This repository contains the material for the SAP TechEd 2020 session called DEV264 - Deep dive into SAP Business Technology Platform Workflow Management.
SAP Business Technology Platform Workflow Management is a servcie enabling customers to automate workflows, manage decisions and gain real time visibility into processes. The following key capabilities are part of this service.
- Workflow - Automating processes, extending processes or orchestrating process steps across line of business applications.
- Business Rules - Managing decisions centrally and seperate decision logic from application logic.
- Process Visibility - Real time visibility into business process across processes and insight to actions.
- My Inbox - Enable business users to claim and complete their workflow tasks with FIORI user experience. Workflow management provides Live Process Content enabling customers to accelerate workflow automation by configuring or extending these process content.
In this exercise you will learn advanced capabilities of Workflow Management are included.
- Principal Propagation - How to call APIs from Workflow using the credentials of a process participant.
- Reference Sub flow - How to modularize workflows.
- Substitution - Substitute a user during absence with another user so that all workflow tasks will be assigned to the substitute.
- Insight to Action - Notifying Process Admins or Process Owners as and when process status changes to Failed, Suspended, Overdue or threshold violation. Enable business users to perform action based on process status. for eg: Workflow task attributes like priority from process visiblity.
- Configure Process Performance Indicators.
The requirements to follow the exercises in this repository are
- SAP Business Technology Platform Workflow Management Subscription
- Basic knowledge of SAP Business Technology Platform
There are four exercises in this session. Exercise 0 and 1 are mandatory.
Exercise 0: Setup your SAP Business Technology Platform Account
Description - In this exercise you will subscribe Workflow Management and create the reuired Destinations.
Duration - 15 minutes
Exercise 1: Model SAP Business Technology Platform Workflow
Description: In this exercise you will model workflow froms scratch and configure user tasks for approval.
Duration - 30 minutes
Exercise 2: Execute and Montior Business Technology Platform Workflow
Description: In this exercise you will create instance of the modeled workflow, monitor the instance and complete the task.
Duration - 5 minutes
Exercise 3: Insight to Action - User Action
Description: In this exercise you will model a workflow to configure a user action to in SAP Business Technology Platform Process Visibility
Duration - 15 minutes
Exercise 4: Insight to Action - System Action
Description: In this exercise you will model a workflow to configure a system action in SAP Business Technology Platform Process Visibility
Duration - 15 minutes
Exercise 5: Configure Process Visibility
Description: In this exercise you will create a scenario, import your workflow from Exercise 1, configure phases, attributes, actions and performance indicators. You access process workspace, analyse process performance indicators and trigger actions.
Duration - 30 minutes
Exercise 6: Modularize workflows using Reference Subflow
Description: In this exercise you will learn how to modularize workflows using Refernece Subflow feature. You will reuse the workflow from Exercise 1 as reference sublfow and create multiple approvals.
Duration - 20 minutes
Support for the content in this repository is available during the actual time of the online session for which this content has been designed. Otherwise, you may request support via the Issues tab.
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