For these user stories, the users are broken down into three categories:
- Visitor: User with no account
- Member: User with an account
- Employee: Superuser
As a Visitor, I can browse the entirety of the games available on the website or search by keyword, game category.
As a Visitor, I can view the details of a game by navigating to a game's descriptive page.
As a Visitor, I can view reviews and ratings for games on its descriptive page.
As a Visitor, I can view events.
As a Visitor, I can easily sign up for an account on the website
As a Member, I can login to access the site.
As a Member, I can set up a profile and edit my profile.
As a Member, I can decide opt in/out of promotional emails from my profile.
As a Member, I can set my platform preferences from my profile.
As a Member, I can set my game category preferences from my profile.
As a Member, I can set/edit/delete my shipping address from my profile.
As a Member, I can change my password from my profile.
As a Member, I can add to and remove games from my wishlist.
As a Member, I can register a credit card.
As a Member, I can register for events.
As a Member, I can view events for which I am registered.
As a Member, I can do everything a Visitor can do.
As a Member, I can search for and add Members who are friends/family to my Friends and Family List
As a Member, I can view the wishlists of those on my Friends and Family List.
As a Member, I can purchase and download a game from its descriptive page.
As a Member, I can add games to my wishlist from the browse screen or from a game's descriptive page.
As a Member, I can leave reviews for games from its descriptive page.
As a Member, I can submit ratings for games from its descriptive page.
As a Member, I can pay for games using credit card or paypal
As a Member, I can add games to my cart.
As a Member, I can checkout.
As an Employee, I can login to the site.
As an Employee, I can approve Member reviews of games.
As an Employee, I can ship games for an order.
As an Employee, I can mark orders as processed.
As an Employee, I can create a game and its descriptive page
As an Employee, I can set a price for the game
As an Employee, when I add a new game I can choose to include a summary.
As an Employee, when I add a new game I can choose to include screenshots.
As an Employee, I can edit a game's price
As an Employee, I can edit, add or remove a game's summary
As an Employee, I can add or remove a game's screenshots
As an Employee, I can delete a game from the download library
As an Employee, I can create a descriptive page for an event.
As an Employee, I can set the descriptive page to make a event. I can also establish a registration close date.
As an Employee, I can set a max number of users for an event.
As an Employee, I can generate a report listing all games.
As an Employee, I can generate a report listing all the details for a game.
As an Employee, I can generate a report listing all members
As an Employee, I can generate a report listing all the details for a member.
As an Employee, I can generate a report listing games and their prices which are present on user wishlists.
As an Employee, I can generate a sales report for a specific game or set of games (by genre, price or release date)