catch (e) { + // Missing bind shim or IE8 + Modernizr, fallback to wrapping + return function() { + return Function.prototype.apply.apply(method, [obj, arguments]); + }; + } + } + } - if (typeof callback !== 'function') - throw new Error('obliterator/forEach: expecting a callback.'); + // Trace() doesn't print the message in IE, so for that case we need to wrap it + function traceForIE() { + if (console.log) { + if (console.log.apply) { + console.log.apply(console, arguments); + } else { + // In old IE, native console methods themselves don't have apply(). + Function.prototype.apply.apply(console.log, [console, arguments]); + } + } + if (console.trace) console.trace(); + } - // The target is an array or a string or function arguments - if ( - Array.isArray(iterable) || - (ARRAY_BUFFER_SUPPORT && ArrayBuffer.isView(iterable)) || - typeof iterable === 'string' || - iterable.toString() === '[object Arguments]' - ) { - for (i = 0, l = iterable.length; i < l; i++) callback(iterable[i], i); - return; - } + // Build the best logging method possible for this env + // Wherever possible we want to bind, not wrap, to preserve stack traces + function realMethod(methodName) { + if (methodName === 'debug') { + methodName = 'log'; + } - // The target has a #.forEach method - if (typeof iterable.forEach === 'function') { - iterable.forEach(callback); - return; - } + if (typeof console === undefinedType) { + return false; // No method possible, for now - fixed later by enableLoggingWhenConsoleArrives + } else if (methodName === 'trace' && isIE) { + return traceForIE; + } else if (console[methodName] !== undefined) { + return bindMethod(console, methodName); + } else if (console.log !== undefined) { + return bindMethod(console, 'log'); + } else { + return noop; + } + } - // The target is iterable - if ( - SYMBOL_SUPPORT && - Symbol.iterator in iterable && - typeof iterable.next !== 'function' - ) { - iterable = iterable[Symbol.iterator](); - } + // These private functions always need `this` to be set properly - // The target is an iterator - if (typeof iterable.next === 'function') { - iterator = iterable; - i = 0; + function replaceLoggingMethods(level, loggerName) { + /*jshint validthis:true */ + for (var i = 0; i < logMethods.length; i++) { + var methodName = logMethods[i]; + this[methodName] = (i < level) ? + noop : + this.methodFactory(methodName, level, loggerName); + } - while (((s = iterator.next()), s.done !== true)) { - callback(s.value, i); - i++; + // Define log.log as an alias for log.debug + this.log = this.debug; } - return; - } + // In old IE versions, the console isn't present until you first open it. + // We build realMethod() replacements here that regenerate logging methods + function enableLoggingWhenConsoleArrives(methodName, level, loggerName) { + return function () { + if (typeof console !== undefinedType) { + replaceLoggingMethods.call(this, level, loggerName); + this[methodName].apply(this, arguments); + } + }; + } - // The target is a plain object - for (k in iterable) { - if (iterable.hasOwnProperty(k)) { - callback(iterable[k], k); + // By default, we use closely bound real methods wherever possible, and + // otherwise we wait for a console to appear, and then try again. + function defaultMethodFactory(methodName, level, loggerName) { + /*jshint validthis:true */ + return realMethod(methodName) || + enableLoggingWhenConsoleArrives.apply(this, arguments); } - } - return; -}; + function Logger(name, defaultLevel, factory) { + var self = this; + var currentLevel; + defaultLevel = defaultLevel == null ? "WARN" : defaultLevel; -/** - * Mnemonist Typed Array Helpers - * ============================== - * - * Miscellaneous helpers related to typed arrays. - */ + var storageKey = "loglevel"; + if (typeof name === "string") { + storageKey += ":" + name; + } else if (typeof name === "symbol") { + storageKey = undefined; + } -var typedArrays = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) { -/** - * When using an unsigned integer array to store pointers, one might want to - * choose the optimal word size in regards to the actual numbers of pointers - * to store. - * - * This helpers does just that. - * - * @param {number} size - Expected size of the array to map. - * @return {TypedArray} - */ -var MAX_8BIT_INTEGER = Math.pow(2, 8) - 1, - MAX_16BIT_INTEGER = Math.pow(2, 16) - 1, - MAX_32BIT_INTEGER = Math.pow(2, 32) - 1; + function persistLevelIfPossible(levelNum) { + var levelName = (logMethods[levelNum] || 'silent').toUpperCase(); -var MAX_SIGNED_8BIT_INTEGER = Math.pow(2, 7) - 1, - MAX_SIGNED_16BIT_INTEGER = Math.pow(2, 15) - 1, - MAX_SIGNED_32BIT_INTEGER = Math.pow(2, 31) - 1; + if (typeof window === undefinedType || !storageKey) return; -exports.getPointerArray = function(size) { - var maxIndex = size - 1; + // Use localStorage if available + try { + window.localStorage[storageKey] = levelName; + return; + } catch (ignore) {} - if (maxIndex <= MAX_8BIT_INTEGER) - return Uint8Array; + // Use session cookie as fallback + try { + window.document.cookie = + encodeURIComponent(storageKey) + "=" + levelName + ";"; + } catch (ignore) {} + } - if (maxIndex <= MAX_16BIT_INTEGER) - return Uint16Array; + function getPersistedLevel() { + var storedLevel; - if (maxIndex <= MAX_32BIT_INTEGER) - return Uint32Array; + if (typeof window === undefinedType || !storageKey) return; - throw new Error('mnemonist: Pointer Array of size > 4294967295 is not supported.'); -}; + try { + storedLevel = window.localStorage[storageKey]; + } catch (ignore) {} -exports.getSignedPointerArray = function(size) { - var maxIndex = size - 1; - - if (maxIndex <= MAX_SIGNED_8BIT_INTEGER) - return Int8Array; + // Fallback to cookies if local storage gives us nothing + if (typeof storedLevel === undefinedType) { + try { + var cookie = window.document.cookie; + var location = cookie.indexOf( + encodeURIComponent(storageKey) + "="); + if (location !== -1) { + storedLevel = /^([^;]+)/.exec(cookie.slice(location))[1]; + } + } catch (ignore) {} + } - if (maxIndex <= MAX_SIGNED_16BIT_INTEGER) - return Int16Array; + // If the stored level is not valid, treat it as if nothing was stored. + if (self.levels[storedLevel] === undefined) { + storedLevel = undefined; + } - if (maxIndex <= MAX_SIGNED_32BIT_INTEGER) - return Int32Array; + return storedLevel; + } - return Float64Array; -}; + function clearPersistedLevel() { + if (typeof window === undefinedType || !storageKey) return; -/** - * Function returning the minimal type able to represent the given number. - * - * @param {number} value - Value to test. - * @return {TypedArrayClass} - */ -exports.getNumberType = function(value) { + // Use localStorage if available + try { + window.localStorage.removeItem(storageKey); + return; + } catch (ignore) {} - // <= 32 bits itnteger? - if (value === (value | 0)) { + // Use session cookie as fallback + try { + window.document.cookie = + encodeURIComponent(storageKey) + "=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC"; + } catch (ignore) {} + } - // Negative - if (Math.sign(value) === -1) { - if (value <= 127 && value >= -128) - return Int8Array; + /* + * + * Public logger API - see https://github.com/pimterry/loglevel for details + * + */ - if (value <= 32767 && value >= -32768) - return Int16Array; + self.name = name; - return Int32Array; - } - else { + self.levels = { "TRACE": 0, "DEBUG": 1, "INFO": 2, "WARN": 3, + "ERROR": 4, "SILENT": 5}; - if (value <= 255) - return Uint8Array; + self.methodFactory = factory || defaultMethodFactory; - if (value <= 65535) - return Uint16Array; + self.getLevel = function () { + return currentLevel; + }; - return Uint32Array; - } - } + self.setLevel = function (level, persist) { + if (typeof level === "string" && self.levels[level.toUpperCase()] !== undefined) { + level = self.levels[level.toUpperCase()]; + } + if (typeof level === "number" && level >= 0 && level <= self.levels.SILENT) { + currentLevel = level; + if (persist !== false) { // defaults to true + persistLevelIfPossible(level); + } + replaceLoggingMethods.call(self, level, name); + if (typeof console === undefinedType && level < self.levels.SILENT) { + return "No console available for logging"; + } + } else { + throw "log.setLevel() called with invalid level: " + level; + } + }; - // 53 bits integer & floats - // NOTE: it's kinda hard to tell whether we could use 32bits or not... - return Float64Array; -}; + self.setDefaultLevel = function (level) { + defaultLevel = level; + if (!getPersistedLevel()) { + self.setLevel(level, false); + } + }; -/** - * Function returning the minimal type able to represent the given array - * of JavaScript numbers. - * - * @param {array} array - Array to represent. - * @param {function} getter - Optional getter. - * @return {TypedArrayClass} - */ -var TYPE_PRIORITY = { - Uint8Array: 1, - Int8Array: 2, - Uint16Array: 3, - Int16Array: 4, - Uint32Array: 5, - Int32Array: 6, - Float32Array: 7, - Float64Array: 8 -}; + self.resetLevel = function () { + self.setLevel(defaultLevel, false); + clearPersistedLevel(); + }; -// TODO: make this a one-shot for one value -exports.getMinimalRepresentation = function(array, getter) { - var maxType = null, - maxPriority = 0, - p, - t, - v, - i, - l; + self.enableAll = function(persist) { + self.setLevel(self.levels.TRACE, persist); + }; - for (i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++) { - v = getter ? getter(array[i]) : array[i]; - t = exports.getNumberType(v); - p = TYPE_PRIORITY[t.name]; + self.disableAll = function(persist) { + self.setLevel(self.levels.SILENT, persist); + }; - if (p > maxPriority) { - maxPriority = p; - maxType = t; + // Initialize with the right level + var initialLevel = getPersistedLevel(); + if (initialLevel == null) { + initialLevel = defaultLevel; + } + self.setLevel(initialLevel, false); } - } - - return maxType; -}; - -/** - * Function returning whether the given value is a typed array. - * - * @param {any} value - Value to test. - * @return {boolean} - */ -exports.isTypedArray = function(value) { - return typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined' && ArrayBuffer.isView(value); -}; -/** - * Function used to concat byte arrays. - * - * @param {...ByteArray} - * @return {ByteArray} - */ -exports.concat = function() { - var length = 0, - i, - o, - l; + /* + * + * Top-level API + * + */ - for (i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) - length += arguments[i].length; + var defaultLogger = new Logger(); - var array = new (arguments[0].constructor)(length); + var _loggersByName = {}; + defaultLogger.getLogger = function getLogger(name) { + if ((typeof name !== "symbol" && typeof name !== "string") || name === "") { + throw new TypeError("You must supply a name when creating a logger."); + } - for (i = 0, o = 0; i < l; i++) { - array.set(arguments[i], o); - o += arguments[i].length; - } + var logger = _loggersByName[name]; + if (!logger) { + logger = _loggersByName[name] = new Logger( + name, defaultLogger.getLevel(), defaultLogger.methodFactory); + } + return logger; + }; - return array; -}; + // Grab the current global log variable in case of overwrite + var _log = (typeof window !== undefinedType) ? window.log : undefined; + defaultLogger.noConflict = function() { + if (typeof window !== undefinedType && + window.log === defaultLogger) { + window.log = _log; + } -/** - * Function used to initialize a byte array of indices. - * - * @param {number} length - Length of target. - * @return {ByteArray} - */ -exports.indices = function(length) { - var PointerArray = exports.getPointerArray(length); + return defaultLogger; + }; - var array = new PointerArray(length); + defaultLogger.getLoggers = function getLoggers() { + return _loggersByName; + }; - for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) - array[i] = i; + // ES6 default export, for compatibility + defaultLogger['default'] = defaultLogger; - return array; -}; + return defaultLogger; +})); }); -/** - * Mnemonist Iterable Function - * ============================ - * - * Harmonized iteration helpers over mixed iterable targets. - */ - -/** - * Function used to determine whether the given object supports array-like - * random access. - * - * @param {any} target - Target object. - * @return {boolean} - */ -function isArrayLike(target) { - return Array.isArray(target) || typedArrays.isTypedArray(target); -} - -/** - * Function used to guess the length of the structure over which we are going - * to iterate. - * - * @param {any} target - Target object. - * @return {number|undefined} - */ -function guessLength(target) { - if (typeof target.length === 'number') - return target.length; - - if (typeof target.size === 'number') - return target.size; - - return; +class Debugger { + constructor(plugin) { + this.debugLessThan = (level) => loglevel.levels[this.plugin.settings.debugMode] < level; + this.plugin = plugin; + } + start2G(group) { + if (this.debugLessThan(3)) + console.groupCollapsed(group); + } + end2G(...msgs) { + if (this.debugLessThan(3)) { + if (msgs.length) + loglevel.info(...msgs); + console.groupEnd(); + } + } + start1G(group) { + if (this.debugLessThan(2)) + console.groupCollapsed(group); + } + end1G(...msgs) { + if (this.debugLessThan(2)) { + if (msgs.length) + loglevel.debug(...msgs); + console.groupEnd(); + } + } + startGs(...groups) { + this.start2G(groups[0]); + if (groups[1]) + this.start1G(groups[1]); + } + /** + * End a debug and info group, logging `msgs` in `endDebugGroup` + * @param {1|2} count The number of groups to end. `1` ends Trace, 2 ends both + * @param {any[]} ...msgs + */ + endGs(count, ...msgs) { + if (count === 1) + this.end2G(...msgs); + else { + this.end1G(); + this.end2G(...msgs); + } + } } -/** - * Function used to convert an iterable to an array. - * - * @param {any} target - Iteration target. - * @return {array} - */ -function toArray(target) { - var l = guessLength(target); - - var array = typeof l === 'number' ? new Array(l) : []; - - var i = 0; - - // TODO: we could optimize when given target is array like - foreach(target, function(value) { - array[i++] = value; - }); - - return array; +function noop() { } +function assign(tar, src) { + // @ts-ignore + for (const k in src) + tar[k] = src[k]; + return tar; } - -/** - * Same as above but returns a supplementary indices array. - * - * @param {any} target - Iteration target. - * @return {array} - */ -function toArrayWithIndices(target) { - var l = guessLength(target); - - var IndexArray = typeof l === 'number' ? - typedArrays.getPointerArray(l) : - Array; - - var array = typeof l === 'number' ? new Array(l) : []; - var indices = typeof l === 'number' ? new IndexArray(l) : []; - - var i = 0; - - // TODO: we could optimize when given target is array like - foreach(target, function(value) { - array[i] = value; - indices[i] = i++; - }); - - return [array, indices]; +function run(fn) { + return fn(); } - -/** - * Exporting. - */ -var isArrayLike_1 = isArrayLike; -var guessLength_1 = guessLength; -var toArray_1 = toArray; -var toArrayWithIndices_1 = toArrayWithIndices; - -var iterables = { - isArrayLike: isArrayLike_1, - guessLength: guessLength_1, - toArray: toArray_1, - toArrayWithIndices: toArrayWithIndices_1 -}; - -/** - * Obliterator Iterator Class - * =========================== - * - * Simple class representing the library's iterators. - */ -/** - * Iterator class. - * - * @constructor - * @param {function} next - Next function. - */ -function Iterator(next) { - if (typeof next !== 'function') - throw new Error('obliterator/iterator: expecting a function!'); - - this.next = next; +function blank_object() { + return Object.create(null); } - -/** - * If symbols are supported, we add `next` to `Symbol.iterator`. - */ -if (typeof Symbol !== 'undefined') - Iterator.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () { - return this; - }; - -/** - * Returning an iterator of the given values. - * - * @param {any...} values - Values. - * @return {Iterator} - */ -Iterator.of = function () { - var args = arguments, - l = args.length, - i = 0; - - return new Iterator(function () { - if (i >= l) return {done: true}; - - return {done: false, value: args[i++]}; - }); -}; - -/** - * Returning an empty iterator. - * - * @return {Iterator} - */ -Iterator.empty = function () { - var iterator = new Iterator(function () { - return {done: true}; - }); - - return iterator; -}; - -/** - * Returning an iterator over the given indexed sequence. - * - * @param {string|Array} sequence - Target sequence. - * @return {Iterator} - */ -Iterator.fromSequence = function (sequence) { - var i = 0, - l = sequence.length; - - return new Iterator(function () { - if (i >= l) return {done: true}; - - return {done: false, value: sequence[i++]}; - }); -}; - -/** - * Returning whether the given value is an iterator. - * - * @param {any} value - Value. - * @return {boolean} - */ -Iterator.is = function (value) { - if (value instanceof Iterator) return true; - - return ( - typeof value === 'object' && - value !== null && - typeof value.next === 'function' - ); -}; - -/** - * Exporting. - */ -var iterator = Iterator; - -/** - * Mnemonist FixedDeque - * ===================== - * - * Fixed capacity double-ended queue implemented as ring deque. - */ - -/** - * FixedDeque. - * - * @constructor - */ -function FixedDeque(ArrayClass, capacity) { - - if (arguments.length < 2) - throw new Error('mnemonist/fixed-deque: expecting an Array class and a capacity.'); - - if (typeof capacity !== 'number' || capacity <= 0) - throw new Error('mnemonist/fixed-deque: `capacity` should be a positive number.'); - - this.ArrayClass = ArrayClass; - this.capacity = capacity; - this.items = new ArrayClass(this.capacity); - this.clear(); +function run_all(fns) { + fns.forEach(run); +} +function is_function(thing) { + return typeof thing === 'function'; +} +function safe_not_equal(a, b) { + return a != a ? b == b : a !== b || ((a && typeof a === 'object') || typeof a === 'function'); +} +function is_empty(obj) { + return Object.keys(obj).length === 0; +} +function create_slot(definition, ctx, $$scope, fn) { + if (definition) { + const slot_ctx = get_slot_context(definition, ctx, $$scope, fn); + return definition[0](slot_ctx); + } +} +function get_slot_context(definition, ctx, $$scope, fn) { + return definition[1] && fn + ? assign($$scope.ctx.slice(), definition[1](fn(ctx))) + : $$scope.ctx; +} +function get_slot_changes(definition, $$scope, dirty, fn) { + if (definition[2] && fn) { + const lets = definition[2](fn(dirty)); + if ($$scope.dirty === undefined) { + return lets; + } + if (typeof lets === 'object') { + const merged = []; + const len = Math.max($$scope.dirty.length, lets.length); + for (let i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { + merged[i] = $$scope.dirty[i] | lets[i]; + } + return merged; + } + return $$scope.dirty | lets; + } + return $$scope.dirty; +} +function update_slot(slot, slot_definition, ctx, $$scope, dirty, get_slot_changes_fn, get_slot_context_fn) { + const slot_changes = get_slot_changes(slot_definition, $$scope, dirty, get_slot_changes_fn); + if (slot_changes) { + const slot_context = get_slot_context(slot_definition, ctx, $$scope, get_slot_context_fn); + slot.p(slot_context, slot_changes); + } +} +function exclude_internal_props(props) { + const result = {}; + for (const k in props) + if (k[0] !== '$') + result[k] = props[k]; + return result; +} +function null_to_empty(value) { + return value == null ? '' : value; } -/** - * Method used to clear the structure. - * - * @return {undefined} - */ -FixedDeque.prototype.clear = function() { - - // Properties - this.start = 0; - this.size = 0; -}; - -/** - * Method used to append a value to the deque. - * - * @param {any} item - Item to append. - * @return {number} - Returns the new size of the deque. - */ -FixedDeque.prototype.push = function(item) { - if (this.size === this.capacity) - throw new Error('mnemonist/fixed-deque.push: deque capacity (' + this.capacity + ') exceeded!'); - - var index = (this.start + this.size) % this.capacity; - - this.items[index] = item; - - return ++this.size; -}; - -/** - * Method used to prepend a value to the deque. - * - * @param {any} item - Item to prepend. - * @return {number} - Returns the new size of the deque. - */ -FixedDeque.prototype.unshift = function(item) { - if (this.size === this.capacity) - throw new Error('mnemonist/fixed-deque.unshift: deque capacity (' + this.capacity + ') exceeded!'); - - var index = this.start - 1; - - if (this.start === 0) - index = this.capacity - 1; - - this.items[index] = item; - this.start = index; - - return ++this.size; -}; - -/** - * Method used to pop the deque. - * - * @return {any} - Returns the popped item. - */ -FixedDeque.prototype.pop = function() { - if (this.size === 0) - return; - - const index = (this.start + this.size - 1) % this.capacity; - - this.size--; - - return this.items[index]; -}; - -/** - * Method used to shift the deque. - * - * @return {any} - Returns the shifted item. - */ -FixedDeque.prototype.shift = function() { - if (this.size === 0) - return; - - var index = this.start; - - this.size--; - this.start++; - - if (this.start === this.capacity) - this.start = 0; - - return this.items[index]; -}; - -/** - * Method used to peek the first value of the deque. - * - * @return {any} - */ -FixedDeque.prototype.peekFirst = function() { - if (this.size === 0) - return; - - return this.items[this.start]; -}; - -/** - * Method used to peek the last value of the deque. - * - * @return {any} - */ -FixedDeque.prototype.peekLast = function() { - if (this.size === 0) - return; - - var index = this.start + this.size - 1; - - if (index > this.capacity) - index -= this.capacity; +function append(target, node) { + target.appendChild(node); +} +function insert(target, node, anchor) { + target.insertBefore(node, anchor || null); +} +function detach(node) { + node.parentNode.removeChild(node); +} +function destroy_each(iterations, detaching) { + for (let i = 0; i < iterations.length; i += 1) { + if (iterations[i]) + iterations[i].d(detaching); + } +} +function element(name) { + return document.createElement(name); +} +function svg_element(name) { + return document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', name); +} +function text(data) { + return document.createTextNode(data); +} +function space() { + return text(' '); +} +function empty() { + return text(''); +} +function listen(node, event, handler, options) { + node.addEventListener(event, handler, options); + return () => node.removeEventListener(event, handler, options); +} +function attr(node, attribute, value) { + if (value == null) + node.removeAttribute(attribute); + else if (node.getAttribute(attribute) !== value) + node.setAttribute(attribute, value); +} +function get_binding_group_value(group, __value, checked) { + const value = new Set(); + for (let i = 0; i < group.length; i += 1) { + if (group[i].checked) + value.add(group[i].__value); + } + if (!checked) { + value.delete(__value); + } + return Array.from(value); +} +function children(element) { + return Array.from(element.childNodes); +} +function set_data(text, data) { + data = '' + data; + if (text.wholeText !== data) + text.data = data; +} +function set_input_value(input, value) { + input.value = value == null ? '' : value; +} +function set_style(node, key, value, important) { + node.style.setProperty(key, value, important ? 'important' : ''); +} +function select_option(select, value) { + for (let i = 0; i < select.options.length; i += 1) { + const option = select.options[i]; + if (option.__value === value) { + option.selected = true; + return; + } + } +} +function select_value(select) { + const selected_option = select.querySelector(':checked') || select.options[0]; + return selected_option && selected_option.__value; +} - return this.items[index]; -}; +let current_component; +function set_current_component(component) { + current_component = component; +} +function get_current_component() { + if (!current_component) + throw new Error('Function called outside component initialization'); + return current_component; +} +function onMount(fn) { + get_current_component().