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These are the error codes emitted by the addon. This is intended as a reference.


This error indicates that your brake wall object has too many vertices.

RBR has a hard limit on the number of points a brake wall can have, equal to 214 (16384 individual points).

Lower the density of your brake wall mesh to fix this.


When specifying your brake wall object, you must set vertex groups to tell the addon which side of the brake wall is the inside and which side is the outside, and optionally which sections of the wall should cause the car to respawn when it comes to a stop within them.

This error means the addon was not able to find one of the vertex groups in your brake wall mesh. Check your RBR object settings and mesh, ensure the vertex groups exist in the mesh data, and ensure that the object settings are pointing to the correct vertex groups.


Each brake wall vertex must be assigned to either the inner or the outer vertex group.

Check the vertex at the given position is assigned to one of the two groups. It must be assigned to exactly one of them.


This error indicates that your brake wall object has no vertices, so it could not be exported. Either disable exporting this object, or add some brake wall points around your stage.


Each inner vertex of the brake wall must have exactly one pairing outer vertex, and the vertex groups of each should reflect this.

The addon was not able to pair up inner and outer vertices, because there are different numbers of each.


The brake wall object must be a strip of rectangles surrounding the stage. This implies two rules for each individual vertex:

  1. Each inner vertex must have three edges.
  • One connecting to the corresponding outer vertex
  • Two connected to the adjacent inner vertices on either side
  1. Each outer vertex must have three edges.
  • One connecting to the corresponding inner vertex
  • Two connected to the adjacent outer vertices on either side

Check the vertex at the given world position and ensure it matches the above rules. If it looks correct, try cleaning up the mesh manually (deleting the edges around this vertex and recreating them) or automatically (using the operator Mesh > Clean Up > Merge by Distance).


This error is emitted when parsing an invalid .col file, or a .col file which is not really a .col file (perhaps a bad renaming, or you just selected the wrong one).


The addon could not read the .col file due to a bad collision tree data type.


The addon could not read the .col file due to a bad collision tree type.


The .col file contained an unexpected collision tree data type.


The .col file contained vertex data in an unexpected position, so the file could not be read.


Padding bytes contain non-zero data in water surfaces, which indicates parsing has gone wrong somehow.


Could not unpack the col file data due to a bad root file node offset within the file.


Found unexpected collision tree type in the col file root, meaning unpacking was not possible.


Found non empty branch traversal structure in the col file root tree.


Trying to unpack the brake wall at a bad offset, this indicates either a bug in the parsers or an invalid col file.


Trying to unpack the wet surfaces at a bad offset, this indicates either a bug in the parsers or an invalid col file.


Trying to unpack the water surfaces at a bad offset, this indicates either a bug in the parsers or an invalid col file.


Trying to unpack the vertices at a bad offset, this indicates either a bug in the parsers or an invalid col file.


Trying to unpack the root tree at a bad offset, this indicates either a bug in the parsers or an invalid col file.


Trying to unpack the sub tree nodes at a bad offset, this indicates either a bug in the parsers or an invalid col file.


Trying to unpack a subtree at a bad offset, this indicates either a bug in the parsers or an invalid col file.


Trying to unpack a subtree but encountered a bad subtree type. The addon can only unpack relative addressed subtrees.


Trying to unpack subtree vertices but encountered a bad offset.


Encountered an unexpected type when unpacking a subtree.


Trying to unpack subtree collision tree but encountered a bad offset.


Did not unpack all bytes of the col file. The entire col file should be consumed by the parser.


A binary parser overflowed its bounds. The format might be bad, or this might be a bug in the addon.


A binary parser overflowed its bounds when unpacking raw bytes. The format might be bad, or this might be a bug in the addon.


A binary parser overflowed its bounds when unpacking raw bytes at some particular offset.


The parser attempted to skip some padding bytes, but the bytes were non-zero. We expect them to be zero so we can ensure round tripping by default, and this may indicate a bug in the parser, or a badly formatted file.


The parser tried to unpack a length prefixed array, but the length found in the file was not evenly divisible by the expected item size.


When unpacking a size or length value from a binary file, the addon encountered a number so high that it would indicate something has gone wrong (for example a length indicating billions of items in a list).


Couldn't parse a 3 length vector value from the given ini string.


The DDS file header has an incorrect "magic" value, indicating that this might not be a DDS file or it is somehow corrupted.


The DDS file is missing some flags which are required by the DDS specification. Check your file is actually a valid DDS file.


The DDS file has an unexpected value for pixelformat size.


The selected DDS file is uncompressed. You must re-export your texture using DXT1/3/5 compression.


The selected DDS file is compressed but has an unexpected codec. You should export using DXT1/3/5 compression, or if you really require non-DXT compression, open a ticket so this constraint can be relaxed.


