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The documentation is still work in progress and will be updated over time. There have been a few syntax changes since the update to 2.0.0 that still might be missing in the documentation.


This documenation will give you an overview of the most important properties & methods of the different nodes and how to use them. If you want to dive deeper into the code, you can also check out the in-engine documentation [F1] or read the comments in the source code.

Icon Legend
The node icons where designed/choosen to give you a quick overview of their purpose. The following table explains the meaning of the different colors and icons.

Color Meaning
Orange Base color of all plugin releated nodes.
Green Success
Red Failure, Limit
Purple Random
Blue Integration of another Behaviour Pattern.

Table of Contents

Finite State Machine

A finite-state machine (FSM) [...] is an abstract machine that can be in exactly one of a finite number of states at any given time. The FSM can change from one state to another in response to some inputs; the change from one state to another is called a transition. (Wikipedia)


  1. Create a new FiniteStateMachine node.
  2. Add FSMState child nodes to the FiniteStateMachine node and set the initial_state property to the state you want to start with.
  3. Add FSMTransition child nodes to the FSMState nodes and set the next_state property to the state you want to transition to.
  4. To customize the states/transitions, right-click the node and select "Extend Script".


FiniteStateMachine Icon FiniteStateMachine

This is the root node of the State Machine. All FSMStates must be children of this node.


  • bool autostart
    • If true the FSM will start automatically when ready.
  • Enum process_type
    • When set to Physics the FSM _on_update() will be run in _physics_process() callback.
    • When set to Idle the FSM _on_update() will be run in _process() callback.
  • bool active
    • When true the State Machine will run and update its current state.
  • FSMState initial_state
    • The state that is entereted when the State Machine starts.
  • Node actor
    • The actor is the different states. Most of the time you want to use the root node of your current scene.
  • Blackboard blackboard
    • When left empty, a new local blackboard will be created. Otherwise the given blackboard will be used, which can be shared between multiple State Machines and Behaviour Trees.


  • void start()
    • Starts the State Machine. This is called automatically when autostart is true.
  • void fire_event(event: String)
    • Fires an event. This will trigger any transitions that are listening for this event.


  • state_changed(state: FSMState)
    • Emitted when the current state changes.

FSM State Icon FSMState

This is the base class for all states. On ready, all FSMTransition child nodes will be set up as transitions. To implement your logic you can override the _on_enter, _on_update and _on_exit methods when extending the node's script.


  • void _on_enter(actor: Node, blackboard: Blackboard)
    • Called when the state is entered.
  • void _on_update(actor: Node, blackboard: Blackboard)
    • Called every frame while the state is active.
  • void _on_exit(actor: Node, blackboard: Blackboard)
    • Called when the state is exited.

FSM Transition Icon FSMTransition

This is the base class for all transitions. To implement your logic you can override the _on_transition method when extending the node's script. To setup custom conditions you can override the is_valid method. If you want to use events to trigger the transition, set use_event to true and set the event property to the name of the event you want to listen for.


  • FSMState next_state
    • The state that is entered when the transition is triggered.
  • bool use_event
    • If true the transition will be triggered if the given event is fired.
  • String event
    • The event that triggers the transition.


  • void _on_transition(actor: Node, blackboard: Blackboard)
    • Called when the transition is triggered.
  • bool is_valid
    • Should return true if the conditions for the transition are met.

Behaviour Tree

A behavior tree is a mathematical model of plan execution used in computer science, robotics, control systems and video games. They describe switchings between a finite set of tasks in a modular fashion. Their strength comes from their ability to create very complex tasks composed of simple tasks, without worrying how the simple tasks are implemented. (Wikipedia)


  1. Create a new BTRoot node.
  2. Add a BTComposite as a child node.
  3. Define your behaviour by adding BTLeaf, BTDecorator and BTComposite nodes.
  4. To customize the nodes, right-click the node and select "Extend Script".

Tree Nodes

BTRoot Icon BTRoot

This is the root of your behaviour tree. It is designed to only have one child node, which should be a BTComposite node. The root node is responsible for updating the tree.


  • bool autostart
    • If true the FSM will start automatically when ready.
  • Enum process_type
    • When set to Physics the BTree tick() will be run in _physics_process() callback.
    • When set to Idle the BTree tick() will be run in _process() callback.
  • bool active
    • When true the State Machine will run and update its current state.
  • FSMState initial_state
    • The state that is entereted when the State Machine starts.
  • Node actor
    • The actor is the different states. Most of the time you want to use the root node of your current scene.
  • Blackboard blackboard
    • When left empty, a new local blackboard will be created. Otherwise the given blackboard will be used, which can be shared between multiple State Machines and Behaviour Trees.

BTComposite Icon BTComposite

Composites nodes are used to combine multiple leaves into a single node and evalute/execute them in a specific order. There are different types of composites:

  • BTCompositeSequence Icon BTSequence
    • Succeeds if all leaves succeed, fails if one leaf fails.
    • BTCompositeRandomSequence Icon BTRandomSequence can be used to randomize the order of the leaves.
  • BTCompositeSelector Icon BTSelector
    • Selects the first leaf that succeeds, fails if all leaves fail.
    • BTCompositeRandomSelector Icon BTRandomSelector can be used to randomize the order of the leaves.
  • BTSimpleParallel Icon BTSimpleParallel
    • Executes all leaves in parallel.
    • Fails if any leaf fails.
    • Depending on the set policy it will succeed if all leaves succeed or if any leaf succeeds.
  • BTCompositeRandom Icon BTRandom
    • One leaf is selected at random and executed.


  • Array[BTLeaf] leaves
    • The leaves that are the children of this node.