$$.on_mount.push(fn); +} -/** - * Method used to get the desired value of the deque. - * - * @param {number} index - * @return {any} - */ -FixedDeque.prototype.get = function(index) { - if (this.size === 0) - return; - - index = this.start + index; - - if (index > this.capacity) - index -= this.capacity; - - return this.items[index]; -}; +const dirty_components = []; +const binding_callbacks = []; +const render_callbacks = []; +const flush_callbacks = []; +const resolved_promise = Promise.resolve(); +let update_scheduled = false; +function schedule_update() { + if (!update_scheduled) { + update_scheduled = true; + resolved_promise.then(flush); + } +} +function add_render_callback(fn) { + render_callbacks.push(fn); +} +let flushing = false; +const seen_callbacks = new Set(); +function flush() { + if (flushing) + return; + flushing = true; + do { + // first, call beforeUpdate functions + // and update components + for (let i = 0; i < dirty_components.length; i += 1) { + const component = dirty_components[i]; + set_current_component(component); + update(component.$$); + } + set_current_component(null); + dirty_components.length = 0; + while (binding_callbacks.length) + binding_callbacks.pop()(); + // then, once components are updated, call + // afterUpdate functions. This may cause + // subsequent updates... + for (let i = 0; i < render_callbacks.length; i += 1) { + const callback = render_callbacks[i]; + if (!seen_callbacks.has(callback)) { + // ...so guard against infinite loops + seen_callbacks.add(callback); + callback(); + } + } + render_callbacks.length = 0; + } while (dirty_components.length); + while (flush_callbacks.length) { + flush_callbacks.pop()(); + } + update_scheduled = false; + flushing = false; + seen_callbacks.clear(); +} +function update($$) { + if ($$.fragment !== null) { + $$.update(); + run_all($$.before_update); + const dirty = $$.dirty; + $$.dirty = [-1]; + $$.fragment && $$.fragment.p($$.ctx, dirty); + $$.after_update.forEach(add_render_callback); + } +} +const outroing = new Set(); +let outros; +function group_outros() { + outros = { + r: 0, + c: [], + p: outros // parent group + }; +} +function check_outros() { + if (!outros.r) { + run_all(outros.c); + } + outros = outros.p; +} +function transition_in(block, local) { + if (block && block.i) { + outroing.delete(block); + block.i(local); + } +} +function transition_out(block, local, detach, callback) { + if (block && block.o) { + if (outroing.has(block)) + return; + outroing.add(block); + outros.c.push(() => { + outroing.delete(block); + if (callback) { + if (detach) + block.d(1); + callback(); + } + }); + block.o(local); + } +} +function get_spread_update(levels, updates) { + const update = {}; + const to_null_out = {}; + const accounted_for = { $$scope: 1 }; + let i = levels.length; + while (i--) { + const o = levels[i]; + const n = updates[i]; + if (n) { + for (const key in o) { + if (!(key in n)) + to_null_out[key] = 1; + } + for (const key in n) { + if (!accounted_for[key]) { + update[key] = n[key]; + accounted_for[key] = 1; + } + } + levels[i] = n; + } + else { + for (const key in o) { + accounted_for[key] = 1; + } + } + } + for (const key in to_null_out) { + if (!(key in update)) + update[key] = undefined; + } + return update; +} +function get_spread_object(spread_props) { + return typeof spread_props === 'object' && spread_props !== null ? spread_props : {}; +} +function create_component(block) { + block && block.c(); +} +function mount_component(component, target, anchor, customElement) { + const { fragment, on_mount, on_destroy, after_update } = component.$$; + fragment && fragment.m(target, anchor); + if (!customElement) { + // onMount happens before the initial afterUpdate + add_render_callback(() => { + const new_on_destroy = on_mount.map(run).filter(is_function); + if (on_destroy) { + on_destroy.push(...new_on_destroy); + } + else { + // Edge case - component was destroyed immediately, + // most likely as a result of a binding initialising + run_all(new_on_destroy); + } + component.$$.on_mount = []; + }); + } + after_update.forEach(add_render_callback); +} +function destroy_component(component, detaching) { + const $$ = component.$$; + if ($$.fragment !== null) { + run_all($$.on_destroy); + $$.fragment && $$.fragment.d(detaching); + // TODO null out other refs, including component.$$ (but need to + // preserve final state?) + $$.on_destroy = $$.fragment = null; + $$.ctx = []; + } +} +function make_dirty(component, i) { + if (component.$$.dirty[0] === -1) { + dirty_components.push(component); + schedule_update(); + component.$$.dirty.fill(0); + } + component.$$.dirty[(i / 31) | 0] |= (1 << (i % 31)); +} +function init(component, options, instance, create_fragment, not_equal, props, dirty = [-1]) { + const parent_component = current_component; + set_current_component(component); + const $$ = component.$$ = { + fragment: null, + ctx: null, + // state + props, + update: noop, + not_equal, + bound: blank_object(), + // lifecycle + on_mount: [], + on_destroy: [], + on_disconnect: [], + before_update: [], + after_update: [], + context: new Map(parent_component ? parent_component.$$.context : []), + // everything else + callbacks: blank_object(), + dirty, + skip_bound: false + }; + let ready = false; + $$.ctx = instance + ? instance(component, options.props || {}, (i, ret, ...rest) => { + const value = rest.length ? rest[0] : ret; + if ($$.ctx && not_equal($$.ctx[i], $$.ctx[i] = value)) { + if (!$$.skip_bound && $$.bound[i]) + $$.bound[i](value); + if (ready) + make_dirty(component, i); + } + return ret; + }) + : []; + $$.update(); + ready = true; + run_all($$.before_update); + // `false` as a special case of no DOM component + $$.fragment = create_fragment ? create_fragment($$.ctx) : false; + if (options.target) { + if (options.hydrate) { + const nodes = children(options.target); + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion + $$.fragment && $$.fragment.l(nodes); + nodes.forEach(detach); + } + else { + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion + $$.fragment && $$.fragment.c(); + } + if (options.intro) + transition_in(component.$$.fragment); + mount_component(component, options.target, options.anchor, options.customElement); + flush(); + } + set_current_component(parent_component); +} /** - * Method used to iterate over the deque. - * - * @param {function} callback - Function to call for each item. - * @param {object} scope - Optional scope. - * @return {undefined} + * Base class for Svelte components. Used when dev=false. */ -FixedDeque.prototype.forEach = function(callback, scope) { - scope = arguments.length > 1 ? scope : this; - - var c = this.capacity, - l = this.size, - i = this.start, - j = 0; - - while (j < l) { - callback.call(scope, this.items[i], j, this); - i++; - j++; - - if (i === c) - i = 0; - } -}; - -/** - * Method used to convert the deque to a JavaScript array. - * - * @return {array} - */ -// TODO: optional array class as argument? -FixedDeque.prototype.toArray = function() { - - // Optimization - var offset = this.start + this.size; - - if (offset < this.capacity) - return this.items.slice(this.start, offset); - - var array = new this.ArrayClass(this.size), - c = this.capacity, - l = this.size, - i = this.start, - j = 0; - - while (j < l) { - array[j] = this.items[i]; - i++; - j++; - - if (i === c) - i = 0; - } - - return array; -}; - -/** - * Method used to create an iterator over the deque's values. - * - * @return {Iterator} - */ -FixedDeque.prototype.values = function() { - var items = this.items, - c = this.capacity, - l = this.size, - i = this.start, - j = 0; - - return new iterator(function() { - if (j >= l) - return { - done: true - }; - - var value = items[i]; - - i++; - j++; - - if (i === c) - i = 0; - - return { - value: value, - done: false - }; - }); -}; - -/** - * Method used to create an iterator over the deque's entries. - * - * @return {Iterator} - */ -FixedDeque.prototype.entries = function() { - var items = this.items, - c = this.capacity, - l = this.size, - i = this.start, - j = 0; - - return new iterator(function() { - if (j >= l) - return { - done: true - }; - - var value = items[i]; - - i++; - - if (i === c) - i = 0; - - return { - value: [j++, value], - done: false - }; - }); -}; - -/** - * Attaching the #.values method to Symbol.iterator if possible. - */ -if (typeof Symbol !== 'undefined') - FixedDeque.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = FixedDeque.prototype.values; - -/** - * Convenience known methods. - */ -FixedDeque.prototype.inspect = function() { - var array = this.toArray(); - - array.type = this.ArrayClass.name; - array.capacity = this.capacity; - - // Trick so that node displays the name of the constructor - Object.defineProperty(array, 'constructor', { - value: FixedDeque, - enumerable: false - }); - - return array; -}; - -if (typeof Symbol !== 'undefined') - FixedDeque.prototype[Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom')] = FixedDeque.prototype.inspect; - -/** - * Static @.from function taking an arbitrary iterable & converting it into - * a deque. - * - * @param {Iterable} iterable - Target iterable. - * @param {function} ArrayClass - Array class to use. - * @param {number} capacity - Desired capacity. - * @return {FiniteStack} - */ -FixedDeque.from = function(iterable, ArrayClass, capacity) { - if (arguments.length < 3) { - capacity = iterables.guessLength(iterable); - - if (typeof capacity !== 'number') - throw new Error('mnemonist/fixed-deque.from: could not guess iterable length. Please provide desired capacity as last argument.'); - } - - var deque = new FixedDeque(ArrayClass, capacity); - - if (iterables.isArrayLike(iterable)) { - var i, l; - - for (i = 0, l = iterable.length; i < l; i++) - deque.items[i] = iterable[i]; - - deque.size = l; - - return deque; - } - - iterables.forEach(iterable, function(value) { - deque.push(value); - }); - - return deque; -}; - -/** - * Exporting. - */ -var fixedDeque = FixedDeque; - -/** - * Graphology Traversal Utils - * =========================== - * - * Miscellaneous utils used throughout the library. - */ -function TraversalRecord$2(node, attr, depth) { - this.node = node; - this.attributes = attr; - this.depth = depth; +class SvelteComponent { + $destroy() { + destroy_component(this, 1); + this.$destroy = noop; + } + $on(type, callback) { + const callbacks = (this.$$.callbacks[type] || (this.$$.callbacks[type] = [])); + callbacks.push(callback); + return () => { + const index = callbacks.indexOf(callback); + if (index !== -1) + callbacks.splice(index, 1); + }; + } + $set($$props) { + if (this.$$set && !is_empty($$props)) { + this.$$.skip_bound = true; + this.$$set($$props); + this.$$.skip_bound = false; + } + } } -var TraversalRecord_1 = TraversalRecord$2; - -var utils = { - TraversalRecord: TraversalRecord_1 -}; - -/** - * Graphology Traversal BFS - * ========================= - * - * Breadth-First Search traversal function. - */ - -var TraversalRecord$1 = utils.TraversalRecord; - -/** - * BFS traversal in the given graph using a callback function - * - * @param {Graph} graph - Target graph. - * @param {function} callback - Iteration callback. - */ -function bfs(graph, callback) { - if (!isGraph(graph)) - throw new Error('graphology-traversal/bfs: expecting a graphology instance.'); - - if (typeof callback !== 'function') - throw new Error('graphology-traversal/bfs: given callback is not a function.'); - - // Early termination - if (graph.order === 0) - return; - - var seen = new Set(); - var queue = new fixedDeque(Array, graph.order); - var record, depth; - - function neighborCallback(neighbor, attr) { - if (seen.has(neighbor)) - return; - - seen.add(neighbor); - queue.push(new TraversalRecord$1(neighbor, attr, depth + 1)); - } - - graph.forEachNode(function(node, attr) { - if (seen.has(node)) - return; - - seen.add(node); - queue.push(new TraversalRecord$1(node, attr, 0)); - - while (queue.size !== 0) { - record = queue.shift(); - depth = record.depth; - - callback(record.node, record.attributes, depth); - - graph.forEachOutboundNeighbor(record.node, neighborCallback); - } - }); -} - -/** - * BFS traversal in the given graph, starting from the given node, using a - * callback function. - * - * @param {Graph} graph - Target graph. - * @param {string} node - Starting node. - * @param {function} callback - Iteration callback. - */ -function bfsFromNode(graph, node, callback) { - if (!isGraph(graph)) - throw new Error('graphology-traversal/dfs: expecting a graphology instance.'); - - if (typeof callback !== 'function') - throw new Error('graphology-traversal/dfs: given callback is not a function.'); - - // Early termination - if (graph.order === 0) - return; - - node = '' + node; - - var seen = new Set(); - var queue = new fixedDeque(Array, graph.order); - var depth, record; - - function neighborCallback(neighbor, attr) { - if (seen.has(neighbor)) - return; - - seen.add(neighbor); - queue.push(new TraversalRecord$1(neighbor, attr, depth + 1)); - } - - seen.add(node); - queue.push(new TraversalRecord$1(node, graph.getNodeAttributes(node), 0)); - - while (queue.size !== 0) { - record = queue.shift(); - depth = record.depth; - - callback(record.node, record.attributes, depth); - - graph.forEachOutboundNeighbor(record.node, neighborCallback); - } -} - -var bfs_2 = bfs; -var bfsFromNode_1 = bfsFromNode; - -var bfs_1 = { - bfs: bfs_2, - bfsFromNode: bfsFromNode_1 -}; - -/** - * Graphology Traversal DFS - * ========================= - * - * Depth-First Search traversal function. - */ - -var TraversalRecord = utils.TraversalRecord; - -/** - * DFS traversal in the given graph using a callback function - * - * @param {Graph} graph - Target graph. - * @param {function} callback - Iteration callback. - */ -function dfs(graph, callback) { - if (!isGraph(graph)) - throw new Error('graphology-traversal/dfs: expecting a graphology instance.'); - - if (typeof callback !== 'function') - throw new Error('graphology-traversal/dfs: given callback is not a function.'); - - // Early termination - if (graph.order === 0) - return; - - var seen = new Set(); - var stack = []; - var depth, record; - - function neighborCallback(neighbor, attr) { - if (seen.has(neighbor)) - return; - - seen.add(neighbor); - stack.push(new TraversalRecord(neighbor, attr, depth + 1)); - } - - graph.forEachNode(function(node, attr) { - if (seen.has(node)) - return; - - seen.add(node); - stack.push(new TraversalRecord(node, attr, 0)); - - while (stack.length !== 0) { - record = stack.pop(); - depth = record.depth; - - callback(record.node, record.attributes, depth); - - graph.forEachOutboundNeighbor(record.node, neighborCallback); - } - }); -} - -/** - * DFS traversal in the given graph, starting from the given node, using a - * callback function. - * - * @param {Graph} graph - Target graph. - * @param {string} node - Starting node. - * @param {function} callback - Iteration callback. - */ -function dfsFromNode(graph, node, callback) { - if (!isGraph(graph)) - throw new Error('graphology-traversal/dfs: expecting a graphology instance.'); - - if (typeof callback !== 'function') - throw new Error('graphology-traversal/dfs: given callback is not a function.'); - - // Early termination - if (graph.order === 0) - return; - - node = '' + node; - - var seen = new Set(); - var stack = []; - var depth, record; - - function neighborCallback(neighbor, attr) { - if (seen.has(neighbor)) - return; - - seen.add(neighbor); - stack.push(new TraversalRecord(neighbor, attr, depth + 1)); - } - - seen.add(node); - stack.push(new TraversalRecord(node, graph.getNodeAttributes(node), 0)); - - while (stack.length !== 0) { - record = stack.pop(); - depth = record.depth; - - callback(record.node, record.attributes, depth); - - graph.forEachOutboundNeighbor(record.node, neighborCallback); - } -} - -var dfs_2 = dfs; -var dfsFromNode_1 = dfsFromNode; - -var dfs_1 = { - dfs: dfs_2, - dfsFromNode: dfsFromNode_1 -}; - -var graphologyTraversal = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) { -var k; - -for (k in bfs_1) - exports[k] = bfs_1[k]; - -for (k in dfs_1) - exports[k] = dfs_1[k]; -}); - -/* -* loglevel - https://github.com/pimterry/loglevel -* -* Copyright (c) 2013 Tim Perry -* Licensed under the MIT license. -*/ - -var loglevel = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { -(function (root, definition) { - if (module.exports) { - module.exports = definition(); - } else { - root.log = definition(); - } -}(commonjsGlobal, function () { - - // Slightly dubious tricks to cut down minimized file size - var noop = function() {}; - var undefinedType = "undefined"; - var isIE = (typeof window !== undefinedType) && (typeof window.navigator !== undefinedType) && ( - /Trident\/|MSIE /.test(window.navigator.userAgent) - ); - - var logMethods = [ - "trace", - "debug", - "info", - "warn", - "error" - ]; - - // Cross-browser bind equivalent that works at least back to IE6 - function bindMethod(obj, methodName) { - var method = obj[methodName]; - if (typeof method.bind === 'function') { - return method.bind(obj); - } else { - try { - return Function.prototype.bind.call(method, obj); - } catch (e) { - // Missing bind shim or IE8 + Modernizr, fallback to wrapping - return function() { - return Function.prototype.apply.apply(method, [obj, arguments]); - }; - } - } - } - - // Trace() doesn't print the message in IE, so for that case we need to wrap it - function traceForIE() { - if (console.log) { - if (console.log.apply) { - console.log.apply(console, arguments); - } else { - // In old IE, native console methods themselves don't have apply(). - Function.prototype.apply.apply(console.log, [console, arguments]); - } - } - if (console.trace) console.trace(); - } - - // Build the best logging method possible for this env - // Wherever possible we want to bind, not wrap, to preserve stack traces - function realMethod(methodName) { - if (methodName === 'debug') { - methodName = 'log'; - } - - if (typeof console === undefinedType) { - return false; // No method possible, for now - fixed later by enableLoggingWhenConsoleArrives - } else if (methodName === 'trace' && isIE) { - return traceForIE; - } else if (console[methodName] !== undefined) { - return bindMethod(console, methodName); - } else if (console.log !== undefined) { - return bindMethod(console, 'log'); - } else { - return noop; - } - } - - // These private functions always need `this` to be set properly - - function replaceLoggingMethods(level, loggerName) { - /*jshint validthis:true */ - for (var i = 0; i < logMethods.length; i++) { - var methodName = logMethods[i]; - this[methodName] = (i < level) ? - noop : - this.methodFactory(methodName, level, loggerName); - } - - // Define log.log as an alias for log.debug - this.log = this.debug; - } - - // In old IE versions, the console isn't present until you first open it. - // We build realMethod() replacements here that regenerate logging methods - function enableLoggingWhenConsoleArrives(methodName, level, loggerName) { - return function () { - if (typeof console !== undefinedType) { - replaceLoggingMethods.call(this, level, loggerName); - this[methodName].apply(this, arguments); - } - }; - } - - // By default, we use closely bound real methods wherever possible, and - // otherwise we wait for a console to appear, and then try again. - function defaultMethodFactory(methodName, level, loggerName) { - /*jshint validthis:true */ - return realMethod(methodName) || - enableLoggingWhenConsoleArrives.apply(this, arguments); - } - - function Logger(name, defaultLevel, factory) { - var self = this; - var currentLevel; - defaultLevel = defaultLevel == null ? "WARN" : defaultLevel; - - var storageKey = "loglevel"; - if (typeof name === "string") { - storageKey += ":" + name; - } else if (typeof name === "symbol") { - storageKey = undefined; - } - - function persistLevelIfPossible(levelNum) { - var levelName = (logMethods[levelNum] || 'silent').toUpperCase(); - - if (typeof window === undefinedType || !storageKey) return; - - // Use localStorage if available - try { - window.localStorage[storageKey] = levelName; - return; - } catch (ignore) {} - - // Use session cookie as fallback - try { - window.document.cookie = - encodeURIComponent(storageKey) + "=" + levelName + ";"; - } catch (ignore) {} - } - - function getPersistedLevel() { - var storedLevel; - - if (typeof window === undefinedType || !storageKey) return; - - try { - storedLevel = window.localStorage[storageKey]; - } catch (ignore) {} - - // Fallback to cookies if local storage gives us nothing - if (typeof storedLevel === undefinedType) { - try { - var cookie = window.document.cookie; - var location = cookie.indexOf( - encodeURIComponent(storageKey) + "="); - if (location !== -1) { - storedLevel = /^([^;]+)/.exec(cookie.slice(location))[1]; - } - } catch (ignore) {} - } - - // If the stored level is not valid, treat it as if nothing was stored. - if (self.levels[storedLevel] === undefined) { - storedLevel = undefined; - } - - return storedLevel; - } - - function clearPersistedLevel() { - if (typeof window === undefinedType || !storageKey) return; - - // Use localStorage if available - try { - window.localStorage.removeItem(storageKey); - return; - } catch (ignore) {} - - // Use session cookie as fallback - try { - window.document.cookie = - encodeURIComponent(storageKey) + "=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC"; - } catch (ignore) {} - } - - /* - * - * Public logger API - see https://github.com/pimterry/loglevel for details - * - */ - - self.name = name; - - self.levels = { "TRACE": 0, "DEBUG": 1, "INFO": 2, "WARN": 3, - "ERROR": 4, "SILENT": 5}; - - self.methodFactory = factory || defaultMethodFactory; - - self.getLevel = function () { - return currentLevel; - }; - - self.setLevel = function (level, persist) { - if (typeof level === "string" && self.levels[level.toUpperCase()] !== undefined) { - level = self.levels[level.toUpperCase()]; - } - if (typeof level === "number" && level >= 0 && level <= self.levels.SILENT) { - currentLevel = level; - if (persist !== false) { // defaults to true - persistLevelIfPossible(level); - } - replaceLoggingMethods.call(self, level, name); - if (typeof console === undefinedType && level < self.levels.SILENT) { - return "No console available for logging"; - } - } else { - throw "log.setLevel() called with invalid level: " + level; - } - }; - - self.setDefaultLevel = function (level) { - defaultLevel = level; - if (!getPersistedLevel()) { - self.setLevel(level, false); - } - }; - - self.resetLevel = function () { - self.setLevel(defaultLevel, false); - clearPersistedLevel(); - }; - - self.enableAll = function(persist) { - self.setLevel(self.levels.TRACE, persist); - }; - - self.disableAll = function(persist) { - self.setLevel(self.levels.SILENT, persist); - }; - - // Initialize with the right level - var initialLevel = getPersistedLevel(); - if (initialLevel == null) { - initialLevel = defaultLevel; - } - self.setLevel(initialLevel, false); - } - - /* - * - * Top-level API - * - */ - - var defaultLogger = new Logger(); - - var _loggersByName = {}; - defaultLogger.getLogger = function getLogger(name) { - if ((typeof name !== "symbol" && typeof name !== "string") || name === "") { - throw new TypeError("You must supply a name when creating a logger."); - } - - var logger = _loggersByName[name]; - if (!logger) { - logger = _loggersByName[name] = new Logger( - name, defaultLogger.getLevel(), defaultLogger.methodFactory); - } - return logger; - }; - - // Grab the current global log variable in case of overwrite - var _log = (typeof window !== undefinedType) ? window.log : undefined; - defaultLogger.noConflict = function() { - if (typeof window !== undefinedType && - window.log === defaultLogger) { - window.log = _log; - } - - return defaultLogger; - }; - - defaultLogger.getLoggers = function getLoggers() { - return _loggersByName; - }; - - // ES6 default export, for compatibility - defaultLogger['default'] = defaultLogger; - - return defaultLogger; -})); -}); - const MATRIX_VIEW = "BC-matrix"; const STATS_VIEW = "BC-stats"; const DUCK_VIEW = "BC-ducks"; @@ -4082,10 +3466,10 @@ const blankRealNImplied = () => { }; }; const [BC_I_AUNT, BC_I_COUSIN, BC_I_SIBLING_1, BC_I_SIBLING_2] = [ - "Aunt/Uncle", - "Cousin", - "Sibling 1", - "Sibling 2", + "BC-Aunt", + "BC-Cousin", + "BC-Sibling-1", + "BC-Sibling-2", ]; const [BC_FOLDER_NOTE, BC_FOLDER_NOTE_RECURSIVE, BC_TAG_NOTE, BC_TAG_NOTE_FIELD, BC_TAG_NOTE_EXACT, BC_LINK_NOTE, BC_TRAVERSE_NOTE, BC_REGEX_NOTE, BC_REGEX_NOTE_FIELD, BC_IGNORE_DENDRON, BC_HIDE_TRAIL, BC_ORDER,] = [ "BC-folder-note", @@ -4266,971 +3650,1588 @@ const DEFAULT_SETTINGS = { }, }; -function normalise(arr) { - const max = Math.max(...arr); - return arr.map((item) => item / max); -} -const dropPath = (path) => path.replace(/^.