Something went wrong when parsing the given DDS file. See the sub error code for more details.


The DLS parser encountered an invalid trigger kind when parsing the sig trigger data.


The DLS parser encountered an invalid trigger kind when parsing the boolean channel data. Only activation triggers are supported.


The DLS parser encountered some boolean channels, but they are currently unsupported because none of the native tracks have this data. If you run into this, please open a ticket.


The DLS parser encountered an invalid trigger kind when parsing the real channel data.


The real channel data contains a non-zero 'time-based' value, but the addon expects it to be zero. If you run into this, please open a ticket.


The animation channel descriptors have a fixed size in all native stages, but when parsing this DLS file we encountered a different size. If you run into this, please open a ticket.


When unpacking a spline interpolation type, the parser left some bits behind. This could be a bug in the addon, or an invalid file.


The DLS trigger data parser expected the redundant unused ID to equal the real ID of the trigger data. All native tracks obey this principle.


The DLS file header was invalid, indicating this might not actually be a DLS file.


The DLS file parser missed some bytes when parsing a certain section type.


The DLS file does not contain a required section, and is therefore invalid.


The FNC file contains an unexpected fence type value.


The FNC file contains an invalid version, or the file is not an FNC file.


The FNC file has an unexpected number of texture names.


A material in the MAT file has a bad bitmap size. The file might be invalid, or not a MAT file.


The shadow.dat parser missed bytes at the end of the file.


Some mesh data is missing the 'render state' track object flag.


Object data contains different vertex size than the expected size given the object flags.


Object data has no diffuse textures but has specular data, which should be impossible.


The LBS geom block triangle index must be divisible by 3, but the value in the file is not.


The LBS file render chunk data has an unexpected pixel shader ID for the given render type. The render type restricts the possible pixel shader ID, and this combination must be invalid.


Some of the redundant (and unused) data contains an unexpected value in the LBS file.


The shadow texture values in the LBS render chunk data are invalid or unexpected (i.e. the native tracks do not have values like this).


The specular texture values in the LBS render chunk data are invalid or unexpected (i.e. the native tracks do not have values like this).


The diffuse texture values in the LBS render chunk data are invalid or unexpected (i.e. the native tracks do not have values like this).


The LBS file render chunk data has an unexpected vertex shader ID for the given render type. The render type restricts the possible vertex shader ID, and this combination must be invalid.


This render chunk data is marked as having no UV velocity, but the UV velocity values are not null.


Object block data is missing the 'render state' track object flag, so it cannot be parsed.


Object block data contained a non-zero 'init' value, but the parser expects this to always be zero.


Object block data contained a vertex size which does not match the expected vertex size of the track object flags.


The LBS segment header was an unexpected size, so the parser could not handle it.


The LBS segment category does not match the expected value given by the segment type.


The LBS file is missing a required section.


The driveline format has some redundant unused data which is expected to be zero by the parser, but the parser encountered some non-zero values.


The shape collision mesh field 'use local rotation' value is expected to be boolean, i.e. 1 or 0, but some other value was encountered by the parser.


The TRK segment header was an unexpected size, so the parser could not handle it.


The TRK segment category does not match the expected value given by the segment type.


The TRK file is missing a required section.


Collision mesh tree node header has unexpected vertices offset, so parsing was aborted.


Collision mesh tree root node has triangle data, but we don't expect triangle data at the root.


Collision mesh tree root tree at unexpected offset. The parser has unpacked the header, and the header is pointing to a different position in the file than we expect. This is a little strict, and the file may be loaded by the game, but the addon parsers do not handle it.


Collision mesh tree subtree at unexpected offset. See E0081 for more information.


While unpacking the world geometry chunks, the parser encountered differing numbers of blocks for different geometry types. These lists of blocks must be the same length because they are associated to each other by index.


See E0083, but specifically for "visible object vecs".


Couldn't unpack the brake wall because the parser found an odd number of vertices. We expect the brake wall to consist of pairs of vertices, so the number should be even.


When unpacking a brake wall index, we expected an even offset but got an odd offset. See E0085.


Parser is at the wrong offset when unpacking a brake wall branch.


Parser is at the wrong offset after unpacking the brake wall header.


Parser is at the wrong offset when unpacking the brake wall tree.


Parser is at the wrong offset after unpacking the brake wall.


Encountered unexpected number of visible object vecs.


Found second diffuse texture in object data, but there is no first diffuse texture.


Found specular texture in object data, but there is no diffuse texture.


This shape collision mesh does not have the correct type given its name. Shape meshes with "CONE" in the name will be changed to interactive objects of type "Traffic Cone" silently by the game. Either rename your object or change the type to match.


