diff --git a/scripts/deploy.sh b/scripts/deploy.sh index f7964ce493..3f65426665 100755 --- a/scripts/deploy.sh +++ b/scripts/deploy.sh @@ -91,21 +91,6 @@ check_style_file() fi; ret=1 fi; - # - clang-format has neat option for { } in condition blocks but it's available only since version 15: - # * https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormatStyleOptions.html#insertbraces - # - since reference env is alpine 3.16 with clang-format 13, implement custom parser to do the similar thing here with grep: - # it used to trace missing { and } for if/else/do/while/for BUT IT'S VERY SPECULATIVE, very-very hacky & dirty. - # - if file is problematic but filename only requested make final grep in pipe silent ... UPD: make code messy but shellcheck happy - if [ -z "${LIST}" ]; then - grep -H -n -e "^ .*if .*)$" -e "^ .*else$" -e "^ .* do$" -e "^ .*while .*)$" -e "^ .*for .*)$" "${src}" | grep -v -e "^.*//" -e "^.*:.*: .*if ((.*[^)])$" | sed 's,^,\n\n,; s,: ,:1: error: probably missing { or } for conditional or loop block:\n>>>,;' | grep -e "^.*$" - else - grep -H -n -e "^ .*if .*)$" -e "^ .*else$" -e "^ .* do$" -e "^ .*while .*)$" -e "^ .*for .*)$" "${src}" | grep -v -e "^.*//" -e "^.*:.*: .*if ((.*[^)])$" | sed 's,^,\n\n,; s,: ,:1: error: probably missing { or } for conditional or loop block:\n>>>,;' | grep -q -e "^.*$" - fi; - if [ "${?}" -ne 1 ]; then - # ... and only print the filename - test -z "${LIST}" || echo "${src}" - ret=1; - fi; return "${ret}" } diff --git a/source/.clang-format b/source/.clang-format index a737f88cfe..a7bddf26a0 100644 --- a/source/.clang-format +++ b/source/.clang-format @@ -1,139 +1,236 @@ -# Roughly based on LLVM, tweaked a tad for readability on wide screens --- -Language: Cpp +Language: Cpp # BasedOnStyle: LLVM AccessModifierOffset: -2 AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align -AlignConsecutiveMacros: true -AlignConsecutiveAssignments: true -AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: true -AlignEscapedNewlines: Left -AlignOperands: true -AlignTrailingComments: true +AlignArrayOfStructures: Right +AlignConsecutiveAssignments: + Enabled: true + AcrossEmptyLines: false + AcrossComments: false + AlignCompound: false + PadOperators: true +AlignConsecutiveBitFields: + Enabled: true + AcrossEmptyLines: false + AcrossComments: false + AlignCompound: false + PadOperators: false +AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: + Enabled: true + AcrossEmptyLines: false + AcrossComments: false + AlignCompound: false + PadOperators: false +AlignConsecutiveMacros: + Enabled: true + AcrossEmptyLines: false + AcrossComments: false + AlignCompound: false + PadOperators: false +AlignConsecutiveShortCaseStatements: + Enabled: true + AcrossEmptyLines: false + AcrossComments: false + AlignCaseColons: false +AlignEscapedNewlines: Right +AlignOperands: Align +AlignTrailingComments: + Kind: Always + OverEmptyLines: 0 AllowAllArgumentsOnNextLine: true -AllowAllConstructorInitializersOnNextLine: true AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: true -AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: Empty +AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: Never AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false +AllowShortEnumsOnASingleLine: true AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: All -AllowShortLambdasOnASingleLine: All AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: Never +AllowShortLambdasOnASingleLine: All AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false -AllowShortEnumsOnASingleLine: false ### <<< Keeps enums as is AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType: None AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: None AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: false AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: MultiLine +AttributeMacros: + - __capability BinPackArguments: true BinPackParameters: true +BitFieldColonSpacing: Both BraceWrapping: - AfterCaseLabel: false - AfterClass: false - AfterControlStatement: false - AfterEnum: false - AfterFunction: false - AfterNamespace: false - AfterObjCDeclaration: false - AfterStruct: false - AfterUnion: false + AfterCaseLabel: false + AfterClass: false + AfterControlStatement: Never + AfterEnum: false AfterExternBlock: false - BeforeCatch: false - BeforeElse: false - IndentBraces: false + AfterFunction: false + AfterNamespace: false + AfterObjCDeclaration: false + AfterStruct: false + AfterUnion: false + BeforeCatch: false + BeforeElse: false + BeforeLambdaBody: false + BeforeWhile: false + IndentBraces: false SplitEmptyFunction: true SplitEmptyRecord: true SplitEmptyNamespace: true -BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: true +BreakAfterAttributes: Never +BreakAfterJavaFieldAnnotations: false +BreakArrays: true +BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: None +BreakBeforeConceptDeclarations: Always BreakBeforeBraces: Attach -BreakBeforeInheritanceComma: false -BreakInheritanceList: BeforeColon +BreakBeforeInlineASMColon: OnlyMultiline BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: true -BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma: false BreakConstructorInitializers: BeforeColon -BreakAfterJavaFieldAnnotations: false +BreakInheritanceList: BeforeColon BreakStringLiterals: true -ColumnLimit: 200 -CommentPragmas: '^ IWYU pragma:' +ColumnLimit: 200 +CommentPragmas: "^ IWYU pragma:" CompactNamespaces: false -ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: false ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 4 ContinuationIndentWidth: 4 Cpp11BracedListStyle: true -DeriveLineEnding: true DerivePointerAlignment: false -DisableFormat: false +DisableFormat: false +EmptyLineAfterAccessModifier: Never +EmptyLineBeforeAccessModifier: LogicalBlock ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking: false FixNamespaceComments: true ForEachMacros: - foreach - Q_FOREACH - BOOST_FOREACH -IncludeBlocks: Preserve +IfMacros: + - KJ_IF_MAYBE +IncludeBlocks: Preserve IncludeCategories: - - Regex: '^"(llvm|llvm-c|clang|clang-c)/' - Priority: 2 - SortPriority: 0 - - Regex: '^(<|"(gtest|gmock|isl|json)/)' - Priority: 3 - SortPriority: 0 - - Regex: '.*' - Priority: 1 - SortPriority: 0 -IncludeIsMainRegex: '(Test)?$' -IncludeIsMainSourceRegex: '' + - Regex: '^"(llvm|llvm-c|clang|clang-c)/' + Priority: 2 + SortPriority: 0 + CaseSensitive: false + - Regex: '^(<|"(gtest|gmock|isl|json)/)' + Priority: 3 + SortPriority: 0 + CaseSensitive: false + - Regex: ".*" + Priority: 1 + SortPriority: 0 + CaseSensitive: false +IncludeIsMainRegex: "(Test)?$" +IncludeIsMainSourceRegex: "" +IndentAccessModifiers: false +IndentCaseBlocks: false IndentCaseLabels: false +IndentExternBlock: AfterExternBlock IndentGotoLabels: true IndentPPDirectives: None -IndentWidth: 2 +IndentRequiresClause: true +IndentWidth: 2 IndentWrappedFunctionNames: false +InsertBraces: false +InsertNewlineAtEOF: false +InsertTrailingCommas: None +IntegerLiteralSeparator: + Binary: 0 + BinaryMinDigits: 0 + Decimal: 0 + DecimalMinDigits: 0 + Hex: 0 + HexMinDigits: 0 JavaScriptQuotes: Leave JavaScriptWrapImports: true KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: true -MacroBlockBegin: '' -MacroBlockEnd: '' +KeepEmptyLinesAtEOF: false +LambdaBodyIndentation: Signature +LineEnding: DeriveLF +MacroBlockBegin: "" +MacroBlockEnd: "" MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1 NamespaceIndentation: None ObjCBinPackProtocolList: Auto ObjCBlockIndentWidth: 2 +ObjCBreakBeforeNestedBlockParam: true ObjCSpaceAfterProperty: false ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList: true +PackConstructorInitializers: BinPack PenaltyBreakAssignment: 2 PenaltyBreakBeforeFirstCallParameter: 19 PenaltyBreakComment: 300 PenaltyBreakFirstLessLess: 120 +PenaltyBreakOpenParenthesis: 0 PenaltyBreakString: 1000 PenaltyBreakTemplateDeclaration: 10 PenaltyExcessCharacter: 1000000 +PenaltyIndentedWhitespace: 0 PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 60 PointerAlignment: Right -ReflowComments: true -SortIncludes: true -SortUsingDeclarations: true +PPIndentWidth: -1 +QualifierAlignment: Leave +ReferenceAlignment: Pointer +ReflowComments: true +RemoveBracesLLVM: false +RemoveParentheses: Leave +RemoveSemicolon: false +RequiresClausePosition: OwnLine +RequiresExpressionIndentation: OuterScope +SeparateDefinitionBlocks: Leave +ShortNamespaceLines: 1 +SortIncludes: CaseSensitive +SortJavaStaticImport: Before +SortUsingDeclarations: LexicographicNumeric SpaceAfterCStyleCast: false SpaceAfterLogicalNot: false SpaceAfterTemplateKeyword: true +SpaceAroundPointerQualifiers: Default SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true +SpaceBeforeCaseColon: false SpaceBeforeCpp11BracedList: false SpaceBeforeCtorInitializerColon: true SpaceBeforeInheritanceColon: true +SpaceBeforeJsonColon: false SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements +SpaceBeforeParensOptions: + AfterControlStatements: true + AfterForeachMacros: true + AfterFunctionDefinitionName: false + AfterFunctionDeclarationName: false + AfterIfMacros: true + AfterOverloadedOperator: false + AfterRequiresInClause: false + AfterRequiresInExpression: false + BeforeNonEmptyParentheses: false SpaceBeforeRangeBasedForLoopColon: true +SpaceBeforeSquareBrackets: false SpaceInEmptyBlock: false -SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 1 -SpacesInAngles: false -SpacesInConditionalStatement: false +SpacesInAngles: Never SpacesInContainerLiterals: true -SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false -SpacesInParentheses: false +SpacesInLineCommentPrefix: + Minimum: 1 + Maximum: -1 +SpacesInParens: Never +SpacesInParensOptions: + InCStyleCasts: false + InConditionalStatements: false + InEmptyParentheses: false + Other: false SpacesInSquareBrackets: false -SpaceBeforeSquareBrackets: false -Standard: Latest +Standard: Latest +StatementAttributeLikeMacros: + - Q_EMIT StatementMacros: - Q_UNUSED - QT_REQUIRE_VERSION -TabWidth: 8 -UseCRLF: false -UseTab: Never -... +TabWidth: 8 +UseTab: Never +VerilogBreakBetweenInstancePorts: true +WhitespaceSensitiveMacros: + - BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE + - CF_SWIFT_NAME + - NS_SWIFT_NAME + - PP_STRINGIZE + - STRINGIZE +--- diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/BSP.cpp b/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/BSP.cpp index cbf5ce7907..dde331d461 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/BSP.cpp +++ b/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/BSP.cpp @@ -230,8 +230,9 @@ uint16_t getInputVoltageX10(uint16_t divisor, uint8_t sample) { static uint32_t samples[BATTFILTERDEPTH]; static uint8_t index = 0; if (preFillneeded) { - for (uint8_t i = 0; i < BATTFILTERDEPTH; i++) + for (uint8_t i = 0; i < BATTFILTERDEPTH; i++) { samples[i] = getADC(1); + } preFillneeded--; } if (sample) { @@ -240,8 +241,9 @@ uint16_t getInputVoltageX10(uint16_t divisor, uint8_t sample) { } uint32_t sum = 0; - for (uint8_t i = 0; i < BATTFILTERDEPTH; i++) + for (uint8_t i = 0; i < BATTFILTERDEPTH; i++) { sum += samples[i]; + } sum /= BATTFILTERDEPTH; if (divisor == 0) { @@ -273,8 +275,9 @@ void unstick_I2C() { HAL_GPIO_WritePin(SCL_GPIO_Port, SCL_Pin, GPIO_PIN_SET); timeout_cnt++; - if (timeout_cnt > timeout) + if (timeout_cnt > timeout) { return; + } } } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Setup.c b/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Setup.c index 8eaaaf3545..b354c6e3a0 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Setup.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Setup.c @@ -336,8 +336,8 @@ static void MX_GPIO_Init(void) { GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_0 | GPIO_PIN_1 | GPIO_PIN_2 | GPIO_PIN_3 | GPIO_PIN_4 | GPIO_PIN_5 | GPIO_PIN_6 | GPIO_PIN_7 | GPIO_PIN_8 | GPIO_PIN_10 | GPIO_PIN_15; GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_ANALOG; HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStruct); - GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_0 | GPIO_PIN_1 | GPIO_PIN_2 | GPIO_PIN_3 | GPIO_PIN_4 | GPIO_PIN_5 | GPIO_PIN_6 | GPIO_PIN_7 | GPIO_PIN_8 | GPIO_PIN_9 | GPIO_PIN_10 | GPIO_PIN_11 | GPIO_PIN_12 - | GPIO_PIN_13 | GPIO_PIN_14 | GPIO_PIN_15; + GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_0 | GPIO_PIN_1 | GPIO_PIN_2 | GPIO_PIN_3 | GPIO_PIN_4 | GPIO_PIN_5 | GPIO_PIN_6 | GPIO_PIN_7 | GPIO_PIN_8 | GPIO_PIN_9 | GPIO_PIN_10 | GPIO_PIN_11 | GPIO_PIN_12 | + GPIO_PIN_13 | GPIO_PIN_14 | GPIO_PIN_15; HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStruct); /*Configure GPIO pins : KEY_B_Pin KEY_A_Pin */ diff --git a/source/Startup/startup_stm32f103t8ux.S b/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Startup/startup_stm32f103t8ux.S similarity index 100% rename from source/Startup/startup_stm32f103t8ux.S rename to source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Startup/startup_stm32f103t8ux.S diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal.c b/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal.c index f71efb0f47..4f8a7576f6 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal.c @@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ HAL_TickFreqTypeDef uwTickFreq = HAL_TICK_FREQ_DEFAULT; /* 1KHz */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_Init(void) { /* Configure Flash prefetch */ #if (PREFETCH_ENABLE != 0) -#if defined(STM32F101x6) || defined(STM32F101xB) || defined(STM32F101xE) || defined(STM32F101xG) || defined(STM32F102x6) || defined(STM32F102xB) || defined(STM32F103x6) || defined(STM32F103xB) \ - || defined(STM32F103xE) || defined(STM32F103xG) || defined(STM32F105xC) || defined(STM32F107xC) +#if defined(STM32F101x6) || defined(STM32F101xB) || defined(STM32F101xE) || defined(STM32F101xG) || defined(STM32F102x6) || defined(STM32F102xB) || defined(STM32F103x6) || defined(STM32F103xB) || \ + defined(STM32F103xE) || defined(STM32F103xG) || defined(STM32F105xC) || defined(STM32F107xC) /* Prefetch buffer is not available on value line devices */ __HAL_FLASH_PREFETCH_BUFFER_ENABLE(); @@ -347,7 +347,8 @@ __weak void HAL_Delay(uint32_t Delay) { wait += (uint32_t)(uwTickFreq); } - while ((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) < wait) {} + while ((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) < wait) { + } } /** diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_adc.c b/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_adc.c index bb7ac4fcf1..d0ea179adc 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_adc.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_adc.c @@ -620,12 +620,12 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADC_DeInit(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc) { __HAL_ADC_CLEAR_FLAG(hadc, (ADC_FLAG_AWD | ADC_FLAG_JEOC | ADC_FLAG_EOC | ADC_FLAG_JSTRT | ADC_FLAG_STRT)); /* Reset register CR1 */ - CLEAR_BIT(hadc->Instance->CR1, (ADC_CR1_AWDEN | ADC_CR1_JAWDEN | ADC_CR1_DISCNUM | ADC_CR1_JDISCEN | ADC_CR1_DISCEN | ADC_CR1_JAUTO | ADC_CR1_AWDSGL | ADC_CR1_SCAN | ADC_CR1_JEOCIE | ADC_CR1_AWDIE - | ADC_CR1_EOCIE | ADC_CR1_AWDCH)); + CLEAR_BIT(hadc->Instance->CR1, (ADC_CR1_AWDEN | ADC_CR1_JAWDEN | ADC_CR1_DISCNUM | ADC_CR1_JDISCEN | ADC_CR1_DISCEN | ADC_CR1_JAUTO | ADC_CR1_AWDSGL | ADC_CR1_SCAN | ADC_CR1_JEOCIE | + ADC_CR1_AWDIE | ADC_CR1_EOCIE | ADC_CR1_AWDCH)); /* Reset register CR2 */ - CLEAR_BIT(hadc->Instance->CR2, (ADC_CR2_TSVREFE | ADC_CR2_SWSTART | ADC_CR2_JSWSTART | ADC_CR2_EXTTRIG | ADC_CR2_EXTSEL | ADC_CR2_JEXTTRIG | ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL | ADC_CR2_ALIGN | ADC_CR2_DMA - | ADC_CR2_RSTCAL | ADC_CR2_CAL | ADC_CR2_CONT | ADC_CR2_ADON)); + CLEAR_BIT(hadc->Instance->CR2, (ADC_CR2_TSVREFE | ADC_CR2_SWSTART | ADC_CR2_JSWSTART | ADC_CR2_EXTTRIG | ADC_CR2_EXTSEL | ADC_CR2_JEXTTRIG | ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL | ADC_CR2_ALIGN | ADC_CR2_DMA | + ADC_CR2_RSTCAL | ADC_CR2_CAL | ADC_CR2_CONT | ADC_CR2_ADON)); /* Reset register SMPR1 */ CLEAR_BIT(hadc->Instance->SMPR1, (ADC_SMPR1_SMP17 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP16 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP15 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP14 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP13 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP12 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP11 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP10)); @@ -1874,8 +1874,8 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADC_AnalogWDGConfig(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc, ADC_AnalogWDG assert_param(IS_ADC_RANGE(AnalogWDGConfig->HighThreshold)); assert_param(IS_ADC_RANGE(AnalogWDGConfig->LowThreshold)); - if ((AnalogWDGConfig->WatchdogMode == ADC_ANALOGWATCHDOG_SINGLE_REG) || (AnalogWDGConfig->WatchdogMode == ADC_ANALOGWATCHDOG_SINGLE_INJEC) - || (AnalogWDGConfig->WatchdogMode == ADC_ANALOGWATCHDOG_SINGLE_REGINJEC)) { + if ((AnalogWDGConfig->WatchdogMode == ADC_ANALOGWATCHDOG_SINGLE_REG) || (AnalogWDGConfig->WatchdogMode == ADC_ANALOGWATCHDOG_SINGLE_INJEC) || + (AnalogWDGConfig->WatchdogMode == ADC_ANALOGWATCHDOG_SINGLE_REGINJEC)) { assert_param(IS_ADC_CHANNEL(AnalogWDGConfig->Channel)); } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_adc_ex.c b/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_adc_ex.c index e24c8e54dc..ce5414e982 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_adc_ex.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_adc_ex.c @@ -941,8 +941,8 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_InjectedConfigChannel(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc, ADC_I ADC_JSQR_JL | ADC_JSQR_RK_JL(ADC_JSQR_JSQ1, sConfigInjected->InjectedRank, sConfigInjected->InjectedNbrOfConversion), - ADC_JSQR_JL_SHIFT(sConfigInjected->InjectedNbrOfConversion) - | ADC_JSQR_RK_JL(sConfigInjected->InjectedChannel, sConfigInjected->InjectedRank, sConfigInjected->InjectedNbrOfConversion)); + ADC_JSQR_JL_SHIFT(sConfigInjected->InjectedNbrOfConversion) | + ADC_JSQR_RK_JL(sConfigInjected->InjectedChannel, sConfigInjected->InjectedRank, sConfigInjected->InjectedNbrOfConversion)); } else { /* Clear the old SQx bits for the selected rank */ MODIFY_REG(hadc->Instance->JSQR, diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_cortex.c b/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_cortex.c index c77c460850..f644499729 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_cortex.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_cortex.c @@ -305,9 +305,9 @@ void HAL_MPU_ConfigRegion(MPU_Region_InitTypeDef *MPU_Init) { assert_param(IS_MPU_REGION_SIZE(MPU_Init->Size)); MPU->RBAR = MPU_Init->BaseAddress; - MPU->RASR = ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->DisableExec << MPU_RASR_XN_Pos) | ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->AccessPermission << MPU_RASR_AP_Pos) | ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->TypeExtField << MPU_RASR_TEX_Pos) - | ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->IsShareable << MPU_RASR_S_Pos) | ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->IsCacheable << MPU_RASR_C_Pos) | ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->IsBufferable << MPU_RASR_B_Pos) - | ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->SubRegionDisable << MPU_RASR_SRD_Pos) | ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->Size << MPU_RASR_SIZE_Pos) | ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->Enable << MPU_RASR_ENABLE_Pos); + MPU->RASR = ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->DisableExec << MPU_RASR_XN_Pos) | ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->AccessPermission << MPU_RASR_AP_Pos) | ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->TypeExtField << MPU_RASR_TEX_Pos) | + ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->IsShareable << MPU_RASR_S_Pos) | ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->IsCacheable << MPU_RASR_C_Pos) | ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->IsBufferable << MPU_RASR_B_Pos) | + ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->SubRegionDisable << MPU_RASR_SRD_Pos) | ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->Size << MPU_RASR_SIZE_Pos) | ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->Enable << MPU_RASR_ENABLE_Pos); } else { MPU->RBAR = 0x00U; MPU->RASR = 0x00U; diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_rcc.c b/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_rcc.c index dfea429d1f..f1a5d2c3b9 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_rcc.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_rcc.c @@ -387,8 +387,8 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RCC_OscConfig(RCC_OscInitTypeDef *RCC_OscInitStruct) { assert_param(IS_RCC_CALIBRATION_VALUE(RCC_OscInitStruct->HSICalibrationValue)); /* Check if HSI is used as system clock or as PLL source when PLL is selected as system clock */ - if ((__HAL_RCC_GET_SYSCLK_SOURCE() == RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_HSI) - || ((__HAL_RCC_GET_SYSCLK_SOURCE() == RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_PLLCLK) && (__HAL_RCC_GET_PLL_OSCSOURCE() == RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSI_DIV2))) { + if ((__HAL_RCC_GET_SYSCLK_SOURCE() == RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_HSI) || + ((__HAL_RCC_GET_SYSCLK_SOURCE() == RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_PLLCLK) && (__HAL_RCC_GET_PLL_OSCSOURCE() == RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSI_DIV2))) { /* When HSI is used as system clock it will not disabled */ if ((__HAL_RCC_GET_FLAG(RCC_FLAG_HSIRDY) != RESET) && (RCC_OscInitStruct->HSIState != RCC_HSI_ON)) { return HAL_ERROR; @@ -535,8 +535,8 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RCC_OscConfig(RCC_OscInitTypeDef *RCC_OscInitStruct) { if ((RCC_OscInitStruct->PLL2.PLL2State) != RCC_PLL2_NONE) { /* This bit can not be cleared if the PLL2 clock is used indirectly as system clock (i.e. it is used as PLL clock entry that is used as system clock). */ - if ((__HAL_RCC_GET_PLL_OSCSOURCE() == RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSE) && (__HAL_RCC_GET_SYSCLK_SOURCE() == RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_PLLCLK) - && ((READ_BIT(RCC->CFGR2, RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1SRC)) == RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1SRC_PLL2)) { + if ((__HAL_RCC_GET_PLL_OSCSOURCE() == RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSE) && (__HAL_RCC_GET_SYSCLK_SOURCE() == RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_PLLCLK) && + ((READ_BIT(RCC->CFGR2, RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1SRC)) == RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1SRC_PLL2)) { return HAL_ERROR; } else { if ((RCC_OscInitStruct->PLL2.PLL2State) == RCC_PLL2_ON) { diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_rcc_ex.c b/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_rcc_ex.c index d82d6fea60..4051fb9107 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_rcc_ex.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_rcc_ex.c @@ -454,8 +454,8 @@ uint32_t HAL_RCCEx_GetPeriphCLKFreq(uint32_t PeriphClk) { /* Check if PLLI2S is enabled */ if (HAL_IS_BIT_SET(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_PLL3ON)) { /* PLLI2SVCO = 2 * PLLI2SCLK = 2 * (HSE/PREDIV2 * PLL3MUL) */ - prediv2 = ((RCC->CFGR2 & RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV2) >> RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV2_Pos) + 1; - pll3mul = ((RCC->CFGR2 & RCC_CFGR2_PLL3MUL) >> RCC_CFGR2_PLL3MUL_Pos) + 2; + prediv2 = ((RCC->CFGR2 & RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV2) >> RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV2_Pos) + 1; + pll3mul = ((RCC->CFGR2 & RCC_CFGR2_PLL3MUL) >> RCC_CFGR2_PLL3MUL_Pos) + 2; frequency = (uint32_t)(2 * ((HSE_VALUE / prediv2) * pll3mul)); } } @@ -474,8 +474,8 @@ uint32_t HAL_RCCEx_GetPeriphCLKFreq(uint32_t PeriphClk) { /* Check if PLLI2S is enabled */ if (HAL_IS_BIT_SET(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_PLL3ON)) { /* PLLI2SVCO = 2 * PLLI2SCLK = 2 * (HSE/PREDIV2 * PLL3MUL) */ - prediv2 = ((RCC->CFGR2 & RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV2) >> RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV2_Pos) + 1; - pll3mul = ((RCC->CFGR2 & RCC_CFGR2_PLL3MUL) >> RCC_CFGR2_PLL3MUL_Pos) + 2; + prediv2 = ((RCC->CFGR2 & RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV2) >> RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV2_Pos) + 1; + pll3mul = ((RCC->CFGR2 & RCC_CFGR2_PLL3MUL) >> RCC_CFGR2_PLL3MUL_Pos) + 2; frequency = (uint32_t)(2 * ((HSE_VALUE / prediv2) * pll3mul)); } } @@ -654,8 +654,8 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RCCEx_EnablePLL2(RCC_PLL2InitTypeDef *PLL2Init) { /* This bit can not be cleared if the PLL2 clock is used indirectly as system clock (i.e. it is used as PLL clock entry that is used as system clock). */ - if ((__HAL_RCC_GET_PLL_OSCSOURCE() == RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSE) && (__HAL_RCC_GET_SYSCLK_SOURCE() == RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_PLLCLK) - && ((READ_BIT(RCC->CFGR2, RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1SRC)) == RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1SRC_PLL2)) { + if ((__HAL_RCC_GET_PLL_OSCSOURCE() == RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSE) && (__HAL_RCC_GET_SYSCLK_SOURCE() == RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_PLLCLK) && + ((READ_BIT(RCC->CFGR2, RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1SRC)) == RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1SRC_PLL2)) { return HAL_ERROR; } else { /* Check the parameters */ @@ -714,8 +714,8 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RCCEx_DisablePLL2(void) { /* This bit can not be cleared if the PLL2 clock is used indirectly as system clock (i.e. it is used as PLL clock entry that is used as system clock). */ - if ((__HAL_RCC_GET_PLL_OSCSOURCE() == RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSE) && (__HAL_RCC_GET_SYSCLK_SOURCE() == RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_PLLCLK) - && ((READ_BIT(RCC->CFGR2, RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1SRC)) == RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1SRC_PLL2)) { + if ((__HAL_RCC_GET_PLL_OSCSOURCE() == RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSE) && (__HAL_RCC_GET_SYSCLK_SOURCE() == RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_PLLCLK) && + ((READ_BIT(RCC->CFGR2, RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1SRC)) == RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1SRC_PLL2)) { return HAL_ERROR; } else { /* Disable the main PLL2. */ diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_tim.c b/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_tim.c index 1990dcc574..c7e3f8cdac 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_tim.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_tim.c @@ -2450,8 +2450,8 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_TIM_OnePulse_Start(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim, uint32_t Outpu UNUSED(OutputChannel); /* Check the TIM channels state */ - if ((channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (complementary_channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) - || (complementary_channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)) { + if ((channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (complementary_channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || + (complementary_channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)) { return HAL_ERROR; } @@ -2541,8 +2541,8 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_TIM_OnePulse_Start_IT(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim, uint32_t Ou UNUSED(OutputChannel); /* Check the TIM channels state */ - if ((channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (complementary_channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) - || (complementary_channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)) { + if ((channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (complementary_channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || + (complementary_channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)) { return HAL_ERROR; } @@ -2874,8 +2874,8 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_TIM_Encoder_Start(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim, uint32_t Channe TIM_CHANNEL_N_STATE_SET(htim, TIM_CHANNEL_2, HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_BUSY); } } else { - if ((channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (complementary_channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) - || (complementary_channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)) { + if ((channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (complementary_channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || + (complementary_channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)) { return HAL_ERROR; } else { TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_SET(htim, TIM_CHANNEL_1, HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_BUSY); @@ -2997,8 +2997,8 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_TIM_Encoder_Start_IT(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim, uint32_t Cha TIM_CHANNEL_N_STATE_SET(htim, TIM_CHANNEL_2, HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_BUSY); } } else { - if ((channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (complementary_channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) - || (complementary_channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)) { + if ((channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (complementary_channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || + (complementary_channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)) { return HAL_ERROR; } else { TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_SET(htim, TIM_CHANNEL_1, HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_BUSY); @@ -3142,11 +3142,11 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_TIM_Encoder_Start_DMA(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim, uint32_t Ch return HAL_ERROR; } } else { - if ((channel_1_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_BUSY) || (channel_2_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_BUSY) || (complementary_channel_1_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_BUSY) - || (complementary_channel_2_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_BUSY)) { + if ((channel_1_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_BUSY) || (channel_2_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_BUSY) || (complementary_channel_1_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_BUSY) || + (complementary_channel_2_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_BUSY)) { return HAL_BUSY; - } else if ((channel_1_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) && (channel_2_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) && (complementary_channel_1_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) - && (complementary_channel_2_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)) { + } else if ((channel_1_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) && (channel_2_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) && (complementary_channel_1_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) && + (complementary_channel_2_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)) { if ((((pData1 == NULL) || (pData2 == NULL))) && (Length > 0U)) { return HAL_ERROR; } else { diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_tim_ex.c b/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_tim_ex.c index 9d6123bf29..87f66c3fdc 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_tim_ex.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_tim_ex.c @@ -311,8 +311,8 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_TIMEx_HallSensor_Start(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim) { assert_param(IS_TIM_HALL_SENSOR_INTERFACE_INSTANCE(htim->Instance)); /* Check the TIM channels state */ - if ((channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (complementary_channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) - || (complementary_channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)) { + if ((channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (complementary_channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || + (complementary_channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)) { return HAL_ERROR; } @@ -382,8 +382,8 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_TIMEx_HallSensor_Start_IT(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim) { assert_param(IS_TIM_HALL_SENSOR_INTERFACE_INSTANCE(htim->Instance)); /* Check the TIM channels state */ - if ((channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (complementary_channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) - || (complementary_channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)) { + if ((channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (complementary_channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || + (complementary_channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)) { return HAL_ERROR; } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/system_stm32f1xx.c b/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/system_stm32f1xx.c index 944abbccc4..e9b08e1064 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/system_stm32f1xx.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/MHP30/system_stm32f1xx.c @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ #include "stm32f1xx.h" #if !defined(HSI_VALUE) -#define HSI_VALUE \ - 8000000U /*!< Default value of the Internal oscillator in Hz. \ +#define HSI_VALUE \ + 8000000U /*!< Default value of the Internal oscillator in Hz. \ This value can be provided and adapted by the user application. */ #endif /* HSI_VALUE */ diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/BSP.cpp b/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/BSP.cpp index e930f68246..df45516b5d 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/BSP.cpp +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/BSP.cpp @@ -207,8 +207,9 @@ void unstick_I2C() { HAL_GPIO_WritePin(SCL_GPIO_Port, SCL_Pin, GPIO_PIN_SET); timeout_cnt++; - if (timeout_cnt > timeout) + if (timeout_cnt > timeout) { return; + } } // 12. Configure the SCL and SDA I/Os as Alternate function Open-Drain. diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Startup/startup_stm32f103t8ux.S b/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Startup/startup_stm32f103t8ux.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f8d1c8ed78 --- /dev/null +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Startup/startup_stm32f103t8ux.S @@ -0,0 +1,344 @@ +/** + ****************************************************************************** + * @file startup_stm32.s + * @author Ac6 + * @version V1.0.0 + * @date 12-June-2014 + ****************************************************************************** + */ + + .syntax unified + .cpu cortex-m3 + .thumb + +.global g_pfnVectors +.global Default_Handler + +/* start address for the initialization values of the .data section. +defined in linker script */ +.word _sidata +/* start address for the .data section. defined in linker script */ +.word _sdata +/* end address for the .data section. defined in linker script */ +.word _edata +/* start address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */ +.word _sbss +/* end address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */ +.word _ebss + +.equ BootRAM, 0xF1E0F85F +/** + * @brief This is the code that gets called when the processor first + * starts execution following a reset event. Only the absolutely + * necessary set is performed, after which the application + * supplied main() routine is called. + * @param None + * @retval : None +*/ + + .section .text.Reset_Handler + .weak Reset_Handler + .type Reset_Handler, %function +Reset_Handler: + +/* Copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM */ + movs r1, #0 + b LoopCopyDataInit + +CopyDataInit: + ldr r3, =_sidata + ldr r3, [r3, r1] + str r3, [r0, r1] + adds r1, r1, #4 + +LoopCopyDataInit: + ldr r0, =_sdata + ldr r3, =_edata + adds r2, r0, r1 + cmp r2, r3 + bcc CopyDataInit + ldr r2, =_sbss + b LoopFillZerobss +/* Zero fill the bss segment. */ +FillZerobss: + movs r3, #0 + str r3, [r2] + adds r2, r2, #4 + +LoopFillZerobss: + ldr r3, = _ebss + cmp r2, r3 + bcc FillZerobss + +/* Call the clock system intitialization function.*/ + bl SystemInit +/* Call static constructors */ + bl __libc_init_array +/* Call the application's entry point.*/ + bl main + +LoopForever: + b LoopForever + +.size Reset_Handler, .-Reset_Handler + +/** + * @brief This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an + * unexpected interrupt. This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving + * the system state for examination by a debugger. + * + * @param None + * @retval : None +*/ + .section .text.Default_Handler,"ax",%progbits +Default_Handler: +Infinite_Loop: + b Infinite_Loop + .size Default_Handler, .-Default_Handler +/****************************************************************************** +* +* The minimal vector table for a Cortex-M. Note that the proper constructs +* must be placed on this to ensure that it ends up at physical address +* 0x0000.0000. +* +******************************************************************************/ + .section .isr_vector,"a",%progbits + .type g_pfnVectors, %object + .size g_pfnVectors, .-g_pfnVectors + +g_pfnVectors: + .word _estack + .word Reset_Handler + .word NMI_Handler + .word HardFault_Handler + .word MemManage_Handler + .word BusFault_Handler + .word UsageFault_Handler + .word 0 + .word 0 + .word 0 + .word 0 + .word SVC_Handler + .word DebugMon_Handler + .word 0 + .word PendSV_Handler + .word SysTick_Handler + .word WWDG_IRQHandler + .word PVD_IRQHandler + .word TAMPER_IRQHandler + .word RTC_IRQHandler + .word FLASH_IRQHandler + .word RCC_IRQHandler + .word EXTI0_IRQHandler + .word EXTI1_IRQHandler + .word EXTI2_IRQHandler + .word EXTI3_IRQHandler + .word EXTI4_IRQHandler + .word DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler + .word DMA1_Channel2_IRQHandler + .word DMA1_Channel3_IRQHandler + .word DMA1_Channel4_IRQHandler + .word DMA1_Channel5_IRQHandler + .word DMA1_Channel6_IRQHandler + .word DMA1_Channel7_IRQHandler + .word ADC1_2_IRQHandler + .word USB_HP_CAN1_TX_IRQHandler + .word USB_LP_CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler + .word CAN1_RX1_IRQHandler + .word CAN1_SCE_IRQHandler + .word EXTI9_5_IRQHandler + .word TIM1_BRK_IRQHandler + .word TIM1_UP_IRQHandler + .word TIM1_TRG_COM_IRQHandler + .word TIM1_CC_IRQHandler + .word TIM2_IRQHandler + .word TIM3_IRQHandler + .word TIM4_IRQHandler + .word I2C1_EV_IRQHandler + .word I2C1_ER_IRQHandler + .word I2C2_EV_IRQHandler + .word I2C2_ER_IRQHandler + .word SPI1_IRQHandler + .word SPI2_IRQHandler + .word USART1_IRQHandler + .word USART2_IRQHandler + .word USART3_IRQHandler + .word EXTI15_10_IRQHandler + .word RTC_Alarm_IRQHandler + .word USBWakeUp_IRQHandler + .word 0 + .word 0 + .word 0 + .word 0 + .word 0 + .word 0 + .word 0 + .word BootRAM /* @0x108. This is for boot in RAM mode for + STM32F10x Medium Density devices. */ + +/******************************************************************************* +* +* Provide weak aliases for each Exception handler to the Default_Handler. +* As they are weak aliases, any function with the same name will override +* this definition. +* +*******************************************************************************/ + + .weak NMI_Handler + .thumb_set NMI_Handler,Default_Handler + + .weak HardFault_Handler + .thumb_set HardFault_Handler,Default_Handler + + .weak MemManage_Handler + .thumb_set MemManage_Handler,Default_Handler + + .weak BusFault_Handler + .thumb_set BusFault_Handler,Default_Handler + + .weak UsageFault_Handler + .thumb_set UsageFault_Handler,Default_Handler + + .weak SVC_Handler + .thumb_set SVC_Handler,Default_Handler + + .weak DebugMon_Handler + .thumb_set DebugMon_Handler,Default_Handler + + .weak PendSV_Handler + .thumb_set PendSV_Handler,Default_Handler + + .weak SysTick_Handler + .thumb_set SysTick_Handler,Default_Handler + + .weak WWDG_IRQHandler + .thumb_set WWDG_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak PVD_IRQHandler + .thumb_set PVD_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak TAMPER_IRQHandler + .thumb_set TAMPER_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak RTC_IRQHandler + .thumb_set RTC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak FLASH_IRQHandler + .thumb_set FLASH_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak RCC_IRQHandler + .thumb_set RCC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak EXTI0_IRQHandler + .thumb_set EXTI0_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak EXTI1_IRQHandler + .thumb_set EXTI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak EXTI2_IRQHandler + .thumb_set EXTI2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak EXTI3_IRQHandler + .thumb_set EXTI3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak EXTI4_IRQHandler + .thumb_set EXTI4_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler + .thumb_set DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak DMA1_Channel2_IRQHandler + .thumb_set DMA1_Channel2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak DMA1_Channel3_IRQHandler + .thumb_set DMA1_Channel3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak DMA1_Channel4_IRQHandler + .thumb_set DMA1_Channel4_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak DMA1_Channel5_IRQHandler + .thumb_set DMA1_Channel5_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak DMA1_Channel6_IRQHandler + .thumb_set DMA1_Channel6_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak DMA1_Channel7_IRQHandler + .thumb_set DMA1_Channel7_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak ADC1_2_IRQHandler + .thumb_set ADC1_2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak USB_HP_CAN1_TX_IRQHandler + .thumb_set USB_HP_CAN1_TX_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak USB_LP_CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler + .thumb_set USB_LP_CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak CAN1_RX1_IRQHandler + .thumb_set CAN1_RX1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak CAN1_SCE_IRQHandler + .thumb_set CAN1_SCE_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak EXTI9_5_IRQHandler + .thumb_set EXTI9_5_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak TIM1_BRK_IRQHandler + .thumb_set TIM1_BRK_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak TIM1_UP_IRQHandler + .thumb_set TIM1_UP_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak TIM1_TRG_COM_IRQHandler + .thumb_set TIM1_TRG_COM_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak TIM1_CC_IRQHandler + .thumb_set TIM1_CC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak TIM2_IRQHandler + .thumb_set TIM2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak TIM3_IRQHandler + .thumb_set TIM3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak TIM4_IRQHandler + .thumb_set TIM4_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak I2C1_EV_IRQHandler + .thumb_set I2C1_EV_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak I2C1_ER_IRQHandler + .thumb_set I2C1_ER_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak I2C2_EV_IRQHandler + .thumb_set I2C2_EV_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak I2C2_ER_IRQHandler + .thumb_set I2C2_ER_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak SPI1_IRQHandler + .thumb_set SPI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak SPI2_IRQHandler + .thumb_set SPI2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak USART1_IRQHandler + .thumb_set USART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak USART2_IRQHandler + .thumb_set USART2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak USART3_IRQHandler + .thumb_set USART3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak EXTI15_10_IRQHandler + .thumb_set EXTI15_10_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak RTC_Alarm_IRQHandler + .thumb_set RTC_Alarm_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + .weak USBWakeUp_IRQHandler + .thumb_set USBWakeUp_IRQHandler,Default_Handler + + +/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT Ac6 *****END OF FILE****/ diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal.c b/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal.c index cb32ffdf1c..8725243aa8 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal.c @@ -155,8 +155,8 @@ HAL_TickFreqTypeDef uwTickFreq = HAL_TICK_FREQ_DEFAULT; /* 1KHz */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_Init(void) { /* Configure Flash prefetch */ #if (PREFETCH_ENABLE != 0) -#if defined(STM32F101x6) || defined(STM32F101xB) || defined(STM32F101xE) || defined(STM32F101xG) || defined(STM32F102x6) || defined(STM32F102xB) || defined(STM32F103x6) || defined(STM32F103xB) \ - || defined(STM32F103xE) || defined(STM32F103xG) || defined(STM32F105xC) || defined(STM32F107xC) +#if defined(STM32F101x6) || defined(STM32F101xB) || defined(STM32F101xE) || defined(STM32F101xG) || defined(STM32F102x6) || defined(STM32F102xB) || defined(STM32F103x6) || defined(STM32F103xB) || \ + defined(STM32F103xE) || defined(STM32F103xG) || defined(STM32F105xC) || defined(STM32F107xC) /* Prefetch buffer is not available on value line devices */ __HAL_FLASH_PREFETCH_BUFFER_ENABLE(); @@ -352,7 +352,8 @@ __weak void HAL_Delay(uint32_t Delay) { wait += (uint32_t)(uwTickFreq); } - while ((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) < wait) {} + while ((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) < wait) { + } } /** diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_adc.c b/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_adc.c index f29ea6c512..19ac9e7db1 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_adc.