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File metadata and controls

131 lines (107 loc) · 6.24 KB

DISCLAIMER: This Add-on is not created by, affiliated with or sponsored by ZeniMax Media Inc. or its affiliates. The Elder Scrolls® and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. All rights reserved.

Welcome to LibFilters-2.0!

The goal of LibFilters is to provide an easy interface for applying custom sorting rules to different lists of items found in the game. At the moment, you can filter the inventory, bank withdrawal, bank deposits, guild bank withdrawal, guild bank deposits, vendor buying, vendor selling, buyback, repair, guild store selling, mail sending, trading, smithing (refinement, deconstruction, improvement, research), alchemy creation, enchanting creation, enchanting extraction, fence selling, fence laundering, the craftbag, and the quickslot inventory.

To use LibFilters in your addon, you need to copy the LibStub (if you don't already have it from elsewhere) and LibFilters-2.0 folders from this directory to your addon's directory. In your manifest you need to load these files:


In your addon, you need to invoke LibFilters with LibStub and then initialize LibFilters:

local LibFilters = LibStub("LibFilters-2.0")

This is the list of available filterType constants:

LF_INVENTORY             --inventory slot
LF_BANK_WITHDRAW         --inventory slot
LF_BANK_DEPOSIT          --inventory slot
LF_GUILDBANK_WITHDRAW    --inventory slot
LF_GUILDBANK_DEPOSIT     --inventory slot
LF_VENDOR_BUY            --store slot
LF_VENDOR_SELL           --inventory slot
LF_VENDOR_BUYBACK        --buyback slot
LF_VENDOR_REPAIR         --repair slot
LF_GUILDSTORE_SELL       --inventory slot
LF_MAIL_SEND             --inventory slot
LF_TRADE                 --inventory slot
LF_SMITHING_REFINE       --bagId, slotIndex
LF_SMITHING_RESEARCH     --bagId, slotIndex
LF_ALCHEMY_CREATION      --bagId, slotIndex
LF_FENCE_SELL            --inventory slot
LF_FENCE_LAUNDER         --inventory slot
LF_CRAFTBAG              --inventory slot
LF_QUICKSLOT             --quickslot slot
LF_RETRAIT               --bagId, slotIndex

Listed next to the filterTypes is what is passed to a filterCallback registered to that filterType. For the slots, these are the keys available in the passed table:

inventory slot: age, bagId, condition, dataEntry, equipType, filterData,
  iconFile, inventory, isJunk, isPlayerLocked, itemInstanceId, itemType,
  launderPrice, locked, meetsUsageRequirement, name, quality, rawName,
  requiredLevel, searchData, sellPrice, slotControl, slotIndex,
  specializedItemType, stackCount, stackLaunderPrice, statValue, stolen,

store slot: currencyQuantity1, currencyQuantity2, currencyType1,
  currencyType2, dataEntry, entryType, filterData, icon, isUnique,
  meetsRequirementsToBuy, meetsRequirementsToEquip, name, price, quality,
  questNameColor, sellPrice, slotIndex, stack, stackBuyPrice,
  stackBuyPriceCurrency1, stackBuyPriceCurrency2, statValue

buyback slot: icon, meetsRequirements, name, price, quality, slotIndex,
  stack, stackBuyPrice

repair slot: bagId, condition, dataEntry, icon, name, quality, repairCost,
  slotIndex, stackCount

quickslot slot: age, bagId, filterData, iconFile, locked,
  meetsUsageRequirement, name, quality, sellPrice, slotIndex, slotType,
  stackCount, stackSellPrice, stolen

LibFilters has the following functions available:

LibFilters:HookAdditionalFilter(filterType, inventory)
FilterType is one of the provided "LF_" prefixed constants. Inventory needs
  to be some construct which can make use of an additionalFilter to
  determine if an item is shown or not. Look in
  LibFilters:InitializeLibFilters and/or helper.lua for examples.

Must be called after you've invoked LibFilters-2.0 with LibStub

Returns the filterType currently affecting the provided inventoryType.

LibFilters:GetFilterCallback(filterTag, filterType)
filterTag is the unique string that identifies your filter. filterType is
  the provided "LF_" prefixed constants your filter was registered for.
  Returns the filterCallback registered for the provided filterTag and
  filterType; returns nil otherwise.

LibFilters:IsFilterRegistered(filterTag, filterType)
filterTag is the unique string that identifies your filter. filterType is
  the provided "LF_" prefixed constants your filter was registered for.
  Returns true if there is a filter registered with the provided filterTag.
  Returns false if there is not a filter registered with the provided
  filterTag. filterType is optional. If a filterType is provided, will only
  return true if a filter is registered to that filterType under the
  provided filterTag.

LibFilters:RegisterFilter(filterTag, filterType, filterCallback)
filterTag is a unique string to identify your filter. filterType is one of
  the provided "LF_" prefixed constants. filterCallback is a function which
  accepts either one or two arguments; this is determined by the filterType.
  filterCallback should return true if an item is to be shown.
  filterCallback should return false if an item should not be shown.

filterType is one of the provided "LF_" prefixed constants. Runs the updater
  appropriate for the provided filter type to pick up any filtering changes.

LibFilters:UnregisterFilter(filterTag, filterType)
filterTag is the unique string that identifies your filter. filterType the
  provided "LF_" prefixed constants your filter was registered for.
  filterType is optional. If a filterType is not provided, all filters
  registered with the provided filterTag will be unregistered.