This shape collision mesh does not have the correct type given its name. Shape meshes with "BANNER_STAND" in the name will be changed to interactive objects of type "Banner Fence" silently by the game. Either rename your object or change the type to match.


A shape collision mesh has too many vertices. Reduce the density of the mesh to fit within the limit. Bear in mind that shape collision mesh objects should be very simple, like cuboids for tree trunks. Do not join your shape collision mesh objects into one giant object, they must be separate.


A shape collision mesh has too many edges. See E0096.


A shape collision mesh has too many faces. See E0096.


There are too many shape collision meshes to export. RBR has a hard limit for the number of unique meshes you can export. In general if you are anywhere close to this limit you have probably structured your file incorrectly: these are instanced objects, so if you have 2000 trees the tree trunks should only take up a single mesh slot because each of the tree trunks should be using the same underlying mesh data. In blender this is achieved by using the same mesh for each of your tree trunks (by linking the collision mesh data for each of your tree objects).


Encountered unexpected surface type string. Valid values are dry/damp/wet.


Encountered unexpected surface age string. Valid values are new/normal/worn.


A track name in the track settings file could not be parsed.


A track specification in the track settings file could not be parsed.


An object marked for RBR export is using a material which does not contain a valid RBR shader node tree. Check the material node tree and ensure it uses an RBR material setup.


The selected export directory is missing from your addon preferences. Either add that named directory to the addon preferences or change the export target to a different directory.


The 'car location' object could not be found when exporting. Create an 'empty' object of type 'arrows' and position it where you want the car to be when the stage is started. The Y axis points forwards, Z upwards. Set the RBR object type to car location, and try exporting again.


[This error should no longer be emitted by the addon now that fallback materials exist. If you see it post v0.2.4, please report it.]

One of the textures you are using for collision mesh generation does not have suitable material maps. Some of the UV triangles ended up outside of the bounds of your material map definitions. Note that the addon moves your UV triangles towards the image area, you may need to account for that. You can also use repeated material maps to automatically cover triangles outside of the image area, but those triangles must be less than half the width and height of the image itself.


One of the materials used for collision mesh generation does not have an RBR diffuse texture associated with it, meaning the physical material could not be mapped. Check the material and add a diffuse texture (and corresponding material maps).


The world collision mesh is a required part of the RBR files, but no objects for collision mesh generation were found in blender. Check that the objects are enabled for export, or that your "Near" geom block ground object is marked "Generate Collisions".


The addon found a missing attribute in the mesh. The mesh is using a material which has a vertex colour or attribute node set to a non-existent layer. Either change that node attribute or create the attribute in your mesh.


While baking values for export, the addon encountered a clamp node which is not set to min/max mode. Currently only min/max mode is supported, so switch your node to that if possible. If you require other modes, contact the addon maintainers.


While baking values for export, the addon encountered a color ramp node which is not set to "RGB". If you require other modes, contact the addon maintainers.


While baking values for export, the addon encountered a color ramp node which is using an unsupported interpolation mode. Currently supported modes are "Linear" and "Constant". If you require other modes, contact the addon maintainers.


A loop was detected in the given shader tree. Check your material definition and remove loops.


One of your RBR materials uses a geometry shader node, but is using an unsupported output socket. If you need this socket to be exportable, contact the addon maintainers.


One of your RBR materials uses an unsupported node. If you need this node to be exportable, contact the addon maintainers.


One of your RBR materials is not using the main RBR shader, so the addon can't find any information to export. Check the material is defined correctly with a single RBR shader node.


One of your RBR materials cannot be baked due to another error. Check the error message and related error code for more details.


One of your RBR meshes has no materials for baking. Check the object has at least one RBR material.


One of your materials is using a texture but has a missing UV map. Ensure you've connected UV map nodes and set the correct layer.


An image used in an exported texture has been packed into the blend file. Exporting requires unpacked DDS files.


An image used in an exported texture does not have a power of 2 size. Sizes should be a power of 2, e.g. 512, 1024, 2048... but not necessarily square. Resize your image file to fit these requirements.


An image used in an exported texture could not be found at the specified path. Check that the image file exists where blender expects it.


The images used within an exported texture have different DDS settings to each other. This might cause issues because some settings are shared between all variants of a texture. Re-export these from your image editor using the same settings.


No images have been selected for an exported texture. You must select images for each of the supported track variants. Check your material definitions and set the images appropriately.


No images have been selected for an exported specular texture. You must select images for each of the supported track variants. Check your material definitions and set the images appropriately.


An exported object does not have a texture, but the object type selected requires at least one.


An object block object is using a material which is not set to an alpha blend mode. These objects must use an alpha blend mode (blend or hashed will give the best preview).


An object block object is using a material with an invalid texture setup. Object blocks must have exactly one diffuse texture and no specular texture.


