- Momentum Based Momement
- Basic obstacles
- Single Tile Targeting
- First Weapon System: Laser
- Multi Tile Targeting
- Basic UI
- Display momentum and impulse levels
- Display weapon information
- Display remaining HP
- QoL Maintenance
- Allow the player to "set and forget" momentum level
- Allow the player to cancel targeting entirely and restart
- Implement a RenderOrder
- Enemy NPC: Destroyable
- Implement death function
- Implement weapon damage
- Implement a turn summary variable
- Improve code
- Provide adequate documentation
- Decouple what can be decoupled
- Move things out of engine.py
- Create component managers
- Consider splitting the Mech class into a Propulsion class and a Chassis class (or something else that handles defense, HP, etc)
- Move movement code to the Propulsion class
- Move damage code to the Chassis class
- Create a Location component
- Create a look function
- Event Queue
- Create an entity manager which adds entities to the queue
- Update death function to remove from the queue
- Weapons and movement are different.
- Movement uses the EQ, and is based on speed.
- Weapons simply have a cooldown, and ticks down at the end of the turn
- Priority Queue
- Second Weapon System: Ballistics
- Code logic to handle an entity with multiple weapons
- Allow the player to target a tile multiple times
- Handle projectiles
- Refactor ballistic code
- All weapons should trigger Overseer entities that control the rate of fire during the next move phase.
- Improve code II
- Rename Mech class to Propulsion class
- Create global_variables.py to store some constants
- Rendering component
- The "weapon component" of the Entity is really just a list of Weapon Components. Fix this.
- Cooldown is tied to rate_of_fire
- Pathing Improvements
- Allow the player to set the speed at which the entity moves
- Clean up code
- Collision detection
- Entities having their movement blocked
- Projectiles are blocked
- Projectiles continue indefinitely until blocked or outside map
- Damage Model
- Entities take damage from projectiles
- Entities inherit some momentum from projectiles
- Enemy NPC: Unintelligent movement
- Make enemy entities spend their action points on moving.
- Make enemy entities attempt to move in a square.
- Move in one direction, then slow down to a stop, then change direction.
- Terrain
- Consider using NumPy arrays to store map information
- Create terrain that blocks movement
- Create terrain that slows movement
- Create terrain that makes turning difficult?
- Revisit turn structure
- Consider using the Run & Gun Action/Planning turn structure
- Decide where radar detection should happen
- Decide where staggering should happen
- Decide where damage should happen
- Add a cleanup phase
- [-] Revisit momentum logic
- Define how staggering, staggering badly and falling down will work
- Generalize the logic to allow for impulses greater than 1
- Revisit UI
- Consider changing fonts
- Implement a more cohesive UI
- Cursor can't be seen in the fog of war
- QoL Maintenance II
- Allow the player to choose a tile outside of their legal tiles to move to, and handle pathing to it over several turns.
- Visually indicate to the user that a tile has been targeted multiple times (display a numeral on it)
- Have names in color. RED: can't use, WHITE: usable, GREEN: online.
- Allow to deactivate weapons.
- Include the state of the weapon in its name.
- Include cooldown and descriptiono of weapons.
- Show more pathing information to player
- Decouple legal tiles calculation by moving the function to global variables.
- Preview second order paths
- Draw the "real" path to final destination
- Revisit projectile code
- Optimize code
- Allow projectiles to move indefinitely
- Highlight the path projectiles are taking
- Add variety to weapons by changing their properties when dealing with long distances
- Lasers: Damage loss over distance
- Ballistics: Accuracy loss over distance
- Enemy NPC: Firing logic
- Ensure the player is able to die correctly
- Ensure the NPC properly targets the player
- Momentum based weapons
- Weapons impart momentum on user and target
- Radar Based Detection
- Third Weapon System: Missiles
- Speed may change during flight
- Must target the ground
- Fourth Weapon System: Artillery
- Enemy NPC: Moving Logic
- Having the AI move will require it lock in its momentum before starting, so that it's speed is constant
- Fifth Weapon System: Shock Combo
- Sixth Weapon System: Denial of Area
- May be fire, acid, EMP, or some other element
- Is less effective against fast moving targets
- Seventh Weapon System: Auxillary Systems
- Speed boosting system
- Speed halting system
- Smoke screen
- Active camouflage
- Radar Based Stealth
- Animation
- City Generation
- Objectives
- Mission Hub
- Experience Gain
- Loot
- Lore
- Player controlled entities
- PRE_MOVE phase: set all the impulses
- MOVE phase: Choose the tile the entity will end on. AI will move it there.
- POST_MOVE phase: move the entities to their target according to their speed, simultaneously and according to the path
- COMBAT phase: choose and fire weapons for each entity
- Pilot Skills
- Use a system like FFTA
- Improve Code III
- User input component
- Ensure all player "actions" use the results variable to track events
- Consider not using the Entity class for the cursor