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Packages for the simulation of the RB-VOGUI, RB-VOGUI-XL and RB-VOGUI-6W robots (including UR arms)

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Packages for the simulation of the RB-Vogui


This packages contains:


Launch files and world files to start the models in gazebo


Launch files that execute the complete simulation of the robot


  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • ROS Noetic
  • Python 3.0 or higher

Simulating RB-Vogui

1) Install the following dependencies:

This simulation has been tested using Gazebo 9 version. To facilitate the installation you can use the vcstool:

sudo apt-get install -y python3-vcstool

Install catkin_tools in order to compile the workspace

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb `lsb_release -sc` main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list'
wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-catkin-tools

Install rqt_joint_trajectory_controller to move the arm joint by joint and moveit_commander to move it via script

sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-rqt-joint-trajectory-controller 
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-moveit-commander

2) Create a workspace and clone the repository:

Create a new workspace

mkdir catkin_ws
cd catkin_ws

Install one of these versions. Keep in mind that on the stable version the latest features may be not available.

Install stable version:

vcs import --input
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -y -r

Or install developer version:

vcs import --input
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -y -r

3) Install the controllers, robotnik_msgs and the rcomponent:

cd ~/catkin_ws
sudo dpkg -i src/rbvogui_common/libraries/*

4) Compile:

cd ~/catkin_ws
catkin build
source devel/setup.bash

5) Run RB-Vogui simulation:

These are the different configurations available:

  • Vogui
  • Vogui with UR-5 arm
  • Vogui with UR-5 arm and RG2 gripper
  • Vogui with UR-10 arm
  • Vogui with UR-10 arm and RG2 gripper
  • Vogui with UR-10 arm and EGH gripper
  • Vogui XL
  • Vogui XL with left and right UR10e arm
  • Vogui XL with UR-10e arm and Ewellix lift
  • Vogui 6W

5.1 RB-Vogui

Set your robot kinematics to omni/ackermann (In case of ackermann, you will need twist2ackermann node enabled)

roslaunch rbvogui_sim_bringup rbvogui_complete.launch robot_model:=rbvogui

5.2 RB-Vogui with UR5 arm

  roslaunch rbvogui_sim_bringup rbvogui_complete.launch robot_model:=rbvogui robot_xacro:=rbvogui_std_ur5.urdf.xacro launch_arm:=true arm_manufacturer:=ur arm_model:=ur5

 ROS_NAMESPACE=robot roslaunch rbvogui_ur5_moveit demo.launch

5.3 RB-Vogui with UR5 arm and RG2 gripper

  roslaunch rbvogui_sim_bringup rbvogui_complete.launch robot_model:=rbvogui robot_xacro:=rbvogui_std_ur5_rg2.urdf.xacro launch_arm:=true arm_manufacturer:=ur arm_model:=ur5 launch_gripper:=true gripper_manufacturer:=onrobot gripper_model:=rg2

ROS_NAMESPACE=robot roslaunch rbvogui_ur5_rg2_moveit demo.launch

5.4 RB-Vogui with UR10 arm

In case you want to launch the rbvogui with an UR arm you can type the following command:

  roslaunch rbvogui_sim_bringup rbvogui_complete.launch robot_model:=rbvogui robot_xacro:=rbvogui_std_ur10.urdf.xacro launch_arm:=true arm_manufacturer:=ur arm_model:=ur10

You can play with the arm by using the rqt_joint_trajectory:

ROS_NAMESPACE=robot rosrun rqt_joint_trajectory_controller rqt_joint_trajectory_controller

Or even use moveit to plan trajectories:

ROS_NAMESPACE=robot roslaunch rbvogui_moveit_ur10 demo.launch

5.5 RB-Vogui with UR10 arm and RG2 gripper

  roslaunch rbvogui_sim_bringup rbvogui_complete.launch robot_model:=rbvogui robot_xacro:=rbvogui_std_ur10_rg2.urdf.xacro launch_arm:=true arm_manufacturer:=ur arm_model:=ur10 launch_gripper:=true gripper_manufacturer:=onrobot gripper_model:=rg2

