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-[[deps.UUIDs]] -deps = ["Random", "SHA"] -uuid = "cf7118a7-6976-5b1a-9a39-7adc72f591a4" - -[[deps.UnPack]] -git-tree-sha1 = "387c1f73762231e86e0c9c5443ce3b4a0a9a0c2b" -uuid = "3a884ed6-31ef-47d7-9d2a-63182c4928ed" -version = "1.0.2" - -[[deps.Unicode]] -uuid = "4ec0a83e-493e-50e2-b9ac-8f72acf5a8f5" - -[[deps.VectorizationBase]] -deps = ["ArrayInterface", "CPUSummary", "HostCPUFeatures", "IfElse", "LayoutPointers", "Libdl", "LinearAlgebra", "SIMDTypes", "Static", "StaticArrayInterface"] -git-tree-sha1 = "b182207d4af54ac64cbc71797765068fdeff475d" -uuid = "3d5dd08c-fd9d-11e8-17fa-ed2836048c2f" -version = "0.21.64" - -[[deps.VertexSafeGraphs]] -deps = ["Graphs"] -git-tree-sha1 = "8351f8d73d7e880bfc042a8b6922684ebeafb35c" -uuid = "19fa3120-7c27-5ec5-8db8-b0b0aa330d6f" -version = "0.2.0" - -[[deps.Zlib_jll]] -deps = ["Libdl"] -uuid = "83775a58-1f1d-513f-b197-d71354ab007a" -version = "1.2.13+1" - -[[deps.ZygoteRules]] -deps = ["ChainRulesCore", "MacroTools"] -git-tree-sha1 = "9d749cd449fb448aeca4feee9a2f4186dbb5d184" -uuid = "700de1a5-db45-46bc-99cf-38207098b444" -version = "0.2.4" - -[[deps.libblastrampoline_jll]] -deps = ["Artifacts", "Libdl"] -uuid = "8e850b90-86db-534c-a0d3-1478176c7d93" -version = "5.8.0+1" - -[[deps.nghttp2_jll]] -deps = ["Artifacts", "Libdl"] -uuid = "8e850ede-7688-5339-a07c-302acd2aaf8d" -version = "1.52.0+1" - -[[deps.p7zip_jll]] -deps = ["Artifacts", "Libdl"] -uuid = "3f19e933-33d8-53b3-aaab-bd5110c3b7a0" -version = "17.4.0+2" diff --git a/src/NonlinearSolve.jl b/src/NonlinearSolve.jl index ff429f0d6..a3b887cac 100644 --- a/src/NonlinearSolve.jl +++ b/src/NonlinearSolve.jl @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ PrecompileTools.@compile_workload begin NonlinearProblem{true}((du, u, p) -> du .= u .* u .- p, T[0.1], T[2])) precompile_algs = (NewtonRaphson(), TrustRegion(), LevenbergMarquardt(), - PseudoTransient(), GeneralBroyden(), GeneralKlement(), nothing) + PseudoTransient(), GeneralBroyden(), GeneralKlement(), DFSane(), nothing) for prob in probs, alg in precompile_algs solve(prob, alg, abstol = T(1e-2)) diff --git a/src/ad.jl b/src/ad.jl index c54daa939..73ea45fab 100644 --- a/src/ad.jl +++ b/src/ad.jl @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ function scalar_nlsolve_ad(prob, alg, args...; kwargs...) end function SciMLBase.solve(prob::NonlinearProblem{<:Union{Number, SVector, <:AbstractArray}, - false, <:Dual{T, V, P}}, alg::AbstractNewtonAlgorithm, args...; + false, <:Dual{T, V, P}}, alg::AbstractNonlinearSolveAlgorithm, args...; kwargs...) where {T, V, P} sol, partials = scalar_nlsolve_ad(prob, alg, args...; kwargs...) dual_soln = scalar_nlsolve_dual_soln(sol.u, partials, prob.p) @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ function SciMLBase.solve(prob::NonlinearProblem{<:Union{Number, SVector, <:Abstr end function SciMLBase.solve(prob::NonlinearProblem{<:Union{Number, SVector, <:AbstractArray}, - false, <:AbstractArray{<:Dual{T, V, P}}}, alg::AbstractNewtonAlgorithm, args...; - kwargs...) where {T, V, P} + false, <:AbstractArray{<:Dual{T, V, P}}}, alg::AbstractNonlinearSolveAlgorithm, + args...; kwargs...) where {T, V, P} sol, partials = scalar_nlsolve_ad(prob, alg, args...; kwargs...) dual_soln = scalar_nlsolve_dual_soln(sol.u, partials, prob.p) return SciMLBase.build_solution(prob, alg, dual_soln, sol.resid; sol.retcode) diff --git a/src/dfsane.jl b/src/dfsane.jl index 53fdda8ce..e158b61c6 100644 --- a/src/dfsane.jl +++ b/src/dfsane.jl @@ -10,79 +10,76 @@ see the paper: [W LaCruz, JM Martinez, and M Raydan (2006), Spectral residual ma gradient information for solving large-scale nonlinear systems of equations, Mathematics of Computation, 75, 1429-1448.](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/220576479_Spectral_Residual_Method_without_Gradient_Information_for_Solving_Large-Scale_Nonlinear_Systems_of_Equations) -See also the implementation in [SimpleNonlinearSolve.jl](https://github.com/SciML/SimpleNonlinearSolve.jl/blob/main/src/dfsane.jl) - ### Keyword Arguments -- `σ_min`: the minimum value of the spectral coefficient `σₙ` which is related to the step - size in the algorithm. Defaults to `1e-10`. -- `σ_max`: the maximum value of the spectral coefficient `σₙ` which is related to the step - size in the algorithm. Defaults to `1e10`. -- `σ_1`: the initial value of the spectral coefficient `σₙ` which is related to the step - size in the algorithm.. Defaults to `1.0`. -- `M`: The monotonicity of the algorithm is determined by a this positive integer. - A value of 1 for `M` would result in strict monotonicity in the decrease of the L2-norm - of the function `f`. However, higher values allow for more flexibility in this reduction. - Despite this, the algorithm still ensures global convergence through the use of a - non-monotone line-search algorithm that adheres to the Grippo-Lampariello-Lucidi - condition. Values in the range of 5 to 20 are usually sufficient, but some cases may call - for a higher value of `M`. The default setting is 10. -- `γ`: a parameter that influences if a proposed step will be accepted. Higher value of `γ` - will make the algorithm more restrictive in accepting steps. Defaults to `1e-4`. -- `τ_min`: if a step is rejected the new step size will get multiplied by factor, and this - parameter is the minimum value of that factor. Defaults to `0.1`. -- `τ_max`: if a step is rejected the new step size will get multiplied by factor, and this - parameter is the maximum value of that factor. Defaults to `0.5`. -- `n_exp`: the exponent of the loss, i.e. ``f_n=||F(x_n)||^{n_exp}``. The paper uses - `n_exp ∈ {1,2}`. Defaults to `2`. -- `η_strategy`: function to determine the parameter `η`, which enables growth - of ``||f_n||^2``. Called as ``η = η_strategy(fn_1, n, x_n, f_n)`` with `fn_1` initialized as - ``fn_1=||f(x_1)||^{n_exp}``, `n` is the iteration number, `x_n` is the current `x`-value and - `f_n` the current residual. Should satisfy ``η > 0`` and ``∑ₖ ηₖ < ∞``. Defaults to - ``fn_1 / n^2``. -- `max_inner_iterations`: the maximum number of iterations allowed for the inner loop of the - algorithm. Defaults to `1000`. + - `σ_min`: the minimum value of the spectral coefficient `σₙ` which is related to the step + size in