SOCR 3D Cell Morphometry Project
Source code, models, and documentation for 3D image pre-processing, per-channel segmentation, and curation
Inputs: 3D TIFF images (volumes) in each of 3 channels (available for downloading on the project data webpage).
- Convert each volume to 8-bit greyscale and apply despeckling using ImageJ
- Segment each volume in 3D using Farsight toolkit's Nuclear Segmentation algorithm
- Fill holes in derived nuclear masks using MATLAB
- Separate nuclear masks into individual volumes (implemented using LibTIFF)
- Filter out nuclear masks that do not pass min and/or max thresholds for voxel count (mask volume) and compactness
- Mask out background in each volume, convert it to 16-bit greyscale and apply despeckling using ImageJ
- Segment each volume in 3D using Trainable Weka Segmentation (Fiji)
- Separate binary blobs by the watershed algorithm and find connected components in ImageJ
- Separate nuclear masks into individual volumes (implemented using LibTIFF) – same as for nuclei
- Run co-localization method to confirm c2 masks with c1 masks using ImageJ
- Filter out c2 masks that do not pass min and/or max thresholds for voxel count (mask volume) and compactness– same as for nuclei, with own config
Outputs: individual c0 and c2 binary masks in TIFF format (also available for downloading on the project data webpage).