BTLeaf Icon BTLeaf

A leaf is where the actual behaviour logic is implemented. It is the base class for all leaves and can be extended to implement custom behaviour. The tick(actor: Node, blackboard: Blackboard) method is called every frame and should return a Status. There are a few example leaves that you can use out of the box:

  • LeafPrint Icon Print
    • Prints a message to the console. Very handy for debugging.
  • LeafWait Icon Wait
    • Waits for a given amount of ticks.
  • LeafSignal Icon Signal
    • Emits a signal with optional arguments in an Array. Always returns a SUCCESS.

A script template is also available to make it easier to extend the BTLeaf class.

BTDecorator Icon BTDecorator

Decorators are used to augment the behaviour of a leaf. Think of it as another layer of logic that is executed before the leaf. There are a few example decorators that you can use out of the box:

  • BTDecoratorFail Icon AlwaysFail
    • The leaf always fails.
  • BTDecoratorSucceed Icon AlwaysSucceed
    • The leaf always succeeds.
  • BTDecoratorLimiter Icon Limiter
    • Limits the number of times a leaf can be executed.
  • BTInverter Icon Inverter
    • Inverts the result of the leaf.
  • BTDecoratorRepeat Icon Repeater
    • Repeats the leaf a given number of times.

Status Enum

All nodes extending from BTBehaviour, which are BTLeaf , BTDecorator and BTComposite have access to the Status enum. It is used to determine the result of a node. The following values are available:

  • SUCCESS = 0
    • The node succeeded.
  • FAILURE = 1
    • The node failed.
  • RUNNING = 2
    • The node is still running and will be executed again next frame.


A blackboard is a simple key-value store that can be used to share data between different nodes. It is used by the BehaviourTree and FiniteStateMachine nodes to store and retrieve data.

Creating a new Blackboard

To create a new Blackboard you can instantiate it like any other Resource in code with, right-click in the FileSystem dock and select New -> Resource or by clicking the Blackboard icon in the toolbox.

When to use a Blackboard

You want to use a Blackboard to share data between different Behaviour Nodes. For example, you can use it to store the target position of an enemy that is shared between different states in a FiniteStateMachine or BehaviourTree. Whenever you don't define a Blackboard a new local one will be created for you, that can only be accessed by its own BehaviourTree or FiniteStateMachine.

Adding and retrieving data

The Blackboard stores its data inside a Dictionary. You can add, retrieve and delete data by using the following methods:

class_name Blackboard extends Resource
## A blackboard is a dictionary of key/value pairs that can be used to share data between nodes.

## The blackboard's content stored as a dictionary.
@export var content: Dictionary

## Sets a value in the blackboard.
func set_value(key: StringName, value: Variant) -> void

## Returns a value from the blackboard. If the key doesn't exist, returns `null`.
func get_value(key: StringName) -> Variant

## Removes a value from the blackboard. Returns `true` if the key existed, `false` otherwise.
func remove_value(key: StringName) -> bool

## Clears the blackboard and removes all its values.
func clear() -> void

Additionally can also directly access the dictionary through the content property.

Nesting Behaviours inside Behaviours

You can nest BTRoot nodes inside FinitStateMachine nodes and vice versa! Think of the respective node as another State/Leaf and you can use all the same logic to control the behaviour. This allows you to create very complex behaviours by combining different architectures.

State Machine nested in Behaviour Tree

To nest a State Machine you need to use IntegradeFSM Icon IntegratedFSM composite node and add a FiniteStateMachine as a child. The IntegratedFSM node will then act as a leaf and execute the State Machine. If you want to exit the State Machine, you let it navigate to a Icon Return IntegratioReturn state and the IntegratedFSM will return SUCCESS or FAILURE depending on the state's return_status property.

Behaviour Tree nested in State Machine

To nest a Behaviour Tree you need to use IntegradeBT Icon IntegrationBT state and add a BTRoot as a child. When this state is entered, the Behaviour Tree is set to active. You can use the fire_event_on_status property to fire an event when the Behaviour Tree returns a specific status. This allows you to trigger transitions based on the status of the Behaviour Tree. You can also use the FSMEvent leaf to trigger custom events inside the nested State Machine.

Using Script Templates

You can find all templates inside the script_templates directory, so make sure to add it to your project. Whenever you extend a script, the template will automatically be suggested by the editor.

Available Templates:

  • FSMState
  • FSMTransition
  • BTLeaf


🚧 Work in progress 🚧

Examples are located in the examples directory. (What a surprise!)

Example: Busy villagers drinking, becoming ghosts and moving to random positions

This example is a very messy implementation of the BehaviourToolkit and is only meant to show (and test) as many features as possible. It will be replaced with a simpler example in the future. Here are some of the used features:

  • Behaviour Tree
    • Composite Nodes
    • Decorator Nodes
    • Custom Leaf Nodes
    • Nested State Machine
  • Finite State Machine
    • Transition Events
    • Nested Behaviour Tree
  • Global Blackboard (Saved as global_blackboard.tres)

What does a villager do?

  • Wandering around
    • Wandering around to a random location picked from the locations key of the blackboard, which is shared between all villagers.
    • After reaching the location, the villager will wait for either 100 or 159 ticks.
  • Hydrating
    • When the villager is thirsty (thirst variable reaches a threshold), they will either drink from a one-time use bottle or make their way to the well and drink from it.
  • Death and ghostism
    • The villager will die after their death age is reached. (They will complete their current action before dying)
    • The nested FiniteStateMachine controls the ghosts behaviour, making them transparent.
    • They will try to use their ghost powers to revive themselves, but it is only available once, by consulting a nested BehaviourTree.
    • You can revive them by clicking on them, which will leave the State Machine and return them to their normal behaviour.

There also is a seperate FiniteStateMachine used for handling simple animations.