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_adc.c @@ -555,12 +555,12 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADC_DeInit(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc) { __HAL_ADC_CLEAR_FLAG(hadc, (ADC_FLAG_AWD | ADC_FLAG_JEOC | ADC_FLAG_EOC | ADC_FLAG_JSTRT | ADC_FLAG_STRT)); /* Reset register CR1 */ - CLEAR_BIT(hadc->Instance->CR1, (ADC_CR1_AWDEN | ADC_CR1_JAWDEN | ADC_CR1_DISCNUM | ADC_CR1_JDISCEN | ADC_CR1_DISCEN | ADC_CR1_JAUTO | ADC_CR1_AWDSGL | ADC_CR1_SCAN | ADC_CR1_JEOCIE | ADC_CR1_AWDIE - | ADC_CR1_EOCIE | ADC_CR1_AWDCH)); + CLEAR_BIT(hadc->Instance->CR1, (ADC_CR1_AWDEN | ADC_CR1_JAWDEN | ADC_CR1_DISCNUM | ADC_CR1_JDISCEN | ADC_CR1_DISCEN | ADC_CR1_JAUTO | ADC_CR1_AWDSGL | ADC_CR1_SCAN | ADC_CR1_JEOCIE | + ADC_CR1_AWDIE | ADC_CR1_EOCIE | ADC_CR1_AWDCH)); /* Reset register CR2 */ - CLEAR_BIT(hadc->Instance->CR2, (ADC_CR2_TSVREFE | ADC_CR2_SWSTART | ADC_CR2_JSWSTART | ADC_CR2_EXTTRIG | ADC_CR2_EXTSEL | ADC_CR2_JEXTTRIG | ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL | ADC_CR2_ALIGN | ADC_CR2_DMA - | ADC_CR2_RSTCAL | ADC_CR2_CAL | ADC_CR2_CONT | ADC_CR2_ADON)); + CLEAR_BIT(hadc->Instance->CR2, (ADC_CR2_TSVREFE | ADC_CR2_SWSTART | ADC_CR2_JSWSTART | ADC_CR2_EXTTRIG | ADC_CR2_EXTSEL | ADC_CR2_JEXTTRIG | ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL | ADC_CR2_ALIGN | ADC_CR2_DMA | + ADC_CR2_RSTCAL | ADC_CR2_CAL | ADC_CR2_CONT | ADC_CR2_ADON)); /* Reset register SMPR1 */ CLEAR_BIT(hadc->Instance->SMPR1, (ADC_SMPR1_SMP17 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP16 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP15 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP14 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP13 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP12 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP11 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP10)); @@ -1194,7 +1194,6 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc, uint32_t *pData, ui /* Set the DMA transfer complete callback */ hadc->DMA_Handle->XferCpltCallback = ADC_DMAConvCplt; - /* Manage ADC and DMA start: ADC overrun interruption, DMA start, ADC */ /* start (in case of SW start): */ @@ -1352,7 +1351,6 @@ void HAL_ADC_IRQHandler(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc) { } } - /* Clear regular group conversion flag */ __HAL_ADC_CLEAR_FLAG(hadc, ADC_FLAG_STRT | ADC_FLAG_EOC); } @@ -1393,12 +1391,8 @@ void HAL_ADC_IRQHandler(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc) { __HAL_ADC_CLEAR_FLAG(hadc, (ADC_FLAG_JSTRT | ADC_FLAG_JEOC)); } } - - } - - /** * @} */ @@ -1438,7 +1432,7 @@ void HAL_ADC_IRQHandler(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc) { * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADC_ConfigChannel(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc, ADC_ChannelConfTypeDef *sConfig) { - HAL_StatusTypeDef tmp_hal_status = HAL_OK; + HAL_StatusTypeDef tmp_hal_status = HAL_OK; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_ADC_ALL_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance)); @@ -1472,8 +1466,6 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADC_ConfigChannel(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc, ADC_ChannelConf MODIFY_REG(hadc->Instance->SMPR2, ADC_SMPR2(ADC_SMPR2_SMP0, sConfig->Channel), ADC_SMPR2(sConfig->SamplingTime, sConfig->Channel)); } - - /* Process unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hadc); @@ -1503,8 +1495,8 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADC_AnalogWDGConfig(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc, ADC_AnalogWDG assert_param(IS_ADC_RANGE(AnalogWDGConfig->HighThreshold)); assert_param(IS_ADC_RANGE(AnalogWDGConfig->LowThreshold)); - if ((AnalogWDGConfig->WatchdogMode == ADC_ANALOGWATCHDOG_SINGLE_REG) || (AnalogWDGConfig->WatchdogMode == ADC_ANALOGWATCHDOG_SINGLE_INJEC) - || (AnalogWDGConfig->WatchdogMode == ADC_ANALOGWATCHDOG_SINGLE_REGINJEC)) { + if ((AnalogWDGConfig->WatchdogMode == ADC_ANALOGWATCHDOG_SINGLE_REG) || (AnalogWDGConfig->WatchdogMode == ADC_ANALOGWATCHDOG_SINGLE_INJEC) || + (AnalogWDGConfig->WatchdogMode == ADC_ANALOGWATCHDOG_SINGLE_REGINJEC)) { assert_param(IS_ADC_CHANNEL(AnalogWDGConfig->Channel)); } @@ -1712,11 +1704,6 @@ void ADC_DMAConvCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma) { } } - - - - - /** * @} */ diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_adc_ex.c b/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_adc_ex.c index dc2e20e8ad..03c947f341 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_adc_ex.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_adc_ex.c @@ -661,7 +661,6 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_MultiModeStart_DMA(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc, uint32_t /* Set the DMA transfer complete callback */ hadc->DMA_Handle->XferCpltCallback = ADC_DMAConvCplt; - /* Manage ADC and DMA start: ADC overrun interruption, DMA start, ADC */ /* start (in case of SW start): */ @@ -899,7 +898,7 @@ __weak void HAL_ADCEx_InjectedConvCpltCallback(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc) { * @retval None */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_InjectedConfigChannel(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc, ADC_InjectionConfTypeDef *sConfigInjected) { - HAL_StatusTypeDef tmp_hal_status = HAL_OK; + HAL_StatusTypeDef tmp_hal_status = HAL_OK; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_ADC_ALL_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance)); @@ -964,8 +963,8 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_InjectedConfigChannel(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc, ADC_I ADC_JSQR_JL | ADC_JSQR_RK_JL(ADC_JSQR_JSQ1, sConfigInjected->InjectedRank, sConfigInjected->InjectedNbrOfConversion), - ADC_JSQR_JL_SHIFT(sConfigInjected->InjectedNbrOfConversion) - | ADC_JSQR_RK_JL(sConfigInjected->InjectedChannel, sConfigInjected->InjectedRank, sConfigInjected->InjectedNbrOfConversion)); + ADC_JSQR_JL_SHIFT(sConfigInjected->InjectedNbrOfConversion) | + ADC_JSQR_RK_JL(sConfigInjected->InjectedChannel, sConfigInjected->InjectedRank, sConfigInjected->InjectedNbrOfConversion)); } else { /* Clear the old SQx bits for the selected rank */ MODIFY_REG(hadc->Instance->JSQR, @@ -1028,9 +1027,6 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_InjectedConfigChannel(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc, ADC_I MODIFY_REG(hadc->Instance->SMPR2, ADC_SMPR2(ADC_SMPR2_SMP0, sConfigInjected->InjectedChannel), ADC_SMPR2(sConfigInjected->InjectedSamplingTime, sConfigInjected->InjectedChannel)); } - - - /* Configure the offset: offset enable/disable, InjectedChannel, offset value */ switch (sConfigInjected->InjectedRank) { case 1: @@ -1051,7 +1047,6 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_InjectedConfigChannel(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc, ADC_I break; } - /* Process unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hadc); diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_cortex.c b/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_cortex.c index e1f9b4e4ac..b973ec025d 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_cortex.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_cortex.c @@ -321,9 +321,9 @@ void HAL_MPU_ConfigRegion(MPU_Region_InitTypeDef *MPU_Init) { assert_param(IS_MPU_REGION_SIZE(MPU_Init->Size)); MPU->RBAR = MPU_Init->BaseAddress; - MPU->RASR = ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->DisableExec << MPU_RASR_XN_Pos) | ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->AccessPermission << MPU_RASR_AP_Pos) | ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->TypeExtField << MPU_RASR_TEX_Pos) - | ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->IsShareable << MPU_RASR_S_Pos) | ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->IsCacheable << MPU_RASR_C_Pos) | ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->IsBufferable << MPU_RASR_B_Pos) - | ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->SubRegionDisable << MPU_RASR_SRD_Pos) | ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->Size << MPU_RASR_SIZE_Pos) | ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->Enable << MPU_RASR_ENABLE_Pos); + MPU->RASR = ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->DisableExec << MPU_RASR_XN_Pos) | ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->AccessPermission << MPU_RASR_AP_Pos) | ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->TypeExtField << MPU_RASR_TEX_Pos) | + ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->IsShareable << MPU_RASR_S_Pos) | ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->IsCacheable << MPU_RASR_C_Pos) | ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->IsBufferable << MPU_RASR_B_Pos) | + ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->SubRegionDisable << MPU_RASR_SRD_Pos) | ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->Size << MPU_RASR_SIZE_Pos) | ((uint32_t)MPU_Init->Enable << MPU_RASR_ENABLE_Pos); } else { MPU->RBAR = 0x00U; MPU->RASR = 0x00U; diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_i2c.c b/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_i2c.c index 5dd8b7c771..2c38ddb99f 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_i2c.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_i2c.c @@ -956,8 +956,6 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2C_Slave_Transmit(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c, uint8_t *pData /* Clear ADDR flag */ __HAL_I2C_CLEAR_ADDRFLAG(hi2c); - - while (hi2c->XferSize > 0U) { /* Wait until TXE flag is set */ if (I2C_WaitOnTXEFlagUntilTimeout(hi2c, Timeout, tickstart) != HAL_OK) { @@ -3183,8 +3181,8 @@ void HAL_I2C_ER_IRQHandler(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c) { tmp2 = hi2c->XferCount; tmp3 = hi2c->State; tmp4 = hi2c->PreviousState; - if ((tmp1 == HAL_I2C_MODE_SLAVE) && (tmp2 == 0U) - && ((tmp3 == HAL_I2C_STATE_BUSY_TX) || (tmp3 == HAL_I2C_STATE_BUSY_TX_LISTEN) || ((tmp3 == HAL_I2C_STATE_LISTEN) && (tmp4 == I2C_STATE_SLAVE_BUSY_TX)))) { + if ((tmp1 == HAL_I2C_MODE_SLAVE) && (tmp2 == 0U) && + ((tmp3 == HAL_I2C_STATE_BUSY_TX) || (tmp3 == HAL_I2C_STATE_BUSY_TX_LISTEN) || ((tmp3 == HAL_I2C_STATE_LISTEN) && (tmp4 == I2C_STATE_SLAVE_BUSY_TX)))) { } else { hi2c->ErrorCode |= HAL_I2C_ERROR_AF; @@ -3717,7 +3715,6 @@ static HAL_StatusTypeDef I2C_Master_SB(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c) { return HAL_OK; } - /** * @brief Handle ADDR flag for Master * @param hi2c Pointer to a I2C_HandleTypeDef structure that contains @@ -3963,7 +3960,6 @@ static HAL_StatusTypeDef I2C_MasterRequestWrite(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c, uint16_ /* Send slave address */ hi2c->Instance->DR = I2C_7BIT_ADD_WRITE(DevAddress); } - /* Wait until ADDR flag is set */ if (I2C_WaitOnMasterAddressFlagUntilTimeout(hi2c, I2C_FLAG_ADDR, Timeout, Tickstart) != HAL_OK) { @@ -4012,7 +4008,6 @@ static HAL_StatusTypeDef I2C_MasterRequestRead(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c, uint16_t /* Send slave address */ hi2c->Instance->DR = I2C_7BIT_ADD_READ(DevAddress); } - /* Wait until ADDR flag is set */ if (I2C_WaitOnMasterAddressFlagUntilTimeout(hi2c, I2C_FLAG_ADDR, Timeout, Tickstart) != HAL_OK) { diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_rcc.c b/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_rcc.c index e56f9cbd01..56515b0b9b 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_rcc.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_rcc.c @@ -360,8 +360,8 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RCC_OscConfig(RCC_OscInitTypeDef *RCC_OscInitStruct) { assert_param(IS_RCC_CALIBRATION_VALUE(RCC_OscInitStruct->HSICalibrationValue)); /* Check if HSI is used as system clock or as PLL source when PLL is selected as system clock */ - if ((__HAL_RCC_GET_SYSCLK_SOURCE() == RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_HSI) - || ((__HAL_RCC_GET_SYSCLK_SOURCE() == RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_PLLCLK) && (__HAL_RCC_GET_PLL_OSCSOURCE() == RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSI_DIV2))) { + if ((__HAL_RCC_GET_SYSCLK_SOURCE() == RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_HSI) || + ((__HAL_RCC_GET_SYSCLK_SOURCE() == RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_PLLCLK) && (__HAL_RCC_GET_PLL_OSCSOURCE() == RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSI_DIV2))) { /* When HSI is used as system clock it will not disabled */ if ((__HAL_RCC_GET_FLAG(RCC_FLAG_HSIRDY) != RESET) && (RCC_OscInitStruct->HSIState != RCC_HSI_ON)) { return HAL_ERROR; @@ -416,8 +416,8 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RCC_OscConfig(RCC_OscInitTypeDef *RCC_OscInitStruct) { if ((RCC_OscInitStruct->PLL2.PLL2State) != RCC_PLL2_NONE) { /* This bit can not be cleared if the PLL2 clock is used indirectly as system clock (i.e. it is used as PLL clock entry that is used as system clock). */ - if ((__HAL_RCC_GET_PLL_OSCSOURCE() == RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSE) && (__HAL_RCC_GET_SYSCLK_SOURCE() == RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_PLLCLK) - && ((READ_BIT(RCC->CFGR2, RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1SRC)) == RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1SRC_PLL2)) { + if ((__HAL_RCC_GET_PLL_OSCSOURCE() == RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSE) && (__HAL_RCC_GET_SYSCLK_SOURCE() == RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_PLLCLK) && + ((READ_BIT(RCC->CFGR2, RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1SRC)) == RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1SRC_PLL2)) { return HAL_ERROR; } else { if ((RCC_OscInitStruct->PLL2.PLL2State) == RCC_PLL2_ON) { diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_rcc_ex.c b/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_rcc_ex.c index d700f0caba..25e902fa0e 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_rcc_ex.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_rcc_ex.c @@ -470,8 +470,8 @@ uint32_t HAL_RCCEx_GetPeriphCLKFreq(uint32_t PeriphClk) { /* Check if PLLI2S is enabled */ if (HAL_IS_BIT_SET(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_PLL3ON)) { /* PLLI2SVCO = 2 * PLLI2SCLK = 2 * (HSE/PREDIV2 * PLL3MUL) */ - prediv2 = ((RCC->CFGR2 & RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV2) >> RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV2_Pos) + 1; - pll3mul = ((RCC->CFGR2 & RCC_CFGR2_PLL3MUL) >> RCC_CFGR2_PLL3MUL_Pos) + 2; + prediv2 = ((RCC->CFGR2 & RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV2) >> RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV2_Pos) + 1; + pll3mul = ((RCC->CFGR2 & RCC_CFGR2_PLL3MUL) >> RCC_CFGR2_PLL3MUL_Pos) + 2; frequency = (uint32_t)(2 * ((HSE_VALUE / prediv2) * pll3mul)); } } @@ -490,8 +490,8 @@ uint32_t HAL_RCCEx_GetPeriphCLKFreq(uint32_t PeriphClk) { /* Check if PLLI2S is enabled */ if (HAL_IS_BIT_SET(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_PLL3ON)) { /* PLLI2SVCO = 2 * PLLI2SCLK = 2 * (HSE/PREDIV2 * PLL3MUL) */ - prediv2 = ((RCC->CFGR2 & RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV2) >> RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV2_Pos) + 1; - pll3mul = ((RCC->CFGR2 & RCC_CFGR2_PLL3MUL) >> RCC_CFGR2_PLL3MUL_Pos) + 2; + prediv2 = ((RCC->CFGR2 & RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV2) >> RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV2_Pos) + 1; + pll3mul = ((RCC->CFGR2 & RCC_CFGR2_PLL3MUL) >> RCC_CFGR2_PLL3MUL_Pos) + 2; frequency = (uint32_t)(2 * ((HSE_VALUE / prediv2) * pll3mul)); } } @@ -670,8 +670,8 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RCCEx_EnablePLL2(RCC_PLL2InitTypeDef *PLL2Init) { /* This bit can not be cleared if the PLL2 clock is used indirectly as system clock (i.e. it is used as PLL clock entry that is used as system clock). */ - if ((__HAL_RCC_GET_PLL_OSCSOURCE() == RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSE) && (__HAL_RCC_GET_SYSCLK_SOURCE() == RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_PLLCLK) - && ((READ_BIT(RCC->CFGR2, RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1SRC)) == RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1SRC_PLL2)) { + if ((__HAL_RCC_GET_PLL_OSCSOURCE() == RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSE) && (__HAL_RCC_GET_SYSCLK_SOURCE() == RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_PLLCLK) && + ((READ_BIT(RCC->CFGR2, RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1SRC)) == RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1SRC_PLL2)) { return HAL_ERROR; } else { /* Check the parameters */ @@ -730,8 +730,8 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RCCEx_DisablePLL2(void) { /* This bit can not be cleared if the PLL2 clock is used indirectly as system clock (i.e. it is used as PLL clock entry that is used as system clock). */ - if ((__HAL_RCC_GET_PLL_OSCSOURCE() == RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSE) && (__HAL_RCC_GET_SYSCLK_SOURCE() == RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_PLLCLK) - && ((READ_BIT(RCC->CFGR2, RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1SRC)) == RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1SRC_PLL2)) { + if ((__HAL_RCC_GET_PLL_OSCSOURCE() == RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSE) && (__HAL_RCC_GET_SYSCLK_SOURCE() == RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_PLLCLK) && + ((READ_BIT(RCC->CFGR2, RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1SRC)) == RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1SRC_PLL2)) { return HAL_ERROR; } else { /* Disable the main PLL2. */ diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_tim.c b/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_tim.c index 18e2fc3770..dfa0b557fc 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_tim.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_tim.c @@ -2450,8 +2450,8 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_TIM_OnePulse_Start(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim, uint32_t Outpu UNUSED(OutputChannel); /* Check the TIM channels state */ - if ((channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (complementary_channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) - || (complementary_channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)) { + if ((channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (complementary_channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || + (complementary_channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)) { return HAL_ERROR; } @@ -2541,8 +2541,8 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_TIM_OnePulse_Start_IT(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim, uint32_t Ou UNUSED(OutputChannel); /* Check the TIM channels state */ - if ((channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (complementary_channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) - || (complementary_channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)) { + if ((channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (complementary_channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || + (complementary_channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)) { return HAL_ERROR; } @@ -2874,8 +2874,8 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_TIM_Encoder_Start(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim, uint32_t Channe TIM_CHANNEL_N_STATE_SET(htim, TIM_CHANNEL_2, HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_BUSY); } } else { - if ((channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (complementary_channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) - || (complementary_channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)) { + if ((channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (complementary_channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || + (complementary_channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)) { return HAL_ERROR; } else { TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_SET(htim, TIM_CHANNEL_1, HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_BUSY); @@ -2997,8 +2997,8 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_TIM_Encoder_Start_IT(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim, uint32_t Cha TIM_CHANNEL_N_STATE_SET(htim, TIM_CHANNEL_2, HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_BUSY); } } else { - if ((channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (complementary_channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) - || (complementary_channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)) { + if ((channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (complementary_channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || + (complementary_channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)) { return HAL_ERROR; } else { TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_SET(htim, TIM_CHANNEL_1, HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_BUSY); @@ -3142,11 +3142,11 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_TIM_Encoder_Start_DMA(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim, uint32_t Ch return HAL_ERROR; } } else { - if ((channel_1_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_BUSY) || (channel_2_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_BUSY) || (complementary_channel_1_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_BUSY) - || (complementary_channel_2_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_BUSY)) { + if ((channel_1_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_BUSY) || (channel_2_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_BUSY) || (complementary_channel_1_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_BUSY) || + (complementary_channel_2_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_BUSY)) { return HAL_BUSY; - } else if ((channel_1_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) && (channel_2_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) && (complementary_channel_1_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) - && (complementary_channel_2_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)) { + } else if ((channel_1_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) && (channel_2_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) && (complementary_channel_1_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) && + (complementary_channel_2_state == HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)) { if ((((pData1 == NULL) || (pData2 == NULL))) && (Length > 0U)) { return HAL_ERROR; } else { diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_tim_ex.c b/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_tim_ex.c index 9d6123bf29..87f66c3fdc 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_tim_ex.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/Vendor/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f1xx_hal_tim_ex.c @@ -311,8 +311,8 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_TIMEx_HallSensor_Start(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim) { assert_param(IS_TIM_HALL_SENSOR_INTERFACE_INSTANCE(htim->Instance)); /* Check the TIM channels state */ - if ((channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (complementary_channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) - || (complementary_channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)) { + if ((channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (complementary_channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || + (complementary_channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)) { return HAL_ERROR; } @@ -382,8 +382,8 @@ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_TIMEx_HallSensor_Start_IT(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim) { assert_param(IS_TIM_HALL_SENSOR_INTERFACE_INSTANCE(htim->Instance)); /* Check the TIM channels state */ - if ((channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (complementary_channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) - || (complementary_channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)) { + if ((channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || (complementary_channel_1_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY) || + (complementary_channel_2_state != HAL_TIM_CHANNEL_STATE_READY)) { return HAL_ERROR; } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/port.c b/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/port.c index a79eab6fa1..fb0e033041 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/port.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/port.c @@ -208,7 +208,8 @@ static void prvTaskExitError(void) { // therefore not output an 'unreachable code' warning for code that appears // after it. */ // } - for (;;) {} + for (;;) { + } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/system_stm32f1xx.c b/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/system_stm32f1xx.c index 06c843e06b..4c5df9cc02 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/system_stm32f1xx.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Miniware/system_stm32f1xx.c @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ #include "stm32f1xx.h" #if !defined(HSI_VALUE) -#define HSI_VALUE \ - 8000000U /*!< Default value of the Internal oscillator in Hz. \ +#define HSI_VALUE \ + 8000000U /*!< Default value of the Internal oscillator in Hz. \ This value can be provided and adapted by the user application. */ #endif /* HSI_VALUE */ diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/I2C_Wrapper.cpp b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/I2C_Wrapper.cpp index 46f334360f..853f5fabec 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/I2C_Wrapper.cpp +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/I2C_Wrapper.cpp @@ -145,11 +145,13 @@ void perform_i2c_step() { if (currentState.numberOfBytes == 1) { /* disable acknowledge */ i2c_master_addressing(I2C0, currentState.deviceAddress, I2C_RECEIVER); - while (!i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_FLAG_ADDSEND)) {} + while (!i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_FLAG_ADDSEND)) { + } i2c_ack_config(I2C0, I2C_ACK_DISABLE); i2c_flag_clear(I2C0, I2C_FLAG_ADDSEND); /* wait for the byte to be received */ - while (!i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_FLAG_RBNE)) {} + while (!i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_FLAG_RBNE)) { + } /* read the byte received from the EEPROM */ *currentState.buffer = i2c_data_receive(I2C0); while (i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_FLAG_RBNE)) { @@ -163,10 +165,12 @@ void perform_i2c_step() { } else if (currentState.numberOfBytes == 2) { /* disable acknowledge */ i2c_master_addressing(I2C0, currentState.deviceAddress, I2C_RECEIVER); - while (!i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_FLAG_ADDSEND)) {} + while (!i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_FLAG_ADDSEND)) { + } i2c_flag_clear(I2C0, I2C_FLAG_ADDSEND); /* wait for the byte to be received */ - while (!i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_FLAG_RBNE)) {} + while (!i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_FLAG_RBNE)) { + } i2c_ackpos_config(I2C0, I2C_ACKPOS_CURRENT); i2c_ack_config(I2C0, I2C_ACK_DISABLE); @@ -175,7 +179,8 @@ void perform_i2c_step() { currentState.buffer++; /* wait for the byte to be received */ - while (!i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_FLAG_RBNE)) {} + while (!i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_FLAG_RBNE)) { + } /* read the byte received from the EEPROM */ *currentState.buffer = i2c_data_receive(I2C0); while (i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_FLAG_RBNE)) { @@ -204,20 +209,23 @@ void perform_i2c_step() { if (3 == currentState.numberOfBytes) { /* wait until BTC bit is set */ - while (!i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_FLAG_BTC)) {} + while (!i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_FLAG_BTC)) { + } i2c_ackpos_config(I2C0, I2C_ACKPOS_CURRENT); /* disable acknowledge */ i2c_ack_config(I2C0, I2C_ACK_DISABLE); } else if (2 == currentState.numberOfBytes) { /* wait until BTC bit is set */ - while (!i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_FLAG_BTC)) {} + while (!i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_FLAG_BTC)) { + } /* disable acknowledge */ i2c_ack_config(I2C0, I2C_ACK_DISABLE); /* send a stop condition to I2C bus */ i2c_stop_on_bus(I2C0); } /* wait until RBNE bit is set */ - while (!i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_FLAG_RBNE)) {} + while (!i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_FLAG_RBNE)) { + } /* read a byte from the EEPROM */ *currentState.buffer = i2c_data_receive(I2C0); @@ -296,8 +304,9 @@ bool perform_i2c_transaction(uint16_t DevAddress, uint16_t memory_address, uint8 } bool FRToSI2C::Mem_Read(uint16_t DevAddress, uint16_t read_address, uint8_t *p_buffer, uint16_t number_of_byte) { - if (!lock()) + if (!lock()) { return false; + } bool res = perform_i2c_transaction(DevAddress, read_address, p_buffer, number_of_byte, false, false); if (!res) { I2C_Unstick(); @@ -307,8 +316,9 @@ bool FRToSI2C::Mem_Read(uint16_t DevAddress, uint16_t read_address, uint8_t *p_b } bool FRToSI2C::Mem_Write(uint16_t DevAddress, uint16_t MemAddress, uint8_t *p_buffer, uint16_t number_of_byte) { - if (!lock()) + if (!lock()) { return false; + } bool res = perform_i2c_transaction(DevAddress, MemAddress, p_buffer, number_of_byte, true, false); if (!res) { I2C_Unstick(); @@ -349,8 +359,9 @@ bool FRToSI2C::writeRegistersBulk(const uint8_t address, const I2C_REG *register bool FRToSI2C::wakePart(uint16_t DevAddress) { // wakepart is a special case where only the device address is sent - if (!lock()) + if (!lock()) { return false; + } bool res = perform_i2c_transaction(DevAddress, 0, NULL, 0, false, true); if (!res) { I2C_Unstick(); diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/Usb/drv_usb_dev.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/Usb/drv_usb_dev.c index 2700e660cd..0b61201f8d 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/Usb/drv_usb_dev.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/Usb/drv_usb_dev.c @@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ static uint16_t USBFS_TX_FIFO_SIZE[USBFS_MAX_EP_COUNT] = {(uint16_t)TX0_FIFO_FS_ #elif defined(USB_HS_CORE) -uint16_t USBHS_TX_FIFO_SIZE[USBHS_MAX_EP_COUNT] - = {(uint16_t)TX0_FIFO_HS_SIZE, (uint16_t)TX1_FIFO_HS_SIZE, (uint16_t)TX2_FIFO_HS_SIZE, (uint16_t)TX3_FIFO_HS_SIZE, (uint16_t)TX4_FIFO_HS_SIZE, (uint16_t)TX5_FIFO_HS_SIZE}; +uint16_t USBHS_TX_FIFO_SIZE[USBHS_MAX_EP_COUNT] = {(uint16_t)TX0_FIFO_HS_SIZE, (uint16_t)TX1_FIFO_HS_SIZE, (uint16_t)TX2_FIFO_HS_SIZE, + (uint16_t)TX3_FIFO_HS_SIZE, (uint16_t)TX4_FIFO_HS_SIZE, (uint16_t)TX5_FIFO_HS_SIZE}; #endif /* USBFS_CORE */ diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/Usb/drv_usbd_int.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/Usb/drv_usbd_int.c index 4a7d0e9c1c..900a1e25d4 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/Usb/drv_usbd_int.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/Usb/drv_usbd_int.c @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSI OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "gd32vf103_libopt.h" -//#include "usbd_conf.h" +// #include "usbd_conf.h" #include "drv_usbd_int.h" #include "usbd_transc.h" @@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ static uint32_t usbd_int_suspend(usb_core_driver *udev); static uint32_t usbd_emptytxfifo_write(usb_core_driver *udev, uint32_t ep_num); -static const uint8_t USB_SPEED[4] - = {[DSTAT_EM_HS_PHY_30MHZ_60MHZ] = USB_SPEED_HIGH, [DSTAT_EM_FS_PHY_30MHZ_60MHZ] = USB_SPEED_FULL, [DSTAT_EM_FS_PHY_48MHZ] = USB_SPEED_FULL, [DSTAT_EM_LS_PHY_6MHZ] = USB_SPEED_LOW}; +static const uint8_t USB_SPEED[4] = { + [DSTAT_EM_HS_PHY_30MHZ_60MHZ] = USB_SPEED_HIGH, [DSTAT_EM_FS_PHY_30MHZ_60MHZ] = USB_SPEED_FULL, [DSTAT_EM_FS_PHY_48MHZ] = USB_SPEED_FULL, [DSTAT_EM_LS_PHY_6MHZ] = USB_SPEED_LOW}; __IO uint8_t setupc_flag = 0U; @@ -230,7 +230,8 @@ void usbd_isr(usb_core_driver *udev) { /* OTG mode interrupt */ if (intr & GINTF_OTGIF) { - if (udev->regs.gr->GOTGINTF & GOTGINTF_SESEND) {} + if (udev->regs.gr->GOTGINTF & GOTGINTF_SESEND) { + } /* Clear OTG interrupt */ udev->regs.gr->GINTF = GINTF_OTGIF; diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/Usb/usbd_enum.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/Usb/usbd_enum.c index 8b976709c2..a1d359bb43 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/Usb/usbd_enum.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/Usb/usbd_enum.c @@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ static usb_reqsta (*_std_dev_req[])(usb_core_driver *udev, usb_req *req) = { }; /* get standard descriptor handler */ -static uint8_t *(*std_desc_get[])(usb_core_driver *udev, uint8_t index, uint16_t *len) - = {[USB_DESCTYPE_DEV - 1] = _usb_dev_desc_get, [USB_DESCTYPE_CONFIG - 1] = _usb_config_desc_get, [USB_DESCTYPE_STR - 1] = _usb_str_desc_get}; +static uint8_t *(*std_desc_get[])(usb_core_driver *udev, uint8_t index, + uint16_t *len) = {[USB_DESCTYPE_DEV - 1] = _usb_dev_desc_get, [USB_DESCTYPE_CONFIG - 1] = _usb_config_desc_get, [USB_DESCTYPE_STR - 1] = _usb_str_desc_get}; /*! \brief handle USB standard device request diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/Usb/usbh_enum.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/Usb/usbh_enum.c index 22b474c06b..edb73d0fe0 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/Usb/usbh_enum.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/Usb/usbh_enum.c @@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ usbh_status usbh_devdesc_get(usb_core_driver *pudev, usbh_host *puhost, uint8_t usbh_control *usb_ctl = &puhost->control; if (CTL_IDLE == usb_ctl->ctl_state) { - usb_ctl->setup.req - = (usb_req){.bmRequestType = USB_TRX_IN | USB_RECPTYPE_DEV | USB_REQTYPE_STRD, .bRequest = USB_GET_DESCRIPTOR, .wValue = USBH_DESC(USB_DESCTYPE_DEV), .wIndex = 0U, .wLength = len}; + usb_ctl->setup.req = + (usb_req){.bmRequestType = USB_TRX_IN | USB_RECPTYPE_DEV | USB_REQTYPE_STRD, .bRequest = USB_GET_DESCRIPTOR, .wValue = USBH_DESC(USB_DESCTYPE_DEV), .wIndex = 0U, .wLength = len}; usbh_ctlstate_config(puhost, pudev->host.rx_buf, len); } @@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ usbh_status usbh_cfgdesc_get(usb_core_driver *pudev, usbh_host *puhost, uint16_t usbh_control *usb_ctl = &puhost->control; if (CTL_IDLE == usb_ctl->ctl_state) { - usb_ctl->setup.req - = (usb_req){.bmRequestType = USB_TRX_IN | USB_RECPTYPE_DEV | USB_REQTYPE_STRD, .bRequest = USB_GET_DESCRIPTOR, .wValue = USBH_DESC(USB_DESCTYPE_CONFIG), .wIndex = 0U, .wLength = len}; + usb_ctl->setup.req = + (usb_req){.bmRequestType = USB_TRX_IN | USB_RECPTYPE_DEV | USB_REQTYPE_STRD, .bRequest = USB_GET_DESCRIPTOR, .wValue = USBH_DESC(USB_DESCTYPE_CONFIG), .wIndex = 0U, .wLength = len}; usbh_ctlstate_config(puhost, pudev->host.rx_buf, len); } @@ -266,13 +266,15 @@ usbh_status usbh_clrfeature(usb_core_driver *pudev, usbh_host *puhost, uint8_t e \retval operation status */ static void usbh_devdesc_parse(usb_desc_dev *dev_desc, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t len) { - *dev_desc = (usb_desc_dev){.header = {.bLength = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 0U), .bDescriptorType = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 1U)}, + *dev_desc = (usb_desc_dev){ + .header = {.bLength = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 0U), .bDescriptorType = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 1U)}, - .bcdUSB = BYTE_SWAP(buf + 2U), - .bDeviceClass = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 4U), - .bDeviceSubClass = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 5U), - .bDeviceProtocol = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 6U), - .bMaxPacketSize0 = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 7U)}; + .bcdUSB = BYTE_SWAP(buf + 2U), + .bDeviceClass = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 4U), + .bDeviceSubClass = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 5U), + .bDeviceProtocol = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 6U), + .bMaxPacketSize0 = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 7U) + }; if (len > 8U) { /* for 1st time after device connection, host may issue only 8 bytes for device descriptor length */ @@ -295,19 +297,20 @@ static void usbh_devdesc_parse(usb_desc_dev *dev_desc, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t le */ static void usbh_cfgdesc_parse(usb_desc_config *cfg_desc, uint8_t *buf) { /* parse configuration descriptor */ - *cfg_desc = (usb_desc_config) { - .header = { - .bLength = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 0U), - .bDescriptorType = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 1U), - }, - - .wTotalLength = BYTE_SWAP(buf + 2U), - .bNumInterfaces = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 4U), - .bConfigurationValue = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 5U), - .iConfiguration = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 6U), - .bmAttributes = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 7U), - .bMaxPower = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 8U) - }; + *cfg_desc = (usb_desc_config){ + .header = + { + .bLength = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 0U), + .bDescriptorType = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 1U), + }, + + .wTotalLength = BYTE_SWAP(buf + 2U), + .bNumInterfaces = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 4U), + .bConfigurationValue = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 5U), + .iConfiguration = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 6U), + .bmAttributes = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 7U), + .bMaxPower = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 8U) + }; } /*! @@ -318,7 +321,7 @@ static void usbh_cfgdesc_parse(usb_desc_config *cfg_desc, uint8_t *buf) { \retval operation status */ static void usbh_cfgset_parse(usb_dev_prop *udev, uint8_t *buf) { - usb_desc_ep * ep = NULL; + usb_desc_ep *ep = NULL; usb_desc_itf *itf = NULL, itf_value; usb_desc_header *pdesc = (usb_desc_header *)buf; @@ -388,20 +391,21 @@ static void usbh_cfgset_parse(usb_dev_prop *udev, uint8_t *buf) { \retval operation status */ static void usbh_itfdesc_parse(usb_desc_itf *itf_desc, uint8_t *buf) { - *itf_desc = (usb_desc_itf) { - .header = { - .bLength = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 0U), - .bDescriptorType = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 1U), - }, - - .bInterfaceNumber = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 2U), - .bAlternateSetting = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 3U), - .bNumEndpoints = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 4U), - .bInterfaceClass = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 5U), - .bInterfaceSubClass = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 6U), - .bInterfaceProtocol = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 7U), - .iInterface = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 8U) - }; + *itf_desc = (usb_desc_itf){ + .header = + { + .bLength = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 0U), + .bDescriptorType = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 1U), + }, + + .bInterfaceNumber = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 2U), + .bAlternateSetting = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 3U), + .bNumEndpoints = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 4U), + .bInterfaceClass = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 5U), + .bInterfaceSubClass = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 6U), + .bInterfaceProtocol = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 7U), + .iInterface = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 8U) + }; } /*! @@ -412,12 +416,14 @@ static void usbh_itfdesc_parse(usb_desc_itf *itf_desc, uint8_t *buf) { \retval operation status */ static void usbh_epdesc_parse(usb_desc_ep *ep_desc, uint8_t *buf) { - *ep_desc = (usb_desc_ep){.header = {.bLength = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 0U), .bDescriptorType = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 1U)}, - - .bEndpointAddress = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 2U), - .bmAttributes = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 3U), - .wMaxPacketSize = BYTE_SWAP(buf + 4U), - .bInterval = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 6U)}; + *ep_desc = (usb_desc_ep){ + .header = {.bLength = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 0U), .bDescriptorType = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 1U)}, + + .bEndpointAddress = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 2U), + .bmAttributes = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 3U), + .wMaxPacketSize = BYTE_SWAP(buf + 4U), + .bInterval = *(uint8_t *)(buf + 6U) + }; } /*! diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/gd32vf103_adc.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/gd32vf103_adc.c index 9c04ec58a0..57f0f20644 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/gd32vf103_adc.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/gd32vf103_adc.c @@ -199,11 +199,13 @@ void adc_calibration_enable(uint32_t adc_periph) { /* reset the selected ADC1 calibration registers */ ADC_CTL1(adc_periph) |= (uint32_t)ADC_CTL1_RSTCLB; /* check the RSTCLB bit state */ - while ((uint32_t)RESET != (ADC_CTL1(adc_periph) & ADC_CTL1_RSTCLB)) {} + while ((uint32_t)RESET != (ADC_CTL1(adc_periph) & ADC_CTL1_RSTCLB)) { + } /* enable ADC calibration process */ ADC_CTL1(adc_periph) |= ADC_CTL1_CLB; /* check the CLB bit state */ - while ((uint32_t)RESET != (ADC_CTL1(adc_periph) & ADC_CTL1_CLB)) {} + while ((uint32_t)RESET != (ADC_CTL1(adc_periph) & ADC_CTL1_CLB)) { + } } /*! diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/gd32vf103_dma.