cd learn-terraform-provision-eks-cluster
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
aws eks --region $(terraform output -raw region) update-kubeconfig --name $(terraform output -raw cluster_name)
curl -L | sh -
cd istio-1.14.1
export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH
istioctl install --set profile=demo -y && kubectl apply -f samples/addons
kubectl -n istio-system edit svc kiali ==> change service type to LoadBalancer
kubectl -n istio-system edit svc grafana ==> change service type to LoadBalancer
kubectl create namespace prod
kubectl create namespace stage
kubectl label namespace prod istio-injection=enabled
kubectl label namespace stage istio-injection=enabled
kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled
helm install demoappv1 ./weatherapp-ui --set deployment.tag=v1 --namespace prod
helm install demoappv2 ./weatherapp-ui --set deployment.tag=v2 --namespace stage
kubectl apply -f IG_VS.yaml