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Akimo Engine

Multiplatform Build

The Akimo Engine is a multi-purpose rendering engine created by myself to make indie-games.
We currently support 2D, as well as, 3D games, but this library can also be used for computational tasks. The main goal of this project is to create an easy way of rendering, where a given developer only has to care about their game world and nothing else. However, the engine is also modularly build and highly customizable & extensible.

This engine is written fully in Rust. However, bindings for other languages are planned.

Akimo is a very old project I've been working on for years.
If you are interested in finding out more checkout the history section.

This project is supported by the following platforms:

  • ✅ Platform: Windows
  • ✅ Platform: Linux
  • ❓ Platform: macOS
  • ❓ Platform: Android
  • ❓ Platform: iOS
  • ❓ Platform: WebAssembly

To use this engine include the following into your Cargo.toml:

akimo_engine = {git = "", branch = "main"}

Alternatively, you can fork this repository and directly add your own sub-crates for your game!


This project is dual licensed in Rust's fashion:

For your own project you can chose whichever fits you better. For templates/examples we recommend to also dual-licensing.

We highly encourage everyone to share their sub-crates with the community so that others can benefit from it too!

Project layout

Folder Description
./ Workspace root; Cargo.toml contains all project folders (internal crates)
crates/ All sub crates life here.
crates/akimo_engine/ The engine with all mandatory features included.
crates/*/ Any sub-crate that extends the Engine's functionality or offer structures to make things easier. **Some of these may depend on each other and may be included (and re-exported!) in the Akimo Engine crate.

To break this down: You are most likely interested in the crates/akimo_engine/ folder.
It contains the base engine which you want to use in your own projects.

Further additions and helpers may be included under crates/*/.

Planned features

Ticked items are implemented.
Unticked items are not yet implemented.

  • Basic rendering capabilities including full handling of:
    • Window
    • Render Backend
    • App World and Objects
  • Config extension support
  • Input handling
    • Keyboard
    • Mouse
    • Controller
  • Platform support
    • Windows
    • Linux
    • macOS
    • Android
    • iOS
    • WebAssembly / WASM (Web)
  • Language bindings
    • C#
    • C++
    • Java
    • JavaScript

Targets & Architectures

This project is aiming to work across all platforms and targets. All Tier 1 targets are tested in CI's of this repository. Additionally, some Tier 2 targets are tested.

However, this should work on all targets. If you find an issue please report it.

Rust's Tier Policies Rust's Platform Support & Targets

Building & Running

Building & Running all projects at once only works if your host platform has all required packages installed. Unfortunately, do to Apple's restrictions, macOS and iOS platforms can only be build on macOS. This also means that macOS is the only host platform that can build all platforms at once.

However, we can build and run individual parts (packages) matching our host platform and we can use a combination of cross-compilation, Docker and/or Virtual Machines (VM) to build everything on one host platform.

Host (top) vs. Target (left) compatibility matrix:

Host: Windows Host: Linux Host: macOS
Target: Windows ✅: Visual Studio 🔀: MinGW 🔀: MinGW
Target: Linux ⚠️: WSL or VM or Docker ✅: GCC or Clang 🔀: Docker or VM
Target: macOS ⚠️: Docker-OSX (inside WSL with Docker) or OSX-KVM (inside WSL or VM) or macOS-VirtualBox (inside/with WSL and/or MSYS2/MinGW) ⚠️: Docker-OSX or OSX-KVM or macOS-VirtualBox ✅: XCode
Target: Android 🔀: Android Studio or Android CommandLine-Tools 🔀: Android Studio or Android CommandLine-Tools 🔀: Android Studio or Android CommandLine-Tools
Target: iOS ⚠️: Docker-OSX (inside WSL with Docker) or OSX-KVM (inside WSL or VM) or macOS-VirtualBox (inside/with WSL and/or MSYS2/MinGW) ⚠️: Docker-OSX or OSX-KVM or macOS-VirtualBox ✅: XCode
Target: WebAssembly ✅: Wasm-Pack ✅: Wasm-Pack ✅: Wasm-Pack

✅ = Natively supported. 🔀 = Cross-Compilation & Toolchain needed. ⚠️ = Possible, but takes some more effort and/or special setups or VM to work.