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/gd32vf103_dma.c index e129f7cce2..b2eebe3ec3 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/gd32vf103_dma.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/gd32vf103_dma.c @@ -37,8 +37,9 @@ OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include "gd32vf103_dma.h" #include "gd32vf103_rcu.h" -#define DMA_WRONG_HANDLE \ - while (1) {} +#define DMA_WRONG_HANDLE \ + while (1) { \ + } /* check whether peripheral matches channels or not */ static ErrStatus dma_periph_and_channel_check(uint32_t dma_periph, dma_channel_enum channelx); diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/gd32vf103_exmc.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/gd32vf103_exmc.c index d148588160..436a34972a 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/gd32vf103_exmc.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/gd32vf103_exmc.c @@ -114,14 +114,14 @@ void exmc_norsram_init(exmc_norsram_parameter_struct *exmc_norsram_init_struct) /* clear relative bits */ snctl &= ((uint32_t) ~(EXMC_SNCTL_NREN | EXMC_SNCTL_NRTP | EXMC_SNCTL_NRW | EXMC_SNCTL_NRWTPOL | EXMC_SNCTL_WREN | EXMC_SNCTL_NRWTEN | EXMC_SNCTL_ASYNCWAIT | EXMC_SNCTL_NRMUX)); - snctl |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)exmc_norsram_init_struct->address_data_mux << SNCTL_NRMUX_OFFSET) | exmc_norsram_init_struct->memory_type | exmc_norsram_init_struct->databus_width - | exmc_norsram_init_struct->nwait_polarity | ((uint32_t)exmc_norsram_init_struct->memory_write << SNCTL_WREN_OFFSET) - | ((uint32_t)exmc_norsram_init_struct->nwait_signal << SNCTL_NRWTEN_OFFSET) | ((uint32_t)exmc_norsram_init_struct->asyn_wait << SNCTL_ASYNCWAIT_OFFSET); - - sntcfg = (uint32_t)((exmc_norsram_init_struct->read_write_timing->asyn_address_setuptime - 1U) & EXMC_SNTCFG_ASET) - | (((exmc_norsram_init_struct->read_write_timing->asyn_address_holdtime - 1U) << SNTCFG_AHLD_OFFSET) & EXMC_SNTCFG_AHLD) - | (((exmc_norsram_init_struct->read_write_timing->asyn_data_setuptime - 1U) << SNTCFG_DSET_OFFSET) & EXMC_SNTCFG_DSET) - | (((exmc_norsram_init_struct->read_write_timing->bus_latency - 1U) << SNTCFG_BUSLAT_OFFSET) & EXMC_SNTCFG_BUSLAT); + snctl |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)exmc_norsram_init_struct->address_data_mux << SNCTL_NRMUX_OFFSET) | exmc_norsram_init_struct->memory_type | exmc_norsram_init_struct->databus_width | + exmc_norsram_init_struct->nwait_polarity | ((uint32_t)exmc_norsram_init_struct->memory_write << SNCTL_WREN_OFFSET) | + ((uint32_t)exmc_norsram_init_struct->nwait_signal << SNCTL_NRWTEN_OFFSET) | ((uint32_t)exmc_norsram_init_struct->asyn_wait << SNCTL_ASYNCWAIT_OFFSET); + + sntcfg = (uint32_t)((exmc_norsram_init_struct->read_write_timing->asyn_address_setuptime - 1U) & EXMC_SNTCFG_ASET) | + (((exmc_norsram_init_struct->read_write_timing->asyn_address_holdtime - 1U) << SNTCFG_AHLD_OFFSET) & EXMC_SNTCFG_AHLD) | + (((exmc_norsram_init_struct->read_write_timing->asyn_data_setuptime - 1U) << SNTCFG_DSET_OFFSET) & EXMC_SNTCFG_DSET) | + (((exmc_norsram_init_struct->read_write_timing->bus_latency - 1U) << SNTCFG_BUSLAT_OFFSET) & EXMC_SNTCFG_BUSLAT); /* nor flash access enable */ if (EXMC_MEMORY_TYPE_NOR == exmc_norsram_init_struct->memory_type) { diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/gd32vf103_fmc.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/gd32vf103_fmc.c index 4811ec8775..3b38e5bde6 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/gd32vf103_fmc.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/gd32vf103_fmc.c @@ -188,7 +188,8 @@ void ob_unlock(void) { } /* wait until OBWEN bit is set by hardware */ - while (RESET == (FMC_CTL & FMC_CTL_OBWEN)) {} + while (RESET == (FMC_CTL & FMC_CTL_OBWEN)) { + } } /*! diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/gd32vf103_rcu.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/gd32vf103_rcu.c index af0b669d87..231431ac94 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/gd32vf103_rcu.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/gd32vf103_rcu.c @@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ void rcu_deinit(void) { RCU_CTL &= ~RCU_CTL_HXTALBPS; RCU_CTL &= ~(RCU_CTL_PLL1EN | RCU_CTL_PLL2EN); /* reset CFG0 register */ - RCU_CFG0 &= ~(RCU_CFG0_SCS | RCU_CFG0_AHBPSC | RCU_CFG0_APB1PSC | RCU_CFG0_APB2PSC | RCU_CFG0_ADCPSC | RCU_CFG0_PLLSEL | RCU_CFG0_PREDV0_LSB | RCU_CFG0_PLLMF | RCU_CFG0_USBFSPSC | RCU_CFG0_CKOUT0SEL - | RCU_CFG0_ADCPSC_2 | RCU_CFG0_PLLMF_4); + RCU_CFG0 &= ~(RCU_CFG0_SCS | RCU_CFG0_AHBPSC | RCU_CFG0_APB1PSC | RCU_CFG0_APB2PSC | RCU_CFG0_ADCPSC | RCU_CFG0_PLLSEL | RCU_CFG0_PREDV0_LSB | RCU_CFG0_PLLMF | RCU_CFG0_USBFSPSC | + RCU_CFG0_CKOUT0SEL | RCU_CFG0_ADCPSC_2 | RCU_CFG0_PLLMF_4); /* reset INT and CFG1 register */ RCU_INT = 0x00ff0000U; RCU_CFG1 &= ~(RCU_CFG1_PREDV0 | RCU_CFG1_PREDV1 | RCU_CFG1_PLL1MF | RCU_CFG1_PLL2MF | RCU_CFG1_PREDV0SEL | RCU_CFG1_I2S1SEL | RCU_CFG1_I2S2SEL); diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/gd32vf103_rtc.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/gd32vf103_rtc.c index 8a7bb21fdd..50d2909ab6 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/gd32vf103_rtc.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/gd32vf103_rtc.c @@ -97,7 +97,8 @@ void rtc_prescaler_set(uint32_t psc) { */ void rtc_lwoff_wait(void) { /* loop until LWOFF flag is set */ - while (RESET == (RTC_CTL & RTC_CTL_LWOFF)) {} + while (RESET == (RTC_CTL & RTC_CTL_LWOFF)) { + } } /*! @@ -110,7 +111,8 @@ void rtc_register_sync_wait(void) { /* clear RSYNF flag */ RTC_CTL &= ~RTC_CTL_RSYNF; /* loop until RSYNF flag is set */ - while (RESET == (RTC_CTL & RTC_CTL_RSYNF)) {} + while (RESET == (RTC_CTL & RTC_CTL_RSYNF)) { + } } /*! diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/gd32vf103_timer.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/gd32vf103_timer.c index 08192e3513..652fff3f73 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/gd32vf103_timer.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/gd32vf103_timer.c @@ -482,8 +482,8 @@ void timer_break_struct_para_init(timer_break_parameter_struct *breakpara) { \retval none */ void timer_break_config(uint32_t timer_periph, timer_break_parameter_struct *breakpara) { - TIMER_CCHP(timer_periph) = (uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(breakpara->runoffstate)) | ((uint32_t)(breakpara->ideloffstate)) | ((uint32_t)(breakpara->deadtime)) | ((uint32_t)(breakpara->breakpolarity)) - | ((uint32_t)(breakpara->outputautostate)) | ((uint32_t)(breakpara->protectmode)) | ((uint32_t)(breakpara->breakstate))); + TIMER_CCHP(timer_periph) = (uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(breakpara->runoffstate)) | ((uint32_t)(breakpara->ideloffstate)) | ((uint32_t)(breakpara->deadtime)) | ((uint32_t)(breakpara->breakpolarity)) | + ((uint32_t)(breakpara->outputautostate)) | ((uint32_t)(breakpara->protectmode)) | ((uint32_t)(breakpara->breakstate))); } /*! diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/n200_func.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/n200_func.c index c4f213d12f..48618134fd 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/n200_func.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/Drivers/n200_func.c @@ -44,8 +44,9 @@ uint64_t get_timer_value(void) { while (1) { uint32_t hi = mtime_hi(); uint32_t lo = mtime_lo(); - if (hi == mtime_hi()) + if (hi == mtime_hi()) { return ((uint64_t)hi << 32) | lo; + } } } @@ -278,8 +279,8 @@ void eclic_mode_enable() { write_csr(CSR_MTVEC, mtvec_value); #elif defined(__GNUC__) uint32_t mtvec_value = read_csr(mtvec); - mtvec_value = mtvec_value & 0xFFFFFFC0; - mtvec_value = mtvec_value | 0x00000003; + mtvec_value = mtvec_value & 0xFFFFFFC0; + mtvec_value = mtvec_value | 0x00000003; write_csr(mtvec, mtvec_value); #endif } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/system_gd32vf103.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/system_gd32vf103.c index 171bb151c8..60b09c16a5 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/system_gd32vf103.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecil/Vendor/SoC/gd32vf103/Common/Source/system_gd32vf103.c @@ -110,7 +110,8 @@ static void system_clock_108m_hxtal(void) { /* if fail */ if (0U == (RCU_CTL & RCU_CTL_HXTALSTB)) { - while (1) {} + while (1) { + } } /* HXTAL is stable */ @@ -133,12 +134,14 @@ static void system_clock_108m_hxtal(void) { /* enable PLL1 */ RCU_CTL |= RCU_CTL_PLL1EN; /* wait till PLL1 is ready */ - while (0U == (RCU_CTL & RCU_CTL_PLL1STB)) {} + while (0U == (RCU_CTL & RCU_CTL_PLL1STB)) { + } /* enable PLL1 */ RCU_CTL |= RCU_CTL_PLL2EN; /* wait till PLL1 is ready */ - while (0U == (RCU_CTL & RCU_CTL_PLL2STB)) {} + while (0U == (RCU_CTL & RCU_CTL_PLL2STB)) { + } } else if (HXTAL_VALUE == 8000000) { RCU_CFG1 &= ~(RCU_CFG1_PREDV0SEL | RCU_CFG1_PREDV1 | RCU_CFG1_PLL1MF | RCU_CFG1_PREDV0); RCU_CFG1 |= (RCU_PREDV0SRC_HXTAL | RCU_PREDV0_DIV2 | RCU_PREDV1_DIV2 | RCU_PLL1_MUL20 | RCU_PLL2_MUL20); @@ -146,25 +149,29 @@ static void system_clock_108m_hxtal(void) { /* enable PLL1 */ RCU_CTL |= RCU_CTL_PLL1EN; /* wait till PLL1 is ready */ - while (0U == (RCU_CTL & RCU_CTL_PLL1STB)) {} + while (0U == (RCU_CTL & RCU_CTL_PLL1STB)) { + } /* enable PLL2 */ RCU_CTL |= RCU_CTL_PLL2EN; /* wait till PLL1 is ready */ - while (0U == (RCU_CTL & RCU_CTL_PLL2STB)) {} + while (0U == (RCU_CTL & RCU_CTL_PLL2STB)) { + } } /* enable PLL */ RCU_CTL |= RCU_CTL_PLLEN; /* wait until PLL is stable */ - while (0U == (RCU_CTL & RCU_CTL_PLLSTB)) {} + while (0U == (RCU_CTL & RCU_CTL_PLLSTB)) { + } /* select PLL as system clock */ RCU_CFG0 &= ~RCU_CFG0_SCS; RCU_CFG0 |= RCU_CKSYSSRC_PLL; /* wait until PLL is selected as system clock */ - while (0U == (RCU_CFG0 & RCU_SCSS_PLL)) {} + while (0U == (RCU_CFG0 & RCU_SCSS_PLL)) { + } } /*! @@ -343,8 +350,8 @@ static void system_default_exception_handler(unsigned long mcause, unsigned long printf("MCAUSE: 0x%lx\r\n", mcause); printf("MEPC : 0x%lx\r\n", __RV_CSR_READ(CSR_MEPC)); printf("MTVAL : 0x%lx\r\n", __RV_CSR_READ(CSR_MBADADDR)); - while (1) - ; + while (1) { + } } /** diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/MemMang/heap_5.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/MemMang/heap_5.c index 3ee2639b0b..d84de815c4 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/MemMang/heap_5.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/MemMang/heap_5.c @@ -79,21 +79,21 @@ #undef MPU_WRAPPERS_INCLUDED_FROM_API_FILE -#if ( configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION == 0 ) +#if (configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION == 0) #error This file must not be used if configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION is 0 #endif /* Block sizes must not get too small. */ -#define heapMINIMUM_BLOCK_SIZE ( ( size_t ) ( xHeapStructSize << 1 ) ) +#define heapMINIMUM_BLOCK_SIZE ((size_t)(xHeapStructSize << 1)) /* Assumes 8bit bytes! */ -#define heapBITS_PER_BYTE ( ( size_t ) 8 ) +#define heapBITS_PER_BYTE ((size_t)8) /* Define the linked list structure. This is used to link free blocks in order * of their memory address. */ typedef struct A_BLOCK_LINK { - struct A_BLOCK_LINK *pxNextFreeBlock; /*<< The next free block in the list. */ - size_t xBlockSize; /*<< The size of the free block. */ + struct A_BLOCK_LINK *pxNextFreeBlock; /*<< The next free block in the list. */ + size_t xBlockSize; /*<< The size of the free block. */ } BlockLink_t; /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ @@ -104,13 +104,13 @@ typedef struct A_BLOCK_LINK { * the block in front it and/or the block behind it if the memory blocks are * adjacent to each other. */ -static void prvInsertBlockIntoFreeList( BlockLink_t *pxBlockToInsert ); +static void prvInsertBlockIntoFreeList(BlockLink_t *pxBlockToInsert); /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* The size of the structure placed at the beginning of each allocated memory * block must by correctly byte aligned. */ -static const size_t xHeapStructSize = ( sizeof( BlockLink_t ) + ( ( size_t ) ( portBYTE_ALIGNMENT - 1 ) ) ) & ~( ( size_t ) portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ); +static const size_t xHeapStructSize = (sizeof(BlockLink_t) + ((size_t)(portBYTE_ALIGNMENT - 1))) & ~((size_t)portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK); /* Create a couple of list links to mark the start and end of the list. */ static BlockLink_t xStart, *pxEnd = NULL; @@ -130,13 +130,13 @@ static size_t xBlockAllocatedBit = 0; /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ -void *pvPortMalloc( size_t xWantedSize ) { +void *pvPortMalloc(size_t xWantedSize) { BlockLink_t *pxBlock, *pxPreviousBlock, *pxNewBlockLink; void *pvReturn = NULL; /* The heap must be initialised before the first call to * prvPortMalloc(). */ - configASSERT( pxEnd ); + configASSERT(pxEnd); vTaskSuspendAll(); { @@ -144,17 +144,17 @@ void *pvPortMalloc( size_t xWantedSize ) { * set. The top bit of the block size member of the BlockLink_t structure * is used to determine who owns the block - the application or the * kernel, so it must be free. */ - if ( ( xWantedSize & xBlockAllocatedBit ) == 0 ) { + if ((xWantedSize & xBlockAllocatedBit) == 0) { /* The wanted size is increased so it can contain a BlockLink_t * structure in addition to the requested amount of bytes. */ - if ( xWantedSize > 0 ) { + if (xWantedSize > 0) { xWantedSize += xHeapStructSize; /* Ensure that blocks are always aligned to the required number * of bytes. */ - if ( ( xWantedSize & portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ) != 0x00 ) { + if ((xWantedSize & portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK) != 0x00) { /* Byte alignment required. */ - xWantedSize += ( portBYTE_ALIGNMENT - ( xWantedSize & portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ) ); + xWantedSize += (portBYTE_ALIGNMENT - (xWantedSize & portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK)); } else { mtCOVERAGE_TEST_MARKER(); } @@ -162,23 +162,23 @@ void *pvPortMalloc( size_t xWantedSize ) { mtCOVERAGE_TEST_MARKER(); } - if ( ( xWantedSize > 0 ) && ( xWantedSize <= xFreeBytesRemaining ) ) { + if ((xWantedSize > 0) && (xWantedSize <= xFreeBytesRemaining)) { /* Traverse the list from the start (lowest address) block until * one of adequate size is found. */ pxPreviousBlock = &xStart; - pxBlock = xStart.pxNextFreeBlock; + pxBlock = xStart.pxNextFreeBlock; - while ( ( pxBlock->xBlockSize < xWantedSize ) && ( pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock != NULL ) ) { + while ((pxBlock->xBlockSize < xWantedSize) && (pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock != NULL)) { pxPreviousBlock = pxBlock; pxBlock = pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock; } /* If the end marker was reached then a block of adequate size * was not found. */ - if ( pxBlock != pxEnd ) { + if (pxBlock != pxEnd) { /* Return the memory space pointed to - jumping over the * BlockLink_t structure at its start. */ - pvReturn = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxPreviousBlock->pxNextFreeBlock ) + xHeapStructSize ); + pvReturn = (void *)(((uint8_t *)pxPreviousBlock->pxNextFreeBlock) + xHeapStructSize); /* This block is being returned for use so must be taken out * of the list of free blocks. */ @@ -186,12 +186,12 @@ void *pvPortMalloc( size_t xWantedSize ) { /* If the block is larger than required it can be split into * two. */ - if ( ( pxBlock->xBlockSize - xWantedSize ) > heapMINIMUM_BLOCK_SIZE ) { + if ((pxBlock->xBlockSize - xWantedSize) > heapMINIMUM_BLOCK_SIZE) { /* This block is to be split into two. Create a new * block following the number of bytes requested. The void * cast is used to prevent byte alignment warnings from the * compiler. */ - pxNewBlockLink = ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pxBlock ) + xWantedSize ); + pxNewBlockLink = (void *)(((uint8_t *)pxBlock) + xWantedSize); /* Calculate the sizes of two blocks split from the * single block. */ @@ -199,14 +199,14 @@ void *pvPortMalloc( size_t xWantedSize ) { pxBlock->xBlockSize = xWantedSize; /* Insert the new block into the list of free blocks. */ - prvInsertBlockIntoFreeList( ( pxNewBlockLink ) ); + prvInsertBlockIntoFreeList((pxNewBlockLink)); } else { mtCOVERAGE_TEST_MARKER(); } xFreeBytesRemaining -= pxBlock->xBlockSize; - if ( xFreeBytesRemaining < xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining ) { + if (xFreeBytesRemaining < xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining) { xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining = xFreeBytesRemaining; } else { mtCOVERAGE_TEST_MARKER(); @@ -227,14 +227,14 @@ void *pvPortMalloc( size_t xWantedSize ) { mtCOVERAGE_TEST_MARKER(); } - traceMALLOC( pvReturn, xWantedSize ); + traceMALLOC(pvReturn, xWantedSize); } - ( void ) xTaskResumeAll(); + (void)xTaskResumeAll(); -#if ( configUSE_MALLOC_FAILED_HOOK == 1 ) +#if (configUSE_MALLOC_FAILED_HOOK == 1) { - if ( pvReturn == NULL ) { - extern void vApplicationMallocFailedHook( void ); + if (pvReturn == NULL) { + extern void vApplicationMallocFailedHook(void); vApplicationMallocFailedHook(); } else { mtCOVERAGE_TEST_MARKER(); @@ -246,24 +246,24 @@ void *pvPortMalloc( size_t xWantedSize ) { } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ -void vPortFree( void *pv ) { - uint8_t *puc = ( uint8_t * ) pv; +void vPortFree(void *pv) { + uint8_t *puc = (uint8_t *)pv; BlockLink_t *pxLink; - if ( pv != NULL ) { + if (pv != NULL) { /* The memory being freed will have an BlockLink_t structure immediately * before it. */ puc -= xHeapStructSize; /* This casting is to keep the compiler from issuing warnings. */ - pxLink = ( void * ) puc; + pxLink = (void *)puc; /* Check the block is actually allocated. */ - configASSERT( ( pxLink->xBlockSize & xBlockAllocatedBit ) != 0 ); - configASSERT( pxLink->pxNextFreeBlock == NULL ); + configASSERT((pxLink->xBlockSize & xBlockAllocatedBit) != 0); + configASSERT(pxLink->pxNextFreeBlock == NULL); - if ( ( pxLink->xBlockSize & xBlockAllocatedBit ) != 0 ) { - if ( pxLink->pxNextFreeBlock == NULL ) { + if ((pxLink->xBlockSize & xBlockAllocatedBit) != 0) { + if (pxLink->pxNextFreeBlock == NULL) { /* The block is being returned to the heap - it is no longer * allocated. */ pxLink->xBlockSize &= ~xBlockAllocatedBit; @@ -272,11 +272,11 @@ void vPortFree( void *pv ) { { /* Add this block to the list of free blocks. */ xFreeBytesRemaining += pxLink->xBlockSize; - traceFREE( pv, pxLink->xBlockSize ); - prvInsertBlockIntoFreeList( ( ( BlockLink_t * ) pxLink ) ); + traceFREE(pv, pxLink->xBlockSize); + prvInsertBlockIntoFreeList(((BlockLink_t *)pxLink)); xNumberOfSuccessfulFrees++; } - ( void ) xTaskResumeAll(); + (void)xTaskResumeAll(); } else { mtCOVERAGE_TEST_MARKER(); } @@ -287,27 +287,27 @@ void vPortFree( void *pv ) { } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ -size_t xPortGetFreeHeapSize( void ) { return xFreeBytesRemaining; } +size_t xPortGetFreeHeapSize(void) { return xFreeBytesRemaining; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ -size_t xPortGetMinimumEverFreeHeapSize( void ) { return xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining; } +size_t xPortGetMinimumEverFreeHeapSize(void) { return xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ -static void prvInsertBlockIntoFreeList( BlockLink_t *pxBlockToInsert ) { +static void prvInsertBlockIntoFreeList(BlockLink_t *pxBlockToInsert) { BlockLink_t *pxIterator; uint8_t *puc; /* Iterate through the list until a block is found that has a higher address * than the block being inserted. */ - for ( pxIterator = &xStart; pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock < pxBlockToInsert; pxIterator = pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock ) { + for (pxIterator = &xStart; pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock < pxBlockToInsert; pxIterator = pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock) { /* Nothing to do here, just iterate to the right position. */ } /* Do the block being inserted, and the block it is being inserted after * make a contiguous block of memory? */ - puc = ( uint8_t * ) pxIterator; + puc = (uint8_t *)pxIterator; - if ( ( puc + pxIterator->xBlockSize ) == ( uint8_t * ) pxBlockToInsert ) { + if ((puc + pxIterator->xBlockSize) == (uint8_t *)pxBlockToInsert) { pxIterator->xBlockSize += pxBlockToInsert->xBlockSize; pxBlockToInsert = pxIterator; } else { @@ -316,10 +316,10 @@ static void prvInsertBlockIntoFreeList( BlockLink_t *pxBlockToInsert ) { /* Do the block being inserted, and the block it is being inserted before * make a contiguous block of memory? */ - puc = ( uint8_t * ) pxBlockToInsert; + puc = (uint8_t *)pxBlockToInsert; - if ( ( puc + pxBlockToInsert->xBlockSize ) == ( uint8_t * ) pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock ) { - if ( pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock != pxEnd ) { + if ((puc + pxBlockToInsert->xBlockSize) == (uint8_t *)pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock) { + if (pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock != pxEnd) { /* Form one big block from the two blocks. */ pxBlockToInsert->xBlockSize += pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock->xBlockSize; pxBlockToInsert->pxNextFreeBlock = pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock->pxNextFreeBlock; @@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ static void prvInsertBlockIntoFreeList( BlockLink_t *pxBlockToInsert ) { * before and the block after, then it's pxNextFreeBlock pointer will have * already been set, and should not be set here as that would make it point * to itself. */ - if ( pxIterator != pxBlockToInsert ) { + if (pxIterator != pxBlockToInsert) { pxIterator->pxNextFreeBlock = pxBlockToInsert; } else { mtCOVERAGE_TEST_MARKER(); @@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ static void prvInsertBlockIntoFreeList( BlockLink_t *pxBlockToInsert ) { } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ -void vPortDefineHeapRegions( const HeapRegion_t * const pxHeapRegions ) { +void vPortDefineHeapRegions(const HeapRegion_t *const pxHeapRegions) { BlockLink_t *pxFirstFreeBlockInRegion = NULL, *pxPreviousFreeBlock; size_t xAlignedHeap; size_t xTotalRegionSize, xTotalHeapSize = 0; @@ -351,39 +351,39 @@ void vPortDefineHeapRegions( const HeapRegion_t * const pxHeapRegions ) { const HeapRegion_t *pxHeapRegion; /* Can only call once! */ - configASSERT( pxEnd == NULL ); + configASSERT(pxEnd == NULL); - pxHeapRegion = &( pxHeapRegions[ xDefinedRegions ] ); + pxHeapRegion = &(pxHeapRegions[xDefinedRegions]); - while ( pxHeapRegion->xSizeInBytes > 0 ) { + while (pxHeapRegion->xSizeInBytes > 0) { xTotalRegionSize = pxHeapRegion->xSizeInBytes; /* Ensure the heap region starts on a correctly aligned boundary. */ - xAddress = ( size_t ) pxHeapRegion->pucStartAddress; + xAddress = (size_t)pxHeapRegion->pucStartAddress; - if ( ( xAddress & portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ) != 0 ) { - xAddress += ( portBYTE_ALIGNMENT - 1 ); + if ((xAddress & portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK) != 0) { + xAddress += (portBYTE_ALIGNMENT - 1); xAddress &= ~portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK; /* Adjust the size for the bytes lost to alignment. */ - xTotalRegionSize -= xAddress - ( size_t ) pxHeapRegion->pucStartAddress; + xTotalRegionSize -= xAddress - (size_t)pxHeapRegion->pucStartAddress; } xAlignedHeap = xAddress; /* Set xStart if it has not already been set. */ - if ( xDefinedRegions == 0 ) { + if (xDefinedRegions == 0) { /* xStart is used to hold a pointer to the first item in the list of * free blocks. The void cast is used to prevent compiler warnings. */ - xStart.pxNextFreeBlock = ( BlockLink_t * ) xAlignedHeap; - xStart.xBlockSize = ( size_t ) 0; + xStart.pxNextFreeBlock = (BlockLink_t *)xAlignedHeap; + xStart.xBlockSize = (size_t)0; } else { /* Should only get here if one region has already been added to the * heap. */ - configASSERT( pxEnd != NULL ); + configASSERT(pxEnd != NULL); /* Check blocks are passed in with increasing start addresses. */ - configASSERT( xAddress > ( size_t ) pxEnd ); + configASSERT(xAddress > (size_t)pxEnd); } /* Remember the location of the end marker in the previous region, if @@ -392,24 +392,24 @@ void vPortDefineHeapRegions( const HeapRegion_t * const pxHeapRegions ) { /* pxEnd is used to mark the end of the list of free blocks and is * inserted at the end of the region space. */ - xAddress = xAlignedHeap + xTotalRegionSize; + xAddress = xAlignedHeap + xTotalRegionSize; xAddress -= xHeapStructSize; xAddress &= ~portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK; - pxEnd = ( BlockLink_t * ) xAddress; + pxEnd = (BlockLink_t *)xAddress; pxEnd->xBlockSize = 0; pxEnd->pxNextFreeBlock = NULL; /* To start with there is a single free block in this region that is * sized to take up the entire heap region minus the space taken by the * free block structure. */ - pxFirstFreeBlockInRegion = ( BlockLink_t * ) xAlignedHeap; - pxFirstFreeBlockInRegion->xBlockSize = xAddress - ( size_t ) pxFirstFreeBlockInRegion; + pxFirstFreeBlockInRegion = (BlockLink_t *)xAlignedHeap; + pxFirstFreeBlockInRegion->xBlockSize = xAddress - (size_t)pxFirstFreeBlockInRegion; pxFirstFreeBlockInRegion->pxNextFreeBlock = pxEnd; /* If this is not the first region that makes up the entire heap space * then link the previous region to this region. */ - if ( pxPreviousFreeBlock != NULL ) { + if (pxPreviousFreeBlock != NULL) { pxPreviousFreeBlock->pxNextFreeBlock = pxFirstFreeBlockInRegion; } @@ -417,21 +417,21 @@ void vPortDefineHeapRegions( const HeapRegion_t * const pxHeapRegions ) { /* Move onto the next HeapRegion_t structure. */ xDefinedRegions++; - pxHeapRegion = &( pxHeapRegions[ xDefinedRegions ] ); + pxHeapRegion = &(pxHeapRegions[xDefinedRegions]); } xMinimumEverFreeBytesRemaining = xTotalHeapSize; xFreeBytesRemaining = xTotalHeapSize; /* Check something was actually defined before it is accessed. */ - configASSERT( xTotalHeapSize ); + configASSERT(xTotalHeapSize); /* Work out the position of the top bit in a size_t variable. */ - xBlockAllocatedBit = ( ( size_t ) 1 ) << ( ( sizeof( size_t ) * heapBITS_PER_BYTE ) - 1 ); + xBlockAllocatedBit = ((size_t)1) << ((sizeof(size_t) * heapBITS_PER_BYTE) - 1); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ -void vPortGetHeapStats( HeapStats_t *pxHeapStats ) { +void vPortGetHeapStats(HeapStats_t *pxHeapStats) { BlockLink_t *pxBlock; size_t xBlocks = 0, xMaxSize = 0, xMinSize = portMAX_DELAY; /* portMAX_DELAY used as a portable way of getting the maximum value. */ @@ -441,21 +441,21 @@ void vPortGetHeapStats( HeapStats_t *pxHeapStats ) { /* pxBlock will be NULL if the heap has not been initialised. The heap * is initialised automatically when the first allocation is made. */ - if ( pxBlock != NULL ) { + if (pxBlock != NULL) { do { /* Increment the number of blocks and record the largest block seen * so far. */ xBlocks++; - if ( pxBlock->xBlockSize > xMaxSize ) { - xMaxSize = pxBlock->xBlockSize; + if (pxBlock->xBlockSize > xMaxSize) { + xMaxSize = pxBlock->xBlockSize; } /* Heap five will have a zero sized block at the end of each * each region - the block is only used to link to the next * heap region so it not a real block. */ - if ( pxBlock->xBlockSize != 0 ) { - if ( pxBlock->xBlockSize < xMinSize ) { + if (pxBlock->xBlockSize != 0) { + if (pxBlock->xBlockSize < xMinSize) { xMinSize = pxBlock->xBlockSize; } } @@ -463,10 +463,10 @@ void vPortGetHeapStats( HeapStats_t *pxHeapStats ) { /* Move to the next block in the chain until the last block is * reached. */ pxBlock = pxBlock->pxNextFreeBlock; - } while ( pxBlock != pxEnd ); + } while (pxBlock != pxEnd); } } - ( void ) xTaskResumeAll(); + (void)xTaskResumeAll(); pxHeapStats->xSizeOfLargestFreeBlockInBytes = xMaxSize; pxHeapStats->xSizeOfSmallestFreeBlockInBytes = xMinSize; diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/Setup.cpp b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/Setup.cpp index 120ba2371c..7e8ea5423c 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/Setup.cpp +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/Setup.cpp @@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ extern uint8_t _heap_start; extern uint8_t _heap_size; // @suppress("Type cannot be resolved") static HeapRegion_t xHeapRegions[] = { {&_heap_start, (unsigned int)&_heap_size}, - {NULL, 0}, /* Terminates the array. */ - {NULL, 0} /* Terminates the array. */ + { NULL, 0}, /* Terminates the array. */ + { NULL, 0} /* Terminates the array. */ }; // Functions @@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ void setup_pwm(void) { PWM_Channel_Disable(PWM_Channel); } -const ADC_Chan_Type adc_tip_pos_chans[] - = {TIP_TEMP_ADC_CHANNEL, TMP36_ADC_CHANNEL, TIP_TEMP_ADC_CHANNEL, VIN_ADC_CHANNEL, TIP_TEMP_ADC_CHANNEL, TMP36_ADC_CHANNEL, TIP_TEMP_ADC_CHANNEL, VIN_ADC_CHANNEL}; +const ADC_Chan_Type adc_tip_pos_chans[] = {TIP_TEMP_ADC_CHANNEL, TMP36_ADC_CHANNEL, TIP_TEMP_ADC_CHANNEL, VIN_ADC_CHANNEL, + TIP_TEMP_ADC_CHANNEL, TMP36_ADC_CHANNEL, TIP_TEMP_ADC_CHANNEL, VIN_ADC_CHANNEL}; const ADC_Chan_Type adc_tip_neg_chans[] = {ADC_CHAN_GND, ADC_CHAN_GND, ADC_CHAN_GND, ADC_CHAN_GND, ADC_CHAN_GND, ADC_CHAN_GND, ADC_CHAN_GND, ADC_CHAN_GND}; static_assert(sizeof(adc_tip_pos_chans) == sizeof(adc_tip_neg_chans)); diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/bsp/bsp_common/platform/bflb_platform.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/bsp/bsp_common/platform/bflb_platform.c index 47aad724f6..5f8cdface3 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/bsp/bsp_common/platform/bflb_platform.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/bsp/bsp_common/platform/bflb_platform.c @@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ static uint8_t uart_dbg_disable = 0; struct heap_info mmheap_root; static struct heap_region system_mmheap[] = { - {NULL, 0}, {NULL, 0}, /* Terminates the array. */ + {NULL, 0}, + {NULL, 0}, /* Terminates the array. */ }; __WEAK__ void board_init(void) {} diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/bsp/bsp_common/platform/syscalls.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/bsp/bsp_common/platform/syscalls.c index a87c44d558..6299cad805 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/bsp/bsp_common/platform/syscalls.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/bsp/bsp_common/platform/syscalls.c @@ -203,7 +203,8 @@ void *_sbrk_r(struct _reent *ptr, ptrdiff_t incr) { return NULL; } /* for exit() and abort() */ void __attribute__((noreturn)) _exit(int status) { - while (1) {} + while (1) { + } } void _system(const char *s) {} diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/bsp/bsp_common/usb/uart_interface.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/bsp/bsp_common/usb/uart_interface.c deleted file mode 100644 index 9fe57a5ed7..0000000000 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/bsp/bsp_common/usb/uart_interface.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,194 +0,0 @@ -/** - * @file uart_interface.c - * @brief - * - * Copyright (c) 2021 Bouffalolab team - * - * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more - * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with - * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The - * ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the - * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the - * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at - * - * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - * - * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT - * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the - * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations - * under the License. - * - */ -#include "bflb_platform.h" -#include "hal_gpio.h" -#include "uart_interface.h" -#include "hal_usb.h" -#include "hal_dma.h" - -#define USB_OUT_RINGBUFFER_SIZE (8 * 1024) -#define UART_RX_RINGBUFFER_SIZE (8 * 1024) -#define UART_TX_DMA_SIZE (4095) - -uint8_t usb_rx_mem[USB_OUT_RINGBUFFER_SIZE] __attribute__((section(".system_ram"))); -uint8_t uart_rx_mem[UART_RX_RINGBUFFER_SIZE] __attribute__((section(".system_ram"))); - -uint8_t src_buffer[UART_TX_DMA_SIZE] __attribute__((section(".tcm_code"))); - -struct device *uart1; -struct device *dma_ch2; - -Ring_Buffer_Type usb_rx_rb; -Ring_Buffer_Type uart1_rx_rb; - -void uart_irq_callback(struct device *dev, void *args, uint32_t size, uint32_t state) -{ - if (state == UART_EVENT_RX_FIFO) { - if (size && size < Ring_Buffer_Get_Empty_Length(&uart1_rx_rb)) { - Ring_Buffer_Write(&uart1_rx_rb, (uint8_t *)args, size); - } else { - MSG("RF OV\r\n"); - } - } else if (state == UART_EVENT_RTO) { - if (size && size < Ring_Buffer_Get_Empty_Length(&uart1_rx_rb)) { - Ring_Buffer_Write(&uart1_rx_rb, (uint8_t *)args, size); - } else { - MSG("RTO OV\r\n"); - } - } else if (state == UART_RX_FER_IT) { - MSG("RX ERR\r\n"); - } -} -void uart1_init(void) -{ -#ifdef UART1_INDEX - uart_register(UART1_INDEX, "uart1"); - uart1 = device_find("uart1"); - - if (uart1) { - // device_open(uart1, DEVICE_OFLAG_DMA_TX | DEVICE_OFLAG_INT_RX); - // device_set_callback(uart1, uart_irq_callback); - // device_control(uart1, DEVICE_CTRL_SET_INT, (void *)(UART_RX_FIFO_IT | UART_RTO_IT)); - } - - dma_register(DMA0_CH2_INDEX, "ch2"); - dma_ch2 = device_find("ch2"); - - if (dma_ch2) { - DMA_DEV(dma_ch2)->direction = DMA_MEMORY_TO_PERIPH; - DMA_DEV(dma_ch2)->transfer_mode = DMA_LLI_ONCE_MODE; - DMA_DEV(dma_ch2)->src_req = DMA_REQUEST_NONE; - DMA_DEV(dma_ch2)->dst_req = DMA_REQUEST_UART1_TX; - DMA_DEV(dma_ch2)->src_addr_inc = DMA_ADDR_INCREMENT_ENABLE; - DMA_DEV(dma_ch2)->dst_addr_inc = DMA_ADDR_INCREMENT_DISABLE; - DMA_DEV(dma_ch2)->src_burst_size = DMA_BURST_1BYTE; - DMA_DEV(dma_ch2)->dst_burst_size = DMA_BURST_1BYTE; - DMA_DEV(dma_ch2)->src_width = DMA_TRANSFER_WIDTH_8BIT; - DMA_DEV(dma_ch2)->dst_width = DMA_TRANSFER_WIDTH_8BIT; - device_open(dma_ch2, 0); - } -#endif -} - -void uart1_config(uint32_t baudrate, uart_databits_t databits, uart_parity_t parity, uart_stopbits_t stopbits) -{ - device_close(uart1); - UART_DEV(uart1)->baudrate = baudrate; - UART_DEV(uart1)->stopbits = stopbits; - UART_DEV(uart1)->parity = parity; - UART_DEV(uart1)->databits = (databits - 5); - device_open(uart1, DEVICE_OFLAG_DMA_TX | DEVICE_OFLAG_INT_RX); - device_set_callback(uart1, uart_irq_callback); - device_control(uart1, DEVICE_CTRL_SET_INT, (void *)(UART_RX_FIFO_IT | UART_RTO_IT)); - Ring_Buffer_Reset(&usb_rx_rb); - Ring_Buffer_Reset(&uart1_rx_rb); -} - -static uint8_t uart1_dtr; -static uint8_t uart1_rts; - -void uart1_set_dtr_rts(uint8_t dtr, uint8_t rts) -{ - uart1_dtr = dtr; - uart1_rts = rts; -} - -void uart1_dtr_init(void) -{ - gpio_set_mode(uart1_dtr, GPIO_OUTPUT_MODE); -} -void uart1_rts_init(void) -{ - gpio_set_mode(uart1_rts, GPIO_OUTPUT_MODE); -} -void uart1_dtr_deinit(void) -{ - gpio_set_mode(uart1_dtr, GPIO_INPUT_MODE); -} -void uart1_rts_deinit(void) -{ - gpio_set_mode(uart1_rts, GPIO_INPUT_MODE); -} -void dtr_pin_set(uint8_t status) -{ - gpio_write(uart1_dtr, status); -} -void rts_pin_set(uint8_t status) -{ - gpio_write(uart1_rts, status); -} -void ringbuffer_lock() -{ - cpu_global_irq_disable(); -} -void ringbuffer_unlock() -{ - cpu_global_irq_enable(); -} - -void uart_ringbuffer_init(void) -{ - /* init mem for ring_buffer */ - memset(usb_rx_mem, 0, USB_OUT_RINGBUFFER_SIZE); - memset(uart_rx_mem, 0, UART_RX_RINGBUFFER_SIZE); - - /* init ring_buffer */ - Ring_Buffer_Init(&usb_rx_rb, usb_rx_mem, USB_OUT_RINGBUFFER_SIZE, ringbuffer_lock, ringbuffer_unlock); - Ring_Buffer_Init(&uart1_rx_rb, uart_rx_mem, UART_RX_RINGBUFFER_SIZE, ringbuffer_lock, ringbuffer_unlock); -} - -static dma_control_data_t uart_dma_ctrl_cfg = { - .bits.fix_cnt = 0, - .bits.dst_min_mode = 0, - .bits.dst_add_mode = 0, - .bits.SI = 1, - .bits.DI = 0, - .bits.SWidth = DMA_TRANSFER_WIDTH_8BIT, - .bits.DWidth = DMA_TRANSFER_WIDTH_8BIT, - .bits.SBSize = 0, - .bits.DBSize = 0, - .bits.I = 0, - .bits.TransferSize = 4095 -}; -static dma_lli_ctrl_t uart_lli_list = { - .src_addr = (uint32_t)src_buffer, - .dst_addr = DMA_ADDR_UART1_TDR, - .nextlli = 0 -}; - -void uart_send_from_ringbuffer(void) -{ - if (Ring_Buffer_Get_Length(&usb_rx_rb)) { - if (!dma_channel_check_busy(dma_ch2)) { - uint32_t avalibleCnt = Ring_Buffer_Read(&usb_rx_rb, src_buffer, UART_TX_DMA_SIZE); - - if (avalibleCnt) { - dma_channel_stop(dma_ch2); - uart_dma_ctrl_cfg.bits.TransferSize = avalibleCnt; - memcpy(&uart_lli_list.cfg, &uart_dma_ctrl_cfg, sizeof(dma_control_data_t)); - dma_channel_update(dma_ch2, (void *)((uint32_t)&uart_lli_list)); - dma_channel_start(dma_ch2); - } - } - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/bsp/bsp_common/usb/uart_interface.h b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/bsp/bsp_common/usb/uart_interface.h deleted file mode 100644 index 46d5b0c20d..0000000000 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/bsp/bsp_common/usb/uart_interface.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -/** - * @file uart_interface.h - * @brief - * - * Copyright (c) 2021 Bouffalolab team - * - * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more - * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with - * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The - * ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the - * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the - * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at - * - * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - * - * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT - * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the - * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations - * under the License. - * - */ - -#ifndef __UART_IF_H__ -#define __UART_IF_H__ - -#include "hal_uart.h" -#include "ring_buffer.h" - -extern Ring_Buffer_Type usb_rx_rb; -extern Ring_Buffer_Type uart1_rx_rb; - -void uart1_init(void); -void uart1_config(uint32_t baudrate, uart_databits_t databits, uart_parity_t parity, uart_stopbits_t stopbits); -void uart1_set_dtr_rts(uint8_t dtr, uint8_t rts); -void uart1_dtr_init(void); -void uart1_rts_init(void); -void uart1_dtr_deinit(void); -void uart1_rts_deinit(void); -void dtr_pin_set(uint8_t status); -void rts_pin_set(uint8_t status); -void uart_ringbuffer_init(void); -void uart_send_from_ringbuffer(void); -#endif \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/bsp/bsp_common/usb/usb_dc.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/bsp/bsp_common/usb/usb_dc.c deleted file mode 100644 index 60dffbd095..0000000000 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/bsp/bsp_common/usb/usb_dc.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ -/** - * @file usb_dc.c - * @brief - * - * Copyright (c) 2021 Bouffalolab team - * - * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more - * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with - * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The - * ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the - * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the - * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at - * - * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - * - * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT - * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the - * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations - * under the License. - * - */ - -#include "hal_usb.h" -#include "stdbool.h" -#include "usbd_core.h" - -struct device *usb; - -#ifdef USB_INDEX -static void usb_dc_event_callback(struct device *dev, void *args, uint32_t size, uint32_t state) -{ - usbd_event_notify_handler(state, args); -} -#endif -struct device *usb_dc_init(void) -{ -#ifdef USB_INDEX - usb_dc_register(USB_INDEX, "usb"); - usb = device_find("usb"); - device_set_callback(usb, usb_dc_event_callback); - device_open(usb, 0); - return usb; -#endif - return NULL; -} - -int usbd_set_address(const uint8_t addr) -{ - return usb_dc_set_dev_address(addr); -} - -int usbd_ep_open(const struct usbd_endpoint_cfg *ep_cfg) -{ - return usb_dc_ep_open(usb, (const struct usb_dc_ep_cfg *)ep_cfg); -} -int usbd_ep_close(const uint8_t ep) -{ - return usb_dc_ep_close(ep); -} -int usbd_ep_set_stall(const uint8_t ep) -{ - return usb_dc_ep_set_stall(ep); -} -int usbd_ep_clear_stall(const uint8_t ep) -{ - return usb_dc_ep_clear_stall(ep); -} -int usbd_ep_is_stalled(const uint8_t ep, uint8_t *stalled) -{ - return usb_dc_ep_is_stalled(usb, ep, stalled); -} - -int usbd_ep_write(const uint8_t ep, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t data_len, uint32_t *ret_bytes) -{ - return usb_dc_ep_write(usb, ep, data, data_len, ret_bytes); -} - -int usbd_ep_read(const uint8_t ep, uint8_t *data, uint32_t max_data_len, uint32_t *read_bytes) -{ - return usb_dc_ep_read(usb, ep, data, max_data_len, read_bytes); -} diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/common/bl_math/arm_dsp_wrapper.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/common/bl_math/arm_dsp_wrapper.c index 05c627927f..28c478c0c6 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/common/bl_math/arm_dsp_wrapper.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/common/bl_math/arm_dsp_wrapper.c @@ -23,28 +23,27 @@ #include "arm_dsp_wrapper.h" -void arm_fill_f32(float32_t value, float32_t *pDst, uint32_t blockSize) -{ - uint32_t blkCnt = blockSize >> 2u; +void arm_fill_f32(float32_t value, float32_t *pDst, uint32_t blockSize) { + uint32_t blkCnt = blockSize >> 2u; - float32_t in1 = value; - float32_t in2 = value; - float32_t in3 = value; - float32_t in4 = value; + float32_t in1 = value; + float32_t in2 = value; + float32_t in3 = value; + float32_t in4 = value; - while (blkCnt > 0u) { - *pDst++ = in1; - *pDst++ = in2; - *pDst++ = in3; - *pDst++ = in4; + while (blkCnt > 0u) { + *pDst++ = in1; + *pDst++ = in2; + *pDst++ = in3; + *pDst++ = in4; - blkCnt--; - } + blkCnt--; + } - blkCnt = blockSize % 0x4u; + blkCnt = blockSize % 0x4u; - while (blkCnt > 0u) { - *pDst++ = value; - blkCnt--; - } + while (blkCnt > 0u) { + *pDst++ = value; + blkCnt--; + } } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/common/device/drv_device.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/common/device/drv_device.c index e02a837105..d3dc7330ac 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/common/device/drv_device.