- Microsoft Announces the General Availability of the Immutable Storage Functionality in Azure Storage
- HTTP/2 and ASP.NET Core MVC - Protocol based content delivery
- A timing attack with CSS selectors and Javascript
- Long-term React & Redux SPA — Lessons learned
- Breaking Azure Functions with Too Many Connections
- URLs are hard, let's kill them
- Building an open source GitHub project using Azure DevOps
- Authorization In GraphQL Using Custom Schema Directives
- Introduction to Vue.js with a Single Page Application (SPA) in Visual Studio
- Amazon S3 Increases Request Rate Performance and Drops Randomized Prefix Requirement
- Enzyme - digesting even faster
- Announcing ML.NET 0.6 (Machine Learning .NET)
- VSCode September 2018 (version 1.28)
- Continued progress porting Emacs to Rust
- PostGraphile v4 Released
- Add missing packages, faster search and more NuGet improvements in Rider 2018.3 EAP
- Protobuffers Are Wrong
- Warp - Single executable .NET Core app
- React to StackExchange.Redis v2.0
- Well Architected Monoliths are Okay
- Using machine learning to index text from billions of images
- Dropbox traffic infrastructure: Edge network
- Announcing BlazingSQL — A GPU SQL Engine for RAPIDS Open-Source Software from NVIDIA
- Debugging Distributed Systems with Why-Across-Time Provenance
- Why Firebase sucks
- Managing data store locality at scale with Akkio
- High Volume Space Exploration Time-Series Data Storage in PostgreSQL
- Writing system software - code comments
- Full deck
- No InternalsVisibleTo, no problem – bypassing C# visibility rules with Roslyn
- Programming as interaction - A new perspective for programming language research
- How to use Entity Framework Core with Akka.NET
- CoreCLR - Support single-file distribution
- Calls between JavaScript and WebAssembly are finally fast
- .NET Framework October 2018 Security and Quality Rollup
- Using .NET Hardware Intrinsics API to accelerate machine learning scenarios
- Microsoft Security Advisory CVE-2018-8292 - .NET Core Information Disclosure Vulnerability
- You Should Never See This Callstack in Production
- 12 Factor CLI Apps
- Go 1.11 got me to stop ignoring Go
- Assessing software engineering candidates
- Microsoft joins Open Invention Network to help protect Linux and open source
- How to Get Things Done When You Don't Feel Like It
- Why we need the distributed web
- 190 Universities just launched 600 Free Online Courses. Here’s the full list.