Author: Simone Rebora
License: GPL-3
Scripts and (sample) corpus for the analysis of the Wattpad platform (
The Sample_wattpad_corpus.csv file contains a sample corpus (with anonymized usernames and artificially-generated comments)
In the Wattpad_network_preparation.Rmd file is the Rmarkdown to prepare the network analysis of the sample corpus (visualizations should be realized with Gephi:
In the Wattpad_sentiment_analysis.Rmd file is the Rmarkdown for runnning sentiment analysis on the sample corpus, via the syuzhet package:
In the reverse_engineering_syuzhet.Rmd file is the Rmarkdown for evaluating the relevance of single words in generating a section of the sentiment analysis graph
All .Rmd files are accompanied by .md files (easier to read in Github).
Rebora, Simone, and Federico Pianzola. 2018. "A New Research Programme for Reading Research: Analysing Comments in the Margins on Wattpad." DigitCult - Scientific Journal on Digital Cultures 3 (2): 19–36.
Pianzola, Federico, Simone Rebora, and Gerhard Lauer. in press. "Wattpad as a resource for literary studies in the 21st century. Quantitative and qualitative examples of the importance of digital social reading and readers' comments in the margins." PLOS ONE.