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Exercise 3: Validating Data Quality


In this exercise, we will validate the data saved to the HANA database in the previous exercise 2. In case of data failing the quality test, a service ticket is created with the failed data.

Below is a list of all the operators that you are going to need for this exercise:

Name Category
HANA Table Consumer* Connectivity (via Flowagent)
Flowagent CSV Producer Connectivity (via Flowagent)
Validation Rule Data Quality
Python3 Operator Processing
SAP HANA Client* Connectivity

* There are several other operators that you could use to read and write to HANA, however this would mean that you also might need other data type converters. Ex3 operators

Exercise Summary

If you like to try it first by your own then here is the short summary of the tasks needed to be done:

  1. Read the table CELLSTATUS created in exercise 2
  2. Add the Validation Rule operator and configure such that the values of the columns KEY1 and KEY2 must be greater than 0. The failed records should be channeled to the fail-outport.
  3. Add a Python3 operator and program it to create a new record for each failed record and send it to the outport as csv-string. The columns structure is as follows: ("TIMESTAMP","STATUS","COMMENT","DATE","CELLID","NOM_KEY1","NOM_KEY2","KEY1","KEY2","ERROR_ACTION","ERROR_COLUMNS","ROW_ID")
  4. Save the "service ticket" string to the HANA table QMTICKET

Hint: Depending on the HANA DB operator you might have the header passed as well. This you have to consider both with the "Validation"-Rule operator and with the script of the "Python3 Operator". For the latter we added a commented row that would rename the columns if the data provided with a header for complying with the following process steps.

Exercise 3.1

Video walkthrough: Wiretaps

  1. Add the following operators to the pipeline canvas and connect them in this order:

    • Workflow Trigger
    • HANA Table Consumer (Use outport outConfig)
    • Flowagent CSV Producer (Use outport outContent)
    • Wiretap
  2. Configure the HANA Table Consumer operator

    2. Source Table: "TECHED"."CELLSTATUS"
    3. Partition Type: default (None)
    4. Additional session parameters: default('')
    5. Fetch size: default (1000)
  3. Save the pipeline with the name TAxx.ValidateDataQuality where xx is your assigned workshop user ID.

  4. Before we continue with the designing the pipeline we want to verify that data is being read correctly from HANA and rewritten into a CSV format. Start the pipeline and wait until it is in status Running. Click on the Open UI icon on the Wiretap operator. (This icon only appears when the pipeline is running) A new browser tab is opened and if everything is configured correctly CSV data should be displayed.

  5. Stop the graph

Ex3_1 operators

Exercise 3.2

Video walkthrough: Validation rule

  1. Add the Validation Rule operator and connect the preceding Wiretap operator or directly to the Flowagent CSV Producer

  2. Configure the Input Schema of the Validation Rule operator: Click on Edit

    • In the new configuration window "Edit property 'Input Schema'
    • Add for each table column an item:
    Name Type
    DATE String (Length 10)
    CELLID Integer
    NOM_KEY1 Number
    NOM_KEY2 Number
    KEY1 Number
    KEY2 Number


  3. Return to the operator's configuration menu and edit Rules:

    • Add the following rule:
    Column Condition Value Fail Action
    KEY1 < 130 FAIL
    KEY1 > 70 FAIL

This might look a bit counter-intuitive but it actually means all values > 130 and < 70 fail.


  1. All other configuration parameter leave as default.

  2. Add two Wiretab operators and connect them to the outports Validation Rule named pass and fail.

  3. Save and then Run the pipeline and check the output on both wiretaps. If your HANA table contains only one filtered record from Exercise 2 then you should see only a single failed record in the wiretap operator. Ex3_2

  4. Stop the graph

Exercise 3.3

Video walkthrough: Python operators

In this last section we will use Python to correct the failed records.

  1. Add the Python3 operator to the canvas and add in port and out port to the Python3 Operator operator Ex3_2 inport outport

  2. Connect its in port to either to the outport of the Wiretap or the outport of the Validation Rule (fail)

  3. Open the script tab by clicking on Script icon of the Python3 operator. This will open a new tab inside the Pipeline Modeler. scripticon

  4. The operator comes with some sample code. Mark all of the text and delete it. Replace it with the following script:

import pandas as pd
import io
from datetime import datetime

def on_input(data):

    # Read data to DataFrame
    data_stream = io.StringIO(data)
    df = pd.read_csv(data_stream, names = ["DATE","CELLID","KEY1","KEY2","NOM_KEY1","NOM_KEY2","ERROR_ACTION","ERROR_COLUMNS","ROW_ID"] )
    #df.rename(columns={'ERROR ACTION':'ERROR_ACTION', 'ERROR COLUMNS' :'ERROR_COLUMNS', 'ROW ID':'ROW_ID'},inplace=True)

    # Add ticket information
    df["TIMESTAMP"] =
    df["STATUS"] = 'open'
    df["COMMENT"] = 'TAxx'
    df["ROW_ID"] = df["ROW_ID"].astype('int64')

    # resort DataFrame in case of order is important

    api.send("ticket", api.Message(attributes={'data':'FAILED'},body=df.to_csv(index = False,date_format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",header=False)))

# When data is received in the "failed" input port, call the on_input(data) function
api.set_port_callback("failed", on_input)

The basic idea of this script is to store the csv records ,which are coming from the fail outport of the Validation Rule operator, as an pandas DataFrame. Then we add some additional columns and values to this DataFrame, convert it back into a csv-format and send it to the outport ticket. You could add in the df[comment] = 'TAxx' your workshop user-name to better find your QM tickets.

  1. Add a new Wiretap operator to the canvas and connect it to the "Python3 Operator" outport.
  2. Save and run the pipeline and check if the output is what you expected.

Exercise 3.4

Video walkthrough

  1. Add the SAP HANA Client operator to the canvas and connect its data port to either the outport of the Wiretap or directly to outport of the Python3 Operator operator
  2. Configure the SAP HANA Client
    1. Connection: Configuration Manager -> HANA_CLOUD_TECHED or HANA_LOCALHOST
    2. Table name: "TECHED"."QMTICKET". Don't forget to include the double quotes!
    3. All other parameters can be left at their default values
  3. Finally, add Graph Terminator operator and connect it to the HANA client operator
  4. Save and run the pipeline. It should eventually switch to status Completed.
  5. Inspect your table "TECHED"."QMTICKET" via the Metadata Explorer to verify that the data was written as expected.


You have learnt an alternative way to read and write to a HANA database as with the Structured Data operators of the previous exercise. We used the "Validation Rule" operator to do simple data quality checks and finally how to use a python custom operator to leverage all the options provided by an advanced script.

Continue to Exercise 4: Analyse the Data with Jupyter Notebook