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How to connect your App to IRIS

In this document we describe how apps can be connected to the IRIS system.


The IRIS System consists of different actors that form trust relationships with each other based on certificates. These actors are 1) IRIS Central services 2) Contact Tracing Applications (you) and 3) Health Departments. Actors use the IRIS endpointserver in order to exchange messages with other actors. Each actor is registered in the public IRIS service directory alongside with its corresponding role on the IRIS system.

Please find below and overview of the IRIS system and its actors as well as the flows that are relevant for your application.

Overview IRIS System

Step Description
1 You need to send a certificate signing request (csr) to the IRIS rollout team. The rollout team will provide you with a certificate in return. You need to configure your EPS to use that certificate.
2 The IRIS rollout team registers your app and the endpoint domain in the service direcory.
3 Your app pushes the locations for those it is responsible for into the central locations service. This is a frequent process and depends on the lifecycle of the locations that are managed within by app
4 The health authority employees can use the IRIS client (having ints own EPS) in order to search for locations.
5 The IRIS client connects to your app through the EPS layer and requests guest lists for a specific date and time. In order to know the endpoint IRIS internally keeps a record of which location is owned by which app. Your app returns the contact information using EPS.


This guide will show step by step technically integrating an app to IRIS connect.

You need to open port 4444, 4443 or 443 for incoming connections for test environment.

The EPS installed on your server needs to be reached on port 4444, 4443 or 443 for test environment.

You will need openssl to create the certificate and preferably docker to run the EPS.

1 Certificate Generation and Enrollment

A unique certificate for your app is needed to achieve trust for communication reaching out from your local EPS to remote EPS of IRIS central services or IRIS clients.

The certificate is signed by IRIS connect with a root certificate. The root certificate itself delivers trust for the local EPS for incoming communication.

1.1 Generate Certificate Signing Request

Generate your certificate signing request (csr) using openssl for the IRIS Connect test server.

Please use your app name as CN (for example CN=smartmeeting). Don't use spaces and use only lower-case.

ST="Europaplatz 5"
L="64293 Darmstadt"
# using less than 1024 here will result in a TLS handshake failure in Go
# using less than 2048 will cause e.g. 'curl' to complain that the ciper is too weak

openssl genrsa -out "[yourappname].key" 4096;
openssl rsa -in "[yourappname].key" -pubout -out "[yourappname].pub";
openssl req -new -sha256 -key "[yourappname].key" -subj "/C=${C}/ST=${ST}/L=${L}/O=${O}/OU=${OU}/CN=${CN}" -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:[yourappname],DNS:*.[yourappname].local" -out "[yourappname].csr";

Production Certificate Signing Request

The creation of the CSR for production is the same as the one for test. Please don't use the exact same CSR. You need to generate another private key.

1.2 Request the Certificate

Send the .csr and your domain to IRIS rollout team and get your .crt file back from us.

Please make sure to tell us, which environment (test or prod) you are requesting.


Hi IRIS Team,

I provide the csr for (test).


1.3 Legal requirements for production

Each app provider must go through a process to be connected to the production system.

In addition to the legal requirements, for which we update the details promptly, it is important to be able to demonstrate a fully functional connection to the test system.

2 Install and configure EPS

The EPS (IRIS EndPointService) does all the magic in a black box:

  • encryption of the data channel to the IRIS clients requesting the contact lists
  • ensure trust for IRIS and your app
  • dealing with p2p networking to eliminate bottlenecks

To be able to act, the EPS needs to be configured and trusted, which means it needs the trusted and unique certificate signed from the csr you have send to IRIS team, and it must be made known to IRIS, that is the step IRIS team does with the provided URI before issuing the certificate.

2.1 Artifacts needed to start

You need the following:

2.2 Local Settings

The EPS config is mainly done by ENVIRONMENT variables. Please create a directory that holds your configuration. For example /data/eps/. Please copy the .env.sample file as .env to this local path.

The certificate issued by IRIS based on your signing request and the corresponding key must be stored in the certs folder. In our example the certificate and key would be stored in /data/eps/certs.

You will then need to adapt the .env file to your environment.

APP_CN must be set to the common name you used for your certificate. Also the certificate .key and .crt files need to be named accordingly.

APP_BACKEND_ENDPOINT specifies the endpoint of your local JSON-RPC server.

EPS_SETTINGS is set to settings/roles/test/app for test environment or settings/roles/prod/app for production. Caution: Do not replace app in this string. It's meant to be app.

2.3 Start your EPS

If you are on Linux command line and defined it above, you could simply use the statement as is.

