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SPL:Date, Time and Datetime Handling

esProcSPL edited this page Jul 18, 2024 · 1 revision

SPL offers a wealth of functions for date, time and datetime handling, including calculating the current time/date, extracting a component from a date/time/datetime, combining components to generate a date/time/datetime, format conversion, precision tuning, getting a related date, calculating the time interval, calculating the relative date, equivalence comparison, workday-related calculations, evenly spaced time series handling, etc. These functions can be divided into two categories – basic handling and computations.

1. Basic handling

1.1 Calculating the current time/date

Task Code Return value
Return the current time, accurate to millisecond now()
Return the current date now@d()
Return the current time now@t()
Return the current time, accurate to minute now@m()
Return the current time, accurate to second now@s()

1.2 Extracting component

Extract the year, month, date, hour, minute, second and week from date, time or datetime objects or strings.

In the following table, dt is a datetime object, such as datetime("2018-08-15 16:07:58:327","yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS").

Task Code Return value
Get the year year(dt) 2018
Get the month month(dt) 8
Get the year and month month@y(dt) 201808
Get the day day(dt) 15
Get the day of the week for the current date day@w(dt) 4(Sunday is 1, Monday is 2)
Get the hour hour(dt) 16
Get the minute minute(dt) 7
Get the second second(dt) 58
Get the millisecond millisecond(dt) 327
Get the date part in a datetime date(dt) date("2018-08-15")
Get the time part in a datetime time(dt) time("16:07:58")
Get the time part in a datetime , accurate to minute time@m(dt) time("16:07:00")

1.3 Combining components

Generate a date, time or datetime object using a year value, a month value, an hour value, a minute value, a second value, a long integer, or a datetime string.

In the following table, dt is a datetime object, such as datetime("2018-08-15 16:07:58:327","yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS").

Task Code Return value
Generate a date using the year, month and day components date(2018,8,15)
Generate a time using the hour, minute and second components time(16,7,58)
Generate a datetime using the year, month, day, hour, minute, second components datetime(2018,8,15,16,7,58)
Generate a datetime using the date and time components datetime(date("2018-08-15"), time("16:07:58"))

1.4 Conversion

In the following table, d is a date object, such as date("2018-08-15");

t is a time object, such as time("16:07:58:327","HH:mm:ss:SSS");

*dt *is datetime object, such as datetime("2018-08-15 16:07:58:327","yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS").

Task Code Return value
Adjust datetime precision, accurate to day datetime(dt) 2018-08-15 00:00:00
Adjust datetime precision, accurate to minute datetime@m(dt) 2018-08-15 16:07:00
Adjust datetime precision, accurate to second datetime@s(dt) 2018-08-15 16:07:58
Convert a string to date of default format date("2018-08-15")
Convert a string to date according to the specified format date("08/15/2018","MM/dd/yyyy")
Convert a string to date according to the specified format date("201808","yyyyMM") 2018-08-01
Convert a string to time of default format time("16:07:58")
Convert a string to time according to the specified format time("4:07 PM","h:mm a") 16:07:00
Convert a string to datetime according to the specified format datetime("2018-08-15 16:07:58")
Convert a string to datetime according to the specified format datetime("08/15/2018 4:07 PM", "MM/dd/yyyy h:mm a")
Convert to default date format string string(d) 2018-08-15
Convert to the specified date format string string(dt,"MM/dd/yyyy") 08/15/2018
Convert to the specified date format string string(dt,"yyyyMM") 201808
Convert to default time format string string(t) 16:07:58
Convert to the specified time format string string(dt,"h:mm a") 4:07 PM
Convert to default datetime format string string(dt) 2018-08-15 16:07:58
Convert to the specified datetime format string string(dt,"MM/dd/yyyy h:mm a") 08/15/2018 4:07 PM
Convert to a long integer to datetime datetime(321656865654) 1980-03-12 05:07:45
Convert to a long integer (represented as the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT) long(dt) 1534320478000

2. Computations

2.1 Calculating a related date

In the following table, dt is a date object, such as date("2020-04-16").

