With mw.smw.ask
you can execute an smw query. It returns the result as a lua table for direct use in modules.
For available parameters, please consult the Semantic Media Wiki documentation hub.
A notable difference is that the parameter link
is not supported at the moment.
Please see the return format below for the difference between this and mw.smw.getQueryResult
This is a sample call:
-- Module:SMW
local p = {}
-- Return results
function p.ask(frame)
if not mw.smw then
return "mw.smw module not found"
if frame.args[1] == nil then
return "no parameter found"
local queryResult = mw.smw.ask( frame.args )
if queryResult == nil then
return "(no values)"
if type( queryResult ) == "table" then
local myResult = ""
for num, row in pairs( queryResult ) do
myResult = myResult .. '* This is result #' .. num .. '\n'
for property, data in pairs( row ) do
local dataOutput = data
if type( data ) == 'table' then
dataOutput = mw.text.listToText( data, ', ', ' and ')
myResult = myResult .. '** ' .. property .. ': ' .. dataOutput .. '\n'
return myResult
return queryResult
-- another example, ask used inside another function
function p.inlineAsk()
local entityAttributes = {
'has name=name',
'has age=age',
'has color=color'
local category = 'thingies'
-- build query
local query = {}
table.insert(query, '[[Category:' .. category .. ']]')
for _, v in pairs( entityAttributes ) do
table.insert( query, '?' .. v )
query.mainlabel = 'origin'
query.limit = 10
local result = mw.smw.ask( query )
local output = ''
if result and #result then
for num, entityData in pairs( result ) do
-- further process your data
output = output .. entityData.origin .. ' (' .. num .. ') has name ' .. entityData.name
.. ', color ' .. entityData.color .. ', and age ' .. entityData.age
return output
return p
The return format is a simple collection of tables (one per result set) holding your smw data, each indexed by property names or labels respectively. You can see an example below:
-- assuming sample call
local result = mw.smw.ask( '[[Modification date::+]]|?#-=page|?Modification date|?Last editor is=editor|?page author=authors|limit=2|mainlabel=-' )
-- same as
local result = mw.smw.ask{
'[[Modification date::+]]', '?#-=page', '?Modification date', '?Last editor is=editor', '?page author#-=authors',
limit = 2, mainlabel = '-'
-- your result would look something like
['Modification date'] = '1 January 1970 23:59:59',
authors = {
'User:Mwjames', 'User:Oetterer'
editor = '[[:User:Mwjames|User:Mwjames]]',
page = 'Main page'
['Modification date'] = '2 January 1970 00:00:42',
authors = 'User:Oetterer',
editor = '[[:User:Oetterer|User:Oetterer]]',
page = 'User:Oetterer'
-- please note the unlinking of properties 'page authors', and mainlabel '?' by using the #- operator
-- note also: unlinking via parameter link is not supported at this point
This function is meant to be used inside lua modules and should not be directly exposed to #invoke.