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Test the Easy Franchise Application Locally

Optionally, you may want to run the application locally before you deploy it in the subaccount in the SAP BTP, Kyma environment. Here are the steps needed to have a working app on your local machine:

1. Start and Test the Database Service, the Easy Franchise Service, and the Business Partner Service

In this section you will learn how to build and run the Database service, the Business Partner Service, and the Easy Franchise service locally. To understand the coding, read these exploration sections:


Configure Properties

For your local run, you have to configure some properties in a file:

  1. Clone the sources of this GitHub repository or download and extract the ZIP file to your local system.

  2. Copy the file code/easyfranchise/source/backend/shared-code/src/main/resources/ to in the same folder.

  3. Maintain your SAP HANA Cloud JDBC connection properties in the db.* section. This should look like this: EasyFranchiseHANADB
    db.admin: DBADMIN
    db.password: your_dbadmin_password

    See How to find JDBC Connection Properties for more details.

  4. Update the s4hana.destination.* properties. You can either use your SAP S/4HANA Cloud system, or the Business Partner mock server.

    If you use the SAP Business Partner mock server to run the application locally, use:

    s4hana.destination.URL: http://localhost:8081
    s4hana.destination.Authentication: NoAuthentication
    s4hana.destination.Type: http

    If you are using your SAP S/4HANA Cloud system, copy the following snippet updated with your values:

    s4hana.destination.User: <your Communicatrion Arragement User>
    s4hana.destination.Password: <Password of the Communication User>
    s4hana.destination.Authentication: BasicAuthentication
    s4hana.destination.Type: http

    If you don't have a Communication User learn how to get one in section Enable the Business Partner OData V2 Rest API in an SAP S/4HANA Cloud System.


Build the project:

  1. Open a command line window and change to directory to code/easyfranchise/source/backend containing the main pom.xml. Be sure to update the JDK version in the pom.xml (lign 23) if you are not using JDK17. Then run the following Maven command:

    mvn clean install

    Info: When running this command the first time, many JAR files will be downloaded to your local Maven repository.

    The second run will be faster as all these downloads will be no longer necessary.

    You should see a successful build of all four modules and an allover BUILD SUCCESS:

       [INFO] Reactor Summary for easyfranchise 1.0-SNAPSHOT:
       [INFO] easyfranchise ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.784 s]
       [INFO] shared-code ........................................ SUCCESS [ 18.696 s]
       [INFO] db-service ......................................... SUCCESS [  9.189 s]
       [INFO] bp-service ......................................... SUCCESS [  4.606 s]
       [INFO] ef-service ......................................... SUCCESS [  6.742 s]
       [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
       [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    In each project folder, a new folder target is created containing the build result.

Start All Services

  1. Run the following commands to start the services. Start each in a separate command line window and in the correct folder.

    In folder code/easyfranchise/source/backend/ef-service:

    windows java -cp ".\target\*;.\target\dependency\*" -Dlocal_dev=true dev.kyma.samples.easyfranchise.EFServer 8080
    unix java -cp "./target/*:./target/dependency/*" -Dlocal_dev=true dev.kyma.samples.easyfranchise.EFServer 8080

    In folder code/easyfranchise/source/backend/bp-service:

    windows java -cp ".\target\*;.\target\dependency\*" -Dlocal_dev=true dev.kyma.samples.easyfranchise.ServerApp 8100
    unix java -cp "./target/*:./target/dependency/*" -Dlocal_dev=true dev.kyma.samples.easyfranchise.ServerApp 8100

    In folder code/easyfranchise/source/backend/db-service:

    windows java -cp ".\target\*;.\target\dependency\*" -Dlocal_dev=true dev.kyma.samples.easyfranchise.ServerApp 8090
    unix java -cp "./target/*:./target/dependency/*" -Dlocal_dev=true dev.kyma.samples.easyfranchise.ServerApp 8090

    Each service will run on a different port (8080, 8100, 8090). Don't use different ones. The relies on them!

    Hint: Just in case you want to debug one of the applications using port 8888 you can start the Java process using the following command. Then, connect with your IDE to the external Java process on port 8888.

    java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8888,server=y,suspend=y -cp "./target/*;./target/dependency/*" -Dlocal_dev=true dev.kyma.samples.easyfranchise.ServerApp <port>

Executing the First Admin Rest Call

Database tables in DBADMIN schema are not existing yet. Hibernate creates the tables at runtime when they are needed for the first time. To understand how this works, see section Database Service for more details.

Let's now execute the first REST call to trigger the table creation. This tutorial uses curl, but feel free to use any other REST tool of your choice. Windows users have to rely on unix-like shells to execute the curl commands we present here. Using curl for windows would require a different command syntax.

