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Sandbox project with a reasonable Slim3 setup.



Config is stored in the ./config directory.

General config is loaded from config.neon. Local settings can be placed in local.neon. The corresponding trees are then recursively merged. The config is available in the slim app's container under settings key, so

$settings = $container->get('settings');


Logs go to php://stderr (useful if run from docker, this is the default) or ./logs/app.log otherwise.


The starting point of the application is ./public/index.php file. For a simple REST application with no UI nothing else is usually necessary to be added to the ./public directory.


Holds the actual logic of the application.

The bootstrap.php file should be require_once from the "starting point" of the application (./public/index.php), it returns a configured Slim\App instance.

Configure your routes in Router.php method registerRoutes. It is adviced to use "controller callback" syntax, that is class:method, see the example.

Dependency Injection Container is configured in Configurator method configureContainer. A good convention for naming of the services is to use the full qualified names of the classes, using the PHP ::class operator.


Tests for the application are stored here. Additional configuration for dev tools is also stored here.


Contains the nginx setup as well as the Dockerfile used to build it into a production image.

Dev tools

Dev server

To start the built-in dev server on port 8080, run

composer start

If you have docker-compose available, it is adviced to use the provided docker stack.

Docker stack

Dev stack

To run the dev stack, use

docker-compose up -d

This boots the application running using the php dev server on port 8080. Try to visit http://localhost:8080/hello/Alice to see if everything works. Local changes to the source files will be immediately visible because this setup mounts the $PWD into the image. The path in the image is the same as on the host so that static analysis tools don't have problems with path translations if you execute them from the host.

Production stack

The production stack includes the app on a backend network (running via php-fpm on port 9000) and an nginx frontend listening on port 8080.

To run the production stack, use

docker-compose -f up -d

Remember that for the first time and after every change you need to rebuild the images. The application is copied into the image so that it is deployable without requiring git, pulling in dependencies etc. Therefore your local changes will not be visible in the production images until a rebuild.

To build the images, run

docker-compose -f build

You might want to adjust the names of the images in the file.

Nette Tester

Nette Tester is a lightweight alternative to PHPUnit.

Place your tests under ./tests/ followed by PSR-4 compatible directory structure, so a class App\Controllers\Hello goes into ./tests/App/Controllers/Hello.phpt.

Remember to require_once __DIR__ .'/../bootstrap.php' (add appropriate number of ../ to point to ./tests/bootstrap.php) to enable autoloading of your classes.

Tests should be under Tests\ namespace followed by the namespace of the class being tested, so the test class App\Controllers\HelloTest goes under Tests\App\Controllers namespace.


composer tester

to run the testsuite.

If you need additional extensions to load during tests, add them to ./tests/php.ini (json is included by default).

PHPStan - PHP Static analysis

PHPStan is a static code analysis tool. It is already set up in the repo, to run the report use

composer phpstan

PHP Code Sniffer

Uses the SalesChamp ruleset.


composer phpcs


Slim3 Framework Sandbox for quick project setup.






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