You can start a local eps with

docker run --name iris-eps -p 5556:5556 -p 4444:4444 -v "/data/eps/certs:/app/settings/certs" :ro --env-file .env inoeg/app-eps:latest

Port 4444, 4443 or 443 are valid for test environment.

Ports 4444 and 443 can be used for the production environment.

You can change port 5556 to your needs. Requests of your app, that shall reach out to IRIS Connect, will then be sent to POST https://localhost:5556/jsonrpc (or your local URL within your own network).

To change the ports, simply replace the port before the colon.

3 Interacting with EPS

The EPS is now locally reachable for your app, and it is publically reachable for IRIS Connect. Let's test, if we are able to reach IRIS Connect from EPS.

3.1 Sending messages

Sending messages to IRIS is done with JSON-RPC.

    "method": "[destination-identifier].[methodname]", 
    "id": "1", 
    "params": {
        "param1": "test"
    "jsonrpc": "2.0"

You can find the specification of the respective methods and destinations here.

To test, we will simply send a test location to IRIS test:

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --insecure --data '
    "id": "1",
    "params": {
        "locations": [
                "id": "1abc",
                "name": "Visits Test"
    "jsonrpc": "2.0"
' https://localhost:5556/jsonrpc

We should get

    "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
    "result" : "OK",
    "id" : "1"

It is important to know, what is going wrong if you won't get this response. If you post your request to a wrong endpoint, you would just get a "message":"not found". If the port 5556 is not bound to the eps container, you will get a "connection refused".

cURL result Possible cause Ckecks to perform
Client sent an HTTP request to an HTTPS server. You called the endpoint at http:// instead of https:// Ckeck the address in cURL command and options you used.
Connection refused The EPS is not listening on the URI or port of the request. Ckeck the address in cURL command. Are you running the command from localhost - the docker host, or do you need to address an IP address in your network? Is there a firewall blocking the port? Is the EPS running - check it with docker ps, and check the logs.
"message":"not found" You addressed wrong endpoint If you address https://localhost:5556/ (without endpoint address jsonrpc) you will get this result.
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","error":{"code":-32603,"message":"internal error"},"id":"1"} There is a bug in EPS or your configuration is incorrect. Check the settings yml, try another EPS version.
{"jsonrpc":"2.0,","error":{"code":-32700,"message":"JSON required"},"id":null} Your JSON content is malformed. Check your JSON string as it is passed to the http request's body, maybe try exactly this string with cURL to debug your content.
{"jsonrpc":"2.0,","error":{"code":-32600,"message":"invalid request","data":{"message":"invalid input data: params(not a map)","code":"FORM-ERROR","data":{"params":"not a map"},"traceback":[]}},"id":null} The JSON content is not complete or contains mismatched properties. In the given example, the property params was spelled wrong (uppercase Params), so check exact matches of the request properties.

This list is propably not complete. Especially internal errors will have many possible causes. In case you get some internal errors, please check twice if your settings are correct, the EPS is running in level trace and have a look on log messages.

We will update the list of possible errors as they come around.

3.2 Destinations and methods

Destination Methodname Annotations
ls-1 postLocationsToSearchIndex Publish managed locations to IRIS connect, for which health departments may request contact data.
ls-1 getProviderLocations Verify which locations managed by your app are published to IRIS connect.
ls-1 deleteLocationFromSearchIndex Remove a managed location if the location canceled using your app etc.
- createDataRequest This method has to be an endpoint of your app to receive the details for an data request.
hd-xyz submitGuestList After getting a data request, the data is send to the hd-endpoint given in in the request.

4 Integration of EPS Methods in your App

As described above, you have to

  • publish locations managed by your app
  • receive data requests
  • submit data

4.1 Location search index

Location search index can be reached at ls-1.

4.1.1 postLocationsToSearchIndex


Example parameters:

"params": {
        "locations": [
                "id": "5eddd61036d39a0ff8b11fdb",
                "name": "Restaurant Alberts",
                "contact": {
                    "officialName": "Meine RestoGruppe GmbH",
                    "representative": "Max Mustermann",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "Türkenstr. 7",
                        "city": "München",
                        "zip": "80333"
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "phone": "0151 47110815"
Parameter Description Annotations
locations array of locations

Location parameters:

Parameter Description Annotations
id your unique location id Identifies the location in your system. Will be included in incoming requests
name location friendly name You could also split your clients sites here. Example: client has site "Hauptstrasse" and "Kaiserstrasse" could be split in two locations with their own location id.
contact contact information see below

Contact parameters:

Parameter Description Annotations
officialName locations official name
representative locations representative
email email
phone phone number
"result": {
        "_": "OK"

OK if successful. Errormessages to be done.