*\//, ""); -const dropDendron = (path, settings) => settings.trimDendronNotes - ? path.split(settings.dendronNoteDelimiter).last() - : path; -const dropPathNDendron = (path, settings) => dropDendron(dropPath(path), settings); -/** - * Get basename from a **Markdown** `path` - * @param {string} path - */ -const getBaseFromMDPath = (path) => { - const splitSlash = path.split("/").last(); - if (splitSlash.endsWith(".md")) { - return splitSlash.split(".md").slice(0, -1).join("."); - } - else - return splitSlash; -}; -const getDVBasename = (file) => file.basename || file.name; -const getFolderName = (file) => { var _a; -//@ts-ignore -return ((_a = file === null || file === void 0 ? void 0 : file.parent) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.name) || file.folder; }; -const dropFolder = (path) => path.split("/").last().split(".").slice(0, -1).join("."); -const splitAndTrim = (fields) => { - if (!fields || fields === "") - return []; - else - return fields.split(",").map((str) => str.trim()); -}; -function padArray(arr, finalLength, filler = "") { - const copy = [...arr]; - const currLength = copy.length; - if (currLength > finalLength) { - throw new Error("Current length is greater than final length"); - } - else if (currLength === finalLength) { - return copy; - } - else { - for (let i = currLength; i < finalLength; i++) { - copy.push(filler); - } - return copy; - } -} -function transpose(A) { - const cols = A[0].length; - const AT = []; - // For each column - for (let j = 0; j < cols; j++) { - // Add a new row to AT - AT.push([]); - // And fill it with the values in the jth column of A - A.forEach((row) => AT[j].push(row[j])); - } - return AT; -} -function runs(arr) { - const runs = []; - let i = 0; - while (i < arr.length) { - const currValue = arr[i]; - runs.push({ value: currValue, first: i, last: undefined }); - while (currValue === arr[i]) { - i++; - } - runs.last().last = i - 1; - } - return runs; -} -function makeWiki(str, wikiQ = true) { - let copy = str.slice(); - if (wikiQ) { - copy = "[[" + copy; - copy += "]]"; - } - return copy; -} -function dropWikilinks(str) { - let copy = str.slice(); - if (copy.startsWith("[[") && copy.endsWith("]]")) - copy = copy.slice(2, -2); - return copy; -} -/** - * Get all the fields in `dir`. - * Returns all fields if `dir === 'all'` - * @param {UserHier[]} userHiers - * @param {Directions|"all"} dir - */ -function getFields(userHiers, dir = "all") { - const fields = []; - userHiers.forEach((hier) => { - if (dir === "all") { - DIRECTIONS$1.forEach((eachDir) => { - fields.push(...hier[eachDir]); - }); - } - else { - fields.push(...hier[dir]); - } - }); - return fields; -} -const hierToStr = (hier) => DIRECTIONS$1.map((dir) => `${ARROW_DIRECTIONS[dir]}: ${hier[dir].join(", ")}`).join("\n"); -/** - * Adds or updates the given yaml `key` to `value` in the given TFile - * @param {string} key - * @param {string} value - * @param {TFile} file - * @param {FrontMatterCache|undefined} frontmatter - * @param {MetaeditApi} api - */ -const createOrUpdateYaml = async (key, value, file, frontmatter, api) => { - const valueStr = value.toString(); - if (!frontmatter || frontmatter[key] === undefined) { - console.log(`Creating: ${key}: ${valueStr}`); - await api.createYamlProperty(key, `['${valueStr}']`, file); - } - else if ([...[frontmatter[key]]].flat(3).some((val) => val == valueStr)) { - console.log("Already Exists!"); - return; - } - else { - const oldValueFlat = [...[frontmatter[key]]].flat(4); - const newValue = [...oldValueFlat, `'${valueStr}'`]; - console.log(`Updating: ${key}: ${newValue}`); - await api.update(key, `[${newValue.join(", ")}]`, file); - } -}; -function splitAtYaml(content) { - const startsWithYaml = content.startsWith("---"); - if (!startsWithYaml) - return ["", content]; - else { - const splits = content.split("---"); - return [ - splits.slice(0, 2).join("---") + "---", - splits.slice(2).join("---"), - ]; - } -} -function swapItems(i, j, arr) { - const max = arr.length - 1; - if (i < 0 || i > max || j < 0 || j > max) - return arr; - const tmp = arr[i]; - arr[i] = arr[j]; - arr[j] = tmp; - return arr; -} -const linkClass = (app, to, realQ = true) => `internal-link BC-Link ${isInVault(app, to) ? "" : "is-unresolved"} ${realQ ? "" : "BC-Implied"}`; -const fallbackField = (field, dir) => `${field} <${ARROW_DIRECTIONS[dir]}>`; -const fallbackOppField = (field, dir) => `${field} <${ARROW_DIRECTIONS[getOppDir(dir)]}>`; -/** Remember to filter by hierarchy in MatrixView! */ -function getRealnImplied(plugin, currNode, dir = null) { - const realsnImplieds = blankRealNImplied(); - const { userHiers } = plugin.settings; - const { mainG } = plugin; - if (!mainG.hasNode(currNode)) - return realsnImplieds; - mainG.forEachEdge(currNode, (k, a, s, t) => { - var _a; - const { field, dir: edgeDir } = a; - const oppField = (_a = getOppFields(userHiers, field)[0]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : fallbackOppField(field, edgeDir); - (dir ? [dir, getOppDir(dir)] : DIRECTIONS$1).forEach((currDir) => { - const oppDir = getOppDir(currDir); - // Reals - if (s === currNode && (edgeDir === currDir || edgeDir === oppDir)) { - const arr = realsnImplieds[edgeDir].reals; - if (arr.findIndex((item) => item.to === t) === -1) { - arr.push({ to: t, real: true, field }); - } - } - // Implieds - // If `s !== currNode` then `t` must be - else if (edgeDir === currDir || edgeDir === oppDir) { - const arr = realsnImplieds[getOppDir(edgeDir)].implieds; - if (arr.findIndex((item) => item.to === s) === -1) { - arr.push({ - to: s, - real: false, - field: oppField, - }); - } - } - }); - }); - return realsnImplieds; -} -function iterateHiers(userHiers, fn) { - userHiers.forEach((hier) => { - DIRECTIONS$1.forEach((dir) => { - hier[dir].forEach((field) => { - fn(hier, dir, field); - }); - }); - }); -} -function strToRegex(input) { - const match = input.match(regNFlags); - if (!match) - return null; - const [, innerRegex, flags] = match; - try { - const regex = new RegExp(innerRegex, flags); - return regex; - } - catch (e) { - console.log(e); - return null; - } -} -const dropHash = (tag) => tag.startsWith("#") ? tag.slice(1) : tag; -function getAlt(node, plugin) { - var _a; - const { app } = plugin; - const { altLinkFields, showAllAliases } = plugin.settings; - if (altLinkFields.length) { - const file = app.metadataCache.getFirstLinkpathDest(node, ""); - if (file) { - const metadata = app.metadataCache.getFileCache(file); - for (const altField of altLinkFields) { - const value = (_a = metadata === null || metadata === void 0 ? void 0 : metadata.frontmatter) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[altField]; - const arr = typeof value === "string" ? splitAndTrim(value) : value; - if (value) - return showAllAliases ? arr.join(", ") : arr[0]; - } - } - } - else - return null; -} +var graphology_umd_min = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) { +!function(t,e){module.exports=e();}(commonjsGlobal,(function(){function t(e){return t="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(t){return typeof t}:function(t){return t&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&t.constructor===Symbol&&t!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof t},t(e)}function e(t,e){t.prototype=Object.create(e.prototype),t.prototype.constructor=t,r(t,e);}function n(t){return n=Object.setPrototypeOf?Object.getPrototypeOf:function(t){return t.__proto__||Object.getPrototypeOf(t)},n(t)}function r(t,e){return r=Object.setPrototypeOf||function(t,e){return t.__proto__=e,t},r(t,e)}function i(){if("undefined"==typeof Reflect||!Reflect.construct)return !1;if(Reflect.construct.sham)return !1;if("function"==typeof Proxy)return !0;try{return Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean,[],(function(){}))),!0}catch(t){return !1}}function o(t,e,n){return o=i()?Reflect.construct:function(t,e,n){var i=[null];i.push.apply(i,e);var o=new(Function.bind.apply(t,i));return n&&r(o,n.prototype),o},o.apply(null,arguments)}function a(t){var e="function"==typeof Map?new Map:void 0;return a=function(t){if(null===t||(i=t,-1===Function.toString.call(i).indexOf("[native code]")))return t;var i;if("function"!=typeof t)throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");if(void 0!==e){if(e.has(t))return e.get(t);e.set(t,a);}function a(){return o(t,arguments,n(this).constructor)}return a.prototype=Object.create(t.prototype,{constructor:{value:a,enumerable:!1,writable:!0,configurable:!0}}),r(a,t)},a(t)}function u(t){if(void 0===t)throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");return t}var c=function(){for(var t=arguments[0],e=1,n=arguments.length;e0&&a.length>i&&!a.warned){a.warned=!0;var c=new Error("Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. "+a.length+" "+String(e)+" listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit");c.name="MaxListenersExceededWarning",c.emitter=t,c.type=e,c.count=a.length,u=c,console&&console.warn&&console.warn(u);}return t}function S(){if(!this.fired)return this.target.removeListener(this.type,this.wrapFn),this.fired=!0,0===arguments.length?this.listener.call(this.target):this.listener.apply(this.target,arguments)}function A(t,e,n){var r={fired:!1,wrapFn:void 0,target:t,type:e,listener:n},i=S.bind(r);return i.listener=n,r.wrapFn=i,i}function L(t,e,n){var r=t._events;if(void 0===r)return [];var i=r[e];return void 0===i?[]:"function"==typeof i?n?[i.listener||i]:[i]:n?function(t){for(var e=new Array(t.length),n=0;n0&&(o=e[0]),o instanceof Error)throw o;var a=new Error("Unhandled error."+(o?" ("+o.message+")":""));throw a.context=o,a}var u=i[t];if(void 0===u)return !1;if("function"==typeof u)w(u,this,e);else {var c=u.length,d=N(u,c);for(n=0;n=0;o--)if(n[o]===e||n[o].listener===e){a=n[o].listener,i=o;break}if(i<0)return this;0===i?n.shift():function(t,e){for(;e+1=0;r--)this.removeListener(t,e[r]);return this},_.prototype.listeners=function(t){return L(this,t,!0)},_.prototype.rawListeners=function(t){return L(this,t,!1)},_.listenerCount=function(t,e){return "function"==typeof t.listenerCount?t.listenerCount(e):D.call(t,e)},_.prototype.listenerCount=D,_.prototype.eventNames=function(){return this._eventsCount>0?y(this._events):[]},"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&(j.prototype[Symbol.iterator]=function(){return this}),j.of=function(){var t=arguments,e=t.length,n=0;return new j((function(){return n>=e?{done:!0}:{done:!1,value:t[n++]}}))},j.empty=function(){return new j((function(){return {done:!0}}))},j.fromSequence=function(t){var e=0,n=t.length;return new j((function(){return e>=n?{done:!0}:{done:!1,value:t[e++]}}))},j.is=function(t){return t instanceof j||"object"==typeof t&&null!==t&&"function"==typeof t.next};var O=j,C={};C.ARRAY_BUFFER_SUPPORT="undefined"!=typeof ArrayBuffer,C.SYMBOL_SUPPORT="undefined"!=typeof Symbol;var z=O,M=C,P=M.ARRAY_BUFFER_SUPPORT,T=M.SYMBOL_SUPPORT;var R=function(t){var e=function(t){return "string"==typeof t||Array.isArray(t)||P&&ArrayBuffer.isView(t)?z.fromSequence(t):"object"!=typeof t||null===t?null:T&&"function"==typeof t[Symbol.iterator]?t[Symbol.iterator]():"function"==typeof t.next?t:null}(t);if(!e)throw new Error("obliterator: target is not iterable nor a valid iterator.");return e},W=R,K=function(t,e){for(var n,r=arguments.length>1?e:1/0,i=r!==1/0?new Array(r):[],o=0,a=W(t);;){if(o===r)return i;if((n=a.next()).done)return o!==e&&(i.length=o),i;i[o++]=n.value;}},I=function(t){function n(e){var n;return (n=t.call(this)||this).name="GraphError",n.message=e,n}return e(n,t),n}(a(Error)),F=function(t){function n(e){var r;return (r=t.call(this,e)||this).name="InvalidArgumentsGraphError","function"==typeof Error.captureStackTrace&&Error.captureStackTrace(u(r),n.prototype.constructor),r}return e(n,t),n}(I),Y=function(t){function n(e){var r;return (r=t.call(this,e)||this).name="NotFoundGraphError","function"==typeof Error.captureStackTrace&&Error.captureStackTrace(u(r),n.prototype.constructor),r}return e(n,t),n}(I),B=function(t){function n(e){var r;return (r=t.call(this,e)||this).name="UsageGraphError","function"==typeof Error.captureStackTrace&&Error.captureStackTrace(u(r),n.prototype.constructor),r}return e(n,t),n}(I);function q(t,e){this.key=t,this.attributes=e,this.clear();}function J(t,e){this.key=t,this.attributes=e,this.clear();}function V(t,e){this.key=t,this.attributes=e,this.clear();}function H(t,e,n,r,i){this.key=e,this.attributes=i,this.undirected=t,this.source=n,this.target=r;}function Q(t,e,n,r,i,o,a){var u,c,d="out",s="in";if(e&&(d=s="undirected"),t.multi){if(void 0===(c=(u=o[d])[i])&&(c=new Set,u[i]=c),c.add(n),r===i&&e)return;void 0===(u=a[s])[r]&&(u[r]=c);}else {if(o[d][i]=n,r===i&&e)return;a[s][r]=n;}}function X(t,e,n){var r=t.multi,i=n.source,o=n.target,a=i.key,u=o.key,c=i[e?"undirected":"out"],d=e?"undirected":"in";if(u in c)if(r){var s=c[u];1===s.size?(delete c[u],delete o[d][a]):s.delete(n);}else delete c[u];r||delete o[d][a];}q.prototype.clear=function(){this.inDegree=0,this.outDegree=0,this.undirectedDegree=0,this.directedSelfLoops=0,this.undirectedSelfLoops=0,this.in={},this.out={},this.undirected={};},J.prototype.clear=function(){this.inDegree=0,this.outDegree=0,this.directedSelfLoops=0,this.in={},this.out={};},J.prototype.upgradeToMixed=function(){this.undirectedDegree=0,this.undirectedSelfLoops=0,this.undirected={};},V.prototype.clear=function(){this.undirectedDegree=0,this.undirectedSelfLoops=0,this.undirected={};},V.prototype.upgradeToMixed=function(){this.inDegree=0,this.outDegree=0,this.directedSelfLoops=0,this.in={},this.out={};};function Z(t,e,n,r,i,o,a){var u,c,d,s;if(r=""+r,0===n){if(!(u=t._nodes.get(r)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(r,'" node in the graph.'));d=i,s=o;}else if(3===n){if(i=""+i,!(c=t._edges.get(i)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(i,'" edge in the graph.'));var h=c.source.key,f=c.target.key;if(r===h)u=c.target;else {if(r!==f)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': the "').concat(r,'" node is not attached to the "').concat(i,'" edge (').concat(h,", ").concat(f,")."));u=c.source;}d=o,s=a;}else {if(!(c=t._edges.get(r)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(r,'" edge in the graph.'));u=1===n?c.source:c.target,d=i,s=o;}return [u,d,s]}var $=[{name:function(t){return "get".concat(t,"Attribute")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r,i){var o=Z(this,e,n,t,r,i),a=o[0],u=o[1];return a.attributes[u]};}},{name:function(t){return "get".concat(t,"Attributes")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r){return Z(this,e,n,t,r)[0].attributes};}},{name:function(t){return "has".concat(t,"Attribute")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r,i){var o=Z(this,e,n,t,r,i),a=o[0],u=o[1];return a.attributes.hasOwnProperty(u)};}},{name:function(t){return "set".concat(t,"Attribute")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r,i,o){var a=Z(this,e,n,t,r,i,o),u=a[0],c=a[1],d=a[2];return u.attributes[c]=d,this.emit("nodeAttributesUpdated",{key:u.key,type:"set",attributes:u.attributes,name:c}),this};}},{name:function(t){return "update".concat(t,"Attribute")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r,i,o){var a=Z(this,e,n,t,r,i,o),u=a[0],c=a[1],d=a[2];if("function"!=typeof d)throw new F("Graph.".concat(e,": updater should be a function."));var s=u.attributes,h=d(s[c]);return s[c]=h,this.emit("nodeAttributesUpdated",{key:u.key,type:"set",attributes:u.attributes,name:c}),this};}},{name:function(t){return "remove".concat(t,"Attribute")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r,i){var o=Z(this,e,n,t,r,i),a=o[0],u=o[1];return delete a.attributes[u],this.emit("nodeAttributesUpdated",{key:a.key,type:"remove",attributes:a.attributes,name:u}),this};}},{name:function(t){return "replace".concat(t,"Attributes")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r,i){var o=Z(this,e,n,t,r,i),a=o[0],u=o[1];if(!h(u))throw new F("Graph.".concat(e,": provided attributes are not a plain object."));return a.attributes=u,this.emit("nodeAttributesUpdated",{key:a.key,type:"replace",attributes:a.attributes}),this};}},{name:function(t){return "merge".concat(t,"Attributes")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r,i){var o=Z(this,e,n,t,r,i),a=o[0],u=o[1];if(!h(u))throw new F("Graph.".concat(e,": provided attributes are not a plain object."));return c(a.attributes,u),this.emit("nodeAttributesUpdated",{key:a.key,type:"merge",attributes:a.attributes,data:u}),this};}},{name:function(t){return "update".concat(t,"Attributes")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r,i){var o=Z(this,e,n,t,r,i),a=o[0],u=o[1];if("function"!=typeof u)throw new F("Graph.".concat(e,": provided updater is not a function."));return a.attributes=u(a.attributes),this.emit("nodeAttributesUpdated",{key:a.key,type:"update",attributes:a.attributes}),this};}}];var tt=[{name:function(t){return "get".concat(t,"Attribute")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r){var i;if("mixed"!==this.type&&"mixed"!==n&&n!==this.type)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot find this type of edges in your ").concat(this.type," graph."));if(arguments.length>2){if(this.multi)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot use a {source,target} combo when asking about an edge's attributes in a MultiGraph since we cannot infer the one you want information about."));var o=""+t,a=""+r;if(r=arguments[2],!(i=d(this,o,a,n)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find an edge for the given path ("').concat(o,'" - "').concat(a,'").'))}else if(t=""+t,!(i=this._edges.get(t)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));if("mixed"!==n&&i.undirected!==("undirected"===n))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" ').concat(n," edge in the graph."));return i.attributes[r]};}},{name:function(t){return "get".concat(t,"Attributes")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t){var r;if("mixed"!==this.type&&"mixed"!==n&&n!==this.type)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot find this type of edges in your ").concat(this.type," graph."));if(arguments.length>1){if(this.multi)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot use a {source,target} combo when asking about an edge's attributes in a MultiGraph since we cannot infer the one you want information about."));var i=""+t,o=""+arguments[1];if(!(r=d(this,i,o,n)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find an edge for the given path ("').concat(i,'" - "').concat(o,'").'))}else if(t=""+t,!(r=this._edges.get(t)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));if("mixed"!==n&&r.undirected!==("undirected"===n))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" ').concat(n," edge in the graph."));return r.attributes};}},{name:function(t){return "has".concat(t,"Attribute")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r){var i;if("mixed"!==this.type&&"mixed"!==n&&n!==this.type)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot find this type of edges in your ").concat(this.type," graph."));if(arguments.length>2){if(this.multi)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot use a {source,target} combo when asking about an edge's attributes in a MultiGraph since we cannot infer the one you want information about."));var o=""+t,a=""+r;if(r=arguments[2],!(i=d(this,o,a,n)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find an edge for the given path ("').concat(o,'" - "').concat(a,'").'))}else if(t=""+t,!(i=this._edges.get(t)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));if("mixed"!==n&&i.undirected!==("undirected"===n))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" ').concat(n," edge in the graph."));return i.attributes.hasOwnProperty(r)};}},{name:function(t){return "set".concat(t,"Attribute")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r,i){var o;if("mixed"!==this.type&&"mixed"!==n&&n!==this.type)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot find this type of edges in your ").concat(this.type," graph."));if(arguments.length>3){if(this.multi)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot use a {source,target} combo when asking about an edge's attributes in a MultiGraph since we cannot infer the one you want information about."));var a=""+t,u=""+r;if(r=arguments[2],i=arguments[3],!(o=d(this,a,u,n)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find an edge for the given path ("').concat(a,'" - "').concat(u,'").'))}else if(t=""+t,!(o=this._edges.get(t)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));if("mixed"!==n&&o.undirected!==("undirected"===n))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" ').concat(n," edge in the graph."));return o.attributes[r]=i,this.emit("edgeAttributesUpdated",{key:o.key,type:"set",attributes:o.attributes,name:r}),this};}},{name:function(t){return "update".concat(t,"Attribute")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r,i){var o;if("mixed"!==this.type&&"mixed"!==n&&n!==this.type)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot find this type of edges in your ").concat(this.type," graph."));if(arguments.length>3){if(this.multi)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot use a {source,target} combo when asking about an edge's attributes in a MultiGraph since we cannot infer the one you want information about."));var a=""+t,u=""+r;if(r=arguments[2],i=arguments[3],!(o=d(this,a,u,n)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find an edge for the given path ("').concat(a,'" - "').concat(u,'").'))}else if(t=""+t,!(o=this._edges.get(t)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));if("function"!=typeof i)throw new F("Graph.".concat(e,": updater should be a function."));if("mixed"!==n&&o.undirected!==("undirected"===n))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" ').concat(n," edge in the graph."));return o.attributes[r]=i(o.attributes[r]),this.emit("edgeAttributesUpdated",{key:o.key,type:"set",attributes:o.attributes,name:r}),this};}},{name:function(t){return "remove".concat(t,"Attribute")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r){var i;if("mixed"!==this.type&&"mixed"!==n&&n!==this.type)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot find this type of edges in your ").concat(this.type," graph."));if(arguments.length>2){if(this.multi)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot use a {source,target} combo when asking about an edge's attributes in a MultiGraph since we cannot infer the one you want information about."));var o=""+t,a=""+r;if(r=arguments[2],!(i=d(this,o,a,n)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find an edge for the given path ("').concat(o,'" - "').concat(a,'").'))}else if(t=""+t,!(i=this._edges.get(t)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));if("mixed"!==n&&i.undirected!==("undirected"===n))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" ').concat(n," edge in the graph."));return delete i.attributes[r],this.emit("edgeAttributesUpdated",{key:i.key,type:"remove",attributes:i.attributes,name:r}),this};}},{name:function(t){return "replace".concat(t,"Attributes")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r){var i;if("mixed"!==this.type&&"mixed"!==n&&n!==this.type)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot find this type of edges in your ").concat(this.type," graph."));if(arguments.length>2){if(this.multi)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot use a {source,target} combo when asking about an edge's attributes in a MultiGraph since we cannot infer the one you want information about."));var o=""+t,a=""+r;if(r=arguments[2],!(i=d(this,o,a,n)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find an edge for the given path ("').concat(o,'" - "').concat(a,'").'))}else if(t=""+t,!(i=this._edges.get(t)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));if(!h(r))throw new F("Graph.".concat(e,": provided attributes are not a plain object."));if("mixed"!==n&&i.undirected!