  1. With the following curl command, check that no tenants exist so far:

    curl --verbose -X GET http://localhost:8090/easyfranchise/rest/dbadminservice/v1/config/tenants

    Expected result:

    • return status: 200 OK
    • content: []

    The first run will take a bit longer than the next one, as database table creation has to be carried out.

  2. Let's have a look into table data of our database:

    • In the Instance overview select your SAP HANA Database, expand the "..." and select Open in SAP HANA Database Explorer. Provide Database user and password.

    • Expand the Catalog and select Tables.

    • Find the newly created table TENANT and open via Context Menu Open Data. No records exist yet.

Onboard the First Tenant

Each tenant will get his own database user and schema to store their tenant data.

  1. To onboard a tenant with TENANT-ID=123456789-local-tenant-id and SUBDOMAIN=city-scooter-local call:

    curl --verbose -X PUT "http://localhost:8090/easyfranchise/rest/dbservice/v1/123456789-local-tenant-id/onboard" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"subaccountId":"123456789-local-tenant-id","subdomain":"city-scooter-local"}'

  2. Get a list of all tenants and find your CITYSCOOTER:

    curl --verbose -X GET http://localhost:8090/easyfranchise/rest/dbadminservice/v1/config/tenants

    Expected output of the curl command:

            "password": "mySAP123",
            "schema": "CITY-SCOOTER-LOCAL",
            "subdomain": "city-scooter-local",
            "tenantid": "123456789-local-tenant-id"
  3. Refresh the data of the TENANT table and review the content.

  4. Tenant-dependent Easy Franchise service, Database service, or Business Partner service calls need TenantId as a header or in the path. As a workaround for the local development, the file needs to be updated. Check that you have the correct configuration fitting to your TenantId above: devmode.tenantid: 123456789-local-tenant-id. (If you have to update the property you have to stop all java services, build and restart them.)

  5. Open SAP HANA Database Explorer and add a new database connection with user city-scooter-local and the password you find in the TENANT Table. Find the newly created Tables like CONFIGURATION, COORDINATOR, FRANCHISE, and MENTOR.

Getting Franchises

Most of the properties of a franchisee are read from the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system. For the local run of the SAP S/4HANA Cloud service, the according s4hana.destination.* properties have to be configured in the file.

  1. Let's first get a better understanding of the OData V2 REST endpoint of the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.

    Copy the following URL to your browser and log in with your Customer Arrangement user and its password:


    Warning: The Business Partner mock server only implements this single request the Business Partner service will call. Other requests are not implemented.

    The response will provide the OData metadata. Knowing this enables you to build complex OData queries. See URI Conventions (OData Version 2.0) for more details.

    Let's request all business partners:

  2. The class just queries for business partners. For a more detailed explanation, see section Business Partner Service. Now, let's call a REST API in our Business Partner service. If you chose a different tenant ID above, update the request accordingly:

    curl  -X GET 'http://localhost:8100/easyfranchise/rest/bpservice/v1/123456789-local-tenant-id/bupa'

    As a result, you should get a JSON-based list of business partners.

    If you use the Business Partner mock server, the result will look like the following JSON. For an SAP S/4HANA Cloud system it should look like this:

        "d": {
            "results": [
                    "BusinessPartner": "1000111",
                    "BusinessPartnerFullName": "City Scooter - Walldorf",
                    "BusinessPartnerGrouping": "BP02",
                    "CreationDate": "/Date(1621382400000)/",
                    "to_BusinessPartnerAddress": {
                        "results": [
                                "CityCode": "",
                                "CityName": "Walldorf",
                                "HouseNumber": "2",
                                "PostalCode": "69190",
                                "StreetName": "Dietmar-Hopp-Allee",
                                "to_EmailAddress": {
                                    "results": [
                                            "EmailAddress": "[email protected]"
  3. The Easy Franchise service "converts" this response to a more UI-friendly JSON. Some data form the database are "merged" as well.

    curl --verbose -X GET 'http://localhost:8080/easyfranchise/rest/efservice/v1/franchisee'

    This is a JSON response example:

            "businessPartner": "1000111",
            "businessPartnerGrouping": "BP02",
            "cityCode": "",
            "cityName": "Walldorf",
            "creationDate": "2021-05-19",
            "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
            "fullName": "City Scooter - Walldorf",
            "houseNumber": "2",
            "postalCode": "69190",
            "streetName": "Dietmar-Hopp-Allee"
        }, ..

Create a Mentor

The REST calls of the Easy Franchise service are used from the UI. Let's have a look at how to create a mentor via REST call.