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/common/device/drv_device.c @@ -38,10 +38,7 @@ dlist_t device_head = DLIST_OBJECT_INIT(device_head); * * @return device header */ -dlist_t *device_get_list_header(void) -{ - return &device_head; -} +dlist_t *device_get_list_header(void) { return &device_head; } /** * This function registers a device driver with specified name. @@ -52,25 +49,23 @@ dlist_t *device_get_list_header(void) * * @return the error code, DEVICE_EOK on initialization successfully. */ -int device_register(struct device *dev, const char *name) -{ - dlist_t *node; +int device_register(struct device *dev, const char *name) { + dlist_t *node; - dlist_for_each(node, &device_head) - { - struct device *dev_obj; - dev_obj = dlist_entry(node, struct device, list); + dlist_for_each(node, &device_head) { + struct device *dev_obj; + dev_obj = dlist_entry(node, struct device, list); - if (dev_obj == dev) { - return -DEVICE_EEXIST; - } + if (dev_obj == dev) { + return -DEVICE_EEXIST; } + } - strcpy(dev->name, name); + strcpy(dev->name, name); - dlist_insert_after(&device_head, &(dev->list)); - dev->status = DEVICE_REGISTERED; - return DEVICE_EOK; + dlist_insert_after(&device_head, &(dev->list)); + dev->status = DEVICE_REGISTERED; + return DEVICE_EOK; } /** @@ -82,17 +77,16 @@ int device_register(struct device *dev, const char *name) * * @return the error code, DEVICE_EOK on initialization successfully. */ -int device_unregister(const char *name) -{ - struct device *dev = device_find(name); +int device_unregister(const char *name) { + struct device *dev = device_find(name); - if (!dev) { - return -DEVICE_ENODEV; - } - dev->status = DEVICE_UNREGISTER; - /* remove from old list */ - dlist_remove(&(dev->list)); - return DEVICE_EOK; + if (!dev) { + return -DEVICE_ENODEV; + } + dev->status = DEVICE_UNREGISTER; + /* remove from old list */ + dlist_remove(&(dev->list)); + return DEVICE_EOK; } /** @@ -102,20 +96,18 @@ int device_unregister(const char *name) * * @return the registered device driver on successful, or NULL on failure. */ -struct device *device_find(const char *name) -{ - struct device *dev; - dlist_t *node; +struct device *device_find(const char *name) { + struct device *dev; + dlist_t *node; - dlist_for_each(node, &device_head) - { - dev = dlist_entry(node, struct device, list); + dlist_for_each(node, &device_head) { + dev = dlist_entry(node, struct device, list); - if (strncmp(dev->name, name, DEVICE_NAME_MAX) == 0) { - return dev; - } + if (strncmp(dev->name, name, DEVICE_NAME_MAX) == 0) { + return dev; } - return NULL; + } + return NULL; } /** @@ -126,26 +118,25 @@ struct device *device_find(const char *name) * * @return the result */ -int device_open(struct device *dev, uint16_t oflag) -{ +int device_open(struct device *dev, uint16_t oflag) { #ifdef DEVICE_CHECK_PARAM - int retval = DEVICE_EOK; + int retval = DEVICE_EOK; - if ((dev->status == DEVICE_REGISTERED) || (dev->status == DEVICE_CLOSED)) { - if (dev_open != NULL) { - retval = dev_open(dev, oflag); - dev->status = DEVICE_OPENED; - dev->oflag |= oflag; - } else { - retval = -DEVICE_EFAULT; - } + if ((dev->status == DEVICE_REGISTERED) || (dev->status == DEVICE_CLOSED)) { + if (dev_open != NULL) { + retval = dev_open(dev, oflag); + dev->status = DEVICE_OPENED; + dev->oflag |= oflag; } else { - retval = -DEVICE_EINVAL; + retval = -DEVICE_EFAULT; } + } else { + retval = -DEVICE_EINVAL; + } - return retval; + return retval; #else - return dev_open(dev, oflag); + return dev_open(dev, oflag); #endif } /** @@ -155,26 +146,25 @@ int device_open(struct device *dev, uint16_t oflag) * * @return the result */ -int device_close(struct device *dev) -{ +int device_close(struct device *dev) { #ifdef DEVICE_CHECK_PARAM - int retval = DEVICE_EOK; + int retval = DEVICE_EOK; - if (dev->status == DEVICE_OPENED) { - if (dev_close != NULL) { - retval = dev_close(dev); - dev->status = DEVICE_CLOSED; - dev->oflag = 0; - } else { - retval = -DEVICE_EFAULT; - } + if (dev->status == DEVICE_OPENED) { + if (dev_close != NULL) { + retval = dev_close(dev); + dev->status = DEVICE_CLOSED; + dev->oflag = 0; } else { - retval = -DEVICE_EINVAL; + retval = -DEVICE_EFAULT; } + } else { + retval = -DEVICE_EINVAL; + } - return retval; + return retval; #else - return dev_close(dev); + return dev_close(dev); #endif } /** @@ -186,24 +176,23 @@ int device_close(struct device *dev) * * @return the result */ -int device_control(struct device *dev, int cmd, void *args) -{ +int device_control(struct device *dev, int cmd, void *args) { #ifdef DEVICE_CHECK_PARAM - int retval = DEVICE_EOK; + int retval = DEVICE_EOK; - if (dev->status > DEVICE_UNREGISTER) { - if (dev_control != NULL) { - retval = dev_control(dev, cmd, args); - } else { - retval = -DEVICE_EFAULT; - } + if (dev->status > DEVICE_UNREGISTER) { + if (dev_control != NULL) { + retval = dev_control(dev, cmd, args); } else { - retval = -DEVICE_EINVAL; + retval = -DEVICE_EFAULT; } + } else { + retval = -DEVICE_EINVAL; + } - return retval; + return retval; #else - return dev_control(dev, cmd, args); + return dev_control(dev, cmd, args); #endif } /** @@ -216,24 +205,23 @@ int device_control(struct device *dev, int cmd, void *args) * * @return the actually written size on successful, otherwise negative returned. */ -int device_write(struct device *dev, uint32_t pos, const void *buffer, uint32_t size) -{ +int device_write(struct device *dev, uint32_t pos, const void *buffer, uint32_t size) { #ifdef DEVICE_CHECK_PARAM - int retval = DEVICE_EOK; + int retval = DEVICE_EOK; - if (dev->status == DEVICE_OPENED) { - if (dev_write != NULL) { - retval = dev_write(dev, pos, buffer, size); - } else { - retval = -DEVICE_EFAULT; - } + if (dev->status == DEVICE_OPENED) { + if (dev_write != NULL) { + retval = dev_write(dev, pos, buffer, size); } else { - retval = -DEVICE_EINVAL; + retval = -DEVICE_EFAULT; } + } else { + retval = -DEVICE_EINVAL; + } - return retval; + return retval; #else - return dev_write(dev, pos, buffer, size); + return dev_write(dev, pos, buffer, size); #endif } /** @@ -246,24 +234,23 @@ int device_write(struct device *dev, uint32_t pos, const void *buffer, uint32_t * * @return the actually read size on successful, otherwise negative returned. */ -int device_read(struct device *dev, uint32_t pos, void *buffer, uint32_t size) -{ +int device_read(struct device *dev, uint32_t pos, void *buffer, uint32_t size) { #ifdef DEVICE_CHECK_PARAM - int retval = DEVICE_EOK; + int retval = DEVICE_EOK; - if (dev->status == DEVICE_OPENED) { - if (dev_read != NULL) { - retval = dev_read(dev, pos, buffer, size); - } else { - retval = -DEVICE_EFAULT; - } + if (dev->status == DEVICE_OPENED) { + if (dev_read != NULL) { + retval = dev_read(dev, pos, buffer, size); } else { - retval = -DEVICE_EINVAL; + retval = -DEVICE_EFAULT; } + } else { + retval = -DEVICE_EINVAL; + } - return retval; + return retval; #else - return dev_read(dev, pos, buffer, size); + return dev_read(dev, pos, buffer, size); #endif } /** @@ -276,19 +263,18 @@ int device_read(struct device *dev, uint32_t pos, void *buffer, uint32_t size) * * @return the actually read size on successful, otherwise negative returned. */ -int device_set_callback(struct device *dev, void (*callback)(struct device *dev, void *args, uint32_t size, uint32_t event)) -{ - int retval = DEVICE_EOK; +int device_set_callback(struct device *dev, void (*callback)(struct device *dev, void *args, uint32_t size, uint32_t event)) { + int retval = DEVICE_EOK; - if (dev->status > DEVICE_UNREGISTER) { - if (callback != NULL) { - dev->callback = callback; - } else { - retval = -DEVICE_EFAULT; - } + if (dev->status > DEVICE_UNREGISTER) { + if (callback != NULL) { + dev->callback = callback; } else { - retval = -DEVICE_EINVAL; + retval = -DEVICE_EFAULT; } + } else { + retval = -DEVICE_EINVAL; + } - return retval; + return retval; } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/common/misc/misc.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/common/misc/misc.c index 3292a68359..92699a5049 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/common/misc/misc.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/common/misc/misc.c @@ -24,208 +24,199 @@ #ifndef BFLB_USE_ROM_DRIVER /****************************************************************************/ /** - * @brief Char memcpy - * - * @param dst: Destination - * @param src: Source - * @param n: Count of char - * - * @return Destination pointer - * - *******************************************************************************/ -__WEAK__ void *ATTR_TCM_SECTION arch_memcpy(void *dst, const void *src, uint32_t n) -{ - const uint8_t *p = src; - uint8_t *q = dst; - - while (n--) { - *q++ = *p++; - } - - return dst; + * @brief Char memcpy + * + * @param dst: Destination + * @param src: Source + * @param n: Count of char + * + * @return Destination pointer + * + *******************************************************************************/ +__WEAK__ void *ATTR_TCM_SECTION arch_memcpy(void *dst, const void *src, uint32_t n) { + const uint8_t *p = src; + uint8_t *q = dst; + + while (n--) { + *q++ = *p++; + } + + return dst; } /****************************************************************************/ /** - * @brief Word memcpy - * - * @param dst: Destination - * @param src: Source - * @param n: Count of words - * - * @return Destination pointer - * - *******************************************************************************/ -__WEAK__ uint32_t *ATTR_TCM_SECTION arch_memcpy4(uint32_t *dst, const uint32_t *src, uint32_t n) -{ - const uint32_t *p = src; - uint32_t *q = dst; - - while (n--) { - *q++ = *p++; - } - - return dst; + * @brief Word memcpy + * + * @param dst: Destination + * @param src: Source + * @param n: Count of words + * + * @return Destination pointer + * + *******************************************************************************/ +__WEAK__ uint32_t *ATTR_TCM_SECTION arch_memcpy4(uint32_t *dst, const uint32_t *src, uint32_t n) { + const uint32_t *p = src; + uint32_t *q = dst; + + while (n--) { + *q++ = *p++; + } + + return dst; } /****************************************************************************/ /** - * @brief Fast memcpy - * - * @param dst: Destination - * @param src: Source - * @param n: Count of bytes - * - * @return Destination pointer - * - *******************************************************************************/ -__WEAK__ void *ATTR_TCM_SECTION arch_memcpy_fast(void *pdst, const void *psrc, uint32_t n) -{ - uint32_t left, done, i = 0; - uint8_t *dst = (uint8_t *)pdst; - uint8_t *src = (uint8_t *)psrc; - - if (((uint32_t)(uintptr_t)dst & 0x3) == 0 && ((uint32_t)(uintptr_t)src & 0x3) == 0) { - arch_memcpy4((uint32_t *)dst, (const uint32_t *)src, n >> 2); - left = n % 4; - done = n - left; - - while (i < left) { - dst[done + i] = src[done + i]; - i++; - } - } else { - arch_memcpy(dst, src, n); + * @brief Fast memcpy + * + * @param dst: Destination + * @param src: Source + * @param n: Count of bytes + * + * @return Destination pointer + * + *******************************************************************************/ +__WEAK__ void *ATTR_TCM_SECTION arch_memcpy_fast(void *pdst, const void *psrc, uint32_t n) { + uint32_t left, done, i = 0; + uint8_t *dst = (uint8_t *)pdst; + uint8_t *src = (uint8_t *)psrc; + + if (((uint32_t)(uintptr_t)dst & 0x3) == 0 && ((uint32_t)(uintptr_t)src & 0x3) == 0) { + arch_memcpy4((uint32_t *)dst, (const uint32_t *)src, n >> 2); + left = n % 4; + done = n - left; + + while (i < left) { + dst[done + i] = src[done + i]; + i++; } + } else { + arch_memcpy(dst, src, n); + } - return dst; + return dst; } /****************************************************************************/ /** - * @brief char memset - * - * @param dst: Destination - * @param val: Value to set - * @param n: Count of char - * - * @return Destination pointer - * - *******************************************************************************/ -__WEAK__ void *ATTR_TCM_SECTION arch_memset(void *s, uint8_t c, uint32_t n) -{ - uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)s; - - while (n > 0) { - *p++ = (uint8_t)c; - --n; - } - - return s; + * @brief char memset + * + * @param dst: Destination + * @param val: Value to set + * @param n: Count of char + * + * @return Destination pointer + * + *******************************************************************************/ +__WEAK__ void *ATTR_TCM_SECTION arch_memset(void *s, uint8_t c, uint32_t n) { + uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)s; + + while (n > 0) { + *p++ = (uint8_t)c; + --n; + } + + return s; } /****************************************************************************/ /** - * @brief Word memset - * - * @param dst: Destination - * @param val: Value to set - * @param n: Count of words - * - * @return Destination pointer - * - *******************************************************************************/ -__WEAK__ uint32_t *ATTR_TCM_SECTION arch_memset4(uint32_t *dst, const uint32_t val, uint32_t n) -{ - uint32_t *q = dst; - - while (n--) { - *q++ = val; - } - - return dst; + * @brief Word memset + * + * @param dst: Destination + * @param val: Value to set + * @param n: Count of words + * + * @return Destination pointer + * + *******************************************************************************/ +__WEAK__ uint32_t *ATTR_TCM_SECTION arch_memset4(uint32_t *dst, const uint32_t val, uint32_t n) { + uint32_t *q = dst; + + while (n--) { + *q++ = val; + } + + return dst; } /****************************************************************************/ /** - * @brief string compare - * - * @param s1: string 1 - * @param s2: string 2 - * @param n: Count of chars - * - * @return compare result - * - *******************************************************************************/ -__WEAK__ int ATTR_TCM_SECTION arch_memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, uint32_t n) -{ - const unsigned char *c1 = s1, *c2 = s2; - int d = 0; - - while (n--) { - d = (int)*c1++ - (int)*c2++; - - if (d) { - break; - } + * @brief string compare + * + * @param s1: string 1 + * @param s2: string 2 + * @param n: Count of chars + * + * @return compare result + * + *******************************************************************************/ +__WEAK__ int ATTR_TCM_SECTION arch_memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, uint32_t n) { + const unsigned char *c1 = s1, *c2 = s2; + int d = 0; + + while (n--) { + d = (int)*c1++ - (int)*c2++; + + if (d) { + break; } + } - return d; + return d; } #endif -void memcopy_to_fifo(void *fifo_addr, uint8_t *data, uint32_t length) -{ - uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)fifo_addr; - uint8_t *q = data; +void memcopy_to_fifo(void *fifo_addr, uint8_t *data, uint32_t length) { + uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)fifo_addr; + uint8_t *q = data; - while (length--) { - *p = *q++; - } + while (length--) { + *p = *q++; + } } -void fifocopy_to_mem(void *fifo_addr, uint8_t *data, uint32_t length) -{ - uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)fifo_addr; - uint8_t *q = data; +void fifocopy_to_mem(void *fifo_addr, uint8_t *data, uint32_t length) { + uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)fifo_addr; + uint8_t *q = data; - while (length--) { - *q++ = *p; - } + while (length--) { + *q++ = *p; + } } /****************************************************************************/ /** - * @brief get u64 first number 1 from right to left - * - * @param val: target value - * @param bit: first 1 in bit - * - * @return SUCCESS or ERROR - * -*******************************************************************************/ -int arch_ffsll(uint64_t *val, uint32_t *bit) -{ - if (!*val) { - return ERROR; - } - - *bit = __builtin_ffsll(*val) - 1; - *val &= ~((1ULL) << (*bit)); - return 0; + * @brief get u64 first number 1 from right to left + * + * @param val: target value + * @param bit: first 1 in bit + * + * @return SUCCESS or ERROR + * + *******************************************************************************/ +int arch_ffsll(uint64_t *val, uint32_t *bit) { + if (!*val) { + return ERROR; + } + + *bit = __builtin_ffsll(*val) - 1; + *val &= ~((1ULL) << (*bit)); + return 0; } -int arch_ctzll(uint64_t *val, uint32_t *bit) -{ - if (!*val) - return -1; +int arch_ctzll(uint64_t *val, uint32_t *bit) { + if (!*val) { + return -1; + } - *bit = __builtin_ctzll(*val); - *val &= ~((1ULL) << (*bit)); - return 0; + *bit = __builtin_ctzll(*val); + *val &= ~((1ULL) << (*bit)); + return 0; } -int arch_clzll(uint64_t *val, uint32_t *bit) -{ - if (!*val) - return -1; +int arch_clzll(uint64_t *val, uint32_t *bit) { + if (!*val) { + return -1; + } - *bit = __builtin_clzll(*val); - *val &= ~((1ULL) << (*bit)); - return 0; + *bit = __builtin_clzll(*val); + *val &= ~((1ULL) << (*bit)); + return 0; } #ifdef DEBUG @@ -238,11 +229,10 @@ int arch_clzll(uint64_t *val, uint32_t *bit) * @return None *******************************************************************************/ -void check_failed(uint8_t *file, uint32_t line) -{ - /* Infinite loop */ - while (1) - ; +void check_failed(uint8_t *file, uint32_t line) { + /* Infinite loop */ + while (1) { + } } #endif /* DEBUG */ diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/common/partition/partition.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/common/partition/partition.c index 673dcbe88b..a96f0b593d 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/common/partition/partition.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/common/partition/partition.c @@ -1,42 +1,42 @@ /** - ****************************************************************************** - * @file partition.c - * @version V1.0 - * @date - * @brief This file is the standard driver c file - ****************************************************************************** - * @attention - * - *
程序如下: - 利用基姆拉尔森计算日期公式 w=(d+2*m+3*(m+1)/5+y+y/4-y/100+y/400) - */ - w=(d+2*m+3*(m+1)/5+y+y/4-y/100+y/400+1)%7; - - beijing_time->week=(uint8_t)w; +void cal_weekday(rtc_time *beijing_time) { + uint32_t y, m, d, w; + + y = beijing_time->year; + m = beijing_time->month; + d = beijing_time->day; + + if ((m == 1) || (m == 2)) { + m += 12; + y--; + } + /* + 把一月和二月看成是上一年的十三月和十四月,例:如果是2004-1-10则换算成:2003-13-10来代入公式计算。 + 以公元元年为参考,公元元年1月1日为星期一
程序如下: + 利用基姆拉尔森计算日期公式 w=(d+2*m+3*(m+1)/5+y+y/4-y/100+y/400) + */ + w = (d + 2 * m + 3 * (m + 1) / 5 + y + y / 4 - y / 100 + y / 400 + 1) % 7; + + beijing_time->week = (uint8_t)w; } -void unixtime2bejingtime(uint32_t unixtime, rtc_time *beijing_time) -{ - uint32_t totle_day_num; - uint32_t current_sec_num; - - uint16_t remain_day; +void unixtime2bejingtime(uint32_t unixtime, rtc_time *beijing_time) { + uint32_t totle_day_num; + uint32_t current_sec_num; - uint16_t temp_year; + uint16_t remain_day; - uint8_t *p = NULL; + uint16_t temp_year; - totle_day_num = unixtime / SEC_NUM_PER_DAY; //The total number of days - current_sec_num = unixtime % SEC_NUM_PER_DAY; //The number of seconds this day + uint8_t *p = NULL; - /* use the number of seconds this day, To calculate hour\minute\second */ - beijing_time->hour = current_sec_num / SEC_NUM_PER_HOUR; - beijing_time->minute = (current_sec_num % SEC_NUM_PER_HOUR) / SEC_NUM_PER_MINUTE; - beijing_time->second = (current_sec_num % SEC_NUM_PER_HOUR) % SEC_NUM_PER_MINUTE; + totle_day_num = unixtime / SEC_NUM_PER_DAY; // The total number of days + current_sec_num = unixtime % SEC_NUM_PER_DAY; // The number of seconds this day - /* Adjust the time zone and check whether the date is +1 */ - beijing_time->hour += 8; - if (beijing_time->hour > 23) { - beijing_time->hour -= 24; - totle_day_num++; - } + /* use the number of seconds this day, To calculate hour\minute\second */ + beijing_time->hour = current_sec_num / SEC_NUM_PER_HOUR; + beijing_time->minute = (current_sec_num % SEC_NUM_PER_HOUR) / SEC_NUM_PER_MINUTE; + beijing_time->second = (current_sec_num % SEC_NUM_PER_HOUR) % SEC_NUM_PER_MINUTE; + /* Adjust the time zone and check whether the date is +1 */ + beijing_time->hour += 8; + if (beijing_time->hour > 23) { + beijing_time->hour -= 24; + totle_day_num++; + } - /* calculate year */ - beijing_time->year = 1970 + (totle_day_num / FOUR_YEAR_DAY) * 4; // 4-year as a cycle - remain_day = totle_day_num % FOUR_YEAR_DAY; //remaining day nym( < 4 year ) + /* calculate year */ + beijing_time->year = 1970 + (totle_day_num / FOUR_YEAR_DAY) * 4; // 4-year as a cycle + remain_day = totle_day_num % FOUR_YEAR_DAY; // remaining day nym( < 4 year ) - /* calculate year & day */ + /* calculate year & day */ + temp_year = check_leap_year(beijing_time->year) ? 366 : 365; + while (remain_day >= temp_year) { + beijing_time->year++; + remain_day -= temp_year; temp_year = check_leap_year(beijing_time->year) ? 366 : 365; - while (remain_day >= temp_year) { - beijing_time->year++; - remain_day -= temp_year; - temp_year = check_leap_year(beijing_time->year) ? 366 : 365; - } - - /* Calculate specific dates(month\day)*/ - p = check_leap_year(beijing_time->year) ? Leap_month_day : month_day; - remain_day++; //The actual day starts at 1 - beijing_time->month = 0; - while (remain_day > *(p + beijing_time->month)) { - remain_day -= *(p + beijing_time->month); - beijing_time->month++; - } - - beijing_time->month++; //The actual month starts at 1 - beijing_time->day = remain_day; + } + /* Calculate specific dates(month\day)*/ + p = check_leap_year(beijing_time->year) ? Leap_month_day : month_day; + remain_day++; // The actual day starts at 1 + beijing_time->month = 0; + while (remain_day > *(p + beijing_time->month)) { + remain_day -= *(p + beijing_time->month); + beijing_time->month++; + } + beijing_time->month++; // The actual month starts at 1 + beijing_time->day = remain_day; - /*利用基姆拉尔森计算日期公式 w=(d+2*m+3*(m+1)/5+y+y/4-y/100+y/400)*/ + /*利用基姆拉尔森计算日期公式 w=(d+2*m+3*(m+1)/5+y+y/4-y/100+y/400)*/ - beijing_time->week = beijing_time->day + 2*beijing_time->month + 3*(beijing_time->month+1)/5 + \ - beijing_time->year + beijing_time->year/4 - beijing_time->year/100 +beijing_time->year/400 ; + beijing_time->week = + beijing_time->day + 2 * beijing_time->month + 3 * (beijing_time->month + 1) / 5 + beijing_time->year + beijing_time->year / 4 - beijing_time->year / 100 + beijing_time->year / 400; - cal_weekday(beijing_time); + cal_weekday(beijing_time); } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/bl_hci_wrapper/bl_hci_wrapper.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/bl_hci_wrapper/bl_hci_wrapper.c index 238b9b2023..5778665edc 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/bl_hci_wrapper/bl_hci_wrapper.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/bl_hci_wrapper/bl_hci_wrapper.c @@ -1,323 +1,318 @@ /***************************************************************************************** -* -* @file bl_hci_wrapper.c -* -* @brief Bouffalo Lab hci wrapper functions -* -* Copyright (C) Bouffalo Lab 2018 -* -* History: 2018-08 crealted by llgong @ Shanghai -* -*****************************************************************************************/ + * + * @file bl_hci_wrapper.c + * + * @brief Bouffalo Lab hci wrapper functions + * + * Copyright (C) Bouffalo Lab 2018 + * + * History: 2018-08 crealted by llgong @ Shanghai + * + *****************************************************************************************/ -#include-#include -#include "hci_host.h" #include "bl_hci_wrapper.h" -#include "hci_driver.h" #include "../common/include/errno.h" #include "byteorder.h" +#include "hci_driver.h" +#include "hci_host.h" #include "hci_onchip.h" +#include +#include #define DATA_MSG_CNT 10 struct rx_msg_struct data_msg[DATA_MSG_CNT]; -struct k_queue msg_queue; +struct k_queue msg_queue; #if defined(BFLB_BLE_NOTIFY_ADV_DISCARDED) extern void ble_controller_notify_adv_discarded(uint8_t *adv_bd_addr, uint8_t adv_type); #endif -struct rx_msg_struct *bl_find_valid_data_msg() -{ - struct rx_msg_struct empty_msg; - memset(&empty_msg, 0, sizeof(struct rx_msg_struct)); +struct rx_msg_struct *bl_find_valid_data_msg() { + struct rx_msg_struct empty_msg; + memset(&empty_msg, 0, sizeof(struct rx_msg_struct)); - for (int i = 0; i < DATA_MSG_CNT; i++) { - if (!memcmp(&data_msg[i], &empty_msg, sizeof(struct rx_msg_struct))) { - return (data_msg + i); - } + for (int i = 0; i < DATA_MSG_CNT; i++) { + if (!memcmp(&data_msg[i], &empty_msg, sizeof(struct rx_msg_struct))) { + return (data_msg + i); } + } - return NULL; + return NULL; } -int bl_onchiphci_send_2_controller(struct net_buf *buf) -{ - uint16_t opcode; - uint16_t dest_id = 0x00; - uint8_t buf_type; - uint8_t pkt_type; - hci_pkt_struct pkt; - - buf_type = bt_buf_get_type(buf); - switch (buf_type) { - case BT_BUF_CMD: { - struct bt_hci_cmd_hdr *chdr; - - if (buf->len < sizeof(struct bt_hci_cmd_hdr)) { - return -EINVAL; - } - - chdr = (void *)buf->data; - - if (buf->len < chdr->param_len) { - return -EINVAL; - } - - pkt_type = BT_HCI_CMD; - opcode = sys_le16_to_cpu(chdr->opcode); - //move buf to the payload - net_buf_pull(buf, sizeof(struct bt_hci_cmd_hdr)); - switch (opcode) { - //ble refer to hci_cmd_desc_tab_le, for the ones of which dest_ll is BLE_CTRL - case BT_HCI_OP_LE_CONN_UPDATE: - case BT_HCI_OP_LE_READ_CHAN_MAP: - case BT_HCI_OP_LE_READ_REMOTE_FEATURES: - case BT_HCI_OP_LE_START_ENCRYPTION: - case BT_HCI_OP_LE_LTK_REQ_REPLY: - case BT_HCI_OP_LE_LTK_REQ_NEG_REPLY: - case BT_HCI_OP_LE_CONN_PARAM_REQ_REPLY: - case BT_HCI_OP_LE_CONN_PARAM_REQ_NEG_REPLY: - case BT_HCI_OP_LE_SET_DATA_LEN: - case BT_HCI_OP_LE_READ_PHY: - case BT_HCI_OP_LE_SET_PHY: - //bredr identify link id, according to dest_id - case BT_HCI_OP_READ_REMOTE_FEATURES: - case BT_HCI_OP_READ_REMOTE_EXT_FEATURES: - case BT_HCI_OP_READ_ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE: { - //dest_id is connectin handle - dest_id = buf->data[0]; - } - default: - break; - } - pkt.p.hci_cmd.opcode = opcode; - pkt.p.hci_cmd.param_len = chdr->param_len; - pkt.p.hci_cmd.params = buf->data; - - break; - } - - case BT_BUF_ACL_OUT: { - struct bt_hci_acl_hdr *acl; - //connhandle +l2cap field - uint16_t connhdl_l2cf, tlt_len; - - if (buf->len < sizeof(struct bt_hci_acl_hdr)) { - return -EINVAL; - } - - pkt_type = BT_HCI_ACL_DATA; - acl = (void *)buf->data; - tlt_len = sys_le16_to_cpu(acl->len); - connhdl_l2cf = sys_le16_to_cpu(acl->handle); - //move buf to the payload - net_buf_pull(buf, sizeof(struct bt_hci_acl_hdr)); - - if (buf->len < tlt_len) { - return -EINVAL; - } - - //get connection_handle - dest_id = bt_acl_handle(connhdl_l2cf); - pkt.p.acl_data.conhdl = dest_id; - pkt.p.acl_data.pb_bc_flag = bt_acl_flags(connhdl_l2cf); - pkt.p.acl_data.len = tlt_len; - pkt.p.acl_data.buffer = (uint8_t *)buf->data; - - break; - } - - default: - return -EINVAL; +int bl_onchiphci_send_2_controller(struct net_buf *buf) { + uint16_t opcode; + uint16_t dest_id = 0x00; + uint8_t buf_type; + uint8_t pkt_type; + hci_pkt_struct pkt; + + buf_type = bt_buf_get_type(buf); + switch (buf_type) { + case BT_BUF_CMD: { + struct bt_hci_cmd_hdr *chdr; + + if (buf->len < sizeof(struct bt_hci_cmd_hdr)) { + return -EINVAL; } - return bt_onchiphci_send(pkt_type, dest_id, &pkt); -} + chdr = (void *)buf->data; -void bl_packet_to_host(uint8_t pkt_type, uint16_t src_id, uint8_t *param, uint8_t param_len, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - uint16_t tlt_len; - bool prio = true; - uint8_t nb_h2c_cmd_pkts = 0x01; - - uint8_t *buf_data = net_buf_tail(buf); - bt_buf_set_rx_adv(buf, false); - - switch (pkt_type) { - case BT_HCI_CMD_CMP_EVT: { - tlt_len = BT_HCI_EVT_CC_PARAM_OFFSET + param_len; - *buf_data++ = BT_HCI_EVT_CMD_COMPLETE; - *buf_data++ = BT_HCI_CCEVT_HDR_PARLEN + param_len; - *buf_data++ = nb_h2c_cmd_pkts; - sys_put_le16(src_id, buf_data); - buf_data += 2; - memcpy(buf_data, param, param_len); - break; - } - case BT_HCI_CMD_STAT_EVT: { - tlt_len = BT_HCI_CSEVT_LEN; - *buf_data++ = BT_HCI_EVT_CMD_STATUS; - *buf_data++ = BT_HCI_CSVT_PARLEN; - *buf_data++ = *(uint8_t *)param; - *buf_data++ = nb_h2c_cmd_pkts; - sys_put_le16(src_id, buf_data); - break; - } - case BT_HCI_LE_EVT: { - prio = false; - bt_buf_set_type(buf, BT_BUF_EVT); - if (param[0] == BT_HCI_EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT) { - bt_buf_set_rx_adv(buf, true); - } - tlt_len = BT_HCI_EVT_LE_PARAM_OFFSET + param_len; - *buf_data++ = BT_HCI_EVT_LE_META_EVENT; - *buf_data++ = param_len; - memcpy(buf_data, param, param_len); - break; - } - case BT_HCI_EVT: { - if (src_id != BT_HCI_EVT_NUM_COMPLETED_PACKETS) { - prio = false; - } - bt_buf_set_type(buf, BT_BUF_EVT); - tlt_len = BT_HCI_EVT_LE_PARAM_OFFSET + param_len; - *buf_data++ = src_id; - *buf_data++ = param_len; - memcpy(buf_data, param, param_len); - break; - } - case BT_HCI_ACL_DATA: { - prio = false; - bt_buf_set_type(buf, BT_BUF_ACL_IN); - tlt_len = bt_onchiphci_hanlde_rx_acl(param, buf_data); - break; - } - default: { - net_buf_unref(buf); - return; - } + if (buf->len < chdr->param_len) { + return -EINVAL; } - net_buf_add(buf, tlt_len); + pkt_type = BT_HCI_CMD; + opcode = sys_le16_to_cpu(chdr->opcode); + // move buf to the payload + net_buf_pull(buf, sizeof(struct bt_hci_cmd_hdr)); + switch (opcode) { + // ble refer to hci_cmd_desc_tab_le, for the ones of which dest_ll is BLE_CTRL + case BT_HCI_OP_LE_CONN_UPDATE: + case BT_HCI_OP_LE_READ_CHAN_MAP: + case BT_HCI_OP_LE_READ_REMOTE_FEATURES: + case BT_HCI_OP_LE_START_ENCRYPTION: + case BT_HCI_OP_LE_LTK_REQ_REPLY: + case BT_HCI_OP_LE_LTK_REQ_NEG_REPLY: + case BT_HCI_OP_LE_CONN_PARAM_REQ_REPLY: + case BT_HCI_OP_LE_CONN_PARAM_REQ_NEG_REPLY: + case BT_HCI_OP_LE_SET_DATA_LEN: + case BT_HCI_OP_LE_READ_PHY: + case BT_HCI_OP_LE_SET_PHY: + // bredr identify link id, according to dest_id + case BT_HCI_OP_READ_REMOTE_FEATURES: + case BT_HCI_OP_READ_REMOTE_EXT_FEATURES: + case BT_HCI_OP_READ_ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE: { + // dest_id is connectin handle + dest_id = buf->data[0]; + } + default: + break; + } + pkt.p.hci_cmd.opcode = opcode; + pkt.p.hci_cmd.param_len = chdr->param_len; + pkt.p.hci_cmd.params = buf->data; - if (prio) { - bt_recv_prio(buf); - } else { - hci_driver_enque_recvq(buf); + break; + } + + case BT_BUF_ACL_OUT: { + struct bt_hci_acl_hdr *acl; + // connhandle +l2cap field + uint16_t connhdl_l2cf, tlt_len; + + if (buf->len < sizeof(struct bt_hci_acl_hdr)) { + return -EINVAL; } + + pkt_type = BT_HCI_ACL_DATA; + acl = (void *)buf->data; + tlt_len = sys_le16_to_cpu(acl->len); + connhdl_l2cf = sys_le16_to_cpu(acl->handle); + // move buf to the payload + net_buf_pull(buf, sizeof(struct bt_hci_acl_hdr)); + + if (buf->len < tlt_len) { + return -EINVAL; + } + + // get connection_handle + dest_id = bt_acl_handle(connhdl_l2cf); + pkt.p.acl_data.conhdl = dest_id; + pkt.p.acl_data.pb_bc_flag = bt_acl_flags(connhdl_l2cf); + pkt.p.acl_data.len = tlt_len; + pkt.p.acl_data.buffer = (uint8_t *)buf->data; + + break; + } + + default: + return -EINVAL; + } + + return bt_onchiphci_send(pkt_type, dest_id, &pkt); } -void bl_trigger_queued_msg() -{ - struct net_buf *buf = NULL; - struct rx_msg_struct *msg = NULL; +void bl_packet_to_host(uint8_t pkt_type, uint16_t src_id, uint8_t *param, uint8_t param_len, struct net_buf *buf) { + uint16_t tlt_len; + bool prio = true; + uint8_t nb_h2c_cmd_pkts = 0x01; + + uint8_t *buf_data = net_buf_tail(buf); + bt_buf_set_rx_adv(buf, false); + + switch (pkt_type) { + case BT_HCI_CMD_CMP_EVT: { + tlt_len = BT_HCI_EVT_CC_PARAM_OFFSET + param_len; + *buf_data++ = BT_HCI_EVT_CMD_COMPLETE; + *buf_data++ = BT_HCI_CCEVT_HDR_PARLEN + param_len; + *buf_data++ = nb_h2c_cmd_pkts; + sys_put_le16(src_id, buf_data); + buf_data += 2; + memcpy(buf_data, param, param_len); + break; + } + case BT_HCI_CMD_STAT_EVT: { + tlt_len = BT_HCI_CSEVT_LEN; + *buf_data++ = BT_HCI_EVT_CMD_STATUS; + *buf_data++ = BT_HCI_CSVT_PARLEN; + *buf_data++ = *(uint8_t *)param; + *buf_data++ = nb_h2c_cmd_pkts; + sys_put_le16(src_id, buf_data); + break; + } + case BT_HCI_LE_EVT: { + prio = false; + bt_buf_set_type(buf, BT_BUF_EVT); + if (param[0] == BT_HCI_EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT) { + bt_buf_set_rx_adv(buf, true); + } + tlt_len = BT_HCI_EVT_LE_PARAM_OFFSET + param_len; + *buf_data++ = BT_HCI_EVT_LE_META_EVENT; + *buf_data++ = param_len; + memcpy(buf_data, param, param_len); + break; + } + case BT_HCI_EVT: { + if (src_id != BT_HCI_EVT_NUM_COMPLETED_PACKETS) { + prio = false; + } + bt_buf_set_type(buf, BT_BUF_EVT); + tlt_len = BT_HCI_EVT_LE_PARAM_OFFSET + param_len; + *buf_data++ = src_id; + *buf_data++ = param_len; + memcpy(buf_data, param, param_len); + break; + } + case BT_HCI_ACL_DATA: { + prio = false; + bt_buf_set_type(buf, BT_BUF_ACL_IN); + tlt_len = bt_onchiphci_hanlde_rx_acl(param, buf_data); + break; + } + default: { + net_buf_unref(buf); + return; + } + } + + net_buf_add(buf, tlt_len); + + if (prio) { + bt_recv_prio(buf); + } else { + hci_driver_enque_recvq(buf); + } +} - do { - unsigned int lock = irq_lock(); +void bl_trigger_queued_msg() { + struct net_buf *buf = NULL; + struct rx_msg_struct *msg = NULL; - if (k_queue_is_empty(&msg_queue)) { - break; - } + do { + unsigned int lock = irq_lock(); - if (bt_buf_get_rx_avail_cnt() <= CONFIG_BT_RX_BUF_RSV_COUNT) - break; + if (k_queue_is_empty(&msg_queue)) { + break; + } - buf = bt_buf_get_rx(BT_BUF_ACL_IN, K_NO_WAIT); - if (!buf) { - break; - } + if (bt_buf_get_rx_avail_cnt() <= CONFIG_BT_RX_BUF_RSV_COUNT) { + break; + } - msg = k_fifo_get(&msg_queue, K_NO_WAIT); + buf = bt_buf_get_rx(BT_BUF_ACL_IN, K_NO_WAIT); + if (!buf) { + break; + } - BT_ASSERT(msg); + msg = k_fifo_get(&msg_queue, K_NO_WAIT); - bl_packet_to_host(msg->pkt_type, msg->src_id, msg->param, msg->param_len, buf); + BT_ASSERT(msg); - irq_unlock(lock); + bl_packet_to_host(msg->pkt_type, msg->src_id, msg->param, msg->param_len, buf); - if (msg->param) { - k_free(msg->param); - } - memset(msg, 0, sizeof(struct rx_msg_struct)); + irq_unlock(lock); - } while (buf); -} + if (msg->param) { + k_free(msg->param); + } + memset(msg, 0, sizeof(struct rx_msg_struct)); -static void bl_onchiphci_rx_packet_handler(uint8_t pkt_type, uint16_t src_id, uint8_t *param, uint8_t param_len) -{ - struct net_buf *buf = NULL; - struct rx_msg_struct *rx_msg = NULL; + } while (buf); +} - if (pkt_type == BT_HCI_CMD_CMP_EVT || pkt_type == BT_HCI_CMD_STAT_EVT) { - buf = bt_buf_get_cmd_complete(K_FOREVER); - bl_packet_to_host(pkt_type, src_id, param, param_len, buf); - return; - } else if (pkt_type == BT_HCI_LE_EVT && param[0] == BT_HCI_EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT) { - if (bt_buf_get_rx_avail_cnt() <= CONFIG_BT_RX_BUF_RSV_COUNT) { - BT_INFO("Discard adv report."); +static void bl_onchiphci_rx_packet_handler(uint8_t pkt_type, uint16_t src_id, uint8_t *param, uint8_t param_len) { + struct net_buf *buf = NULL; + struct rx_msg_struct *rx_msg = NULL; + + if (pkt_type == BT_HCI_CMD_CMP_EVT || pkt_type == BT_HCI_CMD_STAT_EVT) { + buf = bt_buf_get_cmd_complete(K_FOREVER); + bl_packet_to_host(pkt_type, src_id, param, param_len, buf); + return; + } else if (pkt_type == BT_HCI_LE_EVT && param[0] == BT_HCI_EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT) { + if (bt_buf_get_rx_avail_cnt() <= CONFIG_BT_RX_BUF_RSV_COUNT) { + BT_INFO("Discard adv report."); #if defined(BFLB_BLE_NOTIFY_ADV_DISCARDED) - ble_controller_notify_adv_discarded(¶m[4], param[2]); + ble_controller_notify_adv_discarded(¶m[4], param[2]); #endif - return; - } - buf = bt_buf_get_rx(BT_BUF_ACL_IN, K_NO_WAIT); - if (buf) - bl_packet_to_host(pkt_type, src_id, param, param_len, buf); + return; + } + buf = bt_buf_get_rx(BT_BUF_ACL_IN, K_NO_WAIT); + if (buf) { + bl_packet_to_host(pkt_type, src_id, param, param_len, buf); + } + return; + } else { + if (pkt_type != BT_HCI_ACL_DATA) { + /* Using the reserved buf (CONFIG_BT_RX_BUF_RSV_COUNT) firstly. */ + buf = bt_buf_get_rx(BT_BUF_ACL_IN, K_NO_WAIT); + if (buf) { + bl_packet_to_host(pkt_type, src_id, param, param_len, buf); return; - } else { - if (pkt_type != BT_HCI_ACL_DATA) { - /* Using the reserved buf (CONFIG_BT_RX_BUF_RSV_COUNT) firstly. */ - buf = bt_buf_get_rx(BT_BUF_ACL_IN, K_NO_WAIT); - if (buf) { - bl_packet_to_host(pkt_type, src_id, param, param_len, buf); - return; - } - } - - rx_msg = bl_find_valid_data_msg(); + } } - BT_ASSERT(rx_msg); + rx_msg = bl_find_valid_data_msg(); + } - rx_msg->pkt_type = pkt_type; - rx_msg->src_id = src_id; - rx_msg->param_len = param_len; - if (param_len) { - rx_msg->param = k_malloc(param_len); - memcpy(rx_msg->param, param, param_len); - } + BT_ASSERT(rx_msg); + + rx_msg->pkt_type = pkt_type; + rx_msg->src_id = src_id; + rx_msg->param_len = param_len; + if (param_len) { + rx_msg->param = k_malloc(param_len); + memcpy(rx_msg->param, param, param_len); + } - k_fifo_put(&msg_queue, rx_msg); + k_fifo_put(&msg_queue, rx_msg); - bl_trigger_queued_msg(); + bl_trigger_queued_msg(); } -uint8_t bl_onchiphci_interface_init(void) -{ - for (int i = 0; i < DATA_MSG_CNT; i++) { - memset(data_msg + i, 0, sizeof(struct rx_msg_struct)); - } +uint8_t bl_onchiphci_interface_init(void) { + for (int i = 0; i < DATA_MSG_CNT; i++) { + memset(data_msg + i, 0, sizeof(struct rx_msg_struct)); + } - k_queue_init(&msg_queue, DATA_MSG_CNT); + k_queue_init(&msg_queue, DATA_MSG_CNT); - return bt_onchiphci_interface_init(bl_onchiphci_rx_packet_handler); + return bt_onchiphci_interface_init(bl_onchiphci_rx_packet_handler); } -void bl_onchiphci_interface_deinit(void) -{ - struct rx_msg_struct *msg; - - do { - msg = k_fifo_get(&msg_queue, K_NO_WAIT); - if (msg) { - if (msg->param) { - k_free(msg->param); - } - } else { - break; - } - } while (1); - - k_queue_free(&msg_queue); +void bl_onchiphci_interface_deinit(void) { + struct rx_msg_struct *msg; + + do { + msg = k_fifo_get(&msg_queue, K_NO_WAIT); + if (msg) { + if (msg->param) { + k_free(msg->param); + } + } else { + break; + } + } while (1); + + k_queue_free(&msg_queue); } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/atomic_c.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/atomic_c.c index 25c27fb663..34beb7ce76 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/atomic_c.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/atomic_c.c @@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ * * (originally from x86's atomic.c) */ +#include "bl_port.h" #include #include -#include "bl_port.h" -//#include -//#include +// #include +// #include /** * @@ -43,22 +43,20 @@ * @param new_value value to compare against * @return Returns 1 if is written, 0 otherwise. */ -int atomic_cas(atomic_t *target, atomic_val_t old_value, - atomic_val_t new_value) -{ - unsigned int key; - int ret = 0; +int atomic_cas(atomic_t *target, atomic_val_t old_value, atomic_val_t new_value) { + unsigned int key; + int ret = 0; - key = irq_lock(); + key = irq_lock(); - if (*target == old_value) { - *target = new_value; - ret = 1; - } + if (*target == old_value) { + *target = new_value; + ret = 1; + } - irq_unlock(key); + irq_unlock(key); - return ret; + return ret; } /** @@ -74,19 +72,18 @@ int atomic_cas(atomic_t *target, atomic_val_t old_value, * * @return The previous value from */ -atomic_val_t atomic_add(atomic_t *target, atomic_val_t value) -{ - unsigned int key; - atomic_val_t ret; +atomic_val_t atomic_add(atomic_t *target, atomic_val_t value) { + unsigned int key; + atomic_val_t ret; - key = irq_lock(); + key = irq_lock(); - ret = *target; - *target += value; + ret = *target; + *target += value; - irq_unlock(key); + irq_unlock(key); - return ret; + return ret; } /** @@ -102,19 +99,18 @@ atomic_val_t atomic_add(atomic_t *target, atomic_val_t value) * * @return The previous value from */ -atomic_val_t atomic_sub(atomic_t *target, atomic_val_t value) -{ - unsigned int key; - atomic_val_t ret; +atomic_val_t atomic_sub(atomic_t *target, atomic_val_t value) { + unsigned int key; + atomic_val_t ret; - key = irq_lock(); + key = irq_lock(); - ret = *target; - *target -= value; + ret = *target; + *target -= value; - irq_unlock(key); + irq_unlock(key); - return ret; + return ret; } /** @@ -128,19 +124,18 @@ atomic_val_t atomic_sub(atomic_t *target, atomic_val_t value) * * @return The value from before the increment */ -atomic_val_t atomic_inc(atomic_t *target) -{ - unsigned int key; - atomic_val_t ret; +atomic_val_t atomic_inc(atomic_t *target) { + unsigned int key; + atomic_val_t ret; - key = irq_lock(); + key = irq_lock(); - ret = *target; - (*target)++; + ret = *target; + (*target)++; - irq_unlock(key); + irq_unlock(key); - return ret; + return ret; } /** @@ -154,19 +149,18 @@ atomic_val_t atomic_inc(atomic_t *target) * * @return The value from prior to the decrement */ -atomic_val_t atomic_dec(atomic_t *target) -{ - unsigned int key; - atomic_val_t ret; +atomic_val_t atomic_dec(atomic_t *target) { + unsigned int key; + atomic_val_t ret; - key = irq_lock(); + key = irq_lock(); - ret = *target; - (*target)--; + ret = *target; + (*target)--; - irq_unlock(key); + irq_unlock(key); - return ret; + return ret; } /** @@ -181,10 +175,7 @@ atomic_val_t atomic_dec(atomic_t *target) * * @return The value read from */ -atomic_val_t atomic_get(const atomic_t *target) -{ - return *target; -} +atomic_val_t atomic_get(const atomic_t *target) { return *target; } /** * @@ -198,19 +189,18 @@ atomic_val_t atomic_get(const atomic_t *target) * * @return The previous value from */ -atomic_val_t atomic_set(atomic_t *target, atomic_val_t value) -{ - unsigned int key; - atomic_val_t ret; +atomic_val_t atomic_set(atomic_t *target, atomic_val_t value) { + unsigned int key; + atomic_val_t ret; - key = irq_lock(); + key = irq_lock(); - ret = *target; - *target = value; + ret = *target; + *target = value; - irq_unlock(key); + irq_unlock(key); - return ret; + return ret; } /** @@ -225,19 +215,18 @@ atomic_val_t atomic_set(atomic_t *target, atomic_val_t value) * * @return The previous value from */ -atomic_val_t atomic_clear(atomic_t *target) -{ - unsigned int key; - atomic_val_t ret; +atomic_val_t atomic_clear(atomic_t *target) { + unsigned int key; + atomic_val_t ret; - key = irq_lock(); + key = irq_lock(); - ret = *target; - *target = 0; + ret = *target; + *target = 0; - irq_unlock(key); + irq_unlock(key); - return ret; + return ret; } /** @@ -253,19 +242,18 @@ atomic_val_t atomic_clear(atomic_t *target) * * @return The previous value from */ -atomic_val_t atomic_or(atomic_t *target, atomic_val_t value) -{ - unsigned int key; - atomic_val_t ret; +atomic_val_t atomic_or(atomic_t *target, atomic_val_t value) { + unsigned int key; + atomic_val_t ret; - key = irq_lock(); + key = irq_lock(); - ret = *target; - *target |= value; + ret = *target; + *target |= value; - irq_unlock(key); + irq_unlock(key); - return ret; + return ret; } /** @@ -281,19 +269,18 @@ atomic_val_t atomic_or(atomic_t *target, atomic_val_t value) * * @return The previous value from */ -atomic_val_t atomic_xor(atomic_t *target, atomic_val_t value) -{ - unsigned int key; - atomic_val_t ret; +atomic_val_t atomic_xor(atomic_t *target, atomic_val_t value) { + unsigned int key; + atomic_val_t ret; - key = irq_lock(); + key = irq_lock(); - ret = *target; - *target ^= value; + ret = *target; + *target ^= value; - irq_unlock(key); + irq_unlock(key); - return ret; + return ret; } /** @@ -309,19 +296,18 @@ atomic_val_t atomic_xor(atomic_t *target, atomic_val_t value) * * @return The previous value from */ -atomic_val_t atomic_and(atomic_t *target, atomic_val_t value) -{ - unsigned int key; - atomic_val_t ret; +atomic_val_t atomic_and(atomic_t *target, atomic_val_t value) { + unsigned int key; + atomic_val_t ret; - key = irq_lock(); + key = irq_lock(); - ret = *target; - *target &= value; + ret = *target; + *target &= value; - irq_unlock(key); + irq_unlock(key); - return ret; + return ret; } /** @@ -337,17 +323,16 @@ atomic_val_t atomic_and(atomic_t *target, atomic_val_t value) * * @return The previous value from */ -atomic_val_t atomic_nand(atomic_t *target, atomic_val_t value) -{ - unsigned int key; - atomic_val_t ret; +atomic_val_t atomic_nand(atomic_t *target, atomic_val_t value) { + unsigned int key; + atomic_val_t ret; - key = irq_lock(); + key = irq_lock(); - ret = *target; - *target = ~(*target & value); + ret = *target; + *target = ~(*target & value); - irq_unlock(key); + irq_unlock(key); - return ret; + return ret; } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/buf.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/buf.c index 44bdbda0d6..bb3a5b54a3 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/buf.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/buf.c @@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ #endif #include -//LOG_MODULE_REGISTER(LOG_MODULE_NAME); +// LOG_MODULE_REGISTER(LOG_MODULE_NAME); -#include #include -#include -#include #include #include +#include +#include +#include #if defined(BFLB_BLE) #if defined(BFLB_DYNAMIC_ALLOC_MEM) #include "bl_port.h" @@ -29,17 +29,16 @@ #endif #if defined(CONFIG_NET_BUF_LOG) -#define NET_BUF_DBG(fmt, ...) LOG_DBG("(%p) " fmt, k_current_get(), \ - ##__VA_ARGS__) +#define NET_BUF_DBG(fmt, ...) LOG_DBG("(%p) " fmt, k_current_get(), ##__VA_ARGS__) #define NET_BUF_ERR(fmt, ...) LOG_ERR(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define NET_BUF_WARN(fmt, ...) LOG_WRN(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define NET_BUF_INFO(fmt, ...) LOG_INF(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) -#define NET_BUF_ASSERT(cond) \ - do { \ - if (!(cond)) { \ - NET_BUF_ERR("assert: '" #cond "' failed"); \ - } \ - } while (0) +#define NET_BUF_ASSERT(cond) \ + do { \ + if (!