diff --git a/docs/CHANGELOG.md b/docs/CHANGELOG.md
index ff6378e68..8b34868b6 100644
--- a/docs/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/docs/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 ### Features
-* `OneHotEncoder.inverse_transform` now maintains the column order from the original table ([#195](https://github.com/Safe-DS/Stdlib/issues/195)) ([3ec0041](https://github.com/Safe-DS/Stdlib/commit/3ec0041669ffe97640f96db345f3f43720d5c3f7)), closes [#109](https://github.com/Safe-DS/Stdlib/issues/109) [#109](https://github.com/Safe-DS/Stdlib/issues/109)
+* `OneHotEncoder.inverse_transform` now maintains the column order from the original table ([#195](https://github.com/Safe-DS/Stdlib/issues/195)) ([3ec0041](https://github.com/Safe-DS/Stdlib/commit/3ec0041669ffe97640f96db345f3f43720d5c3f7)), closes [#109](https://github.com/Safe-DS/Stdlib/issues/109)
 * add `plot_` prefix back to plotting methods ([#212](https://github.com/Safe-DS/Stdlib/issues/212)) ([e50c3b0](https://github.com/Safe-DS/Stdlib/commit/e50c3b0118825e33eef0e2a7073673603e316ee5)), closes [#211](https://github.com/Safe-DS/Stdlib/issues/211)
 * adjust `Column`, `Schema` and `Table` to changes in `Row` ([#216](https://github.com/Safe-DS/Stdlib/issues/216)) ([ca3eebb](https://github.com/Safe-DS/Stdlib/commit/ca3eebbe2166f08d76cdcb89a012518ae8ff8e4e))
 * back `Row` by a `polars.DataFrame` ([#214](https://github.com/Safe-DS/Stdlib/issues/214)) ([62ca34d](https://github.com/Safe-DS/Stdlib/commit/62ca34dd399da8b4e34b89bad408311707b53f41)), closes [#196](https://github.com/Safe-DS/Stdlib/issues/196) [#149](https://github.com/Safe-DS/Stdlib/issues/149)
diff --git a/src/safeds/data/tabular/containers/_table.py b/src/safeds/data/tabular/containers/_table.py
index 015afe946..437203119 100644
--- a/src/safeds/data/tabular/containers/_table.py
+++ b/src/safeds/data/tabular/containers/_table.py
@@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ def from_csv_file(path: str | Path) -> Table:
         Read data from a CSV file into a table.
+        This table is not modified.
         path : str | Path
@@ -90,6 +92,8 @@ def from_excel_file(path: str | Path) -> Table:
         Read data from an Excel file into a table.
+        This table is not modified.
         path : str | Path
@@ -117,6 +121,8 @@ def from_json_file(path: str | Path) -> Table:
         Read data from a JSON file into a table.
+        This table is not modified.
         path : str | Path
@@ -144,6 +150,8 @@ def from_dict(data: dict[str, list[Any]]) -> Table:
         Create a table from a dictionary that maps column names to column values.
+        This table is not modified.
         data : dict[str, list[Any]]
@@ -180,6 +188,8 @@ def from_columns(columns: list[Column]) -> Table:
         Return a table created from a list of columns.
+        This table is not modified.
         columns : list[Column]
@@ -211,6 +221,8 @@ def from_rows(rows: list[Row]) -> Table:
         Return a table created from a list of rows.
+        This table is not modified.
         rows : list[Row]
@@ -248,6 +260,8 @@ def _from_pandas_dataframe(data: pd.DataFrame, schema: Schema | None = None) ->
         Create a table from a `pandas.DataFrame`.
+        This table is not modified.
         data : pd.DataFrame
@@ -483,6 +497,8 @@ def summary(self) -> Table:
         Return a table with a number of statistical key values.
+        This table is not modified.
         result : Table
@@ -528,6 +544,8 @@ def add_column(self, column: Column) -> Table:
         Return the original table with the provided column attached at the end.
+        This table is not modified.
         result : Table
@@ -557,6 +575,8 @@ def add_columns(self, columns: list[Column] | Table) -> Table:
         Add multiple columns to the table.
+        This table is not modified.
         columns : list[Column] or Table
@@ -592,6 +612,8 @@ def add_row(self, row: Row) -> Table:
         Add a row to the table.