4.1.2 getProviderLocations

Example parameters:

"params": {                  
Parameter Description Annotations
providerId your unique ProviderId Caution: this will change and will not be required in the future.
"result": {
        "_": [
                "id": "5eddd61036d39a0ff8b11fdb",
                "name": "Restaurant Alberts"

Array of id and name pairs, where id is your unique identfier and name the locations friendly name. Errormessages to be done.

4.1.3 deleteLocationFromSearchIndex

Example parameters:

"params": {
Parameter Description Annotations
locationId your internal location identifier
"result": {
        "_": "OK"

OK if successful. NOT FOUND if location did not exist. Errormessages to be done.

4.2 Process IRIS Client data requests

You need to provide a json-rpc endpoint on your server. The exact endpoint can be configured in your EPS configuration file.

- name: main JSON-RPC client # creates outgoing JSONRPC connections to deliver and receive messages
    type: jsonrpc_client
      endpoint: http://[your-host]:[your-port]/[your-endpoint]

To receive incoming DataRequests, you need to implement a method createDataRequest on your Endpoint. The following request is an example the request generated on - the parameter _client.entry is left out here and contains certificates and fingerprints as well as provided services at the endpoint.

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "createDataRequest",
  "params": {
    "_client": {
      "entry": {[...]},
      "name": "hd-1"
    "dataRequest": {
      "dataAuthorizationToken": "8f4b3c3a-61e1-4e87-954e-5c6ba4f0e051",
      "end": "2021-06-09T16:00:00Z",
      "locationId": "d1abc",
      "proxyEndpoint": "",
      "requestDetails": "",
      "start": "2021-06-09T09:00:00Z"
  "id": "visits.createDataRequest(44693335)"

The method has to accept the following paramters:

createDataRequest parameters:

Parameter Description Annotations
_client Calling EPS details
dataRequest DataRequest details

_client object:

Parameter Description Annotations
name Calling eps You will use this name to reach the endpoint for data submissions
entry Signatures Certificates and fingerprints to ensure authenication of the request, will be handled by your EPS and you may ignore this.

dataRequest object:

Parameter Description Annotations
start Start of requested time period
end End of requested time period
requestDetails Additional message (optional) May contain additional information about the request
dataAuthorizationToken Identifies the request to the health department Used in submission to ensure that the data has been requested by the HD.
proxyEndpoint Identifies the connection to public proxy Neccessary to be able to send submissions from the browser.
locationID Your location identifier The identifier you used when creating the location.


Parameter Value
_ OK

The request can be saved and edited locally. The functions for transmitting the data to the health authorities are the next step, but asynchronously. This means, there is no need to collect data and post the response within a short timeframe.

It seems to be a good idea to store all requests created an if they are answered already, also to have a possibility for security audits. If you already store actions of exporting CSV file data for health authorities in your app, you might just add some fields to that table.

4.3 Send data submissions

There are two ways to submit data to IRIS. The two ways result from the two different types of data management.

Apps that can provide data unencrypted in the backend can send data directly to IRIS via EPS from the backend. Deliver your data to your local EPS after collection.

If the user data must first be decrypted by the operator or another authority in the browser, it can then be transmitted directly from the browser via end-to-end encryption. In this case the data submission has to be posted to the URL provided in the createDataRequest parameter proxyEndpoint. For this scenario, you add a "_client":{"name":"$APP_NAME"} to the params, where $APP_NAME is the name for your app as used in the "CN" field of your certificate from the csr.

Please note, that the timeframe in the request (startDate to endDate) has to be evaluated as: attendFrom is earlier than endDate AND attendTo is later than startDate. This way all visits that overlap start or end are included. In full pseudocode, the boolean evaluation should be like Visit.Entry <= Request.End && Visit.Exit >= Request.Start.

4.3.1 Parameters for data submissions

    "_client": {
        "name": "mydemoapp"
	"dataAuthorizationToken": "2edd34d6-bc7b-11eb-8529-0242ac130003",
	"guestList": {
		"dataProvider": {
			"name": "SmartMeeting",
			"address": {
				"street": "Europaplatz",
				"houseNumber": "5",
				"zipCode": "64293",
				"city": "Darmstadt"
        "startDate": "2021-05-18T10:00:00.000Z",
        "endDate": "2021-05-19T10:00:00.000Z",
        "additionalInformation": "",
		"guests": [
				"firstName": "Hans",
				"lastName": "Müller",
				"sex": "UNKNOWN",
				"email": "[email protected]",
				"phone": "0151 47110815",
				"mobilePhone": "0151 47110815",
				"address": {
					"street": "Lietzensee-Ufer",
					"houseNumber": "75",
					"zipCode": "01657",
					"city": "Meißen"
				"attendanceInformation": {
					"attendFrom": "2021-03-28T19:21:28.071Z",
					"attendTo": "2021-03-28T19:21:28.071Z",
					"additionalInformation": "Tisch 4"


