- Nothing changed yet.
- Fixed focus issues on focus trap [nzambello]
- Removed debug log [nzambello]
- a11y: fixed focus on slick item and focus trap [giuliaghisini]
- gallery modal: leaved space for title, handled imgs width/height to fit anyway and be always visible [nzambello]
- Remove p.a.imaging unneeded dependency. [cekk]
- Python 3 compatibility. [cekk]
- Added description in modal view [nzambello]
- Fixed collective-slick import [pnicolli]
- Pinned collective-slick >= 0.2.0 [pnicolli]
- Removed internal slick library code and added collective.slick dependency [pnicolli]
- Republish 2.x version, because 2.0.0 somehow had a missing commit [pnicolli]
- [Breaking change] removed js patterns: modal made in vanilla js and imported slick manually [nzambello]
- Fix in template objects [nzambello]
- Fix js event handling [nzambello]
- Gallery view: added support for collections of images [nzambello]
- Fix in registry.xml [pnicolli]
- Handled tabs navigation preventing going out of the modal [nzambello]
- Added close button to avoid mockup modal close button issues [nzambello]
- Added uninstall profiles [pnicolli]
- Loading resources bundle only when showing our custom view [pnicolli]
- Added focus on load [nzambello]
- Added dependencies in metadata.xml to programmatically install them on add-on installation [nzambello]
- Fix arrow icon URL [nzambello]
- Initial release. [RedTurtle]