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dna-ms4-0.1: DSL constructions for radio astronomy imaging with a focus on data movement and optimization

Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



  • DNA monad
  • Kernels
  • Actors
  • Spawning
    • Eval
    • Spawn parameters
    • Resources
    • Function to spawn new actors
    • Shell
  • Connecting actors
  • Promises
  • Reexports


DNA programs are composed of actors and channels. DNA provides means for defining an abstract data flow graph using programming language primitives.

Actors are executed concurrently, don't share state and can only communicate using a restricted message passing scheme.

Every actor can receive either one or many inputs of the same type and produce either one or multiple outputs. This depends on the type of the actor: For example, a single Actor will only ever accept one input parameter and produce one result. On the other hand, a group of Actors will produce an unordered set of values of same type. Finally, a CollectActor receives a group of values while producing a single result. In general, actors have no knowledge where their input parameters come from or where result will be sent, these connections will be made from the outside.

Actors are spawned hierarchically, so every actor but the first will be created by a parent actor. Communication is forced to flow along these hierarchies: Both inputs and results can only be sent to and received from either the parent actor or sibling actors on the same level.

Furthermore, DNA offers the possibility to spawn groups of actors. Every actor in a group will run the same code, but using different input parameters. To distinguish actors in a group, they get assigned ranks from 0 to N-1. Conceptually, a group of actors is treated as single actor which runs on several execution elements simultaneously.

To illustrate this, here is example of distributed dot product. We assume that ddpComputeVector, ddpReadVector and splitSlice are already defined:

-- Calculate dot product of slice of full vector
ddpProductSlice = actor $ \(fullSlice) -> duration "vector slice" $ do
   -- Calculate offsets
   slices <- scatterSlice <$> groupSize
   slice  <- (slices !!)  <$> rank
   -- First we need to generate files on tmpfs
   fname <- duration "generate" $ eval ddpGenerateVector n
   -- Start local processes
   shellVA <- startActor (N 0) $ useLocal >> return $(mkStaticClosure 'ddpComputeVector)
   shellVB <- startActor (N 0) $ useLocal >> return $(mkStaticClosure 'ddpReadVector)
   -- Connect actors
   sendParam slice              shellVA
   sendParam (fname, Slice 0 n) shellVB
   futVA <- delay Local shellVA
   futVB <- delay Local shellVB
   -- Await results
   va <- duration "receive compute" $ await futVA
   vb <- duration "receive read"    $ await futVB
   -- Clean up, compute sum
   kernel "compute sum" [FloatHint 0 (2 * fromIntegral n)] $
     return (S.sum $ S.zipWith (*) va vb :: Double)

-- Calculate dot product of full vector ddpDotProduct :: Actor Int64 Double ddpDotProduct = actor $ \size -> do -- Chunk & send out shell <- startGroup (Frac 1) (NNodes 1) $ do useLocal return $(mkStaticClosure 'ddpProductSlice) broadcast (Slice 0 size) shell -- Collect results partials <- delayGroup shell duration "collecting vectors" $ gather partials (+) 0

main :: IO () main = dnaRun (...) $ liftIO . print =<< eval ddpDotProduct (40010001000)

This generates an actor tree of the following shape:

ddpComputeVector ddpReadVector

Here ddpDotProduct is a single actor, which takes exactly one parameter size and produces exactly the sum as its output. On the other hand, ddpProductSlice is an actor group, which sums up a portion of the full dot-product. Each actor in group spawns two child actors: ddpComputeVector and ddpReadVector are two child actors, which for our example are supposed to generate or read the requested vector slice from the hard desk, respectively.

Scheduling data flow programs for execution.

Scheduling, spawning and generation of the runtime data flow graph are handled separately. The starting point for scheduling is the cluster architecture descriptor, which describes the resources available to the program.

For DNA, we are using the following simple algorithm: First a control actor starts the program. It's actor which passed to runDna as parameter. This actor will be assigned exclusively all resources available to the program, which it can then in turn allocate to it spawn child actors. When a child actor finishes execution (either normally or abnormally), its resources are returned to parent actor's resource pool and can be reused.

High Availability

We must account for the fact that every actor could fail at any point. This could not only happen because of hardware failures, but also due to programming errors. In order to maintain the liveness of the data flow network, we must detect such failures, no matter the concrete reason. In the worst case, our only choice is to simply terminate all child processes and propagate the error to actors which depend on the failed actor. This approach is obviously problematic for achieving fault tolerance since we always have a single point of failure.