the algorithm. Defaults to `1e-10`. + - `σ_max`: the maximum value of the spectral coefficient `σₙ` which is related to the step + size in the algorithm. Defaults to `1e10`. + - `σ_1`: the initial value of the spectral coefficient `σₙ` which is related to the step + size in the algorithm.. Defaults to `1.0`. + - `M`: The monotonicity of the algorithm is determined by a this positive integer. + A value of 1 for `M` would result in strict monotonicity in the decrease of the L2-norm + of the function `f`. However, higher values allow for more flexibility in this reduction. + Despite this, the algorithm still ensures global convergence through the use of a + non-monotone line-search algorithm that adheres to the Grippo-Lampariello-Lucidi + condition. Values in the range of 5 to 20 are usually sufficient, but some cases may call + for a higher value of `M`. The default setting is 10. + - `γ`: a parameter that influences if a proposed step will be accepted. Higher value of `γ` + will make the algorithm more restrictive in accepting steps. Defaults to `1e-4`. + - `τ_min`: if a step is rejected the new step size will get multiplied by factor, and this + parameter is the minimum value of that factor. Defaults to `0.1`. + - `τ_max`: if a step is rejected the new step size will get multiplied by factor, and this + parameter is the maximum value of that factor. Defaults to `0.5`. + - `n_exp`: the exponent of the loss, i.e. ``f_n=||F(x_n)||^{n_exp}``. The paper uses + `n_exp ∈ {1,2}`. Defaults to `2`. + - `η_strategy`: function to determine the parameter `η`, which enables growth + of ``||f_n||^2``. Called as ``η = η_strategy(fn_1, n, x_n, f_n)`` with `fn_1` initialized as + ``fn_1=||f(x_1)||^{n_exp}``, `n` is the iteration number, `x_n` is the current `x`-value and + `f_n` the current residual. Should satisfy ``η > 0`` and ``∑ₖ ηₖ < ∞``. Defaults to + ``fn_1 / n^2``. + - `max_inner_iterations`: the maximum number of iterations allowed for the inner loop of the + algorithm. Defaults to `1000`. """ -struct DFSane{T, F} <: AbstractNonlinearSolveAlgorithm - σ_min::T - σ_max::T - σ_1::T +@concrete struct DFSane <: AbstractNonlinearSolveAlgorithm + σ_min + σ_max + σ_1 M::Int - γ::T - τ_min::T - τ_max::T + γ + τ_min + τ_max n_exp::Int - η_strategy::F + η_strategy max_inner_iterations::Int end function DFSane(; σ_min = 1e-10, σ_max = 1e+10, σ_1 = 1.0, M = 10, γ = 1e-4, τ_min = 0.1, - τ_max = 0.5, n_exp = 2, η_strategy = (fn_1, n, x_n, f_n) -> fn_1 / n^2, - max_inner_iterations = 1000) - return DFSane{typeof(σ_min), typeof(η_strategy)}(σ_min, σ_max, σ_1, M, γ, τ_min, τ_max, - n_exp, η_strategy, max_inner_iterations) + τ_max = 0.5, n_exp = 2, η_strategy::F = (fn_1, n, x_n, f_n) -> fn_1 / n^2, + max_inner_iterations = 1000) where {F} + return DFSane(σ_min, σ_max, σ_1, M, γ, τ_min, τ_max, n_exp, η_strategy, + max_inner_iterations) end -# FIXME: Someone please make this code conform to the style of the remaining solvers @concrete mutable struct DFSaneCache{iip} <: AbstractNonlinearSolveCache{iip} alg - uₙ - uₙ₋₁ - fuₙ - fuₙ₋₁ - 𝒹 - ℋ - f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ₋₁ - f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎₀ + u + uprev + fu + fuprev + du + history + f_norm + f_norm_0 M - σₙ - σₘᵢₙ - σₘₐₓ - α₁ + σ_n + σ_min + σ_max + α_1 γ - τₘᵢₙ - τₘₐₓ - nₑₓₚ::Int + τ_min + τ_max + n_exp::Int p force_stop::Bool maxiters::Int @@ -95,219 +92,203 @@ end tc_cache end -get_fu(cache::DFSaneCache) = cache.fuₙ -set_fu!