(cond)) { \ + NET_BUF_ERR("assert: '" #cond "' failed"); \ + } \ + } while (0) #else #define NET_BUF_DBG(fmt, ...) @@ -50,7 +49,7 @@ #endif /* CONFIG_NET_BUF_LOG */ #if defined(CONFIG_NET_BUF_WARN_ALLOC_INTERVAL) && (CONFIG_NET_BUF_WARN_ALLOC_INTERVAL > 0) -//#if CONFIG_NET_BUF_WARN_ALLOC_INTERVAL > 0 +// #if CONFIG_NET_BUF_WARN_ALLOC_INTERVAL > 0 #define WARN_ALLOC_INTERVAL K_SECONDS(CONFIG_NET_BUF_WARN_ALLOC_INTERVAL) #else #define WARN_ALLOC_INTERVAL K_FOREVER @@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ extern struct net_buf_pool acl_in_pool; #if CONFIG_BT_ATT_PREPARE_COUNT > 0 extern struct net_buf_pool frag_pool; #endif -#endif //CONFIG_BT_CONN +#endif // CONFIG_BT_CONN #if defined(CONFIG_BT_DISCARDABLE_BUF_COUNT) extern struct net_buf_pool discardable_pool; #endif @@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ extern struct net_buf_pool adv_buf_pool; extern struct net_buf_pool loopback_buf_pool; #if defined(CONFIG_BT_MESH_FRIEND) extern struct net_buf_pool friend_buf_pool; -#endif //CONFIG_BT_MESH_FRIEND +#endif // CONFIG_BT_MESH_FRIEND #endif #if defined(CONFIG_BT_BREDR) extern struct net_buf_pool br_sig_pool; @@ -95,12 +94,10 @@ extern struct net_buf_pool data_pool; #endif struct net_buf_pool *_net_buf_pool_list[] = { - &hci_cmd_pool, - &hci_rx_pool, + &hci_cmd_pool, &hci_rx_pool, #if defined(CONFIG_BT_CONN) - &acl_tx_pool, - &num_complete_pool, + &acl_tx_pool, &num_complete_pool, #if CONFIG_BT_ATT_PREPARE_COUNT > 0 &prep_pool, #endif @@ -110,193 +107,171 @@ struct net_buf_pool *_net_buf_pool_list[] = { #if CONFIG_BT_L2CAP_TX_FRAG_COUNT > 0 &frag_pool, #endif -#endif //defined(CONFIG_BT_CONN) +#endif // defined(CONFIG_BT_CONN) #if defined(CONFIG_BT_DISCARDABLE_BUF_COUNT) discardable_pool, #endif #ifdef CONFIG_BT_MESH - &adv_buf_pool, - &loopback_buf_pool, + &adv_buf_pool, &loopback_buf_pool, #if defined(CONFIG_BT_MESH_FRIEND) &friend_buf_pool, #endif #endif #if defined(CONFIG_BT_BREDR) - &sdp_pool, - &br_sig_pool, - &hf_pool, - &dummy_pool, + &sdp_pool, &br_sig_pool, &hf_pool, &dummy_pool, #endif #if defined(CONFIG_AUTO_PTS) - &server_pool, - &data_pool, + &server_pool, &data_pool, #endif }; #else extern struct net_buf_pool _net_buf_pool_list[]; -#endif //BFLB_DYNAMIC_ALLOC_MEM +#endif // BFLB_DYNAMIC_ALLOC_MEM #if defined(BFLB_DYNAMIC_ALLOC_MEM) -void net_buf_init(struct net_buf_pool *buf_pool, u16_t buf_count, size_t data_size, destroy_cb_t destroy) -{ - struct net_buf_pool_fixed *buf_fixed; - buf_pool->alloc = (struct net_buf_data_alloc *)k_malloc(sizeof(void *)); - buf_pool->alloc->alloc_data = (struct net_buf_pool_fixed *)k_malloc(sizeof(void *)); - - buf_fixed = (struct net_buf_pool_fixed *)buf_pool->alloc->alloc_data; - - buf_pool->alloc->cb = &net_buf_fixed_cb; - buf_fixed->data_size = data_size; - buf_fixed->data_pool = (u8_t *)k_malloc(buf_count * data_size); - buf_pool->__bufs = (struct net_buf *)k_malloc(buf_count * sizeof(struct net_buf)); - buf_pool->buf_count = buf_count; - buf_pool->uninit_count = buf_count; +void net_buf_init(struct net_buf_pool *buf_pool, u16_t buf_count, size_t data_size, destroy_cb_t destroy) { + struct net_buf_pool_fixed *buf_fixed; + buf_pool->alloc = (struct net_buf_data_alloc *)k_malloc(sizeof(void *)); + buf_pool->alloc->alloc_data = (struct net_buf_pool_fixed *)k_malloc(sizeof(void *)); + + buf_fixed = (struct net_buf_pool_fixed *)buf_pool->alloc->alloc_data; + + buf_pool->alloc->cb = &net_buf_fixed_cb; + buf_fixed->data_size = data_size; + buf_fixed->data_pool = (u8_t *)k_malloc(buf_count * data_size); + buf_pool->__bufs = (struct net_buf *)k_malloc(buf_count * sizeof(struct net_buf)); + buf_pool->buf_count = buf_count; + buf_pool->uninit_count = buf_count; #if defined(CONFIG_NET_BUF_POOL_USAGE) - buf_pool->avail_count = buf_count; + buf_pool->avail_count = buf_count; #endif - buf_pool->destroy = destroy; + buf_pool->destroy = destroy; - k_lifo_init(&(buf_pool->free), buf_count); + k_lifo_init(&(buf_pool->free), buf_count); } -void net_buf_deinit(struct net_buf_pool *buf_pool) -{ - extern void bt_delete_queue(struct k_fifo * queue_to_del); - bt_delete_queue((struct k_fifo *)(&(buf_pool->free))); - - struct net_buf_pool_fixed *buf_fixed = (struct net_buf_pool_fixed *)buf_pool->alloc->alloc_data; - k_free(buf_fixed->data_pool); - k_free(buf_pool->__bufs); - k_free(buf_pool->alloc->alloc_data); - k_free(buf_pool->alloc); +void net_buf_deinit(struct net_buf_pool *buf_pool) { + extern void bt_delete_queue(struct k_fifo * queue_to_del); + bt_delete_queue((struct k_fifo *)(&(buf_pool->free))); + + struct net_buf_pool_fixed *buf_fixed = (struct net_buf_pool_fixed *)buf_pool->alloc->alloc_data; + k_free(buf_fixed->data_pool); + k_free(buf_pool->__bufs); + k_free(buf_pool->alloc->alloc_data); + k_free(buf_pool->alloc); } #endif -struct net_buf_pool *net_buf_pool_get(int id) -{ +struct net_buf_pool *net_buf_pool_get(int id) { #if defined(BFLB_DYNAMIC_ALLOC_MEM) - return _net_buf_pool_list[id]; + return _net_buf_pool_list[id]; #else - return &_net_buf_pool_list[id]; + return &_net_buf_pool_list[id]; #endif } -static int pool_id(struct net_buf_pool *pool) -{ +static int pool_id(struct net_buf_pool *pool) { #if defined(BFLB_DYNAMIC_ALLOC_MEM) - int index; + int index; - for (index = 0; index < (sizeof(_net_buf_pool_list) / 4); index++) { - if (_net_buf_pool_list[index] == pool) { - break; - } + for (index = 0; index < (sizeof(_net_buf_pool_list) / 4); index++) { + if (_net_buf_pool_list[index] == pool) { + break; } - NET_BUF_ASSERT(index < (sizeof(_net_buf_pool_list) / 4)); - return index; + } + NET_BUF_ASSERT(index < (sizeof(_net_buf_pool_list) / 4)); + return index; #else - return pool - _net_buf_pool_list; + return pool - _net_buf_pool_list; #endif } -int net_buf_id(struct net_buf *buf) -{ - struct net_buf_pool *pool = net_buf_pool_get(buf->pool_id); +int net_buf_id(struct net_buf *buf) { + struct net_buf_pool *pool = net_buf_pool_get(buf->pool_id); - return buf - pool->__bufs; + return buf - pool->__bufs; } -static inline struct net_buf *pool_get_uninit(struct net_buf_pool *pool, - u16_t uninit_count) -{ - struct net_buf *buf; +static inline struct net_buf *pool_get_uninit(struct net_buf_pool *pool, u16_t uninit_count) { + struct net_buf *buf; - buf = &pool->__bufs[pool->buf_count - uninit_count]; + buf = &pool->__bufs[pool->buf_count - uninit_count]; - buf->pool_id = pool_id(pool); + buf->pool_id = pool_id(pool); - return buf; + return buf; } -void net_buf_reset(struct net_buf *buf) -{ - NET_BUF_ASSERT(buf->flags == 0U); - NET_BUF_ASSERT(buf->frags == NULL); +void net_buf_reset(struct net_buf *buf) { + NET_BUF_ASSERT(buf->flags == 0U); + NET_BUF_ASSERT(buf->frags == NULL); - net_buf_simple_reset(&buf->b); + net_buf_simple_reset(&buf->b); } #if !defined(BFLB_BLE) -static u8_t *generic_data_ref(struct net_buf *buf, u8_t *data) -{ - u8_t *ref_count; +static u8_t *generic_data_ref(struct net_buf *buf, u8_t *data) { + u8_t *ref_count; - ref_count = data - 1; - (*ref_count)++; + ref_count = data - 1; + (*ref_count)++; - return data; + return data; } -static u8_t *mem_pool_data_alloc(struct net_buf *buf, size_t *size, - s32_t timeout) -{ - struct net_buf_pool *buf_pool = net_buf_pool_get(buf->pool_id); - struct k_mem_pool *pool = buf_pool->alloc->alloc_data; - struct k_mem_block block; - u8_t *ref_count; - - /* Reserve extra space for k_mem_block_id and ref-count (u8_t) */ - if (k_mem_pool_alloc(pool, &block, - sizeof(struct k_mem_block_id) + 1 + *size, - timeout)) { - return NULL; - } +static u8_t *mem_pool_data_alloc(struct net_buf *buf, size_t *size, s32_t timeout) { + struct net_buf_pool *buf_pool = net_buf_pool_get(buf->pool_id); + struct k_mem_pool *pool = buf_pool->alloc->alloc_data; + struct k_mem_block block; + u8_t *ref_count; + + /* Reserve extra space for k_mem_block_id and ref-count (u8_t) */ + if (k_mem_pool_alloc(pool, &block, sizeof(struct k_mem_block_id) + 1 + *size, timeout)) { + return NULL; + } - /* save the block descriptor info at the start of the actual block */ - memcpy(block.data, &block.id, sizeof(block.id)); + /* save the block descriptor info at the start of the actual block */ + memcpy(block.data, &block.id, sizeof(block.id)); - ref_count = (u8_t *)block.data + sizeof(block.id); - *ref_count = 1U; + ref_count = (u8_t *)block.data + sizeof(block.id); + *ref_count = 1U; - /* Return pointer to the byte following the ref count */ - return ref_count + 1; + /* Return pointer to the byte following the ref count */ + return ref_count + 1; } -static void mem_pool_data_unref(struct net_buf *buf, u8_t *data) -{ - struct k_mem_block_id id; - u8_t *ref_count; +static void mem_pool_data_unref(struct net_buf *buf, u8_t *data) { + struct k_mem_block_id id; + u8_t *ref_count; - ref_count = data - 1; - if (--(*ref_count)) { - return; - } + ref_count = data - 1; + if (--(*ref_count)) { + return; + } - /* Need to copy to local variable due to alignment */ - memcpy(&id, ref_count - sizeof(id), sizeof(id)); - k_mem_pool_free_id(&id); + /* Need to copy to local variable due to alignment */ + memcpy(&id, ref_count - sizeof(id), sizeof(id)); + k_mem_pool_free_id(&id); } const struct net_buf_data_cb net_buf_var_cb = { .alloc = mem_pool_data_alloc, - .ref = generic_data_ref, + .ref = generic_data_ref, .unref = mem_pool_data_unref, }; #endif -static u8_t *fixed_data_alloc(struct net_buf *buf, size_t *size, s32_t timeout) -{ - struct net_buf_pool *pool = net_buf_pool_get(buf->pool_id); - const struct net_buf_pool_fixed *fixed = pool->alloc->alloc_data; +static u8_t *fixed_data_alloc(struct net_buf *buf, size_t *size, s32_t timeout) { + struct net_buf_pool *pool = net_buf_pool_get(buf->pool_id); + const struct net_buf_pool_fixed *fixed = pool->alloc->alloc_data; - *size = MIN(fixed->data_size, *size); + *size = MIN(fixed->data_size, *size); - return fixed->data_pool + fixed->data_size * net_buf_id(buf); + return fixed->data_pool + fixed->data_size * net_buf_id(buf); } -static void fixed_data_unref(struct net_buf *buf, u8_t *data) -{ - /* Nothing needed for fixed-size data pools */ +static void fixed_data_unref(struct net_buf *buf, u8_t *data) { /* Nothing needed for fixed-size data pools */ } const struct net_buf_data_cb net_buf_fixed_cb = { @@ -306,35 +281,33 @@ const struct net_buf_data_cb net_buf_fixed_cb = { #if defined(CONFIG_HEAP_MEM_POOL_SIZE) && (CONFIG_HEAP_MEM_POOL_SIZE > 0) -static u8_t *heap_data_alloc(struct net_buf *buf, size_t *size, s32_t timeout) -{ - u8_t *ref_count; +static u8_t *heap_data_alloc(struct net_buf *buf, size_t *size, s32_t timeout) { + u8_t *ref_count; - ref_count = k_malloc(1 + *size); - if (!ref_count) { - return NULL; - } + ref_count = k_malloc(1 + *size); + if (!ref_count) { + return NULL; + } - *ref_count = 1U; + *ref_count = 1U; - return ref_count + 1; + return ref_count + 1; } -static void heap_data_unref(struct net_buf *buf, u8_t *data) -{ - u8_t *ref_count; +static void heap_data_unref(struct net_buf *buf, u8_t *data) { + u8_t *ref_count; - ref_count = data - 1; - if (--(*ref_count)) { - return; - } + ref_count = data - 1; + if (--(*ref_count)) { + return; + } - k_free(ref_count); + k_free(ref_count); } static const struct net_buf_data_cb net_buf_heap_cb = { .alloc = heap_data_alloc, - .ref = generic_data_ref, + .ref = generic_data_ref, .unref = heap_data_unref, }; @@ -344,313 +317,282 @@ const struct net_buf_data_alloc net_buf_heap_alloc = { #endif /* CONFIG_HEAP_MEM_POOL_SIZE > 0 */ -static u8_t *data_alloc(struct net_buf *buf, size_t *size, s32_t timeout) -{ - struct net_buf_pool *pool = net_buf_pool_get(buf->pool_id); +static u8_t *data_alloc(struct net_buf *buf, size_t *size, s32_t timeout) { + struct net_buf_pool *pool = net_buf_pool_get(buf->pool_id); - return pool->alloc->cb->alloc(buf, size, timeout); + return pool->alloc->cb->alloc(buf, size, timeout); } -static u8_t *data_ref(struct net_buf *buf, u8_t *data) -{ - struct net_buf_pool *pool = net_buf_pool_get(buf->pool_id); +static u8_t *data_ref(struct net_buf *buf, u8_t *data) { + struct net_buf_pool *pool = net_buf_pool_get(buf->pool_id); - return pool->alloc->cb->ref(buf, data); + return pool->alloc->cb->ref(buf, data); } -static void data_unref(struct net_buf *buf, u8_t *data) -{ - struct net_buf_pool *pool = net_buf_pool_get(buf->pool_id); +static void data_unref(struct net_buf *buf, u8_t *data) { + struct net_buf_pool *pool = net_buf_pool_get(buf->pool_id); - if (buf->flags & NET_BUF_EXTERNAL_DATA) { - return; - } + if (buf->flags & NET_BUF_EXTERNAL_DATA) { + return; + } - pool->alloc->cb->unref(buf, data); + pool->alloc->cb->unref(buf, data); } #if defined(CONFIG_NET_BUF_LOG) -struct net_buf *net_buf_alloc_len_debug(struct net_buf_pool *pool, size_t size, - s32_t timeout, const char *func, - int line) +struct net_buf *net_buf_alloc_len_debug(struct net_buf_pool *pool, size_t size, s32_t timeout, const char *func, int line) #else -struct net_buf *net_buf_alloc_len(struct net_buf_pool *pool, size_t size, - s32_t timeout) +struct net_buf *net_buf_alloc_len(struct net_buf_pool *pool, size_t size, s32_t timeout) #endif { - u32_t alloc_start = k_uptime_get_32(); - struct net_buf *buf; - unsigned int key; - - NET_BUF_ASSERT(pool); - - NET_BUF_DBG("%s():%d: pool %p size %zu timeout %d", func, line, pool, - size, timeout); - - /* We need to lock interrupts temporarily to prevent race conditions - * when accessing pool->uninit_count. - */ - key = irq_lock(); - - /* If there are uninitialized buffers we're guaranteed to succeed - * with the allocation one way or another. - */ - if (pool->uninit_count) { - u16_t uninit_count; - - /* If this is not the first access to the pool, we can - * be opportunistic and try to fetch a previously used - * buffer from the LIFO with K_NO_WAIT. - */ - if (pool->uninit_count < pool->buf_count) { - buf = k_lifo_get(&pool->free, K_NO_WAIT); - if (buf) { - irq_unlock(key); - goto success; - } - } - - uninit_count = pool->uninit_count--; + u32_t alloc_start = k_uptime_get_32(); + struct net_buf *buf; + unsigned int key; + + NET_BUF_ASSERT(pool); + + NET_BUF_DBG("%s():%d: pool %p size %zu timeout %d", func, line, pool, size, timeout); + + /* We need to lock interrupts temporarily to prevent race conditions + * when accessing pool->uninit_count. + */ + key = irq_lock(); + + /* If there are uninitialized buffers we're guaranteed to succeed + * with the allocation one way or another. + */ + if (pool->uninit_count) { + u16_t uninit_count; + + /* If this is not the first access to the pool, we can + * be opportunistic and try to fetch a previously used + * buffer from the LIFO with K_NO_WAIT. + */ + if (pool->uninit_count < pool->buf_count) { + buf = k_lifo_get(&pool->free, K_NO_WAIT); + if (buf) { irq_unlock(key); - - buf = pool_get_uninit(pool, uninit_count); goto success; + } } + uninit_count = pool->uninit_count--; irq_unlock(key); + buf = pool_get_uninit(pool, uninit_count); + goto success; + } + + irq_unlock(key); + #if defined(CONFIG_NET_BUF_LOG) && (CONFIG_NET_BUF_LOG_LEVEL >= LOG_LEVEL_WRN) - if (timeout == K_FOREVER) { - u32_t ref = k_uptime_get_32(); - buf = k_lifo_get(&pool->free, K_NO_WAIT); - while (!buf) { + if (timeout == K_FOREVER) { + u32_t ref = k_uptime_get_32(); + buf = k_lifo_get(&pool->free, K_NO_WAIT); + while (!buf) { #if defined(CONFIG_NET_BUF_POOL_USAGE) - NET_BUF_WARN("%s():%d: Pool %s low on buffers.", - func, line, pool->name); + NET_BUF_WARN("%s():%d: Pool %s low on buffers.", func, line, pool->name); #else - NET_BUF_WARN("%s():%d: Pool %p low on buffers.", - func, line, pool); + NET_BUF_WARN("%s():%d: Pool %p low on buffers.", func, line, pool); #endif - buf = k_lifo_get(&pool->free, WARN_ALLOC_INTERVAL); + buf = k_lifo_get(&pool->free, WARN_ALLOC_INTERVAL); #if defined(CONFIG_NET_BUF_POOL_USAGE) - NET_BUF_WARN("%s():%d: Pool %s blocked for %u secs", - func, line, pool->name, - (k_uptime_get_32() - ref) / MSEC_PER_SEC); + NET_BUF_WARN("%s():%d: Pool %s blocked for %u secs", func, line, pool->name, (k_uptime_get_32() - ref) / MSEC_PER_SEC); #else - NET_BUF_WARN("%s():%d: Pool %p blocked for %u secs", - func, line, pool, - (k_uptime_get_32() - ref) / MSEC_PER_SEC); + NET_BUF_WARN("%s():%d: Pool %p blocked for %u secs", func, line, pool, (k_uptime_get_32() - ref) / MSEC_PER_SEC); #endif - } - } else { - buf = k_lifo_get(&pool->free, timeout); } -#else + } else { buf = k_lifo_get(&pool->free, timeout); + } +#else + buf = k_lifo_get(&pool->free, timeout); #endif - if (!buf) { - NET_BUF_ERR("%s():%d: Failed to get free buffer", func, line); - return NULL; - } + if (!buf) { + NET_BUF_ERR("%s():%d: Failed to get free buffer", func, line); + return NULL; + } success: - NET_BUF_DBG("allocated buf %p", buf); - - if (size) { - if (timeout != K_NO_WAIT && timeout != K_FOREVER) { - u32_t diff = k_uptime_get_32() - alloc_start; - - timeout -= MIN(timeout, diff); - } - - buf->__buf = data_alloc(buf, &size, timeout); - if (!buf->__buf) { - NET_BUF_ERR("%s():%d: Failed to allocate data", - func, line); - net_buf_destroy(buf); - return NULL; - } - } else { - buf->__buf = NULL; + NET_BUF_DBG("allocated buf %p", buf); + + if (size) { + if (timeout != K_NO_WAIT && timeout != K_FOREVER) { + u32_t diff = k_uptime_get_32() - alloc_start; + + timeout -= MIN(timeout, diff); } - buf->ref = 1U; - buf->flags = 0U; - buf->frags = NULL; - buf->size = size; - net_buf_reset(buf); + buf->__buf = data_alloc(buf, &size, timeout); + if (!buf->__buf) { + NET_BUF_ERR("%s():%d: Failed to allocate data", func, line); + net_buf_destroy(buf); + return NULL; + } + } else { + buf->__buf = NULL; + } + + buf->ref = 1U; + buf->flags = 0U; + buf->frags = NULL; + buf->size = size; + net_buf_reset(buf); #if defined(CONFIG_NET_BUF_POOL_USAGE) - pool->avail_count--; - NET_BUF_ASSERT(pool->avail_count >= 0); + pool->avail_count--; + NET_BUF_ASSERT(pool->avail_count >= 0); #endif - return buf; + return buf; } #if defined(CONFIG_NET_BUF_LOG) -struct net_buf *net_buf_alloc_fixed_debug(struct net_buf_pool *pool, - s32_t timeout, const char *func, - int line) -{ - const struct net_buf_pool_fixed *fixed = pool->alloc->alloc_data; +struct net_buf *net_buf_alloc_fixed_debug(struct net_buf_pool *pool, s32_t timeout, const char *func, int line) { + const struct net_buf_pool_fixed *fixed = pool->alloc->alloc_data; - return net_buf_alloc_len_debug(pool, fixed->data_size, timeout, func, - line); + return net_buf_alloc_len_debug(pool, fixed->data_size, timeout, func, line); } #else -struct net_buf *net_buf_alloc_fixed(struct net_buf_pool *pool, s32_t timeout) -{ - const struct net_buf_pool_fixed *fixed = pool->alloc->alloc_data; +struct net_buf *net_buf_alloc_fixed(struct net_buf_pool *pool, s32_t timeout) { + const struct net_buf_pool_fixed *fixed = pool->alloc->alloc_data; - return net_buf_alloc_len(pool, fixed->data_size, timeout); + return net_buf_alloc_len(pool, fixed->data_size, timeout); } #endif #if defined(CONFIG_NET_BUF_LOG) -struct net_buf *net_buf_alloc_with_data_debug(struct net_buf_pool *pool, - void *data, size_t size, - s32_t timeout, const char *func, - int line) +struct net_buf *net_buf_alloc_with_data_debug(struct net_buf_pool *pool, void *data, size_t size, s32_t timeout, const char *func, int line) #else -struct net_buf *net_buf_alloc_with_data(struct net_buf_pool *pool, - void *data, size_t size, - s32_t timeout) +struct net_buf *net_buf_alloc_with_data(struct net_buf_pool *pool, void *data, size_t size, s32_t timeout) #endif { - struct net_buf *buf; + struct net_buf *buf; #if defined(CONFIG_NET_BUF_LOG) - buf = net_buf_alloc_len_debug(pool, 0, timeout, func, line); + buf = net_buf_alloc_len_debug(pool, 0, timeout, func, line); #else - buf = net_buf_alloc_len(pool, 0, timeout); + buf = net_buf_alloc_len(pool, 0, timeout); #endif - if (!buf) { - return NULL; - } + if (!buf) { + return NULL; + } - buf->__buf = data; - buf->data = data; - buf->size = size; - buf->len = size; - buf->flags = NET_BUF_EXTERNAL_DATA; + buf->__buf = data; + buf->data = data; + buf->size = size; + buf->len = size; + buf->flags = NET_BUF_EXTERNAL_DATA; - return buf; + return buf; } #if defined(CONFIG_NET_BUF_LOG) -struct net_buf *net_buf_get_debug(struct k_fifo *fifo, s32_t timeout, - const char *func, int line) +struct net_buf *net_buf_get_debug(struct k_fifo *fifo, s32_t timeout, const char *func, int line) #else struct net_buf *net_buf_get(struct k_fifo *fifo, s32_t timeout) #endif { - struct net_buf *buf, *frag; + struct net_buf *buf, *frag; - NET_BUF_DBG("%s():%d: fifo %p timeout %d", func, line, fifo, timeout); + NET_BUF_DBG("%s():%d: fifo %p timeout %d", func, line, fifo, timeout); - buf = k_fifo_get(fifo, timeout); - if (!buf) { - return NULL; - } + buf = k_fifo_get(fifo, timeout); + if (!buf) { + return NULL; + } - NET_BUF_DBG("%s():%d: buf %p fifo %p", func, line, buf, fifo); + NET_BUF_DBG("%s():%d: buf %p fifo %p", func, line, buf, fifo); - /* Get any fragments belonging to this buffer */ - for (frag = buf; (frag->flags & NET_BUF_FRAGS); frag = frag->frags) { - frag->frags = k_fifo_get(fifo, K_NO_WAIT); - NET_BUF_ASSERT(frag->frags); + /* Get any fragments belonging to this buffer */ + for (frag = buf; (frag->flags & NET_BUF_FRAGS); frag = frag->frags) { + frag->frags = k_fifo_get(fifo, K_NO_WAIT); + NET_BUF_ASSERT(frag->frags); - /* The fragments flag is only for FIFO-internal usage */ - frag->flags &= ~NET_BUF_FRAGS; - } + /* The fragments flag is only for FIFO-internal usage */ + frag->flags &= ~NET_BUF_FRAGS; + } - /* Mark the end of the fragment list */ - frag->frags = NULL; + /* Mark the end of the fragment list */ + frag->frags = NULL; - return buf; + return buf; } -void net_buf_simple_init_with_data(struct net_buf_simple *buf, - void *data, size_t size) -{ - buf->__buf = data; - buf->data = data; - buf->size = size; - buf->len = size; +void net_buf_simple_init_with_data(struct net_buf_simple *buf, void *data, size_t size) { + buf->__buf = data; + buf->data = data; + buf->size = size; + buf->len = size; } -void net_buf_simple_reserve(struct net_buf_simple *buf, size_t reserve) -{ - NET_BUF_ASSERT(buf); - NET_BUF_ASSERT(buf->len == 0U); - NET_BUF_DBG("buf %p reserve %zu", buf, reserve); +void net_buf_simple_reserve(struct net_buf_simple *buf, size_t reserve) { + NET_BUF_ASSERT(buf); + NET_BUF_ASSERT(buf->len == 0U); + NET_BUF_DBG("buf %p reserve %zu", buf, reserve); - buf->data = buf->__buf + reserve; + buf->data = buf->__buf + reserve; } -void net_buf_slist_put(sys_slist_t *list, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - struct net_buf *tail; - unsigned int key; +void net_buf_slist_put(sys_slist_t *list, struct net_buf *buf) { + struct net_buf *tail; + unsigned int key; - NET_BUF_ASSERT(list); - NET_BUF_ASSERT(buf); + NET_BUF_ASSERT(list); + NET_BUF_ASSERT(buf); - for (tail = buf; tail->frags; tail = tail->frags) { - tail->flags |= NET_BUF_FRAGS; - } + for (tail = buf; tail->frags; tail = tail->frags) { + tail->flags |= NET_BUF_FRAGS; + } - key = irq_lock(); - sys_slist_append_list(list, &buf->node, &tail->node); - irq_unlock(key); + key = irq_lock(); + sys_slist_append_list(list, &buf->node, &tail->node); + irq_unlock(key); } -struct net_buf *net_buf_slist_get(sys_slist_t *list) -{ - struct net_buf *buf, *frag; - unsigned int key; +struct net_buf *net_buf_slist_get(sys_slist_t *list) { + struct net_buf *buf, *frag; + unsigned int key; - NET_BUF_ASSERT(list); + NET_BUF_ASSERT(list); - key = irq_lock(); - buf = (void *)sys_slist_get(list); - irq_unlock(key); + key = irq_lock(); + buf = (void *)sys_slist_get(list); + irq_unlock(key); - if (!buf) { - return NULL; - } + if (!buf) { + return NULL; + } - /* Get any fragments belonging to this buffer */ - for (frag = buf; (frag->flags & NET_BUF_FRAGS); frag = frag->frags) { - key = irq_lock(); - frag->frags = (void *)sys_slist_get(list); - irq_unlock(key); + /* Get any fragments belonging to this buffer */ + for (frag = buf; (frag->flags & NET_BUF_FRAGS); frag = frag->frags) { + key = irq_lock(); + frag->frags = (void *)sys_slist_get(list); + irq_unlock(key); - NET_BUF_ASSERT(frag->frags); + NET_BUF_ASSERT(frag->frags); - /* The fragments flag is only for list-internal usage */ - frag->flags &= ~NET_BUF_FRAGS; - } + /* The fragments flag is only for list-internal usage */ + frag->flags &= ~NET_BUF_FRAGS; + } - /* Mark the end of the fragment list */ - frag->frags = NULL; + /* Mark the end of the fragment list */ + frag->frags = NULL; - return buf; + return buf; } -void net_buf_put(struct k_fifo *fifo, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - struct net_buf *tail; +void net_buf_put(struct k_fifo *fifo, struct net_buf *buf) { + struct net_buf *tail; - NET_BUF_ASSERT(fifo); - NET_BUF_ASSERT(buf); + NET_BUF_ASSERT(fifo); + NET_BUF_ASSERT(buf); - for (tail = buf; tail->frags; tail = tail->frags) { - tail->flags |= NET_BUF_FRAGS; - } + for (tail = buf; tail->frags; tail = tail->frags) { + tail->flags |= NET_BUF_FRAGS; + } - k_fifo_put_list(fifo, buf, tail); + k_fifo_put_list(fifo, buf, tail); } #if defined(CONFIG_NET_BUF_LOG) @@ -659,257 +601,242 @@ void net_buf_unref_debug(struct net_buf *buf, const char *func, int line) void net_buf_unref(struct net_buf *buf) #endif { - NET_BUF_ASSERT(buf); + NET_BUF_ASSERT(buf); - while (buf) { - struct net_buf *frags = buf->frags; - struct net_buf_pool *pool; + while (buf) { + struct net_buf *frags = buf->frags; + struct net_buf_pool *pool; #if defined(CONFIG_NET_BUF_LOG) - if (!buf->ref) { - NET_BUF_ERR("%s():%d: buf %p double free", func, line, - buf); - return; - } + if (!buf->ref) { + NET_BUF_ERR("%s():%d: buf %p double free", func, line, buf); + return; + } #endif - NET_BUF_DBG("buf %p ref %u pool_id %u frags %p", buf, buf->ref, - buf->pool_id, buf->frags); + NET_BUF_DBG("buf %p ref %u pool_id %u frags %p", buf, buf->ref, buf->pool_id, buf->frags); - unsigned int key = irq_lock(); /* Added by bouffalo lab, to protect ref decrease */ - if (--buf->ref > 0) { - irq_unlock(key); /* Added by bouffalo lab */ - return; - } - irq_unlock(key); /* Added by bouffalo lab */ + unsigned int key = irq_lock(); /* Added by bouffalo lab, to protect ref decrease */ + if (--buf->ref > 0) { + irq_unlock(key); /* Added by bouffalo lab */ + return; + } + irq_unlock(key); /* Added by bouffalo lab */ - if (buf->__buf) { - data_unref(buf, buf->__buf); - buf->__buf = NULL; - } + if (buf->__buf) { + data_unref(buf, buf->__buf); + buf->__buf = NULL; + } - buf->data = NULL; - buf->frags = NULL; + buf->data = NULL; + buf->frags = NULL; - pool = net_buf_pool_get(buf->pool_id); + pool = net_buf_pool_get(buf->pool_id); #if defined(CONFIG_NET_BUF_POOL_USAGE) - pool->avail_count++; - NET_BUF_ASSERT(pool->avail_count <= pool->buf_count); + pool->avail_count++; + NET_BUF_ASSERT(pool->avail_count <= pool->buf_count); #endif - if (pool->destroy) { - pool->destroy(buf); - } else { - net_buf_destroy(buf); - } + if (pool->destroy) { + pool->destroy(buf); + } else { + net_buf_destroy(buf); + } - buf = frags; + buf = frags; #if defined(BFLB_BLE) - if (pool == &hci_rx_pool) { - bl_trigger_queued_msg(); - return; - } -#endif + if (pool == &hci_rx_pool) { + bl_trigger_queued_msg(); + return; } +#endif + } } -struct net_buf *net_buf_ref(struct net_buf *buf) -{ - NET_BUF_ASSERT(buf); +struct net_buf *net_buf_ref(struct net_buf *buf) { + NET_BUF_ASSERT(buf); - NET_BUF_DBG("buf %p (old) ref %u pool_id %u", - buf, buf->ref, buf->pool_id); + NET_BUF_DBG("buf %p (old) ref %u pool_id %u", buf, buf->ref, buf->pool_id); - unsigned int key = irq_lock(); /* Added by bouffalo lab, to protect ref increase */ - buf->ref++; - irq_unlock(key); /* Added by bouffalo lab */ - return buf; + unsigned int key = irq_lock(); /* Added by bouffalo lab, to protect ref increase */ + buf->ref++; + irq_unlock(key); /* Added by bouffalo lab */ + return buf; } -struct net_buf *net_buf_clone(struct net_buf *buf, s32_t timeout) -{ - u32_t alloc_start = k_uptime_get_32(); - struct net_buf_pool *pool; - struct net_buf *clone; +struct net_buf *net_buf_clone(struct net_buf *buf, s32_t timeout) { + u32_t alloc_start = k_uptime_get_32(); + struct net_buf_pool *pool; + struct net_buf *clone; - NET_BUF_ASSERT(buf); + NET_BUF_ASSERT(buf); - pool = net_buf_pool_get(buf->pool_id); + pool = net_buf_pool_get(buf->pool_id); - clone = net_buf_alloc_len(pool, 0, timeout); - if (!clone) { - return NULL; - } + clone = net_buf_alloc_len(pool, 0, timeout); + if (!clone) { + return NULL; + } - /* If the pool supports data referencing use that. Otherwise - * we need to allocate new data and make a copy. - */ - if (pool->alloc->cb->ref && !(buf->flags & NET_BUF_EXTERNAL_DATA)) { - clone->__buf = data_ref(buf, buf->__buf); - clone->data = buf->data; - clone->len = buf->len; - clone->size = buf->size; - } else { - size_t size = buf->size; - - if (timeout != K_NO_WAIT && timeout != K_FOREVER) { - u32_t diff = k_uptime_get_32() - alloc_start; + /* If the pool supports data referencing use that. Otherwise + * we need to allocate new data and make a copy. + */ + if (pool->alloc->cb->ref && !(buf->flags & NET_BUF_EXTERNAL_DATA)) { + clone->__buf = data_ref(buf, buf->__buf); + clone->data = buf->data; + clone->len = buf->len; + clone->size = buf->size; + } else { + size_t size = buf->size; - timeout -= MIN(timeout, diff); - } + if (timeout != K_NO_WAIT && timeout != K_FOREVER) { + u32_t diff = k_uptime_get_32() - alloc_start; - clone->__buf = data_alloc(clone, &size, timeout); - if (!clone->__buf || size < buf->size) { - net_buf_destroy(clone); - return NULL; - } + timeout -= MIN(timeout, diff); + } - clone->size = size; - clone->data = clone->__buf + net_buf_headroom(buf); - net_buf_add_mem(clone, buf->data, buf->len); + clone->__buf = data_alloc(clone, &size, timeout); + if (!clone->__buf || size < buf->size) { + net_buf_destroy(clone); + return NULL; } - return clone; + clone->size = size; + clone->data = clone->__buf + net_buf_headroom(buf); + net_buf_add_mem(clone, buf->data, buf->len); + } + + return clone; } -struct net_buf *net_buf_frag_last(struct net_buf *buf) -{ - NET_BUF_ASSERT(buf); +struct net_buf *net_buf_frag_last(struct net_buf *buf) { + NET_BUF_ASSERT(buf); - while (buf->frags) { - buf = buf->frags; - } + while (buf->frags) { + buf = buf->frags; + } - return buf; + return buf; } -void net_buf_frag_insert(struct net_buf *parent, struct net_buf *frag) -{ - NET_BUF_ASSERT(parent); - NET_BUF_ASSERT(frag); +void net_buf_frag_insert(struct net_buf *parent, struct net_buf *frag) { + NET_BUF_ASSERT(parent); + NET_BUF_ASSERT(frag); - if (parent->frags) { - net_buf_frag_last(frag)->frags = parent->frags; - } - /* Take ownership of the fragment reference */ - parent->frags = frag; + if (parent->frags) { + net_buf_frag_last(frag)->frags = parent->frags; + } + /* Take ownership of the fragment reference */ + parent->frags = frag; } -struct net_buf *net_buf_frag_add(struct net_buf *head, struct net_buf *frag) -{ - NET_BUF_ASSERT(frag); +struct net_buf *net_buf_frag_add(struct net_buf *head, struct net_buf *frag) { + NET_BUF_ASSERT(frag); - if (!head) { - return net_buf_ref(frag); - } + if (!head) { + return net_buf_ref(frag); + } - net_buf_frag_insert(net_buf_frag_last(head), frag); + net_buf_frag_insert(net_buf_frag_last(head), frag); - return head; + return head; } #if defined(CONFIG_NET_BUF_LOG) -struct net_buf *net_buf_frag_del_debug(struct net_buf *parent, - struct net_buf *frag, - const char *func, int line) +struct net_buf *net_buf_frag_del_debug(struct net_buf *parent, struct net_buf *frag, const char *func, int line) #else struct net_buf *net_buf_frag_del(struct net_buf *parent, struct net_buf *frag) #endif { - struct net_buf *next_frag; + struct net_buf *next_frag; - NET_BUF_ASSERT(frag); + NET_BUF_ASSERT(frag); - if (parent) { - NET_BUF_ASSERT(parent->frags); - NET_BUF_ASSERT(parent->frags == frag); - parent->frags = frag->frags; - } + if (parent) { + NET_BUF_ASSERT(parent->frags); + NET_BUF_ASSERT(parent->frags == frag); + parent->frags = frag->frags; + } - next_frag = frag->frags; + next_frag = frag->frags; - frag->frags = NULL; + frag->frags = NULL; #if defined(CONFIG_NET_BUF_LOG) - net_buf_unref_debug(frag, func, line); + net_buf_unref_debug(frag, func, line); #else - net_buf_unref(frag); + net_buf_unref(frag); #endif - return next_frag; + return next_frag; } -size_t net_buf_linearize(void *dst, size_t dst_len, struct net_buf *src, - size_t offset, size_t len) -{ - struct net_buf *frag; - size_t to_copy; - size_t copied; +size_t net_buf_linearize(void *dst, size_t dst_len, struct net_buf *src, size_t offset, size_t len) { + struct net_buf *frag; + size_t to_copy; + size_t copied; - len = MIN(len, dst_len); + len = MIN(len, dst_len); - frag = src; + frag = src; - /* find the right fragment to start copying from */ - while (frag && offset >= frag->len) { - offset -= frag->len; - frag = frag->frags; - } + /* find the right fragment to start copying from */ + while (frag && offset >= frag->len) { + offset -= frag->len; + frag = frag->frags; + } - /* traverse the fragment chain until len bytes are copied */ - copied = 0; - while (frag && len > 0) { - to_copy = MIN(len, frag->len - offset); - memcpy((u8_t *)dst + copied, frag->data + offset, to_copy); + /* traverse the fragment chain until len bytes are copied */ + copied = 0; + while (frag && len > 0) { + to_copy = MIN(len, frag->len - offset); + memcpy((u8_t *)dst + copied, frag->data + offset, to_copy); - copied += to_copy; + copied += to_copy; - /* to_copy is always <= len */ - len -= to_copy; - frag = frag->frags; + /* to_copy is always <= len */ + len -= to_copy; + frag = frag->frags; - /* after the first iteration, this value will be 0 */ - offset = 0; - } + /* after the first iteration, this value will be 0 */ + offset = 0; + } - return copied; + return copied; } /* This helper routine will append multiple bytes, if there is no place for * the data in current fragment then create new fragment and add it to * the buffer. It assumes that the buffer has at least one fragment. */ -size_t net_buf_append_bytes(struct net_buf *buf, size_t len, - const void *value, s32_t timeout, - net_buf_allocator_cb allocate_cb, void *user_data) -{ - struct net_buf *frag = net_buf_frag_last(buf); - size_t added_len = 0; - const u8_t *value8 = value; +size_t net_buf_append_bytes(struct net_buf *buf, size_t len, const void *value, s32_t timeout, net_buf_allocator_cb allocate_cb, void *user_data) { + struct net_buf *frag = net_buf_frag_last(buf); + size_t added_len = 0; + const u8_t *value8 = value; - do { - u16_t count = MIN(len, net_buf_tailroom(frag)); + do { + u16_t count = MIN(len, net_buf_tailroom(frag)); - net_buf_add_mem(frag, value8, count); - len -= count; - added_len += count; - value8 += count; + net_buf_add_mem(frag, value8, count); + len -= count; + added_len += count; + value8 += count; - if (len == 0) { - return added_len; - } + if (len == 0) { + return added_len; + } - frag = allocate_cb(timeout, user_data); - if (!frag) { - return added_len; - } + frag = allocate_cb(timeout, user_data); + if (!frag) { + return added_len; + } - net_buf_frag_add(buf, frag); - } while (1); + net_buf_frag_add(buf, frag); + } while (1); - /* Unreachable */ - return 0; + /* Unreachable */ + return 0; } #if defined(CONFIG_NET_BUF_SIMPLE_LOG) @@ -926,212 +853,179 @@ size_t net_buf_append_bytes(struct net_buf *buf, size_t len, #define NET_BUF_SIMPLE_ASSERT(cond) #endif /* CONFIG_NET_BUF_SIMPLE_LOG */ -void net_buf_simple_clone(const struct net_buf_simple *original, - struct net_buf_simple *clone) -{ - memcpy(clone, original, sizeof(struct net_buf_simple)); -} +void net_buf_simple_clone(const struct net_buf_simple *original, struct net_buf_simple *clone) { memcpy(clone, original, sizeof(struct net_buf_simple)); } -void *net_buf_simple_add(struct net_buf_simple *buf, size_t len) -{ - u8_t *tail = net_buf_simple_tail(buf); +void *net_buf_simple_add(struct net_buf_simple *buf, size_t len) { + u8_t *tail = net_buf_simple_tail(buf); - NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p len %zu", buf, len); + NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p len %zu", buf, len); - NET_BUF_SIMPLE_ASSERT(net_buf_simple_tailroom(buf) >= len); + NET_BUF_SIMPLE_ASSERT(net_buf_simple_tailroom(buf) >= len); - buf->len += len; - return tail; + buf->len += len; + return tail; } -void *net_buf_simple_add_mem(struct net_buf_simple *buf, const void *mem, - size_t len) -{ - NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p len %zu", buf, len); +void *net_buf_simple_add_mem(struct net_buf_simple *buf, const void *mem, size_t len) { + NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p len %zu", buf, len); - return memcpy(net_buf_simple_add(buf, len), mem, len); + return memcpy(net_buf_simple_add(buf, len), mem, len); } -u8_t *net_buf_simple_add_u8(struct net_buf_simple *buf, u8_t val) -{ - u8_t *u8; +u8_t *net_buf_simple_add_u8(struct net_buf_simple *buf, u8_t val) { + u8_t *u8; - NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p val 0x%02x", buf, val); + NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p val 0x%02x", buf, val); - u8 = net_buf_simple_add(buf, 1); - *u8 = val; + u8 = net_buf_simple_add(buf, 1); + *u8 = val; - return u8; + return u8; } -void net_buf_simple_add_le16(struct net_buf_simple *buf, u16_t val) -{ - NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p val %u", buf, val); +void net_buf_simple_add_le16(struct net_buf_simple *buf, u16_t val) { + NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p val %u", buf, val); - sys_put_le16(val, net_buf_simple_add(buf, sizeof(val))); + sys_put_le16(val, net_buf_simple_add(buf, sizeof(val))); } -void net_buf_simple_add_be16(struct net_buf_simple *buf, u16_t val) -{ - NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p val %u", buf, val); +void net_buf_simple_add_be16(struct net_buf_simple *buf, u16_t val) { + NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p val %u", buf, val); - sys_put_be16(val, net_buf_simple_add(buf, sizeof(val))); + sys_put_be16(val, net_buf_simple_add(buf, sizeof(val))); } -void net_buf_simple_add_le24(struct net_buf_simple *buf, uint32_t val) -{ - NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p val %u", buf, val); +void net_buf_simple_add_le24(struct net_buf_simple *buf, uint32_t val) { + NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p val %u", buf, val); - sys_put_le24(val, net_buf_simple_add(buf, 3)); + sys_put_le24(val, net_buf_simple_add(buf, 3)); } -void net_buf_simple_add_be24(struct net_buf_simple *buf, uint32_t val) -{ - NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p val %u", buf, val); +void net_buf_simple_add_be24(struct net_buf_simple *buf, uint32_t val) { + NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p val %u", buf, val); - sys_put_be24(val, net_buf_simple_add(buf, 3)); + sys_put_be24(val, net_buf_simple_add(buf, 3)); } -void net_buf_simple_add_le32(struct net_buf_simple *buf, u32_t val) -{ - NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p val %u", buf, val); +void net_buf_simple_add_le32(struct net_buf_simple *buf, u32_t val) { + NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p val %u", buf, val); - sys_put_le32(val, net_buf_simple_add(buf, sizeof(val))); + sys_put_le32(val, net_buf_simple_add(buf, sizeof(val))); } -void net_buf_simple_add_be32(struct net_buf_simple *buf, u32_t val) -{ - NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p val %u", buf, val); +void net_buf_simple_add_be32(struct net_buf_simple *buf, u32_t val) { + NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p val %u", buf, val); - sys_put_be32(val, net_buf_simple_add(buf, sizeof(val))); + sys_put_be32(val, net_buf_simple_add(buf, sizeof(val))); } -void *net_buf_simple_push(struct net_buf_simple *buf, size_t len) -{ - NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p len %zu", buf, len); +void *net_buf_simple_push(struct net_buf_simple *buf, size_t len) { + NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p len %zu", buf, len); - NET_BUF_SIMPLE_ASSERT(net_buf_simple_headroom(buf) >= len); + NET_BUF_SIMPLE_ASSERT(net_buf_simple_headroom(buf) >= len); - buf->data -= len; - buf->len += len; - return buf->data; + buf->data -= len; + buf->len += len; + return buf->data; } -void net_buf_simple_push_le16(struct net_buf_simple *buf, u16_t val) -{ - NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p val %u", buf, val); +void net_buf_simple_push_le16(struct net_buf_simple *buf, u16_t val) { + NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p val %u", buf, val); - sys_put_le16(val, net_buf_simple_push(buf, sizeof(val))); + sys_put_le16(val, net_buf_simple_push(buf, sizeof(val))); } -void net_buf_simple_push_be16(struct net_buf_simple *buf, u16_t val) -{ - NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p val %u", buf, val); +void net_buf_simple_push_be16(struct net_buf_simple *buf, u16_t val) { + NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p val %u", buf, val); - sys_put_be16(val, net_buf_simple_push(buf, sizeof(val))); + sys_put_be16(val, net_buf_simple_push(buf, sizeof(val))); } -void net_buf_simple_push_u8(struct net_buf_simple *buf, u8_t val) -{ - u8_t *data = net_buf_simple_push(buf, 1); +void net_buf_simple_push_u8(struct net_buf_simple *buf, u8_t val) { + u8_t *data = net_buf_simple_push(buf, 1); - *data = val; + *data = val; } -void net_buf_simple_push_le24(struct net_buf_simple *buf, uint32_t val) -{ - NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p val %u", buf, val); +void net_buf_simple_push_le24(struct net_buf_simple *buf, uint32_t val) { + NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p val %u", buf, val); - sys_put_le24(val, net_buf_simple_push(buf, 3)); + sys_put_le24(val, net_buf_simple_push(buf, 3)); } -void net_buf_simple_push_be24(struct net_buf_simple *buf, uint32_t val) -{ - NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p val %u", buf, val); +void net_buf_simple_push_be24(struct net_buf_simple *buf, uint32_t val) { + NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p val %u", buf, val); - sys_put_be24(val, net_buf_simple_push(buf, 3)); + sys_put_be24(val, net_buf_simple_push(buf, 3)); } -void *net_buf_simple_pull(struct net_buf_simple *buf, size_t len) -{ - NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p len %zu", buf, len); +void *net_buf_simple_pull(struct net_buf_simple *buf, size_t len) { + NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p len %zu", buf, len); - NET_BUF_SIMPLE_ASSERT(buf->len >= len); + NET_BUF_SIMPLE_ASSERT(buf->len >= len); - buf->len -= len; - return buf->data += len; + buf->len -= len; + return buf->data += len; } -void *net_buf_simple_pull_mem(struct net_buf_simple *buf, size_t len) -{ - void *data = buf->data; +void *net_buf_simple_pull_mem(struct net_buf_simple *buf, size_t len) { + void *data = buf->data; - NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p len %zu", buf, len); + NET_BUF_SIMPLE_DBG("buf %p len %zu", buf, len); - NET_BUF_SIMPLE_ASSERT(buf->len >= len); + NET_BUF_SIMPLE_ASSERT(buf->len >= len); - buf->len -= len; - buf->data += len; + buf->len -= len; + buf->data += len; - return data; + return data; } -u8_t net_buf_simple_pull_u8(struct net_buf_simple *buf) -{ - u8_t val; +u8_t net_buf_simple_pull_u8(struct net_buf_simple *buf) { + u8_t val; - val = buf->data[0]; - net_buf_simple_pull(buf, 1); + val = buf->data[0]; + net_buf_simple_pull(buf, 1); - return val; + return val; } -u16_t net_buf_simple_pull_le16(struct net_buf_simple *buf) -{ - u16_t val; +u16_t net_buf_simple_pull_le16(struct net_buf_simple *buf) { + u16_t val; - val = UNALIGNED_GET((u16_t *)buf->data); - net_buf_simple_pull(buf, sizeof(val)); + val = UNALIGNED_GET((u16_t *)buf->data); + net_buf_simple_pull(buf, sizeof(val)); - return sys_le16_to_cpu(val); + return sys_le16_to_cpu(val); } -u16_t net_buf_simple_pull_be16(struct net_buf_simple *buf) -{ - u16_t val; +u16_t net_buf_simple_pull_be16(struct net_buf_simple *buf) { + u16_t val; - val = UNALIGNED_GET((u16_t *)buf->data); - net_buf_simple_pull(buf, sizeof(val)); + val = UNALIGNED_GET((u16_t *)buf->data); + net_buf_simple_pull(buf, sizeof(val)); - return sys_be16_to_cpu(val); + return sys_be16_to_cpu(val); } -u32_t net_buf_simple_pull_le32(struct net_buf_simple *buf) -{ - u32_t val; +u32_t net_buf_simple_pull_le32(struct net_buf_simple *buf) { + u32_t val; - val = UNALIGNED_GET((u32_t *)buf->data); - net_buf_simple_pull(buf, sizeof(val)); + val = UNALIGNED_GET((u32_t *)buf->data); + net_buf_simple_pull(buf, sizeof(val)); - return sys_le32_to_cpu(val); + return sys_le32_to_cpu(val); } -u32_t net_buf_simple_pull_be32(struct net_buf_simple *buf) -{ - u32_t val; +u32_t net_buf_simple_pull_be32(struct net_buf_simple *buf) { + u32_t val; - val = UNALIGNED_GET((u32_t *)buf->data); - net_buf_simple_pull(buf, sizeof(val)); + val = UNALIGNED_GET((u32_t *)buf->data); + net_buf_simple_pull(buf, sizeof(val)); - return sys_be32_to_cpu(val); + return sys_be32_to_cpu(val); } -size_t net_buf_simple_headroom(struct net_buf_simple *buf) -{ - return buf->data - buf->__buf; -} +size_t net_buf_simple_headroom(struct net_buf_simple *buf) { return buf->data - buf->__buf; } -size_t net_buf_simple_tailroom(struct net_buf_simple *buf) -{ - return buf->size - net_buf_simple_headroom(buf) - buf->len; -} +size_t net_buf_simple_tailroom(struct net_buf_simple *buf) { return buf->size - net_buf_simple_headroom(buf) - buf->len; } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/dec.