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K8S Ingress Introduction

k8s services can be exposed to external (outside of the cluster) in many ways. Popular ways are Ingress is another way to expose the service to external. Ingress provides layer 7 load balancing whereas the others provide layer 4 load balancing.

Types of ingress

  1. Single Service:
    This type is as equivalent to exposing the services with other ways.

    Sample yaml to create single-service:
        apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
        kind: Ingress
            name: single-service
                serviceName: nginx
                servicePort: 80

    All the traffic would be routed to nginx service.

  2. Simple fanout:
    Based on the url path, the traffic would be routed to desired service.

    Sample yaml to create simple-fanout:
        apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
        kind: ingress
            name: simple-fanout
                -   http:
                         -  path: /qa.html
                                 serviceName: qa-webserver
                                 servicePort: 80
                         -  path: /dev.html
                                 serviceName: dev-webserver
                                 servicePort: 80

    If the incoming traffic's url path matches to qa.html, the traffic would be routed to qa-webserver service. If the incoming traffic ul matches to dev.html, the traffic's would be touted to dev-webserver.

  3. Name based Virtual Hosting:
    Multiple host names use the same ip address. Based on the Host, traffic would be routed to desired service.

    Sample yaml to create name based virtual-hosting:
        apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
        kind: ingress
            name: virtual-host
                - host:
                        - backend:
                              serviceName: google-maps-webserver
                              servicePort: 80
                - host:
                        - backend:
                              serviceName: google-images-webserver
                              servicePort: 80

    If the incoming traffic's host header matches to, the traffic would be routed to google-maps-webserver. If the incoming traffic's host header matches to, the traffic would be routed to google-images-webserver.

For more information please refer

Ingress in Contrail

Ingress is implemented through load balancer feature in contrail. [Please refer contrail feature guide for more information on contrail load balancer]. Whenever ingress is configured in k8s, contrail-kube-manager creates the load balancer object in contrail-controller. Contrail service contrail-svc-monitor listens for the load balancer objects and launches the haproxy with appropriate configuration based on the ingress spec rules in active-standby mode in two active compute nodes.

Detailed Explanation with simple-fanout example:

Simple-fanout yaml:

        apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
        kind: ingress
            name: simple-fanout
                - http:
                         - path: /qa.html
                               serviceName: qa-webserver
                               servicePort: 80
                         - path: /dev.html
                               serviceName: dev-webserver
                               servicePort: 80

Creating simple-fanout ingress in k8s:

        Kubectl create –f simple-fanout.yaml –n <namespace_name>

Simple-fanout in k8s with contrail:

Image of k8s-ingress-simple-fanout


    Kubectl connects to kube-api-server and creates the simps-fanout ingress in k8s.



Contrail-kube-manager register for event notification for interested resources with kube-api-server which includes ingress. When ingress object is created/modified/deleted in kube-api-server, It will send an event notification to contrail-kibe-manager. Contrail-kube-manager creates load balancer, virtual-machine-interface for load balancer and instance-ip for virtual-machine-interface from pod-ipam in cluster-network. If the external(public) pool available, it allocates external-ip and associate to the virtual-machine-interface. The fq_name of the external pool is [<public_network_project>,__public__,__fip_pool_public__]. Finally it updates the cluseter-ip and external-ip in k8s.


Contrail-svc-monitor listens for event notifications for contrail load balancer objects. When contrail-svc-monitor gets the create load balancer event from contrail-api-server, it generates the haproxy configuration file with simple-fanout ingress spec rules, finds two active compute nodes for active-standby mode and sends to contrail-vrouter-agents as service-instances through control-node to launch haproxy with generated haproxy config


Contrail-vrouter-agent uses the opencontrail_vrouter_netns script to launch the haproxy inside the network namespace with generated haproxy configuration.

Viewing the ingress information:

To View the http rules:

    kubectl describe ing/simple-fanout –n <namespace_name>

    Name: simple-fanout
    Namespace: default
    Default backend: default-http-backend:80 (<none>)
                  Host      Path          Backends
               ------    ---------   ---------------
                             /qa.html      qa-webserver:80 (<none>)
                             /dev.html      dev-webserver:80 (<none>)
    No events.

To View the ip information:

    kubectl get ing/simple-fanout -o wide
    NAME                HOSTS    ADDRESS                            PORTS    AGE
    simple-fanout    * ,  80            50s


http://<contrail-controller-node>:8082/loadbalancer/<ingress_uuid> | python -m json.tool







haproxy configuration:

Haproxy configuration is stored in /var/lib/contrail/loadbalancer/ haproxy/<ingress_uuid>/haproxy.conf

Haproxy configuration for simple-fanout:



user haproxy

group haproxy

log /dev/log local0

log /dev/log local1 notice

tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048


ulimit-n 200000

maxconn 65000

stats socket /var/lib/contrail/loadbalancer/haproxy/aa13aa8d-1faf-11e7-a423-00259030b0fe/haproxy.sock mode 0666 level user


log global

retries 3

option redispatch

timeout connect 5000

timeout client 300000

timeout server 300000

frontend e602faab-00e2-4ee2-b618-a420d8bb5128

option tcplog


mode http

option forwardfor

acl 8dc82a38-d61b-4853-96f2-e82c0ff66801_path path /qa.html

use_backend 8dc82a38-d61b-4853-96f2-e82c0ff66801 if 8dc82a38-d61b-4853-96f2-e82c0ff66801_path

acl 56c180d1-9205-47d2-8eb7-4dba6ed5a6ae_path path /dev.html

use_backend 56c180d1-9205-47d2-8eb7-4dba6ed5a6ae if 56c180d1-9205-47d2-8eb7-4dba6ed5a6ae_path

backend 8dc82a38-d61b-4853-96f2-e82c0ff66801

mode http

balance roundrobin

option forwardfor

server c3ee3971-6207-4239-8112-615c1741a3d5 weight 1

backend 56c180d1-9205-47d2-8eb7-4dba6ed5a6ae

mode http

balance roundrobin

option forwardfor

server 671990da-51c5-46ea-b995-e3648f1bf2b7 weight 1

Specifying the external-ip in yaml:

An option is given to provide the external-ip in the yaml file. If the external-ip is provided, contrail-kube-manager uses the external-ip otherwise it allocates from the external (public) pool if it is available

Simple-fanout with external(public) ip:

        apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
        kind: ingress
            name: simple-fanout
            -   http:
                     -  path: /qa.html
                             serviceName: qa-webserver
                             servicePort: 80
                     -  path: /dev.html
                             serviceName: dev-webserver
                             servicePort: 80