To improve stability, we need to make use of special cases. For example, let us assume that a single actor instance in large group fails. Then in some case it makes sense to simply ignore the failure and discard the partial result. This is the "failout" model. To use these semantics in the DNA program, all we need to do is to specify failout when spawning the actor with startGroup. To make use of failout example above should be changed to:

shell <- startGroup (Frac 1) (NNodes 1) $ do
return $(mkStaticClosure 'ddpProductSlice)

Another important recovery technique is restarting failed processes. This obviously loses the current state of the restarted process, so any accumulated data is lost. In the current design, we only support this approach for CollectActors. Similarly only change to program is addition of respawnOnFail to parameters of actors.


DNA programs write logs to directory /_dna/logs/PID-u/{N}/program-name.eventlog if it was started using UNIX startup or /_dna/logs/SLURM_JOB_ID-s/{N}/program-name.eventlog if it was started by SLURM (see runDna for detail of starting DNA program). They're stored in GHC's eventlog format.


For maintaing a robust system performance, we track the performance of all actors and channels. This should allow us to assess exactly how performance is shaped by not only scheduling and resource allocation, but also performance of individual software and hardware components. For example, we might decide to change the scheduling with the goal of eliminating idle times, optimise kernels better or decide to run a kernel on more suitable computation hardware were available.

However, in order to facilitate making informed decisions about such changes, it is not only important to collect raw performance numbers such as time spent or memory consumed. For understanding the performance of the whole system we need to put our measurements into context. This means that we should associate them from the ground up with the data flow structure of the program.

Our approach is therefore to implement profiling as an integral service of the DNA runtime. The generated profile will automatically track the overall performance of the system, capturing timings of all involved actors and channels. Furthermore, wherever possible the data flow program should contribute extra information about its activity, such as number of floating point operations expected or amount of raw data transferred. In the end, we will use the key performance metrics derived from these values in order to visualise the whole system performance in a way that will hopefully allow for painless optimisation of the whole system.


  • data DNA a
  • dnaRun :: (RemoteTable -> RemoteTable) -> DNA () -> IO ()
  • rank :: DNA Int
  • groupSize :: DNA Int
  • logMessage :: String -> DNA ()
  • duration :: String -> DNA a -> DNA a
  • data Kern a
  • kernel :: String -> [ProfileHint] -> Kern a -> DNA a
  • unboundKernel :: String -> [ProfileHint] -> Kern a -> DNA a
  • data ProfileHint
    • = FloatHint {
      • hintFloatOps :: !Int
      • hintDoubleOps :: !Int
    • | MemHint {
      • hintMemoryReadBytes :: !Int
    • | IOHint {
      • hintReadBytes :: !Int
      • hintWriteBytes :: !Int
    • | HaskellHint {
      • hintAllocation :: !Int
    • | CUDAHint {
      • hintCopyBytesHost :: !Int
      • hintCopyBytesDevice :: !Int
      • hintCudaFloatOps :: !Int
      • hintCudaDoubleOps :: !Int
  • floatHint :: ProfileHint
  • memHint :: ProfileHint
  • ioHint :: ProfileHint
  • haskellHint :: ProfileHint
  • cudaHint :: ProfileHint
  • data Actor a b
  • actor :: (Serializable a, Serializable b) => (a -> DNA b) -> Actor a b
  • data CollectActor a b
  • collectActor :: (Serializable a, Serializable b, Serializable s) => (s -> a -> Kern s) -> Kern s -> (s -> Kern b) -> CollectActor a b
  • eval :: (Serializable a, Serializable b) => Actor a b -> a -> DNA b
  • evalClosure :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => Closure (Actor a b) -> a -> DNA b
  • data Spawn a
  • useLocal :: Spawn ()
  • failout :: Spawn ()
  • respawnOnFail :: Spawn ()
  • debugFlags :: [DebugFlag] -> Spawn ()
  • data DebugFlag
    • = CrashProbably Double
    • | EnableDebugPrint Bool
  • data Res
    • = N Int
    • | Frac Double
  • data ResGroup
    • = NWorkers Int
    • | NNodes Int
  • data Location
    • = Remote
    • | Local
  • availableNodes :: DNA Int
  • waitForResources :: Shell a b -> DNA ()
  • startActor :: (Serializable a, Serializable b) => Res -> Spawn (Closure (Actor a b)) -> DNA (Shell (Val a) (Val b))
  • startGroup :: (Serializable a, Serializable b) => Res -> ResGroup -> Spawn (Closure (Actor a b)) -> DNA (Shell (Scatter a) (Grp b))
  • startCollector :: (Serializable a, Serializable b) => Res -> Spawn (Closure (CollectActor a b)) -> DNA (Shell (Grp a) (Val b))
  • startCollectorTree :: Serializable a => Spawn (Closure (CollectActor a a)) -> DNA (Shell (Grp a) (Val a))
  • startCollectorTreeGroup :: Serializable a => Res -> Spawn (Closure (CollectActor a a)) -> DNA (Shell (Grp a) (Grp a))
  • data Shell a b
  • data Val a
  • data Grp a
  • data Scatter a
  • sendParam :: Serializable a => a -> Shell (Val a) b -> DNA ()
  • broadcast :: Serializable a => a -> Shell (Scatter a) b -> DNA ()
  • distributeWork :: Serializable b => a -> (Int -> a -> [b]) -> Shell (Scatter b) c -> DNA ()
  • connect :: (Serializable b, Typeable tag) => Shell a (tag b) -> Shell (tag b) c -> DNA ()
  • data FileChan a
  • createFileChan :: Location -> String -> DNA (FileChan a)
  • data Promise a
  • delay :: Serializable b => Location -> Shell a (Val b) -> DNA (Promise b)
  • await :: Serializable a => Promise a -> DNA a
  • data Group a
  • delayGroup :: Serializable b => Shell a (Grp b) -> DNA (Group b)
  • gather :: Serializable a => Group a -> (b -> a -> b) -> b -> DNA b
  • class Monad m => MonadIO m where
    • liftIO :: IO a -> m a
  • remotable :: [Name] -> Q [Dec]
  • mkStaticClosure :: Name -> Q Exp

