Hi there!
Jopmi is an open donations platform that aims to change the way donations work around the world, by integrating practices of transparency and collaboration (as the ones practiced by open source communities) plus cryptocurrencies and blockchain to enhance honesty, traceability and promote Transparency.
Jopmi will be acting as a non for profit organization.
We'll be live at Jopmi.com and Jopmi.org.
- A person or group looking for/to help: which are the main actors, they can publish a cause to get donations/support for a cause from our community
- Donors: worldwide donors that contribute money/donations to the platform, that is later distributed to the causes, donors can be individuals or entities (groups)
- Community volunteers (moderator): users who support community efforts and contribute on curating and supervising
- Contributor: people who help move the project forward (engineers, designers, product and project managers, etc.)
You can clone this repository and start participating in Issues/conversations and you can also join our Telegram group:
Telegram 💬 --> https://t.me/joinchat/AG8gdw83Og5W8kDAST8y8g
Disclaimer: Telegram group conversations might have a mix of English and Spanish
There is also a Google doc 📄 where actually everything started, it will be deprecated at some point: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u89WtiOvwREo-Z5-INKGADjNWszlvZCOgm7bW8M6pB0/edit#
We're looking to follow an iterative development process, by releasing first the minimum needed to get the ball rolling, then we start adding more and more on top of it. Ideally we work on small releases and versions.
We believe on Graham's recommendation about making things that don't scale first, so we imagine that in the early versions not everything will be automated. We'll probably require the "human" :) community to help us manage the project and donations at the beginning, and we'll be slowly adding automation or sophisticated mechanisms/tools for the community to contribute.
1. Naming, domain registration, brand design ✅
2. Domain setup ✅
3. Landing site design ✅
4. Our introductory Medium post, explaining Jopmi to the world
4. Landing site markup
5. Landing release
6. Design of minimum version (see product definition / might not have smart contracts yet)
7. Implementation of that minimum version
8. Test and Release
9. Public traceability features and smart contracts
10. Voting features for community to approve the execution or proper execution of projects
- Rocka Venture Builder (https://rocka.co)
- Suized.com - design studio (https://suized.com)
- Sergio Florez
- Sergio Ruiz
- Mauricio Morales
- …add yours, don't be shy :)…