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/dec.c index 7c7f30c0a8..e0fd7b794a 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/dec.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/dec.c @@ -6,28 +6,27 @@ #include -u8_t u8_to_dec(char *buf, u8_t buflen, u8_t value) -{ - u8_t divisor = 100; - u8_t num_digits = 0; - u8_t digit; +u8_t u8_to_dec(char *buf, u8_t buflen, u8_t value) { + u8_t divisor = 100; + u8_t num_digits = 0; + u8_t digit; - while (buflen > 0 && divisor > 0) { - digit = value / divisor; - if (digit != 0 || divisor == 1 || num_digits != 0) { - *buf = (char)digit + '0'; - buf++; - buflen--; - num_digits++; - } - - value -= digit * divisor; - divisor /= 10; + while (buflen > 0 && divisor > 0) { + digit = value / divisor; + if (digit != 0 || divisor == 1 || num_digits != 0) { + *buf = (char)digit + '0'; + buf++; + buflen--; + num_digits++; } - if (buflen) { - *buf = '\0'; - } + value -= digit * divisor; + divisor /= 10; + } + + if (buflen) { + *buf = '\0'; + } - return num_digits; + return num_digits; } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/dummy.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/dummy.c index db90bb43cd..30184dcba5 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/dummy.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/dummy.c @@ -33,8 +33,7 @@ BUILD_ASSERT(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_RX_PRIO < CONFIG_BT_HCI_TX_PRIO); * since it introduces ISR latency due to outputting log messages with * interrupts disabled. */ -#if !defined(CONFIG_TEST) && !defined(CONFIG_ARCH_POSIX) && \ - (defined(CONFIG_BT_LL_SW_SPLIT) || defined(CONFIG_BT_LL_SW_LEGACY)) +#if !defined(CONFIG_TEST) && !defined(CONFIG_ARCH_POSIX) && (defined(CONFIG_BT_LL_SW_SPLIT) || defined(CONFIG_BT_LL_SW_LEGACY)) BUILD_ASSERT_MSG(!IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_LOG_IMMEDIATE), "Immediate logging not " "supported with the software Link Layer"); #endif diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/hex.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/hex.c index 2d2425c067..3161702053 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/hex.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/hex.c @@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ +#include #include #include -#include // #include - diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/log.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/log.c index 3a57907926..2f43ff2bd1 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/log.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/log.c @@ -12,50 +12,47 @@ * in a single printk call. */ -#include -#include -#include -#include #include #include +#include +#include +#include +#include -const char *bt_hex_real(const void *buf, size_t len) -{ - static const char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef"; +const char *bt_hex_real(const void *buf, size_t len) { + static const char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef"; #if defined(CONFIG_BT_DEBUG_MONITOR) - static char str[255]; + static char str[255]; #else - static char str[128]; + static char str[128]; #endif - const u8_t *b = buf; - int i; + const u8_t *b = buf; + int i; - len = MIN(len, (sizeof(str) - 1) / 2); + len = MIN(len, (sizeof(str) - 1) / 2); - for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { - str[i * 2] = hex[b[i] >> 4]; - str[i * 2 + 1] = hex[b[i] & 0xf]; - } + for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { + str[i * 2] = hex[b[i] >> 4]; + str[i * 2 + 1] = hex[b[i] & 0xf]; + } - str[i * 2] = '\0'; + str[i * 2] = '\0'; - return str; + return str; } -const char *bt_addr_str_real(const bt_addr_t *addr) -{ - static char str[BT_ADDR_STR_LEN]; +const char *bt_addr_str_real(const bt_addr_t *addr) { + static char str[BT_ADDR_STR_LEN]; - bt_addr_to_str(addr, str, sizeof(str)); + bt_addr_to_str(addr, str, sizeof(str)); - return str; + return str; } -const char *bt_addr_le_str_real(const bt_addr_le_t *addr) -{ - static char str[BT_ADDR_LE_STR_LEN]; +const char *bt_addr_le_str_real(const bt_addr_le_t *addr) { + static char str[BT_ADDR_LE_STR_LEN]; - bt_addr_le_to_str(addr, str, sizeof(str)); + bt_addr_le_to_str(addr, str, sizeof(str)); - return str; + return str; } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/poll.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/poll.c index b97a4f798c..8dce95e29e 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/poll.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/poll.c @@ -16,225 +16,203 @@ #include +#include +#include +#include #include #include -#include -#include -#include struct k_sem g_poll_sem; -void k_poll_event_init(struct k_poll_event *event, u32_t type, - int mode, void *obj) -{ - __ASSERT(mode == K_POLL_MODE_NOTIFY_ONLY, - "only NOTIFY_ONLY mode is supported\n"); - __ASSERT(type < (1 << _POLL_NUM_TYPES), "invalid type\n"); - __ASSERT(obj, "must provide an object\n"); - - event->poller = NULL; - /* event->tag is left uninitialized: the user will set it if needed */ - event->type = type; - event->state = K_POLL_STATE_NOT_READY; - event->mode = mode; - event->unused = 0; - event->obj = obj; +void k_poll_event_init(struct k_poll_event *event, u32_t type, int mode, void *obj) { + __ASSERT(mode == K_POLL_MODE_NOTIFY_ONLY, "only NOTIFY_ONLY mode is supported\n"); + __ASSERT(type < (1 << _POLL_NUM_TYPES), "invalid type\n"); + __ASSERT(obj, "must provide an object\n"); + + event->poller = NULL; + /* event->tag is left uninitialized: the user will set it if needed */ + event->type = type; + event->state = K_POLL_STATE_NOT_READY; + event->mode = mode; + event->unused = 0; + event->obj = obj; } /* must be called with interrupts locked */ -static inline int is_condition_met(struct k_poll_event *event, u32_t *state) -{ - switch (event->type) { - case K_POLL_TYPE_SEM_AVAILABLE: - if (k_sem_count_get(event->sem) > 0) { - *state = K_POLL_STATE_SEM_AVAILABLE; - return 1; - } - break; - case K_POLL_TYPE_DATA_AVAILABLE: - if (!k_queue_is_empty(event->queue)) { - *state = K_POLL_STATE_FIFO_DATA_AVAILABLE; - return 1; - } - break; - case K_POLL_TYPE_SIGNAL: - if (event->signal->signaled) { - *state = K_POLL_STATE_SIGNALED; - return 1; - } - break; - case K_POLL_TYPE_IGNORE: - return 0; - default: - __ASSERT(0, "invalid event type (0x%x)\n", event->type); - break; +static inline int is_condition_met(struct k_poll_event *event, u32_t *state) { + switch (event->type) { + case K_POLL_TYPE_SEM_AVAILABLE: + if (k_sem_count_get(event->sem) > 0) { + *state = K_POLL_STATE_SEM_AVAILABLE; + return 1; } - + break; + case K_POLL_TYPE_DATA_AVAILABLE: + if (!k_queue_is_empty(event->queue)) { + *state = K_POLL_STATE_FIFO_DATA_AVAILABLE; + return 1; + } + break; + case K_POLL_TYPE_SIGNAL: + if (event->signal->signaled) { + *state = K_POLL_STATE_SIGNALED; + return 1; + } + break; + case K_POLL_TYPE_IGNORE: return 0; -} + default: + __ASSERT(0, "invalid event type (0x%x)\n", event->type); + break; + } -static inline void add_event(sys_dlist_t *events, struct k_poll_event *event, - struct _poller *poller) -{ - sys_dlist_append(events, &event->_node); + return 0; } -/* must be called with interrupts locked */ -static inline int register_event(struct k_poll_event *event, - struct _poller *poller) -{ - switch (event->type) { - case K_POLL_TYPE_SEM_AVAILABLE: - __ASSERT(event->sem, "invalid semaphore\n"); - add_event(&event->sem->poll_events, event, poller); - break; - case K_POLL_TYPE_DATA_AVAILABLE: - __ASSERT(event->queue, "invalid queue\n"); - add_event(&event->queue->poll_events, event, poller); - break; - case K_POLL_TYPE_SIGNAL: - __ASSERT(event->signal, "invalid poll signal\n"); - add_event(&event->signal->poll_events, event, poller); - break; - case K_POLL_TYPE_IGNORE: - /* nothing to do */ - break; - default: - __ASSERT(0, "invalid event type\n"); - break; - } - - event->poller = poller; +static inline void add_event(sys_dlist_t *events, struct k_poll_event *event, struct _poller *poller) { sys_dlist_append(events, &event->_node); } - return 0; +/* must be called with interrupts locked */ +static inline int register_event(struct k_poll_event *event, struct _poller *poller) { + switch (event->type) { + case K_POLL_TYPE_SEM_AVAILABLE: + __ASSERT(event->sem, "invalid semaphore\n"); + add_event(&event->sem->poll_events, event, poller); + break; + case K_POLL_TYPE_DATA_AVAILABLE: + __ASSERT(event->queue, "invalid queue\n"); + add_event(&event->queue->poll_events, event, poller); + break; + case K_POLL_TYPE_SIGNAL: + __ASSERT(event->signal, "invalid poll signal\n"); + add_event(&event->signal->poll_events, event, poller); + break; + case K_POLL_TYPE_IGNORE: + /* nothing to do */ + break; + default: + __ASSERT(0, "invalid event type\n"); + break; + } + + event->poller = poller; + + return 0; } /* must be called with interrupts locked */ -static inline void clear_event_registration(struct k_poll_event *event) -{ - event->poller = NULL; - - switch (event->type) { - case K_POLL_TYPE_SEM_AVAILABLE: - __ASSERT(event->sem, "invalid semaphore\n"); - sys_dlist_remove(&event->_node); - break; - case K_POLL_TYPE_DATA_AVAILABLE: - __ASSERT(event->queue, "invalid queue\n"); - sys_dlist_remove(&event->_node); - break; - case K_POLL_TYPE_SIGNAL: - __ASSERT(event->signal, "invalid poll signal\n"); - sys_dlist_remove(&event->_node); - break; - case K_POLL_TYPE_IGNORE: - /* nothing to do */ - break; - default: - __ASSERT(0, "invalid event type\n"); - break; - } +static inline void clear_event_registration(struct k_poll_event *event) { + event->poller = NULL; + + switch (event->type) { + case K_POLL_TYPE_SEM_AVAILABLE: + __ASSERT(event->sem, "invalid semaphore\n"); + sys_dlist_remove(&event->_node); + break; + case K_POLL_TYPE_DATA_AVAILABLE: + __ASSERT(event->queue, "invalid queue\n"); + sys_dlist_remove(&event->_node); + break; + case K_POLL_TYPE_SIGNAL: + __ASSERT(event->signal, "invalid poll signal\n"); + sys_dlist_remove(&event->_node); + break; + case K_POLL_TYPE_IGNORE: + /* nothing to do */ + break; + default: + __ASSERT(0, "invalid event type\n"); + break; + } } /* must be called with interrupts locked */ -static inline void clear_event_registrations(struct k_poll_event *events, - int last_registered, - unsigned int key) -{ - for (; last_registered >= 0; last_registered--) { - clear_event_registration(&events[last_registered]); - irq_unlock(key); - key = irq_lock(); - } +static inline void clear_event_registrations(struct k_poll_event *events, int last_registered, unsigned int key) { + for (; last_registered >= 0; last_registered--) { + clear_event_registration(&events[last_registered]); + irq_unlock(key); + key = irq_lock(); + } } -static inline void set_event_ready(struct k_poll_event *event, u32_t state) -{ - event->poller = NULL; - event->state |= state; +static inline void set_event_ready(struct k_poll_event *event, u32_t state) { + event->poller = NULL; + event->state |= state; } -static bool polling_events(struct k_poll_event *events, int num_events, - s32_t timeout, int *last_registered) -{ - int rc; - bool polling = true; - unsigned int key; - - for (int ii = 0; ii < num_events; ii++) { - u32_t state; - key = irq_lock(); - if (is_condition_met(&events[ii], &state)) { - set_event_ready(&events[ii], state); - polling = false; - } else if (timeout != K_NO_WAIT && polling) { - rc = register_event(&events[ii], NULL); - if (rc == 0) { - ++(*last_registered); - } else { - __ASSERT(0, "unexpected return code\n"); - } - } - irq_unlock(key); +static bool polling_events(struct k_poll_event *events, int num_events, s32_t timeout, int *last_registered) { + int rc; + bool polling = true; + unsigned int key; + + for (int ii = 0; ii < num_events; ii++) { + u32_t state; + key = irq_lock(); + if (is_condition_met(&events[ii], &state)) { + set_event_ready(&events[ii], state); + polling = false; + } else if (timeout != K_NO_WAIT && polling) { + rc = register_event(&events[ii], NULL); + if (rc == 0) { + ++(*last_registered); + } else { + __ASSERT(0, "unexpected return code\n"); + } } - return polling; + irq_unlock(key); + } + return polling; } -int k_poll(struct k_poll_event *events, int num_events, s32_t timeout) -{ - __ASSERT(events, "NULL events\n"); - __ASSERT(num_events > 0, "zero events\n"); +int k_poll(struct k_poll_event *events, int num_events, s32_t timeout) { + __ASSERT(events, "NULL events\n"); + __ASSERT(num_events > 0, "zero events\n"); - int last_registered = -1; - unsigned int key; - bool polling = true; + int last_registered = -1; + unsigned int key; + bool polling = true; - /* find events whose condition is already fulfilled */ - polling = polling_events(events, num_events, timeout, &last_registered); + /* find events whose condition is already fulfilled */ + polling = polling_events(events, num_events, timeout, &last_registered); - if (polling == false) { - goto exit; - } + if (polling == false) { + goto exit; + } - k_sem_take(&g_poll_sem, timeout); + k_sem_take(&g_poll_sem, timeout); - last_registered = -1; - polling_events(events, num_events, timeout, &last_registered); + last_registered = -1; + polling_events(events, num_events, timeout, &last_registered); exit: - key = irq_lock(); - clear_event_registrations(events, last_registered, key); - irq_unlock(key); - return 0; + key = irq_lock(); + clear_event_registrations(events, last_registered, key); + irq_unlock(key); + return 0; } /* must be called with interrupts locked */ -static int _signal_poll_event(struct k_poll_event *event, u32_t state, - int *must_reschedule) -{ - *must_reschedule = 0; - set_event_ready(event, state); - return 0; +static int _signal_poll_event(struct k_poll_event *event, u32_t state, int *must_reschedule) { + *must_reschedule = 0; + set_event_ready(event, state); + return 0; } -int k_poll_signal_raise(struct k_poll_signal *signal, int result) -{ - unsigned int key = irq_lock(); - struct k_poll_event *poll_event; - int must_reschedule; +int k_poll_signal_raise(struct k_poll_signal *signal, int result) { + unsigned int key = irq_lock(); + struct k_poll_event *poll_event; + int must_reschedule; - signal->result = result; - signal->signaled = 1; + signal->result = result; + signal->signaled = 1; - poll_event = (struct k_poll_event *)sys_dlist_get(&signal->poll_events); - if (!poll_event) { - irq_unlock(key); - return 0; - } + poll_event = (struct k_poll_event *)sys_dlist_get(&signal->poll_events); + if (!poll_event) { + irq_unlock(key); + return 0; + } - int rc = _signal_poll_event(poll_event, K_POLL_STATE_SIGNALED, - &must_reschedule); + int rc = _signal_poll_event(poll_event, K_POLL_STATE_SIGNALED, &must_reschedule); - k_sem_give(&g_poll_sem); - irq_unlock(key); - return rc; + k_sem_give(&g_poll_sem); + irq_unlock(key); + return rc; } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/rpa.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/rpa.c index 231ca2215c..ef5d96c2aa 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/rpa.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/rpa.c @@ -10,97 +10,91 @@ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ -#include -#include -#include -#include #include +#include #include -#include #include #include +#include +#include +#include +#include -#include +#include <../include/bluetooth/crypto.h> #include -#include #include -#include <../include/bluetooth/crypto.h> +#include +#include #define BT_DBG_ENABLED IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_DEBUG_RPA) #define LOG_MODULE_NAME bt_rpa #include "log.h" #if defined(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_PRIVACY) || defined(CONFIG_BT_PRIVACY) || defined(CONFIG_BT_SMP) -static int ah(const u8_t irk[16], const u8_t r[3], u8_t out[3]) -{ - u8_t res[16]; - int err; - - BT_DBG("irk %s", bt_hex(irk, 16)); - BT_DBG("r %s", bt_hex(r, 3)); - - /* r' = padding || r */ - memcpy(res, r, 3); - (void)memset(res + 3, 0, 13); - - err = bt_encrypt_le(irk, res, res); - if (err) { - return err; - } - - /* The output of the random address function ah is: - * ah(h, r) = e(k, r') mod 2^24 - * The output of the security function e is then truncated to 24 bits - * by taking the least significant 24 bits of the output of e as the - * result of ah. - */ - memcpy(out, res, 3); - - return 0; +static int ah(const u8_t irk[16], const u8_t r[3], u8_t out[3]) { + u8_t res[16]; + int err; + + BT_DBG("irk %s", bt_hex(irk, 16)); + BT_DBG("r %s", bt_hex(r, 3)); + + /* r' = padding || r */ + memcpy(res, r, 3); + (void)memset(res + 3, 0, 13); + + err = bt_encrypt_le(irk, res, res); + if (err) { + return err; + } + + /* The output of the random address function ah is: + * ah(h, r) = e(k, r') mod 2^24 + * The output of the security function e is then truncated to 24 bits + * by taking the least significant 24 bits of the output of e as the + * result of ah. + */ + memcpy(out, res, 3); + + return 0; } #endif #if defined(CONFIG_BT_SMP) || defined(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_PRIVACY) -bool bt_rpa_irk_matches(const u8_t irk[16], const bt_addr_t *addr) -{ - u8_t hash[3]; - int err; +bool bt_rpa_irk_matches(const u8_t irk[16], const bt_addr_t *addr) { + u8_t hash[3]; + int err; - BT_DBG("IRK %s bdaddr %s", bt_hex(irk, 16), bt_addr_str(addr)); + BT_DBG("IRK %s bdaddr %s", bt_hex(irk, 16), bt_addr_str(addr)); - err = ah(irk, addr->val + 3, hash); - if (err) { - return false; - } + err = ah(irk, addr->val + 3, hash); + if (err) { + return false; + } - return !memcmp(addr->val, hash, 3); + return !memcmp(addr->val, hash, 3); } #endif #if defined(CONFIG_BT_PRIVACY) || defined(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_PRIVACY) -int bt_rpa_create(const u8_t irk[16], bt_addr_t *rpa) -{ - int err; +int bt_rpa_create(const u8_t irk[16], bt_addr_t *rpa) { + int err; - err = bt_rand(rpa->val + 3, 3); - if (err) { - return err; - } + err = bt_rand(rpa->val + 3, 3); + if (err) { + return err; + } - BT_ADDR_SET_RPA(rpa); + BT_ADDR_SET_RPA(rpa); - err = ah(irk, rpa->val + 3, rpa->val); - if (err) { - return err; - } + err = ah(irk, rpa->val + 3, rpa->val); + if (err) { + return err; + } - BT_DBG("Created RPA %s", bt_addr_str((bt_addr_t *)rpa->val)); + BT_DBG("Created RPA %s", bt_addr_str((bt_addr_t *)rpa->val)); - return 0; + return 0; } #else -int bt_rpa_create(const u8_t irk[16], bt_addr_t *rpa) -{ - return -ENOTSUP; -} +int bt_rpa_create(const u8_t irk[16], bt_addr_t *rpa) { return -ENOTSUP; } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_PRIVACY */ diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/aes_decrypt.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/aes_decrypt.c index 83719acc85..a0ea2b814e 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/aes_decrypt.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/aes_decrypt.c @@ -35,34 +35,16 @@ #include static const uint8_t inv_sbox[256] = { - 0x52, 0x09, 0x6a, 0xd5, 0x30, 0x36, 0xa5, 0x38, 0xbf, 0x40, 0xa3, 0x9e, - 0x81, 0xf3, 0xd7, 0xfb, 0x7c, 0xe3, 0x39, 0x82, 0x9b, 0x2f, 0xff, 0x87, - 0x34, 0x8e, 0x43, 0x44, 0xc4, 0xde, 0xe9, 0xcb, 0x54, 0x7b, 0x94, 0x32, - 0xa6, 0xc2, 0x23, 0x3d, 0xee, 0x4c, 0x95, 0x0b, 0x42, 0xfa, 0xc3, 0x4e, - 0x08, 0x2e, 0xa1, 0x66, 0x28, 0xd9, 0x24, 0xb2, 0x76, 0x5b, 0xa2, 0x49, - 0x6d, 0x8b, 0xd1, 0x25, 0x72, 0xf8, 0xf6, 0x64, 0x86, 0x68, 0x98, 0x16, - 0xd4, 0xa4, 0x5c, 0xcc, 0x5d, 0x65, 0xb6, 0x92, 0x6c, 0x70, 0x48, 0x50, - 0xfd, 0xed, 0xb9, 0xda, 0x5e, 0x15, 0x46, 0x57, 0xa7, 0x8d, 0x9d, 0x84, - 0x90, 0xd8, 0xab, 0x00, 0x8c, 0xbc, 0xd3, 0x0a, 0xf7, 0xe4, 0x58, 0x05, - 0xb8, 0xb3, 0x45, 0x06, 0xd0, 0x2c, 0x1e, 0x8f, 0xca, 0x3f, 0x0f, 0x02, - 0xc1, 0xaf, 0xbd, 0x03, 0x01, 0x13, 0x8a, 0x6b, 0x3a, 0x91, 0x11, 0x41, - 0x4f, 0x67, 0xdc, 0xea, 0x97, 0xf2, 0xcf, 0xce, 0xf0, 0xb4, 0xe6, 0x73, - 0x96, 0xac, 0x74, 0x22, 0xe7, 0xad, 0x35, 0x85, 0xe2, 0xf9, 0x37, 0xe8, - 0x1c, 0x75, 0xdf, 0x6e, 0x47, 0xf1, 0x1a, 0x71, 0x1d, 0x29, 0xc5, 0x89, - 0x6f, 0xb7, 0x62, 0x0e, 0xaa, 0x18, 0xbe, 0x1b, 0xfc, 0x56, 0x3e, 0x4b, - 0xc6, 0xd2, 0x79, 0x20, 0x9a, 0xdb, 0xc0, 0xfe, 0x78, 0xcd, 0x5a, 0xf4, - 0x1f, 0xdd, 0xa8, 0x33, 0x88, 0x07, 0xc7, 0x31, 0xb1, 0x12, 0x10, 0x59, - 0x27, 0x80, 0xec, 0x5f, 0x60, 0x51, 0x7f, 0xa9, 0x19, 0xb5, 0x4a, 0x0d, - 0x2d, 0xe5, 0x7a, 0x9f, 0x93, 0xc9, 0x9c, 0xef, 0xa0, 0xe0, 0x3b, 0x4d, - 0xae, 0x2a, 0xf5, 0xb0, 0xc8, 0xeb, 0xbb, 0x3c, 0x83, 0x53, 0x99, 0x61, - 0x17, 0x2b, 0x04, 0x7e, 0xba, 0x77, 0xd6, 0x26, 0xe1, 0x69, 0x14, 0x63, - 0x55, 0x21, 0x0c, 0x7d -}; - -int tc_aes128_set_decrypt_key(TCAesKeySched_t s, const uint8_t *k) -{ - return tc_aes128_set_encrypt_key(s, k); -} + 0x52, 0x09, 0x6a, 0xd5, 0x30, 0x36, 0xa5, 0x38, 0xbf, 0x40, 0xa3, 0x9e, 0x81, 0xf3, 0xd7, 0xfb, 0x7c, 0xe3, 0x39, 0x82, 0x9b, 0x2f, 0xff, 0x87, 0x34, 0x8e, 0x43, 0x44, 0xc4, 0xde, 0xe9, 0xcb, + 0x54, 0x7b, 0x94, 0x32, 0xa6, 0xc2, 0x23, 0x3d, 0xee, 0x4c, 0x95, 0x0b, 0x42, 0xfa, 0xc3, 0x4e, 0x08, 0x2e, 0xa1, 0x66, 0x28, 0xd9, 0x24, 0xb2, 0x76, 0x5b, 0xa2, 0x49, 0x6d, 0x8b, 0xd1, 0x25, + 0x72, 0xf8, 0xf6, 0x64, 0x86, 0x68, 0x98, 0x16, 0xd4, 0xa4, 0x5c, 0xcc, 0x5d, 0x65, 0xb6, 0x92, 0x6c, 0x70, 0x48, 0x50, 0xfd, 0xed, 0xb9, 0xda, 0x5e, 0x15, 0x46, 0x57, 0xa7, 0x8d, 0x9d, 0x84, + 0x90, 0xd8, 0xab, 0x00, 0x8c, 0xbc, 0xd3, 0x0a, 0xf7, 0xe4, 0x58, 0x05, 0xb8, 0xb3, 0x45, 0x06, 0xd0, 0x2c, 0x1e, 0x8f, 0xca, 0x3f, 0x0f, 0x02, 0xc1, 0xaf, 0xbd, 0x03, 0x01, 0x13, 0x8a, 0x6b, + 0x3a, 0x91, 0x11, 0x41, 0x4f, 0x67, 0xdc, 0xea, 0x97, 0xf2, 0xcf, 0xce, 0xf0, 0xb4, 0xe6, 0x73, 0x96, 0xac, 0x74, 0x22, 0xe7, 0xad, 0x35, 0x85, 0xe2, 0xf9, 0x37, 0xe8, 0x1c, 0x75, 0xdf, 0x6e, + 0x47, 0xf1, 0x1a, 0x71, 0x1d, 0x29, 0xc5, 0x89, 0x6f, 0xb7, 0x62, 0x0e, 0xaa, 0x18, 0xbe, 0x1b, 0xfc, 0x56, 0x3e, 0x4b, 0xc6, 0xd2, 0x79, 0x20, 0x9a, 0xdb, 0xc0, 0xfe, 0x78, 0xcd, 0x5a, 0xf4, + 0x1f, 0xdd, 0xa8, 0x33, 0x88, 0x07, 0xc7, 0x31, 0xb1, 0x12, 0x10, 0x59, 0x27, 0x80, 0xec, 0x5f, 0x60, 0x51, 0x7f, 0xa9, 0x19, 0xb5, 0x4a, 0x0d, 0x2d, 0xe5, 0x7a, 0x9f, 0x93, 0xc9, 0x9c, 0xef, + 0xa0, 0xe0, 0x3b, 0x4d, 0xae, 0x2a, 0xf5, 0xb0, 0xc8, 0xeb, 0xbb, 0x3c, 0x83, 0x53, 0x99, 0x61, 0x17, 0x2b, 0x04, 0x7e, 0xba, 0x77, 0xd6, 0x26, 0xe1, 0x69, 0x14, 0x63, 0x55, 0x21, 0x0c, 0x7d}; + +int tc_aes128_set_decrypt_key(TCAesKeySched_t s, const uint8_t *k) { return tc_aes128_set_encrypt_key(s, k); } #define mult8(a) (_double_byte(_double_byte(_double_byte(a)))) #define mult9(a) (mult8(a) ^ (a)) @@ -70,52 +52,48 @@ int tc_aes128_set_decrypt_key(TCAesKeySched_t s, const uint8_t *k) #define multd(a) (mult8(a) ^ _double_byte(_double_byte(a)) ^ (a)) #define multe(a) (mult8(a) ^ _double_byte(_double_byte(a)) ^ _double_byte(a)) -static inline void mult_row_column(uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in) -{ - out[0] = multe(in[0]) ^ multb(in[1]) ^ multd(in[2]) ^ mult9(in[3]); - out[1] = mult9(in[0]) ^ multe(in[1]) ^ multb(in[2]) ^ multd(in[3]); - out[2] = multd(in[0]) ^ mult9(in[1]) ^ multe(in[2]) ^ multb(in[3]); - out[3] = multb(in[0]) ^ multd(in[1]) ^ mult9(in[2]) ^ multe(in[3]); +static inline void mult_row_column(uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in) { + out[0] = multe(in[0]) ^ multb(in[1]) ^ multd(in[2]) ^ mult9(in[3]); + out[1] = mult9(in[0]) ^ multe(in[1]) ^ multb(in[2]) ^ multd(in[3]); + out[2] = multd(in[0]) ^ mult9(in[1]) ^ multe(in[2]) ^ multb(in[3]); + out[3] = multb(in[0]) ^ multd(in[1]) ^ mult9(in[2]) ^ multe(in[3]); } -static inline void inv_mix_columns(uint8_t *s) -{ - uint8_t t[Nb * Nk]; +static inline void inv_mix_columns(uint8_t *s) { + uint8_t t[Nb * Nk]; - mult_row_column(t, s); - mult_row_column(&t[Nb], s + Nb); - mult_row_column(&t[2 * Nb], s + (2 * Nb)); - mult_row_column(&t[3 * Nb], s + (3 * Nb)); - (void)_copy(s, sizeof(t), t, sizeof(t)); + mult_row_column(t, s); + mult_row_column(&t[Nb], s + Nb); + mult_row_column(&t[2 * Nb], s + (2 * Nb)); + mult_row_column(&t[3 * Nb], s + (3 * Nb)); + (void)_copy(s, sizeof(t), t, sizeof(t)); } -static inline void add_round_key(uint8_t *s, const unsigned int *k) -{ - s[0] ^= (uint8_t)(k[0] >> 24); - s[1] ^= (uint8_t)(k[0] >> 16); - s[2] ^= (uint8_t)(k[0] >> 8); - s[3] ^= (uint8_t)(k[0]); - s[4] ^= (uint8_t)(k[1] >> 24); - s[5] ^= (uint8_t)(k[1] >> 16); - s[6] ^= (uint8_t)(k[1] >> 8); - s[7] ^= (uint8_t)(k[1]); - s[8] ^= (uint8_t)(k[2] >> 24); - s[9] ^= (uint8_t)(k[2] >> 16); - s[10] ^= (uint8_t)(k[2] >> 8); - s[11] ^= (uint8_t)(k[2]); - s[12] ^= (uint8_t)(k[3] >> 24); - s[13] ^= (uint8_t)(k[3] >> 16); - s[14] ^= (uint8_t)(k[3] >> 8); - s[15] ^= (uint8_t)(k[3]); +static inline void add_round_key(uint8_t *s, const unsigned int *k) { + s[0] ^= (uint8_t)(k[0] >> 24); + s[1] ^= (uint8_t)(k[0] >> 16); + s[2] ^= (uint8_t)(k[0] >> 8); + s[3] ^= (uint8_t)(k[0]); + s[4] ^= (uint8_t)(k[1] >> 24); + s[5] ^= (uint8_t)(k[1] >> 16); + s[6] ^= (uint8_t)(k[1] >> 8); + s[7] ^= (uint8_t)(k[1]); + s[8] ^= (uint8_t)(k[2] >> 24); + s[9] ^= (uint8_t)(k[2] >> 16); + s[10] ^= (uint8_t)(k[2] >> 8); + s[11] ^= (uint8_t)(k[2]); + s[12] ^= (uint8_t)(k[3] >> 24); + s[13] ^= (uint8_t)(k[3] >> 16); + s[14] ^= (uint8_t)(k[3] >> 8); + s[15] ^= (uint8_t)(k[3]); } -static inline void inv_sub_bytes(uint8_t *s) -{ - unsigned int i; +static inline void inv_sub_bytes(uint8_t *s) { + unsigned int i; - for (i = 0; i < (Nb * Nk); ++i) { - s[i] = inv_sbox[s[i]]; - } + for (i = 0; i < (Nb * Nk); ++i) { + s[i] = inv_sbox[s[i]]; + } } /* @@ -123,61 +101,59 @@ static inline void inv_sub_bytes(uint8_t *s) * inv_mix_columns, but performs it here to reduce the number of memory * operations. */ -static inline void inv_shift_rows(uint8_t *s) -{ - uint8_t t[Nb * Nk]; - - t[0] = s[0]; - t[1] = s[13]; - t[2] = s[10]; - t[3] = s[7]; - t[4] = s[4]; - t[5] = s[1]; - t[6] = s[14]; - t[7] = s[11]; - t[8] = s[8]; - t[9] = s[5]; - t[10] = s[2]; - t[11] = s[15]; - t[12] = s[12]; - t[13] = s[9]; - t[14] = s[6]; - t[15] = s[3]; - (void)_copy(s, sizeof(t), t, sizeof(t)); +static inline void inv_shift_rows(uint8_t *s) { + uint8_t t[Nb * Nk]; + + t[0] = s[0]; + t[1] = s[13]; + t[2] = s[10]; + t[3] = s[7]; + t[4] = s[4]; + t[5] = s[1]; + t[6] = s[14]; + t[7] = s[11]; + t[8] = s[8]; + t[9] = s[5]; + t[10] = s[2]; + t[11] = s[15]; + t[12] = s[12]; + t[13] = s[9]; + t[14] = s[6]; + t[15] = s[3]; + (void)_copy(s, sizeof(t), t, sizeof(t)); } -int tc_aes_decrypt(uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, const TCAesKeySched_t s) -{ - uint8_t state[Nk * Nb]; - unsigned int i; +int tc_aes_decrypt(uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, const TCAesKeySched_t s) { + uint8_t state[Nk * Nb]; + unsigned int i; - if (out == (uint8_t *)0) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } else if (in == (const uint8_t *)0) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } else if (s == (TCAesKeySched_t)0) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } + if (out == (uint8_t *)0) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } else if (in == (const uint8_t *)0) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } else if (s == (TCAesKeySched_t)0) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } - (void)_copy(state, sizeof(state), in, sizeof(state)); + (void)_copy(state, sizeof(state), in, sizeof(state)); - add_round_key(state, s->words + Nb * Nr); - - for (i = Nr - 1; i > 0; --i) { - inv_shift_rows(state); - inv_sub_bytes(state); - add_round_key(state, s->words + Nb * i); - inv_mix_columns(state); - } + add_round_key(state, s->words + Nb * Nr); + for (i = Nr - 1; i > 0; --i) { inv_shift_rows(state); inv_sub_bytes(state); - add_round_key(state, s->words); + add_round_key(state, s->words + Nb * i); + inv_mix_columns(state); + } + + inv_shift_rows(state); + inv_sub_bytes(state); + add_round_key(state, s->words); - (void)_copy(out, sizeof(state), state, sizeof(state)); + (void)_copy(out, sizeof(state), state, sizeof(state)); - /*zeroing out the state buffer */ - _set(state, TC_ZERO_BYTE, sizeof(state)); + /*zeroing out the state buffer */ + _set(state, TC_ZERO_BYTE, sizeof(state)); - return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; + return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/aes_encrypt.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/aes_encrypt.c index 0cb47b84d0..9d20d1c2a0 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/aes_encrypt.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/aes_encrypt.c @@ -31,181 +31,152 @@ */ #include "aes.h" -#include "utils.h" #include "constants.h" +#include "utils.h" static const uint8_t sbox[256] = { - 0x63, 0x7c, 0x77, 0x7b, 0xf2, 0x6b, 0x6f, 0xc5, 0x30, 0x01, 0x67, 0x2b, - 0xfe, 0xd7, 0xab, 0x76, 0xca, 0x82, 0xc9, 0x7d, 0xfa, 0x59, 0x47, 0xf0, - 0xad, 0xd4, 0xa2, 0xaf, 0x9c, 0xa4, 0x72, 0xc0, 0xb7, 0xfd, 0x93, 0x26, - 0x36, 0x3f, 0xf7, 0xcc, 0x34, 0xa5, 0xe5, 0xf1, 0x71, 0xd8, 0x31, 0x15, - 0x04, 0xc7, 0x23, 0xc3, 0x18, 0x96, 0x05, 0x9a, 0x07, 0x12, 0x80, 0xe2, - 0xeb, 0x27, 0xb2, 0x75, 0x09, 0x83, 0x2c, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x6e, 0x5a, 0xa0, - 0x52, 0x3b, 0xd6, 0xb3, 0x29, 0xe3, 0x2f, 0x84, 0x53, 0xd1, 0x00, 0xed, - 0x20, 0xfc, 0xb1, 0x5b, 0x6a, 0xcb, 0xbe, 0x39, 0x4a, 0x4c, 0x58, 0xcf, - 0xd0, 0xef, 0xaa, 0xfb, 0x43, 0x4d, 0x33, 0x85, 0x45, 0xf9, 0x02, 0x7f, - 0x50, 0x3c, 0x9f, 0xa8, 0x51, 0xa3, 0x40, 0x8f, 0x92, 0x9d, 0x38, 0xf5, - 0xbc, 0xb6, 0xda, 0x21, 0x10, 0xff, 0xf3, 0xd2, 0xcd, 0x0c, 0x13, 0xec, - 0x5f, 0x97, 0x44, 0x17, 0xc4, 0xa7, 0x7e, 0x3d, 0x64, 0x5d, 0x19, 0x73, - 0x60, 0x81, 0x4f, 0xdc, 0x22, 0x2a, 0x90, 0x88, 0x46, 0xee, 0xb8, 0x14, - 0xde, 0x5e, 0x0b, 0xdb, 0xe0, 0x32, 0x3a, 0x0a, 0x49, 0x06, 0x24, 0x5c, - 0xc2, 0xd3, 0xac, 0x62, 0x91, 0x95, 0xe4, 0x79, 0xe7, 0xc8, 0x37, 0x6d, - 0x8d, 0xd5, 0x4e, 0xa9, 0x6c, 0x56, 0xf4, 0xea, 0x65, 0x7a, 0xae, 0x08, - 0xba, 0x78, 0x25, 0x2e, 0x1c, 0xa6, 0xb4, 0xc6, 0xe8, 0xdd, 0x74, 0x1f, - 0x4b, 0xbd, 0x8b, 0x8a, 0x70, 0x3e, 0xb5, 0x66, 0x48, 0x03, 0xf6, 0x0e, - 0x61, 0x35, 0x57, 0xb9, 0x86, 0xc1, 0x1d, 0x9e, 0xe1, 0xf8, 0x98, 0x11, - 0x69, 0xd9, 0x8e, 0x94, 0x9b, 0x1e, 0x87, 0xe9, 0xce, 0x55, 0x28, 0xdf, - 0x8c, 0xa1, 0x89, 0x0d, 0xbf, 0xe6, 0x42, 0x68, 0x41, 0x99, 0x2d, 0x0f, - 0xb0, 0x54, 0xbb, 0x16 -}; - -static inline unsigned int rotword(unsigned int a) -{ - return (((a) >> 24) | ((a) << 8)); -} + 0x63, 0x7c, 0x77, 0x7b, 0xf2, 0x6b, 0x6f, 0xc5, 0x30, 0x01, 0x67, 0x2b, 0xfe, 0xd7, 0xab, 0x76, 0xca, 0x82, 0xc9, 0x7d, 0xfa, 0x59, 0x47, 0xf0, 0xad, 0xd4, 0xa2, 0xaf, 0x9c, 0xa4, 0x72, 0xc0, + 0xb7, 0xfd, 0x93, 0x26, 0x36, 0x3f, 0xf7, 0xcc, 0x34, 0xa5, 0xe5, 0xf1, 0x71, 0xd8, 0x31, 0x15, 0x04, 0xc7, 0x23, 0xc3, 0x18, 0x96, 0x05, 0x9a, 0x07, 0x12, 0x80, 0xe2, 0xeb, 0x27, 0xb2, 0x75, + 0x09, 0x83, 0x2c, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x6e, 0x5a, 0xa0, 0x52, 0x3b, 0xd6, 0xb3, 0x29, 0xe3, 0x2f, 0x84, 0x53, 0xd1, 0x00, 0xed, 0x20, 0xfc, 0xb1, 0x5b, 0x6a, 0xcb, 0xbe, 0x39, 0x4a, 0x4c, 0x58, 0xcf, + 0xd0, 0xef, 0xaa, 0xfb, 0x43, 0x4d, 0x33, 0x85, 0x45, 0xf9, 0x02, 0x7f, 0x50, 0x3c, 0x9f, 0xa8, 0x51, 0xa3, 0x40, 0x8f, 0x92, 0x9d, 0x38, 0xf5, 0xbc, 0xb6, 0xda, 0x21, 0x10, 0xff, 0xf3, 0xd2, + 0xcd, 0x0c, 0x13, 0xec, 0x5f, 0x97, 0x44, 0x17, 0xc4, 0xa7, 0x7e, 0x3d, 0x64, 0x5d, 0x19, 0x73, 0x60, 0x81, 0x4f, 0xdc, 0x22, 0x2a, 0x90, 0x88, 0x46, 0xee, 0xb8, 0x14, 0xde, 0x5e, 0x0b, 0xdb, + 0xe0, 0x32, 0x3a, 0x0a, 0x49, 0x06, 0x24, 0x5c, 0xc2, 0xd3, 0xac, 0x62, 0x91, 0x95, 0xe4, 0x79, 0xe7, 0xc8, 0x37, 0x6d, 0x8d, 0xd5, 0x4e, 0xa9, 0x6c, 0x56, 0xf4, 0xea, 0x65, 0x7a, 0xae, 0x08, + 0xba, 0x78, 0x25, 0x2e, 0x1c, 0xa6, 0xb4, 0xc6, 0xe8, 0xdd, 0x74, 0x1f, 0x4b, 0xbd, 0x8b, 0x8a, 0x70, 0x3e, 0xb5, 0x66, 0x48, 0x03, 0xf6, 0x0e, 0x61, 0x35, 0x57, 0xb9, 0x86, 0xc1, 0x1d, 0x9e, + 0xe1, 0xf8, 0x98, 0x11, 0x69, 0xd9, 0x8e, 0x94, 0x9b, 0x1e, 0x87, 0xe9, 0xce, 0x55, 0x28, 0xdf, 0x8c, 0xa1, 0x89, 0x0d, 0xbf, 0xe6, 0x42, 0x68, 0x41, 0x99, 0x2d, 0x0f, 0xb0, 0x54, 0xbb, 0x16}; + +static inline unsigned int rotword(unsigned int a) { return (((a) >> 24) | ((a) << 8)); } #define subbyte(a, o) (sbox[((a) >> (o)) & 0xff] << (o)) #define subword(a) (subbyte(a, 24) | subbyte(a, 16) | subbyte(a, 8) | subbyte(a, 0)) -int tc_aes128_set_encrypt_key(TCAesKeySched_t s, const uint8_t *k) -{ - const unsigned int rconst[11] = { - 0x00000000, 0x01000000, 0x02000000, 0x04000000, 0x08000000, 0x10000000, - 0x20000000, 0x40000000, 0x80000000, 0x1b000000, 0x36000000 - }; - unsigned int i; - unsigned int t; - - if (s == (TCAesKeySched_t)0) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } else if (k == (const uint8_t *)0) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } - - for (i = 0; i < Nk; ++i) { - s->words[i] = (k[Nb * i] << 24) | (k[Nb * i + 1] << 16) | - (k[Nb * i + 2] << 8) | (k[Nb * i + 3]); +int tc_aes128_set_encrypt_key(TCAesKeySched_t s, const uint8_t *k) { + const unsigned int rconst[11] = {0x00000000, 0x01000000, 0x02000000, 0x04000000, 0x08000000, 0x10000000, 0x20000000, 0x40000000, 0x80000000, 0x1b000000, 0x36000000}; + unsigned int i; + unsigned int t; + + if (s == (TCAesKeySched_t)0) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } else if (k == (const uint8_t *)0) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } + + for (i = 0; i < Nk; ++i) { + s->words[i] = (k[Nb * i] << 24) | (k[Nb * i + 1] << 16) | (k[Nb * i + 2] << 8) | (k[Nb * i + 3]); + } + + for (; i < (Nb * (Nr + 1)); ++i) { + t = s->words[i - 1]; + if ((i % Nk) == 0) { + t = subword(rotword(t)) ^ rconst[i / Nk]; } + s->words[i] = s->words[i - Nk] ^ t; + } - for (; i < (Nb * (Nr + 1)); ++i) { - t = s->words[i - 1]; - if ((i % Nk) == 0) { - t = subword(rotword(t)) ^ rconst[i / Nk]; - } - s->words[i] = s->words[i - Nk] ^ t; - } - - return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; + return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; } -static inline void add_round_key(uint8_t *s, const unsigned int *k) -{ - s[0] ^= (uint8_t)(k[0] >> 24); - s[1] ^= (uint8_t)(k[0] >> 16); - s[2] ^= (uint8_t)(k[0] >> 8); - s[3] ^= (uint8_t)(k[0]); - s[4] ^= (uint8_t)(k[1] >> 24); - s[5] ^= (uint8_t)(k[1] >> 16); - s[6] ^= (uint8_t)(k[1] >> 8); - s[7] ^= (uint8_t)(k[1]); - s[8] ^= (uint8_t)(k[2] >> 24); - s[9] ^= (uint8_t)(k[2] >> 16); - s[10] ^= (uint8_t)(k[2] >> 8); - s[11] ^= (uint8_t)(k[2]); - s[12] ^= (uint8_t)(k[3] >> 24); - s[13] ^= (uint8_t)(k[3] >> 16); - s[14] ^= (uint8_t)(k[3] >> 8); - s[15] ^= (uint8_t)(k[3]); +static inline void add_round_key(uint8_t *s, const unsigned int *k) { + s[0] ^= (uint8_t)(k[0] >> 24); + s[1] ^= (uint8_t)(k[0] >> 16); + s[2] ^= (uint8_t)(k[0] >> 8); + s[3] ^= (uint8_t)(k[0]); + s[4] ^= (uint8_t)(k[1] >> 24); + s[5] ^= (uint8_t)(k[1] >> 16); + s[6] ^= (uint8_t)(k[1] >> 8); + s[7] ^= (uint8_t)(k[1]); + s[8] ^= (uint8_t)(k[2] >> 24); + s[9] ^= (uint8_t)(k[2] >> 16); + s[10] ^= (uint8_t)(k[2] >> 8); + s[11] ^= (uint8_t)(k[2]); + s[12] ^= (uint8_t)(k[3] >> 24); + s[13] ^= (uint8_t)(k[3] >> 16); + s[14] ^= (uint8_t)(k[3] >> 8); + s[15] ^= (uint8_t)(k[3]); } -static inline void sub_bytes(uint8_t *s) -{ - unsigned int i; +static inline void sub_bytes(uint8_t *s) { + unsigned int i; - for (i = 0; i < (Nb * Nk); ++i) { - s[i] = sbox[s[i]]; - } + for (i = 0; i < (Nb * Nk); ++i) { + s[i] = sbox[s[i]]; + } } #define triple(a) (_double_byte(a) ^ (a)) -static inline void mult_row_column(uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in) -{ - out[0] = _double_byte(in[0]) ^ triple(in[1]) ^ in[2] ^ in[3]; - out[1] = in[0] ^ _double_byte(in[1]) ^ triple(in[2]) ^ in[3]; - out[2] = in[0] ^ in[1] ^ _double_byte(in[2]) ^ triple(in[3]); - out[3] = triple(in[0]) ^ in[1] ^ in[2] ^ _double_byte(in[3]); +static inline void mult_row_column(uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in) { + out[0] = _double_byte(in[0]) ^ triple(in[1]) ^ in[2] ^ in[3]; + out[1] = in[0] ^ _double_byte(in[1]) ^ triple(in[2]) ^ in[3]; + out[2] = in[0] ^ in[1] ^ _double_byte(in[2]) ^ triple(in[3]); + out[3] = triple(in[0]) ^ in[1] ^ in[2] ^ _double_byte(in[3]); } -static inline void mix_columns(uint8_t *s) -{ - uint8_t t[Nb * Nk]; +static inline void mix_columns(uint8_t *s) { + uint8_t t[Nb * Nk]; - mult_row_column(t, s); - mult_row_column(&t[Nb], s + Nb); - mult_row_column(&t[2 * Nb], s + (2 * Nb)); - mult_row_column(&t[3 * Nb], s + (3 * Nb)); - (void)_copy(s, sizeof(t), t, sizeof(t)); + mult_row_column(t, s); + mult_row_column(&t[Nb], s + Nb); + mult_row_column(&t[2 * Nb], s + (2 * Nb)); + mult_row_column(&t[3 * Nb], s + (3 * Nb)); + (void)_copy(s, sizeof(t), t, sizeof(t)); } /* * This shift_rows also implements the matrix flip required for mix_columns, but * performs it here to reduce the number of memory operations. */ -static inline void shift_rows(uint8_t *s) -{ - uint8_t t[Nb * Nk]; - - t[0] = s[0]; - t[1] = s[5]; - t[2] = s[10]; - t[3] = s[15]; - t[4] = s[4]; - t[5] = s[9]; - t[6] = s[14]; - t[7] = s[3]; - t[8] = s[8]; - t[9] = s[13]; - t[10] = s[2]; - t[11] = s[7]; - t[12] = s[12]; - t[13] = s[1]; - t[14] = s[6]; - t[15] = s[11]; - (void)_copy(s, sizeof(t), t, sizeof(t)); +static inline void shift_rows(uint8_t *s) { + uint8_t t[Nb * Nk]; + + t[0] = s[0]; + t[1] = s[5]; + t[2] = s[10]; + t[3] = s[15]; + t[4] = s[4]; + t[5] = s[9]; + t[6] = s[14]; + t[7] = s[3]; + t[8] = s[8]; + t[9] = s[13]; + t[10] = s[2]; + t[11] = s[7]; + t[12] = s[12]; + t[13] = s[1]; + t[14] = s[6]; + t[15] = s[11]; + (void)_copy(s, sizeof(t), t, sizeof(t)); } -int tc_aes_encrypt(uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, const TCAesKeySched_t s) -{ - uint8_t state[Nk * Nb]; - unsigned int i; - - if (out == (uint8_t *)0) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } else if (in == (const uint8_t *)0) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } else if (s == (TCAesKeySched_t)0) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } +int tc_aes_encrypt(uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, const TCAesKeySched_t s) { + uint8_t state[Nk * Nb]; + unsigned int i; - (void)_copy(state, sizeof(state), in, sizeof(state)); - add_round_key(state, s->words); + if (out == (uint8_t *)0) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } else if (in == (const uint8_t *)0) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } else if (s == (TCAesKeySched_t)0) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } - for (i = 0; i < (Nr - 1); ++i) { - sub_bytes(state); - shift_rows(state); - mix_columns(state); - add_round_key(state, s->words + Nb * (i + 1)); - } + (void)_copy(state, sizeof(state), in, sizeof(state)); + add_round_key(state, s->words); + for (i = 0; i < (Nr - 1); ++i) { sub_bytes(state); shift_rows(state); + mix_columns(state); add_round_key(state, s->words + Nb * (i + 1)); + } + + sub_bytes(state); + shift_rows(state); + add_round_key(state, s->words + Nb * (i + 1)); - (void)_copy(out, sizeof(state), state, sizeof(state)); + (void)_copy(out, sizeof(state), state, sizeof(state)); - /* zeroing out the state buffer */ - _set(state, TC_ZERO_BYTE, sizeof(state)); + /* zeroing out the state buffer */ + _set(state, TC_ZERO_BYTE, sizeof(state)); - return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; + return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/cbc_mode.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/cbc_mode.c index b405d7d297..8c30104f8d 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/cbc_mode.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/cbc_mode.c @@ -34,79 +34,60 @@ #include "constants.h" #include "utils.h" -int tc_cbc_mode_encrypt(uint8_t *out, unsigned int outlen, const uint8_t *in, - unsigned int inlen, const uint8_t *iv, - const TCAesKeySched_t sched) -{ - uint8_t buffer[TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; - unsigned int n, m; +int tc_cbc_mode_encrypt(uint8_t *out, unsigned int outlen, const uint8_t *in, unsigned int inlen, const uint8_t *iv, const TCAesKeySched_t sched) { + uint8_t buffer[TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; + unsigned int n, m; - /* input sanity check: */ - if (out == (uint8_t *)0 || - in == (const uint8_t *)0 || - sched == (TCAesKeySched_t)0 || - inlen == 0 || - outlen == 0 || - (inlen % TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE) != 0 || - (outlen % TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE) != 0 || - outlen != inlen + TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } + /* input sanity check: */ + if (out == (uint8_t *)0 || in == (const uint8_t *)0 || sched == (TCAesKeySched_t)0 || inlen == 0 || outlen == 0 || (inlen % TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE) != 0 || (outlen % TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE) != 0 || + outlen != inlen + TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } - /* copy iv to the buffer */ - (void)_copy(buffer, TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE, iv, TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE); - /* copy iv to the output buffer */ - (void)_copy(out, TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE, iv, TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE); - out += TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE; + /* copy iv to the buffer */ + (void)_copy(buffer, TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE, iv, TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE); + /* copy iv to the output buffer */ + (void)_copy(out, TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE, iv, TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE); + out += TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE; - for (n = m = 0; n < inlen; ++n) { - buffer[m++] ^= *in++; - if (m == TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE) { - (void)tc_aes_encrypt(buffer, buffer, sched); - (void)_copy(out, TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE, - buffer, TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE); - out += TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE; - m = 0; - } + for (n = m = 0; n < inlen; ++n) { + buffer[m++] ^= *in++; + if (m == TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE) { + (void)tc_aes_encrypt(buffer, buffer, sched); + (void)_copy(out, TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE, buffer, TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE); + out += TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE; + m = 0; } + } - return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; + return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; } -int tc_cbc_mode_decrypt(uint8_t *out, unsigned int outlen, const uint8_t *in, - unsigned int inlen, const uint8_t *iv, - const TCAesKeySched_t sched) -{ - uint8_t buffer[TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; - const uint8_t *p; - unsigned int n, m; +int tc_cbc_mode_decrypt(uint8_t *out, unsigned int outlen, const uint8_t *in, unsigned int inlen, const uint8_t *iv, const TCAesKeySched_t sched) { + uint8_t buffer[TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; + const uint8_t *p; + unsigned int n, m; - /* sanity check the inputs */ - if (out == (uint8_t *)0 || - in == (const uint8_t *)0 || - sched == (TCAesKeySched_t)0 || - inlen == 0 || - outlen == 0 || - (inlen % TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE) != 0 || - (outlen % TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE) != 0 || - outlen != inlen) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } + /* sanity check the inputs */ + if (out == (uint8_t *)0 || in == (const uint8_t *)0 || sched == (TCAesKeySched_t)0 || inlen == 0 || outlen == 0 || (inlen % TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE) != 0 || (outlen % TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE) != 0 || + outlen != inlen) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } - /* - * Note that in == iv + ciphertext, i.e. the iv and the ciphertext are - * contiguous. This allows for a very efficient decryption algorithm - * that would not otherwise be possible. - */ - p = iv; - for (n = m = 0; n < outlen; ++n) { - if ((n % TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE) == 0) { - (void)tc_aes_decrypt(buffer, in, sched); - in += TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE; - m = 0; - } - *out++ = buffer[m++] ^ *p++; + /* + * Note that in == iv + ciphertext, i.e. the iv and the ciphertext are + * contiguous. This allows for a very efficient decryption algorithm + * that would not otherwise be possible. + */ + p = iv; + for (n = m = 0; n < outlen; ++n) { + if ((n % TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE) == 0) { + (void)tc_aes_decrypt(buffer, in, sched); + in += TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE; + m = 0; } + *out++ = buffer[m++] ^ *p++; + } - return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; + return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/ccm_mode.