Task Code Return value
Get the first day (Sunday) of the week given in the specified date pdate@w(dt) 2020-04-12
Get the first day of the month given in the specified date pdate@m(dt) 2020-04-01
Get the first day of the quarter given in the specified date pdate@q(dt) 2020-04-01
Get the first day of the year given in the specified date pdate@y(dt) 2020-01-01
Get the last day (Saturday) of the week given in the specified date pdate@we(dt) 2020-04-18
Get the last day of the month given in the specified date pdate@me(dt) 2020-04-30
Get the last day of the quarter given in the specified date pdate@qe(dt) 2020-06-30
Get the last day of the year given in the specified date pdate@ye(dt) 2020-12-31
Count the days of the month given in the specified date days(dt) 30
Count the days of the quarter given in the specified date days@q(dt) 91
Count the days of the year given in the specified date days@y(dt) 366

2.2 Calculating the time interval

Calculate the time interval between two time points.

In the following table, dt1 and dt2 are datetime("2008-08-08 20:00:00") and datetime("2018-05-28 10:27:15") respectively.

Task Code Return value
Get the number of full years between the given datetime and the current datetime age(dt1) 13
Get the number of full years between two given datetimes age(dt1,dt2) 9
Get the number of years between the years that two given datetimes belong to age@y(dt1,dt2) 10
Get the number of years between the months that two given datetimes belong to age@m(dt1,dt2) 9
Get the difference between two given datetimes in terms of years interval@y(dt1,dt2) 10
Get the difference between two given datetimes in terms of quarters interval@q(dt1,dt2) 40
Get the difference between two given datetimes in terms of months interval@m(dt1,dt2) 117
Get the difference between two given datetimes in terms of seconds interval@s(dt1,dt2) 309277635
Get the difference between two given datetimes in terms of milliseconds interval@ms(dt1,dt2) 309277635000
Get the number of Sundays between two given datetimes interval@7(dt1,dt2) 512
Get the number of Mondays between two given datetimes interval@1(dt1,dt2) 512
Get the difference between two given datetimes in terms of days and return an integer interval(dt1,dt2) 3580
Get the difference between two given datetimes in terms of days and return an integer dt2-dt1 3580
Get the difference between two given datetimes in terms of days and return a real number interval@r(dt1,dt2) 3579.6022569444444

2.3 Calculating a relative datetime


The function calculates a new datetime when a specified number of days, years, quarters, months, seconds or milliseconds k is added to or subtracted from a given datetime dt. The new date is in the future when* k* is a positive number and in the past when it is a negative number. If the original datetime is in the last day a month, the function, by default, will adjust the result datetime to the last day of the current month.

In the following table, dt is datetime("2017-02-28 10:27:15"), which is in the last day of February.

Task Code Return value
Get the datetime three days after the given datetime dt+3 2017-03-03 10:27:15
Get the datetime three days after the given datetime elapse(A2,3) 2017-03-03 10:27:15
Get the datetime three years after the given datetime (adjust the result to the last day of the current month) elapse@y(A2,3) 2020-02-29 10:27:15
Get the datetime three years after the given datetime (do not adjust the result to the last day of the current month) elapse@ye(A2,3) 2020-02-28 10:27:15
Get the datetime three quarters after the given datetime (adjust the result to the last day of the current month) elapse@q(A2,3) 2017-11-30 10:27:15
Get the datetime three quarters after the given datetime (do not adjust the result to the last day of the current month) elapse@qe(A2,3) 2017-11-28 10:27:15
Get the datetime four months before the given datetime (adjust the result to the last day of the current month) elapse@m(A2,-4) 2016-10-31 10:27:15
Get the datetime four months before the given datetime (do not adjust the result to the last day of the current month) elapse@me(A2,-4) 2016-10-28 10:27:15
Get the datetime 100 seconds after the given datetime elapse@s(A2,100) 2017-02-28 10:28:55
Get the datetime 368 milliseconds after the given datetime elapse@ms(A2,368) 2017-02-28 10:27:15:368