Parameter Description Annotations
_client Identifies the sending client This is optional for sending from backend, but needed when sending from browser client.
dataAuthorizationToken Authorizes data submission
guestList Guest list information

_client object:

Parameter Description Annotations
name CN from cert Your app is identified by this name, taken from the certificate's CN

GuestList object:

Parameter Description Required Annotations
startDate GuestList starts true As given in the createDataRequest in time format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"
endDate GuestList ends true As given in the createDataRequest in time format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"
additionalInformation Additional information true Can be left empty for now - is not displayed
dataProvider DataProvider object true This is identifying you as the app provider!
guests List of guest objects true Could of cause be empty, but must be provided

DataProvider object:

Parameter Description Required Annotations
name Your name true
address Address object true

Guest object:

Parameter Description Required Annotations
firstName First name true
lastName Last list true
sex Sex false [ MALE, FEMALE, OTHER, UNKNOWN ]
email E-Mail false
phone Phone number false
mobilePhone Mobile number false
address Address object false
attendanceInformation Attendance object true

Address object:

Parameter Description Required Annotations
street Street false
houseNumber House number false
zipCode Zip code false
city City false

AttendanceInformation object:

Parameter Description Required Annotations
attendFrom Attend from true Time format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"
attendTo Attend to true Time format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"
additionalInformation Additional attendance information false For example table or area

4.3.2 Send data from app backend

The data is sent to the custom EPS via JSON-RPC. The method name used is [hdEndpoint].submitGuestList. [hdEnpoint] corresponds to from the received DataRequest.

In short:

  • build a dataProvider object with your own contact details
  • collect the data and pump it in an array of guests
  • build a guestList object with start and end from createDataRequest
  • build your data submission POST request with method [hdEndpoint].submitGuestList and following params:
    • _client (optional) with your app's CN from your signing request
    • dataAuthorizationToken taken from createDataRequest
    • guestList (be aware that additionalInformation is required and must at least be an empty string)
  • POST your request to your local EPS

4.3.3 Send data from app in browser

The data is sent to the proxyEndpoint from createDataRequest via JSON-RPC, in detail: params.dataRequest.proxyEndpoint. The method name used is submitGuestList. Do not include [hdEnpoint] in method name as when sending to a local EPS.

The URL for the submission is build as https://[proxyEndpoint]:32325/data-submission-rpc.

In short:

  • build a dataProvider object with your own contact details
  • collect the data and pump it in an array of guests
  • build a guestList object with start and end from createDataRequest
  • build your data submission POST request with method submitGuestList and following params:
    • _client (required) with your app's CN from your signing request
    • dataAuthorizationToken taken from createDataRequest
    • guestList (be aware that additionalInformation is required and must at least be an empty string)
  • POST your request to https://[proxyEndpoint]:32325/data-submission-rpc

Please consider that health departments will use self-signed certificates on test environment.

5 Test your implementation

To test your implementation, visit

You can find the password and access data in the slack channel.

There you should find your pushed locations in the search when you start a new event tracking. If you send the request, you should receive a data request.


[0.0.10] - 2021-07-02


  • New EPS Version. Please have a look especially at the configuration, docker-image, browser submission ports

[0.0.9] - 2021-06-16


  • Corrected sending data submissions from browser
  • Added time format for date/time fields in data submissions

[0.0.8] - 2021-06-16


  • Latest eps image version
  • Corrected boolean expression
  • Additional hint for URL of local EPS

[0.0.7] - 2021-06-14


  • Data submission from Browser client to health departments Proxy-Endpoint
  • New eps image version

[0.0.6] - 2021-06-11


  • Overview of steps
  • Direct links to the sections for each important step


  • Step-by-step guide for copy&paste of commandline deployment of local eps
  • Some hints for postLocationToSearchIndex
  • New eps image version

[0.0.5] - 2021-06-02


  • Submit data when accessible in backend
  • New eps image version

[0.0.4] - 2021-05-20


  • Submit data when accessible in backend


  • Docker command with new eps version

[0.0.3] - 2021-05-20


  • Receiving data requests
  • Improved setup instructions
  • Test your implementation

[0.0.2] - 2021-05-08


  • Overview drawing including steps and descriptions.
  • Structure for data requests and data submissions.

[0.0.1] - 2021-05-04


  • Initial version of the onboarding document
  • Adding locations to search index