==("undirected"===n))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" ').concat(n," edge in the graph."));return i.attributes=r,this.emit("edgeAttributesUpdated",{key:i.key,type:"replace",attributes:i.attributes}),this};}},{name:function(t){return "merge".concat(t,"Attributes")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r){var i;if("mixed"!==this.type&&"mixed"!==n&&n!==this.type)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot find this type of edges in your ").concat(this.type," graph."));if(arguments.length>2){if(this.multi)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot use a {source,target} combo when asking about an edge's attributes in a MultiGraph since we cannot infer the one you want information about."));var o=""+t,a=""+r;if(r=arguments[2],!(i=d(this,o,a,n)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find an edge for the given path ("').concat(o,'" - "').concat(a,'").'))}else if(t=""+t,!(i=this._edges.get(t)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));if(!h(r))throw new F("Graph.".concat(e,": provided attributes are not a plain object."));if("mixed"!==n&&i.undirected!==("undirected"===n))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" ').concat(n," edge in the graph."));return c(i.attributes,r),this.emit("edgeAttributesUpdated",{key:i.key,type:"merge",attributes:i.attributes,data:r}),this};}},{name:function(t){return "update".concat(t,"Attributes")},attacher:function(t,e,n){t.prototype[e]=function(t,r){var i;if("mixed"!==this.type&&"mixed"!==n&&n!==this.type)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot find this type of edges in your ").concat(this.type," graph."));if(arguments.length>2){if(this.multi)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": cannot use a {source,target} combo when asking about an edge's attributes in a MultiGraph since we cannot infer the one you want information about."));var o=""+t,a=""+r;if(r=arguments[2],!(i=d(this,o,a,n)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find an edge for the given path ("').concat(o,'" - "').concat(a,'").'))}else if(t=""+t,!(i=this._edges.get(t)))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));if("function"!=typeof r)throw new F("Graph.".concat(e,": provided updater is not a function."));if("mixed"!==n&&i.undirected!==("undirected"===n))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" ').concat(n," edge in the graph."));return i.attributes=r(i.attributes),this.emit("edgeAttributesUpdated",{key:i.key,type:"update",attributes:i.attributes}),this};}}];var et=O,nt=R,rt=function(){var t,e=arguments,n=-1;return new et((function r(){if(!t){if(++n>=e.length)return {done:!0};t=nt(e[n]);}var i=t.next();return i.done?(t=null,r()):i}))},it=[{name:"edges",type:"mixed"},{name:"inEdges",type:"directed",direction:"in"},{name:"outEdges",type:"directed",direction:"out"},{name:"inboundEdges",type:"mixed",direction:"in"},{name:"outboundEdges",type:"mixed",direction:"out"},{name:"directedEdges",type:"directed"},{name:"undirectedEdges",type:"undirected"}];function ot(t,e){for(var n in e)t.push(e[n].key);}function at(t,e){for(var n in e)e[n].forEach((function(e){return t.push(e.key)}));}function ut(t,e,n){for(var r in t)if(r!==n){var i=t[r];e(i.key,i.attributes,i.source.key,i.target.key,i.source.attributes,i.target.attributes,i.undirected);}}function ct(t,e,n){for(var r in t)r!==n&&t[r].forEach((function(t){return e(t.key,t.attributes,t.source.key,t.target.key,t.source.attributes,t.target.attributes,t.undirected)}));}function dt(t,e,n){for(var r in t)if(r!==n){var i=t[r];if(e(i.key,i.attributes,i.source.key,i.target.key,i.source.attributes,i.target.attributes,i.undirected))return i.key}}function st(t,e,n){var r,i,o,a,u;for(var c in t)if(c!==n)for(r=t[c].values();!0!==(i=r.next()).done;)if(a=(o=i.value).source,u=o.target,e(o.key,o.attributes,a.key,u.key,a.attributes,u.attributes,o.undirected))return o.key}function ht(t,e){var n=Object.keys(t),r=n.length,i=null,o=0;return new O((function a(){var u;if(i){var c=i.next();if(c.done)return i=null,o++,a();u=c.value;}else {if(o>=r)return {done:!0};var d=n[o];if(d===e)return o++,a();if((u=t[d])instanceof Set)return i=u.values(),a();o++;}return {done:!1,value:{edge:u.key,attributes:u.attributes,source:u.source.key,target:u.target.key,sourceAttributes:u.source.attributes,targetAttributes:u.target.attributes,undirected:u.undirected}}}))}function ft(t,e,n){var r=e[n];r&&t.push(r.key);}function pt(t,e,n){var r=e[n];r&&r.forEach((function(e){return t.push(e.key)}));}function lt(t,e,n){var r=t[e];if(r){var i=r.source,o=r.target;n(r.key,r.attributes,i.key,o.key,i.attributes,o.attributes,r.undirected);}}function gt(t,e,n){var r=t[e];r&&r.forEach((function(t){return n(t.key,t.attributes,t.source.key,t.target.key,t.source.attributes,t.target.attributes,t.undirected)}));}function yt(t,e,n){var r=t[e];if(r){var i=r.source,o=r.target;return n(r.key,r.attributes,i.key,o.key,i.attributes,o.attributes,r.undirected)?r.key:void 0}}function vt(t,e,n){var r=t[e];if(r)for(var i,o,a=r.values();!0!==(i=a.next()).done;)if(n((o=i.value).key,o.attributes,o.source.key,o.target.key,o.source.attributes,o.target.attributes,o.undirected))return o.key}function bt(t,e){var n=t[e];if(n instanceof Set){var r=n.values();return new O((function(){var t=r.next();if(t.done)return t;var e=t.value;return {done:!1,value:{edge:e.key,attributes:e.attributes,source:e.source.key,target:e.target.key,sourceAttributes:e.source.attributes,targetAttributes:e.target.attributes,undirected:e.undirected}}}))}return O.of([n.key,n.attributes,n.source.key,n.target.key,n.source.attributes,n.target.attributes])}function wt(t,e){if(0===t.size)return [];if("mixed"===e||e===t.type)return "function"==typeof Array.from?Array.from(t._edges.keys()):K(t._edges.keys(),t._edges.size);for(var n,r,i="undirected"===e?t.undirectedSize:t.directedSize,o=new Array(i),a="undirected"===e,u=t._edges.values(),c=0;!0!==(n=u.next()).done;)(r=n.value).undirected===a&&(o[c++]=r.key);return o}function mt(t,e,n){if(0!==t.size)for(var r,i,o="mixed"!==e&&e!==t.type,a="undirected"===e,u=t._edges.values();!0!==(r=u.next()).done;)if(i=r.value,!o||i.undirected===a){var c=i,d=c.key,s=c.attributes,h=c.source,f=c.target;n(d,s,h.key,f.key,h.attributes,f.attributes,i.undirected);}}function _t(t,e,n){if(0!==t.size)for(var r,i,o="mixed"!==e&&e!==t.type,a="undirected"===e,u=t._edges.values();!0!==(r=u.next()).done;)if(i=r.value,!o||i.undirected===a){var c=i,d=c.key,s=c.attributes,h=c.source,f=c.target;if(n(d,s,h.key,f.key,h.attributes,f.attributes,i.undirected))return d}}function kt(t,e){if(0===t.size)return O.empty();var n="mixed"!==e&&e!==t.type,r="undirected"===e,i=t._edges.values();return new O((function(){for(var t,e;;){if((t=i.next()).done)return t;if(e=t.value,!n||e.undirected===r)break}return {value:{edge:e.key,attributes:e.attributes,source:e.source.key,target:e.target.key,sourceAttributes:e.source.attributes,targetAttributes:e.target.attributes,undirected:e.undirected},done:!1}}))}function Gt(t,e,n,r){var i=[],o=t?at:ot;return "undirected"!==e&&("out"!==n&&o(i,r.in),"in"!==n&&o(i,r.out),!n&&r.directedSelfLoops>0&&i.splice(i.lastIndexOf(r.key),1)),"directed"!==e&&o(i,r.undirected),i}function xt(t,e,n,r,i){var o=t?ct:ut;"undirected"!==e&&("out"!==n&&o(r.in,i),"in"!==n&&o(r.out,i,n?null:r.key)),"directed"!==e&&o(r.undirected,i);}function Et(t,e,n,r,i){var o,a=t?st:dt;if("undirected"!==e){if("out"!==n&&(o=a(r.in,i)))return o;if("in"!==n&&(o=a(r.out,i,n?null:r.key)))return o}if("directed"!==e&&(o=a(r.undirected,i)))return o}function St(t,e,n){var r=O.empty();return "undirected"!==t&&("out"!==e&&void 0!==n.in&&(r=rt(r,ht(n.in))),"in"!==e&&void 0!==n.out&&(r=rt(r,ht(n.out,e?null:n.key)))),"directed"!==t&&void 0!==n.undirected&&(r=rt(r,ht(n.undirected))),r}function At(t,e,n,r,i){var o=e?pt:ft,a=[];return "undirected"!==t&&(void 0!==r.in&&"out"!==n&&o(a,r.in,i),void 0!==r.out&&"in"!==n&&o(a,r.out,i),!n&&r.directedSelfLoops>0&&a.splice(a.lastIndexOf(r.key),1)),"directed"!==t&&void 0!==r.undirected&&o(a,r.undirected,i),a}function Lt(t,e,n,r,i,o){var a=e?gt:lt;"undirected"!==t&&(void 0!==r.in&&"out"!==n&&a(r.in,i,o),r.key!==i&&void 0!==r.out&&"in"!==n&&a(r.out,i,o)),"directed"!==t&&void 0!==r.undirected&&a(r.undirected,i,o);}function Dt(t,e,n,r,i,o){var a,u=e?vt:yt;if("undirected"!==t){if(void 0!==r.in&&"out"!==n&&(a=u(r.in,i,o)))return a;if(r.key!==i&&void 0!==r.out&&"in"!==n&&(a=u(r.out,i,o,n?null:r.key)))return a}if("directed"!==t&&void 0!==r.undirected&&(a=u(r.undirected,i,o)))return a}function Nt(t,e,n,r){var i=O.empty();return "undirected"!==t&&(void 0!==n.in&&"out"!==e&&r in n.in&&(i=rt(i,bt(n.in,r))),void 0!==n.out&&"in"!==e&&r in n.out&&(i=rt(i,bt(n.out,r)))),"directed"!==t&&void 0!==n.undirected&&r in n.undirected&&(i=rt(i,bt(n.undirected,r))),i}var Ut=[{name:"neighbors",type:"mixed"},{name:"inNeighbors",type:"directed",direction:"in"},{name:"outNeighbors",type:"directed",direction:"out"},{name:"inboundNeighbors",type:"mixed",direction:"in"},{name:"outboundNeighbors",type:"mixed",direction:"out"},{name:"directedNeighbors",type:"directed"},{name:"undirectedNeighbors",type:"undirected"}];function jt(t,e){if(void 0!==e)for(var n in e)t.add(n);}function Ot(t,e,n){for(var r in e){var i=e[r];i instanceof Set&&(i=i.values().next().value);var o=i.source,a=i.target,u=o===t?a:o;n(u.key,u.attributes);}}function Ct(t,e,n,r){for(var i in n){var o=n[i];o instanceof Set&&(o=o.values().next().value);var a=o.source,u=o.target,c=a===e?u:a;t.has(c.key)||(t.add(c.key),r(c.key,c.attributes));}}function zt(t,e,n){for(var r in e){var i=e[r];i instanceof Set&&(i=i.values().next().value);var o=i.source,a=i.target,u=o===t?a:o;if(n(u.key,u.attributes))return u.key}}function Mt(t,e,n,r){for(var i in n){var o=n[i];o instanceof Set&&(o=o.values().next().value);var a=o.source,u=o.target,c=a===e?u:a;if(!t.has(c.key))if(t.add(c.key),r(c.key,c.attributes))return c.key}}function Pt(t,e){var n=Object.keys(e),r=n.length,i=0;return new O((function(){if(i>=r)return {done:!0};var o=e[n[i++]];o instanceof Set&&(o=o.values().next().value);var a=o.source,u=o.target,c=a===t?u:a;return {done:!1,value:{neighbor:c.key,attributes:c.attributes}}}))}function Tt(t,e,n){var r=Object.keys(n),i=r.length,o=0;return new O((function a(){if(o>=i)return {done:!0};var u=n[r[o++]];u instanceof Set&&(u=u.values().next().value);var c=u.source,d=u.target,s=c===e?d:c;return t.has(s.key)?a():(t.add(s.key),{done:!1,value:{neighbor:s.key,attributes:s.attributes}})}))}function Rt(t,e){var n=e.name,r=e.type,i=e.direction;t.prototype[n]=function(t){if("mixed"!==r&&"mixed"!==this.type&&r!==this.type)return [];t=""+t;var e=this._nodes.get(t);if(void 0===e)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(n,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return function(t,e,n){if("mixed"!==t){if("undirected"===t)return Object.keys(n.undirected);if("string"==typeof e)return Object.keys(n[e])}var r=new Set;return "undirected"!==t&&("out"!==e&&jt(r,n.in),"in"!==e&&jt(r,n.out)),"directed"!==t&&jt(r,n.undirected),K(r.values(),r.size)}("mixed"===r?this.type:r,i,e)};}function Wt(t,e){var n=e.name,r=e.type,i=e.direction,o="forEach"+n[0].toUpperCase()+n.slice(1,-1);t.prototype[o]=function(t,e){if("mixed"===r||"mixed"===this.type||r===this.type){t=""+t;var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(void 0===n)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(o,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));!function(t,e,n,r){if("mixed"!==t){if("undirected"===t)return Ot(n,n.undirected,r);if("string"==typeof e)return Ot(n,n[e],r)}var i=new Set;"undirected"!==t&&("out"!==e&&Ct(i,n,n.in,r),"in"!==e&&Ct(i,n,n.out,r)),"directed"!==t&&Ct(i,n,n.undirected,r);}("mixed"===r?this.type:r,i,n,e);}};var a="map"+n[0].toUpperCase()+n.slice(1);t.prototype[a]=function(t,e){var n=[];return this[o](t,(function(t,r){n.push(e(t,r));})),n};var u="filter"+n[0].toUpperCase()+n.slice(1);t.prototype[u]=function(t,e){var n=[];return this[o](t,(function(t,r){e(t,r)&&n.push(t);})),n};var c="reduce"+n[0].toUpperCase()+n.slice(1);t.prototype[c]=function(t,e,n){if(arguments.length<3)throw new F("Graph.".concat(c,": missing initial value. You must provide it because the callback takes more than one argument and we cannot infer the initial value from the first iteration, as you could with a simple array."));var r=n;return this[o](t,(function(t,n){r=e(r,t,n);})),r};}function Kt(t,e){var n=e.name,r=e.type,i=e.direction,o=n[0].toUpperCase()+n.slice(1,-1),a="find"+o;t.prototype[a]=function(t,e){if("mixed"===r||"mixed"===this.type||r===this.type){t=""+t;var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(void 0===n)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(a,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return function(t,e,n,r){if("mixed"!==t){if("undirected"===t)return zt(n,n.undirected,r);if("string"==typeof e)return zt(n,n[e],r)}var i,o=new Set;if("undirected"!==t){if("out"!==e&&(i=Mt(o,n,n.in,r)))return i;if("in"!==e&&(i=Mt(o,n,n.out,r)))return i}if("directed"!==t&&(i=Mt(o,n,n.undirected,r)))return i}("mixed"===r?this.type:r,i,n,e)}};var u="some"+o;t.prototype[u]=function(t,e){return !!this[a](t,e)};var c="every"+o;t.prototype[c]=function(t,e){return !this[a](t,(function(t,n){return !e(t,n)}))};}function It(t,e){var n=e.name,r=e.type,i=e.direction,o=n.slice(0,-1)+"Entries";t.prototype[o]=function(t){if("mixed"!==r&&"mixed"!==this.type&&r!==this.type)return O.empty();t=""+t;var e=this._nodes.get(t);if(void 0===e)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(o,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return function(t,e,n){if("mixed"!==t){if("undirected"===t)return Pt(n,n.undirected);if("string"==typeof e)return Pt(n,n[e])}var r=O.empty(),i=new Set;return "undirected"!==t&&("out"!==e&&(r=rt(r,Tt(i,n,n.in))),"in"!==e&&(r=rt(r,Tt(i,n,n.out)))),"directed"!==t&&(r=rt(r,Tt(i,n,n.undirected))),r}("mixed"===r?this.type:r,i,e)};}function Ft(t,e,n,r,i){for(var o,a,u,c,d,s,h,f=r._nodes.values(),p=r.type;!0!==(o=f.next()).done;){var l=!1;if(a=o.value,"undirected"!==p)for(u in c=a.out)if(s=(d=c[u]).target,l=!0,h=i(a.key,s.key,a.attributes,s.attributes,d.key,d.attributes,d.undirected),t&&h)return d;if("directed"!==p)for(u in c=a.undirected)if(!(e&&a.key>u)&&((s=(d=c[u]).target).key!==u&&(s=d.source),l=!0,h=i(a.key,s.key,a.attributes,s.attributes,d.key,d.attributes,d.undirected),t&&h))return d;if(n&&!l&&(h=i(a.key,null,a.attributes,null,null,null,null),t&&h))return null}}function Yt(t,e,n,r,i){for(var o,a,u,c,d,s,h,f,p,l=r._nodes.values(),g=r.type;!0!==(o=l.next()).done;){var y=!1;if(a=o.value,"undirected"!==g)for(u in s=a.out)for(c=s[u].values();!0!==(d=c.next()).done;)if(f=(h=d.value).target,y=!0,p=i(a.key,f.key,a.attributes,f.attributes,h.key,h.attributes,h.undirected),t&&p)return h;if("directed"!==g)for(u in s=a.undirected)if(!(e&&a.key>u))for(c=s[u].values();!0!==(d=c.next()).done;)if((f=(h=d.value).target).key!==u&&(f=h.source),y=!0,p=i(a.key,f.key,a.attributes,f.attributes,h.key,h.attributes,h.undirected),t&&p)return h;if(n&&!y&&(p=i(a.key,null,a.attributes,null,null,null,null),t&&p))return null}}function Bt(t,e){var n={key:t};return f(e.attributes)||(n.attributes=c({},e.attributes)),n}function qt(t,e){var n={key:t,source:e.source.key,target:e.target.key};return f(e.attributes)||(n.attributes=c({},e.attributes)),e.undirected&&(n.undirected=!0),n}function Jt(t){return h(t)?"key"in t?!("attributes"in t)||h(t.attributes)&&null!==t.attributes?null:"invalid-attributes":"no-key":"not-object"}function Vt(t){return h(t)?"source"in t?"target"in t?!("attributes"in t)||h(t.attributes)&&null!==t.attributes?"undirected"in t&&"boolean"!=typeof t.undirected?"invalid-undirected":null:"invalid-attributes":"no-target":"no-source":"not-object"}var Ht,Qt=(Ht=255&Math.floor(256*Math.random()),function(){return Ht++}),Xt=new Set(["directed","undirected","mixed"]),Zt=new Set(["domain","_events","_eventsCount","_maxListeners"]),$t={allowSelfLoops:!0,multi:!1,type:"mixed"};function te(t,e,n){var r=new t.NodeDataClass(e,n);return t._nodes.set(e,r),t.emit("nodeAdded",{key:e,attributes:n}),r}function ee(t,e,n,r,i,o,a,u){if(!r&&"undirected"===t.type)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": you cannot add a directed edge to an undirected graph. Use the #.addEdge or #.addUndirectedEdge instead."));if(r&&"directed"===t.type)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": you cannot add an undirected edge to a directed graph. Use the #.addEdge or #.addDirectedEdge instead."));if(u&&!h(u))throw new F("Graph.".concat(e,': invalid attributes. Expecting an object but got "').concat(u,'"'));if(o=""+o,a=""+a,u=u||{},!t.allowSelfLoops&&o===a)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,': source & target are the same ("').concat(o,"\"), thus creating a loop explicitly forbidden by this graph 'allowSelfLoops' option set to false."));var c=t._nodes.get(o),d=t._nodes.get(a);if(!c)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': source node "').concat(o,'" not found.'));if(!d)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(e,': target node "').concat(a,'" not found.'));var s={key:null,undirected:r,source:o,target:a,attributes:u};if(n)i=t._edgeKeyGenerator();else if(i=""+i,t._edges.has(i))throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,': the "').concat(i,'" edge already exists in the graph.'));if(!t.multi&&(r?void 0!==c.undirected[a]:void 0!==c.out[a]))throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,': an edge linking "').concat(o,'" to "').concat(a,"\" already exists. If you really want to add multiple edges linking those nodes, you should create a multi graph by using the 'multi' option."));var f=new H(r,i,c,d,u);return t._edges.set(i,f),o===a?r?(c.undirectedSelfLoops++,t._undirectedSelfLoopCount++):(c.directedSelfLoops++,t._directedSelfLoopCount++):r?(c.undirectedDegree++,d.undirectedDegree++):(c.outDegree++,d.inDegree++),Q(t,r,f,o,a,c,d),r?t._undirectedSize++:t._directedSize++,s.key=i,t.emit("edgeAdded",s),i}function ne(t,e,n,r,i,o,a,u,d){if(!r&&"undirected"===t.type)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": you cannot merge/update a directed edge to an undirected graph. Use the #.mergeEdge/#.updateEdge or #.addUndirectedEdge instead."));if(r&&"directed"===t.type)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,": you cannot merge/update an undirected edge to a directed graph. Use the #.mergeEdge/#.updateEdge or #.addDirectedEdge instead."));if(u)if(d){if("function"!=typeof u)throw new F("Graph.".concat(e,': invalid updater function. Expecting a function but got "').concat(u,'"'))}else if(!h(u))throw new F("Graph.".concat(e,': invalid attributes. Expecting an object but got "').concat(u,'"'));var s;if(o=""+o,a=""+a,d&&(s=u,u=void 0),!t.allowSelfLoops&&o===a)throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,': source & target are the same ("').concat(o,"\"), thus creating a loop explicitly forbidden by this graph 'allowSelfLoops' option set to false."));var f,p,l=t._nodes.get(o),g=t._nodes.get(a);if(!n&&(f=t._edges.get(i))){if(f.source.key!==o||f.target.key!==a||r&&(f.source.key!==a||f.target.key!==o))throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,': inconsistency detected when attempting to merge the "').concat(i,'" edge with "').concat(o,'" source & "').concat(a,'" target vs. ("').concat(f.source.key,'", "').concat(f.target.key,'").'));p=f;}if(p||t.multi||!l||(p=r?l.undirected[a]:l.out[a]),p){var y=[p.key,!1,!1,!1];if(d?!s:!u)return y;if(d){var v=p.attributes;p.attributes=s(v),t.emit("edgeAttributesUpdated",{type:"replace",key:p.key,attributes:p.attributes});}else c(p.attributes,u),t.emit("edgeAttributesUpdated",{type:"merge",key:p.key,attributes:p.attributes,data:u});return y}u=u||{},d&&s&&(u=s(u));var b={key:null,undirected:r,source:o,target:a,attributes:u};if(n)i=t._edgeKeyGenerator();else if(i=""+i,t._edges.has(i))throw new B("Graph.".concat(e,': the "').concat(i,'" edge already exists in the graph.'));var w=!1,m=!1;return l||(l=te(t,o,{}),w=!0,o===a&&(g=l,m=!0)),g||(g=te(t,a,{}),m=!0),f=new H(r,i,l,g,u),t._edges.set(i,f),o===a?r?(l.undirectedSelfLoops++,t._undirectedSelfLoopCount++):(l.directedSelfLoops++,t._directedSelfLoopCount++):r?(l.undirectedDegree++,g.undirectedDegree++):(l.outDegree++,g.inDegree++),Q(t,r,f,o,a,l,g),r?t._undirectedSize++:t._directedSize++,b.key=i,t.emit("edgeAdded",b),[i,!0,w,m]}var re=function(n){function r(t){var e;if(e=n.call(this)||this,"boolean"!=typeof(t=c({},$t,t)).multi)throw new F("Graph.constructor: invalid 'multi' option. Expecting a boolean but got \"".concat(t.multi,'".'));if(!Xt.has(t.type))throw new F('Graph.constructor: invalid \'type\' option. Should be one of "mixed", "directed" or "undirected" but got "'.concat(t.type,'".'));if("boolean"!=typeof t.allowSelfLoops)throw new F("Graph.constructor: invalid 'allowSelfLoops' option. Expecting a boolean but got \"".concat(t.allowSelfLoops,'".'));var r="mixed"===t.type?q:"directed"===t.type?J:V;p(u(e),"NodeDataClass",r);var i=Qt(),o=0;return p(u(e),"_attributes",{}),p(u(e),"_nodes",new Map),p(u(e),"_edges",new Map),p(u(e),"_directedSize",0),p(u(e),"_undirectedSize",0),p(u(e),"_directedSelfLoopCount",0),p(u(e),"_undirectedSelfLoopCount",0),p(u(e),"_edgeKeyGenerator",(function(){var t;do{t="geid_"+i+"_"+o++;}while(e._edges.has(t));return t})),p(u(e),"_options",t),Zt.forEach((function(t){return p(u(e),t,e[t])})),l(u(e),"order",(function(){return e._nodes.size})),l(u(e),"size",(function(){return e._edges.size})),l(u(e),"directedSize",(function(){return e._directedSize})),l(u(e),"undirectedSize",(function(){return e._undirectedSize})),l(u(e),"selfLoopCount",(function(){return e._directedSelfLoopCount+e._undirectedSelfLoopCount})),l(u(e),"directedSelfLoopCount",(function(){return e._directedSelfLoopCount})),l(u(e),"undirectedSelfLoopCount",(function(){return e._undirectedSelfLoopCount})),l(u(e),"multi",e._options.multi),l(u(e),"type",e._options.type),l(u(e),"allowSelfLoops",e._options.allowSelfLoops),l(u(e),"implementation",(function(){return "graphology"})),e}e(r,n);var i=r.prototype;return i._resetInstanceCounters=function(){this._directedSize=0,this._undirectedSize=0,this._directedSelfLoopCount=0,this._undirectedSelfLoopCount=0;},i.hasNode=function(t){return this._nodes.has(""+t)},i.hasDirectedEdge=function(t,e){if("undirected"===this.type)return !1;if(1===arguments.length){var n=""+t,r=this._edges.get(n);return !!r&&!r.undirected}if(2===arguments.length){t=""+t,e=""+e;var i=this._nodes.get(t);if(!i)return !1;var o=i.out[e];return !!o&&(!this.multi||!!o.size)}throw new F("Graph.hasDirectedEdge: invalid arity (".concat(arguments.length,", instead of 1 or 2). You can either ask for an edge id or for the existence of an edge between a source & a target."))},i.hasUndirectedEdge=function(t,e){if("directed"===this.type)return !1;if(1===arguments.length){var n=""+t,r=this._edges.get(n);return !!r&&r.undirected}if(2===arguments.length){t=""+t,e=""+e;var i=this._nodes.get(t);if(!i)return !1;var o=i.undirected[e];return !!o&&(!this.multi||!!o.size)}throw new F("Graph.hasDirectedEdge: invalid arity (".concat(arguments.length,", instead of 1 or 2). You can either ask for an edge id or for the existence of an edge between a source & a target."))},i.hasEdge=function(t,e){if(1===arguments.length){var n=""+t;return this._edges.has(n)}if(2===arguments.length){t=""+t,e=""+e;var r=this._nodes.get(t);if(!r)return !1;var i=void 0!==r.out&&r.out[e];return i||(i=void 0!==r.undirected&&r.undirected[e]),!!i&&(!this.multi||!!i.size)}throw new F("Graph.hasEdge: invalid arity (".concat(arguments.length,", instead of 1 or 2). You can either ask for an edge id or for the existence of an edge between a source & a target."))},i.directedEdge=function(t,e){if("undirected"!==this.type){if(t=""+t,e=""+e,this.multi)throw new B("Graph.directedEdge: this method is irrelevant with multigraphs since there might be multiple edges between source & target. See #.directedEdges instead.");var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(!n)throw new Y('Graph.directedEdge: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" source node in the graph.'));if(!this._nodes.has(e))throw new Y('Graph.directedEdge: could not find the "'.concat(e,'" target node in the graph.'));var r=n.out&&n.out[e]||void 0;return r?r.key:void 0}},i.undirectedEdge=function(t,e){if("directed"!