Simulate and evaluate the effect of on-site water reuse interventions on energy use and water and pollutant flows in a household, building, or community!
High temporal resolution, enabled by diurnal water usage patterns
Rapid simulation of C++ based model: < 1 min for 10 years @ 15 min resolution (depends on hardware platform)
High flexibility
- From centralized to extremely decentralized: direct use of city water, selection of installed tanks and treatments
Scalable from single household to district level (e.g. weighted rain correction factor for roads vs. roofs, increased pump energy for greater distances,…)
Water and pollutant balance: incoming precipitation, storage tanks, usage in household, and infiltration, sewer, or collection by truck
Simplified treatment for water reuse simulation based on treatment "specsheet": recovery, energy use, design flow, rejection (membranes), degradation
Renewable energy simulation for water pumping + treatments
- Energy use is prioritized between demanding treatments
- Battery can be used in conjunction with solar panels
- Grid electricity is used as back-up
- Built-in solar insolation, cloud, and photovoltaic models if data is unavailable
Simulation of garden irrigation based on solar irradiance and precipitation
- Scenario framework: Create different settings combinations or load from a file, simulate in bulk, and save settings, scheme, KPI, and data to files
- Dynamic scheme (see above) automatically adapts to user settings
- High modifiability, easily change up to 112 model variables, for example:
- Which water quality to reuse and for which applications
- Which tanks and treatments to install (including volumes, specifications,...)
- What to do with excess wastewater
- Built-in key performance indicators (KPI) for scenario analysis:
- Evaluate simulation results in graphs for the volume and concentration of tanks, renewable and grid energy use, and battery capacity