Make sure that you'av registered for an IBM Cloud account through this link
Install IBM Watson SDK(software development kit) Open an Anaconda Prompt (Windows; open as Administrator), Terminal (maxOS/Linux) or shell (Linux), then execute the following command:
pip install ibm_watson
Install the needed Modules for Audio Recording and PLayback by executing the following commands as the previous step:
pip install pyaudio
pip install pydub
If you get an error, try repacing
. -
Register for the Speech to Text, Text to Speech, and Language Translator services using these links:
Create a Service Instance: In each link you will find the default plan Lite, and on the right bottom of the page click Create.
Get your Service Credentials: To see you API key and url, click Manage at the top-left of the page. To the right of Credentials, click Show credentials, then copy the API Key and url, and paste it into the the associated variable in keys.py file; each API Key and url of each service should be associated with it's variable name in the file.
You are all set now! just open Open an Anaconda Prompt (Windows; open as Administrator), Terminal (maxOS/Linux) or shell (Linux), then execute the following command:
cd <the direcory file>
ipython SimpleLanguageTranslator.py