Sergio Bertolín 2016 for ownCloud team week.
Since it takes advantage of virtual machines and provisioning tools, it should work on windows and linux. But I've tested and used it on OS X(El capitan).
- vagrant, a recent version. I'm using 1.8.1 with a plugin for checking guest additions: .
- ansible, a recent version. I'm using ansible 2.0.0 from pip.
- virtualbox. I'm using version 5.0.16.
For starting just do:
vagrant up
Choose the network adapter to have a bridge connection. If you need to run ansible provision just do:
vagrant provision`
To enter the machine do:
vagrant ssh
When finished testing do:
vagrant halt
And if you want to get rid of all the VM data do:
vagrant destroy
After that you could create and provision the machine from the beginning like if nothing ever happened.
Get the local network ip address of your VM.
Using browser go to http://your_localnetwork_ip_address/performance_server/
To run tests just choose a tag and click on run tests button. It will take few minutes. Run tests again against a different version of owncloud.
Now when you open the dropdowns you'll see two results files. Choose them and click on compare to see the comparison.