DNA monad

data DNA a

Monad for defining the behaviour of a cluster application. This concerns resource allocations as well as steering data and control flow.


Monad DNA  
Functor DNA  
Applicative DNA  



:: (RemoteTable -> RemoteTable)

Cloud haskell's remote tablse

-> DNA ()

DNA program

-> IO ()  

Execute DNA program. First parameter is list of remote tables. Each invocation of remotable generate

dnaRun (ModuleA.__remoteTable . ModuleB.__remoteTable) program

UNIX startup. If command line parameter '--nprocs=N' is given. Program will create N processes on same machine and execute program using these processes as cloud haskell's nodes.

SLURM startup. Jobs of starting processes is handled to SLURM and processes learn addresses of other processes from environment variables set by SLURM. No command line parameters is required in this case.

rank :: DNA Int

Obtains the rank of the current process in its group. Every process in a group of size N has assigned a rank from 0 to N-1. Single processes always have rank 0.

groupSize :: DNA Int

Obtains the size of the group that the current process belongs to. For single processes this is always 1.

logMessage :: String -> DNA ()

Outputs a message to the eventlog as well as stdout. Useful for documenting progress.



:: String

String for profiling

-> DNA a

Computation to profile

-> DNA a  

Basic profiling for DNA actions. Start and stop time of computation will be written to the eventlog.

duration "Some computation" $ do


data Kern a

Monad for actual calculation code. We expect all significant work of the cluster application to be encapsulated in this monad. Only way to perform arbitrary IO action is Kern monad using MonadIO interface:

kern = do
liftIO someIoComputation

It's possible to lift pure computations in the Kern monad too but all usual caveats about lazy evaluations apply.


Monad Kern  
Functor Kern  
Applicative Kern  
MonadIO Kern  



:: String

Kernel name

-> [ProfileHint]

Kernel performance characteristics

-> Kern a

Kernel code

-> DNA a  

Executes a kernel computation. Computation will be performed in bound thread. (Bound threads are mapped to same OS thread). Function will block until computation is done.

kernel "grid"
[ floatHint { hintDoubleOps = 10010001000 } ]



:: String

Kernel name

-> [ProfileHint]

Kernel performance characteristics

-> Kern a

Kernel code

-> DNA a  

A variant of kernel that executes the kernel in an unbound thread. Haskell runtime could migrate unbound haskell threads between OS threads. This is generally faster, but less safe. Especially profiling can be unreliable in this mode.

data ProfileHint

A program annotation providing additional information about how much work we expect the program to be doing in a certain phase. The purpose of this hint is that we can set-up measurements to match these numbers to the program's real performance. Note that the hint must only be a best-effort estimate. As a rule of thumb, it is better to use a more conservative estimate, as this will generally result in lower performance estimates.