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/ccm_mode.c index ed94e75bb0..e102957e7e 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/ccm_mode.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/ccm_mode.c @@ -36,50 +36,44 @@ #include -int tc_ccm_config(TCCcmMode_t c, TCAesKeySched_t sched, uint8_t *nonce, - unsigned int nlen, unsigned int mlen) -{ - /* input sanity check: */ - if (c == (TCCcmMode_t)0 || - sched == (TCAesKeySched_t)0 || - nonce == (uint8_t *)0) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } else if (nlen != 13) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; /* The allowed nonce size is: 13. See documentation.*/ - } else if ((mlen < 4) || (mlen > 16) || (mlen & 1)) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; /* The allowed mac sizes are: 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16.*/ - } - - c->mlen = mlen; - c->sched = sched; - c->nonce = nonce; - - return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; +int tc_ccm_config(TCCcmMode_t c, TCAesKeySched_t sched, uint8_t *nonce, unsigned int nlen, unsigned int mlen) { + /* input sanity check: */ + if (c == (TCCcmMode_t)0 || sched == (TCAesKeySched_t)0 || nonce == (uint8_t *)0) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } else if (nlen != 13) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; /* The allowed nonce size is: 13. See documentation.*/ + } else if ((mlen < 4) || (mlen > 16) || (mlen & 1)) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; /* The allowed mac sizes are: 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16.*/ + } + + c->mlen = mlen; + c->sched = sched; + c->nonce = nonce; + + return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; } /** * Variation of CBC-MAC mode used in CCM. */ -static void ccm_cbc_mac(uint8_t *T, const uint8_t *data, unsigned int dlen, - unsigned int flag, TCAesKeySched_t sched) -{ - unsigned int i; - - if (flag > 0) { - T[0] ^= (uint8_t)(dlen >> 8); - T[1] ^= (uint8_t)(dlen); - dlen += 2; - i = 2; - } else { - i = 0; - } - - while (i < dlen) { - T[i++ % (Nb * Nk)] ^= *data++; - if (((i % (Nb * Nk)) == 0) || dlen == i) { - (void)tc_aes_encrypt(T, T, sched); - } - } +static void ccm_cbc_mac(uint8_t *T, const uint8_t *data, unsigned int dlen, unsigned int flag, TCAesKeySched_t sched) { + unsigned int i; + + if (flag > 0) { + T[0] ^= (uint8_t)(dlen >> 8); + T[1] ^= (uint8_t)(dlen); + dlen += 2; + i = 2; + } else { + i = 0; + } + + while (i < dlen) { + T[i++ % (Nb * Nk)] ^= *data++; + if (((i % (Nb * Nk)) == 0) || dlen == i) { + (void)tc_aes_encrypt(T, T, sched); + } + } } /** @@ -89,175 +83,153 @@ static void ccm_cbc_mac(uint8_t *T, const uint8_t *data, unsigned int dlen, * encryption). Besides, it is assumed that the counter is stored in the last * 2 bytes of the nonce. */ -static int ccm_ctr_mode(uint8_t *out, unsigned int outlen, const uint8_t *in, - unsigned int inlen, uint8_t *ctr, const TCAesKeySched_t sched) -{ - uint8_t buffer[TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; - uint8_t nonce[TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; - uint16_t block_num; - unsigned int i; - - /* input sanity check: */ - if (out == (uint8_t *)0 || - in == (uint8_t *)0 || - ctr == (uint8_t *)0 || - sched == (TCAesKeySched_t)0 || - inlen == 0 || - outlen == 0 || - outlen != inlen) { +static int ccm_ctr_mode(uint8_t *out, unsigned int outlen, const uint8_t *in, unsigned int inlen, uint8_t *ctr, const TCAesKeySched_t sched) { + uint8_t buffer[TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; + uint8_t nonce[TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; + uint16_t block_num; + unsigned int i; + + /* input sanity check: */ + if (out == (uint8_t *)0 || in == (uint8_t *)0 || ctr == (uint8_t *)0 || sched == (TCAesKeySched_t)0 || inlen == 0 || outlen == 0 || outlen != inlen) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } + + /* copy the counter to the nonce */ + (void)_copy(nonce, sizeof(nonce), ctr, sizeof(nonce)); + + /* select the last 2 bytes of the nonce to be incremented */ + block_num = (uint16_t)((nonce[14] << 8) | (nonce[15])); + for (i = 0; i < inlen; ++i) { + if ((i % (TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE)) == 0) { + block_num++; + nonce[14] = (uint8_t)(block_num >> 8); + nonce[15] = (uint8_t)(block_num); + if (!tc_aes_encrypt(buffer, nonce, sched)) { return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } } + /* update the output */ + *out++ = buffer[i % (TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE)] ^ *in++; + } - /* copy the counter to the nonce */ - (void)_copy(nonce, sizeof(nonce), ctr, sizeof(nonce)); - - /* select the last 2 bytes of the nonce to be incremented */ - block_num = (uint16_t)((nonce[14] << 8) | (nonce[15])); - for (i = 0; i < inlen; ++i) { - if ((i % (TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE)) == 0) { - block_num++; - nonce[14] = (uint8_t)(block_num >> 8); - nonce[15] = (uint8_t)(block_num); - if (!tc_aes_encrypt(buffer, nonce, sched)) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } - } - /* update the output */ - *out++ = buffer[i % (TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE)] ^ *in++; - } - - /* update the counter */ - ctr[14] = nonce[14]; - ctr[15] = nonce[15]; + /* update the counter */ + ctr[14] = nonce[14]; + ctr[15] = nonce[15]; - return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; + return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; } -int tc_ccm_generation_encryption(uint8_t *out, unsigned int olen, - const uint8_t *associated_data, - unsigned int alen, const uint8_t *payload, - unsigned int plen, TCCcmMode_t c) -{ - /* input sanity check: */ - if ((out == (uint8_t *)0) || - (c == (TCCcmMode_t)0) || - ((plen > 0) && (payload == (uint8_t *)0)) || - ((alen > 0) && (associated_data == (uint8_t *)0)) || - (alen >= TC_CCM_AAD_MAX_BYTES) || /* associated data size unsupported */ - (plen >= TC_CCM_PAYLOAD_MAX_BYTES) || /* payload size unsupported */ - (olen < (plen + c->mlen))) { /* invalid output buffer size */ - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } - - uint8_t b[Nb * Nk]; - uint8_t tag[Nb * Nk]; - unsigned int i; - - /* GENERATING THE AUTHENTICATION TAG: */ - - /* formatting the sequence b for authentication: */ - b[0] = ((alen > 0) ? 0x40 : 0) | (((c->mlen - 2) / 2 << 3)) | (1); - for (i = 1; i <= 13; ++i) { - b[i] = c->nonce[i - 1]; - } - b[14] = (uint8_t)(plen >> 8); - b[15] = (uint8_t)(plen); - - /* computing the authentication tag using cbc-mac: */ - (void)tc_aes_encrypt(tag, b, c->sched); - if (alen > 0) { - ccm_cbc_mac(tag, associated_data, alen, 1, c->sched); - } - if (plen > 0) { - ccm_cbc_mac(tag, payload, plen, 0, c->sched); - } - - /* ENCRYPTION: */ - - /* formatting the sequence b for encryption: */ - b[0] = 1; /* q - 1 = 2 - 1 = 1 */ - b[14] = b[15] = TC_ZERO_BYTE; - - /* encrypting payload using ctr mode: */ - ccm_ctr_mode(out, plen, payload, plen, b, c->sched); - - b[14] = b[15] = TC_ZERO_BYTE; /* restoring initial counter for ctr_mode (0):*/ - - /* encrypting b and adding the tag to the output: */ - (void)tc_aes_encrypt(b, b, c->sched); - out += plen; - for (i = 0; i < c->mlen; ++i) { - *out++ = tag[i] ^ b[i]; - } - - return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; +int tc_ccm_generation_encryption(uint8_t *out, unsigned int olen, const uint8_t *associated_data, unsigned int alen, const uint8_t *payload, unsigned int plen, TCCcmMode_t c) { + /* input sanity check: */ + if ((out == (uint8_t *)0) || (c == (TCCcmMode_t)0) || ((plen > 0) && (payload == (uint8_t *)0)) || ((alen > 0) && (associated_data == (uint8_t *)0)) || + (alen >= TC_CCM_AAD_MAX_BYTES) || /* associated data size unsupported */ + (plen >= TC_CCM_PAYLOAD_MAX_BYTES) || /* payload size unsupported */ + (olen < (plen + c->mlen))) { /* invalid output buffer size */ + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } + + uint8_t b[Nb * Nk]; + uint8_t tag[Nb * Nk]; + unsigned int i; + + /* GENERATING THE AUTHENTICATION TAG: */ + + /* formatting the sequence b for authentication: */ + b[0] = ((alen > 0) ? 0x40 : 0) | (((c->mlen - 2) / 2 << 3)) | (1); + for (i = 1; i <= 13; ++i) { + b[i] = c->nonce[i - 1]; + } + b[14] = (uint8_t)(plen >> 8); + b[15] = (uint8_t)(plen); + + /* computing the authentication tag using cbc-mac: */ + (void)tc_aes_encrypt(tag, b, c->sched); + if (alen > 0) { + ccm_cbc_mac(tag, associated_data, alen, 1, c->sched); + } + if (plen > 0) { + ccm_cbc_mac(tag, payload, plen, 0, c->sched); + } + + /* ENCRYPTION: */ + + /* formatting the sequence b for encryption: */ + b[0] = 1; /* q - 1 = 2 - 1 = 1 */ + b[14] = b[15] = TC_ZERO_BYTE; + + /* encrypting payload using ctr mode: */ + ccm_ctr_mode(out, plen, payload, plen, b, c->sched); + + b[14] = b[15] = TC_ZERO_BYTE; /* restoring initial counter for ctr_mode (0):*/ + + /* encrypting b and adding the tag to the output: */ + (void)tc_aes_encrypt(b, b, c->sched); + out += plen; + for (i = 0; i < c->mlen; ++i) { + *out++ = tag[i] ^ b[i]; + } + + return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; } -int tc_ccm_decryption_verification(uint8_t *out, unsigned int olen, - const uint8_t *associated_data, - unsigned int alen, const uint8_t *payload, - unsigned int plen, TCCcmMode_t c) -{ - /* input sanity check: */ - if ((out == (uint8_t *)0) || - (c == (TCCcmMode_t)0) || - ((plen > 0) && (payload == (uint8_t *)0)) || - ((alen > 0) && (associated_data == (uint8_t *)0)) || - (alen >= TC_CCM_AAD_MAX_BYTES) || /* associated data size unsupported */ - (plen >= TC_CCM_PAYLOAD_MAX_BYTES) || /* payload size unsupported */ - (olen < plen - c->mlen)) { /* invalid output buffer size */ - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } - - uint8_t b[Nb * Nk]; - uint8_t tag[Nb * Nk]; - unsigned int i; - - /* DECRYPTION: */ - - /* formatting the sequence b for decryption: */ - b[0] = 1; /* q - 1 = 2 - 1 = 1 */ - for (i = 1; i < 14; ++i) { - b[i] = c->nonce[i - 1]; - } - b[14] = b[15] = TC_ZERO_BYTE; /* initial counter value is 0 */ - - /* decrypting payload using ctr mode: */ - ccm_ctr_mode(out, plen - c->mlen, payload, plen - c->mlen, b, c->sched); - - b[14] = b[15] = TC_ZERO_BYTE; /* restoring initial counter value (0) */ - - /* encrypting b and restoring the tag from input: */ - (void)tc_aes_encrypt(b, b, c->sched); - for (i = 0; i < c->mlen; ++i) { - tag[i] = *(payload + plen - c->mlen + i) ^ b[i]; - } - - /* VERIFYING THE AUTHENTICATION TAG: */ - - /* formatting the sequence b for authentication: */ - b[0] = ((alen > 0) ? 0x40 : 0) | (((c->mlen - 2) / 2 << 3)) | (1); - for (i = 1; i < 14; ++i) { - b[i] = c->nonce[i - 1]; - } - b[14] = (uint8_t)((plen - c->mlen) >> 8); - b[15] = (uint8_t)(plen - c->mlen); - - /* computing the authentication tag using cbc-mac: */ - (void)tc_aes_encrypt(b, b, c->sched); - if (alen > 0) { - ccm_cbc_mac(b, associated_data, alen, 1, c->sched); - } - if (plen > 0) { - ccm_cbc_mac(b, out, plen - c->mlen, 0, c->sched); - } - - /* comparing the received tag and the computed one: */ - if (_compare(b, tag, c->mlen) == 0) { - return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; - } else { - /* erase the decrypted buffer in case of mac validation failure: */ - _set(out, 0, plen - c->mlen); - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } +int tc_ccm_decryption_verification(uint8_t *out, unsigned int olen, const uint8_t *associated_data, unsigned int alen, const uint8_t *payload, unsigned int plen, TCCcmMode_t c) { + /* input sanity check: */ + if ((out == (uint8_t *)0) || (c == (TCCcmMode_t)0) || ((plen > 0) && (payload == (uint8_t *)0)) || ((alen > 0) && (associated_data == (uint8_t *)0)) || + (alen >= TC_CCM_AAD_MAX_BYTES) || /* associated data size unsupported */ + (plen >= TC_CCM_PAYLOAD_MAX_BYTES) || /* payload size unsupported */ + (olen < plen - c->mlen)) { /* invalid output buffer size */ + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } + + uint8_t b[Nb * Nk]; + uint8_t tag[Nb * Nk]; + unsigned int i; + + /* DECRYPTION: */ + + /* formatting the sequence b for decryption: */ + b[0] = 1; /* q - 1 = 2 - 1 = 1 */ + for (i = 1; i < 14; ++i) { + b[i] = c->nonce[i - 1]; + } + b[14] = b[15] = TC_ZERO_BYTE; /* initial counter value is 0 */ + + /* decrypting payload using ctr mode: */ + ccm_ctr_mode(out, plen - c->mlen, payload, plen - c->mlen, b, c->sched); + + b[14] = b[15] = TC_ZERO_BYTE; /* restoring initial counter value (0) */ + + /* encrypting b and restoring the tag from input: */ + (void)tc_aes_encrypt(b, b, c->sched); + for (i = 0; i < c->mlen; ++i) { + tag[i] = *(payload + plen - c->mlen + i) ^ b[i]; + } + + /* VERIFYING THE AUTHENTICATION TAG: */ + + /* formatting the sequence b for authentication: */ + b[0] = ((alen > 0) ? 0x40 : 0) | (((c->mlen - 2) / 2 << 3)) | (1); + for (i = 1; i < 14; ++i) { + b[i] = c->nonce[i - 1]; + } + b[14] = (uint8_t)((plen - c->mlen) >> 8); + b[15] = (uint8_t)(plen - c->mlen); + + /* computing the authentication tag using cbc-mac: */ + (void)tc_aes_encrypt(b, b, c->sched); + if (alen > 0) { + ccm_cbc_mac(b, associated_data, alen, 1, c->sched); + } + if (plen > 0) { + ccm_cbc_mac(b, out, plen - c->mlen, 0, c->sched); + } + + /* comparing the received tag and the computed one: */ + if (_compare(b, tag, c->mlen) == 0) { + return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; + } else { + /* erase the decrypted buffer in case of mac validation failure: */ + _set(out, 0, plen - c->mlen); + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/cmac_mode.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/cmac_mode.c index 97e7dd34cb..fa517db9b8 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/cmac_mode.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/cmac_mode.c @@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ -#include "aes.h" #include "cmac_mode.h" +#include "aes.h" #include "constants.h" #include "utils.h" @@ -75,178 +75,167 @@ const unsigned char gf_wrap = 0x87; * effects: doubles the GF(2^n) value pointed to by "in" and places * the result in the GF(2^n) value pointed to by "out." */ -void gf_double(uint8_t *out, uint8_t *in) -{ - /* start with low order byte */ - uint8_t *x = in + (TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE - 1); - - /* if msb == 1, we need to add the gf_wrap value, otherwise add 0 */ - uint8_t carry = (in[0] >> 7) ? gf_wrap : 0; - - out += (TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE - 1); - for (;;) { - *out-- = (*x << 1) ^ carry; - if (x == in) { - break; - } - carry = *x-- >> 7; +void gf_double(uint8_t *out, uint8_t *in) { + /* start with low order byte */ + uint8_t *x = in + (TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE - 1); + + /* if msb == 1, we need to add the gf_wrap value, otherwise add 0 */ + uint8_t carry = (in[0] >> 7) ? gf_wrap : 0; + + out += (TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE - 1); + for (;;) { + *out-- = (*x << 1) ^ carry; + if (x == in) { + break; } + carry = *x-- >> 7; + } } -int tc_cmac_setup(TCCmacState_t s, const uint8_t *key, TCAesKeySched_t sched) -{ - /* input sanity check: */ - if (s == (TCCmacState_t)0 || - key == (const uint8_t *)0) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } +int tc_cmac_setup(TCCmacState_t s, const uint8_t *key, TCAesKeySched_t sched) { + /* input sanity check: */ + if (s == (TCCmacState_t)0 || key == (const uint8_t *)0) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } - /* put s into a known state */ - _set(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); - s->sched = sched; + /* put s into a known state */ + _set(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); + s->sched = sched; - /* configure the encryption key used by the underlying block cipher */ - tc_aes128_set_encrypt_key(s->sched, key); + /* configure the encryption key used by the underlying block cipher */ + tc_aes128_set_encrypt_key(s->sched, key); - /* compute s->K1 and s->K2 from s->iv using s->keyid */ - _set(s->iv, 0, TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE); - tc_aes_encrypt(s->iv, s->iv, s->sched); - gf_double(s->K1, s->iv); - gf_double(s->K2, s->K1); + /* compute s->K1 and s->K2 from s->iv using s->keyid */ + _set(s->iv, 0, TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE); + tc_aes_encrypt(s->iv, s->iv, s->sched); + gf_double(s->K1, s->iv); + gf_double(s->K2, s->K1); - /* reset s->iv to 0 in case someone wants to compute now */ - tc_cmac_init(s); + /* reset s->iv to 0 in case someone wants to compute now */ + tc_cmac_init(s); - return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; + return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; } -int tc_cmac_erase(TCCmacState_t s) -{ - if (s == (TCCmacState_t)0) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } +int tc_cmac_erase(TCCmacState_t s) { + if (s == (TCCmacState_t)0) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } - /* destroy the current state */ - _set(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); + /* destroy the current state */ + _set(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); - return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; + return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; } -int tc_cmac_init(TCCmacState_t s) -{ - /* input sanity check: */ - if (s == (TCCmacState_t)0) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } +int tc_cmac_init(TCCmacState_t s) { + /* input sanity check: */ + if (s == (TCCmacState_t)0) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } - /* CMAC starts with an all zero initialization vector */ - _set(s->iv, 0, TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE); + /* CMAC starts with an all zero initialization vector */ + _set(s->iv, 0, TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE); - /* and the leftover buffer is empty */ - _set(s->leftover, 0, TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE); - s->leftover_offset = 0; + /* and the leftover buffer is empty */ + _set(s->leftover, 0, TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE); + s->leftover_offset = 0; - /* Set countdown to max number of calls allowed before re-keying: */ - s->countdown = MAX_CALLS; + /* Set countdown to max number of calls allowed before re-keying: */ + s->countdown = MAX_CALLS; - return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; + return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; } -int tc_cmac_update(TCCmacState_t s, const uint8_t *data, size_t data_length) -{ - unsigned int i; - - /* input sanity check: */ - if (s == (TCCmacState_t)0) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } - if (data_length == 0) { - return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; - } - if (data == (const uint8_t *)0) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } +int tc_cmac_update(TCCmacState_t s, const uint8_t *data, size_t data_length) { + unsigned int i; - if (s->countdown == 0) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + /* input sanity check: */ + if (s == (TCCmacState_t)0) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } + if (data_length == 0) { + return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; + } + if (data == (const uint8_t *)0) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } + + if (s->countdown == 0) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } + + s->countdown--; + + if (s->leftover_offset > 0) { + /* last data added to s didn't end on a TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE byte boundary */ + size_t remaining_space = TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE - s->leftover_offset; + + if (data_length < remaining_space) { + /* still not enough data to encrypt this time either */ + _copy(&s->leftover[s->leftover_offset], data_length, data, data_length); + s->leftover_offset += data_length; + return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; } + /* leftover block is now full; encrypt it first */ + _copy(&s->leftover[s->leftover_offset], remaining_space, data, remaining_space); + data_length -= remaining_space; + data += remaining_space; + s->leftover_offset = 0; - s->countdown--; - - if (s->leftover_offset > 0) { - /* last data added to s didn't end on a TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE byte boundary */ - size_t remaining_space = TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE - s->leftover_offset; - - if (data_length < remaining_space) { - /* still not enough data to encrypt this time either */ - _copy(&s->leftover[s->leftover_offset], data_length, data, data_length); - s->leftover_offset += data_length; - return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; - } - /* leftover block is now full; encrypt it first */ - _copy(&s->leftover[s->leftover_offset], - remaining_space, - data, - remaining_space); - data_length -= remaining_space; - data += remaining_space; - s->leftover_offset = 0; - - for (i = 0; i < TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE; ++i) { - s->iv[i] ^= s->leftover[i]; - } - tc_aes_encrypt(s->iv, s->iv, s->sched); + for (i = 0; i < TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE; ++i) { + s->iv[i] ^= s->leftover[i]; } + tc_aes_encrypt(s->iv, s->iv, s->sched); + } - /* CBC encrypt each (except the last) of the data blocks */ - while (data_length > TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE) { - for (i = 0; i < TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE; ++i) { - s->iv[i] ^= data[i]; - } - tc_aes_encrypt(s->iv, s->iv, s->sched); - data += TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE; - data_length -= TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE; + /* CBC encrypt each (except the last) of the data blocks */ + while (data_length > TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE) { + for (i = 0; i < TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE; ++i) { + s->iv[i] ^= data[i]; } + tc_aes_encrypt(s->iv, s->iv, s->sched); + data += TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE; + data_length -= TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE; + } - if (data_length > 0) { - /* save leftover data for next time */ - _copy(s->leftover, data_length, data, data_length); - s->leftover_offset = data_length; - } + if (data_length > 0) { + /* save leftover data for next time */ + _copy(s->leftover, data_length, data, data_length); + s->leftover_offset = data_length; + } - return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; + return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; } -int tc_cmac_final(uint8_t *tag, TCCmacState_t s) -{ - uint8_t *k; - unsigned int i; +int tc_cmac_final(uint8_t *tag, TCCmacState_t s) { + uint8_t *k; + unsigned int i; - /* input sanity check: */ - if (tag == (uint8_t *)0 || - s == (TCCmacState_t)0) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } + /* input sanity check: */ + if (tag == (uint8_t *)0 || s == (TCCmacState_t)0) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } - if (s->leftover_offset == TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE) { - /* the last message block is a full-sized block */ - k = (uint8_t *)s->K1; - } else { - /* the final message block is not a full-sized block */ - size_t remaining = TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE - s->leftover_offset; + if (s->leftover_offset == TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE) { + /* the last message block is a full-sized block */ + k = (uint8_t *)s->K1; + } else { + /* the final message block is not a full-sized block */ + size_t remaining = TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE - s->leftover_offset; - _set(&s->leftover[s->leftover_offset], 0, remaining); - s->leftover[s->leftover_offset] = TC_CMAC_PADDING; - k = (uint8_t *)s->K2; - } - for (i = 0; i < TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE; ++i) { - s->iv[i] ^= s->leftover[i] ^ k[i]; - } + _set(&s->leftover[s->leftover_offset], 0, remaining); + s->leftover[s->leftover_offset] = TC_CMAC_PADDING; + k = (uint8_t *)s->K2; + } + for (i = 0; i < TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE; ++i) { + s->iv[i] ^= s->leftover[i] ^ k[i]; + } - tc_aes_encrypt(tag, s->iv, s->sched); + tc_aes_encrypt(tag, s->iv, s->sched); - /* erasing state: */ - tc_cmac_erase(s); + /* erasing state: */ + tc_cmac_erase(s); - return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; + return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/ctr_mode.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/ctr_mode.c index c9808338b2..eaa14bc5e1 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/ctr_mode.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/ctr_mode.c @@ -30,57 +30,48 @@ * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ -#include "constants.h" #include "ctr_mode.h" +#include "constants.h" #include "utils.h" -int tc_ctr_mode(uint8_t *out, unsigned int outlen, const uint8_t *in, - unsigned int inlen, uint8_t *ctr, const TCAesKeySched_t sched) -{ - uint8_t buffer[TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; - uint8_t nonce[TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; - unsigned int block_num; - unsigned int i; +int tc_ctr_mode(uint8_t *out, unsigned int outlen, const uint8_t *in, unsigned int inlen, uint8_t *ctr, const TCAesKeySched_t sched) { + uint8_t buffer[TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; + uint8_t nonce[TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; + unsigned int block_num; + unsigned int i; - /* input sanity check: */ - if (out == (uint8_t *)0 || - in == (uint8_t *)0 || - ctr == (uint8_t *)0 || - sched == (TCAesKeySched_t)0 || - inlen == 0 || - outlen == 0 || - outlen != inlen) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } + /* input sanity check: */ + if (out == (uint8_t *)0 || in == (uint8_t *)0 || ctr == (uint8_t *)0 || sched == (TCAesKeySched_t)0 || inlen == 0 || outlen == 0 || outlen != inlen) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } - /* copy the ctr to the nonce */ - (void)_copy(nonce, sizeof(nonce), ctr, sizeof(nonce)); + /* copy the ctr to the nonce */ + (void)_copy(nonce, sizeof(nonce), ctr, sizeof(nonce)); - /* select the last 4 bytes of the nonce to be incremented */ - block_num = (nonce[12] << 24) | (nonce[13] << 16) | - (nonce[14] << 8) | (nonce[15]); - for (i = 0; i < inlen; ++i) { - if ((i % (TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE)) == 0) { - /* encrypt data using the current nonce */ - if (tc_aes_encrypt(buffer, nonce, sched)) { - block_num++; - nonce[12] = (uint8_t)(block_num >> 24); - nonce[13] = (uint8_t)(block_num >> 16); - nonce[14] = (uint8_t)(block_num >> 8); - nonce[15] = (uint8_t)(block_num); - } else { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } - } - /* update the output */ - *out++ = buffer[i % (TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE)] ^ *in++; + /* select the last 4 bytes of the nonce to be incremented */ + block_num = (nonce[12] << 24) | (nonce[13] << 16) | (nonce[14] << 8) | (nonce[15]); + for (i = 0; i < inlen; ++i) { + if ((i % (TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE)) == 0) { + /* encrypt data using the current nonce */ + if (tc_aes_encrypt(buffer, nonce, sched)) { + block_num++; + nonce[12] = (uint8_t)(block_num >> 24); + nonce[13] = (uint8_t)(block_num >> 16); + nonce[14] = (uint8_t)(block_num >> 8); + nonce[15] = (uint8_t)(block_num); + } else { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } } + /* update the output */ + *out++ = buffer[i % (TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE)] ^ *in++; + } - /* update the counter */ - ctr[12] = nonce[12]; - ctr[13] = nonce[13]; - ctr[14] = nonce[14]; - ctr[15] = nonce[15]; + /* update the counter */ + ctr[12] = nonce[12]; + ctr[13] = nonce[13]; + ctr[14] = nonce[14]; + ctr[15] = nonce[15]; - return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; + return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/ctr_prng.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/ctr_prng.c index d3410bc57c..e53f550bf7 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/ctr_prng.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/ctr_prng.c @@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ */ #include "ctr_prng.h" -#include "utils.h" #include "constants.h" +#include "utils.h" #include /* @@ -50,16 +50,15 @@ * @param arr IN/OUT -- array to be incremented * @param len IN -- size of arr in bytes */ -static void arrInc(uint8_t arr[], unsigned int len) -{ - unsigned int i; - if (0 != arr) { - for (i = len; i > 0U; i--) { - if (++arr[i - 1] != 0U) { - break; - } - } +static void arrInc(uint8_t arr[], unsigned int len) { + unsigned int i; + if (0 != arr) { + for (i = len; i > 0U; i--) { + if (++arr[i - 1] != 0U) { + break; + } } + } } /** @@ -71,209 +70,192 @@ static void arrInc(uint8_t arr[], unsigned int len) * @param ctx IN/OUT -- CTR PRNG state * @param providedData IN -- data used when updating the internal state */ -static void tc_ctr_prng_update(TCCtrPrng_t *const ctx, uint8_t const *const providedData) -{ - if (0 != ctx) { - /* step 1 */ - uint8_t temp[TC_AES_KEY_SIZE + TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; - unsigned int len = 0U; - - /* step 2 */ - while (len < sizeof temp) { - unsigned int blocklen = sizeof(temp) - len; - uint8_t output_block[TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; - - /* step 2.1 */ - arrInc(ctx->V, sizeof ctx->V); - - /* step 2.2 */ - if (blocklen > TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE) { - blocklen = TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE; - } - (void)tc_aes_encrypt(output_block, ctx->V, &ctx->key); - - /* step 2.3/step 3 */ - memcpy(&(temp[len]), output_block, blocklen); - - len += blocklen; - } +static void tc_ctr_prng_update(TCCtrPrng_t *const ctx, uint8_t const *const providedData) { + if (0 != ctx) { + /* step 1 */ + uint8_t temp[TC_AES_KEY_SIZE + TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; + unsigned int len = 0U; + + /* step 2 */ + while (len < sizeof temp) { + unsigned int blocklen = sizeof(temp) - len; + uint8_t output_block[TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; + + /* step 2.1 */ + arrInc(ctx->V, sizeof ctx->V); + + /* step 2.2 */ + if (blocklen > TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE) { + blocklen = TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE; + } + (void)tc_aes_encrypt(output_block, ctx->V, &ctx->key); + + /* step 2.3/step 3 */ + memcpy(&(temp[len]), output_block, blocklen); + + len += blocklen; + } - /* step 4 */ - if (0 != providedData) { - unsigned int i; - for (i = 0U; i < sizeof temp; i++) { - temp[i] ^= providedData[i]; - } - } + /* step 4 */ + if (0 != providedData) { + unsigned int i; + for (i = 0U; i < sizeof temp; i++) { + temp[i] ^= providedData[i]; + } + } - /* step 5 */ - (void)tc_aes128_set_encrypt_key(&ctx->key, temp); + /* step 5 */ + (void)tc_aes128_set_encrypt_key(&ctx->key, temp); - /* step 6 */ - memcpy(ctx->V, &(temp[TC_AES_KEY_SIZE]), TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE); - } + /* step 6 */ + memcpy(ctx->V, &(temp[TC_AES_KEY_SIZE]), TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE); + } } -int tc_ctr_prng_init(TCCtrPrng_t *const ctx, - uint8_t const *const entropy, - unsigned int entropyLen, - uint8_t const *const personalization, - unsigned int pLen) -{ - int result = TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - unsigned int i; - uint8_t personalization_buf[TC_AES_KEY_SIZE + TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE] = { 0U }; - uint8_t seed_material[TC_AES_KEY_SIZE + TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; - uint8_t zeroArr[TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE] = { 0U }; - - if (0 != personalization) { - /* step 1 */ - unsigned int len = pLen; - if (len > sizeof personalization_buf) { - len = sizeof personalization_buf; - } +int tc_ctr_prng_init(TCCtrPrng_t *const ctx, uint8_t const *const entropy, unsigned int entropyLen, uint8_t const *const personalization, unsigned int pLen) { + int result = TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + unsigned int i; + uint8_t personalization_buf[TC_AES_KEY_SIZE + TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE] = {0U}; + uint8_t seed_material[TC_AES_KEY_SIZE + TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; + uint8_t zeroArr[TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE] = {0U}; + + if (0 != personalization) { + /* step 1 */ + unsigned int len = pLen; + if (len > sizeof personalization_buf) { + len = sizeof personalization_buf; + } - /* step 2 */ - memcpy(personalization_buf, personalization, len); + /* step 2 */ + memcpy(personalization_buf, personalization, len); + } + + if ((0 != ctx) && (0 != entropy) && (entropyLen >= sizeof seed_material)) { + /* step 3 */ + memcpy(seed_material, entropy, sizeof seed_material); + for (i = 0U; i < sizeof seed_material; i++) { + seed_material[i] ^= personalization_buf[i]; } - if ((0 != ctx) && (0 != entropy) && (entropyLen >= sizeof seed_material)) { - /* step 3 */ - memcpy(seed_material, entropy, sizeof seed_material); - for (i = 0U; i < sizeof seed_material; i++) { - seed_material[i] ^= personalization_buf[i]; - } + /* step 4 */ + (void)tc_aes128_set_encrypt_key(&ctx->key, zeroArr); - /* step 4 */ - (void)tc_aes128_set_encrypt_key(&ctx->key, zeroArr); + /* step 5 */ + memset(ctx->V, 0x00, sizeof ctx->V); - /* step 5 */ - memset(ctx->V, 0x00, sizeof ctx->V); + /* step 6 */ + tc_ctr_prng_update(ctx, seed_material); - /* step 6 */ - tc_ctr_prng_update(ctx, seed_material); + /* step 7 */ + ctx->reseedCount = 1U; + + result = TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; + } + return result; +} + +int tc_ctr_prng_reseed(TCCtrPrng_t *const ctx, uint8_t const *const entropy, unsigned int entropyLen, uint8_t const *const additional_input, unsigned int additionallen) { + unsigned int i; + int result = TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + uint8_t additional_input_buf[TC_AES_KEY_SIZE + TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE] = {0U}; + uint8_t seed_material[TC_AES_KEY_SIZE + TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; + + if (0 != additional_input) { + /* step 1 */ + unsigned int len = additionallen; + if (len > sizeof additional_input_buf) { + len = sizeof additional_input_buf; + } - /* step 7 */ - ctx->reseedCount = 1U; + /* step 2 */ + memcpy(additional_input_buf, additional_input, len); + } - result = TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; + unsigned int seedlen = (unsigned int)TC_AES_KEY_SIZE + (unsigned int)TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE; + if ((0 != ctx) && (entropyLen >= seedlen)) { + /* step 3 */ + memcpy(seed_material, entropy, sizeof seed_material); + for (i = 0U; i < sizeof seed_material; i++) { + seed_material[i] ^= additional_input_buf[i]; } - return result; + + /* step 4 */ + tc_ctr_prng_update(ctx, seed_material); + + /* step 5 */ + ctx->reseedCount = 1U; + + result = TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; + } + return result; } -int tc_ctr_prng_reseed(TCCtrPrng_t *const ctx, - uint8_t const *const entropy, - unsigned int entropyLen, - uint8_t const *const additional_input, - unsigned int additionallen) -{ - unsigned int i; - int result = TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - uint8_t additional_input_buf[TC_AES_KEY_SIZE + TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE] = { 0U }; - uint8_t seed_material[TC_AES_KEY_SIZE + TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; - - if (0 != additional_input) { - /* step 1 */ +int tc_ctr_prng_generate(TCCtrPrng_t *const ctx, uint8_t const *const additional_input, unsigned int additionallen, uint8_t *const out, unsigned int outlen) { + /* 2^48 - see section 10.2.1 */ + static const uint64_t MAX_REQS_BEFORE_RESEED = 0x1000000000000ULL; + + /* 2^19 bits - see section 10.2.1 */ + static const unsigned int MAX_BYTES_PER_REQ = 65536U; + + unsigned int result = TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + + if ((0 != ctx) && (0 != out) && (outlen < MAX_BYTES_PER_REQ)) { + /* step 1 */ + if (ctx->reseedCount > MAX_REQS_BEFORE_RESEED) { + result = TC_CTR_PRNG_RESEED_REQ; + } else { + uint8_t additional_input_buf[TC_AES_KEY_SIZE + TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE] = {0U}; + if (0 != additional_input) { + /* step 2 */ unsigned int len = additionallen; if (len > sizeof additional_input_buf) { - len = sizeof additional_input_buf; + len = sizeof additional_input_buf; } - - /* step 2 */ memcpy(additional_input_buf, additional_input, len); - } + tc_ctr_prng_update(ctx, additional_input_buf); + } - unsigned int seedlen = (unsigned int)TC_AES_KEY_SIZE + (unsigned int)TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE; - if ((0 != ctx) && (entropyLen >= seedlen)) { - /* step 3 */ - memcpy(seed_material, entropy, sizeof seed_material); - for (i = 0U; i < sizeof seed_material; i++) { - seed_material[i] ^= additional_input_buf[i]; - } + /* step 3 - implicit */ - /* step 4 */ - tc_ctr_prng_update(ctx, seed_material); + /* step 4 */ + unsigned int len = 0U; + while (len < outlen) { + unsigned int blocklen = outlen - len; + uint8_t output_block[TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; - /* step 5 */ - ctx->reseedCount = 1U; + /* step 4.1 */ + arrInc(ctx->V, sizeof ctx->V); - result = TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; - } - return result; -} + /* step 4.2 */ + (void)tc_aes_encrypt(output_block, ctx->V, &ctx->key); -int tc_ctr_prng_generate(TCCtrPrng_t *const ctx, - uint8_t const *const additional_input, - unsigned int additionallen, - uint8_t *const out, - unsigned int outlen) -{ - /* 2^48 - see section 10.2.1 */ - static const uint64_t MAX_REQS_BEFORE_RESEED = 0x1000000000000ULL; - - /* 2^19 bits - see section 10.2.1 */ - static const unsigned int MAX_BYTES_PER_REQ = 65536U; - - unsigned int result = TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - - if ((0 != ctx) && (0 != out) && (outlen < MAX_BYTES_PER_REQ)) { - /* step 1 */ - if (ctx->reseedCount > MAX_REQS_BEFORE_RESEED) { - result = TC_CTR_PRNG_RESEED_REQ; - } else { - uint8_t additional_input_buf[TC_AES_KEY_SIZE + TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE] = { 0U }; - if (0 != additional_input) { - /* step 2 */ - unsigned int len = additionallen; - if (len > sizeof additional_input_buf) { - len = sizeof additional_input_buf; - } - memcpy(additional_input_buf, additional_input, len); - tc_ctr_prng_update(ctx, additional_input_buf); - } - - /* step 3 - implicit */ - - /* step 4 */ - unsigned int len = 0U; - while (len < outlen) { - unsigned int blocklen = outlen - len; - uint8_t output_block[TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; - - /* step 4.1 */ - arrInc(ctx->V, sizeof ctx->V); - - /* step 4.2 */ - (void)tc_aes_encrypt(output_block, ctx->V, &ctx->key); - - /* step 4.3/step 5 */ - if (blocklen > TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE) { - blocklen = TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE; - } - memcpy(&(out[len]), output_block, blocklen); - - len += blocklen; - } - - /* step 6 */ - tc_ctr_prng_update(ctx, additional_input_buf); - - /* step 7 */ - ctx->reseedCount++; - - /* step 8 */ - result = TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; + /* step 4.3/step 5 */ + if (blocklen > TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE) { + blocklen = TC_AES_BLOCK_SIZE; } + memcpy(&(out[len]), output_block, blocklen); + + len += blocklen; + } + + /* step 6 */ + tc_ctr_prng_update(ctx, additional_input_buf); + + /* step 7 */ + ctx->reseedCount++; + + /* step 8 */ + result = TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; } + } - return result; + return result; } -void tc_ctr_prng_uninstantiate(TCCtrPrng_t *const ctx) -{ - if (0 != ctx) { - memset(ctx->key.words, 0x00, sizeof ctx->key.words); - memset(ctx->V, 0x00, sizeof ctx->V); - ctx->reseedCount = 0U; - } +void tc_ctr_prng_uninstantiate(TCCtrPrng_t *const ctx) { + if (0 != ctx) { + memset(ctx->key.words, 0x00, sizeof ctx->key.words); + memset(ctx->V, 0x00, sizeof ctx->V); + ctx->reseedCount = 0U; + } } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/ecc.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/ecc.c index eb3fa22380..e9281a59b7 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/ecc.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/ecc.c @@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ -#include "ecc.h" -#include "ecc_platform_specific.h" +#include "../include/tinycrypt/ecc.h" +#include "../include/tinycrypt/ecc_platform_specific.h" +#include #include - /* IMPORTANT: Make sure a cryptographically-secure PRNG is set and the platform * has access to enough entropy in order to feed the PRNG regularly. */ #if default_RNG_defined @@ -64,860 +64,735 @@ static uECC_RNG_Function g_rng_function = &default_CSPRNG; static uECC_RNG_Function g_rng_function = 0; #endif -void uECC_set_rng(uECC_RNG_Function rng_function) -{ - g_rng_function = rng_function; -} +void uECC_set_rng(uECC_RNG_Function rng_function) { g_rng_function = rng_function; } -uECC_RNG_Function uECC_get_rng(void) -{ - return g_rng_function; -} +uECC_RNG_Function uECC_get_rng(void) { return g_rng_function; } -int uECC_curve_private_key_size(uECC_Curve curve) -{ - return BITS_TO_BYTES(curve->num_n_bits); -} +int uECC_curve_private_key_size(uECC_Curve curve) { return BITS_TO_BYTES(curve->num_n_bits); } -int uECC_curve_public_key_size(uECC_Curve curve) -{ - return 2 * curve->num_bytes; -} +int uECC_curve_public_key_size(uECC_Curve curve) { return 2 * curve->num_bytes; } -void uECC_vli_clear(uECC_word_t *vli, wordcount_t num_words) -{ - wordcount_t i; - for (i = 0; i < num_words; ++i) { - vli[i] = 0; - } +void uECC_vli_clear(uECC_word_t *vli, wordcount_t num_words) { + wordcount_t i; + for (i = 0; i < num_words; ++i) { + vli[i] = 0; + } } -uECC_word_t uECC_vli_isZero(const uECC_word_t *vli, wordcount_t num_words) -{ - uECC_word_t bits = 0; - wordcount_t i; - for (i = 0; i < num_words; ++i) { - bits |= vli[i]; - } - return (bits == 0); +uECC_word_t uECC_vli_isZero(const uECC_word_t *vli, wordcount_t num_words) { + uECC_word_t bits = 0; + wordcount_t i; + for (i = 0; i < num_words; ++i) { + bits |= vli[i]; + } + return (bits == 0); } -uECC_word_t uECC_vli_testBit(const uECC_word_t *vli, bitcount_t bit) -{ - return (vli[bit >> uECC_WORD_BITS_SHIFT] & - ((uECC_word_t)1 << (bit & uECC_WORD_BITS_MASK))); -} +uECC_word_t uECC_vli_testBit(const uECC_word_t *vli, bitcount_t bit) { return (vli[bit >> uECC_WORD_BITS_SHIFT] & ((uECC_word_t)1 << (bit & uECC_WORD_BITS_MASK))); } /* Counts the number of words in vli. */ -static wordcount_t vli_numDigits(const uECC_word_t *vli, - const wordcount_t max_words) -{ - wordcount_t i; - /* Search from the end until we find a non-zero digit. We do it in reverse - * because we expect that most digits will be nonzero. */ - for (i = max_words - 1; i >= 0 && vli[i] == 0; --i) { - } +static wordcount_t vli_numDigits(const uECC_word_t *vli, const wordcount_t max_words) { + wordcount_t i; + /* Search from the end until we find a non-zero digit. We do it in reverse + * because we expect that most digits will be nonzero. */ + for (i = max_words - 1; i >= 0 && vli[i] == 0; --i) { + } - return (i + 1); + return (i + 1); } -bitcount_t uECC_vli_numBits(const uECC_word_t *vli, - const wordcount_t max_words) -{ - uECC_word_t i; - uECC_word_t digit; +bitcount_t uECC_vli_numBits(const uECC_word_t *vli, const wordcount_t max_words) { + uECC_word_t i; + uECC_word_t digit; - wordcount_t num_digits = vli_numDigits(vli, max_words); - if (num_digits == 0) { - return 0; - } + wordcount_t num_digits = vli_numDigits(vli, max_words); + if (num_digits == 0) { + return 0; + } - digit = vli[num_digits - 1]; - for (i = 0; digit; ++i) { - digit >>= 1; - } + digit = vli[num_digits - 1]; + for (i = 0; digit; ++i) { + digit >>= 1; + } - return (((bitcount_t)(num_digits - 1) << uECC_WORD_BITS_SHIFT) + i); + return (((bitcount_t)(num_digits - 1) << uECC_WORD_BITS_SHIFT) + i); } -void uECC_vli_set(uECC_word_t *dest, const uECC_word_t *src, - wordcount_t num_words) -{ - wordcount_t i; +void uECC_vli_set(uECC_word_t *dest, const uECC_word_t *src, wordcount_t num_words) { + wordcount_t i; - for (i = 0; i < num_words; ++i) { - dest[i] = src[i]; - } + for (i = 0; i < num_words; ++i) { + dest[i] = src[i]; + } } -cmpresult_t uECC_vli_cmp_unsafe(const uECC_word_t *left, - const uECC_word_t *right, - wordcount_t num_words) -{ - wordcount_t i; +cmpresult_t uECC_vli_cmp_unsafe(const uECC_word_t *left, const uECC_word_t *right, wordcount_t num_words) { + wordcount_t i; - for (i = num_words - 1; i >= 0; --i) { - if (left[i] > right[i]) { - return 1; - } else if (left[i] < right[i]) { - return -1; - } + for (i = num_words - 1; i >= 0; --i) { + if (left[i] > right[i]) { + return 1; + } else if (left[i] < right[i]) { + return -1; } - return 0; + } + return 0; } -uECC_word_t uECC_vli_equal(const uECC_word_t *left, const uECC_word_t *right, - wordcount_t num_words) -{ - uECC_word_t diff = 0; - wordcount_t i; +uECC_word_t uECC_vli_equal(const uECC_word_t *left, const uECC_word_t *right, wordcount_t num_words) { + uECC_word_t diff = 0; + wordcount_t i; - for (i = num_words - 1; i >= 0; --i) { - diff |= (left[i] ^ right[i]); - } - return !