This release of the application consists of the following packages:
core-db - This is the core db package contains Core data models artifacts required to create the tables and other database artifacts (for example, .hdbcds, .hdbsequence, and so on).
core-js -This package has the Node.js implementation of Data Generator, PO Worklist, Sales Dashboard (back end).
user-db - This package contains the artifacts contains the db artificats for User Creation
user-js - This package contains the User CRUD implementation in nodejs using xsodata libraries.
user-java - This package contains the User CRUD implementation in Java using Java oData V4 libraries.
web - This package contains the user interface for the SHINE Launchpad, Data Generator, and Purchase Order Worklist, Sales Dashboard, User CRUD pplications implemented in SAP UI5.
site-content - This package contains site configuration files required for SAP Fiori Launchpad.
site-web - This package contains the user interface for the SHINE Fiori Launchpad, Data Generator, Purchase Order Worklist, Job Scheduler, Sales Dashboard, Spatial, and User CRUD applications implemented in SAPUI5.
The following components should be installed before SHINE installation on XSA. If not installed please contact your system administrator to install them.
Note: In HANA Express, the Job Scheduler(XSAC_SERVICES) could be pre-installed. If the services are stopped, please contact the system administrator to start them.
Launch SAP Web IDE for SAP HANA.
Navigate to File->Git->Clone Repository
Enter the URL of the repository as
Choose OK.
Create a service for the UAA by executing the command in CLI of XSA system:
xs create-service xsuaa default shine-uaa -c xs-security.json
Create Job Scheduler Service by executing the command in CLI of XSA system:
xs cs jobscheduler default shine-scheduler
After all these services are created, build and run all modules like core-db, user-db, user-js, user-java and web.
Note: While building the core-db module, the following two things have to be replaced in the mta.yaml:
a) UAA Endpoint
b) Controller Endpoint
For more details on how to do the above steps, please refer below:
a) UAA Endpoint: Please replace the UAA end point URL in line 204 of mta.yaml to your respective UAA end point URL which will be of the format :
http(s)://< host-name >:3<instance-number>32/ uaa-security
For example in HANA express the UAA endpoint can be https://hxehost:39032/uaa-security
b) Controller Endpoint: Please replace the controller end point URL in line 214 of the mta.yaml file to your respective XS controller end point.
http(s)://<XSA host name>:<xs controller port>
By default, the xs controller port is 3##30 where ## is the instance number
Please Note, In HANAExpress VM install has default instance as 90, Binary install is a user-defined number.
This will install SHINE without FLP. Please follow the steps in the below section to deploy SHINE with FLP.
After doing the above steps,
Right click on the shine project folder and select Build.
After successful build of the project, there will be a folder called mta_archives created in the workspace.
Expand the folder and expand the folder file present inside.
Right click on the mtar file present inside and select Export.
Once exported, login to the XSA system via CLI and deploy the mtar file using the following command:
xs deploy
For more information on cloning, building, deploying etc. for XSA applications, see SAP Web IDE for SAP HANA - Installation and Upgrade Guide.
In case the build of the java module fails with error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project sap-xsac-shine-user-java: Could not resolve
dependencies for project The following
artifacts could not be resolved:,,,,, Could not find artifact in central
Then please follow the below steps:
1.Expand the folder user-java and open pom.xml file.
2.Look for the below line:
3.Change the version from 1.2.2 to 1.2.1 and build and run the java module again.
For any question/clarification or report an issue in SHINE please create issue