(cache::DFSaneCache, fu) = (cache.fuₙ = fu) -get_u(cache::DFSaneCache) = cache.uₙ -SciMLBase.set_u!(cache::DFSaneCache, u) = (cache.uₙ = u) +get_fu(cache::DFSaneCache) = cache.fu +set_fu!(cache::DFSaneCache, fu) = (cache.fu = fu) function SciMLBase.__init(prob::NonlinearProblem{uType, iip}, alg::DFSane, args...; alias_u0 = false, maxiters = 1000, abstol = nothing, reltol = nothing, termination_condition = nothing, internalnorm::F = DEFAULT_NORM, kwargs...) where {uType, iip, F} - uₙ = alias_u0 ? prob.u0 : deepcopy(prob.u0) - - p = prob.p - T = eltype(uₙ) - σₘᵢₙ, σₘₐₓ, γ, τₘᵢₙ, τₘₐₓ = T(alg.σ_min), T(alg.σ_max), T(alg.γ), T(alg.τ_min), - T(alg.τ_max) - α₁ = one(T) - γ = T(alg.γ) - f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ₋₁ = α₁ - σₙ = T(alg.σ_1) - M = alg.M - nₑₓₚ = alg.n_exp - 𝒹, uₙ₋₁, fuₙ, fuₙ₋₁ = copy(uₙ), copy(uₙ), copy(uₙ), copy(uₙ) + u = alias_u0 ? prob.u0 : deepcopy(prob.u0) + T = eltype(u) - if iip - prob.f(fuₙ₋₁, uₙ₋₁, p) - else - fuₙ₋₁ = prob.f(uₙ₋₁, p) - end + du, uprev = copy(u), copy(u) + fu = evaluate_f(prob, u) + fuprev = copy(fu) - f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ₋₁ = norm(fuₙ₋₁)^nₑₓₚ - f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎₀ = f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ₋₁ + f_norm = internalnorm(fu)^alg.n_exp + f_norm_0 = f_norm - ℋ = fill(f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ₋₁, M) + history = fill(f_norm, alg.M) - abstol, reltol, tc_cache = init_termination_cache(abstol, reltol, fuₙ₋₁, uₙ₋₁, + abstol, reltol, tc_cache = init_termination_cache(abstol, reltol, fu, uprev, termination_condition) - return DFSaneCache{iip}(alg, uₙ, uₙ₋₁, fuₙ, fuₙ₋₁, 𝒹, ℋ, f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ₋₁, f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎₀, - M, σₙ, σₘᵢₙ, σₘₐₓ, α₁, γ, τₘᵢₙ, τₘₐₓ, nₑₓₚ, p, false, maxiters, - internalnorm, ReturnCode.Default, abstol, reltol, prob, NLStats(1, 0, 0, 0, 0), - tc_cache) + return DFSaneCache{iip}(alg, u, uprev, fu, fuprev, du, history, f_norm, f_norm_0, alg.M, + T(alg.σ_1), T(alg.σ_min), T(alg.σ_max), one(T), T(alg.γ), T(alg.τ_min), + T(alg.τ_max), alg.n_exp, prob.p, false, maxiters, internalnorm, ReturnCode.Default, + abstol, reltol, prob, NLStats(1, 0, 0, 0, 0), tc_cache) end function perform_step!(cache::DFSaneCache{true}) - @unpack alg, f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ₋₁, f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎₀, σₙ, σₘᵢₙ, σₘₐₓ, α₁, γ, τₘᵢₙ, τₘₐₓ, nₑₓₚ, M = cache - - f = (dx, x) -> cache.prob.f(dx, x, cache.p) - - T = eltype(cache.uₙ) - n = cache.stats.nsteps + @unpack alg, f_norm, σ_n, σ_min, σ_max, α_1, γ, τ_min, τ_max, n_exp, M, prob = cache + T = eltype(cache.u) + f_norm_old = f_norm # Spectral parameter range check - σₙ = sign(σₙ) * clamp(abs(σₙ), σₘᵢₙ, σₘₐₓ) + σ_n = sign(σ_n) * clamp(abs(σ_n), σ_min, σ_max) # Line search direction - @. cache.