🚀 Features
- feat(ChatbarMarkdown): added displaying markdown as type in chatbar (#159)
- feat(messaging): added caret divider
- feat(responsiveMobileFullscreenCall) : responsive mobile media calls on fullscreen (#163)
- feat(Inline Notification): Added inline notification component
- Feat(Glyphs): Implement Glyphs Popover (#164)
- feat(Streaming): Added 'now live' screen share / streaming icon
- feat(Pinning): Added message pinning
- feature(showChatReplyNames): displays users who have replied to a thread (#167)
- feat(Open Source Icons): Switched the majority of icons over to an open source alternative
- feat(Feather Icons): Removed fontawesome in exchange for open source icon library
- feat(Icons): Ported to fork for lucide icons
- feat(Icons): Added custom satellite logo icon
- feat(EditMessage): added EditMessage and fixed caret's issues of chatbar when typing (#173)
- feat(Wallet): Added wallet component placeholder
- feat(ContextMenu): emoji quick reactions for message context menu (#177)
- feat(Enhancers): Enable option for floating enhancers
- feat(Realms): Added realm component
- feat(friends): friend ui connection (#179)
- feat(WebRTC): WebRTC Event Emitter added
- feat(ChatbarTag&EditLastMsg&ButtonGroups): added charbar's tag, edition of last msg by arrow up and replace nav buttons with button groups (#187)
- feat(uicircle): jazzicon replaced (#186)
- feat(EmbededVideo): Added the option for the user to allow embedded content in the Network settings. Also added the boilerplate to iframe/plyr in embedded videos (depending if video type is supported by plyr)` (#189)
- feat(EmbeddedLinkContent): spotify link parsing added (#195)
- feat(Redirect): Change redirect to go directly to chat after logging in
- feat(friends): remove friend
- feat(Chatbar): send files by dropping them into the chatbat
- feat(Video/Screenshare): SA-143 Video/ScreenShare added in setting page, fix and fix Select unresponsive styles
- feat(ui): hidden 'New message' notification in fullscreen
- feat(Realms): Added realm switcher in settings
- feat(Quick Chat): Added barebones of quickchat
- feat(Privacy): Added privacy page
- feat(Chatbar): Seperate emoji and glyph buttons
- feat(Updates): added update modal, will clear localstorage when minor version changes
- feat(Keybinds): major refactor, moved everything into actions
- feat(cypress): adding test framework, adding create account tests, adding data-cy labels
- feat(Chatbar):
- feat(MiniWallet): Added mini wallet component (#303)
- feat(user): user state component (#299)
- feat(Update Modal): Let users know what's changed each version + chore(Logging): Remove developer logging
- feat(commitlint): add husky commit-msg check (#316)
- feat(webrtc): add low level abstractions for handling p2p connections and audio/video calls (#324)
- Feat(Timestamp): Add timestamp to Message Actions (AP-106) (#318)
- feat(import account): 'Create Import Account Page, linked from Import Account button' (#327)
- feat(group behavior): modify message grouping behavior AP-107
- feat(Dev Tools): adds debug information into the developer section of settings
- feat(Hounddog): added hounddog library and also cleaned up some code … (#465)
🐛 Fixes
- fix(file upload): add hover animation to file upload button (#158)
- fix(marketplace): Fix 'toggling marketplace is glitchy' (#160)
- fix(Volume): Fix vue slider type issue (#161)
- fix(Chatbar Markdown): Fixes inconsistencies with the placeholder when typing text into the chatbar.
