•Setup a Linux EC2 Instance
•Install Java
•Install Jenkins
•Start Jenkins
•Access Web UI on port 8080
01. Setup a Linux EC2 Instance
02. Install JAVA , Jenkins and then start Jenkins
03. Start Jenkins And Access Web UI on port 8080
•Setup Maven on Jenkins Server
•Setup Environment Variables
•Install Maven Plugin
•Configure Maven and Java
01. Setup Maven on Jenkins Server
02. Setup Environment Variables
05. Configure Maven and Java
step 3: Integrate GitHub with Jenkins
•Install Git on Jenkins Instance
•Install GitHub Plugin on Jenkins GUI
•Configure Git on Jenkins GUI
01. Install Git on Jenkins Instance
02. Install GitHub Plugin on Jenkins GUI
03. Configure Git on Jenkins GUI
step 4: Deploy Artifacts on a Tomcat Server
•Setup a Linux EC2 Instance
•Install Java
•Download and configure Tomcat
•Start Tomcat Server
•Access Web UI on port 8080
01. Setup a Linux EC2 Instance
03. Download and configure Tomcat
04. Start Tomcat Server and Access Web UI on port 8080
Step 5: Integrate Tomcat with Jenkins
Install “Deploy to container”
Configure tomcat server with Credentials