- naveed
Deprecate and remove compress_response param from requests (Yelp has stopped compressing v1 responses)
- Leslie Viljoen
Add cc (country_code) parameter to v1 phone search
- naveed
Check encoding before uncompressing v1 responses
- naveed
Allow one-time client configuration
- naveed
Convert Yelp to a module
- naveed
Make lib ruby v1.8 compatible
- naveed
Add rdoc task
- naveed
Add Travis CI
- naveed
Combine address components with ‘,’ rather than space
- naveed
Refactor build_url
- naveed
switched testing and deployment libraries
- naveed
Add deals_filter in business search
- naveed
Remove claimed_filter in business search
- naveed
- updated Rakefile (removed hoe; added echoe for building) - Renamed ‘yelp.rb’ to ‘yelpster.rb’ - Renamed ‘yelp’ folder to ‘yelpster’ - Updated references to files in lib - test/yelp_helper.rb > modified validate_json_response function regex to ^{"message":{"text":"OK","code":0,"version":"1.1.1"},"(businesses|neighborhoods)":.*?}$
- naveed
New files added:
- Folders v1 and v2 added for different versions
- Moved all files except lib/client.rb, lib/record.rb, lib/response_format.rb to folder v1 - v2 files and folders (+): + business
+ request id.rb + search + request base.rb bounding_box.rb geo_point.rb location.rb request.rb
- naveed
Modifications in existing files:
- lib/yelp.rb
> modified links to yelp v1 files > added links to yelp v2 files > updated version number of gem from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0
- lib/yelp/clinet.rb
> removed links to open-uri and zlib libraries (line 3 & 7) > replaced line 68: source = open(url, http_params) with content = request.pull_results(url, http_params) > removed line 71: moved to appropriate request.rb of api version > wrapped lines 92-101 in an unless block to prevent execution when params == nil
- Placed all files in v1 folder inside 'module V1' - Updated super class references to reflect module addition - lib/yelp/request.rb
> added link to open-uri and zlib > added function pull_results (line 49-52) that is called from client.rb to get search results > moved case bodies to next line (37 & 38) and removed colons
- naveed
New file contents:
- lib/yelp/v2/request.rb (essentially same as v1/request.rb with support for oauth instead of open_uri )
> :yws_id replaced with :consumer_key, :consumer_secret, :token and :token_secret > added function pull_results (line 49-52) that is called from client.rb to get search results using OAuth - lib/yelp/v2/business/request/id.rb > class using yelp’s business id to retrieve business details
- lib/yelp/v2/search/request/base.rb
> class specifying general and local params to search for business
- lib/yelp/v2/search/request/bounding_box.rb
> class specifying geographical bounding box to search for businesses in
- lib/yelp/v2/search/request/geo_point.rb
> class specifying geographical coordinate to search for businesses in
- lib/yelp/v2/search/request/location.rb
> class specifying address to search for business
- naveed
changes to existing tests
- test/yelp_helper.rb
> added constants for version numbers for running tests > modified create_client function to check for different keys for different api versions > modified validate_json_to_ruby_response function to handle different api versions > commented out YELP_BIZ_ID_LENGTH = 22 > modified assert business == YELP_BIZ_ID_LENGTH to check for length > 0
- test/test_neighborhood.rb
> updated calls to api functions
- test/test_phone_search.rb
> updated calls to api functions
- test/test_review_search.rb
> updated calls to api functions
- naveed
new V2 Test Files
- test/test_business_retrieval.rb - test/test_business_search.rb
- shaper
allow specifying multiple categories for review search by
passing an array of the category names in the request.
- shaper
fix tests to gracefully alert user if YWSID is not set in
their environment.
- shaper
updated README to reflect the latest reality.
- shaper
updated Rakefile to reflect latest hoe usage.
- shaper
fixed test neighborhood search to reflect add’l info passed
along in yelp response.
- shaper
fixed test json validation to reflect new version of 1.1.1.
- shaper
fixed neighborhood test to suit new www.yelp.com return
- shaper
fixed extra dependencies specified in Rakefile to allow for proper
gem installation.
- shaper
fixed validation of neighborhood yelp search url to reflect
yelp-side url fix removing ‘/’ from immediately following ‘?’.
- shaper
fixed json result validation to accept new format v1.1 specifier.
- shaper
Incorporated category result narrowing for business review search,
thanks to Jerry Cheung for patch.
Updated neighborhood tests to reflect additional information in the yelp response.
Moved to Rubyforge now that the yelp project exists.
Fixed Yelp::Request documentation to note the correct default response format as Yelp::ResponseFormat::JSON_TO_RUBY.
Initial release.