- fix(loadingUnlockScreen): remove scroll bars from showing (#165)
- fix(Message Actions): Fixes message actions duplicating
- fix(More Filters Btn): Fix hovering on More Filters Btn (#169)
- fix(Mutations): Fixed mutations error
- fix(dropdown): Fix 'Dropdown menu's expanding across the screen' (#175)
- fix(signin btn): Fix incorrect styling on Sign In button (#174)
- fix(MarketPlace): Fix 'MarketPlace Modal Dismiss issue when on another server' (#176)
- fix(Typings): Fixed typings for friend adding
- fix(sidebar): Fix 'Names of Servers are appearing behind the Sidebar Menu on Mobile' (#183)
- fix(Servers List): Base z index breaks sidebar
- fix(Media Settings): Fix Bitratesettings invisible issue (#184)
- fix(Sidebar Tooltip): Fix 'Sidebar tooltips hidden behind elements.' (#188)
- fix(Icons): Fix sidebar icons not coloring
- fix(EditMessage): Fix to edit message when message type is text (#190)
- fix(State): Updated state to include new mutations for audio
- fix(iOS): IOS web rendering engine does not support the Notification api that every other browser supports, this checks to see if the browser is compatible and disables the notification object if not supported (#193)
- fix(ChatboxShowingFullscreen): fix fullscreen has some chat showing at bottom (#192)
- fix(ui): friends mutations fixed (#196)
- fix(ServerChatScroll): (SA-212) Media Chat scroll bar missing while viewing in a different server (#198)
- fix(Profile/StatusStretch) : Profile/status stretches into media screen while viewing in a smaller browser window - SA-274
- fix(EmbededLinkContent) Updated all of the matching text to use regex for security reasons (#199)
- fix(Profile/StatusStretch) : Profile/status stretches into media screen while viewing in a smaller browser window - SA-274 (#200)
- fix(Input Pin): Pin now clears when wrong pin is sent
- fix(Mobile): Disable dynamic content when sidebar is open on smaller mobile screens
- fix(deafen): Fix broken deafen/volume slider (#202)
- fix(Create Server): Fix 'Adding to many friends to a server while still searching for more starts to look a bit messy' (#203)
- fix(Search Result): Fix 'iOS issue: Profile pictures are ovals instead of circles in the search results box'
- fix(StorePin): Fix store pin button unresponsive in settings SA-218
- fix(Timeouts): Remove timeouts in favor of
- fix(Mobile): Fix settings button broken on mobile
- fix(Global): Moved layout methods into new file to fix modals and other things not working
- fix(embeds): Upgraded nuxt was throwing an error if a components prop was a function in the embeds. (#217)
- fix(Add Friends): Fix 'The "Add Friends" button in the Side Menu should take you to the Add Friends tab'
- Fix(Network Settings): Fix 'Allow Embeds toggle not works'
- fix(Images): Fix loading of certain images failing
- fix(Chat): Fix 'When sending a message in chat, sent message will be missing the last character typed' (#220)
- Fix(iOS:Bitrate/Samplesize): Fix Bitrate/Sample Size dropdowns stretch across entire screen(SA-315) (#223)
- fix(ChatScroll): auto scrolls when theres no unread messages (#222)
- fix(friends): moved friends actions (#226)
- fix(chat bar): Fix placeholder overlapping issue on chat bar (#227)
- FIx(Create Server): Fix 'Add an exit button on Create a Server on mobile' (#225)
- fix(friends): remove friend functions fixed (#228)
- fix(Profile): Fix 'Profile Bubble in Profile -> Settings has a little black circle where the upload button should be' (#233)
- fix(Pinned Message): Blue check mark at a awkward spot in the Archived Messages (#232)
- fix(EmojiReactions): reactions now work on new messages (#234)
- fix(Chat bar): Prevent empty message from being sent when clicking the send button (#231)
- fix(Friends): Fix 'The "Add Friends" button in the Side Menu should take you to the Add Friends tab' (#230)
- fix(fullscreen media): Fix 'Archived Messages appears while in fullscreen media' (#236)
- fix(Wallet Page): correct spelling error on wallet page
- fix(Mobile): Added swipe to hide only on left swipe, so nav does not closewhen scrolling up or down on menu
- fix(Chatbar): Fixes the chatbar growing indefinately when typing long continuous characters.
- fix(Chatbar): Fixes corner rounding when input grows in size
- fix(Chatbar): Fixed soft returns on chatbar
- fix(Chatbar): Fix chatbar icon sizing
- fix(Chatbar): Fixes chatbar commands
- fix(Chat): Fix 'After editing a message in chat, the message will be missing the last character' (#244)
- fix(Select): Fix select dropdown up/down flexible (#250)
- fix(iOS-Sounds): Fixed sounds in IOS. Pinned new m4a files. Ogg is not supported in safari.
