So far, you improved the view that presented the list of products and the key properties related to the business scenario at hand (inventory management). In the next few exercises, you'll improve the product's Details view.
After completing these steps, you will have added supplier info to the product's Details view. Some of the modifications are also needed for the logic to run accordingly.
It is recommended that you type most the code to experience the code editor's capabilities.
In the locally running app, click a product to view its details.
In SAP Business Application Studio, open the file that contains the product's details, the
file in thewebapp
folder. -
Add an XML namespace for "sap.ui.layout.form".
Below the
section, add a<semantic:content>
section, and, in it, a<VBox>
element that contains aSimpleForm
control which will contain the supplier details.<semantic:content> <VBox> <form:SimpleForm title="{i18n>objectSupplierInfo}" layout="ResponsiveGridLayout" singleContainerFullSize="false" columnsXL="1" columnsL="1" visible="{= ${objectView>/busy} ? false : true}"> <form:content> <Label text="{i18n>objectSupplierID}"></Label> <Text text="{Supplier/SupplierID}"></Text> <Label text="{i18n>objectCompanyName}"></Label> <Text text="{Supplier/CompanyName}"></Text> <Label text="{i18n>objectContactName}"></Label> <Text text="{Supplier/ContacName}"></Text> <Label text="{i18n>objectContactTitle}"></Label> <Text text="{Supplier/ContactTitle}"></Text> <Label text="{i18n>objectAddress}"></Label> <Text text="{Supplier/Address}, {Supplier/City}, {Supplier/PostalCode}, {Supplier/Country}"></Text> </form:content> </form:SimpleForm> </VBox> </semantic:content>
After completing these steps, you will have tested the view's look and feel.
Go to the tab where the app is running and refresh it (press [F5]). You can see the look and feel of how the supplier info will appear when you complete this exercise.
After completing these steps, you will have modified the logic of the app's product's Details view to present the product's supplier info.
It is recommended that you type most the code to experience the code editor's capabilities.
In SAP business Application Studio, open the file that contains the product's details logic, the
file. -
Using the Outline view, locate the
function. -
Use OData's
option to retrieve the product's supplier and order details. You'll use theorder_details
information in another exercise.parameters: { expand: "Supplier, Order_Details/Order" },
After completing these steps, you will have tested the product's Details view with the product's supplier info included.
Go to the tab where the app is running, and refresh it (press [F5]). You can see the result of adding the supplier info to the product's Details view.
With this, you have successfully completed adding the product's supplier info to the product's Details view using the OData expand
Continue to - Exercise 14 - Add Breadcrumbs to the Details Page