Pretty self explanatory, it backs up using rsync.
Checks status of a cpanel license
Runs commands using dmenu.
dmenu volume controller, edited from
Either updates all git repo's in your drive, or only the specified directory.
Moves the mouse to the center of focused window, good for tiling wm's.
Lists PCI devices, and shows their IOMMU groupings.
Runs commands in an lxc container. Container needs to exist.
Uses menu to show an interactive list of screen sessions.
Either connects to a screen running a command, or creates a new one.
For testing vulnerabilities, pretty niche.
Runs first argument in a new X session on a different TTY
Runs dwm in a while loop, to restart easily
A very simple info fetching script, shows digdug character as ascii
Simply downloads the lates antergos ISO's
An autoclicker written in python
Automatically detects and sets font size
Converts rar archives in a directory to zip
Concurrently downloads files from an index page recursively. Not for the faint of heart.
Add the ability to use customizepkg on every AUR helper