- How HTTP Chunked Encoding was killing a request
- React Native at Airbnb - The Technology
- Improve SEO making your site faster, get a 99/100 Google PageSpeed Score
- ASP.NET Core 2.2 Roadmap
- How not to structure your database-backed web applications - a study of performance bugs in the wild
- SQS as an event source to trigger Lambda
- Speed up compilation of ASP.NET Core 2.1 projects
- Controllers as action filters in ASP.NET Core MVC
- What's This and Can I Delete It? Examining a Default ASP.NET Core MVC Project
- Accelerate large-scale applications with BOLT
- Scaling Kubernetes for 25M users
- Docker Considered Harmful
- StackExchange.Redis - Initial implementation of Redis Streams
- StackExchange.Redis - the network stability, 2.0, pipelines rollup issue
- Newtonsoft.Json enabling Source Link
- Why Kubernetes is The New Application Server
- Spiral - Self-tuning services via real-time machine learning
- Containers - What Are They Good For? Crafting our Build Environments
- Hello, Pulumi!
- Writing logs to Elasticsearch with Fluentd using Serilog in ASP.NET Core
- The Future of Distributed Databases Is Relational
- REST vs. GraphQL - A Critical Review
- Architecture and Tuning of Memory in PostgreSQL Databases
- Migrating Messenger storage to optimize performance
- New Cloud Filestore service brings GCP users high-performance file storage
- The Impact of Virtualization on Your Database
- Why strong consistency matters with event-driven architectures
- PostgreSQL Tuning - Key Things to Drive Performance
- The emerging big data architectural pattern
- Scenarios and Design Philosophy - UTF-8 string support
- Forget about Clean Code, let’s embrace Compassionate Code
- The simple case of special string types – code smells series
- Visitor as a sum type
- Concurrent Programming in Fsharp Using Hopac - Part 7
- F# Async Guide
- TypeScript - Create a condition-based subset types
- Parallelism and concurrency need different tools
- Debugging data flows in reactive programs
- TypeScript Evolution
- Why Skylake CPUs Are Sometimes 50% Slower – How Intel Has Broken Existing Code
- The RyuJIT transition is complete!
- GC.GetAllocatedBytesForCurrentThread always returns 0 when processor affinity is set
- .NET Core 2.1 June Update
- Introducing .NET Core 2.1 Flagship Types - Span T and Memory T
- Some Insight in .NET GC internals
- GitLab 11.0 released with Auto DevOps and License Management
- GitLab - We’re moving from Azure to Google Cloud Platform
- Are You an Architect?
- 5 Things Learned Generating API Documentation
- WPA3 Wi-Fi is here, and it's harder to hack
- WTF? The data behind Microsoft's surprising open source track record
- I Don’t Believe in Full-Stack Engineering
- Reviewing code the wrong way
- Comparison of Erlang Runtime System and Java Virtual Machine