You find several use cases in the folder /usecases/releases
that you can use per se or as a blueprint for your own scripts.
This file gives you an overview on the content of the different scenarios.
⚠ NOTE: You find more use cases and parameters files in the folder
, however only the ones available in the directoryreleased
are tested by us and should work.
Remember, that the built-in json schemas allow you creating your own use case file quite easy. The only thing you need to do is to add the link to the json schema to your json file as shown in this video (the link to the schema can be found at the top of each usecase file).
The file cap_app_launchpad.json contains the setup and deployment of a of a CAP application to a Cloud Foundry Environment in a SAP BTP account. This includes the necessary service instance, app subscriptions and role collections.
The services and subscriptions that are created are:
- SAP HANA Cloud
- SAP Launchpad
The code of the application is pulled from the GitHub repository
The use case is referenced from the parameters file /tests/integrationtests/parameterfiles/integrationtest02.json.
The file build_resilient_apps_free_tier.json contains the setup of an application complementing an existing business process in an SAP solution - currently SAP S/4HANA - with additional business process steps. This includes the necessary service instance, app subscriptions and role collections. In addition the CI/CD service on SAP BTP is provisioned for a true end2end setup.
The services and subscriptions that are created are:
- Connectivity Service
- Destination Service
- Application Log
- SAP HANA Cloud
- SAP Launchpad
- Enterprise Messaging
- CI/CD Service
The code of the application is pulled from the GitHub repository
The use case is referenced from the parameters file /tests/integrationtests/parameterfiles/integrationtest03.json.
The file setup_ABAP_steampunk.json contains the setup of an ABAP Steampunk instance on your SAP BTP account.
The file setup_ias.json contains the setup i.e. the configuration of services to create trust between the SAP BTP subaccount and a customer IAS tenant.
The file setup_kyma_free_tier.json contains the setup of a Kyma environment using the free tier
The use case is referenced from the parameters file /tests/integrationtests/parameterfiles/integrationtest09.json.
The file setup_kyma_gcp.json contains the setup of a Kyma environment on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) using the GCP
The use case is referenced from the parameters file /tests/integrationtests/parameterfiles/integrationtest10.json.
The file setup_kyma_TRIAL.json contains the setup of a Kyma environment on SAP BTP Trial.
The use case is referenced from the parameters file /tests/integrationtests/parameterfiles/integrationtest08.json.
The file setup_kyma_gcp_with_dapr.json contains the setup of a Kyma environment on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) using the GCP
plan including the deployment of Dapr, Redis and a sample app.
The code of the application is pulled from the GitHub repository
The use case is referenced from the parameters file /tests/integrationtests/parameterfiles/integrationtest11.json.
The file setup_task_center.json contains the setup of services for the SAP Task Center including establishing the trust with your custom IAS tenant.
The services and subscriptions that are created are:
- SAP One Inbox
- SAP Launchpad
The use case is referenced from the parameters file /tests/integrationtests/parameterfiles/integrationtest07.json.