2.4 Equivalence comparison

Task Code Return value
Compare whether two dates are equal deq("1988-12-08","1988-12-07") false
Compare whether the years in the two given dates are equal deq@y(date("1988-11-08"),date("1988-09-12")) true
Compare whether the months in the two given dates are equal deq@m(date("1988-11-08"),date("1988-09-12")) false
Compare whether the quarters in the two given dates are equal deq@q(date("1988-12-08"),date("1988-10-12")) true
Compare whether the ten-day periods in the two given dates are equal deq@t(date("1988-10-08"),date("1988-10-12")) false
Compare whether the weeks in the two given dates are equal deq@w(date("1988-10-05"),date("1988-10-08")) true

2.5 Workday-related calculations

workday(dt,k,h) Calculates the workday k days after the given date dt.

workdays(dt1,dt2,h) Returns a sequence of workdays between date dt1 and date dt2.

h is a sequence of holidays or non-holidays, whose member (members) is (are) treated as a holiday (holidays) if they are not weekends, and as a non-holiday (non-holidays) if they are weekends.

Task Code Return value
Get the workday two workdays of the given date workday(date("2020-04-29"),2,[date("2020-05-01")]) 2020-05-04
2020-05-01is Friday, which is a public holiday
Get the workday two workdays of the given date workday(date("2020-09-25"),2,[date("2020-09-27")]) 2020-09-28
2020-09-27 is a Sunday, which is a workday in lieu
Get a sequence of workdays between two given dates =workdays(date("2020-09-24"),date("2020-09-29"),[date("2020-09-27")]) [2020-09-24,2020-09-25,2020-09-27,2020-09-28,2020-09-29]

2.6 Evenly-spaced time series


s and e are time variables; i is an integer. The function returns a sequence of dates/times that are a certain time period (i) apart between two given time points s (inclusive) and e (inclusive). The default unit of i is day, and its default value is 1. We can use @x option in the function to exclude the endpoints.

Task Code Return value
Get a sequence of dates that are three days apart between two given time points periods("2018-09-25","2018-10-06",3) [2018-09-25,2018-09-28,
Get a sequence of dates that are three years apart between two given time points
(Adjust to full years apart)
periods@y("2010-09-25","2018-10-06",3) [2010-09-25,2013-01-01,
Get a sequence of dates that are three years apart between two given time points
(Do not adjust to full years apart)
periods@yo("2010-09-25","2018-10-06",3) [2010-09-25,2013-09-25,
Get a sequence of dates that are three quarters apart between two given time points
(Adjust to full quarters apart)
periods@q("2010-09-25","2012-05-06",3) [2010-09-25,2011-04-01,
Get a sequence of dates that are three quarters apart between two given time points
(Do not adjust to full quarters apart)
periods@qo("2010-09-25","2012-05-06",3) [2010-09-25,2011-06-25,
Get a sequence of dates that are three months apart between two given time points
(Adjust to full months apart)
periods@m("2010-09-25","2011-04-06",3) [2010-09-25,2010-12-01,
Get a sequence of dates that are three months apart between two given time points
(Do not adjust to full months apart)
periods@mo("2010-09-25","2011-04-06",3) [2010-09-25,2010-12-25,
Get a sequence of dates that are two ten-day periods apart between two given time points periods@t("2010-09-25","2010-11-06",2) [2010-09-25,2010-10-11,
Get a sequence of times that are three seconds apart between two given time points periods@s("08:25:30","08:25:39",3) [08:25:30,08:25:33,


Both s and e are time variables. The function divides the time interval between s and e evenly into n segments, and returns the time range of the k^th^ segment. The result’s degree of precision is determined by the data type of s and e. Accurate to day when they are date type, and to second when they are datetime type.

Task Code Return value
Get the segment points after the interval between two given dates are trisected range(date("2018-08-09"),date("2020-02-20"),3) [2018-08-09,2019-02-12,
Get the range of the 2^nd^ segment after the interval between two given dates are trisected range(date("2018-08-09"),date("2020-02-20"),2:3) [2019-02-12,2019-08-18]
Get the range of the 2^nd^ segment after the interval between two given datetimes are trisected range(datetime("2018-01-01 10:20:30"),
datetime("2020-01-01 10:00:00"),2:3)
[2018-09-01 18:13:40,
2019-05-03 02:06:50]

Find more date/time/datetime operations in date(), time(), and datetime() functions in SPL Function Reference.

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