[This error is no longer emitted by the addon]

Your file has interactive objects which are missing their corresponding shape collision meshes. Each interactive object must have a child shape collision mesh object.


There is more than one zfar object in your track, so it's ambiguous which one should be used. Delete all but one of the zfar circles.


In order for correct visualisation in blender, the parent of the render distance circle must be the driveline. Check your render distance object obeys this rule.


In order for correct visualisation in blender, the render distance object must be an empty of type "circle".


There must be exactly one exportable driveline object in order to export for RBR. Ensure you have one (and only one) object marked as "Driveline".


The driveline object must be a bezier spline in order to be exported. If you've constructed a mesh poly line, you can convert it to a curve (ensure it is a bezier spline).


The driveline object has a hard cap on the number of points it can have in total. Reduce the density to get below the specified limit.


The driveline curve must obey a few rules in order to function properly in game.

In this case, any adjacent handles must not be rotated beyond 180 degrees of each other. For example, see the image below. Curve 1 is illegal, since the curve handles are more than 180 degrees apart (see they splay away from each other at the top). This can be fixed by either subdividing that segment (like curve 2) or tweaking the handles so they point slightly towards each other at the top (like curve 3).

Curve examples

The addon is strict about this condition, because the game will interpolate the segment backwards in case 1, which could lead to corner cutting penalties.

Check the world position given by the error message, this will point you to the bad section of your driveline. Fix that segment according to the rule above, and try to re-export.


One of the materials used in an RBR object is not using a node tree, which means it is not using the RBR material shaders. The addon can only export RBR shaders. Update this material so it fits the expected material node layout.


An RBR shader node has an unconnected texture socket. All of the texture sockets must have connections to RBR texture nodes. If you don't need a particular texture socket, uncheck it in the shader node options and it will be removed.


An RBR shader node has a texture socket which is not connected to an RBR texture node. Ensure your texture nodes are connected directly to the shader sockets (i.e. with nothing inbetween).


An RBR material contains texture nodes with no UV map input connected. Connect either a UV map node to each of your textures or a UV velocity node (for animated textures).


An RBR material contains texture nodes with an unsupported UV map input. Connect either a UV map node to each of your textures or a UV velocity node (for animated textures).


An RBR material contains a UV velocity node with a connected UV velocity input. Disconnect the UV velocity input on your UV velocity node. You can set the UV velocity with the input boxes.

While the UV velocity input could just be inputs without a socket, implementing them as a socket input means all UV velocity nodes can share a node tree.


An RBR material contains a UV velocity node with a disconnected UV map input. Ensure a UV map node is connected to the UV map input of your UV velocity node.


An RBR material contains a UV velocity node with an unsupported UV map input. Ensure a UV map node is connected to the UV map input of your UV velocity node. There cannot be any nodes in between the UV map node and the UV velocity node.


While importing the material maps, we encountered mismatched numbers for different surface conditions. This is probably a bug in the stage data.


A mesh is using an RBR material which requires a particular UV map layer, but that UV map layer is missing in your mesh data.


In order to export the cameras or render distance objects, a driveline is necessary. Make sure you have a single driveline object active.


Some vector math nodes operations are not supported for export. They can be added if needed, please create a ticket for the operation you need.


A material in an exported object is using a material which is linked to the object, not to the data (i.e. the mesh). Check the material in question and mark it as linked to the data. The button for this is on the right of the text box where you can rename the material.


One of your exported materials is using an attribute node as an input to a UV socket. This is supported in limited circumstances: the attribute referenced must be a Vector stored in the "Face Corner" (aka CORNER) or "Vertex" data (aka POINT) .


An interactive object is scaled, but the addon cannot automatically apply the scale because these objects can be instanced. Apply the scale on this object manually.


A shape collision mesh is scaled, but the addon cannot automatically apply the scale because these objects can be instanced. Apply the scale on this object manually.


An interactive object has multiple child collision meshes, but it can only have one. Remove all but one of the collision meshes.


An interactive object has no child collision meshes, but it must have one. Add a simple mesh as a child object, and give it the type "Interactive Object Collision Mesh".


A collision mesh is not convex. Shape collision meshes and interactive object collision meshes must be convex or they will not work in game. Try to apply the "Convex Hull" operator on your mesh.


A wet surface object contains faces which are not quads. All faces of wet surfaces must be quads: no trianges or other n-gons.


There are too many material maps being exported. The maximum number is 256, try to merge some of your materials together to reduce the count.


There are too many wet and water surfaces being exported. The maximum combined number is 512. Try to simplify your water surface meshes to fewer quads or remove some water surfaces the car is unlikely to hit. The native stages use water surfaces roughly the same area as the car.


There are too many checkpoint/split events on the driveline. There should be two splits between the start and finish events.