- Develop new software technology suitable for future CORTX based
- Execute Collaborative R&D projects (Sage2, Maestro, EsiWACE2) in the EU
- Developing an early adopter ecosystem around them (software and user)
- Continue to bring in external funding to Execute
- Primarily the EU
- Focus on follow on projects (Sage3, etc)
- Promote Open sourcing of CORTX
- Developing new IP/Patents based on R&D
- Influencing wider research & technology roadmaps in EU (w/ ETP4HPC)
- Also gather inputs on R&D areas of value for CORTX & Seagate
- Biggest EU Research and Innovation Program
- Europe Invests in R&D through Framework Programmes
- Focus on collaborative Research between public and private sector
- H2020 Projects Fully Funded
- Participants get to keep IP
Building a multi-tiered storage system suitable for Cloud, Big Data and HPC use cases
- World’s largest Nuclear Fusion Tokamak (CCFE)
- One of Europe’s biggest computing sites (CEA/Juelich)
- UK Government Technology wing (STFC)
- Leading edge AI lab in Europe (DFKI)
- ARM (Allinea)
- Co-designed with Use Cases
- Developed @ Seagate, UK
- Deployed @ Juelich Supercomputing
- Porting of Stack Components
- Porting of applications
- Availability for External Users to Try!
Extending storage systems into Compute nodes & blurring the lines between memory & storage
Four primary Innovations Targeted:
- Compute node local Memories
- Byte Addressable extensions into Persistent storage (Global Memory Abstraction)
- Co-design: Mainly Data analytics pipelines w/ AI/Deep learning
- Co-design with arm based environments
AI/DL use cases expected to be memory intensive & will exploit node local memory which will need to be extended
- QoS (Performance Throttling)
- Function Shipping
- Arm Porting
- Distributed Transaction Management (Basic)
- Higher Level Interface on Motr
- TensorFlow on Motr
- dCache on Motr
- 3DXPoint NVDIMM Interoperability
- Deployed AI applications
- Slurm Scheduler for CORTX
- MAESTRO is a Forchungzentrum Juelich led R&D project for building a data aware middleware called “MAESTRO” for extreme scale apps
- Seagate Focus: CORTX support for Maestro and provision of I/O functionalities for Maestro
- Forschungszentrum Juelich(Germany), ECMWF(UK) - hosts the world’s largest weather prediction data archives, CSCS(Switzerland) - runs the largest supercomputer in the world outside of China, CEA, Appentra (Spain)
MIO - Maestro I/O Interface that sits on top of CORTX-Motr API
- MIO is a higher level API on top of Motr making it easy to use CORTX
- MIO work leads to work on a POSIX-lite API in Sage2
- MIO also has features such as “hints” where users can provide hints in data placements
- ESiWACE2 is a granted DKRZ led R&D project (ESiWACE1 follow on) enabling leading weather and climate communities to leverage the available performance of pre-Exascale systems with regard to both compute and data capacity (Circa 2020) and prepare the weather and climate models to make use of Exascale systems when they arrive (Circa 2023)
- Seagate Focus: Development of the Motr API/CORTX suitable for the Weather/Climate Community & provide a prototype storage solution
- DKRZ (Germany), CNRS-IPSL (France), ECMWF (UK), BSC (Spain), MPIM (Germany), SMHI (Sweden), CERFACS (France), ICHEC (Ireland), Met Office (UK), CMCC (Italy), Uni of Reading (UK), STFC (UK), Bull (France), ETH Zurich (Switzerland), University of Manchester (UK), NLeSC (Netherlands), MeteoSwiss (Switzerland), DDN (France), MO (France)
ESDM - Earth Systems Data Middleware
- Open Source Middleware being developed by weather and climate community
- Enables them to work with different formats of data
- CORTX will be a backend for ESDM
- IO-SEA is a proposed EU R&D project lead by CEA
- Project focus on building a data management platform suitable for Exascale, with “Ephemeral” storage services, Hierarchical Storage Management & NVRAM
- Seagate Focus: Provision of CORTX and associated advanced tools to suit the IO-SEA data management platform
- FZJ, (Jülich Supercomputing, Germany), Partec (Germany), CEA (France), Atos (France), ICHEC (Ireland), ECMWF (European Weather Forecast), IT4Innovation (Czech Republic) with a use case from CEITEC (Czech Republic), Johannes Gutenberg University (University of Mainz, Germany)
- Ephemeral Services - Services that are allocated on-demand and stripped down once the workload/application run ends
- CORTX Advanced Views - POSIX, HDF5, MPI-IO, CORTX-S3 access - but to the same objects ( leverages Lingua Franca)
- Full in-storage processing - Leverage GPU resources close to storage for performing in-storage computations - apart from general purpose cores.
- CORTX+Full HSM - Using a advanced Hierarchical Storage Manager + CORTX combination to move data across the full set of storage pools (NVRAM, SSD, Flash, Disk, Tape)
* % Funding Dependent on Brexit Negotiations & if we want to use EU entities [50% - 100%]
- Continued Seagate participation ETP4HPC Steering Board advising
- ETP4HPC Influences European technology strategy in the areas of
HPC, AI & Big Data, processing tech ( European processor), etc
- Through the SRA (Strategic Research Agenda) Work
- Seagate leads storage and I/O workgroup
- ETP4HPC is an official advisor to the EC
- Through the SRA (Strategic Research Agenda) Work
- ETP4HPC Influences European technology strategy in the areas of
HPC, AI & Big Data, processing tech ( European processor), etc