- fix(Keybinds): small typo fix
- fix(SearchBar): Fix results for search bar doesn't appear while fullscreen media (SA-377) (#251)
- fix(Pinned Messages): add profile picture next to username
- Fix(PropsError): Fix Search Component Item Props Error(SA-383)
- fix(Keybinds): minor formatting and cleanup
- fix(Glyph): Fix 'After opening the Glyphs menu, user should be able to press it again to close it'
- fix(swipe): Fix 'Swiping through settings pages is actually swiping through chat screen in the background'
- fix(groups): group sidebar style on mobile
- fix(search): Fix 'iOS issue: the X used for clearing in the search bar is cut off a little at the end'
- Fix(Reacting): fix message in chatbar automatically scrolling when reacting(SA-344)
- fix(Message): Fix weird user avatar on gaming channel
- fix(Chat): Add friends component to new chat modal (#277)
- fix(badges): AP-44, remove Satellite Circle Badge from main user direct chat and show badge in archived messages. (#278)
- fix(messageEdit): only allow user to edit their own message (#281)
- fix(badges) AP-44, on merge into dev created new type of badge bug, fixed (#289)
- fix(Chat): Update Chatbar Drop Images and File Upload to handle multiple files
- fix(chat bar): fix issue with clicking between send money, glyphs/emoji
- fix(Chatbar): stops empty messages from sending (#295)
- Fix(ChatCutting): fix when sending a huge message, get cut off (#305)
- fix(Archived Messages): FIxes badge used for archived messages (#304)
- Fix(Login): Unlock should be persisted when store pin is enabled (#302)
- fix(enhancers): Made position dependent on where you click enhancers from, if mobile, setting floating to true. hide scrollbars in chrome. #SA-187 and #AP-112. (#286)
- fix(Drop File): Fix 'Chat - If you copy paste a invalid image, gets stuck on scanning image' (#309)
- fix(chat reaction): Fix 'Emoji reactions will increase if user navigates to a different page and back to chat again' (#306)
- fix(message): update timestamp message every minute (#300)
- fix(glyphs): adjust formatting and add loader (#334)
- fix(webpack): remove test attributes from build (#335)
- fix(chat): fix 'unable to paste text into chat' (#332)
- fix(Locales): fixes locales submodule
- fix(Submodules): fixes submodule names to match dirs
- fix(Message Actions): removed timestamp from message actions
- fix(Message Actions): removed timestamp from message actions (#338)
- fix(friendErrorMessage): have correct error messages show on user adding friends (#346)
- fix(upload): fix upload for large files (#467)
- fix(homeIconOnFiles): adjust home icon down to avoid icon clash (#474)
💬 Other
- update(UserSearch&Chatbar): fixed undefined erros (#157)
- update(SearchUser&Chatbar): fixed dropdown's issues, added blockquote & select all (#162)
- chore(Locales): Moved to submodule
- chore(Lang): Globalize internal warnings
- chore(Sidebar): Various sidebar CSS fixes for mobile.
- chore(): Update the readme to include submodule init command now that there is locales and is needed for development. Updated URL for the faucet to use the https URL so chrome does not block it (#168)
- chore(Icons): Started switching to feather icons
- update(Stickers): Added more stickers to mock
- chore(Remove Title Code): Remove code to change title
- chore(build): Automated build process in github actions. Switched gitmodule paths to use https instead of ssh to fix problems with build on github machines (#180)
- update(Chatbar&Edit): updated caret control when backspace&delete keeps down (#178)
- chore(build) Auto Increment build numbers with tag (#191)
- chore(Keybinds): Disable keybinds temporarily
- chore(Layouts): Cleaned up layouts
- chore(Build): Update build commands for nuxt4 (#229)
- chore(Chatbar): Gut buggy chatbar code
- chore(AutoGrow) Remove autogrow in favor of flexbox (#243)
- chore(sidebar): not collapsed by default (#275)
- chore(actions): add github action to rebase (#298)
- chore(readme): doc update (#319)
- chore(build): fix build (#329)
- chore(textile-store): update textile convo to have timestamps on top level (#328)
- chore(Translations): cleaned up translation file (#336)
- chore(build): dev build fix (#347)