motherbrain is a tool used to orchestrate clusters of nodes.
It does this through plugins provided by cookbooks that are stored on the Chef Server. These plugins define commands that control various services and other configurations on the servers. Plugins are collections of components which contain groups which are collections of nodes.
A plugin is a part of a cookbook that provides information to motherbrain to give the ability to orchestrate an environment.
A component is a part of a plugin that defines details about a service or part of a service that is running as part of the application that the cookbook deploys.
A group is how the component identifies the nodes that are part of the component. This is done via the run list of the nodes.
A command allows users to perform an action on a group of nodes. An action can be something like changing the state of a service to started or stopped, migrating a database, or clearing an application's cache.
Commands can be run on a component level to manipulate just that component or a command can exist at the plugin level and executing multiple component commands.
To find out what commands are available for a given plugin contained inside a particular cookbook, you can get help output:
$ mb pvpnet_core --environment NA_production
Finding the latest version of the pvpnet_core plugin. This may take a few seconds...
using pvpnet_core (2.3.189)
mb pvpnet_core bootstrap MANIFEST # Bootstrap a manifest of node groups
mb pvpnet_core broker [COMMAND] # command and control the brokers
mb pvpnet_core coherence [COMMAND] # command and control the coherence app
mb pvpnet_core help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
mb pvpnet_core nodes # List all nodes grouped by Component and Group
mb pvpnet_core platform_content [COMMAND] # command and control platform content
mb pvpnet_core platform_database [COMMAND] # command and control the database
mb pvpnet_core provision MANIFEST # Create a cluster of nodes and add them to a Chef environment
mb pvpnet_core tomcat [COMMAND] # comand and control the tomcat app
mb pvpnet_core upgrade # Upgrade an environment to the specified versions
By calling the cookbook name, few commands and a bunch of components (which may each have their own commands) are displayed.
These are basic motherbrain commands not defined by a specific plugin:
- mb pvpnet_core bootstrap MANIFEST - takes a MANIFEST (which is a JSON file) that contains information about what a cluster of nodes should look like. This will apply run lists to nodes as defined in the MANIFEST JSON.
- mb pvpnet_core nodes - takes an environment (via --environment) and returns the nodes that are running components of pvpnet_core.
- mb pvpnet_core provision MANIFEST - similar to bootstrap, however before performing a bootstrap, it will request new VMs from a cloud provider and then use those new instances to create a cluster of machines.
- mb pvpnet_core upgrade - this allows users to upgrade the version of the software running on various components that are controlled by the cookbook. Example:
mb pvpnet_core upgrade --components broker:1.2.4 coherence:4.2.3
The rest of the entries above are components. To see what motherbrain knows about a specific component, you can ask mb similar to the above:
$ mb pvpnet_core coherence --environment NA_production
using pvpnet_core (2.3.189)
mb coherence fluff # Execute a fluff on the core coherence servers
mb coherence fluffcontentcaches # Execute a fluffcontentcaches on the core coherence servers
mb coherence fluffindexes # Execute a fluffindexes on the core coherence servers
mb coherence help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
mb coherence nodes # List all nodes grouped by Group
mb coherence start # Execute a start on the core coherence servers
mb coherence stop # Execute a stop on the core coherence servers
Again there is the motherbrain provided nodes
command which will provide nodes that are a part of this component.
Other than help
, the rest of commands are generated from the plugin and have a description that describe what each command does and will be unique to each component. For example, here are the tomcat commands:
mb pvpnet_core tomcat --environment NA_production
using pvpnet_core (2.3.189)
mb tomcat help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
mb tomcat nodes # List all nodes grouped by Group
mb tomcat start # Start the pvpnet_core platform
mb tomcat stop # Stop the pvpnet_core platform
CAVEAT: The mb help output is not displaying the plugin name. This is a quirk of the command line tool framework motherbrain uses under the hood to generate commands.
This fetches the nodes associated with the component tomcat
in the environment "NA_production"
- Gather the run list entries specified by the groups defined in the component
- Do a node search on the chef server using a string compiled from all of the run list entries inside the groups (the search is also constrained by the environment specified)
- Print a list of the nodes that are associated with this component as returned by the search
This runs the start command on the component tomcat
- Load the "start" command in the pvpnet_core plugin
- Based on how the plugin is implemented, perform actions on various groups defined on the
component - Perform attribute modifications and other steps defined in the start action. Most actions are a simple attribute toggle on the environment, for example, a
start might look like this:
node_attribute "pvpnet_core.tomcat.service_state", "start"
This sets the attribute service_state attribute (under pvpnet_core.tomcat) to "start", which will cause the next chef-client run on the box to ensure that the service is running because the recipe looks something like this:
service 'tomcat' do
action node[:pvpnet_core][:tomcat][:service_state]
- After the attributes are all set, kick off a chef-client run on the nodes that match a search for nodes matching the component's groups that the command says to run on. Commands specify groups like this:
command 'start' do
on("tomcat_servers") do
This says, "on the tomcat
servers, run the action start from the service tomcat
". In this case, the group tomcat_servers
is what motherbrain will be searching for when it finds the nodes that need a chef-client
run started. Remember that a group is defined by the run list entries in the plugin file.
- When all of the nodes'
runs complete, motherbrain will report success or failure based on those runs.
This creates a new environment using a VM provider such as Eucalyptus or AWS and bootstraps the boxes into a new Chef environment after they are available using the environment name provided.
- motherbrain reads the provision_manifest.json to figure out what boxes are required for the new environment. The provision_manifest.json looks like this:
"nodes": [
"groups": [ "pvpnet_core::feapp", "pvpnet_core::beapp" ],
"type": "m1.large",
"count": 2
"groups": ["pvpnet_core::database"],
"type": "m1.large",
"count": 1
With the Eucalyptus provisioner, this will create 3 new m1.large nodes, install boostrap Chef onto the boxes with the runlists provided by the groups' definitions in the plugin.
- Next, a
mb bootstrap
is run on the nodes to install chef and runchef-client
with the proper run list (see themb bootstrap
###--environment my_existing_environment
Provided the nodes exist already, a bootstrap is required to get the nodes placed in the correct environment and capable of running chef-client
. The bootstrap_manifest.json looks like this:
"nodes": [
"groups": [
"hosts": [""]
"groups": ["coherence::coherence-app"],
"hosts": ["", "", ""]
"groups": [
"hosts": [""]
When the bootstrap command is run, the run lists from the groups in each node section of the json are applied to the hosts in the array in that same section. Chef will be installed if it needs to be installed and then motherbrain will run chef-client
on all of the nodes.