- Create and deploy an ASP.NET Core Web API to Azure Windows
- Not your grandad’s .net - Pipes Part 1
- Azure Virtual Machine Internals – Part 1
- SignalR Core Part 1/3: Design Considerations
- Paging with Entity Framework Core
- Microsoft Bot Framework - Use Bot Framework for Anytime, Anywhere Access to Application Data
- Roslyn - Generate JavaScript with Roslyn and T4 Templates
- How six lines of code + SQL Server can bring Deep Learning to ANY App
- SQL Server on Linux: The HOW
- MongoDB vs. Couchbase (Part 2): JSON, Tooling, and Indexes
- From MQTT to AMQP and back
- C# Tuples. Why mutable structs?
- From F# to Scala – type inference
- ES proposal: import()
- Deconstruction In C# 7.0