- Another Take on Access Token Management in ASP.NET Core
- Modern web application bugs - Erlend Oftedal
- Vue.js functional components - What, Why, and When
- Vue without View - An Introduction to Renderless Components
- Migrating to GraphQL - A Practical Assessment
- Zero-Downtime Web Apps for ASP .NET Core
- Web Components in 2019 - Part 1
- Web Components in 2019 - Part 2
- GitHub - Mark files as viewed
- The New HAProxy Data Plane API - Two Examples of Programmatic Configuration
- End of IdentityServer3 free Support
- The Top 5 DevOps Automation Tools .NET Developers Should Know
- Why every Vue developer should be excited by Quasar 1.0
- Elastic APM .NET agent beta released
- Introducing Linux Tentacle for Highly Secured Linux Servers
- Babel 7.5.0 Released - dynamic import and F# pipelines
- VSCode version 1.36
- Correctness Anomalies Under Serializable Isolation
- Events and various kinds of coupling
- Mistakes we made adopting event sourcing (and how we recovered)
- Yes silver bullet
- Choose Boring Technology
- The little legacy code that could - a fable of software ownership
- Hypothetical Indexes in PostgreSQL
- Client side caching in Redis 6
- Introducing UTF-8 support for SQL Server
- Versioning limitations in .NET
- I’ve spent 5 years writing a JavaScript framework on my own
- 5 Programming Patterns I Like
- The convoy phenomenon
- Using Span for high performance interop with unmanaged libraries
- C# and Rust - combining managed and unmanaged code without sacrificing safety - Ashley Mannix
- C# - Obsolete on an extension method? Also remove ‘this’
- Fighting complexity in software development
- Programmer Test Principles
- Mistakes we make using JavaScript Promises
- TDD Misbeliefs
- Understanding how to use Task and ValueTask