ROS_NAMESPACE=robot roslaunch rbvogui_ur10_rg2_moveit demo.launch

5.6 RB-Vogui with UR10 arm and EGH gripper

  roslaunch rbvogui_sim_bringup rbvogui_complete.launch robot_model:=rbvogui robot_xacro:=rbvogui_std_ur10_egh.urdf.xacro launch_arm:=true arm_manufacturer:=ur arm_model:=ur10 launch_gripper:=true gripper_manufacturer:=schunk gripper_model:=egh

ROS_NAMESPACE=robot roslaunch rbvogui_ur10_egh_moveit demo.launch

5.7 RB-Vogui XL

If you prefer to launch the rbvogui XL, you can type:

roslaunch rbvogui_sim_bringup rbvogui_complete.launch robot_model:=rbvogui_xl robot_xacro:=rbvogui_xl_std.urdf.xacro

5.8 RB-Vogui XL with two UR10e arm

The rbvogui Xl can be launched with two UR arms, only this bi-arm (UR-10e) option is available:

roslaunch rbvogui_sim_bringup rbvogui_complete.launch robot_model:=rbvogui_xl robot_xacro:=rbvogui_xl_biarm.urdf.xacro launch_arm:=true arm_manufacturer:=ur arm_model:=bi_ur10e

You can play with the arms by using the rqt_joint_trajectory:

ROS_NAMESPACE=robot rosrun rqt_joint_trajectory_controller rqt_joint_trajectory_controller

To plan trajectories with the bi-arm robot you can type:

ROS_NAMESPACE=robot roslaunch rbvogui_xl_2ur10_e_moveit rbvogui_xl_moveit_config.launch

To switch between arms on RViz look for MotionPlanning > Planning Request > Planning Group and it will show you all the available groups (left_arm and right_arm).

5.9 RB-Vogui XL with UR10e arm and Ewellix lift

The rbvogui Xl can also be launched with an UR-10e arm and an Ewellix lift:

roslaunch rbvogui_sim_bringup rbvogui_complete.launch robot_model:=rbvogui_xl robot_xacro:=rbvogui_xl_lift_ur10e.urdf.xacro launch_arm:=true arm_manufacturer:=ur arm_model:=lift_ur10e

You can play with the arm by using the rqt_joint_trajectory:

ROS_NAMESPACE=robot rosrun rqt_joint_trajectory_controller rqt_joint_trajectory_controller

To plan trajectories with the robot you can type:

ROS_NAMESPACE=robot roslaunch rbvogui_xl_lift_ur10e_moveit demo.launch

To control the lift, you can type:

rostopic pub /robot/lift_controller/command std_msgs/Float64 "data: 0.2"

5.10 RB-Vogui 6W

Launch the six wheel version of the rbvogui:

roslaunch rbvogui_sim_bringup rbvogui_complete.launch robot_model:=rbvogui_6w robot_xacro:=rbvogui_6w_std.urdf.xacro

6) Teleoperation

The robot can be controlled through three manual methods:

  • Rviz pad plugin
  • Keyboard
  • Joystick

6.1 Rviz pad plugin

When rviz is launched with the robot, this plugin is loaded automatically. It can be found on the lower left corner of rviz. It allows the robot to rotate and move forward/backward, but it can not perform omnidirectional movements

It is highly recommended to use this option with simulation because is the fastest.

6.2 Keyboard

Install the keyboard node

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-teleop-twist-keyboard

Open a new terminal and launch the node to move the robot

ROS_NAMESPACE=robot rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard 

6.3 Joystick

The robot can also be controller by a PS4 pad controller. This option is usually used with the actual robot but, it works with the simulation too.

Follow the installation guide of the robotnik_pad

Once the required software is installed, launch the simulation with launch_pad:=true

Param Type Description Requirements
launch_pad boolean It launches the robotnik_pad package ds4drv installed, ps4 joystick, bluetooth connection

For example:

roslaunch rbvogui_sim_bringup rbvogui_complete.launch robot_model:=rbvogui launch_pad:=true

7) Mappping, localization and navigation

You can use these features with any of the above configurations of the robot. Just add the following parameters to the robot:

Param Type Description Requirements
run_mapping Boolean Launch gmapping mapping Localization can not be running
run_localization Boolean Launch amcl localization. Mapping can not be running.
map_file String Set the map for localization Format: map_folder/map_name.yaml
run_navigation Boolean Launch TEB navigation Localization must be running. Not compatible with mapping

