MongoDB bindings for The Julia Language
This software is licensed under the simplified BSD license; see the file LICENSE for details.
Building this package should build and/or install the MongoDB C driver for you.
You must have a MongoDB server running somewhere. You can specify the host and port in the MongoClient constructor, otherwise it uses the Mongo default locahost:27017.
using Mongo, LibBSON
# Create a client connection
client = MongoClient() # default locahost:27017
# Get a handle to collection named "cats" in database "db".
# Client object, database name, and collection name are stored as variables.
cats = MongoCollection(client, "db", "cats")
# Insert a document
# Mokie is a pretty old cat
m_oid = insert(cats, Dict("name" => "Mokie", "age" => 17))
With MongoDB, documents and queries are represented as BSONObject
In Julia, we can create these from Associative
data structures like Dict
However, most functions in this package also accept a Union{Pair,Tuple}
lieu of that, allowing us to omit the Dict
# Pebbles is an even older cat
p_oid = insert(cats, ("name" => "Pebbles", "age" => 19))
# Ensure they were inserted by counting
println(count(cats, ("name" => "Mokie"))) # 1
println(count(cats)) # 2
MongoDB queries are also BSON documents, and can include certain modifiers and operators which allow for the construction of complex queries. This package includes shortcut functions for many of them so, for instance instead of typing:
Dict("\$query" => Dict("age" => Dict("\$lt" => 19)))
We can do the following:
# Print all cats under age 19
for doc in find(cats, query("age" => lt(19)))
println("$(doc["name"]) is younger than 19")
Operators and modifiers can be combined by encasing them in parenthesis.
# It's Mokie's birthday!
# We can use the shortcut for the "$inc" operator to increase Mokie's age by 1
update(cats, ("_id" => m_oid), inc("age" => 1))
for doc in find(cats, (query(), orderby("age" => 1)))
println("$(doc["name"]) is $(doc["age"]) years old.")
# Delete the document and ensure it is no more by counting
delete(cats, ("_id" => m_oid))
println(count(cats, ("name" => "Mokie")))
The command_simple
function allows broad access to MongoDB actions. For example, creating an index:
"createIndexes" => "cats",
"indexes" => [
"key" => Dict("name" => 1),
"name" => "cats_name",
"unique" => 1)
returns a BSONObject
reply, so you can also perform aggregations:
"aggregate" => "cats",
"pipeline" => [
Dict("\$match" => Dict("age" => 19)),
Dict("\$group" => Dict("_id" => "\$name", "count" => Dict("\$sum" => 1)))
Refer to the MongoDB database commands docs for further commands.
Contributions are welcome! Please fork on and submit a pull request if you have a contribution you think is worthwhile!