==this.type){if(t=""+t,e=""+e,this.multi)throw new B("Graph.undirectedEdge: this method is irrelevant with multigraphs since there might be multiple edges between source & target. See #.undirectedEdges instead.");var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(!n)throw new Y('Graph.undirectedEdge: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" source node in the graph.'));if(!this._nodes.has(e))throw new Y('Graph.undirectedEdge: could not find the "'.concat(e,'" target node in the graph.'));var r=n.undirected&&n.undirected[e]||void 0;return r?r.key:void 0}},i.edge=function(t,e){if(this.multi)throw new B("Graph.edge: this method is irrelevant with multigraphs since there might be multiple edges between source & target. See #.edges instead.");t=""+t,e=""+e;var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(!n)throw new Y('Graph.edge: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" source node in the graph.'));if(!this._nodes.has(e))throw new Y('Graph.edge: could not find the "'.concat(e,'" target node in the graph.'));var r=n.out&&n.out[e]||n.undirected&&n.undirected[e]||void 0;if(r)return r.key},i.areDirectedNeighbors=function(t,e){t=""+t,e=""+e;var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(!n)throw new Y('Graph.areDirectedNeighbors: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return "undirected"!==this.type&&(e in n.in||e in n.out)},i.areOutNeighbors=function(t,e){t=""+t,e=""+e;var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(!n)throw new Y('Graph.areOutNeighbors: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return "undirected"!==this.type&&e in n.out},i.areInNeighbors=function(t,e){t=""+t,e=""+e;var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(!n)throw new Y('Graph.areInNeighbors: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return "undirected"!==this.type&&e in n.in},i.areUndirectedNeighbors=function(t,e){t=""+t,e=""+e;var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(!n)throw new Y('Graph.areUndirectedNeighbors: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return "directed"!==this.type&&e in n.undirected},i.areNeighbors=function(t,e){t=""+t,e=""+e;var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(!n)throw new Y('Graph.areNeighbors: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return "undirected"!==this.type&&(e in n.in||e in n.out)||"directed"!==this.type&&e in n.undirected},i.areInboundNeighbors=function(t,e){t=""+t,e=""+e;var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(!n)throw new Y('Graph.areInboundNeighbors: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return "undirected"!==this.type&&e in n.in||"directed"!==this.type&&e in n.undirected},i.areOutboundNeighbors=function(t,e){t=""+t,e=""+e;var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(!n)throw new Y('Graph.areOutboundNeighbors: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return "undirected"!==this.type&&e in n.out||"directed"!==this.type&&e in n.undirected},i.inDegree=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._nodes.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.inDegree: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return "undirected"===this.type?0:e.inDegree+e.directedSelfLoops},i.outDegree=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._nodes.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.outDegree: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return "undirected"===this.type?0:e.outDegree+e.directedSelfLoops},i.directedDegree=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._nodes.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.directedDegree: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));if("undirected"===this.type)return 0;var n=e.directedSelfLoops;return e.inDegree+n+(e.outDegree+n)},i.undirectedDegree=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._nodes.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.undirectedDegree: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));if("directed"===this.type)return 0;var n=e.undirectedSelfLoops;return e.undirectedDegree+2*n},i.degree=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._nodes.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.degree: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));var n=0;return "directed"!==this.type&&(n+=e.undirectedDegree+2*e.undirectedSelfLoops),"undirected"!==this.type&&(n+=e.inDegree+e.outDegree+2*e.directedSelfLoops),n},i.inDegreeWithoutSelfLoops=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._nodes.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.inDegreeWithoutSelfLoops: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return "undirected"===this.type?0:e.inDegree},i.outDegreeWithoutSelfLoops=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._nodes.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.outDegreeWithoutSelfLoops: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return "undirected"===this.type?0:e.outDegree},i.directedDegreeWithoutSelfLoops=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._nodes.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.directedDegreeWithoutSelfLoops: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return "undirected"===this.type?0:e.inDegree+e.outDegree},i.undirectedDegreeWithoutSelfLoops=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._nodes.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.undirectedDegreeWithoutSelfLoops: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return "directed"===this.type?0:e.undirectedDegree},i.degreeWithoutSelfLoops=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._nodes.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.degreeWithoutSelfLoops: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));var n=0;return "directed"!==this.type&&(n+=e.undirectedDegree),"undirected"!==this.type&&(n+=e.inDegree+e.outDegree),n},i.source=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._edges.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.source: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));return e.source.key},i.target=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._edges.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.target: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));return e.target.key},i.extremities=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._edges.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.extremities: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));return [e.source.key,e.target.key]},i.opposite=function(t,e){t=""+t,e=""+e;var n=this._edges.get(e);if(!n)throw new Y('Graph.opposite: could not find the "'.concat(e,'" edge in the graph.'));var r=n.source.key,i=n.target.key;if(t===r)return i;if(t===i)return r;throw new Y('Graph.opposite: the "'.concat(t,'" node is not attached to the "').concat(e,'" edge (').concat(r,", ").concat(i,")."))},i.hasExtremity=function(t,e){t=""+t,e=""+e;var n=this._edges.get(t);if(!n)throw new Y('Graph.hasExtremity: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));return n.source.key===e||n.target.key===e},i.isUndirected=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._edges.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.isUndirected: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));return e.undirected},i.isDirected=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._edges.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.isDirected: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));return !e.undirected},i.isSelfLoop=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._edges.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.isSelfLoop: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));return e.source===e.target},i.addNode=function(t,e){var n=function(t,e,n){if(n&&!h(n))throw new F('Graph.addNode: invalid attributes. Expecting an object but got "'.concat(n,'"'));if(e=""+e,n=n||{},t._nodes.has(e))throw new B('Graph.addNode: the "'.concat(e,'" node already exist in the graph.'));var r=new t.NodeDataClass(e,n);return t._nodes.set(e,r),t.emit("nodeAdded",{key:e,attributes:n}),r}(this,t,e);return n.key},i.mergeNode=function(t,e){if(e&&!h(e))throw new F('Graph.mergeNode: invalid attributes. Expecting an object but got "'.concat(e,'"'));t=""+t,e=e||{};var n=this._nodes.get(t);return n?(e&&(c(n.attributes,e),this.emit("nodeAttributesUpdated",{type:"merge",key:t,attributes:n.attributes,data:e})),[t,!1]):(n=new this.NodeDataClass(t,e),this._nodes.set(t,n),this.emit("nodeAdded",{key:t,attributes:e}),[t,!0])},i.updateNode=function(t,e){if(e&&"function"!=typeof e)throw new F('Graph.updateNode: invalid updater function. Expecting a function but got "'.concat(e,'"'));t=""+t;var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(n){if(e){var r=n.attributes;n.attributes=e(r),this.emit("nodeAttributesUpdated",{type:"replace",key:t,attributes:n.attributes});}return [t,!1]}var i=e?e({}):{};return n=new this.NodeDataClass(t,i),this._nodes.set(t,n),this.emit("nodeAdded",{key:t,attributes:i}),[t,!0]},i.dropNode=function(t){var e=this;t=""+t;var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(!n)throw new Y('Graph.dropNode: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));this.forEachEdge(t,(function(t){e.dropEdge(t);})),this._nodes.delete(t),this.emit("nodeDropped",{key:t,attributes:n.attributes});},i.dropEdge=function(t){var e;if(arguments.length>1){var n=""+arguments[0],r=""+arguments[1];if(!(e=d(this,n,r,this.type)))throw new Y('Graph.dropEdge: could not find the "'.concat(n,'" -> "').concat(r,'" edge in the graph.'))}else if(t=""+t,!(e=this._edges.get(t)))throw new Y('Graph.dropEdge: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));this._edges.delete(e.key);var i=e,o=i.source,a=i.target,u=i.attributes,c=e.undirected;return o===a?c?(o.undirectedSelfLoops--,this._undirectedSelfLoopCount--):(o.directedSelfLoops--,this._directedSelfLoopCount--):c?(o.undirectedDegree--,a.undirectedDegree--):(o.outDegree--,a.inDegree--),X(this,c,e),c?this._undirectedSize--:this._directedSize--,this.emit("edgeDropped",{key:t,attributes:u,source:o.key,target:a.key,undirected:c}),this},i.clear=function(){this._edges.clear(),this._nodes.clear(),this._resetInstanceCounters(),this.emit("cleared");},i.clearEdges=function(){!function(t){for(var e,n=t._nodes.values();!0!==(e=n.next()).done;)e.value.clear();}(this),this._edges.clear(),this._resetInstanceCounters(),this.emit("edgesCleared");},i.getAttribute=function(t){return this._attributes[t]},i.getAttributes=function(){return this._attributes},i.hasAttribute=function(t){return this._attributes.hasOwnProperty(t)},i.setAttribute=function(t,e){return this._attributes[t]=e,this.emit("attributesUpdated",{type:"set",attributes:this._attributes,name:t}),this},i.updateAttribute=function(t,e){if("function"!=typeof e)throw new F("Graph.updateAttribute: updater should be a function.");var n=this._attributes[t];return this._attributes[t]=e(n),this.emit("attributesUpdated",{type:"set",attributes:this._attributes,name:t}),this},i.removeAttribute=function(t){return delete this._attributes[t],this.emit("attributesUpdated",{type:"remove",attributes:this._attributes,name:t}),this},i.replaceAttributes=function(t){if(!h(t))throw new F("Graph.replaceAttributes: provided attributes are not a plain object.");return this._attributes=t,this.emit("attributesUpdated",{type:"replace",attributes:this._attributes}),this},i.mergeAttributes=function(t){if(!h(t))throw new F("Graph.mergeAttributes: provided attributes are not a plain object.");return c(this._attributes,t),this.emit("attributesUpdated",{type:"merge",attributes:this._attributes,data:t}),this},i.updateAttributes=function(t){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new F("Graph.updateAttributes: provided updater is not a function.");return this._attributes=t(this._attributes),this.emit("attributesUpdated",{type:"update",attributes:this._attributes}),this},i.updateEachNodeAttributes=function(t,e){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new F("Graph.updateEachNodeAttributes: expecting an updater function.");if(e&&!g(e))throw new F("Graph.updateEachNodeAttributes: invalid hints. Expecting an object having the following shape: {attributes?: [string]}");for(var n,r,i=this._nodes.values();!0!==(n=i.next()).done;)(r=n.value).attributes=t(r.key,r.attributes);this.emit("eachNodeAttributesUpdated",{hints:e||null});},i.updateEachEdgeAttributes=function(t,e){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new F("Graph.updateEachEdgeAttributes: expecting an updater function.");if(e&&!g(e))throw new F("Graph.updateEachEdgeAttributes: invalid hints. Expecting an object having the following shape: {attributes?: [string]}");for(var n,r,i,o,a=this._edges.values();!0!==(n=a.next()).done;)i=(r=n.value).source,o=r.target,r.attributes=t(r.key,r.attributes,i.key,o.key,i.attributes,o.attributes,r.undirected);this.emit("eachEdgeAttributesUpdated",{hints:e||null});},i.forEachAdjacencyEntry=function(t){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new F("Graph.forEachAdjacencyEntry: expecting a callback.");this.multi?Yt(!1,!1,!1,this,t):Ft(!1,!1,!1,this,t);},i.forEachAdjacencyEntryWithOrphans=function(t){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new F("Graph.forEachAdjacencyEntryWithOrphans: expecting a callback.");this.multi?Yt(!1,!1,!0,this,t):Ft(!1,!1,!0,this,t);},i.forEachAssymetricAdjacencyEntry=function(t){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new F("Graph.forEachAssymetricAdjacencyEntry: expecting a callback.");this.multi?Yt(!1,!0,!1,this,t):Ft(!1,!0,!1,this,t);},i.forEachAssymetricAdjacencyEntryWithOrphans=function(t){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new F("Graph.forEachAssymetricAdjacencyEntryWithOrphans: expecting a callback.");this.multi?Yt(!1,!0,!0,this,t):Ft(!1,!0,!0,this,t);},i.nodes=function(){return "function"==typeof Array.from?Array.from(this._nodes.keys()):K(this._nodes.keys(),this._nodes.size)},i.forEachNode=function(t){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new F("Graph.forEachNode: expecting a callback.");for(var e,n,r=this._nodes.values();!0!==(e=r.next()).done;)t((n=e.value).key,n.attributes);},i.findNode=function(t){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new F("Graph.findNode: expecting a callback.");for(var e,n,r=this._nodes.values();!0!==(e=r.next()).done;)if(t((n=e.value).key,n.attributes))return n.key},i.mapNodes=function(t){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new F("Graph.mapNode: expecting a callback.");for(var e,n,r=this._nodes.values(),i=new Array(this.order),o=0;!0!==(e=r.next()).done;)n=e.value,i[o++]=t(n.key,n.attributes);return i},i.someNode=function(t){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new F("Graph.someNode: expecting a callback.");for(var e,n,r=this._nodes.values();!0!==(e=r.next()).done;)if(t((n=e.value).key,n.attributes))return !0;return !1},i.everyNode=function(t){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new F("Graph.everyNode: expecting a callback.");for(var e,n,r=this._nodes.values();!0!==(e=r.next()).done;)if(!t((n=e.value).key,n.attributes))return !1;return !0},i.filterNodes=function(t){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new F("Graph.filterNodes: expecting a callback.");for(var e,n,r=this._nodes.values(),i=[];!0!==(e=r.next()).done;)t((n=e.value).key,n.attributes)&&i.push(n.key);return i},i.reduceNodes=function(t,e){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new F("Graph.reduceNodes: expecting a callback.");if(arguments.length<2)throw new F("Graph.reduceNodes: missing initial value. You must provide it because the callback takes more than one argument and we cannot infer the initial value from the first iteration, as you could with a simple array.");for(var n,r,i=e,o=this._nodes.values();!0!==(n=o.next()).done;)i=t(i,(r=n.value).key,r.attributes);return i},i.nodeEntries=function(){var t=this._nodes.values();return new O((function(){var e=t.next();if(e.done)return e;var n=e.value;return {value:{node:n.key,attributes:n.attributes},done:!1}}))},i.exportNode=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._nodes.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.exportNode: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return Bt(t,e)},i.exportEdge=function(t){t=""+t;var e=this._edges.get(t);if(!e)throw new Y('Graph.exportEdge: could not find the "'.concat(t,'" edge in the graph.'));return qt(t,e)},i.export=function(){var t=new Array(this._nodes.size),e=0;this._nodes.forEach((function(n,r){t[e++]=Bt(r,n);}));var n=new Array(this._edges.size);return e=0,this._edges.forEach((function(t,r){n[e++]=qt(r,t);})),{attributes:this.getAttributes(),nodes:t,edges:n,options:{type:this.type,multi:this.multi,allowSelfLoops:this.allowSelfLoops}}},i.importNode=function(t){var e=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]&&arguments[1],n=Jt(t);if(n){if("not-object"===n)throw new F('Graph.importNode: invalid serialized node. A serialized node should be a plain object with at least a "key" property.');if("no-key"===n)throw new F("Graph.importNode: no key provided.");if("invalid-attributes"===n)throw new F("Graph.importNode: invalid attributes. Attributes should be a plain object, null or omitted.")}var r=t.key,i=t.attributes,o=void 0===i?{}:i;return e?this.mergeNode(r,o):this.addNode(r,o),this},i.importEdge=function(t){var e=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]&&arguments[1],n=Vt(t);if(n){if("not-object"===n)throw new F('Graph.importEdge: invalid serialized edge. A serialized edge should be a plain object with at least a "source" & "target" property.');if("no-source"===n)throw new F("Graph.importEdge: missing souce.");if("no-target"===n)throw new F("Graph.importEdge: missing target.");if("invalid-attributes"===n)throw new F("Graph.importEdge: invalid attributes. Attributes should be a plain object, null or omitted.");if("invalid-undirected"===n)throw new F("Graph.importEdge: invalid undirected. Undirected should be boolean or omitted.")}var r=t.source,i=t.target,o=t.attributes,a=void 0===o?{}:o,u=t.undirected,c=void 0!==u&&u;return "key"in t?(e?c?this.mergeUndirectedEdgeWithKey:this.mergeDirectedEdgeWithKey:c?this.addUndirectedEdgeWithKey:this.addDirectedEdgeWithKey).call(this,t.key,r,i,a):(e?c?this.mergeUndirectedEdge:this.mergeDirectedEdge:c?this.addUndirectedEdge:this.addDirectedEdge).call(this,r,i,a),this},i.import=function(t){var e,n,r,i=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]&&arguments[1];if(s(t))return this.import(t.export(),i),this;if(!h(t))throw new F("Graph.import: invalid argument. Expecting a serialized graph or, alternatively, a Graph instance.");if(t.attributes){if(!h(t.attributes))throw new F("Graph.import: invalid attributes. Expecting a plain object.");i?this.mergeAttributes(t.attributes):this.replaceAttributes(t.attributes);}if(t.nodes){if(r=t.nodes,!Array.isArray(r))throw new F("Graph.import: invalid nodes. Expecting an array.");for(e=0,n=r.length;en)){var a=new Set;a.add(e.undirected[o]),e.undirected[o]=a,t._nodes.get(o).undirected[n]=a;}}))),this;var t;},i.toJSON=function(){return this.export()},i.toString=function(){return "[object Graph]"},i.inspect=function(){var e=this,n={};this._nodes.forEach((function(t,e){n[e]=t.attributes;}));var r={},i={};this._edges.forEach((function(t,n){var o,a=t.undirected?"--":"->",u="",c=t.source.key,d=t.target.key;t.undirected&&c>d&&(o=c,c=d,d=o);var s="(".concat(c,")").concat(a,"(").concat(d,")");n.startsWith("geid_")?e.multi&&(void 0===i[s]?i[s]=0:i[s]++,u+="".concat(i[s],". ")):u+="[".concat(n,"]: "),r[u+=s]=t.attributes;}));var o={};for(var a in this)this.hasOwnProperty(a)&&!Zt.has(a)&&"function"!=typeof this[a]&&"symbol"!==t(a)&&(o[a]=this[a]);return o.attributes=this._attributes,o.nodes=n,o.edges=r,p(o,"constructor",this.constructor),o},r}(v.exports.EventEmitter);"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&(re.prototype[Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")]=re.prototype.inspect),[{name:function(t){return "".concat(t,"Edge")},generateKey:!0},{name:function(t){return "".concat(t,"DirectedEdge")},generateKey:!0,type:"directed"},{name:function(t){return "".concat(t,"UndirectedEdge")},generateKey:!0,type:"undirected"},{name:function(t){return "".concat(t,"EdgeWithKey")}},{name:function(t){return "".concat(t,"DirectedEdgeWithKey")},type:"directed"},{name:function(t){return "".concat(t,"UndirectedEdgeWithKey")},type:"undirected"}].forEach((function(t){["add","merge","update"].forEach((function(e){var n=t.name(e),r="add"===e?ee:ne;t.generateKey?re.prototype[n]=function(i,o,a){return r(this,n,!0,"undirected"===(t.type||this.type),null,i,o,a,"update"===e)}:re.prototype[n]=function(i,o,a,u){return r(this,n,!1,"undirected"===(t.type||this.type),i,o,a,u,"update"===e)};}));})),function(t){$.forEach((function(e){var n=e.name,r=e.attacher;r(t,n("Node"),0),r(t,n("Source"),1),r(t,n("Target"),2),r(t,n("Opposite"),3);}));}(re),function(t){tt.forEach((function(e){var n=e.name,r=e.attacher;r(t,n("Edge"),"mixed"),r(t,n("DirectedEdge"),"directed"),r(t,n("UndirectedEdge"),"undirected");}));}(re),function(t){it.forEach((function(e){!function(t,e){var n=e.name,r=e.type,i=e.direction;t.prototype[n]=function(t,e){if("mixed"!==r&&"mixed"!==this.type&&r!==this.type)return [];if(!arguments.length)return wt(this,r);if(1===arguments.length){t=""+t;var o=this._nodes.get(t);if(void 0===o)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(n,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return Gt(this.multi,"mixed"===r?this.type:r,i,o)}if(2===arguments.length){t=""+t,e=""+e;var a=this._nodes.get(t);if(!a)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(n,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" source node in the graph.'));if(!this._nodes.has(e))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(n,': could not find the "').concat(e,'" target node in the graph.'));return At(r,this.multi,i,a,e)}throw new F("Graph.".concat(n,": too many arguments (expecting 0, 1 or 2 and got ").concat(arguments.length,")."))};}(t,e),function(t,e){var n=e.name,r=e.type,i=e.direction,o="forEach"+n[0].toUpperCase()+n.slice(1,-1);t.prototype[o]=function(t,e,n){if("mixed"===r||"mixed"===this.type||r===this.type){if(1===arguments.length)return mt(this,r,n=t);if(2===arguments.length){t=""+t,n=e;var a=this._nodes.get(t);if(void 0===a)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(o,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return xt(this.multi,"mixed"===r?this.type:r,i,a,n)}if(3===arguments.length){t=""+t,e=""+e;var u=this._nodes.get(t);if(!u)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(o,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" source node in the graph.'));if(!this._nodes.has(e))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(o,': could not find the "').concat(e,'" target node in the graph.'));return Lt(r,this.multi,i,u,e,n)}throw new F("Graph.".concat(o,": too many arguments (expecting 1, 2 or 3 and got ").concat(arguments.length,")."))}};var a="map"+n[0].toUpperCase()+n.slice(1);t.prototype[a]=function(){var t,e=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),n=e.pop();if(0===e.length){var i=0;"directed"!==r&&(i+=this.undirectedSize),"undirected"!==r&&(i+=this.directedSize),t=new Array(i);var a=0;e.push((function(e,r,i,o,u,c,d){t[a++]=n(e,r,i,o,u,c,d);}));}else t=[],e.push((function(e,r,i,o,a,u,c){t.push(n(e,r,i,o,a,u,c));}));return this[o].apply(this,e),t};var u="filter"+n[0].toUpperCase()+n.slice(1);t.prototype[u]=function(){var t=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),e=t.pop(),n=[];return t.push((function(t,r,i,o,a,u,c){e(t,r,i,o,a,u,c)&&n.push(t);})),this[o].apply(this,t),n};var c="reduce"+n[0].toUpperCase()+n.slice(1);t.prototype[c]=function(){var t,e,n=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);if(n.length<2||n.length>4)throw new F("Graph.".concat(c,": invalid number of arguments (expecting 2, 3 or 4 and got ").concat(n.length,")."));if("function"==typeof n[n.length-1]&&"function"!=typeof n[n.length-2])throw new F("Graph.".concat(c,": missing initial value. You must provide it because the callback takes more than one argument and we cannot infer the initial value from the first iteration, as you could with a simple array."));2===n.length?