7.1 Quick start

Launch a rbvogui with a default world and map for the localization and navigation

roslaunch rbvogui_sim_bringup rbvogui_complete.launch robot_model:=rbvogui robot_xacro:=rbvogui_std.urdf.xacro run_localization:=true run_navigation:=true

7.2 Create a map

Launch rbvogui robot with gmapping:

roslaunch rbvogui_sim_bringup rbvogui_complete.launch robot_model:=rbvogui robot_xacro:=rbvogui_std.urdf.xacro run_mapping:=true rviz_config_file:=rviz/rbvogui_map.rviz

Move the robot by using the pad teleop plugin from rviz:

When the map is fine, open a terminal and go to the rbvogui_localization package

cd ~/catkin_ws && source devel/setup.bash
roscd rbvogui_localization && cd maps

Create a folder with the name of the map. For example:

mkdir demo_map
cd demo_map

Finally, save the map inside that folder

ROS_NAMESPACE=robot rosrun map_server map_saver -f demo_map

7.3 Use a map

Navigate with the rbvogui using the default map:

roslaunch rbvogui_sim_bringup rbvogui_complete.launch robot_model:=rbvogui robot_xacro:=rbvogui_std.urdf.xacro run_localization:=true run_navigation:=true

Or use your own map:

roslaunch rbvogui_sim_bringup rbvogui_complete.launch robot_model:=rbvogui robot_xacro:=rbvogui_std.urdf.xacro run_localization:=true run_navigation:=true map_file:=demo_map/demo_map.yaml

7.4 Troubleshooting

7.4.1 Laser visualization

If the laser does not display via RVIZ, it is probably because the computer does not use the GPU. You can disable the GPU for the rbvogui simulation. Just add this parameter to the robot:

roslaunch rbvogui_sim_bringup rbvogui_complete.launch robot_model:=rbvogui use_gpu:=false

7.4.2 Laser obstacles

If the laser see all the points near the sensor, it is probably because the simulation in launched with GPU in an machine without GPU. Disable the GPU for the simulation:

roslaunch rbvogui_sim_bringup rbvogui_complete.launch robot_model:=rbvogui use_gpu:=false

8) Scripts

Disclaimer: these examples have only been tested in the simulation. They work with the real robot but have been simplificated, therefore the security is not managed. For the real robot you must use the robot_local_control package.

The robot can be commanded from a script via the standard ROS interface like move_base or moveit_commander.

1. Move robot script

Launch the robot, localization and navigation

roslaunch rbvogui_sim_bringup rbvogui_complete.launch robot_model:=rbvogui run_localization:=true run_navigation:=true

Then, run the script. The robot will move to (1,1) position

ROS_NAMESPACE=robot rosrun rbvogui_gazebo

You can set your own position by editing the script:

point.target_pose.pose.position.x = 1.0
point.target_pose.pose.position.y = 1.0
point.target_pose.pose.position.z = 0.0

2. Move arm script

Launch the robot with the arm:

  roslaunch rbvogui_sim_bringup rbvogui_complete.launch robot_model:=rbvogui robot_xacro:=rbvogui_std_ur10.urdf.xacro launch_arm:=true arm_manufacturer:=ur arm_model:=ur10

Launch moveit:

ROS_NAMESPACE=robot roslaunch rbvogui_moveit_ur10 demo.launch

Then run one of these scripts:

Joint by joint

It moves the arm joint by joint

ROS_NAMESPACE=robot rosrun rbvogui_gazebo

You can set your own joints positions by editing the script:

joint_goal[0] = 0
joint_goal[1] = -pi/4
joint_goal[2] = 0
joint_goal[3] = -pi/2
joint_goal[4] = 0
joint_goal[5] = pi/3

To point

It moves the arm to a point

ROS_NAMESPACE=robot rosrun rbvogui_gazebo

You can set your own point by editing the script:

pose_goal.orientation.w = 1.0
pose_goal.position.x = 0.7
pose_goal.position.y = 0.4
pose_goal.position.z = 1.5

9) Multiple robots

9.1 Limitations

Simulating several robots at the same time in Gazebo is a complex task since it requires a powerful computer and a good structure of robots. These are the current limitations:

  1. Simulation only works without GPU. The GPU plugin of the lidar laser in different robots at the same time leads to gazebo malloc(): memory corruption error in Gazebo.