Building can be done via:

cargo build --package <package>

Or run it directly (running will build the project beforehand!):

cargo run --package <package>

If there are tests present for the project, we can test them:

cargo test --package <package>

Or check if the project configuration is valid & build-able:

cargo check --package <package>

Note: Adding --release to either of the commands will build a release version, instead of a debug version.

Do note that some platforms (like iOS and Android) require special tools and cargo extensions to properly build. While we could do that step manually, it is much more convenient and easier to use this way. Check the of a platform to learn more about requirements and tools.

Since we can't build for all target platforms on a single host platform (without major modification; see above), the --package <package> part is very important. Simply replace <package> with the package name inside the Cargo.toml to build it. Names commonly will be platform_<platform> for platform-specific packages (e.g. platform_windows or platform_ios) or shared for the shared code. In case multiple shared projects are present, check their Cargo.toml for their name (commonly: folder name).

However, since we share most of our code on all target platforms, we only really need to validate the code working on one platform (ideally your host platform for best performance or main target platform). Only rarely should we need platform-specific code which, if it exists, needs to be tested. Though, a continuous integration pipeline (CI) can take care of that for you mostly! Check Continuous Integration for more.

Continuous Integration

Multiplatform Build

This project utilizes the GitHub Actions CI (= Continuous Integration) to showcase how to build for all platforms. For most platforms we just need a runner on the target platform (Windows, Linux or macOS) and install Rust. This can be simply done by following (check the other install options for automatically installing inside an CI). Something like:

curl -sSf | sh -s -- --default-toolchain stable --profile full -y

should work for most platforms.

Note that we may need more tools installed depending on the CI provider and platform. Check the host <-> target matrix at Building & Running

Additionally, often we have to source the profile changes. Something like:

source $HOME/.cargo/env

Contributing & Getting Help

We welcome any help we get and try to answer questions as good as possible! Generally speaking, please open an issue here on GitHub or contact me directly. No matter the problem or question.

In case you've got an idea/request for an example/template, please do open an issue here on GitHub.

Want to add your own example/template project to the organization and use our CI's? Please open an issue here on GitHub.


Akimo is a very old project made by myself.

Akimo originally was written in Java and was intended to be a full game.
However, back then I was still very much at the beginning of learning rendering, and thus v1.0 ended up being a CPU-renderer.

The concept was incredibly simple:
The Engine had only one job: to make the singular Game I had in mind run. Said game was basically similar to The Binding of Issac. A simple 2D "shooter" where you have limited hearts, lots of enemies ("monsters") attacking you with dodge-able bullets and lastly boss fights. Items, of course, where also a thing which enhanced your abilities, gave you new abilities, movements or even could help you by healing you, giving you more hearts, or many other things.

After getting the basics working I noticed that my renderer is quite slow and could use some power-ups ... so I began optimizing my code heavily to the point where I would even outperform a later OpenGL based renderer.
The engine managed to, similar like to how a GPU does it, find what objects are in visible and upfront and only would colour in pixels for these, while ignoring everything off-camera, out of view and hidden behind something. Multiple layers where used to split the game rendering into multiple steps of which many could also be buffered and only needed to be updated (i.e. "re-rendered") in rare scenarios.

With all of this I had a very basic game ready:
You had a character that was controlled by the WASD keys. Your mouse cursor would draw in a circle around your character and on LMB (left-mouse-button) press you would shoot.
Items could be used with RMB (right-mouse-button) and picked up by walking over them. Each level would be a random connection of multiple rooms which I had predefined (i.e. no full procedural generation per-room, but the whole level would be procedurally generated). Each room also had different enemies spawning, which all attacked and moved differently.

