Team Meetings We will likely meet either every Tuesday or every Thursday. If we are unable to meet in person, we will meet over Zoom, but for the most part, we will attempt to meet in person. We will probably commit at least two hours for each of our meetings. Aghalya will take notes if beneficial for the project.
Assistance We all have each other's numbers if we need to contact one another. In order to organize meeting times and locations, we have a shared groupchat over iMessage. Each of us have committed to responding to one another within 10-20 minutes. In the case of an emergency, we have agreed to be able to phone call one another.
Respect If someone has an idea, we will be sure not to interrupt them. We will actively listen to any suggestions, even if we don't agree with them. If we don't agree with an idea or wants to change something, we will only suggest our idea with constructive criticism.
Work Distribution We will evenly split our work and likely pair off for some of the functions so we can work together easier. We will make sure that not just one person is doing the majority of the work and that we are all contributing in some way to the best of our abilities. If something new comes up that we need to work on, the person who is most free and able to do it will work on it.
Time Commitment We all do have other projects to work on, such as for CS 222, but we aim to commit as much work as we can. Outside of our team meetings, which will likely be at least two hours, we will probably spend around another one to two hours working by ourselves on the project. If there are other unavoidable commitments that come up, we will deal with them accordingly and manage our meeting times flexibly.
Conflict Resolution If there are situations where teammates are late or there are conflicts, we will meet as a group to discuss such issues that have arisen. We will try to proactively deal with issues, as we are all understanding with one another and any situations that might be overtaking our focus on the project. We aim to never need to alert the course staff to any problems.
Akshay Rao, akshayr4
Sethu Eapen, eapen2
Vinayak Bagdi, vbagdi2
Aghalya Narayanan, aghalya2