  1. Let's create the mentor Peter Miller. The following curl command should return 200 OK.

    curl --verbose -X PUT "http://localhost:8080/easyfranchise/rest/efservice/v1/mentor" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"Peter Miller","email":"[email protected]","phone":"0815","experience":"beginner","capacity":"4"}'

    Remember that the original REST call would have to provide the tenantId via header -H 'x-tenant-id: {tenantId}'. In the local run, it's taken from the file.

  2. Get a list of all mentors:

    curl --verbose -X GET "http://localhost:8080/easyfranchise/rest/efservice/v1/mentor"

    The mentor you just created should be contained in the response JSON. The JSON should look like this:

            "id": 1,
            "name": "Peter Miller",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "phone": "0815",
            "capacity": 4,
            "experience": "beginner",
            "lastUpdate": "YYYY-MM-DDT15:09:05.2553577"
  3. Open the Raw Data tab of the table MENTOR of the database user CITY-SCOOTER-LOCAL and find the inserted mentor.

    Hint: You can use the context menu Add Database with Different User to access the Database via the CITY-SCOOTER-LOCAL database user:

    You see no Mentor? Check that you have selected the MENTOR table of the correct database user. The DBADMIN cannot see the MENTOR table content.

Assign Mentor to a Franchisee

  1. We have to make a business partner as a franchisee. You need the key, which you can find in the above REST calls, for example, "businessPartner": "1000111" and replace it in the following curl command:

    curl --verbose -X PUT 'http://localhost:8080/easyfranchise/rest/efservice/v1/franchisee/<businessPartner>'

    so that you would run, for example:

    curl --verbose -X PUT 'http://localhost:8080/easyfranchise/rest/efservice/v1/franchisee/1000111'
  2. Assign a mentor to the franchisee. Replace the placeholders accordingly:

    curl --verbose -X PUT 'http://localhost:8080/easyfranchise/rest/efservice/v1/franchisee/<businessPartner>/mentor/<mentorId>'

    command with the correct sample values inserted:

    curl --verbose -X PUT 'http://localhost:8080/easyfranchise/rest/efservice/v1/franchisee/1000111/mentor/1'
  3. Verify the assignment by requesting all franchisees:

    curl --verbose -X GET 'http://localhost:8080/easyfranchise/rest/efservice/v1/franchisee'

    You will find the property "mentorId": 1, in the right franchisee data:

             "businessPartner": "1000111",
             "businessPartnerGrouping": "BP02",
             "cityCode": "",
             "cityName": "Walldorf",
             "creationDate": "2021-05-19",
             "emailAddress": "[email protected]",
             "fullName": "City Scooter - Walldorf",
             "houseNumber": "2",
             "mentorId": 1,
             "mentorName": "Peter Miller",
             "postalCode": "69190",
             "streetName": "Dietmar-Hopp-Allee"
         } ...

2. Run User Interface Locally

Note: To simplify debugging in the browser, we recommend installing the browser extension called Vue.js devtools for Google Chrome.

  1. Go back to your IDE and open the ui folder of the application.

  2. Navigate to the src folder and open the file main.js.

  3. Scroll down in the code to the section Defining the url of the backend apis.

  4. Make sure that in the code the URL for local development is used:

    Vue.prototype.$backendApi = "http://localhost:8080/easyfranchise/rest/efservice/v1";

    Note: if you are running the services on a remote virtual machine or access it via hostname or IP adress, you have to use that instead of localhost.

  5. Open a new terminal and change directory to ui:

    cd ui
  6. Create node modules in your repository by running:

    npm install
  7. Run your application locally:

    npm run serve
  8. Click the link in terminal to open your application in the browser.

    Open application in browser

  9. Congratulations! You now have a first version of your application running.


Test User Interface

  1. Click the gear icon on the top right to navigate to the settings page.

  2. Scroll down to the Manage Mentor section of the page.

  3. In this section, the mentor Peter Miller you have created earlier is listed.

  4. Create a new mentor by choosing Add Mentor.

  5. In the pop-up add the data for your new mentor:

    Add Mentor

  6. Choose Save to finish the creation.

  7. Your new mentor appears in the UI.

    Check all mentors

  8. Go back to the terminal to see if the mentor is also saved in the backend of the application.

  9. Run the curl command to get a list of all the mentors available:

    curl --verbose -X GET "http://localhost:8080/easyfranchise/rest/efservice/v1/mentor"
  10. The mentor you just created and the mentor created earlier should be contained in the response JSON. The JSON should look like this:

            "id": 1,
            "name": "Peter Miller",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "phone": "0815",
            "capacity": 4,
            "experience": "beginner",
            "lastUpdate": "YYYY-MM-DDT15:09:05.2553577"
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Mentor Max",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "phone": "1234",
            "capacity": 4,
            "experience": "beginner",
            "lastUpdate": "YYYY-MM-DDT15:09:05.2553577"