diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/log4j/Level.java b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/log4j/Level.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1d63f15a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/log4j/Level.java
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+package org.apache.log4j;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
+import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
+import java.io.ObjectStreamException;
+import java.io.Serializable;
+ Defines the minimum set of levels recognized by the system, that is
The Level
class may be subclassed to define a larger
+ level set.
+ @author Ceki Gülcü
+ */
+public class Level implements Serializable {
+ public final static int OFF_INT = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+ public final static int FATAL_INT = 50000;
+ public final static int ERROR_INT = 40000;
+ public final static int WARN_INT = 30000;
+ public final static int INFO_INT = 20000;
+ public final static int DEBUG_INT = 10000;
+ //public final static int FINE_INT = DEBUG_INT;
+ public final static int ALL_INT = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
+ /**
+ * TRACE level integer value.
+ * @since 1.2.12
+ */
+ public static final int TRACE_INT = 5000;
+ /**
+ The OFF
has the highest possible rank and is
+ intended to turn off logging. */
+ final static public Level OFF = new Level(OFF_INT, "OFF", 0);
+ /**
level designates very severe error
+ events that will presumably lead the application to abort.
+ */
+ final static public Level FATAL = new Level(FATAL_INT, "FATAL", 0);
+ /**
level designates error events that
+ might still allow the application to continue running. */
+ final static public Level ERROR = new Level(ERROR_INT, "ERROR", 3);
+ /**
+ The WARN
level designates potentially harmful situations.
+ */
+ final static public Level WARN = new Level(WARN_INT, "WARN", 4);
+ /**
+ The INFO
level designates informational messages
+ that highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained
+ level. */
+ final static public Level INFO = new Level(INFO_INT, "INFO", 6);
+ /**
Level designates fine-grained
+ informational events that are most useful to debug an
+ application. */
+ final static public Level DEBUG = new Level(DEBUG_INT, "DEBUG", 7);
+ /**
+ * The TRACE
Level designates finer-grained
+ * informational events than the DEBUG
ALL has the lowest possible rank and is intended to
+ turn on all logging. */
+ final static public Level ALL = new Level(ALL_INT, "ALL", 7);
+ /**
+ * Serialization version id.
+ */
+ static final long serialVersionUID = 3491141966387921974L;
+ /**
+ Instantiate a Level object.
+ */
+ protected
+ Level(int level, String levelStr, int syslogEquivalent) {
+ //super(level, levelStr, syslogEquivalent);
+ }
+ /**
+ Convert the string passed as argument to a level. If the
+ conversion fails, then this method returns {@link #DEBUG}.
+ */
+ public
+ static
+ Level toLevel(String sArg) {
+ return (Level) toLevel(sArg, Level.DEBUG);
+ }
+ /**
+ Convert an integer passed as argument to a level. If the
+ conversion fails, then this method returns {@link #DEBUG}.
+ */
+ public
+ static
+ Level toLevel(int val) {
+ return (Level) toLevel(val, Level.DEBUG);
+ }
+ /**
+ Convert an integer passed as argument to a level. If the
+ conversion fails, then this method returns the specified default.
+ */
+ public
+ static
+ Level toLevel(int val, Level defaultLevel) {
+ switch(val) {
+ case ALL_INT: return ALL;
+ case DEBUG_INT: return Level.DEBUG;
+ case INFO_INT: return Level.INFO;
+ case WARN_INT: return Level.WARN;
+ case ERROR_INT: return Level.ERROR;
+ case FATAL_INT: return Level.FATAL;
+ case OFF_INT: return OFF;
+ case TRACE_INT: return Level.TRACE;
+ default: return defaultLevel;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ Convert the string passed as argument to a level. If the
+ conversion fails, then this method returns the value of
+ defaultLevel
+ */
+ public
+ static
+ Level toLevel(String sArg, Level defaultLevel) {
+ if(sArg == null)
+ return defaultLevel;
+ String s = sArg.toUpperCase();
+ if(s.equals("ALL")) return Level.ALL;
+ if(s.equals("DEBUG")) return Level.DEBUG;
+ if(s.equals("INFO")) return Level.INFO;
+ if(s.equals("WARN")) return Level.WARN;
+ if(s.equals("ERROR")) return Level.ERROR;
+ if(s.equals("FATAL")) return Level.FATAL;
+ if(s.equals("OFF")) return Level.OFF;
+ if(s.equals("TRACE")) return Level.TRACE;
+ //
+ // For Turkish i problem, see bug 40937
+ //
+ if(s.equals("\u0130NFO")) return Level.INFO;
+ return defaultLevel;
+ }
+// /**
+// * Custom deserialization of Level.
+// * @param s serialization stream.
+// * @throws IOException if IO exception.
+// * @throws ClassNotFoundException if class not found.
+// */
+// private void readObject(final ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
+// s.defaultReadObject();
+// level = s.readInt();
+// syslogEquivalent = s.readInt();
+// levelStr = s.readUTF();
+// if (levelStr == null) {
+// levelStr = "";
+// }
+// }
+// /**
+// * Serialize level.
+// * @param s serialization stream.
+// * @throws IOException if exception during serialization.
+// */
+// private void writeObject(final ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException {
+// s.defaultWriteObject();
+// s.writeInt(level);
+// s.writeInt(syslogEquivalent);
+// s.writeUTF(levelStr);
+// }
+ /**
+ * Resolved deserialized level to one of the stock instances.
+ * May be overriden in classes derived from Level.
+ * @return resolved object.
+ * @throws ObjectStreamException if exception during resolution.
+ */
+ private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException {
+ //
+ // if the deserizalized object is exactly an instance of Level
+ //
+// if (getClass() == Level.class) {
+// return toLevel(level);
+// }
+// //
+ // extension of Level can't substitute stock item
+ //
+ return this;
+ }
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