  2. In robots with arms, the robots must be the same model. Otherwise it leads to gazebo malloc(): memory corruption error in Gazebo. For example, two rbvoguis xl with arm and a rbvogui work, but two rbvoguis xl with arm and a rbvogui with arm do not work.

  3. The moveit packages of the arms does not support multiple robots directly. The reason is that setup_assistant of Moveit does not take into account the prefix on frames and collisions. These packages were created for robot_ prefix, but with multiple robots it changes to robot_a_, robot_b_, robot_c_ .

9.2 Spawn

The following points are examples of the multi robot simulation. They can be combined with other configurations keeping in mind the limitations explained before.

Param Type Description Requirements
link_map boolean Link the robot maps using a static transformation. Useful to control all robots from rviz when localization is working. Multiple robots enabled, localization launched

a) Launch three rbvogui with localization and navigation

roslaunch rbvogui_sim_bringup rbvoguis_complete.launch link_maps:=true run_localization_a:=true run_navigation_a:=true run_localization_b:=true run_navigation_b:=true run_localization_c:=true  run_navigation_c:=true

robot_a robot_b robot_c
run_robot_a true run_robot_b true run_robot_c true
robot_model_a rbvogui robot_model_b rbvogui robot_model_c rbvogui
robot_xacro_a rbvogui_std.urdf.xacro robot_xacro_b rbvogui_std.urdf.xacro robot_xacro_c rbvogui_std.urdf.xacro
run_localization_a true run_localization_b true run_localization_c true
run_navigation_a true run_navigation_b true run_navigation_c true

From rviz, use the pad_teleop of each robot to control them or set a navigation goal to navigate autonomously.

From the Tool Properties panel, change the 2D Pose Estimate and 2D Nav Goal topic to the namespace of the robot which will receive initalposes and goals .

b) Launch a rbvogui, a rbvogui xl and a rbvogui 6w with localization and navigation

roslaunch rbvogui_sim_bringup rbvoguis_complete.launch link_maps:=true  robot_model_a:=rbvogui robot_xacro_a:=rbvogui_std.urdf.xacro run_localization_a:=true run_navigation_a:=true robot_model_b:=rbvogui_xl robot_xacro_b:=rbvogui_xl_std.urdf.xacro run_localization_b:=true run_navigation_b:=true robot_model_c:=rbvogui_6w robot_xacro_c:=rbvogui_6w_std.urdf.xacro run_localization_c:=true run_navigation_c:=true

robot_a robot_b robot_c
run_robot_a true run_robot_b true run_robot_c true
robot_model_a rbvogui robot_model_b rbvogui_xl robot_model_c rbvogui_6w
robot_xacro_a rbvogui_std.urdf.xacro robot_xacro_b rbvogui_xl_std.urdf.xacro robot_xacro_c rbvogui_6w_std.urdf.xacro
run_localization_a true run_localization_b true run_localization_c true
run_navigation_a true run_navigation_b true run_navigation_c true

c) Launch a rbvogui with UR-10 arm and EGH gripper and rbvogui with UR-5e arm and RG2 gripper

roslaunch rbvogui_sim_bringup rbvoguis_complete.launch robot_model_a:=rbvogui robot_xacro_a:=rbvogui_std_ur10_egh.urdf.xacro launch_arm_a:=true arm_manufacturer_a:=ur arm_model_a:=ur10 launch_gripper_a:=true gripper_manufacturer_a:=schunk gripper_model_a:=egh robot_model_b:=rbvogui robot_xacro_b:=rbvogui_std_ur5_rg2.urdf.xacro launch_arm_b:=true arm_manufacturer_b:=ur arm_model_b:=ur5 launch_gripper_b:=true gripper_manufacturer_b:=onrobot gripper_model_b:=rg2 run_robot_c:=false

robot_a robot_b robot_c
run_robot_a true run_robot_b true run_robot_c false
robot_model_a rbvogui robot_model_b rbvogui robot_model_c ----
robot_xacro_a rbvogui_std_ur10_egh.urdf.xacro robot_xacro_b rbvogui_std_ur5_rg2.urdf.xacro robot_xacro_c ----
launch_arm_a true launch_arm_b true launch_arm_c ----
arm_manufacturer_a ur arm_manufacturer_b ur arm_manufacturer_c ----
arm_model_a ur10 arm_model_b ur10 arm_model_c ----
launch_gripper_a true launch_gripper_b true launch_gripper_c ----
gripper_manufacturer_a schunk gripper_manufacturer_b onrobot gripper_manufacturer_c ----
gripper_model_a egh gripper_model_b egh gripper_model_c ----