𝒹 = -σₙ * cache.fuₙ₋₁ + @. cache.du = -σ_n * cache.fuprev + + η = alg.η_strategy(cache.f_norm_0, cache.stats.nsteps, cache.u, cache.fu) - η = alg.η_strategy(f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎₀, n, cache.uₙ₋₁, cache.fuₙ₋₁) + f_bar = maximum(cache.history) + α₊ = α_1 + α₋ = α_1 + _axpy!(α₊, cache.du, cache.u) - f̄ = maximum(cache.ℋ) - α₊ = α₁ - α₋ = α₁ - @. cache.uₙ = cache.uₙ₋₁ + α₊ * cache.𝒹 + prob.f(cache.fu, cache.u, cache.p) + f_norm = cache.internalnorm(cache.fu)^n_exp - f(cache.fuₙ, cache.uₙ) - f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ = norm(cache.fuₙ)^nₑₓₚ - for jjj in 1:(cache.alg.max_inner_iterations) - 𝒸 = f̄ + η - γ * α₊^2 * f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ₋₁ + # TODO: Failure mode with inner line search failed? + for _ in 1:(cache.alg.max_inner_iterations) + c = f_bar + η - γ * α₊^2 * f_norm_old - f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ ≤ 𝒸 && break + f_norm ≤ c && break - α₊ = clamp(α₊^2 * f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ₋₁ / (f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ + (T(2) * α₊ - T(1)) * f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ₋₁), - τₘᵢₙ * α₊, τₘₐₓ * α₊) - @. cache.uₙ = cache.uₙ₋₁ - α₋ * cache.𝒹 + α₊ = α₊ * clamp(α₊ * f_norm_old / (f_norm + (T(2) * α₊ - T(1)) * f_norm_old), + τ_min, τ_max) + @. cache.u = cache.uprev - α₋ * cache.du - f(cache.fuₙ, cache.uₙ) - f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ = norm(cache.fuₙ)^nₑₓₚ + prob.f(cache.fu, cache.u, cache.p) + f_norm = cache.internalnorm(cache.fu)^n_exp - f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ .≤ 𝒸 && break + f_norm ≤ c && break - α₋ = clamp(α₋^2 * f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ₋₁ / (f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ + (T(2) * α₋ - T(1)) * f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ₋₁), - τₘᵢₙ * α₋, τₘₐₓ * α₋) + α₋ = α₋ * clamp(α₋ * f_norm_old / (f_norm + (T(2) * α₋ - T(1)) * f_norm_old), + τ_min, τ_max) + @. cache.u = cache.uprev + α₊ * cache.du - @. cache.uₙ = cache.uₙ₋₁ + α₊ * cache.𝒹 - f(cache.fuₙ, cache.uₙ) - f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ = norm(cache.fuₙ)^nₑₓₚ + prob.f(cache.fu, cache.u, cache.p) + f_norm = cache.internalnorm(cache.fu)^n_exp end - check_and_update!(cache, cache.fuₙ, cache.uₙ, cache.uₙ₋₁) + check_and_update!(cache, cache.fu, cache.u, cache.uprev) # Update spectral parameter - @. cache.uₙ₋₁ = cache.uₙ - cache.uₙ₋₁ - @. cache.fuₙ₋₁ = cache.fuₙ - cache.fuₙ₋₁ + @. cache.uprev = cache.u - cache.uprev + @. cache.fuprev = cache.fu - cache.fuprev - α₊ = sum(abs2, cache.uₙ₋₁) - @. cache.uₙ₋₁ = cache.uₙ₋₁ * cache.fuₙ₋₁ - α₋ = sum(cache.uₙ₋₁) - cache.σₙ = α₊ / α₋ + α₊ = sum(abs2, cache.uprev) + @. cache.uprev *= cache.fuprev + α₋ = sum(cache.uprev) + cache.σ_n = α₊ / α₋ # Spectral parameter bounds check - if abs(cache.σₙ) > σₘₐₓ || abs(cache.σₙ) < σₘᵢₙ - test_norm = sqrt(sum(abs2, cache.fuₙ₋₁)) - cache.σₙ = clamp(T(1) / test_norm, T(1), T(1e5)) + if !(σ_min ≤ abs(cache.σ_n) ≤ σ_max) + test_norm = sqrt(sum(abs2, cache.fuprev)) + cache.