- Azure SignalR Service now generally available
- AWS Amplify Announces Vue.js Support for Building Cloud-powered Web Applications
- Building with blockchain on Azure
- Deploying an ASP.NET Core application to Windows IIS
- Introducing Azure Functions 2.0
- Roslyn Analyzer Rulesets and stylecop.json support in Rider 2018.2
- Introduction to HAProxy Stick Tables
- Kubernetes 1.12 Arrives With TLS and Better Cloud Integrations
- TensorFlow 1.11.0
- Re-Open-Sourcing MS-DOS 1.25 and 2.0
- Exploring .NET Core's SourceLink - Stepping into the Source Code of NuGet packages you don't own
- Microsoft announces the first public preview of SQL Server 2019 at Ignite 2018
- NewSQL database systems are failing to guarantee consistency, and I blame Spanner
- Postgres 11 - a First Look
- The design and implementation of modern column-oriented database systems
- Architecture of Nautilus, the new Dropbox search engine
- Encryption and Databases Are Actually Similar
- Gold Plating - The Daily Software Anti-Pattern
- The redux of the fallacies of distributed computing
- Bikeshedding - The Daily Software Anti-Pattern
- Asynchronous functors
- Deep learning experiments in OCaml
- API Proposal - Add IPEndPoint.Parse And .TryParse()
- Using Scrutor to automatically register your services with the ASP.NET Core DI container
- How we rolled out one of the largest Python 3 migrations ever
- How Microsoft rewrote its CSharp compiler in CSharp and made it open source
- Announcing TypeScript 3.1
- Functional Domain Modeling
- REST API with MongoDB and F# on .NET Core