I'm really glad you're reading this, because we welcome contributions on useful new resources for this repository.
If you haven't already, come find us at #opendata on Sinar's Slack Channel too
This list accepts and encourages pull requests.
To add to the list: Submit a pull request to README.md, optionally add comment if you wish to elaborate/explain. One pull request for one item.
To edit an item: Submit a pull request to README.md, add comment explaining the reasoning behind the change. One pull request for change to one item.
To remove from the list: Open an issue
You may add, edit, or request to remove: Categories, Items
Make an individual pull request for each suggestion
Use the following format:
[item](link) - description (Optional : by (person/Org).
Each item should be limited to one link
Include a link to the item in the description of your pull request
Do write a clear log message for your commits. One-line messages are fine for small changes, but bigger changes should look like this:
$ git commit -m "A brief summary of the commit
A paragraph describing what changed and its impact."
All contributions are to adhere to Community Code Of Conduct
Thank you for contributing!