(t=n[0],e=n[1],n=[]):3===n.length?(t=n[1],e=n[2],n=[n[0]]):4===n.length&&(t=n[2],e=n[3],n=[n[0],n[1]]);var r=e;return n.push((function(e,n,i,o,a,u,c){r=t(r,e,n,i,o,a,u,c);})),this[o].apply(this,n),r};}(t,e),function(t,e){var n=e.name,r=e.type,i=e.direction,o="find"+n[0].toUpperCase()+n.slice(1,-1);t.prototype[o]=function(t,e,n){if("mixed"!==r&&"mixed"!==this.type&&r!==this.type)return !1;if(1===arguments.length)return _t(this,r,n=t);if(2===arguments.length){t=""+t,n=e;var a=this._nodes.get(t);if(void 0===a)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(o,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return Et(this.multi,"mixed"===r?this.type:r,i,a,n)}if(3===arguments.length){t=""+t,e=""+e;var u=this._nodes.get(t);if(!u)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(o,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" source node in the graph.'));if(!this._nodes.has(e))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(o,': could not find the "').concat(e,'" target node in the graph.'));return Dt(r,this.multi,i,u,e,n)}throw new F("Graph.".concat(o,": too many arguments (expecting 1, 2 or 3 and got ").concat(arguments.length,")."))};var a="some"+n[0].toUpperCase()+n.slice(1,-1);t.prototype[a]=function(){var t=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),e=t.pop();return t.push((function(t,n,r,i,o,a,u){return e(t,n,r,i,o,a,u)})),!!this[o].apply(this,t)};var u="every"+n[0].toUpperCase()+n.slice(1,-1);t.prototype[u]=function(){var t=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),e=t.pop();return t.push((function(t,n,r,i,o,a,u){return !e(t,n,r,i,o,a,u)})),!this[o].apply(this,t)};}(t,e),function(t,e){var n=e.name,r=e.type,i=e.direction,o=n.slice(0,-1)+"Entries";t.prototype[o]=function(t,e){if("mixed"!==r&&"mixed"!==this.type&&r!==this.type)return O.empty();if(!arguments.length)return kt(this,r);if(1===arguments.length){t=""+t;var n=this._nodes.get(t);if(!n)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(o,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" node in the graph.'));return St(r,i,n)}if(2===arguments.length){t=""+t,e=""+e;var a=this._nodes.get(t);if(!a)throw new Y("Graph.".concat(o,': could not find the "').concat(t,'" source node in the graph.'));if(!this._nodes.has(e))throw new Y("Graph.".concat(o,': could not find the "').concat(e,'" target node in the graph.'));return Nt(r,i,a,e)}throw new F("Graph.".concat(o,": too many arguments (expecting 0, 1 or 2 and got ").concat(arguments.length,")."))};}(t,e);}));}(re),function(t){Ut.forEach((function(e){Rt(t,e),Wt(t,e),Kt(t,e),It(t,e);}));}(re);var ie=function(t){function n(e){var n=c({type:"directed"},e);if("multi"in n&&!1!==n.multi)throw new F("DirectedGraph.from: inconsistent indication that the graph should be multi in given options!");if("directed"!==n.type)throw new F('DirectedGraph.from: inconsistent "'+n.type+'" type in given options!');return t.call(this,n)||this}return e(n,t),n}(re),oe=function(t){function n(e){var n=c({type:"undirected"},e);if("multi"in n&&!1!==n.multi)throw new F("UndirectedGraph.from: inconsistent indication that the graph should be multi in given options!");if("undirected"!==n.type)throw new F('UndirectedGraph.from: inconsistent "'+n.type+'" type in given options!');return t.call(this,n)||this}return e(n,t),n}(re),ae=function(t){function n(e){var n=c({multi:!0},e);if("multi"in n&&!0!==n.multi)throw new F("MultiGraph.from: inconsistent indication that the graph should be simple in given options!");return t.call(this,n)||this}return e(n,t),n}(re),ue=function(t){function n(e){var n=c({type:"directed",multi:!0},e);if("multi"in n&&!0!==n.multi)throw new F("MultiDirectedGraph.from: inconsistent indication that the graph should be simple in given options!");if("directed"!==n.type)throw new F('MultiDirectedGraph.from: inconsistent "'+n.type+'" type in given options!');return t.call(this,n)||this}return e(n,t),n}(re),ce=function(t){function n(e){var n=c({type:"undirected",multi:!0},e);if("multi"in n&&!0!==n.multi)throw new F("MultiUndirectedGraph.from: inconsistent indication that the graph should be simple in given options!");if("undirected"!==n.type)throw new F('MultiUndirectedGraph.from: inconsistent "'+n.type+'" type in given options!');return t.call(this,n)||this}return e(n,t),n}(re);function de(t){t.from=function(e,n){var r=c({},e.options,n),i=new t(r);return i.import(e),i};}return de(re),de(ie),de(oe),de(ae),de(ue),de(ce),re.Graph=re,re.DirectedGraph=ie,re.UndirectedGraph=oe,re.MultiGraph=ae,re.MultiDirectedGraph=ue,re.MultiUndirectedGraph=ce,re.InvalidArgumentsGraphError=F,re.NotFoundGraphError=Y,re.UsageGraphError=B,re})); + +}); + +/** + * Graphology isGraph + * =================== + * + * Very simple function aiming at ensuring the given variable is a + * graphology instance. + */ +/** + * Checking the value is a graphology instance. + * + * @param {any} value - Target value. + * @return {boolean} + */ +var isGraph = function isGraph(value) { + return ( + value !== null && + typeof value === 'object' && + typeof value.addUndirectedEdgeWithKey === 'function' && + typeof value.dropNode === 'function' && + typeof value.multi === 'boolean' + ); +}; + +var ARRAY_BUFFER_SUPPORT$1 = typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined'; +var SYMBOL_SUPPORT$1 = typeof Symbol !== 'undefined'; + +var support = { + ARRAY_BUFFER_SUPPORT: ARRAY_BUFFER_SUPPORT$1, + SYMBOL_SUPPORT: SYMBOL_SUPPORT$1 +}; + +/** + * Obliterator ForEach Function + * ============================= + * + * Helper function used to easily iterate over mixed values. + */ + +var ARRAY_BUFFER_SUPPORT = support.ARRAY_BUFFER_SUPPORT; +var SYMBOL_SUPPORT = support.SYMBOL_SUPPORT; + +/** + * Function able to iterate over almost any iterable JS value. + * + * @param {any} iterable - Iterable value. + * @param {function} callback - Callback function. + */ +var foreach = function forEach(iterable, callback) { + var iterator, k, i, l, s; + + if (!iterable) throw new Error('obliterator/forEach: invalid iterable.'); + + if (typeof callback !== 'function') + throw new Error('obliterator/forEach: expecting a callback.'); + + // The target is an array or a string or function arguments + if ( + Array.isArray(iterable) || + (ARRAY_BUFFER_SUPPORT && ArrayBuffer.isView(iterable)) || + typeof iterable === 'string' || + iterable.toString() === '[object Arguments]' + ) { + for (i = 0, l = iterable.length; i < l; i++) callback(iterable[i], i); + return; + } + + // The target has a #.forEach method + if (typeof iterable.forEach === 'function') { + iterable.forEach(callback); + return; + } + + // The target is iterable + if ( + SYMBOL_SUPPORT && + Symbol.iterator in iterable && + typeof iterable.next !== 'function' + ) { + iterable = iterable[Symbol.iterator](); + } + + // The target is an iterator + if (typeof iterable.next === 'function') { + iterator = iterable; + i = 0; + + while (((s = iterator.next()), s.done !== true)) { + callback(s.value, i); + i++; + } + + return; + } + + // The target is a plain object + for (k in iterable) { + if (iterable.hasOwnProperty(k)) { + callback(iterable[k], k); + } + } + + return; +}; + +/** + * Mnemonist Typed Array Helpers + * ============================== + * + * Miscellaneous helpers related to typed arrays. + */ + +var typedArrays = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) { +/** + * When using an unsigned integer array to store pointers, one might want to + * choose the optimal word size in regards to the actual numbers of pointers + * to store. + * + * This helpers does just that. + * + * @param {number} size - Expected size of the array to map. + * @return {TypedArray} + */ +var MAX_8BIT_INTEGER = Math.pow(2, 8) - 1, + MAX_16BIT_INTEGER = Math.pow(2, 16) - 1, + MAX_32BIT_INTEGER = Math.pow(2, 32) - 1; + +var MAX_SIGNED_8BIT_INTEGER = Math.pow(2, 7) - 1, + MAX_SIGNED_16BIT_INTEGER = Math.pow(2, 15) - 1, + MAX_SIGNED_32BIT_INTEGER = Math.pow(2, 31) - 1; + +exports.getPointerArray = function(size) { + var maxIndex = size - 1; + + if (maxIndex <= MAX_8BIT_INTEGER) + return Uint8Array; + + if (maxIndex <= MAX_16BIT_INTEGER) + return Uint16Array; + + if (maxIndex <= MAX_32BIT_INTEGER) + return Uint32Array; + + throw new Error('mnemonist: Pointer Array of size > 4294967295 is not supported.'); +}; + +exports.getSignedPointerArray = function(size) { + var maxIndex = size - 1; + + if (maxIndex <= MAX_SIGNED_8BIT_INTEGER) + return Int8Array; + + if (maxIndex <= MAX_SIGNED_16BIT_INTEGER) + return Int16Array; + + if (maxIndex <= MAX_SIGNED_32BIT_INTEGER) + return Int32Array; + + return Float64Array; +}; + +/** + * Function returning the minimal type able to represent the given number. + * + * @param {number} value - Value to test. + * @return {TypedArrayClass} + */ +exports.getNumberType = function(value) { + + // <= 32 bits itnteger? + if (value === (value | 0)) { + + // Negative + if (Math.sign(value) === -1) { + if (value <= 127 && value >= -128) + return Int8Array; + + if (value <= 32767 && value >= -32768) + return Int16Array; + + return Int32Array; + } + else { + + if (value <= 255) + return Uint8Array; + + if (value <= 65535) + return Uint16Array; + + return Uint32Array; + } + } + + // 53 bits integer & floats + // NOTE: it's kinda hard to tell whether we could use 32bits or not... + return Float64Array; +}; + +/** + * Function returning the minimal type able to represent the given array + * of JavaScript numbers. + * + * @param {array} array - Array to represent. + * @param {function} getter - Optional getter. + * @return {TypedArrayClass} + */ +var TYPE_PRIORITY = { + Uint8Array: 1, + Int8Array: 2, + Uint16Array: 3, + Int16Array: 4, + Uint32Array: 5, + Int32Array: 6, + Float32Array: 7, + Float64Array: 8 +}; + +// TODO: make this a one-shot for one value +exports.getMinimalRepresentation = function(array, getter) { + var maxType = null, + maxPriority = 0, + p, + t, + v, + i, + l; + + for (i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++) { + v = getter ? getter(array[i]) : array[i]; + t = exports.getNumberType(v); + p = TYPE_PRIORITY[t.name]; + + if (p > maxPriority) { + maxPriority = p; + maxType = t; + } + } + + return maxType; +}; + +/** + * Function returning whether the given value is a typed array. + * + * @param {any} value - Value to test. + * @return {boolean} + */ +exports.isTypedArray = function(value) { + return typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined' && ArrayBuffer.isView(value); +}; + +/** + * Function used to concat byte arrays. + * + * @param {...ByteArray} + * @return {ByteArray} + */ +exports.concat = function() { + var length = 0, + i, + o, + l; + + for (i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) + length += arguments[i].length; + + var array = new (arguments[0].constructor)(length); + + for (i = 0, o = 0; i < l; i++) { + array.set(arguments[i], o); + o += arguments[i].length; + } + + return array; +}; + +/** + * Function used to initialize a byte array of indices. + * + * @param {number} length - Length of target. + * @return {ByteArray} + */ +exports.indices = function(length) { + var PointerArray = exports.getPointerArray(length); + + var array = new PointerArray(length); + + for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) + array[i] = i; + + return array; +}; +}); + +/** + * Mnemonist Iterable Function + * ============================ + * + * Harmonized iteration helpers over mixed iterable targets. + */ + +/** + * Function used to determine whether the given object supports array-like + * random access. + * + * @param {any} target - Target object. + * @return {boolean} + */ +function isArrayLike(target) { + return Array.isArray(target) || typedArrays.isTypedArray(target); +} + +/** + * Function used to guess the length of the structure over which we are going + * to iterate. + * + * @param {any} target - Target object. + * @return {number|undefined} + */ +function guessLength(target) { + if (typeof target.length === 'number') + return target.length; + + if (typeof target.size === 'number') + return target.size; + + return; +} + +/** + * Function used to convert an iterable to an array. + * + * @param {any} target - Iteration target. + * @return {array} + */ +function toArray(target) { + var l = guessLength(target); + + var array = typeof l === 'number' ? new Array(l) : []; + + var i = 0; + + // TODO: we could optimize when given target is array like + foreach(target, function(value) { + array[i++] = value; + }); + + return array; +} + +/** + * Same as above but returns a supplementary indices array. + * + * @param {any} target - Iteration target. + * @return {array} + */ +function toArrayWithIndices(target) { + var l = guessLength(target); + + var IndexArray = typeof l === 'number' ? + typedArrays.getPointerArray(l) : + Array; + + var array = typeof l === 'number' ? new Array(l) : []; + var indices = typeof l === 'number' ? new IndexArray(l) : []; + + var i = 0; + + // TODO: we could optimize when given target is array like + foreach(target, function(value) { + array[i] = value; + indices[i] = i++; + }); + + return [array, indices]; +} + +/** + * Exporting. + */ +var isArrayLike_1 = isArrayLike; +var guessLength_1 = guessLength; +var toArray_1 = toArray; +var toArrayWithIndices_1 = toArrayWithIndices; + +var iterables = { + isArrayLike: isArrayLike_1, + guessLength: guessLength_1, + toArray: toArray_1, + toArrayWithIndices: toArrayWithIndices_1 +}; + +/** + * Obliterator Iterator Class + * =========================== + * + * Simple class representing the library's iterators. + */ +/** + * Iterator class. + * + * @constructor + * @param {function} next - Next function. + */ +function Iterator(next) { + if (typeof next !== 'function') + throw new Error('obliterator/iterator: expecting a function!'); + + this.next = next; +} + +/** + * If symbols are supported, we add `next` to `Symbol.iterator`. + */ +if (typeof Symbol !== 'undefined') + Iterator.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () { + return this; + }; + +/** + * Returning an iterator of the given values. + * + * @param {any...} values - Values. + * @return {Iterator} + */ +Iterator.of = function () { + var args = arguments, + l = args.length, + i = 0; + + return new Iterator(function () { + if (i >= l) return {done: true}; + + return {done: false, value: args[i++]}; + }); +}; + +/** + * Returning an empty iterator. + * + * @return {Iterator} + */ +Iterator.empty = function () { + var iterator = new Iterator(function () { + return {done: true}; + }); + + return iterator; +}; + +/** + * Returning an iterator over the given indexed sequence. + * + * @param {string|Array} sequence - Target sequence. + * @return {Iterator} + */ +Iterator.fromSequence = function (sequence) { + var i = 0, + l = sequence.length; + + return new Iterator(function () { + if (i >= l) return {done: true}; + + return {done: false, value: sequence[i++]}; + }); +}; + +/** + * Returning whether the given value is an iterator. + * + * @param {any} value - Value. + * @return {boolean} + */ +Iterator.is = function (value) { + if (value instanceof Iterator) return true; + + return ( + typeof value === 'object' && + value !== null && + typeof value.next === 'function' + ); +}; + +/** + * Exporting. + */ +var iterator = Iterator; + +/** + * Mnemonist FixedDeque + * ===================== + * + * Fixed capacity double-ended queue implemented as ring deque. + */ -// TODO - this is a hack to get the graph to work with the approvals -// I shouldn't need -const DIRECTIONS = ["up", "same", "down", "next", "prev"]; -// This function takes the real & implied graphs for a given relation, and returns a new graphs with both. -// It makes implied relations real -// TODO use reflexiveClosure instead -function closeImpliedLinks(real, implied) { - const closedG = real.copy(); - implied.forEachEdge((key, a, s, t) => { - closedG.mergeEdge(t, s, a); - }); - return closedG; -} -function removeUnlinkedNodes(g) { - const copy = g.copy(); - copy.forEachNode((node) => { - if (!copy.degree(node)) - copy.dropNode(node); - }); - return copy; -} -/** - * Return a subgraph of all nodes & edges with `dirs.includes(a.dir)` - * @param {MultiGraph} main - * @param {Directions} dir - */ -function getSubInDirs(main, ...dirs) { - const sub = new graphology_umd_min.MultiGraph(); - main === null || main === void 0 ? void 0 : main.forEachEdge((k, a, s, t) => { - if (dirs.includes(a.dir)) { - //@ts-ignore - addNodesIfNot(sub, [s, t], a); - sub.addEdge(s, t, a); - } - }); - return sub; -} -/** - * Return a subgraph of all nodes & edges with `files.includes(a.field)` - * @param {MultiGraph} main - * @param {string[]} fields - */ -function getSubForFields(main, fields) { - const sub = new graphology_umd_min.MultiGraph(); - main.forEachEdge((k, a, s, t) => { - if (fields.includes(a.field)) { - //@ts-ignore - addNodesIfNot(sub, [s, t], a); - sub.addEdge(s, t, a); - } - }); - return sub; -} -/** - * For every edge in `g`, add the reverse of the edge to a copy of `g`. - * - * It also sets the attrs of the reverse edges to `oppDir` and `oppFields[0]` - * @param {MultiGraph} g - * @param {UserHier[]} userHiers - * @param {boolean} closeAsOpposite - */ -function getReflexiveClosure(g, userHiers, closeAsOpposite = true) { - const copy = g.copy(); - copy.forEachEdge((k, a, s, t) => { - const { dir, field } = a; - if (field === undefined) - return; - const oppDir = getOppDir(dir); - const oppField = getOppFields(userHiers, field)[0]; - addNodesIfNot(copy, [s, t], { - //@ts-ignore - dir: closeAsOpposite ? oppDir : dir, - field: closeAsOpposite ? oppField : field, - }); - addEdgeIfNot(copy, t, s, { - //@ts-ignore - dir: closeAsOpposite ? oppDir : dir, - field: closeAsOpposite ? oppField : field, - implied: true, - }); - }); - return copy; -} -function addNodesIfNot(g, nodes, attr = { order: 9999 }) { - for (const node of nodes) { - g.updateNode(node, (exstantAttrs) => { - const extantOrder = exstantAttrs.order; - return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, exstantAttrs), { order: extantOrder && extantOrder < 9999 ? extantOrder : attr.order }); - }); - } -} -function addEdgeIfNot(g, source, target, attr) { - if (!g.hasEdge(source, target)) - g.addEdge(source, target, attr); -} -const getSinks = (g) => g.filterNodes((node) => g.hasNode(node) && !g.outDegree(node)); -const getOutNeighbours = (g, node) => g.hasNode(node) ? g.outNeighbors(node) : []; -const getInNeighbours = (g, node) => g.hasNode(node) ? g.inNeighbors(node) : []; -const getOppDir = (dir) => { - switch (dir) { - case "up": - return "down"; - case "down": - return "up"; - case "same": - return "same"; - case "next": - return "prev"; - case "prev": - return "next"; - } -}; -/** - * Get the hierarchy and direction that `field` is in - * */ -function getFieldInfo(userHiers, field) { - let fieldDir; - let fieldHier; - DIRECTIONS.forEach((dir) => { - userHiers.forEach((hier) => { - if (hier[dir].includes(field)) { - fieldDir = dir; - fieldHier = hier; - return; - } - }); - }); - return { fieldHier, fieldDir }; -} -function getOppFields(userHiers, field) { - const { fieldHier, fieldDir } = getFieldInfo(userHiers, field); - const oppDir = getOppDir(fieldDir); - return fieldHier[oppDir]; -} -function dfsAllPaths(g, start) { - const queue = [{ node: start, path: [] }]; - const visited = {}; - const allPaths = []; - let i = 0; - while (queue.length > 0 && i < 1000) { - i++; - const { node, path } = queue.shift(); - const extPath = [node, ...path]; - const succsNotVisited = g.hasNode(node) - ? g.filterOutNeighbors(node, (succ) => !visited[succ] || visited[succ] < 5) - : []; - const newItems = succsNotVisited.map((succ) => { - visited[succ] = visited[succ] ? visited[succ] + 1 : 1; - return { node: succ, path: extPath }; - }); - queue.unshift(...newItems); - if (!g.hasNode(node) || !g.outDegree(node)) - allPaths.push(extPath); - } - return allPaths; -} -function bfsAllPaths(g, start) { - const pathsArr = []; - const queue = [{ node: start, path: [] }]; - let i = 0; - while (queue.length !== 0 && i < 1000) { - i++; - const { node, path } = queue.shift(); - const extPath = [node, ...path]; - const succs = g.hasNode(node) - ? g.filterOutNeighbors(node, (n) => !path.includes(n)) - : []; - for (const node of succs) { - queue.push({ node, path: extPath }); - } - // terminal node - if (!g.hasNode(node) || succs.length === 0) { - pathsArr.push(extPath); - } - } - // Splice off the current note from the path - pathsArr.forEach((path) => { - if (path.length) - path.splice(path.length - 1, 1); - }); - loglevel.info({ pathsArr }); - return pathsArr; -} -function removeCycles(g, startNode) { - const copy = g.copy(); - let prevNode = null; - graphologyTraversal.dfsFromNode(copy, startNode, (n) => { - copy.forEachOutNeighbor(n, (t) => { - if (t === prevNode && copy.hasEdge(t, prevNode)) { - copy.dropEdge(t, prevNode); - } - }); - prevNode = n; - }); - return copy; -} -function buildObsGraph(app) { - const ObsG = new graphology_umd_min.MultiGraph(); - const { resolvedLinks, unresolvedLinks } = app.metadataCache; - for (const source in resolvedLinks) { - if (!source.endsWith(".md")) - continue; - const sourceBase = getBaseFromMDPath(source); - addNodesIfNot(ObsG, [sourceBase]); - for (const dest in resolvedLinks[source]) { - if (!dest.endsWith(".md")) - continue; - const destBase = getBaseFromMDPath(dest); - addNodesIfNot(ObsG, [destBase]); - ObsG.addEdge(sourceBase, destBase, { resolved: true }); - } - } - for (const source in unresolvedLinks) { - const sourceBase = getBaseFromMDPath(source); - addNodesIfNot(ObsG, [sourceBase]); - for (const dest in unresolvedLinks[source]) { - const destBase = getBaseFromMDPath(dest); - addNodesIfNot(ObsG, [destBase]); - if (sourceBase === destBase) - continue; - ObsG.addEdge(sourceBase, destBase, { resolved: false }); - } - } - loglevel.info({ ObsG }); - return ObsG; -} -function populateMain(settings, mainG, source, field, target, sourceOrder, targetOrder, fillOpp = false) { - var _a; - const { userHiers } = settings; - const dir = getFieldInfo(userHiers, field).fieldDir; - addNodesIfNot(mainG, [source], { - order: sourceOrder, - }); - addNodesIfNot(mainG, [target], { - order: targetOrder, - }); - addEdgeIfNot(mainG, source, target, { - dir, - field, - }); - if (fillOpp) { - const oppDir = getOppDir(dir); - const oppField = (_a = getOppFields(userHiers, field)[0]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : getFields(userHiers, oppDir)[0]; - addEdgeIfNot(mainG, target, source, { - dir: oppDir, - field: oppField, - }); - } -} -const getTargetOrder = (frontms, target) => { - var _a, _b; - return parseInt((_b = (_a = frontms.find((arr) => arr.file.basename === target)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[BC_ORDER]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : "9999"); -}; -const getSourceOrder = (frontm) => { var _a; return parseInt((_a = frontm[BC_ORDER]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : "9999"); }; +/** + * FixedDeque. + * + * @constructor + */ +function FixedDeque(ArrayClass, capacity) { + + if (arguments.length < 2) + throw new Error('mnemonist/fixed-deque: expecting an Array class and a capacity.'); + + if (typeof capacity !