Which all sounds a bit complex, but compared to The Binding of Issac I had 4x different room types, 3x enemy types, 3x items and not even bosses. Finding the exit of a level would just re-generate a new set of rooms and spawn you in that level.

At this point I noticed that I am very much interested in finding out how to "actually" render something. Not just CPU-Rendered but utilizing the GPU! At this point I would switch to LWJGL, which at this point only supported OpenGL as a backend. After lots of studying I eventually got the same version of the game going in OpenGL, but surprisingly it was running slower (i.e. less FPS) than my CPU-Renderer.

Unfortunately, at this point in my life school has became much more stressful and I never really progressed from this point on. Furthermore, the source code of this Engine+Game project got lost over time. However, the ideas and principles behind it still remained!

Much later Vulkan was released and I wanted to step up from OpenGL to Vulkan. At the same time LWJGL also added support for Vulkan so I started learning again and ported this "Game" over to Vulkan. After a lot of time I had it all working finally and running better than my CPU-Renderer this time!

However, at this time I was also very interested in native development with C++. I also heard that C++ is so much faster than Java and that LWJGL is rather slow. Which turned out now to be true in the end, but that's what I heard! So ... I began rewriting the whole thing, mostly the engine part, in C++. Took a lot of time again but eventually I succeeded. However, this time it felt like my engine has gotten well enough to go beyond 2D: So I tried some 3D stuff. Nothing every really came out of it and the Vulkan based engine once again got abandoned for a while.

In between here I was also toying around a lot with existing Engines like [Unity], [UnrealEngine] and eventually [Godot]. I tried to make multiple games, all called "Akimo", but neither reached publishing/ready status.
On this node, what does "Akimo" even stand for?
Nothing! That's the simple answer.
When starting a new project I pick a random letter that comes to mind, 'A' in this case. I then start adding letters to it until I find a name that I like. Eventually I arrived at 'Akimo'. In some sense this means something like "Game" or "Game Engine" for me and I may even call a finished game "Akimo" at some point.
Thus, "Akimo" and "Akimo Engine" are two separate things!
One is a game, never released, one is an Engine released with this repo :)

Eventually, Rust was published and I loved it so much. Native, that is much easier and more powerful than C++, while also having a lot more security and being cross-platform checks so many boxes for me. With that, I decided to once again rewrite Akimo but in Rust this time. Unfortunately, the source code of the old engine (Java and C++ version!) has been lost at this point so I was going off memory. Eventually my engine was back, but I had no idea what to do with it as my original "The Binding of Issac clone" wasn't cutting it for me anymore.

At this moment (relatively recently as of writing this actually!) I learned about WGPU. WGPU gives you a HAL (Hardware Abstract Layer) that works across basically any modern graphics API backend. Vulkan (universal), DirectX (Windows), Metal (macOS/Apple) and even older backends like OpenGL are supported. Furthermore, WGPU is supposed to replace WebGL (a OpenGL fork for the web), so browser native rendering is also supported!

Soooo ... once again I started rewriting my engine, from scratch, while preserving the initial concepts of it. Though, arguably, some concepts I was using in Java aren't applicable in Rust so they got changed, but the essence is still the same!
This time I am also, once again, purposefully building this engine for a game I have in mind.

This is now. Basically.
I plan on extending the engine a lot, however keeping in mind that I am making a game this time.


A combination of grcov and is used to provide code-to-test coverage.
Please note that it is impossible to reach 100% coverage on some platforms as e.g. bindgen-code (i.e. dynamically generated code / macros) is NOT covered by grcov and certain platform specific tools (like cargo-apk) generate additional code that also is NOT included in the coverage.

Test-to-Code coverage status: codecov

Below are several charts showing/highlighting the distribution of all platforms.








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Contributors 4