σ_n = clamp(inv(test_norm), T(1), T(1e5)) end # Take step - @. cache.uₙ₋₁ = cache.uₙ - @. cache.fuₙ₋₁ = cache.fuₙ - cache.f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ₋₁ = f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ + @. cache.uprev = cache.u + @. cache.fuprev = cache.fu + cache.f_norm = f_norm # Update history - cache.ℋ[n % M + 1] = f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ + cache.history[cache.stats.nsteps % M + 1] = f_norm cache.stats.nf += 1 return nothing end function perform_step!(cache::DFSaneCache{false}) - @unpack alg, f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ₋₁, f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎₀, σₙ, σₘᵢₙ, σₘₐₓ, α₁, γ, τₘᵢₙ, τₘₐₓ, nₑₓₚ, M = cache - - f = x -> cache.prob.f(x, cache.p) - - T = eltype(cache.uₙ) - n = cache.stats.nsteps + @unpack alg, f_norm, σ_n, σ_min, σ_max, α_1, γ, τ_min, τ_max, n_exp, M, prob = cache + T = eltype(cache.u) + f_norm_old = f_norm # Spectral parameter range check - σₙ = sign(σₙ) * clamp(abs(σₙ), σₘᵢₙ, σₘₐₓ) + σ_n = sign(σ_n) * clamp(abs(σ_n), σ_min, σ_max) # Line search direction - cache.𝒹 = -σₙ * cache.fuₙ₋₁ + cache.du = @. -σ_n * cache.fuprev + + η = alg.η_strategy(cache.f_norm_0, cache.stats.nsteps, cache.u, cache.fu) - η = alg.η_strategy(f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎₀, n, cache.uₙ₋₁, cache.fuₙ₋₁) + f_bar = maximum(cache.history) + α₊ = α_1 + α₋ = α_1 + cache.u = @. cache.uprev + α₊ * cache.du - f̄ = maximum(cache.ℋ) - α₊ = α₁ - α₋ = α₁ - cache.uₙ = cache.uₙ₋₁ + α₊ * cache.𝒹 + cache.fu = prob.f(cache.u, cache.p) + f_norm = cache.internalnorm(cache.fu)^n_exp - cache.fuₙ = f(cache.uₙ) - f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ = norm(cache.fuₙ)^nₑₓₚ + # TODO: Failure mode with inner line search failed? for _ in 1:(cache.alg.max_inner_iterations) - 𝒸 = f̄ + η - γ * α₊^2 * f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ₋₁ + c = f_bar + η - γ * α₊^2 * f_norm_old - f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ ≤ 𝒸 && break + f_norm ≤ c && break - α₊ = clamp(α₊^2 * f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ₋₁ / (f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ + (T(2) * α₊ - T(1)) * f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ₋₁), - τₘᵢₙ * α₊, τₘₐₓ * α₊) - cache.uₙ = @. cache.uₙ₋₁ - α₋ * cache.𝒹 + α₊ = α₊ * clamp(α₊ * f_norm_old / (f_norm + (T(2) * α₊ - T(1)) * f_norm_old), + τ_min, τ_max) + cache.u = @. cache.uprev - α₋ * cache.du - cache.fuₙ = f(cache.uₙ) - f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ = norm(cache.fuₙ)^nₑₓₚ + cache.fu = prob.f(cache.u, cache.p) + f_norm = cache.internalnorm(cache.fu)^n_exp - f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ .≤ 𝒸 && break + f_norm ≤ c && break - α₋ = clamp(α₋^2 * f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ₋₁ / (f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ + (T(2) * α₋ - T(1)) * f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ₋₁), - τₘᵢₙ * α₋, τₘₐₓ * α₋) + α₋ = α₋ * clamp(α₋ * f_norm_old / (f_norm + (T(2) * α₋ - T(1)) * f_norm_old), + τ_min, τ_max) + cache.u = @. cache.uprev + α₊ * cache.du - cache.uₙ = @. cache.uₙ₋₁ + α₊ * cache.