Hints could be constructed either using constructors or by smart constructors: floatHint, memHint, ioHint, haskellHint and cudaHint

floatHint { hintDoubleOps = 10010001000 }



Estimate for how many floating point operations the code is executing. Profiling will use perf_event in order to take measurements. Keep in mind that this has double-counting issues (20%-40% are not uncommon for SSE or AVX code).


hintFloatOps :: !Int
hintDoubleOps :: !Int

Estimate for the amount of data that will have to be read from RAM over the course of the kernel calculation.


hintMemoryReadBytes :: !Int

Estimate for how much data the program is reading or writing from/to external sources.


hintReadBytes :: !Int
hintWriteBytes :: !Int

Rough estimate for how much Haskell work we are doing.


hintAllocation :: !Int

CUDA statistics. The values are hints about how much data transfers we expect to be targetting the device and the host respectively.

The FLOP hints will only be checked if logging is running in either "float-ops" or "double-ops" mode, respectively. Note that this requires instrumentation, which will reduce overall performance!


hintCopyBytesHost :: !Int
hintCopyBytesDevice :: !Int
hintCudaFloatOps :: !Int
hintCudaDoubleOps :: !Int

floatHint :: ProfileHint

floatHint = FloatHint 0 0

memHint :: ProfileHint

memHint = MemHint 0

ioHint :: ProfileHint

ioHint = IOHint 0 0

haskellHint :: ProfileHint

haskellHint = HaskellHint 0

cudaHint :: ProfileHint

cudaHint = CUDAHint 0 0 0 0


data Actor a b

This is the simplest kind of actor. It receives exactly one message of type a and produce a result of type b. It could only be constructed using actor function.


Typeable (* -> * -> ) Actor  



:: (Serializable a, Serializable b)  
=> (a -> DNA b)

data flow definition

-> Actor a b  

Smart constructor for Actors. As the type signature shows, an Actor is constructed from a function that takes a parameter a and returns a result b. The DNA monad allows the actor to take further actions, such as spawning other actors or starting data transfers.

For example following actor adds one to its parameter

succActor :: Actor Int Int
succActor = actor $ \i -> return (i+1)

data CollectActor a b

In contrast to a simple Actor, actors of this type can receive a group of messages. However, it will still produce just a singular message. In functional programming terms, this actor corresponds to a fold, which reduces an unordered set of messages into an aggregate output value. It could only be constructed using collectActor function.


Typeable ( -> * -> ) CollectActor  



:: (Serializable a, Serializable b, Serializable s)  
=> (s -> a -> Kern s)

stepper function

-> Kern s

start value

-> (s -> Kern b)

termination function

-> CollectActor a b  

Just like a fold, a CollectorActor is defined in terms of an internal state which gets updated for every message received. To be precise, the state first gets initialised using a start value, then gets updated successively using the stepper function. Once all results have been received, the termination function generates the overall result value of the actor.

In this example actor sums its parameters. It's very simple actor. In this case type of accumulator (s above) is same as type of resulting value (Double) but this isn't necessary. It also doesn't do any IO.

sumActor :: CollectorActor Double Double
sumActor = collectActor
(\sum a -> return (sum + a))
(return 0)
(\sum -> return sum)


Actors could be spawned using start functions. They spawn new actors which are executed asynchronously and usually on remote nodes. Nodes for newly spawned actor(s) are taken from pool of free nodes. If there's not enough nodes it's runtime error. eval* functions allows to execute actor synchronously.




:: (Serializable a, Serializable b)  
=> Actor a b

Actor to execute

-> a

Value which is passed to an actor as parameter

-> DNA b  

The simplest form of actor execution: The actor is executed in the same Cloud Haskell process, with no new processes spawned.



:: (Typeable a, Typeable b)  
=> Closure (Actor a b)

Actor to execute

-> a

Value which is passed to an actor as parameter

-> DNA b  

Like eval, but uses a Closure of the actor code.

Spawn parameters

data Spawn a

Monad for accumulating optional parameters for spawning processes. It exists only to (ab)use do-notation and meant to be used as follows:

do useLocal
return $(mkStaticClosure 'actorName)


Monad Spawn  
Functor Spawn  
Applicative Spawn  

useLocal :: Spawn ()

With this parameter new actor will be spawned on same node as parent actor. In case of group of actors one of newly spawned actors will run on local node. Otherwise it will be spawned on other node. See documentation for Res for description of interaction of this flag with resource allocation.

failout :: Spawn ()

Spawn the process using the "failout" fault-tolerance model. Only valid for group of processes (it's ignored for spawning single process actors). If some actor in group fails group will still continue.

respawnOnFail :: Spawn ()

Try to respawn actor in case of crash.

debugFlags :: [DebugFlag] -> Spawn ()

Set debugging flags. They are mostly useful for debugging DNA itself.

data DebugFlag

Flags which could be passed to actors for debugging purposes


CrashProbably Double

Crash during startup with given probability. Not all actors will honor that request

EnableDebugPrint Bool

Enable debug printing. If parameter is true child actors will have debug printing enabled too.