Since this example is launched without localization and navigation, the default fixed frame is robot_a_odom. Change the fixed frame to the robot namespace and enable its folder on rviz.

d) Launch a rbvogui xl with UR-10e arm and ewellix lift and rbvogui xl with two UR10e

roslaunch rbvogui_sim_bringup rbvoguis_complete.launch robot_model_a:=rbvogui_xl robot_xacro_a:=rbvogui_xl_lift_ur10e.urdf.xacro launch_arm_a:=true arm_manufacturer_a:=ur arm_model_a:=lift_ur10e robot_model_b:=rbvogui_xl robot_xacro_b:=rbvogui_xl_std.urdf.xacro launch_arm_b:=true arm_manufacturer_b:=ur arm_model_b:=bi_ur10e  run_robot_c:=false 

robot_a robot_b robot_c
run_robot_a true run_robot_b true run_robot_c false
robot_model_a rbvogui_xl robot_model_b rbvogui_xl robot_model_c ----
robot_xacro_a rbvogui_xl_lift_ur10e.urdf.xacro robot_xacro_b rbvogui_xl_std.urdf.xacro robot_xacro_c ----
launch_arm_a true launch_arm_b true launch_arm_c ----
arm_manufacturer_a ur arm_manufacturer_b ur arm_manufacturer_c ----
arm_model_a lift_ur10e arm_model_b bi_ur10e arm_model_c ----

Tha arms can be controlled joint by joint by using the rqt_joint_trajectory plugin. Set the namespace depending on the robot selected.

ROS_NAMESPACE=robot_a rosrun rqt_joint_trajectory_controller rqt_joint_trajectory_controller
ROS_NAMESPACE=robot_b rosrun rqt_joint_trajectory_controller rqt_joint_trajectory_controller

Docker usage

In order to run this simulation you will need nvidia graphical accelation

Installation of required files


git clone
cd rbvogui_sim
git checkout noetic-devel
export ROS_BU_PKG="rbvogui_sim_bringup"
export ROS_BU_LAUNCH="rbvogui_complete.launch"
cd docker
docker compose up

Selecting the robot model

You can select the robot, the launch file of package using the optional arguments on launch By default the selected robot is rbvogui

docker/ --help

Simulation of RB VOGUI using docker

docker/ [OPTIONS]

Optional arguments:
 --robot -r ROBOT       Select robot to simulate
                        Valid robots:
                            rb_vogui_one_ur_arm rb_vogui_xl_two_ur_arms rb_vogui rb_vogui_xl
                        default: rb_vogui

 --launch -l            Select launch file
                        default: rbvogui_complete.launch kinematics:=omni twist2ackermann:=false

 --package -p           Select ros package
                        default: rbvogui_sim_bringup

 --ros-port -u PORT     Host ros port
                        default: 11345

 --gazebo-port -g PORT  Host ros port
                        default: 11345

 -h, --help             Shows this help

RB Vogui with one UR arm

docker/ --robot rb_vogui_one_ur_arm

IMPORTANT: This simulation starts paused, please remember to press play button on gazebo after few seconds

RB Vogui XL

docker/ --robot rb_vogui_xl

IMPORTANT: This simulation starts paused, please remember to press play button on gazebo after few seconds

RB Vogui XL with UR arms

docker/ --robot rb_vogui_xl_two_ur_arms

IMPORTANT: This simulation starts paused, please remember to press play button on gazebo after few seconds

Manual Build

If you wish to build manually the image without the use of the script use one the following commands:

Optiona A

cd docker
docker build -f Dockerfile ..

Option B

docker build -f docker/Dockerfile .


  • This is docker requires a graphical interface
  • The ros master uri is accesible outside the container, so in the host any ros command should work
  • You could also run a roscore previous to launch the simulation in order to have some processes on the host running
  • if you want to enter on the container use the following command in another terminal
docker container exec -it rb_vogui_sim_instance bash
  • In order to exit you have to 2 options
  1. Close gazebo and rviz and wait a bit
  2. execute in another terminal:
docker container rm --force rb_vogui_sim_instance