A CSST project open to the public!
- Login page
- Landing page
- Projects page
- Contact page
- Backend API
- DOM events
- Any kind of HTML/CSS
- Python 3
- Jquery
- sqlalchemy
- flask
- bcrypt
The Power Portfolio is a free to use template created by the Tumblr Community / CSST team.
For development purposes you can run PowerPortfolio on a local server by doing the following:
- Create a virtual enviroment named venv
python3 -m venv venv
- Activate the virtual enviroment:
source venv/bin/activate
- The first time you run PowerPortfolio do:
pip install -e .
Configure settings.cfg with the desired database url.
To run the app do:
python -m portfolio
To run a test, first open settings.cfg and change the DATABASE url to the url of the testing database.
Next run
python test.py
To move out of testing mode, change DATABASE in settings.cfg to the original databse url.
Finally, delete the test database file.
PowerPortfolio does not handle password creation. To login is, first create a bcrypt hashed password and store it in a file named 'passwd.txt'.