Eq DebugFlag  
Show DebugFlag  
Generic DebugFlag  
Binary DebugFlag  
Typeable * DebugFlag  
type Rep DebugFlag  


These data types are used for describing how much resources should be allocated to nodes and are passed as parameters to start* functions.

data Res

This describes how many nodes we want to allocate either to a single actor process or to the group of processes as whole. We can either request exactly n nodes or a fraction of the total pool of free nodes. If there isn't enough nodes in the pool to satisfy request it will cause runtime error.

Local node (which could be added using useLocal) is added in addition to this. If in the end 0 nodes will be allocated it will cause runtime error too.


N Int

Fixed number of nodes

Frac Double

Fraction of nodes. Should lie in (0,1] range.


Show Res  
Generic Res  
Binary Res  
Typeable * Res  
type Rep Res  

data ResGroup

Describes how to divide allocated nodes between worker processes.


NWorkers Int

divide nodes evenly between n actors.

NNodes Int

Allocate no less that n nodes for each actors. DSL will try to create as many actor as possible under given constraint


Show ResGroup  
Generic ResGroup  
Binary ResGroup  
Typeable * ResGroup  
type Rep ResGroup  

data Location

Describes where actor should be spawned.



Will be spawned on some other node


Will be spawned on the same node


Eq Location  
Ord Location  
Show Location  
Generic Location  
Binary Location  
Typeable * Location  
type Rep Location  

availableNodes :: DNA Int

Returns the number of nodes that are available at the moment for spawning of remote processes.

waitForResources :: Shell a b -> DNA ()

Barrier that ensures that all resources associated with the given actor have been returned to pool and can be re-allocated. It will block until resources are returned.

N.B. It only ensures that actor released resources. They could be taken by another start* function.

Function to spawn new actors

All functions for starting new actors following same pattern. They take parameter which describe how many nodes should be allocated to actor(s) and Closure to actor to be spawned. They all return handle to running actor (see documentation of Shell for details).

Here is example of spawning single actor on remote node. To be able to create Closure to execute actor on remote node we need to make it "remotable". For details of remotable semantics refer to distributed-process documentation,. (This could change in future version of distributed-process when it start use StaticPointers language extension)

someActor :: Actor Int Int
someActor = actor $ \i -> ...

remotable [ 'someActor ]

Finally we start actor and allocate 3 nodes to it:

do a <- startActor (N 3) (return $(mkStaticClosure 'someActor))



:: (Serializable a, Serializable b)  
=> Res

How many nodes do we want to allocate for actor

-> Spawn (Closure (Actor a b))

Actor to spawn

-> DNA (Shell (Val a) (Val b))

Handle to spawned actor

Starts a single actor as a new process, and returns the handle to the running actor.



:: (Serializable a, Serializable b)  
=> Res

How many nodes do we want to allocate for actor

-> ResGroup

How to divide nodes between actors in group

-> Spawn (Closure (Actor a b))

Actor to spawn

-> DNA (Shell (Scatter a) (Grp b))

Handle to spawned actor

Start a group of actor processes



:: (Serializable a, Serializable b)  
=> Res

How many nodes do we want to allocate for actor

-> Spawn (Closure (CollectActor a b))

Actor to spawn

-> DNA (Shell (Grp a) (Val b))

Handle to spawned actor

As startActor, but starts a single collector actor.



:: Serializable a  
=> Spawn (Closure (CollectActor a a))

Actor to spawn

-> DNA (Shell (Grp a) (Val a))

Handle to spawned actor

Start a group of collector actor processes. It always require one node.



:: Serializable a  
=> Res

How many nodes do we want to allocate for group of actors

-> Spawn (Closure (CollectActor a a))

Actor to spawn

-> DNA (Shell (Grp a) (Grp a))

Handle to spawned actor

Start a group of collector actor processes. It always require one node per collector.


data Shell a b

Handle of a running actor or group. Note that we treat actors and groups of actors uniformly here. Shell data type has two type parameters which describe what kind of data actor receives or produces. For example:

Shell (InputTag a) (OutputTag b)

Also both input and output types have tags which describe how many messages data type produces and how this actor could be connected with others. It means that shell receives message(s) of type a and produce message(s) of type b. We support tags Val, Grp and Scatter.