== 'number' || capacity <= 0) + throw new Error('mnemonist/fixed-deque: `capacity` should be a positive number.'); + + this.ArrayClass = ArrayClass; + this.capacity = capacity; + this.items = new ArrayClass(this.capacity); + this.clear(); +} + +/** + * Method used to clear the structure. + * + * @return {undefined} + */ +FixedDeque.prototype.clear = function() { + + // Properties + this.start = 0; + this.size = 0; +}; + +/** + * Method used to append a value to the deque. + * + * @param {any} item - Item to append. + * @return {number} - Returns the new size of the deque. + */ +FixedDeque.prototype.push = function(item) { + if (this.size === this.capacity) + throw new Error('mnemonist/fixed-deque.push: deque capacity (' + this.capacity + ') exceeded!'); + + var index = (this.start + this.size) % this.capacity; + + this.items[index] = item; + + return ++this.size; +}; + +/** + * Method used to prepend a value to the deque. + * + * @param {any} item - Item to prepend. + * @return {number} - Returns the new size of the deque. + */ +FixedDeque.prototype.unshift = function(item) { + if (this.size === this.capacity) + throw new Error('mnemonist/fixed-deque.unshift: deque capacity (' + this.capacity + ') exceeded!'); + + var index = this.start - 1; + + if (this.start === 0) + index = this.capacity - 1; + + this.items[index] = item; + this.start = index; + + return ++this.size; +}; + +/** + * Method used to pop the deque. + * + * @return {any} - Returns the popped item. + */ +FixedDeque.prototype.pop = function() { + if (this.size === 0) + return; + + const index = (this.start + this.size - 1) % this.capacity; + + this.size--; + + return this.items[index]; +}; + +/** + * Method used to shift the deque. + * + * @return {any} - Returns the shifted item. + */ +FixedDeque.prototype.shift = function() { + if (this.size === 0) + return; + + var index = this.start; + + this.size--; + this.start++; + + if (this.start === this.capacity) + this.start = 0; + + return this.items[index]; +}; + +/** + * Method used to peek the first value of the deque. + * + * @return {any} + */ +FixedDeque.prototype.peekFirst = function() { + if (this.size === 0) + return; + + return this.items[this.start]; +}; + +/** + * Method used to peek the last value of the deque. + * + * @return {any} + */ +FixedDeque.prototype.peekLast = function() { + if (this.size === 0) + return; + + var index = this.start + this.size - 1; + + if (index > this.capacity) + index -= this.capacity; + + return this.items[index]; +}; + +/** + * Method used to get the desired value of the deque. + * + * @param {number} index + * @return {any} + */ +FixedDeque.prototype.get = function(index) { + if (this.size === 0) + return; + + index = this.start + index; + + if (index > this.capacity) + index -= this.capacity; + + return this.items[index]; +}; + +/** + * Method used to iterate over the deque. + * + * @param {function} callback - Function to call for each item. + * @param {object} scope - Optional scope. + * @return {undefined} + */ +FixedDeque.prototype.forEach = function(callback, scope) { + scope = arguments.length > 1 ? scope : this; + + var c = this.capacity, + l = this.size, + i = this.start, + j = 0; + + while (j < l) { + callback.call(scope, this.items[i], j, this); + i++; + j++; + + if (i === c) + i = 0; + } +}; + +/** + * Method used to convert the deque to a JavaScript array. + * + * @return {array} + */ +// TODO: optional array class as argument? +FixedDeque.prototype.toArray = function() { + + // Optimization + var offset = this.start + this.size; + + if (offset < this.capacity) + return this.items.slice(this.start, offset); + + var array = new this.ArrayClass(this.size), + c = this.capacity, + l = this.size, + i = this.start, + j = 0; + + while (j < l) { + array[j] = this.items[i]; + i++; + j++; + + if (i === c) + i = 0; + } + + return array; +}; + +/** + * Method used to create an iterator over the deque's values. + * + * @return {Iterator} + */ +FixedDeque.prototype.values = function() { + var items = this.items, + c = this.capacity, + l = this.size, + i = this.start, + j = 0; + + return new iterator(function() { + if (j >= l) + return { + done: true + }; + + var value = items[i]; + + i++; + j++; + + if (i === c) + i = 0; + + return { + value: value, + done: false + }; + }); +}; + +/** + * Method used to create an iterator over the deque's entries. + * + * @return {Iterator} + */ +FixedDeque.prototype.entries = function() { + var items = this.items, + c = this.capacity, + l = this.size, + i = this.start, + j = 0; + + return new iterator(function() { + if (j >= l) + return { + done: true + }; -class Debugger { - constructor(plugin) { - this.debugLessThan = (level) => loglevel.levels[this.plugin.settings.debugMode] < level; - this.plugin = plugin; - } - start2G(group) { - if (this.debugLessThan(3)) - console.groupCollapsed(group); - } - end2G(...msgs) { - if (this.debugLessThan(3)) { - if (msgs.length) - loglevel.info(...msgs); - console.groupEnd(); - } - } - start1G(group) { - if (this.debugLessThan(2)) - console.groupCollapsed(group); - } - end1G(...msgs) { - if (this.debugLessThan(2)) { - if (msgs.length) - loglevel.debug(...msgs); - console.groupEnd(); - } - } - startGs(...groups) { - this.start2G(groups[0]); - if (groups[1]) - this.start1G(groups[1]); - } - /** - * End a debug and info group, logging `msgs` in `endDebugGroup` - * @param {1|2} count The number of groups to end. `1` ends Trace, 2 ends both - * @param {any[]} ...msgs - */ - endGs(count, ...msgs) { - if (count === 1) - this.end2G(...msgs); - else { - this.end1G(); - this.end2G(...msgs); - } - } -} + var value = items[i]; -function noop() { } -function assign(tar, src) { - // @ts-ignore - for (const k in src) - tar[k] = src[k]; - return tar; -} -function run(fn) { - return fn(); -} -function blank_object() { - return Object.create(null); -} -function run_all(fns) { - fns.forEach(run); -} -function is_function(thing) { - return typeof thing === 'function'; -} -function safe_not_equal(a, b) { - return a != a ? b == b : a !== b || ((a && typeof a === 'object') || typeof a === 'function'); -} -function is_empty(obj) { - return Object.keys(obj).length === 0; -} -function create_slot(definition, ctx, $$scope, fn) { - if (definition) { - const slot_ctx = get_slot_context(definition, ctx, $$scope, fn); - return definition[0](slot_ctx); - } -} -function get_slot_context(definition, ctx, $$scope, fn) { - return definition[1] && fn - ? assign($$scope.ctx.slice(), definition[1](fn(ctx))) - : $$scope.ctx; -} -function get_slot_changes(definition, $$scope, dirty, fn) { - if (definition[2] && fn) { - const lets = definition[2](fn(dirty)); - if ($$scope.dirty === undefined) { - return lets; - } - if (typeof lets === 'object') { - const merged = []; - const len = Math.max($$scope.dirty.length, lets.length); - for (let i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { - merged[i] = $$scope.dirty[i] | lets[i]; - } - return merged; - } - return $$scope.dirty | lets; - } - return $$scope.dirty; -} -function update_slot(slot, slot_definition, ctx, $$scope, dirty, get_slot_changes_fn, get_slot_context_fn) { - const slot_changes = get_slot_changes(slot_definition, $$scope, dirty, get_slot_changes_fn); - if (slot_changes) { - const slot_context = get_slot_context(slot_definition, ctx, $$scope, get_slot_context_fn); - slot.p(slot_context, slot_changes); - } -} -function exclude_internal_props(props) { - const result = {}; - for (const k in props) - if (k[0] !== '$') - result[k] = props[k]; - return result; -} -function null_to_empty(value) { - return value == null ? '' : value; -} + i++; -function append(target, node) { - target.appendChild(node); -} -function insert(target, node, anchor) { - target.insertBefore(node, anchor || null); -} -function detach(node) { - node.parentNode.removeChild(node); -} -function destroy_each(iterations, detaching) { - for (let i = 0; i < iterations.length; i += 1) { - if (iterations[i]) - iterations[i].d(detaching); - } -} -function element(name) { - return document.createElement(name); -} -function svg_element(name) { - return document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', name); -} -function text(data) { - return document.createTextNode(data); -} -function space() { - return text(' '); -} -function empty() { - return text(''); -} -function listen(node, event, handler, options) { - node.addEventListener(event, handler, options); - return () => node.removeEventListener(event, handler, options); -} -function attr(node, attribute, value) { - if (value == null) - node.removeAttribute(attribute); - else if (node.getAttribute(attribute) !== value) - node.setAttribute(attribute, value); -} -function get_binding_group_value(group, __value, checked) { - const value = new Set(); - for (let i = 0; i < group.length; i += 1) { - if (group[i].checked) - value.add(group[i].__value); - } - if (!checked) { - value.delete(__value); - } - return Array.from(value); -} -function children(element) { - return Array.from(element.childNodes); -} -function set_data(text, data) { - data = '' + data; - if (text.wholeText !== data) - text.data = data; -} -function set_input_value(input, value) { - input.value = value == null ? '' : value; -} -function set_style(node, key, value, important) { - node.style.setProperty(key, value, important ? 'important' : ''); -} -function select_option(select, value) { - for (let i = 0; i < select.options.length; i += 1) { - const option = select.options[i]; - if (option.__value === value) { - option.selected = true; - return; - } - } -} -function select_value(select) { - const selected_option = select.querySelector(':checked') || select.options[0]; - return selected_option && selected_option.__value; -} + if (i === c) + i = 0; + + return { + value: [j++, value], + done: false + }; + }); +}; + +/** + * Attaching the #.values method to Symbol.iterator if possible. + */ +if (typeof Symbol !== 'undefined') + FixedDeque.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = FixedDeque.prototype.values; + +/** + * Convenience known methods. + */ +FixedDeque.prototype.inspect = function() { + var array = this.toArray(); + + array.type = this.ArrayClass.name; + array.capacity = this.capacity; + + // Trick so that node displays the name of the constructor + Object.defineProperty(array, 'constructor', { + value: FixedDeque, + enumerable: false + }); + + return array; +}; + +if (typeof Symbol !== 'undefined') + FixedDeque.prototype[Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom')] = FixedDeque.prototype.inspect; + +/** + * Static @.from function taking an arbitrary iterable & converting it into + * a deque. + * + * @param {Iterable} iterable - Target iterable. + * @param {function} ArrayClass - Array class to use. + * @param {number} capacity - Desired capacity. + * @return {FiniteStack} + */ +FixedDeque.from = function(iterable, ArrayClass, capacity) { + if (arguments.length < 3) { + capacity = iterables.guessLength(iterable); + + if (typeof capacity !== 'number') + throw new Error('mnemonist/fixed-deque.from: could not guess iterable length. Please provide desired capacity as last argument.'); + } + + var deque = new FixedDeque(ArrayClass, capacity); + + if (iterables.isArrayLike(iterable)) { + var i, l; -let current_component; -function set_current_component(component) { - current_component = component; -} -function get_current_component() { - if (!current_component) - throw new Error('Function called outside component initialization'); - return current_component; -} -function onMount(fn) { - get_current_component().$$.on_mount.push(fn); -} + for (i = 0, l = iterable.length; i < l; i++) + deque.items[i] = iterable[i]; -const dirty_components = []; -const binding_callbacks = []; -const render_callbacks = []; -const flush_callbacks = []; -const resolved_promise = Promise.resolve(); -let update_scheduled = false; -function schedule_update() { - if (!update_scheduled) { - update_scheduled = true; - resolved_promise.then(flush); - } -} -function add_render_callback(fn) { - render_callbacks.push(fn); -} -let flushing = false; -const seen_callbacks = new Set(); -function flush() { - if (flushing) - return; - flushing = true; - do { - // first, call beforeUpdate functions - // and update components - for (let i = 0; i < dirty_components.length; i += 1) { - const component = dirty_components[i]; - set_current_component(component); - update(component.$$); - } - set_current_component(null); - dirty_components.length = 0; - while (binding_callbacks.length) - binding_callbacks.pop()(); - // then, once components are updated, call - // afterUpdate functions. This may cause - // subsequent updates... - for (let i = 0; i < render_callbacks.length; i += 1) { - const callback = render_callbacks[i]; - if (!seen_callbacks.has(callback)) { - // ...so guard against infinite loops - seen_callbacks.add(callback); - callback(); - } - } - render_callbacks.length = 0; - } while (dirty_components.length); - while (flush_callbacks.length) { - flush_callbacks.pop()(); - } - update_scheduled = false; - flushing = false; - seen_callbacks.clear(); -} -function update($$) { - if ($$.fragment !== null) { - $$.update(); - run_all($$.before_update); - const dirty = $$.dirty; - $$.dirty = [-1]; - $$.fragment && $$.fragment.p($$.ctx, dirty); - $$.after_update.forEach(add_render_callback); - } -} -const outroing = new Set(); -let outros; -function group_outros() { - outros = { - r: 0, - c: [], - p: outros // parent group - }; -} -function check_outros() { - if (!outros.r) { - run_all(outros.c); - } - outros = outros.p; -} -function transition_in(block, local) { - if (block && block.i) { - outroing.delete(block); - block.i(local); - } -} -function transition_out(block, local, detach, callback) { - if (block && block.o) { - if (outroing.has(block)) - return; - outroing.add(block); - outros.c.push(() => { - outroing.delete(block); - if (callback) { - if (detach) - block.d(1); - callback(); - } - }); - block.o(local); - } -} + deque.size = l; -function get_spread_update(levels, updates) { - const update = {}; - const to_null_out = {}; - const accounted_for = { $$scope: 1 }; - let i = levels.length; - while (i--) { - const o = levels[i]; - const n = updates[i]; - if (n) { - for (const key in o) { - if (!(key in n)) - to_null_out[key] = 1; - } - for (const key in n) { - if (!accounted_for[key]) { - update[key] = n[key]; - accounted_for[key] = 1; - } - } - levels[i] = n; - } - else { - for (const key in o) { - accounted_for[key] = 1; - } - } - } - for (const key in to_null_out) { - if (!(key in update)) - update[key] = undefined; - } - return update; -} -function get_spread_object(spread_props) { - return typeof spread_props === 'object' && spread_props !== null ? spread_props : {}; -} -function create_component(block) { - block && block.c(); -} -function mount_component(component, target, anchor, customElement) { - const { fragment, on_mount, on_destroy, after_update } = component.$$; - fragment && fragment.m(target, anchor); - if (!customElement) { - // onMount happens before the initial afterUpdate - add_render_callback(() => { - const new_on_destroy = on_mount.map(run).filter(is_function); - if (on_destroy) { - on_destroy.push(...new_on_destroy); - } - else { - // Edge case - component was destroyed immediately, - // most likely as a result of a binding initialising - run_all(new_on_destroy); - } - component.$$.on_mount = []; - }); - } - after_update.forEach(add_render_callback); + return deque; + } + + iterables.forEach(iterable, function(value) { + deque.push(value); + }); + + return deque; +}; + +/** + * Exporting. + */ +var fixedDeque = FixedDeque; + +/** + * Graphology Traversal Utils + * =========================== + * + * Miscellaneous utils used throughout the library. + */ +function TraversalRecord$2(node, attr, depth) { + this.node = node; + this.attributes = attr; + this.depth = depth; } -function destroy_component(component, detaching) { - const $$ = component.$$; - if ($$.fragment !== null) { - run_all($$.on_destroy); - $$.fragment && $$.fragment.d(detaching); - // TODO null out other refs, including component.$$ (but need to - // preserve final state?) - $$.on_destroy = $$.fragment = null; - $$.ctx = []; + +var TraversalRecord_1 = TraversalRecord$2; + +var utils = { + TraversalRecord: TraversalRecord_1 +}; + +/** + * Graphology Traversal BFS + * ========================= + * + * Breadth-First Search traversal function. + */ + +var TraversalRecord$1 = utils.TraversalRecord; + +/** + * BFS traversal in the given graph using a callback function + * + * @param {Graph} graph - Target graph. + * @param {function} callback - Iteration callback. + */ +function bfs(graph, callback) { + if (!isGraph(graph)) + throw new Error('graphology-traversal/bfs: expecting a graphology instance.'); + + if (typeof callback !== 'function') + throw new Error('graphology-traversal/bfs: given callback is not a function.'); + + // Early termination + if (graph.order === 0) + return; + + var seen = new Set(); + var queue = new fixedDeque(Array, graph.order); + var record, depth; + + function neighborCallback(neighbor, attr) { + if (seen.has(neighbor)) + return; + + seen.add(neighbor); + queue.push(new TraversalRecord$1(neighbor, attr, depth + 1)); + } + + graph.forEachNode(function(node, attr) { + if (seen.has(node)) + return; + + seen.add(node); + queue.push(new TraversalRecord$1(node, attr, 0)); + + while (queue.size !== 0) { + record = queue.shift(); + depth = record.depth; + + callback(record.node, record.attributes, depth); + + graph.forEachOutboundNeighbor(record.node, neighborCallback); } + }); } -function make_dirty(component, i) { - if (component.$$.dirty[0] === -1) { - dirty_components.push(component); - schedule_update(); - component.$$.dirty.fill(0); - } - component.$$.dirty[(i / 31) | 0] |= (1 << (i % 31)); + +/** + * BFS traversal in the given graph, starting from the given node, using a + * callback function. + * + * @param {Graph} graph - Target graph. + * @param {string} node - Starting node. + * @param {function} callback - Iteration callback. + */ +function bfsFromNode(graph, node, callback) { + if (!isGraph(graph)) + throw new Error('graphology-traversal/dfs: expecting a graphology instance.'); + + if (typeof callback !== 'function') + throw new Error('graphology-traversal/dfs: given callback is not a function.'); + + // Early termination + if (graph.order === 0) + return; + + node = '' + node; + + var seen = new Set(); + var queue = new fixedDeque(Array, graph.order); + var depth, record; + + function neighborCallback(neighbor, attr) { + if (seen.has(neighbor)) + return; + + seen.add(neighbor); + queue.push(new TraversalRecord$1(neighbor, attr, depth + 1)); + } + + seen.add(node); + queue.push(new TraversalRecord$1(node, graph.getNodeAttributes(node), 0)); + + while (queue.size !== 0) { + record = queue.shift(); + depth = record.depth; + + callback(record.node, record.attributes, depth); + + graph.forEachOutboundNeighbor(record.node, neighborCallback); + } } -function init(component, options, instance, create_fragment, not_equal, props, dirty = [-1]) { - const parent_component = current_component; - set_current_component(component); - const $$ = component.$$ = { - fragment: null, - ctx: null, - // state - props, - update: noop, - not_equal, - bound: blank_object(), - // lifecycle - on_mount: [], - on_destroy: [], - on_disconnect: [], - before_update: [], - after_update: [], - context: new Map(parent_component ? parent_component.$$.context : []), - // everything else - callbacks: blank_object(), - dirty, - skip_bound: false - }; - let ready = false; - $$.ctx = instance - ? instance(component, options.props || {}, (i, ret, ...rest) => { - const value = rest.length ? rest[0] : ret; - if ($$.ctx && not_equal($$.ctx[i], $$.ctx[i] = value)) { - if (!$$.skip_bound && $$.bound[i]) - $$.bound[i](value); - if (ready) - make_dirty(component, i); - } - return ret; - }) - : []; - $$.update(); - ready = true; - run_all($$.before_update); - // `false` as a special case of no DOM component - $$.fragment = create_fragment ? create_fragment($$.ctx) : false; - if (options.target) { - if (options.hydrate) { - const nodes = children(options.target); - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion - $$.fragment && $$.fragment.l(nodes); - nodes.forEach(detach); - } - else { - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion - $$.fragment && $$.fragment.c(); - } - if (options.intro) - transition_in(component.$$.fragment); - mount_component(component, options.target, options.anchor, options.customElement); - flush(); + +var bfs_2 = bfs; +var bfsFromNode_1 = bfsFromNode; + +var bfs_1 = { + bfs: bfs_2, + bfsFromNode: bfsFromNode_1 +}; + +/** + * Graphology Traversal DFS + * ========================= + * + * Depth-First Search traversal function. + */ + +var TraversalRecord = utils.TraversalRecord; + +/** + * DFS traversal in the given graph using a callback function + * + * @param {Graph} graph - Target graph. + * @param {function} callback - Iteration callback. + */ +function dfs(graph, callback) { + if (!isGraph(graph)) + throw new Error('graphology-traversal/dfs: expecting a graphology instance.'); + + if (typeof callback !== 'function') + throw new Error('graphology-traversal/dfs: given callback is not a function.'); + + // Early termination + if (graph.order === 0) + return; + + var seen = new Set(); + var stack = []; + var depth, record; + + function neighborCallback(neighbor, attr) { + if (seen.has(neighbor)) + return; + + seen.add(neighbor); + stack.push(new TraversalRecord(neighbor, attr, depth + 1)); + } + + graph.forEachNode(function(node, attr) { + if (seen.has(node)) + return; + + seen.add(node); + stack.push(new TraversalRecord(node, attr, 0)); + + while (stack.length !== 0) { + record = stack.pop(); + depth = record.depth; + + callback(record.node, record.attributes, depth); + + graph.forEachOutboundNeighbor(record.node, neighborCallback); } - set_current_component(parent_component); + }); } + /** - * Base class for Svelte components. Used when dev=false. + * DFS traversal in the given graph, starting from the given node, using a + * callback function. + * + * @param {Graph} graph - Target graph. + * @param {string} node - Starting node. + * @param {function} callback - Iteration callback. */ -class SvelteComponent { - $destroy() { - destroy_component(this, 1); - this.$destroy = noop; - } - $on(type, callback) { - const callbacks = (this.$$.callbacks[type] || (this.$$.callbacks[type] = [])); - callbacks.push(callback); - return () => { - const index = callbacks.indexOf(callback); - if (index !== -1) - callbacks.splice(index, 1); - }; - } - $set($$props) { - if (this.$$set && !is_empty($$props)) { - this.$$.skip_bound = true; - this.$$set($$props); - this.$$.skip_bound = false; - } - } +function dfsFromNode(graph, node, callback) { + if (!isGraph(graph)) + throw new Error('graphology-traversal/dfs: expecting a graphology instance.'); + + if (typeof callback !== 'function') + throw new Error('graphology-traversal/dfs: given callback is not a function.'); + + // Early termination + if (graph.order === 0) + return; + + node = '' + node; + + var seen = new Set(); + var stack = []; + var depth, record; + + function neighborCallback(neighbor, attr) { + if (seen.has(neighbor)) + return; + + seen.add(neighbor); + stack.push(new TraversalRecord(neighbor, attr, depth + 1)); + } + + seen.add(node); + stack.push(new TraversalRecord(node, graph.getNodeAttributes(node), 0)); + + while (stack.length !