inspired from
This plugin helps you send logs from zap logger to a OTLP endpoint in your Go application.
- Create two encoders. One for console and the other for OTLP.
config := zap.NewProductionEncoderConfig() otlpEncoder := zapotlpencoder.NewOTLPEncoder(config) consoleEncoder := zapcore.NewConsoleEncoder(config)
- Initialize the OTLP sync to send data to OTLP endpoint
var targetPtr = flag.String("target", "", "OTLP target") var grpcInsecure = os.Getenv("OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_INSECURE") ... var secureOption grpc.DialOption if strings.ToLower(grpcInsecure) == "false" || grpcInsecure == "0" || strings.ToLower(grpcInsecure) == "f" { secureOption = grpc.WithTransportCredentials(credentials.NewClientTLSFromCert(nil, "")) } else { secureOption = grpc.WithTransportCredentials(insecure.NewCredentials()) } conn, err := grpc.DialContext(ctx, *targetPtr, grpc.WithBlock(), secureOption, grpc.WithTimeout(time.Duration(5)*time.Second)) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } otlpSync := zapotlpsync.NewOtlpSyncer(conn, zapotlpsync.Options{ BatchSize: 100, ResourceSchema: semconv.SchemaURL, Resource: resource.NewWithAttributes( semconv.SchemaURL, semconv.ServiceNameKey.String("example application"), ), })
- Configure zap to use the encoders and sync.
core := zapcore.NewTee( zapcore.NewCore(consoleEncoder, os.Stdout, defaultLogLevel), zapcore.NewCore(otlpEncoder, otlpSync, defaultLogLevel), ) logger := zap.New(core, zap.AddCaller(), zap.AddStacktrace(zapcore.ErrorLevel))
See the example for a working example application.
- Batching
The default batch size is 100, you can change the batch size in
zapotlpsync.Options{ BatchSize: <batch size>, .....
- BatchInterval:
Time duration after which a batch will be sent regardless of size. Default is 5seconds. You can
change it in
zapotlpsync.Options{ BatchInterval: <interval_in_secs>, .....
- The trace details are not populated automatically. You will have to add it in your log lines by passing the context to
a.logger.Named("test_logger").Info("trace_test", zapotlp.SpanCtx(ctx))
Set these environment variables
with your ingestion token
target = ingest.{region}