+        This table is not modified.
         row : Row
@@ -614,6 +636,8 @@ def add_rows(self, rows: list[Row] | Table) -> Table:
         Add multiple rows to a table.
+        This table is not modified.
         rows : list[Row] or Table
@@ -641,6 +665,8 @@ def filter_rows(self, query: Callable[[Row], bool]) -> Table:
         Return a table with rows filtered by Callable (e.g. lambda function).
+        This table is not modified.
         query : lambda function
@@ -662,6 +688,8 @@ def keep_only_columns(self, column_names: list[str]) -> Table:
         Return a table with only the given column(s).
+        This table is not modified.
         column_names : list[str]
@@ -692,6 +720,8 @@ def remove_columns(self, column_names: list[str]) -> Table:
         Return a table without the given column(s).
+        This table is not modified.
         column_names : list[str]
@@ -722,6 +752,8 @@ def remove_columns_with_missing_values(self) -> Table:
         Return a table without the columns that contain missing values.
+        This table is not modified.
         table : Table
@@ -733,6 +765,8 @@ def remove_columns_with_non_numerical_values(self) -> Table:
         Return a table without the columns that contain non-numerical values.
+        This table is not modified.
         table : Table
@@ -745,6 +779,8 @@ def remove_duplicate_rows(self) -> Table:
         Return a copy of the table with every duplicate row removed.
+        This table is not modified.
         result : Table
@@ -758,6 +794,8 @@ def remove_rows_with_missing_values(self) -> Table:
         Return a table without the rows that contain missing values.
+        This table is not modified.
         table : Table
@@ -775,6 +813,8 @@ def remove_rows_with_outliers(self) -> Table:
         Missing values are not considered outliers. They are also ignored during the calculation of the standard
+        This table is not modified.
         new_table : Table
@@ -792,6 +832,8 @@ def rename_column(self, old_name: str, new_name: str) -> Table:
         Rename a single column.
+        This table is not modified.
         old_name : str
@@ -826,6 +868,8 @@ def replace_column(self, old_column_name: str, new_column: Column) -> Table:
         Return a copy of the table with the specified old column replaced by a new column. Keeps the order of columns.
+        This table is not modified.
         old_column_name : str
@@ -874,6 +918,8 @@ def shuffle_rows(self) -> Table:
         Shuffle the table randomly.
+        This table is not modified.
         result : Table
@@ -893,6 +939,8 @@ def slice_rows(
         Slice a part of the table into a new table.
+        This table is not modified.
         start : int
@@ -942,6 +990,8 @@ def sort_columns(
         If no comparator is given, the columns will be sorted alphabetically by their name.
+        This table is not modified.
         comparator : Callable[[Column, Column], int]
@@ -967,6 +1017,8 @@ def sort_rows(self, comparator: Callable[[Row, Row], int]) -> Table:
         * If `row1` should be ordered after `row2`, the function should return a positive number.
         * If the original order of `row1` and `row2` should be kept, the function should return 0.
+        This table is not modified.
         comparator : Callable[[Row, Row], int]
@@ -985,6 +1037,8 @@ def split(self, percentage_in_first: float) -> tuple[Table, Table]:
         Split the table into two new tables.
+        This table is not modified.
         percentage_in_first : float
@@ -1009,6 +1063,8 @@ def tag_columns(self, target_name: str, feature_names: list[str] | None = None)
         Mark the columns of the table as target column or feature columns. The original table is not modified.
+        This table is not modified.
         target_name : str
@@ -1029,6 +1085,8 @@ def transform_column(self, name: str, transformer: Callable[[Row], Any]) -> Tabl
         Transform provided column by calling provided transformer.
+        This table is not modified.
         result : Table
@@ -1050,6 +1108,8 @@ def transform_table(self, transformer: TableTransformer) -> Table:
         Apply a learned transformation onto this table.
+        This table is not modified.
         transformer : TableTransformer
@@ -1084,6 +1144,8 @@ def inverse_transform_table(self, transformer: InvertibleTableTransformer) -> Ta
         Invert the transformation applied by the given transformer.
+        This table is not modified.
         transformer : InvertibleTableTransformer
diff --git a/src/safeds/data/tabular/transformation/_imputer.py b/src/safeds/data/tabular/transformation/_imputer.py
index 6a890f97a..e3affedf0 100644
--- a/src/safeds/data/tabular/transformation/_imputer.py
+++ b/src/safeds/data/tabular/transformation/_imputer.py
@@ -94,6 +94,8 @@ def fit(self, table: Table, column_names: list[str] | None) -> Imputer:
         Learn a transformation for a set of columns in a table.
