Thank you for considering contributing to vouch4cluster!
Review this document and the Code of Conduct.
Setup a Go development environment if you haven't already.
Get the Shopify version the project by using Go get:
$ go get -u
Fork this project on GitHub.
Setup your fork as a remote for your project:
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git remote add <your username> <your fork's remote path>
- Create your feature branch based off of the
branch. (It might be worth doing agit pull
if you haven't done one in a while.)
$ git checkout master
$ git pull
$ git checkout -b <the name of your branch>
Code! ⌨️
- Please run
go fmt
while you work on your change, to clean up your formatting/check for issues.
- Please run
Push your changes to your fork's remote:
$ git push -u <your username> <the name of your branch>
Sign the Contributor License Agreement.
Open a PR against Shopify/vouch4cluster!