𝒹 - cache.fuₙ = f(cache.uₙ) - f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ = norm(cache.fuₙ)^nₑₓₚ + cache.fu = prob.f(cache.u, cache.p) + f_norm = cache.internalnorm(cache.fu)^n_exp end - check_and_update!(cache, cache.fuₙ, cache.uₙ, cache.uₙ₋₁) + check_and_update!(cache, cache.fu, cache.u, cache.uprev) # Update spectral parameter - cache.uₙ₋₁ = @. cache.uₙ - cache.uₙ₋₁ - cache.fuₙ₋₁ = @. cache.fuₙ - cache.fuₙ₋₁ + cache.uprev = @. cache.u - cache.uprev + cache.fuprev = @. cache.fu - cache.fuprev - α₊ = sum(abs2, cache.uₙ₋₁) - cache.uₙ₋₁ = @. cache.uₙ₋₁ * cache.fuₙ₋₁ - α₋ = sum(cache.uₙ₋₁) - cache.σₙ = α₊ / α₋ + α₊ = sum(abs2, cache.uprev) + cache.uprev = @. cache.uprev * cache.fuprev + α₋ = sum(cache.uprev) + cache.σ_n = α₊ / α₋ # Spectral parameter bounds check - if abs(cache.σₙ) > σₘₐₓ || abs(cache.σₙ) < σₘᵢₙ - test_norm = sqrt(sum(abs2, cache.fuₙ₋₁)) - cache.σₙ = clamp(T(1) / test_norm, T(1), T(1e5)) + if !(σ_min ≤ abs(cache.σ_n) ≤ σ_max) + test_norm = sqrt(sum(abs2, cache.fuprev)) + cache.σ_n = clamp(inv(test_norm), T(1), T(1e5)) end # Take step - cache.uₙ₋₁ = cache.uₙ - cache.fuₙ₋₁ = cache.fuₙ - cache.f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ₋₁ = f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ + cache.uprev = cache.u + cache.fuprev = cache.fu + cache.f_norm = f_norm # Update history - cache.ℋ[n % M + 1] = f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ + cache.history[cache.stats.nsteps % M + 1] = f_norm cache.stats.nf += 1 return nothing end -function SciMLBase.reinit!(cache::DFSaneCache{iip}, u0 = cache.uₙ; p = cache.p, +function SciMLBase.reinit!(cache::DFSaneCache{iip}, u0 = cache.u; p = cache.p, abstol = cache.abstol, reltol = cache.reltol, maxiters = cache.maxiters, termination_condition = get_termination_mode(cache.tc_cache)) where {iip} cache.p = p if iip - recursivecopy!(cache.uₙ, u0) - recursivecopy!(cache.uₙ₋₁, u0) - cache.prob.f(cache.fuₙ, cache.uₙ, p) - cache.prob.f(cache.fuₙ₋₁, cache.uₙ, p) + recursivecopy!(cache.u, u0) + recursivecopy!(cache.uprev, u0) + cache.prob.f(cache.fu, cache.u, p) + cache.prob.f(cache.fuprev, cache.uprev, p) else - cache.uₙ = u0 - cache.uₙ₋₁ = u0 - cache.fuₙ = cache.prob.f(cache.uₙ, p) - cache.fuₙ₋₁ = cache.prob.f(cache.uₙ, p) + cache.u = u0 + cache.uprev = u0 + cache.fu = cache.prob.f(cache.u, p) + cache.fuprev = cache.prob.f(cache.uprev, p) end - cache.f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ₋₁ = norm(cache.fuₙ₋₁)^cache.nₑₓₚ - cache.f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎₀ = cache.f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ₋₁ - fill!(cache.ℋ, cache.f₍ₙₒᵣₘ₎ₙ₋₁) + cache.f_norm = cache.internalnorm(cache.fu)^cache.n_exp + cache.f_norm_0 = cache.f_norm + + fill!(cache.history, cache.f_norm) - T = eltype(cache.uₙ) - cache.σₙ = T(cache.alg.σ_1) + T = eltype(cache.u) + cache.σ_n = T(cache.alg.σ_1) - abstol, reltol, tc_cache = init_termination_cache(abstol, reltol, cache.fuₙ, cache.uₙ, + abstol, reltol, tc_cache = init_termination_cache(abstol, reltol, cache.fu, cache.u, termination_condition) cache.abstol = abstol