+        This transformer is not modified.
         table : Table
@@ -133,6 +135,8 @@ def transform(self, table: Table) -> Table:
         Apply the learned transformation to a table.
+        The table is not modified.
         table : Table
diff --git a/src/safeds/data/tabular/transformation/_label_encoder.py b/src/safeds/data/tabular/transformation/_label_encoder.py
index 2dd4fe6db..304c18321 100644
--- a/src/safeds/data/tabular/transformation/_label_encoder.py
+++ b/src/safeds/data/tabular/transformation/_label_encoder.py
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ def fit(self, table: Table, column_names: list[str] | None) -> LabelEncoder:
         Learn a transformation for a set of columns in a table.
+        This transformer is not modified.
         table : Table
@@ -53,6 +55,8 @@ def transform(self, table: Table) -> Table:
         Apply the learned transformation to a table.
+        The table is not modified.
         table : Table
@@ -86,6 +90,8 @@ def inverse_transform(self, transformed_table: Table) -> Table:
         Undo the learned transformation.
+        The table is not modified.
         transformed_table : Table
diff --git a/src/safeds/data/tabular/transformation/_one_hot_encoder.py b/src/safeds/data/tabular/transformation/_one_hot_encoder.py
index 69c9f0d4e..4af51065f 100644
--- a/src/safeds/data/tabular/transformation/_one_hot_encoder.py
+++ b/src/safeds/data/tabular/transformation/_one_hot_encoder.py
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ def fit(self, table: Table, column_names: list[str] | None) -> OneHotEncoder:
         Learn a transformation for a set of columns in a table.
+        This transformer is not modified.
         table : Table
@@ -61,6 +63,8 @@ def transform(self, table: Table) -> Table:
         Apply the learned transformation to a table.
+        The table is not modified.
         table : Table
@@ -114,6 +118,8 @@ def inverse_transform(self, transformed_table: Table) -> Table:
         Undo the learned transformation.
+        The table is not modified.
         transformed_table : Table
@@ -146,15 +152,17 @@ def inverse_transform(self, transformed_table: Table) -> Table:
         res = Table(pd.concat([unchanged, decoded], axis=1))
         column_names = [
-            name
-            if name not in [value for value_list in list(self._column_names.values()) for value in value_list]
-            else list(self._column_names.keys())[
-                [
-                    list(self._column_names.values()).index(value)
-                    for value in list(self._column_names.values())
-                    if name in value
-                ][0]
-            ]
+            (
+                name
+                if name not in [value for value_list in list(self._column_names.values()) for value in value_list]
+                else list(self._column_names.keys())[
+                    [
+                        list(self._column_names.values()).index(value)
+                        for value in list(self._column_names.values())
+                        if name in value
+                    ][0]
+                ]
+            )
             for name in transformed_table.column_names
         res = res.sort_columns(lambda col1, col2: column_names.index(col1.name) - column_names.index(col2.name))
diff --git a/src/safeds/data/tabular/transformation/_table_transformer.py b/src/safeds/data/tabular/transformation/_table_transformer.py
index ba431d0bc..9e881f357 100644
--- a/src/safeds/data/tabular/transformation/_table_transformer.py
+++ b/src/safeds/data/tabular/transformation/_table_transformer.py
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ def fit(self, table: Table, column_names: list[str] | None) -> TableTransformer:
         Learn a transformation for a set of columns in a table.
+        This transformer is not modified.
         table : Table
@@ -33,6 +35,8 @@ def transform(self, table: Table) -> Table:
         Apply the learned transformation to a table.
+        The table is not modified.
         table : Table
@@ -64,7 +68,7 @@ def fit_and_transform(self, table: Table, column_names: list[str] | None = None)
         Learn a transformation for a set of columns in a table and apply the learned transformation to the same table.
-        If you also need the fitted transformer, use `fit` and `transform` separately.
+        The table is not modified. If you also need the fitted transformer, use `fit` and `transform` separately.
@@ -89,6 +93,8 @@ def inverse_transform(self, transformed_table: Table) -> Table:
         Undo the learned transformation.
+        The table is not modified.
         transformed_table : Table