Generic (Shell a b)  
Binary (Shell a b)  
Typeable (* -> * -> ) Shell  
type Rep (Shell a b)  

data Val a

The actor receives/produces a single value, respectively.


Typeable ( -> ) Val  

data Grp a

The actor receives/produces an unordered group of values.


Typeable ( -> ) Grp  

data Scatter a

Only appears as an input tag. It means that we may want to scatter values to a set of running actors.


Typeable ( -> ) Scatter  

Connecting actors

Each actor must be connected to exactly one destination and consequently could only receive input from a single source. Trying to connect an actor twice will result in a runtime error.



:: Serializable a  
=> a

Parameter to send

-> Shell (Val a) b

Actor to send parameter to

-> DNA ()  

Send a value to an actor.



:: Serializable a  
=> a

Parameter to send

-> Shell (Scatter a) b

Group of actors to send parameter to

-> DNA ()  

Send same value to all actors in group.



:: Serializable b  
=> a

Parameter we want to send

-> (Int -> a -> [b])

Function which distribute work between actors. First parameter is length of list to produce. It must generate list of required length.

-> Shell (Scatter b) c

Group of actors to send parameter to

-> DNA ()  

Distribute work between group of actors. distributeWork a f will send values produced by function f to each actor in group. Computation is performed locally.



:: (Serializable b, Typeable tag)  
=> Shell a (tag b)

Actor which produce message(s)

-> Shell (tag b) c

Actor which receives message(s)

-> DNA ()  

Connect output of one actor to input of another actor.

data FileChan a


Show (FileChan a)  
Generic (FileChan a)  
Binary (FileChan a)  
Typeable ( -> *) FileChan  
type Rep (FileChan a)  

createFileChan :: Location -> String -> DNA (FileChan a)

Allocates a new file channel for sharing data between actors.


data Promise a

Result of an actor's computation. It could be generated by delay and actual value extracted by await

do ...
p <- delay someActor
a <- await p



:: Serializable b  
=> Location  
-> Shell a (Val b)

Actor to obtain promise from.

-> DNA (Promise b)  

Obtains a promise from a shell. This amounts to connecting the actor.



:: Serializable a  
=> Promise a

Promise to extract value from

-> DNA a  

Extract value from Promise, will block until value arrives

data Group a

Like Promise, but stands for the a group of results, as generated by an actor group. It could be used in likewise manner. In example below values produced by group of actors grp are summed in call to gather.

do ...
p <- delayGroup grp
a <- gather p (+) 0



:: Serializable b  
=> Shell a (Grp b)

Actor to obtain promise from

-> DNA (Group b)  

Like delay, but for a Grp of actors. Consequently, we produce a promise Group.



:: Serializable a  
=> Group a

Promise to use.

-> (b -> a -> b)

Stepper function (called for each message)

-> b

Initial value

-> DNA b  

Obtains results from a group of actors by folding over the results. It behaves like CollectActor but all functions are evaluated locally. It will block until all messages are collected.


class Monad m => MonadIO m where


liftIO :: IO a -> m a


MonadIO IO  
MonadIO Process  
MonadIO NC  
MonadIO Kern  
MonadIO m => MonadIO (MaybeT m)  
MonadIO m => MonadIO (ListT m)  
MonadIO m => MonadIO (IdentityT m)  
MonadIO (MxAgent s)  
MonadIO m => MonadIO (StateT s m)  
(Error e, MonadIO m) => MonadIO (ErrorT e m)  
(Monoid w, MonadIO m) => MonadIO (WriterT w m)  
(Monoid w, MonadIO m) => MonadIO (WriterT w m)  
MonadIO m => MonadIO (StateT s m)  
MonadIO m => MonadIO (ReaderT r m)  
MonadIO m => MonadIO (ExceptT e m)  
MonadIO m => MonadIO (ContT r m)  
MonadIO m => MonadIO (ProgramT instr m)  
(Monoid w, MonadIO m) => MonadIO (RWST r w s m)  
(Monoid w, MonadIO m) => MonadIO (RWST r w s m)  

remotable :: [Name] -> Q [Dec]

mkStaticClosure :: Name -> Q Exp

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