This package contains bash scripts that can be used as libraries in bash scripts
mvn release:clean release:prepare
mvn release:perform
Add the below to your Pom File this will copy the library files into the /target/bash folder
<id>unpack Bash Library</id>
- Added the ability to ask a user for input with out showing what has been typed
- shellUtils: askUserSecret
- Added the ability to set a default color per log type
- shellUtils: ensureRoot would output an error message but not return 1 as exit code
- This has been fixed
- Updated Documentation
- Added ShUnit for testing / code quality
- Added Ability to load properties (
- Add Feature to ensure User Exists
- Add Function to create a user if they don't exist.
- Added Defult option when asking for user input.
- Added Shell Check
- Added
- Updated Documentation
Initial release
- Install GnuPG
sudo apt install gnupg
- Generate a Key
gpg --gen-key
- get Key ID
gpg --list-keys
- Publish Key
gpg --keyserver --send-keys [Key_ID]
- Key_ID example: 9ECA6B4E800185C352F771389E6573430496E4EC
- Cut Release
mvn release:prepare mvn release:perform
Repository URL: ''
- Log in to nexus at
- Go to Stagin Repositoryies on the left under Build Promotion
- Select the repository there and click the Close button across the top.
- Wait for the process to finish
- This may take several minutes
- When it is finished it will the status of the repository will be closed
- Select the repository and click Release form the top menu
- This May take some time.
- Eventually the version should show up on
- Need to add connection information to ~/.m2/settings.xml
- Add
<server> <id>ossrh</id> <username>UserName</username> <password>Password</password> </server>