== 0) { + record = stack.pop(); + depth = record.depth; + + callback(record.node, record.attributes, depth); + + graph.forEachOutboundNeighbor(record.node, neighborCallback); + } +} + +var dfs_2 = dfs; +var dfsFromNode_1 = dfsFromNode; + +var dfs_1 = { + dfs: dfs_2, + dfsFromNode: dfsFromNode_1 +}; + +var graphologyTraversal = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) { +var k; + +for (k in bfs_1) + exports[k] = bfs_1[k]; + +for (k in dfs_1) + exports[k] = dfs_1[k]; +}); + +// TODO - this is a hack to get the graph to work with the approvals +// I shouldn't need +const DIRECTIONS = ["up", "same", "down", "next", "prev"]; +// This function takes the real & implied graphs for a given relation, and returns a new graphs with both. +// It makes implied relations real +// TODO use reflexiveClosure instead +function closeImpliedLinks(real, implied) { + const closedG = real.copy(); + implied.forEachEdge((key, a, s, t) => { + closedG.mergeEdge(t, s, a); + }); + return closedG; +} +function removeUnlinkedNodes(g) { + const copy = g.copy(); + copy.forEachNode((node) => { + if (!copy.degree(node)) + copy.dropNode(node); + }); + return copy; +} +/** + * Return a subgraph of all nodes & edges with `dirs.includes(a.dir)` + * @param {MultiGraph} main + * @param {Directions} dir + */ +function getSubInDirs(main, ...dirs) { + const sub = new graphology_umd_min.MultiGraph(); + main === null || main === void 0 ? void 0 : main.forEachEdge((k, a, s, t) => { + if (dirs.includes(a.dir)) { + //@ts-ignore + addNodesIfNot(sub, [s, t], a); + sub.addEdge(s, t, a); + } + }); + return sub; +} +/** + * Return a subgraph of all nodes & edges with `files.includes(a.field)` + * @param {MultiGraph} main + * @param {string[]} fields + */ +function getSubForFields(main, fields) { + const sub = new graphology_umd_min.MultiGraph(); + main.forEachEdge((k, a, s, t) => { + if (fields.includes(a.field)) { + //@ts-ignore + addNodesIfNot(sub, [s, t], a); + sub.addEdge(s, t, a); + } + }); + return sub; +} +/** + * For every edge in `g`, add the reverse of the edge to a copy of `g`. + * + * It also sets the attrs of the reverse edges to `oppDir` and `oppFields[0]` + * @param {MultiGraph} g + * @param {UserHier[]} userHiers + * @param {boolean} closeAsOpposite + */ +function getReflexiveClosure(g, userHiers, closeAsOpposite = true) { + const copy = g.copy(); + copy.forEachEdge((k, a, s, t) => { + const { dir, field } = a; + if (field === undefined) + return; + const oppDir = getOppDir(dir); + const oppField = getOppFields(userHiers, field)[0]; + addNodesIfNot(copy, [s, t], { + //@ts-ignore + dir: closeAsOpposite ? oppDir : dir, + field: closeAsOpposite ? oppField : field, + }); + addEdgeIfNot(copy, t, s, { + //@ts-ignore + dir: closeAsOpposite ? oppDir : dir, + field: closeAsOpposite ? oppField : field, + implied: true, + }); + }); + return copy; +} +function addNodesIfNot(g, nodes, attr = { order: 9999 }) { + for (const node of nodes) { + g.updateNode(node, (exstantAttrs) => { + const extantOrder = exstantAttrs.order; + return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, exstantAttrs), { order: extantOrder && extantOrder < 9999 ? extantOrder : attr.order }); + }); + } +} +function addEdgeIfNot(g, source, target, attr) { + if (!g.hasEdge(source, target)) + g.addEdge(source, target, attr); +} +const getSinks = (g) => g.filterNodes((node) => g.hasNode(node) && !g.outDegree(node)); +const getOutNeighbours = (g, node) => g.hasNode(node) ? g.outNeighbors(node) : []; +const getInNeighbours = (g, node) => g.hasNode(node) ? g.inNeighbors(node) : []; +const getOppDir = (dir) => { + switch (dir) { + case "up": + return "down"; + case "down": + return "up"; + case "same": + return "same"; + case "next": + return "prev"; + case "prev": + return "next"; + } +}; +/** + * Get the hierarchy and direction that `field` is in + * */ +function getFieldInfo(userHiers, field) { + let fieldDir; + let fieldHier; + DIRECTIONS.forEach((dir) => { + userHiers.forEach((hier) => { + if (hier[dir].includes(field)) { + fieldDir = dir; + fieldHier = hier; + return; + } + }); + }); + return { fieldHier, fieldDir }; +} +function getOppFields(userHiers, field) { + const { fieldHier, fieldDir } = getFieldInfo(userHiers, field); + const oppDir = getOppDir(fieldDir); + return fieldHier[oppDir]; +} +function dfsAllPaths(g, start) { + const queue = [{ node: start, path: [] }]; + const visited = {}; + const allPaths = []; + let i = 0; + while (queue.length > 0 && i < 1000) { + i++; + const { node, path } = queue.shift(); + const extPath = [node, ...path]; + const succsNotVisited = g.hasNode(node) + ? g.filterOutNeighbors(node, (succ) => !visited[succ] || visited[succ] < 5) + : []; + const newItems = succsNotVisited.map((succ) => { + visited[succ] = visited[succ] ? visited[succ] + 1 : 1; + return { node: succ, path: extPath }; + }); + queue.unshift(...newItems); + if (!g.hasNode(node) || !g.outDegree(node)) + allPaths.push(extPath); + } + return allPaths; +} +function bfsAllPaths(g, start) { + const pathsArr = []; + const queue = [{ node: start, path: [] }]; + let i = 0; + while (queue.length !== 0 && i < 1000) { + i++; + const { node, path } = queue.shift(); + const extPath = [node, ...path]; + const succs = g.hasNode(node) + ? g.filterOutNeighbors(node, (n) => !path.includes(n)) + : []; + for (const node of succs) { + queue.push({ node, path: extPath }); + } + // terminal node + if (!g.hasNode(node) || succs.length === 0) { + pathsArr.push(extPath); + } + } + // Splice off the current note from the path + pathsArr.forEach((path) => { + if (path.length) + path.splice(path.length - 1, 1); + }); + loglevel.info({ pathsArr }); + return pathsArr; +} +function removeCycles(g, startNode) { + const copy = g.copy(); + let prevNode = null; + graphologyTraversal.dfsFromNode(copy, startNode, (n) => { + copy.forEachOutNeighbor(n, (t) => { + if (t === prevNode && copy.hasEdge(t, prevNode)) { + copy.dropEdge(t, prevNode); + } + }); + prevNode = n; + }); + return copy; +} +function buildObsGraph(app) { + const ObsG = new graphology_umd_min.MultiGraph(); + const { resolvedLinks, unresolvedLinks } = app.metadataCache; + for (const source in resolvedLinks) { + if (!source.endsWith(".md")) + continue; + const sourceBase = getBaseFromMDPath(source); + addNodesIfNot(ObsG, [sourceBase]); + for (const dest in resolvedLinks[source]) { + if (!dest.endsWith(".md")) + continue; + const destBase = getBaseFromMDPath(dest); + addNodesIfNot(ObsG, [destBase]); + ObsG.addEdge(sourceBase, destBase, { resolved: true }); + } + } + for (const source in unresolvedLinks) { + const sourceBase = getBaseFromMDPath(source); + addNodesIfNot(ObsG, [sourceBase]); + for (const dest in unresolvedLinks[source]) { + const destBase = getBaseFromMDPath(dest); + addNodesIfNot(ObsG, [destBase]); + if (sourceBase === destBase) + continue; + ObsG.addEdge(sourceBase, destBase, { resolved: false }); + } + } + loglevel.info({ ObsG }); + return ObsG; +} +function populateMain(settings, mainG, source, field, target, sourceOrder, targetOrder, fillOpp = false) { + var _a; + const { userHiers } = settings; + const dir = getFieldInfo(userHiers, field).fieldDir; + addNodesIfNot(mainG, [source], { + order: sourceOrder, + }); + addNodesIfNot(mainG, [target], { + order: targetOrder, + }); + addEdgeIfNot(mainG, source, target, { + dir, + field, + }); + if (fillOpp) { + const oppDir = getOppDir(dir); + const oppField = (_a = getOppFields(userHiers, field)[0]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : getFields(userHiers, oppDir)[0]; + addEdgeIfNot(mainG, target, source, { + dir: oppDir, + field: oppField, + }); + } +} +const getTargetOrder = (frontms, target) => { + var _a, _b; + return parseInt((_b = (_a = frontms.find((arr) => arr.file.basename === target)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[BC_ORDER]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : "9999"); +}; +const getSourceOrder = (frontm) => { var _a; return parseInt((_a = frontm[BC_ORDER]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : "9999"); }; + +function normalise(arr) { + const max = Math.max(...arr); + return arr.map((item) => item / max); +} +const dropPath = (path) => path.replace(/^.*\//, ""); +const dropDendron = (path, settings) => settings.trimDendronNotes + ? path.split(settings.dendronNoteDelimiter).last() + : path; +const dropPathNDendron = (path, settings) => dropDendron(dropPath(path), settings); +/** + * Get basename from a **Markdown** `path` + * @param {string} path + */ +const getBaseFromMDPath = (path) => { + const splitSlash = path.split("/").last(); + if (splitSlash.endsWith(".md")) { + return splitSlash.split(".md").slice(0, -1).join("."); + } + else + return splitSlash; +}; +const getDVBasename = (file) => file.basename || file.name; +const getFolderName = (file) => { var _a; +//@ts-ignore +return ((_a = file === null || file === void 0 ? void 0 : file.parent) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.name) || file.folder; }; +const dropFolder = (path) => path.split("/").last().split(".").slice(0, -1).join("."); +const splitAndTrim = (fields) => { + if (!fields || fields === "") + return []; + else + return fields.split(",").map((str) => str.trim()); +}; +function padArray(arr, finalLength, filler = "") { + const copy = [...arr]; + const currLength = copy.length; + if (currLength > finalLength) { + throw new Error("Current length is greater than final length"); + } + else if (currLength === finalLength) { + return copy; + } + else { + for (let i = currLength; i < finalLength; i++) { + copy.push(filler); + } + return copy; + } +} +function transpose(A) { + const cols = A[0].length; + const AT = []; + // For each column + for (let j = 0; j < cols; j++) { + // Add a new row to AT + AT.push([]); + // And fill it with the values in the jth column of A + A.forEach((row) => AT[j].push(row[j])); + } + return AT; +} +function runs(arr) { + const runs = []; + let i = 0; + while (i < arr.length) { + const currValue = arr[i]; + runs.push({ value: currValue, first: i, last: undefined }); + while (currValue === arr[i]) { + i++; + } + runs.last().last = i - 1; + } + return runs; +} +function makeWiki(str, wikiQ = true) { + let copy = str.slice(); + if (wikiQ) { + copy = "[[" + copy; + copy += "]]"; + } + return copy; +} +function dropWikilinks(str) { + let copy = str.slice(); + if (copy.startsWith("[[") && copy.endsWith("]]")) + copy = copy.slice(2, -2); + return copy; +} +/** + * Get all the fields in `dir`. + * Returns all fields if `dir === 'all'` + * @param {UserHier[]} userHiers + * @param {Directions|"all"} dir + */ +function getFields(userHiers, dir = "all") { + const fields = []; + userHiers.forEach((hier) => { + if (dir === "all") { + DIRECTIONS$1.forEach((eachDir) => { + fields.push(...hier[eachDir]); + }); + } + else { + fields.push(...hier[dir]); + } + }); + return fields; +} +const hierToStr = (hier) => DIRECTIONS$1.map((dir) => `${ARROW_DIRECTIONS[dir]}: ${hier[dir].join(", ")}`).join("\n"); +/** + * Adds or updates the given yaml `key` to `value` in the given TFile + * @param {string} key + * @param {string} value + * @param {TFile} file + * @param {FrontMatterCache|undefined} frontmatter + * @param {MetaeditApi} api + */ +const createOrUpdateYaml = async (key, value, file, frontmatter, api) => { + const valueStr = value.toString(); + if (!frontmatter || frontmatter[key] === undefined) { + console.log(`Creating: ${key}: ${valueStr}`); + await api.createYamlProperty(key, `['${valueStr}']`, file); + } + else if ([...[frontmatter[key]]].flat(3).some((val) => val == valueStr)) { + console.log("Already Exists!"); + return; + } + else { + const oldValueFlat = [...[frontmatter[key]]].flat(4); + const newValue = [...oldValueFlat, `'${valueStr}'`]; + console.log(`Updating: ${key}: ${newValue}`); + await api.update(key, `[${newValue.join(", ")}]`, file); + } +}; +function splitAtYaml(content) { + const startsWithYaml = content.startsWith("---"); + if (!startsWithYaml) + return ["", content]; + else { + const splits = content.split("---"); + return [ + splits.slice(0, 2).join("---") + "---", + splits.slice(2).join("---"), + ]; + } +} +function swapItems(i, j, arr) { + const max = arr.length - 1; + if (i < 0 || i > max || j < 0 || j > max) + return arr; + const tmp = arr[i]; + arr[i] = arr[j]; + arr[j] = tmp; + return arr; +} +const linkClass = (app, to, realQ = true) => `internal-link BC-Link ${isInVault(app, to) ? "" : "is-unresolved"} ${realQ ? "" : "BC-Implied"}`; +const fallbackField = (field, dir) => `${field} <${ARROW_DIRECTIONS[dir]}>`; +const fallbackOppField = (field, dir) => `${field} <${ARROW_DIRECTIONS[getOppDir(dir)]}>`; +/** Remember to filter by hierarchy in MatrixView! */ +function getRealnImplied(plugin, currNode, dir = null) { + const realsnImplieds = blankRealNImplied(); + const { settings, closedG } = plugin; + const { userHiers } = settings; + if (!closedG.hasNode(currNode)) + return realsnImplieds; + closedG.forEachEdge(currNode, (k, a, s, t) => { + var _a; + const { field, dir: edgeDir, implied, } = a; + const oppField = (_a = getOppFields(userHiers, field)[0]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : fallbackOppField(field, edgeDir); + (dir ? [dir, getOppDir(dir)] : DIRECTIONS$1).forEach((currDir) => { + const oppDir = getOppDir(currDir); + // Reals + if (s === currNode && (edgeDir === currDir || edgeDir === oppDir)) { + const arr = realsnImplieds[edgeDir].reals; + if (arr.findIndex((item) => item.to === t) === -1) { + arr.push({ to: t, real: true, field, implied }); + } + } + // Implieds + // If `s !== currNode` then `t` must be + else if (edgeDir === currDir || edgeDir === oppDir) { + const arr = realsnImplieds[getOppDir(edgeDir)].implieds; + if (arr.findIndex((item) => item.to === s) === -1) { + arr.push({ + to: s, + real: false, + field: oppField, + implied, + }); + } + } + }); + }); + return realsnImplieds; +} +function iterateHiers(userHiers, fn) { + userHiers.forEach((hier) => { + DIRECTIONS$1.forEach((dir) => { + hier[dir].forEach((field) => { + fn(hier, dir, field); + }); + }); + }); +} +function strToRegex(input) { + const match = input.match(regNFlags); + if (!match) + return null; + const [, innerRegex, flags] = match; + try { + const regex = new RegExp(innerRegex, flags); + return regex; + } + catch (e) { + console.log(e); + return null; + } +} +const dropHash = (tag) => tag.startsWith("#") ? tag.slice(1) : tag; +function getAlt(node, plugin) { + var _a; + const { app } = plugin; + const { altLinkFields, showAllAliases } = plugin.settings; + if (altLinkFields.length) { + const file = app.metadataCache.getFirstLinkpathDest(node, ""); + if (file) { + const metadata = app.metadataCache.getFileCache(file); + for (const altField of altLinkFields) { + const value = (_a = metadata === null || metadata === void 0 ? void 0 : metadata.frontmatter) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[altField]; + const arr = typeof value === "string" ? splitAndTrim(value) : value; + if (value) + return showAllAliases ? arr.join(", ") : arr[0]; + } + } + } + else + return null; } /* src\Components\ModifyHNItemComp.svelte generated by Svelte v3.35.0 */ @@ -24415,7 +24416,6 @@ function getCodeblockCB(plugin) { const allPaths = dfsAllPaths(subClosed, basename); const index = createIndex(allPaths, false); loglevel.info({ allPaths, index }); - console.log({ allPaths, index }); const lines = index .split("\n") .map((line) => { @@ -26146,7 +26146,6 @@ function addAuntsUncles(g) { g.forEachOutEdge(parentNode, (k, a, s, uncle) => { if (a.dir !== "same") return; - console.log("aunt", currN, uncle); addEdgeIfNot(g, currN, uncle, { dir: "up", // Use the starting nodes parent field @@ -27613,6 +27612,7 @@ function create_each_block_3$2(ctx) { let t0; let div_class_value; let t1; + let li_class_value; let mounted; let dispose; @@ -27631,6 +27631,7 @@ function create_each_block_3$2(ctx) { t0 = text(t0_value); t1 = space(); attr(div, "class", div_class_value = "" + (null_to_empty(/*realItem*/ ctx[22].cls) + " svelte-1dlhare")); + attr(li, "class", li_class_value = "" + (null_to_empty(/*realItem*/ ctx[22].implied ?? "") + " svelte-1dlhare")); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, li, anchor); @@ -27654,6 +27655,10 @@ function create_each_block_3$2(ctx) { if (dirty & /*filteredSquaresArr*/ 1 && div_class_value !== (div_class_value = "" + (null_to_empty(/*realItem*/ ctx[22].cls) + " svelte-1dlhare"))) { attr(div, "class", div_class_value); } + + if (dirty & /*filteredSquaresArr*/ 1 && li_class_value !== (li_class_value = "" + (null_to_empty(/*realItem*/ ctx[22].implied ?? "") + " svelte-1dlhare"))) { + attr(li, "class", li_class_value); + } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(li); @@ -27785,7 +27790,7 @@ function create_each_block_2$2(ctx) { attr(li, "class", li_class_value = "BC-Implied " + (/*treatCurrNodeAsImpliedSibling*/ ctx[7] && /*impliedItem*/ ctx[19].to === /*currFile*/ ctx[1].basename ? "BC-active-note" - : "")); + : "") + " " + (/*impliedItem*/ ctx[19].implied ?? "") + " svelte-1dlhare"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, li, anchor); @@ -27815,7 +27820,7 @@ function create_each_block_2$2(ctx) { if (dirty & /*filteredSquaresArr, currFile*/ 3 && li_class_value !== (li_class_value = "BC-Implied " + (/*treatCurrNodeAsImpliedSibling*/ ctx[7] && /*impliedItem*/ ctx[19].to === /*currFile*/ ctx[1].basename ? "BC-active-note" - : ""))) { + : "") + " " + (/*impliedItem*/ ctx[19].implied ?? "") + " svelte-1dlhare")) { attr(li, "class", li_class_value); } }, @@ -28267,6 +28272,7 @@ function create_each_block_3$1(ctx) { let t0; let div_class_value; let t1; + let li_class_value; let mounted; let dispose; @@ -28285,6 +28291,7 @@ function create_each_block_3$1(ctx) { t0 = text(t0_value); t1 = space(); attr(div, "class", div_class_value = "" + (null_to_empty(/*realItem*/ ctx[22].cls) + " svelte-sp0k97")); + attr(li, "class", li_class_value = "" + (null_to_empty(/*realItem*/ ctx[22].implied ?? "") + " svelte-sp0k97")); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, li, anchor); @@ -28308,6 +28315,10 @@ function create_each_block_3$1(ctx) { if (dirty & /*filteredSquaresArr*/ 1 && div_class_value !== (div_class_value = "" + (null_to_empty(/*realItem*/ ctx[22].cls) + " svelte-sp0k97"))) { attr(div, "class", div_class_value); } + + if (dirty & /*filteredSquaresArr*/ 1 && li_class_value !== (li_class_value = "" + (null_to_empty(/*realItem*/ ctx[22].implied ?? "") + " svelte-sp0k97"))) { + attr(li, "class", li_class_value); + } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(li); @@ -28502,7 +28513,7 @@ function create_each_block_2$1(ctx) { attr(li, "class", li_class_value = "BC-Implied " + (/*treatCurrNodeAsImpliedSibling*/ ctx[7] && /*impliedItem*/ ctx[19].to === /*currFile*/ ctx[1].basename ? "BC-active-note" - : "")); + : "") + " " + (/*impliedItem*/ ctx[19].implied ?? "") + " svelte-sp0k97"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert(target, li, anchor); @@ -28534,7 +28545,7 @@ function create_each_block_2$1(ctx) { if (dirty & /*filteredSquaresArr, currFile*/ 3 && li_class_value !== (li_class_value = "BC-Implied " + (/*treatCurrNodeAsImpliedSibling*/ ctx[7] && /*impliedItem*/ ctx[19].to === /*currFile*/ ctx[1].basename ? "BC-active-note" - : ""))) { + : "") + " " + (/*impliedItem*/ ctx[19].implied ?? "") + " svelte-sp0k97")) { attr(li, "class", li_class_value); } }, @@ -28770,13 +28781,14 @@ class MatrixView extends obsidian.ItemView { constructor(leaf, plugin) { super(leaf); this.icon = TRAIL_ICON; - this.toInternalLinkObj = (to, realQ = true, parent) => { + this.toInternalLinkObj = (to, realQ = true, parent, implied) => { return { to, cls: linkClass(this.app, to, realQ), alt: this.getAlt(to), order: this.getOrder(to), parent, + implied, }; }; this.getOrder = (node) => Number.parseInt(this.plugin.mainG.getNodeAttribute(node, "order")); @@ -28839,37 +28851,21 @@ class MatrixView extends obsidian.ItemView { const realsnImplieds = getRealnImplied(plugin, basename); return userHiers.map((hier) => { const filteredRealNImplied = blankRealNImplied(); - const resultsFilter = (real, dir, oppDir, arrow) => hier[dir].includes(real.field) || - (real.field.includes(`<${arrow}>`) && - hier[oppDir].includes(real.field.split(" <")[0])); + const resultsFilter = (item, dir, oppDir, arrow) => hier[dir].includes(item.field) || + (item.field.includes(`<${arrow}>`) && + hier[oppDir].includes(item.field.split(" <")[0])); for (const dir in realsnImplieds) { const oppDir = getOppDir(dir); const arrow = ARROW_DIRECTIONS[dir]; const { reals, implieds } = realsnImplieds[dir]; filteredRealNImplied[dir].reals = reals .filter((real) => resultsFilter(real, dir, oppDir, arrow)) - .map((item) => this.toInternalLinkObj(item.to, true)); + .map((item) => this.toInternalLinkObj(item.to, true, null, item.implied)); filteredRealNImplied[dir].implieds = implieds .filter((implied) => resultsFilter(implied, dir, oppDir, arrow)) - .map((item) => this.toInternalLinkObj(item.to, false)); + .map((item) => this.toInternalLinkObj(item.to, false, null, item.implied)); } let { up: { reals: ru, implieds: iu }, same: { reals: rs, implieds: is }, down: { reals: rd, implieds: id }, next: { reals: rn, implieds: iN }, prev: { reals: rp, implieds: ip }, } = filteredRealNImplied; - // SECTION Implied Siblings - /// Notes with the same parents - const closedUp = getSubInDirs(plugin.closedG, "up"); - const iSamesII = []; - if (closedUp.hasNode(basename)) { - closedUp.forEachOutEdge(basename, (k, a, s, par) => { - if (hier.up.includes(a.field)) { - closedUp.forEachInEdge(par, (k, a, s, t) => { - if (s === basename && !treatCurrNodeAsImpliedSibling) - return; - iSamesII.push(this.toInternalLinkObj(s, false, t)); - }); - } - }); - } - is.push(...iSamesII); // !SECTION [iu, is, id, iN, ip] = [ this.removeDuplicateImplied(ru, iu), diff --git a/src/Components/Lists.svelte b/src/Components/Lists.svelte index b921e280..76b256bd 100644 --- a/src/Components/Lists.svelte +++ b/src/Components/Lists.svelte @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
    {#each square.realItems as realItem} -
  1. +
  2. openOrSwitch(app, realItem.to, e)} @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class="BC-Implied {treatCurrNodeAsImpliedSibling && impliedItem.to === currFile.basename ? 'BC-active-note' - : ''}" + : ''} {impliedItem.implied ?? ''}" >
    {#each square.realItems as realItem} -
  3. +
  4. openOrSwitch(app, realItem.to, e)} @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class="BC-Implied {treatCurrNodeAsImpliedSibling && impliedItem.to === currFile.basename ? 'BC-active-note' - : ''}" + : ''} {impliedItem.implied ?? ''}" >
    { return { to, @@ -93,6 +94,7 @@ export default class MatrixView extends ItemView { alt: this.getAlt(to), order: this.getOrder(to), parent, + implied, }; }; @@ -149,11 +151,15 @@ export default class MatrixView extends ItemView { filteredRealNImplied[dir].reals = reals .filter((real) => resultsFilter(real, dir, oppDir, arrow)) - .map((item) => this.toInternalLinkObj(item.to, true)); + .map((item) => + this.toInternalLinkObj(item.to, true, null, item.implied) + ); filteredRealNImplied[dir].implieds = implieds .filter((implied) => resultsFilter(implied, dir, oppDir, arrow)) - .map((item) => this.toInternalLinkObj(item.to, false)); + .map((item) => + this.toInternalLinkObj(item.to, false, null, item.implied) + ); } let { @@ -164,23 +170,6 @@ export default class MatrixView extends ItemView { prev: { reals: rp, implieds: ip }, } = filteredRealNImplied; - // SECTION Implied Siblings - /// Notes with the same parents - const closedUp = getSubInDirs(plugin.closedG, "up"); - - const iSamesII: internalLinkObj[] = []; - if (closedUp.hasNode(basename)) { - closedUp.forEachOutEdge(basename, (k, a, s, par) => { - if (hier.up.includes(a.field)) { - closedUp.forEachInEdge(par, (k, a, s, t) => { - if (s === basename && !treatCurrNodeAsImpliedSibling) return; - iSamesII.push(this.toInternalLinkObj(s, false, t)); - }); - } - }); - } - is.push(...iSamesII); - // !SECTION [iu, is, id, iN, ip] = [ diff --git a/src/constants.ts b/src/constants.ts index eddceae6..cc80232e 100644 --- a/src/constants.ts +++ b/src/constants.ts @@ -125,10 +125,10 @@ export const blankRealNImplied = () => { }; export const [BC_I_AUNT, BC_I_COUSIN, BC_I_SIBLING_1, BC_I_SIBLING_2] = [ - "Aunt/Uncle", - "Cousin", - "Sibling 1", - "Sibling 2", + "BC-Aunt", + "BC-Cousin", + "BC-Sibling-1", + "BC-Sibling-2", ]; export const [ diff --git a/src/interfaces.ts b/src/interfaces.ts index e04953c3..9ae54a4c 100644 --- a/src/interfaces.ts +++ b/src/interfaces.ts @@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ export interface internalLinkObj { alt: string | null; order: number; parent?: string; + implied: string; } export interface SquareProps { @@ -270,6 +271,7 @@ export type SquareItem = { to: string; real: boolean; field: string; + implied?: string; }; export interface MetaeditApi { diff --git a/src/sharedFunctions.ts b/src/sharedFunctions.ts index 63168f70..66d5539f 100644 --- a/src/sharedFunctions.ts +++ b/src/sharedFunctions.ts @@ -264,12 +264,16 @@ export function getRealnImplied( dir: Directions = null ): RealNImplied { const realsnImplieds: RealNImplied = blankRealNImplied(); - const { userHiers } = plugin.settings; - const { mainG } = plugin; - - if (!mainG.hasNode(currNode)) return realsnImplieds; - mainG.forEachEdge(currNode, (k, a, s, t) => { - const { field, dir: edgeDir } = a as { field: string; dir: Directions }; + const { settings, closedG } = plugin; + const { userHiers } = settings; + + if (!closedG.hasNode(currNode)) return realsnImplieds; + closedG.forEachEdge(currNode, (k, a, s, t) => { + const { + field, + dir: edgeDir, + implied, + } = a as { field: string; dir: Directions; implied?: string }; const oppField = getOppFields(userHiers, field)[0] ?? fallbackOppField(field, edgeDir); @@ -279,7 +283,7 @@ export function getRealnImplied( if (s === currNode && (edgeDir === currDir || edgeDir === oppDir)) { const arr = realsnImplieds[edgeDir].reals; if (arr.findIndex((item) => item.to === t) === -1) { - arr.push({ to: t, real: true, field }); + arr.push({ to: t, real: true, field, implied }); } } // Implieds @@ -291,6 +295,7 @@ export function getRealnImplied( to: s, real: false, field: oppField, + implied, }); } }