(diff == 0); + for (i = num_words - 1; i >= 0; --i) { + diff |= (left[i] ^ right[i]); + } + return !(diff == 0); } -uECC_word_t cond_set(uECC_word_t p_true, uECC_word_t p_false, unsigned int cond) -{ - return (p_true * (cond)) | (p_false * (!cond)); -} +uECC_word_t cond_set(uECC_word_t p_true, uECC_word_t p_false, unsigned int cond) { return (p_true * (cond)) | (p_false * (!cond)); } /* Computes result = left - right, returning borrow, in constant time. * Can modify in place. */ -uECC_word_t uECC_vli_sub(uECC_word_t *result, const uECC_word_t *left, - const uECC_word_t *right, wordcount_t num_words) -{ - uECC_word_t borrow = 0; - wordcount_t i; - for (i = 0; i < num_words; ++i) { - uECC_word_t diff = left[i] - right[i] - borrow; - uECC_word_t val = (diff > left[i]); - borrow = cond_set(val, borrow, (diff != left[i])); +uECC_word_t uECC_vli_sub(uECC_word_t *result, const uECC_word_t *left, const uECC_word_t *right, wordcount_t num_words) { + uECC_word_t borrow = 0; + wordcount_t i; + for (i = 0; i < num_words; ++i) { + uECC_word_t diff = left[i] - right[i] - borrow; + uECC_word_t val = (diff > left[i]); + borrow = cond_set(val, borrow, (diff != left[i])); - result[i] = diff; - } - return borrow; + result[i] = diff; + } + return borrow; } /* Computes result = left + right, returning carry, in constant time. * Can modify in place. */ -static uECC_word_t uECC_vli_add(uECC_word_t *result, const uECC_word_t *left, - const uECC_word_t *right, wordcount_t num_words) -{ - uECC_word_t carry = 0; - wordcount_t i; - for (i = 0; i < num_words; ++i) { - uECC_word_t sum = left[i] + right[i] + carry; - uECC_word_t val = (sum < left[i]); - carry = cond_set(val, carry, (sum != left[i])); - result[i] = sum; - } - return carry; +static uECC_word_t uECC_vli_add(uECC_word_t *result, const uECC_word_t *left, const uECC_word_t *right, wordcount_t num_words) { + uECC_word_t carry = 0; + wordcount_t i; + for (i = 0; i < num_words; ++i) { + uECC_word_t sum = left[i] + right[i] + carry; + uECC_word_t val = (sum < left[i]); + carry = cond_set(val, carry, (sum != left[i])); + result[i] = sum; + } + return carry; } -cmpresult_t uECC_vli_cmp(const uECC_word_t *left, const uECC_word_t *right, - wordcount_t num_words) -{ - uECC_word_t tmp[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - uECC_word_t neg = !!uECC_vli_sub(tmp, left, right, num_words); - uECC_word_t equal = uECC_vli_isZero(tmp, num_words); - return (!equal - 2 * neg); +cmpresult_t uECC_vli_cmp(const uECC_word_t *left, const uECC_word_t *right, wordcount_t num_words) { + uECC_word_t tmp[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + uECC_word_t neg = !!uECC_vli_sub(tmp, left, right, num_words); + uECC_word_t equal = uECC_vli_isZero(tmp, num_words); + return (!equal - 2 * neg); } /* Computes vli = vli >> 1. */ -static void uECC_vli_rshift1(uECC_word_t *vli, wordcount_t num_words) -{ - uECC_word_t *end = vli; - uECC_word_t carry = 0; - - vli += num_words; - while (vli-- > end) { - uECC_word_t temp = *vli; - *vli = (temp >> 1) | carry; - carry = temp << (uECC_WORD_BITS - 1); - } -} +static void uECC_vli_rshift1(uECC_word_t *vli, wordcount_t num_words) { + uECC_word_t *end = vli; + uECC_word_t carry = 0; -static void muladd(uECC_word_t a, uECC_word_t b, uECC_word_t *r0, - uECC_word_t *r1, uECC_word_t *r2) -{ - uECC_dword_t p = (uECC_dword_t)a * b; - uECC_dword_t r01 = ((uECC_dword_t)(*r1) << uECC_WORD_BITS) | *r0; - r01 += p; - *r2 += (r01 < p); - *r1 = r01 >> uECC_WORD_BITS; - *r0 = (uECC_word_t)r01; + vli += num_words; + while (vli-- > end) { + uECC_word_t temp = *vli; + *vli = (temp >> 1) | carry; + carry = temp << (uECC_WORD_BITS - 1); + } } -/* Computes result = left * right. Result must be 2 * num_words long. */ -static void uECC_vli_mult(uECC_word_t *result, const uECC_word_t *left, - const uECC_word_t *right, wordcount_t num_words) -{ - uECC_word_t r0 = 0; - uECC_word_t r1 = 0; - uECC_word_t r2 = 0; - wordcount_t i, k; - - /* Compute each digit of result in sequence, maintaining the carries. */ - for (k = 0; k < num_words; ++k) { - for (i = 0; i <= k; ++i) { - muladd(left[i], right[k - i], &r0, &r1, &r2); - } - - result[k] = r0; - r0 = r1; - r1 = r2; - r2 = 0; - } - - for (k = num_words; k < num_words * 2 - 1; ++k) { - for (i = (k + 1) - num_words; i < num_words; ++i) { - muladd(left[i], right[k - i], &r0, &r1, &r2); - } - result[k] = r0; - r0 = r1; - r1 = r2; - r2 = 0; - } - result[num_words * 2 - 1] = r0; -} - -void uECC_vli_modAdd(uECC_word_t *result, const uECC_word_t *left, - const uECC_word_t *right, const uECC_word_t *mod, - wordcount_t num_words) -{ - uECC_word_t carry = uECC_vli_add(result, left, right, num_words); - if (carry || uECC_vli_cmp_unsafe(mod, result, num_words) != 1) { - /* result > mod (result = mod + remainder), so subtract mod to get - * remainder. */ - uECC_vli_sub(result, result, mod, num_words); - } +static void muladd(uECC_word_t a, uECC_word_t b, uECC_word_t *r0, uECC_word_t *r1, uECC_word_t *r2) { + uECC_dword_t p = (uECC_dword_t)a * b; + uECC_dword_t r01 = ((uECC_dword_t)(*r1) << uECC_WORD_BITS) | *r0; + r01 += p; + *r2 += (r01 < p); + *r1 = r01 >> uECC_WORD_BITS; + *r0 = (uECC_word_t)r01; } -void uECC_vli_modSub(uECC_word_t *result, const uECC_word_t *left, - const uECC_word_t *right, const uECC_word_t *mod, - wordcount_t num_words) -{ - uECC_word_t l_borrow = uECC_vli_sub(result, left, right, num_words); - if (l_borrow) { - /* In this case, result == -diff == (max int) - diff. Since -x % d == d - x, - * we can get the correct result from result + mod (with overflow). */ - uECC_vli_add(result, result, mod, num_words); - } +/* Computes result = left * right. Result must be 2 * num_words long. */ +static void uECC_vli_mult(uECC_word_t *result, const uECC_word_t *left, const uECC_word_t *right, wordcount_t num_words) { + uECC_word_t r0 = 0; + uECC_word_t r1 = 0; + uECC_word_t r2 = 0; + wordcount_t i, k; + + /* Compute each digit of result in sequence, maintaining the carries. */ + for (k = 0; k < num_words; ++k) { + for (i = 0; i <= k; ++i) { + muladd(left[i], right[k - i], &r0, &r1, &r2); + } + + result[k] = r0; + r0 = r1; + r1 = r2; + r2 = 0; + } + + for (k = num_words; k < num_words * 2 - 1; ++k) { + for (i = (k + 1) - num_words; i < num_words; ++i) { + muladd(left[i], right[k - i], &r0, &r1, &r2); + } + result[k] = r0; + r0 = r1; + r1 = r2; + r2 = 0; + } + result[num_words * 2 - 1] = r0; +} + +void uECC_vli_modAdd(uECC_word_t *result, const uECC_word_t *left, const uECC_word_t *right, const uECC_word_t *mod, wordcount_t num_words) { + uECC_word_t carry = uECC_vli_add(result, left, right, num_words); + if (carry || uECC_vli_cmp_unsafe(mod, result, num_words) != 1) { + /* result > mod (result = mod + remainder), so subtract mod to get + * remainder. */ + uECC_vli_sub(result, result, mod, num_words); + } +} + +void uECC_vli_modSub(uECC_word_t *result, const uECC_word_t *left, const uECC_word_t *right, const uECC_word_t *mod, wordcount_t num_words) { + uECC_word_t l_borrow = uECC_vli_sub(result, left, right, num_words); + if (l_borrow) { + /* In this case, result == -diff == (max int) - diff. Since -x % d == d - x, + * we can get the correct result from result + mod (with overflow). */ + uECC_vli_add(result, result, mod, num_words); + } } /* Computes result = product % mod, where product is 2N words long. */ /* Currently only designed to work for curve_p or curve_n. */ -void uECC_vli_mmod(uECC_word_t *result, uECC_word_t *product, - const uECC_word_t *mod, wordcount_t num_words) -{ - uECC_word_t mod_multiple[2 * NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - uECC_word_t tmp[2 * NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - uECC_word_t *v[2] = { tmp, product }; - uECC_word_t index; - - /* Shift mod so its highest set bit is at the maximum position. */ - bitcount_t shift = (num_words * 2 * uECC_WORD_BITS) - - uECC_vli_numBits(mod, num_words); - wordcount_t word_shift = shift / uECC_WORD_BITS; - wordcount_t bit_shift = shift % uECC_WORD_BITS; - uECC_word_t carry = 0; - uECC_vli_clear(mod_multiple, word_shift); - if (bit_shift > 0) { - for (index = 0; index < (uECC_word_t)num_words; ++index) { - mod_multiple[word_shift + index] = (mod[index] << bit_shift) | carry; - carry = mod[index] >> (uECC_WORD_BITS - bit_shift); - } - } else { - uECC_vli_set(mod_multiple + word_shift, mod, num_words); - } - - for (index = 1; shift >= 0; --shift) { - uECC_word_t borrow = 0; - wordcount_t i; - for (i = 0; i < num_words * 2; ++i) { - uECC_word_t diff = v[index][i] - mod_multiple[i] - borrow; - if (diff != v[index][i]) { - borrow = (diff > v[index][i]); - } - v[1 - index][i] = diff; - } - /* Swap the index if there was no borrow */ - index = !(index ^ borrow); - uECC_vli_rshift1(mod_multiple, num_words); - mod_multiple[num_words - 1] |= mod_multiple[num_words] << (uECC_WORD_BITS - 1); - uECC_vli_rshift1(mod_multiple + num_words, num_words); +void uECC_vli_mmod(uECC_word_t *result, uECC_word_t *product, const uECC_word_t *mod, wordcount_t num_words) { + uECC_word_t mod_multiple[2 * NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + uECC_word_t tmp[2 * NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + uECC_word_t *v[2] = {tmp, product}; + uECC_word_t index; + + /* Shift mod so its highest set bit is at the maximum position. */ + bitcount_t shift = (num_words * 2 * uECC_WORD_BITS) - uECC_vli_numBits(mod, num_words); + wordcount_t word_shift = shift / uECC_WORD_BITS; + wordcount_t bit_shift = shift % uECC_WORD_BITS; + uECC_word_t carry = 0; + uECC_vli_clear(mod_multiple, word_shift); + if (bit_shift > 0) { + for (index = 0; index < (uECC_word_t)num_words; ++index) { + mod_multiple[word_shift + index] = (mod[index] << bit_shift) | carry; + carry = mod[index] >> (uECC_WORD_BITS - bit_shift); + } + } else { + uECC_vli_set(mod_multiple + word_shift, mod, num_words); + } + + for (index = 1; shift >= 0; --shift) { + uECC_word_t borrow = 0; + wordcount_t i; + for (i = 0; i < num_words * 2; ++i) { + uECC_word_t diff = v[index][i] - mod_multiple[i] - borrow; + if (diff != v[index][i]) { + borrow = (diff > v[index][i]); + } + v[1 - index][i] = diff; } - uECC_vli_set(result, v[index], num_words); + /* Swap the index if there was no borrow */ + index = !(index ^ borrow); + uECC_vli_rshift1(mod_multiple, num_words); + mod_multiple[num_words - 1] |= mod_multiple[num_words] << (uECC_WORD_BITS - 1); + uECC_vli_rshift1(mod_multiple + num_words, num_words); + } + uECC_vli_set(result, v[index], num_words); } -void uECC_vli_modMult(uECC_word_t *result, const uECC_word_t *left, - const uECC_word_t *right, const uECC_word_t *mod, - wordcount_t num_words) -{ - uECC_word_t product[2 * NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - uECC_vli_mult(product, left, right, num_words); - uECC_vli_mmod(result, product, mod, num_words); +void uECC_vli_modMult(uECC_word_t *result, const uECC_word_t *left, const uECC_word_t *right, const uECC_word_t *mod, wordcount_t num_words) { + uECC_word_t product[2 * NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + uECC_vli_mult(product, left, right, num_words); + uECC_vli_mmod(result, product, mod, num_words); } -void uECC_vli_modMult_fast(uECC_word_t *result, const uECC_word_t *left, - const uECC_word_t *right, uECC_Curve curve) -{ - uECC_word_t product[2 * NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - uECC_vli_mult(product, left, right, curve->num_words); +void uECC_vli_modMult_fast(uECC_word_t *result, const uECC_word_t *left, const uECC_word_t *right, uECC_Curve curve) { + uECC_word_t product[2 * NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + uECC_vli_mult(product, left, right, curve->num_words); - curve->mmod_fast(result, product); + curve->mmod_fast(result, product); } -static void uECC_vli_modSquare_fast(uECC_word_t *result, - const uECC_word_t *left, - uECC_Curve curve) -{ - uECC_vli_modMult_fast(result, left, left, curve); -} +static void uECC_vli_modSquare_fast(uECC_word_t *result, const uECC_word_t *left, uECC_Curve curve) { uECC_vli_modMult_fast(result, left, left, curve); } #define EVEN(vli) (!(vli[0] & 1)) -static void vli_modInv_update(uECC_word_t *uv, - const uECC_word_t *mod, - wordcount_t num_words) -{ - uECC_word_t carry = 0; - - if (!EVEN(uv)) { - carry = uECC_vli_add(uv, uv, mod, num_words); - } - uECC_vli_rshift1(uv, num_words); - if (carry) { - uv[num_words - 1] |= HIGH_BIT_SET; - } -} - -void uECC_vli_modInv(uECC_word_t *result, const uECC_word_t *input, - const uECC_word_t *mod, wordcount_t num_words) -{ - uECC_word_t a[NUM_ECC_WORDS], b[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - uECC_word_t u[NUM_ECC_WORDS], v[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - cmpresult_t cmpResult; - - if (uECC_vli_isZero(input, num_words)) { - uECC_vli_clear(result, num_words); - return; - } - - uECC_vli_set(a, input, num_words); - uECC_vli_set(b, mod, num_words); - uECC_vli_clear(u, num_words); - u[0] = 1; - uECC_vli_clear(v, num_words); - while ((cmpResult = uECC_vli_cmp_unsafe(a, b, num_words)) != 0) { - if (EVEN(a)) { - uECC_vli_rshift1(a, num_words); - vli_modInv_update(u, mod, num_words); - } else if (EVEN(b)) { - uECC_vli_rshift1(b, num_words); - vli_modInv_update(v, mod, num_words); - } else if (cmpResult > 0) { - uECC_vli_sub(a, a, b, num_words); - uECC_vli_rshift1(a, num_words); - if (uECC_vli_cmp_unsafe(u, v, num_words) < 0) { - uECC_vli_add(u, u, mod, num_words); - } - uECC_vli_sub(u, u, v, num_words); - vli_modInv_update(u, mod, num_words); - } else { - uECC_vli_sub(b, b, a, num_words); - uECC_vli_rshift1(b, num_words); - if (uECC_vli_cmp_unsafe(v, u, num_words) < 0) { - uECC_vli_add(v, v, mod, num_words); - } - uECC_vli_sub(v, v, u, num_words); - vli_modInv_update(v, mod, num_words); - } - } - uECC_vli_set(result, u, num_words); -} - -/* ------ Point operations ------ */ - -void double_jacobian_default(uECC_word_t *X1, uECC_word_t *Y1, - uECC_word_t *Z1, uECC_Curve curve) -{ - /* t1 = X, t2 = Y, t3 = Z */ - uECC_word_t t4[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - uECC_word_t t5[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - wordcount_t num_words = curve->num_words; - - if (uECC_vli_isZero(Z1, num_words)) { - return; - } - - uECC_vli_modSquare_fast(t4, Y1, curve); /* t4 = y1^2 */ - uECC_vli_modMult_fast(t5, X1, t4, curve); /* t5 = x1*y1^2 = A */ - uECC_vli_modSquare_fast(t4, t4, curve); /* t4 = y1^4 */ - uECC_vli_modMult_fast(Y1, Y1, Z1, curve); /* t2 = y1*z1 = z3 */ - uECC_vli_modSquare_fast(Z1, Z1, curve); /* t3 = z1^2 */ - - uECC_vli_modAdd(X1, X1, Z1, curve->p, num_words); /* t1 = x1 + z1^2 */ - uECC_vli_modAdd(Z1, Z1, Z1, curve->p, num_words); /* t3 = 2*z1^2 */ - uECC_vli_modSub(Z1, X1, Z1, curve->p, num_words); /* t3 = x1 - z1^2 */ - uECC_vli_modMult_fast(X1, X1, Z1, curve); /* t1 = x1^2 - z1^4 */ - - uECC_vli_modAdd(Z1, X1, X1, curve->p, num_words); /* t3 = 2*(x1^2 - z1^4) */ - uECC_vli_modAdd(X1, X1, Z1, curve->p, num_words); /* t1 = 3*(x1^2 - z1^4) */ - if (uECC_vli_testBit(X1, 0)) { - uECC_word_t l_carry = uECC_vli_add(X1, X1, curve->p, num_words); - uECC_vli_rshift1(X1, num_words); - X1[num_words - 1] |= l_carry << (uECC_WORD_BITS - 1); - } else { - uECC_vli_rshift1(X1, num_words); - } - - /* t1 = 3/2*(x1^2 - z1^4) = B */ - uECC_vli_modSquare_fast(Z1, X1, curve); /* t3 = B^2 */ - uECC_vli_modSub(Z1, Z1, t5, curve->p, num_words); /* t3 = B^2 - A */ - uECC_vli_modSub(Z1, Z1, t5, curve->p, num_words); /* t3 = B^2 - 2A = x3 */ - uECC_vli_modSub(t5, t5, Z1, curve->p, num_words); /* t5 = A - x3 */ - uECC_vli_modMult_fast(X1, X1, t5, curve); /* t1 = B * (A - x3) */ - /* t4 = B * (A - x3) - y1^4 = y3: */ - uECC_vli_modSub(t4, X1, t4, curve->p, num_words); - - uECC_vli_set(X1, Z1, num_words); - uECC_vli_set(Z1, Y1, num_words); - uECC_vli_set(Y1, t4, num_words); -} - -void x_side_default(uECC_word_t *result, - const uECC_word_t *x, - uECC_Curve curve) -{ - uECC_word_t _3[NUM_ECC_WORDS] = { 3 }; /* -a = 3 */ - wordcount_t num_words = curve->num_words; - - uECC_vli_modSquare_fast(result, x, curve); /* r = x^2 */ - uECC_vli_modSub(result, result, _3, curve->p, num_words); /* r = x^2 - 3 */ - uECC_vli_modMult_fast(result, result, x, curve); /* r = x^3 - 3x */ - /* r = x^3 - 3x + b: */ - uECC_vli_modAdd(result, result, curve->b, curve->p, num_words); -} - -uECC_Curve uECC_secp256r1(void) -{ - return &curve_secp256r1; -} - -void vli_mmod_fast_secp256r1(unsigned int *result, unsigned int *product) -{ - unsigned int tmp[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - int carry; - - /* t */ - uECC_vli_set(result, product, NUM_ECC_WORDS); - - /* s1 */ - tmp[0] = tmp[1] = tmp[2] = 0; - tmp[3] = product[11]; - tmp[4] = product[12]; - tmp[5] = product[13]; - tmp[6] = product[14]; - tmp[7] = product[15]; - carry = uECC_vli_add(tmp, tmp, tmp, NUM_ECC_WORDS); - carry += uECC_vli_add(result, result, tmp, NUM_ECC_WORDS); - - /* s2 */ - tmp[3] = product[12]; - tmp[4] = product[13]; - tmp[5] = product[14]; - tmp[6] = product[15]; - tmp[7] = 0; - carry += uECC_vli_add(tmp, tmp, tmp, NUM_ECC_WORDS); - carry += uECC_vli_add(result, result, tmp, NUM_ECC_WORDS); - - /* s3 */ - tmp[0] = product[8]; - tmp[1] = product[9]; - tmp[2] = product[10]; - tmp[3] = tmp[4] = tmp[5] = 0; - tmp[6] = product[14]; - tmp[7] = product[15]; - carry += uECC_vli_add(result, result, tmp, NUM_ECC_WORDS); - - /* s4 */ - tmp[0] = product[9]; - tmp[1] = product[10]; - tmp[2] = product[11]; - tmp[3] = product[13]; - tmp[4] = product[14]; - tmp[5] = product[15]; - tmp[6] = product[13]; - tmp[7] = product[8]; - carry += uECC_vli_add(result, result, tmp, NUM_ECC_WORDS); - - /* d1 */ - tmp[0] = product[11]; - tmp[1] = product[12]; - tmp[2] = product[13]; - tmp[3] = tmp[4] = tmp[5] = 0; - tmp[6] = product[8]; - tmp[7] = product[10]; - carry -= uECC_vli_sub(result, result, tmp, NUM_ECC_WORDS); - - /* d2 */ - tmp[0] = product[12]; - tmp[1] = product[13]; - tmp[2] = product[14]; - tmp[3] = product[15]; - tmp[4] = tmp[5] = 0; - tmp[6] = product[9]; - tmp[7] = product[11]; - carry -= uECC_vli_sub(result, result, tmp, NUM_ECC_WORDS); - - /* d3 */ - tmp[0] = product[13]; - tmp[1] = product[14]; - tmp[2] = product[15]; - tmp[3] = product[8]; - tmp[4] = product[9]; - tmp[5] = product[10]; - tmp[6] = 0; - tmp[7] = product[12]; - carry -= uECC_vli_sub(result, result, tmp, NUM_ECC_WORDS); - - /* d4 */ - tmp[0] = product[14]; - tmp[1] = product[15]; - tmp[2] = 0; - tmp[3] = product[9]; - tmp[4] = product[10]; - tmp[5] = product[11]; - tmp[6] = 0; - tmp[7] = product[13]; - carry -= uECC_vli_sub(result, result, tmp, NUM_ECC_WORDS); - - if (carry < 0) { - do { - carry += uECC_vli_add(result, result, curve_secp256r1.p, NUM_ECC_WORDS); - } while (carry < 0); +static void vli_modInv_update(uECC_word_t *uv, const uECC_word_t *mod, wordcount_t num_words) { + uECC_word_t carry = 0; + + if (!EVEN(uv)) { + carry = uECC_vli_add(uv, uv, mod, num_words); + } + uECC_vli_rshift1(uv, num_words); + if (carry) { + uv[num_words - 1] |= HIGH_BIT_SET; + } +} + +void uECC_vli_modInv(uECC_word_t *result, const uECC_word_t *input, const uECC_word_t *mod, wordcount_t num_words) { + uECC_word_t a[NUM_ECC_WORDS], b[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + uECC_word_t u[NUM_ECC_WORDS], v[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + cmpresult_t cmpResult; + + if (uECC_vli_isZero(input, num_words)) { + uECC_vli_clear(result, num_words); + return; + } + + uECC_vli_set(a, input, num_words); + uECC_vli_set(b, mod, num_words); + uECC_vli_clear(u, num_words); + u[0] = 1; + uECC_vli_clear(v, num_words); + while ((cmpResult = uECC_vli_cmp_unsafe(a, b, num_words)) != 0) { + if (EVEN(a)) { + uECC_vli_rshift1(a, num_words); + vli_modInv_update(u, mod, num_words); + } else if (EVEN(b)) { + uECC_vli_rshift1(b, num_words); + vli_modInv_update(v, mod, num_words); + } else if (cmpResult > 0) { + uECC_vli_sub(a, a, b, num_words); + uECC_vli_rshift1(a, num_words); + if (uECC_vli_cmp_unsafe(u, v, num_words) < 0) { + uECC_vli_add(u, u, mod, num_words); + } + uECC_vli_sub(u, u, v, num_words); + vli_modInv_update(u, mod, num_words); } else { - while (carry || - uECC_vli_cmp_unsafe(curve_secp256r1.p, result, NUM_ECC_WORDS) != 1) { - carry -= uECC_vli_sub(result, result, curve_secp256r1.p, NUM_ECC_WORDS); - } + uECC_vli_sub(b, b, a, num_words); + uECC_vli_rshift1(b, num_words); + if (uECC_vli_cmp_unsafe(v, u, num_words) < 0) { + uECC_vli_add(v, v, mod, num_words); + } + uECC_vli_sub(v, v, u, num_words); + vli_modInv_update(v, mod, num_words); } + } + uECC_vli_set(result, u, num_words); } -uECC_word_t EccPoint_isZero(const uECC_word_t *point, uECC_Curve curve) -{ - return uECC_vli_isZero(point, curve->num_words * 2); -} - -void apply_z(uECC_word_t *X1, uECC_word_t *Y1, const uECC_word_t *const Z, - uECC_Curve curve) -{ - uECC_word_t t1[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; +/* ------ Point operations ------ */ - uECC_vli_modSquare_fast(t1, Z, curve); /* z^2 */ - uECC_vli_modMult_fast(X1, X1, t1, curve); /* x1 * z^2 */ - uECC_vli_modMult_fast(t1, t1, Z, curve); /* z^3 */ - uECC_vli_modMult_fast(Y1, Y1, t1, curve); /* y1 * z^3 */ +void double_jacobian_default(uECC_word_t *X1, uECC_word_t *Y1, uECC_word_t *Z1, uECC_Curve curve) { + /* t1 = X, t2 = Y, t3 = Z */ + uECC_word_t t4[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + uECC_word_t t5[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + wordcount_t num_words = curve->num_words; + + if (uECC_vli_isZero(Z1, num_words)) { + return; + } + + uECC_vli_modSquare_fast(t4, Y1, curve); /* t4 = y1^2 */ + uECC_vli_modMult_fast(t5, X1, t4, curve); /* t5 = x1*y1^2 = A */ + uECC_vli_modSquare_fast(t4, t4, curve); /* t4 = y1^4 */ + uECC_vli_modMult_fast(Y1, Y1, Z1, curve); /* t2 = y1*z1 = z3 */ + uECC_vli_modSquare_fast(Z1, Z1, curve); /* t3 = z1^2 */ + + uECC_vli_modAdd(X1, X1, Z1, curve->p, num_words); /* t1 = x1 + z1^2 */ + uECC_vli_modAdd(Z1, Z1, Z1, curve->p, num_words); /* t3 = 2*z1^2 */ + uECC_vli_modSub(Z1, X1, Z1, curve->p, num_words); /* t3 = x1 - z1^2 */ + uECC_vli_modMult_fast(X1, X1, Z1, curve); /* t1 = x1^2 - z1^4 */ + + uECC_vli_modAdd(Z1, X1, X1, curve->p, num_words); /* t3 = 2*(x1^2 - z1^4) */ + uECC_vli_modAdd(X1, X1, Z1, curve->p, num_words); /* t1 = 3*(x1^2 - z1^4) */ + if (uECC_vli_testBit(X1, 0)) { + uECC_word_t l_carry = uECC_vli_add(X1, X1, curve->p, num_words); + uECC_vli_rshift1(X1, num_words); + X1[num_words - 1] |= l_carry << (uECC_WORD_BITS - 1); + } else { + uECC_vli_rshift1(X1, num_words); + } + + /* t1 = 3/2*(x1^2 - z1^4) = B */ + uECC_vli_modSquare_fast(Z1, X1, curve); /* t3 = B^2 */ + uECC_vli_modSub(Z1, Z1, t5, curve->p, num_words); /* t3 = B^2 - A */ + uECC_vli_modSub(Z1, Z1, t5, curve->p, num_words); /* t3 = B^2 - 2A = x3 */ + uECC_vli_modSub(t5, t5, Z1, curve->p, num_words); /* t5 = A - x3 */ + uECC_vli_modMult_fast(X1, X1, t5, curve); /* t1 = B * (A - x3) */ + /* t4 = B * (A - x3) - y1^4 = y3: */ + uECC_vli_modSub(t4, X1, t4, curve->p, num_words); + + uECC_vli_set(X1, Z1, num_words); + uECC_vli_set(Z1, Y1, num_words); + uECC_vli_set(Y1, t4, num_words); +} + +void x_side_default(uECC_word_t *result, const uECC_word_t *x, uECC_Curve curve) { + uECC_word_t _3[NUM_ECC_WORDS] = {3}; /* -a = 3 */ + wordcount_t num_words = curve->num_words; + + uECC_vli_modSquare_fast(result, x, curve); /* r = x^2 */ + uECC_vli_modSub(result, result, _3, curve->p, num_words); /* r = x^2 - 3 */ + uECC_vli_modMult_fast(result, result, x, curve); /* r = x^3 - 3x */ + /* r = x^3 - 3x + b: */ + uECC_vli_modAdd(result, result, curve->b, curve->p, num_words); +} + +uECC_Curve uECC_secp256r1(void) { return &curve_secp256r1; } + +void vli_mmod_fast_secp256r1(unsigned int *result, unsigned int *product) { + unsigned int tmp[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + int carry; + + /* t */ + uECC_vli_set(result, product, NUM_ECC_WORDS); + + /* s1 */ + tmp[0] = tmp[1] = tmp[2] = 0; + tmp[3] = product[11]; + tmp[4] = product[12]; + tmp[5] = product[13]; + tmp[6] = product[14]; + tmp[7] = product[15]; + carry = uECC_vli_add(tmp, tmp, tmp, NUM_ECC_WORDS); + carry += uECC_vli_add(result, result, tmp, NUM_ECC_WORDS); + + /* s2 */ + tmp[3] = product[12]; + tmp[4] = product[13]; + tmp[5] = product[14]; + tmp[6] = product[15]; + tmp[7] = 0; + carry += uECC_vli_add(tmp, tmp, tmp, NUM_ECC_WORDS); + carry += uECC_vli_add(result, result, tmp, NUM_ECC_WORDS); + + /* s3 */ + tmp[0] = product[8]; + tmp[1] = product[9]; + tmp[2] = product[10]; + tmp[3] = tmp[4] = tmp[5] = 0; + tmp[6] = product[14]; + tmp[7] = product[15]; + carry += uECC_vli_add(result, result, tmp, NUM_ECC_WORDS); + + /* s4 */ + tmp[0] = product[9]; + tmp[1] = product[10]; + tmp[2] = product[11]; + tmp[3] = product[13]; + tmp[4] = product[14]; + tmp[5] = product[15]; + tmp[6] = product[13]; + tmp[7] = product[8]; + carry += uECC_vli_add(result, result, tmp, NUM_ECC_WORDS); + + /* d1 */ + tmp[0] = product[11]; + tmp[1] = product[12]; + tmp[2] = product[13]; + tmp[3] = tmp[4] = tmp[5] = 0; + tmp[6] = product[8]; + tmp[7] = product[10]; + carry -= uECC_vli_sub(result, result, tmp, NUM_ECC_WORDS); + + /* d2 */ + tmp[0] = product[12]; + tmp[1] = product[13]; + tmp[2] = product[14]; + tmp[3] = product[15]; + tmp[4] = tmp[5] = 0; + tmp[6] = product[9]; + tmp[7] = product[11]; + carry -= uECC_vli_sub(result, result, tmp, NUM_ECC_WORDS); + + /* d3 */ + tmp[0] = product[13]; + tmp[1] = product[14]; + tmp[2] = product[15]; + tmp[3] = product[8]; + tmp[4] = product[9]; + tmp[5] = product[10]; + tmp[6] = 0; + tmp[7] = product[12]; + carry -= uECC_vli_sub(result, result, tmp, NUM_ECC_WORDS); + + /* d4 */ + tmp[0] = product[14]; + tmp[1] = product[15]; + tmp[2] = 0; + tmp[3] = product[9]; + tmp[4] = product[10]; + tmp[5] = product[11]; + tmp[6] = 0; + tmp[7] = product[13]; + carry -= uECC_vli_sub(result, result, tmp, NUM_ECC_WORDS); + + if (carry < 0) { + do { + carry += uECC_vli_add(result, result, curve_secp256r1.p, NUM_ECC_WORDS); + } while (carry < 0); + } else { + while (carry || uECC_vli_cmp_unsafe(curve_secp256r1.p, result, NUM_ECC_WORDS) != 1) { + carry -= uECC_vli_sub(result, result, curve_secp256r1.p, NUM_ECC_WORDS); + } + } +} + +uECC_word_t EccPoint_isZero(const uECC_word_t *point, uECC_Curve curve) { return uECC_vli_isZero(point, curve->num_words * 2); } + +void apply_z(uECC_word_t *X1, uECC_word_t *Y1, const uECC_word_t *const Z, uECC_Curve curve) { + uECC_word_t t1[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + + uECC_vli_modSquare_fast(t1, Z, curve); /* z^2 */ + uECC_vli_modMult_fast(X1, X1, t1, curve); /* x1 * z^2 */ + uECC_vli_modMult_fast(t1, t1, Z, curve); /* z^3 */ + uECC_vli_modMult_fast(Y1, Y1, t1, curve); /* y1 * z^3 */ } /* P = (x1, y1) => 2P, (x2, y2) => P' */ -static void XYcZ_initial_double(uECC_word_t *X1, uECC_word_t *Y1, - uECC_word_t *X2, uECC_word_t *Y2, - const uECC_word_t *const initial_Z, - uECC_Curve curve) -{ - uECC_word_t z[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - wordcount_t num_words = curve->num_words; - if (initial_Z) { - uECC_vli_set(z, initial_Z, num_words); - } else { - uECC_vli_clear(z, num_words); - z[0] = 1; - } - - uECC_vli_set(X2, X1, num_words); - uECC_vli_set(Y2, Y1, num_words); - - apply_z(X1, Y1, z, curve); - curve->double_jacobian(X1, Y1, z, curve); - apply_z(X2, Y2, z, curve); -} - -void XYcZ_add(uECC_word_t *X1, uECC_word_t *Y1, - uECC_word_t *X2, uECC_word_t *Y2, - uECC_Curve curve) -{ - /* t1 = X1, t2 = Y1, t3 = X2, t4 = Y2 */ - uECC_word_t t5[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - wordcount_t num_words = curve->num_words; - - uECC_vli_modSub(t5, X2, X1, curve->p, num_words); /* t5 = x2 - x1 */ - uECC_vli_modSquare_fast(t5, t5, curve); /* t5 = (x2 - x1)^2 = A */ - uECC_vli_modMult_fast(X1, X1, t5, curve); /* t1 = x1*A = B */ - uECC_vli_modMult_fast(X2, X2, t5, curve); /* t3 = x2*A = C */ - uECC_vli_modSub(Y2, Y2, Y1, curve->p, num_words); /* t4 = y2 - y1 */ - uECC_vli_modSquare_fast(t5, Y2, curve); /* t5 = (y2 - y1)^2 = D */ - - uECC_vli_modSub(t5, t5, X1, curve->p, num_words); /* t5 = D - B */ - uECC_vli_modSub(t5, t5, X2, curve->p, num_words); /* t5 = D - B - C = x3 */ - uECC_vli_modSub(X2, X2, X1, curve->p, num_words); /* t3 = C - B */ - uECC_vli_modMult_fast(Y1, Y1, X2, curve); /* t2 = y1*(C - B) */ - uECC_vli_modSub(X2, X1, t5, curve->p, num_words); /* t3 = B - x3 */ - uECC_vli_modMult_fast(Y2, Y2, X2, curve); /* t4 = (y2 - y1)*(B - x3) */ - uECC_vli_modSub(Y2, Y2, Y1, curve->p, num_words); /* t4 = y3 */ - - uECC_vli_set(X2, t5, num_words); +static void XYcZ_initial_double(uECC_word_t *X1, uECC_word_t *Y1, uECC_word_t *X2, uECC_word_t *Y2, const uECC_word_t *const initial_Z, uECC_Curve curve) { + uECC_word_t z[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + wordcount_t num_words = curve->num_words; + if (initial_Z) { + uECC_vli_set(z, initial_Z, num_words); + } else { + uECC_vli_clear(z, num_words); + z[0] = 1; + } + + uECC_vli_set(X2, X1, num_words); + uECC_vli_set(Y2, Y1, num_words); + + apply_z(X1, Y1, z, curve); + curve->double_jacobian(X1, Y1, z, curve); + apply_z(X2, Y2, z, curve); +} + +void XYcZ_add(uECC_word_t *X1, uECC_word_t *Y1, uECC_word_t *X2, uECC_word_t *Y2, uECC_Curve curve) { + /* t1 = X1, t2 = Y1, t3 = X2, t4 = Y2 */ + uECC_word_t t5[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + wordcount_t num_words = curve->num_words; + + uECC_vli_modSub(t5, X2, X1, curve->p, num_words); /* t5 = x2 - x1 */ + uECC_vli_modSquare_fast(t5, t5, curve); /* t5 = (x2 - x1)^2 = A */ + uECC_vli_modMult_fast(X1, X1, t5, curve); /* t1 = x1*A = B */ + uECC_vli_modMult_fast(X2, X2, t5, curve); /* t3 = x2*A = C */ + uECC_vli_modSub(Y2, Y2, Y1, curve->p, num_words); /* t4 = y2 - y1 */ + uECC_vli_modSquare_fast(t5, Y2, curve); /* t5 = (y2 - y1)^2 = D */ + + uECC_vli_modSub(t5, t5, X1, curve->p, num_words); /* t5 = D - B */ + uECC_vli_modSub(t5, t5, X2, curve->p, num_words); /* t5 = D - B - C = x3 */ + uECC_vli_modSub(X2, X2, X1, curve->p, num_words); /* t3 = C - B */ + uECC_vli_modMult_fast(Y1, Y1, X2, curve); /* t2 = y1*(C - B) */ + uECC_vli_modSub(X2, X1, t5, curve->p, num_words); /* t3 = B - x3 */ + uECC_vli_modMult_fast(Y2, Y2, X2, curve); /* t4 = (y2 - y1)*(B - x3) */ + uECC_vli_modSub(Y2, Y2, Y1, curve->p, num_words); /* t4 = y3 */ + + uECC_vli_set(X2, t5, num_words); } /* Input P = (x1, y1, Z), Q = (x2, y2, Z) Output P + Q = (x3, y3, Z3), P - Q = (x3', y3', Z3) or P => P - Q, Q => P + Q */ -static void XYcZ_addC(uECC_word_t *X1, uECC_word_t *Y1, - uECC_word_t *X2, uECC_word_t *Y2, - uECC_Curve curve) -{ - /* t1 = X1, t2 = Y1, t3 = X2, t4 = Y2 */ - uECC_word_t t5[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - uECC_word_t t6[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - uECC_word_t t7[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - wordcount_t num_words = curve->num_words; - - uECC_vli_modSub(t5, X2, X1, curve->p, num_words); /* t5 = x2 - x1 */ - uECC_vli_modSquare_fast(t5, t5, curve); /* t5 = (x2 - x1)^2 = A */ - uECC_vli_modMult_fast(X1, X1, t5, curve); /* t1 = x1*A = B */ - uECC_vli_modMult_fast(X2, X2, t5, curve); /* t3 = x2*A = C */ - uECC_vli_modAdd(t5, Y2, Y1, curve->p, num_words); /* t5 = y2 + y1 */ - uECC_vli_modSub(Y2, Y2, Y1, curve->p, num_words); /* t4 = y2 - y1 */ - - uECC_vli_modSub(t6, X2, X1, curve->p, num_words); /* t6 = C - B */ - uECC_vli_modMult_fast(Y1, Y1, t6, curve); /* t2 = y1 * (C - B) = E */ - uECC_vli_modAdd(t6, X1, X2, curve->p, num_words); /* t6 = B + C */ - uECC_vli_modSquare_fast(X2, Y2, curve); /* t3 = (y2 - y1)^2 = D */ - uECC_vli_modSub(X2, X2, t6, curve->p, num_words); /* t3 = D - (B + C) = x3 */ - - uECC_vli_modSub(t7, X1, X2, curve->p, num_words); /* t7 = B - x3 */ - uECC_vli_modMult_fast(Y2, Y2, t7, curve); /* t4 = (y2 - y1)*(B - x3) */ - /* t4 = (y2 - y1)*(B - x3) - E = y3: */ - uECC_vli_modSub(Y2, Y2, Y1, curve->p, num_words); - - uECC_vli_modSquare_fast(t7, t5, curve); /* t7 = (y2 + y1)^2 = F */ - uECC_vli_modSub(t7, t7, t6, curve->p, num_words); /* t7 = F - (B + C) = x3' */ - uECC_vli_modSub(t6, t7, X1, curve->p, num_words); /* t6 = x3' - B */ - uECC_vli_modMult_fast(t6, t6, t5, curve); /* t6 = (y2+y1)*(x3' - B) */ - /* t2 = (y2+y1)*(x3' - B) - E = y3': */ - uECC_vli_modSub(Y1, t6, Y1, curve->p, num_words); - - uECC_vli_set(X1, t7, num_words); -} - -void EccPoint_mult(uECC_word_t *result, const uECC_word_t *point, - const uECC_word_t *scalar, - const uECC_word_t *initial_Z, - bitcount_t num_bits, uECC_Curve curve) -{ - /* R0 and R1 */ - uECC_word_t Rx[2][NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - uECC_word_t Ry[2][NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - uECC_word_t z[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - bitcount_t i; - uECC_word_t nb; - wordcount_t num_words = curve->num_words; - - uECC_vli_set(Rx[1], point, num_words); - uECC_vli_set(Ry[1], point + num_words, num_words); - - XYcZ_initial_double(Rx[1], Ry[1], Rx[0], Ry[0], initial_Z, curve); - - for (i = num_bits - 2; i > 0; --i) { - nb = !uECC_vli_testBit(scalar, i); - XYcZ_addC(Rx[1 - nb], Ry[1 - nb], Rx[nb], Ry[nb], curve); - XYcZ_add(Rx[nb], Ry[nb], Rx[1 - nb], Ry[1 - nb], curve); - } - - nb = !uECC_vli_testBit(scalar, 0); +static void XYcZ_addC(uECC_word_t *X1, uECC_word_t *Y1, uECC_word_t *X2, uECC_word_t *Y2, uECC_Curve curve) { + /* t1 = X1, t2 = Y1, t3 = X2, t4 = Y2 */ + uECC_word_t t5[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + uECC_word_t t6[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + uECC_word_t t7[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + wordcount_t num_words = curve->num_words; + + uECC_vli_modSub(t5, X2, X1, curve->p, num_words); /* t5 = x2 - x1 */ + uECC_vli_modSquare_fast(t5, t5, curve); /* t5 = (x2 - x1)^2 = A */ + uECC_vli_modMult_fast(X1, X1, t5, curve); /* t1 = x1*A = B */ + uECC_vli_modMult_fast(X2, X2, t5, curve); /* t3 = x2*A = C */ + uECC_vli_modAdd(t5, Y2, Y1, curve->p, num_words); /* t5 = y2 + y1 */ + uECC_vli_modSub(Y2, Y2, Y1, curve->p, num_words); /* t4 = y2 - y1 */ + + uECC_vli_modSub(t6, X2, X1, curve->p, num_words); /* t6 = C - B */ + uECC_vli_modMult_fast(Y1, Y1, t6, curve); /* t2 = y1 * (C - B) = E */ + uECC_vli_modAdd(t6, X1, X2, curve->p, num_words); /* t6 = B + C */ + uECC_vli_modSquare_fast(X2, Y2, curve); /* t3 = (y2 - y1)^2 = D */ + uECC_vli_modSub(X2, X2, t6, curve->p, num_words); /* t3 = D - (B + C) = x3 */ + + uECC_vli_modSub(t7, X1, X2, curve->p, num_words); /* t7 = B - x3 */ + uECC_vli_modMult_fast(Y2, Y2, t7, curve); /* t4 = (y2 - y1)*(B - x3) */ + /* t4 = (y2 - y1)*(B - x3) - E = y3: */ + uECC_vli_modSub(Y2, Y2, Y1, curve->p, num_words); + + uECC_vli_modSquare_fast(t7, t5, curve); /* t7 = (y2 + y1)^2 = F */ + uECC_vli_modSub(t7, t7, t6, curve->p, num_words); /* t7 = F - (B + C) = x3' */ + uECC_vli_modSub(t6, t7, X1, curve->p, num_words); /* t6 = x3' - B */ + uECC_vli_modMult_fast(t6, t6, t5, curve); /* t6 = (y2+y1)*(x3' - B) */ + /* t2 = (y2+y1)*(x3' - B) - E = y3': */ + uECC_vli_modSub(Y1, t6, Y1, curve->p, num_words); + + uECC_vli_set(X1, t7, num_words); +} + +void EccPoint_mult(uECC_word_t *result, const uECC_word_t *point, const uECC_word_t *scalar, const uECC_word_t *initial_Z, bitcount_t num_bits, uECC_Curve curve) { + /* R0 and R1 */ + uECC_word_t Rx[2][NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + uECC_word_t Ry[2][NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + uECC_word_t z[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + bitcount_t i; + uECC_word_t nb; + wordcount_t num_words = curve->num_words; + + uECC_vli_set(Rx[1], point, num_words); + uECC_vli_set(Ry[1], point + num_words, num_words); + + XYcZ_initial_double(Rx[1], Ry[1], Rx[0], Ry[0], initial_Z, curve); + + for (i = num_bits - 2; i > 0; --i) { + nb = !uECC_vli_testBit(scalar, i); XYcZ_addC(Rx[1 - nb], Ry[1 - nb], Rx[nb], Ry[nb], curve); + XYcZ_add(Rx[nb], Ry[nb], Rx[1 - nb], Ry[1 - nb], curve); + } - /* Find final 1/Z value. */ - uECC_vli_modSub(z, Rx[1], Rx[0], curve->p, num_words); /* X1 - X0 */ - uECC_vli_modMult_fast(z, z, Ry[1 - nb], curve); /* Yb * (X1 - X0) */ - uECC_vli_modMult_fast(z, z, point, curve); /* xP * Yb * (X1 - X0) */ - uECC_vli_modInv(z, z, curve->p, num_words); /* 1 / (xP * Yb * (X1 - X0))*/ - /* yP / (xP * Yb * (X1 - X0)) */ - uECC_vli_modMult_fast(z, z, point + num_words, curve); - /* Xb * yP / (xP * Yb * (X1 - X0)) */ - uECC_vli_modMult_fast(z, z, Rx[1 - nb], curve); - /* End 1/Z calculation */ + nb = !uECC_vli_testBit(scalar, 0); + XYcZ_addC(Rx[1 - nb], Ry[1 - nb], Rx[nb], Ry[nb], curve); - XYcZ_add(Rx[nb], Ry[nb], Rx[1 - nb], Ry[1 - nb], curve); - apply_z(Rx[0], Ry[0], z, curve); + /* Find final 1/Z value. */ + uECC_vli_modSub(z, Rx[1], Rx[0], curve->p, num_words); /* X1 - X0 */ + uECC_vli_modMult_fast(z, z, Ry[1 - nb], curve); /* Yb * (X1 - X0) */ + uECC_vli_modMult_fast(z, z, point, curve); /* xP * Yb * (X1 - X0) */ + uECC_vli_modInv(z, z, curve->p, num_words); /* 1 / (xP * Yb * (X1 - X0))*/ + /* yP / (xP * Yb * (X1 - X0)) */ + uECC_vli_modMult_fast(z, z, point + num_words, curve); + /* Xb * yP / (xP * Yb * (X1 - X0)) */ + uECC_vli_modMult_fast(z, z, Rx[1 - nb], curve); + /* End 1/Z calculation */ - uECC_vli_set(result, Rx[0], num_words); - uECC_vli_set(result + num_words, Ry[0], num_words); + XYcZ_add(Rx[nb], Ry[nb], Rx[1 - nb], Ry[1 - nb], curve); + apply_z(Rx[0], Ry[0], z, curve); + + uECC_vli_set(result, Rx[0], num_words); + uECC_vli_set(result + num_words, Ry[0], num_words); } -uECC_word_t regularize_k(const uECC_word_t *const k, uECC_word_t *k0, - uECC_word_t *k1, uECC_Curve curve) -{ - wordcount_t num_n_words = BITS_TO_WORDS(curve->num_n_bits); +uECC_word_t regularize_k(const uECC_word_t *const k, uECC_word_t *k0, uECC_word_t *k1, uECC_Curve curve) { + wordcount_t num_n_words = BITS_TO_WORDS(curve->num_n_bits); - bitcount_t num_n_bits = curve->num_n_bits; + bitcount_t num_n_bits = curve->num_n_bits; - uECC_word_t carry = uECC_vli_add(k0, k, curve->n, num_n_words) || - (num_n_bits < ((bitcount_t)num_n_words * uECC_WORD_SIZE * 8) && - uECC_vli_testBit(k0, num_n_bits)); + uECC_word_t carry = uECC_vli_add(k0, k, curve->n, num_n_words) || (num_n_bits < ((bitcount_t)num_n_words * uECC_WORD_SIZE * 8) && uECC_vli_testBit(k0, num_n_bits)); - uECC_vli_add(k1, k0, curve->n, num_n_words); + uECC_vli_add(k1, k0, curve->n, num_n_words); - return carry; + return carry; } -uECC_word_t EccPoint_compute_public_key(uECC_word_t *result, - uECC_word_t *private_key, - uECC_Curve curve) -{ - uECC_word_t tmp1[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - uECC_word_t tmp2[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - uECC_word_t *p2[2] = { tmp1, tmp2 }; - uECC_word_t carry; +uECC_word_t EccPoint_compute_public_key(uECC_word_t *result, uECC_word_t *private_key, uECC_Curve curve) { + uECC_word_t tmp1[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + uECC_word_t tmp2[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + uECC_word_t *p2[2] = {tmp1, tmp2}; + uECC_word_t carry; - /* Regularize the bitcount for the private key so that attackers cannot - * use a side channel attack to learn the number of leading zeros. */ - carry = regularize_k(private_key, tmp1, tmp2, curve); + /* Regularize the bitcount for the private key so that attackers cannot + * use a side channel attack to learn the number of leading zeros. */ + carry = regularize_k(private_key, tmp1, tmp2, curve); - EccPoint_mult(result, curve->G, p2[!carry], 0, curve->num_n_bits + 1, curve); + EccPoint_mult(result, curve->G, p2[!carry], 0, curve->num_n_bits + 1, curve); - if (EccPoint_isZero(result, curve)) { - return 0; - } - return 1; + if (EccPoint_isZero(result, curve)) { + return 0; + } + return 1; } /* Converts an integer in uECC native format to big-endian bytes. */ -void uECC_vli_nativeToBytes(uint8_t *bytes, int num_bytes, - const unsigned int *native) -{ - wordcount_t i; - for (i = 0; i < num_bytes; ++i) { - unsigned b = num_bytes - 1 - i; - bytes[i] = native[b / uECC_WORD_SIZE] >> (8 * (b % uECC_WORD_SIZE)); - } +void uECC_vli_nativeToBytes(uint8_t *bytes, int num_bytes, const unsigned int *native) { + wordcount_t i; + for (i = 0; i < num_bytes; ++i) { + unsigned b = num_bytes - 1 - i; + bytes[i] = native[b / uECC_WORD_SIZE] >> (8 * (b % uECC_WORD_SIZE)); + } } /* Converts big-endian bytes to an integer in uECC native format. */ -void uECC_vli_bytesToNative(unsigned int *native, const uint8_t *bytes, - int num_bytes) -{ - wordcount_t i; - uECC_vli_clear(native, (num_bytes + (uECC_WORD_SIZE - 1)) / uECC_WORD_SIZE); - for (i = 0; i < num_bytes; ++i) { - unsigned b = num_bytes - 1 - i; - native[b / uECC_WORD_SIZE] |= - (uECC_word_t)bytes[i] << (8 * (b % uECC_WORD_SIZE)); - } +void uECC_vli_bytesToNative(unsigned int *native, const uint8_t *bytes, int num_bytes) { + wordcount_t i; + uECC_vli_clear(native, (num_bytes + (uECC_WORD_SIZE - 1)) / uECC_WORD_SIZE); + for (i = 0; i < num_bytes; ++i) { + unsigned b = num_bytes - 1 - i; + native[b / uECC_WORD_SIZE] |= (uECC_word_t)bytes[i] << (8 * (b % uECC_WORD_SIZE)); + } } -int uECC_generate_random_int(uECC_word_t *random, const uECC_word_t *top, - wordcount_t num_words) -{ - uECC_word_t mask = (uECC_word_t)-1; - uECC_word_t tries; - bitcount_t num_bits = uECC_vli_numBits(top, num_words); +int uECC_generate_random_int(uECC_word_t *random, const uECC_word_t *top, wordcount_t num_words) { + uECC_word_t mask = (uECC_word_t)-1; + uECC_word_t tries; + bitcount_t num_bits = uECC_vli_numBits(top, num_words); - if (!g_rng_function) { - return 0; - } + if (!g_rng_function) { + return 0; + } - for (tries = 0; tries < uECC_RNG_MAX_TRIES; ++tries) { - if (!g_rng_function((uint8_t *)random, num_words * uECC_WORD_SIZE)) { - return 0; - } - random[num_words - 1] &= - mask >> ((bitcount_t)(num_words * uECC_WORD_SIZE * 8 - num_bits)); - if (!uECC_vli_isZero(random, num_words) && - uECC_vli_cmp(top, random, num_words) == 1) { - return 1; - } + for (tries = 0; tries < uECC_RNG_MAX_TRIES; ++tries) { + if (!g_rng_function((uint8_t *)random, num_words * uECC_WORD_SIZE)) { + return 0; } - return 0; + random[num_words - 1] &= mask >> ((bitcount_t)(num_words * uECC_WORD_SIZE * 8 - num_bits)); + if (!uECC_vli_isZero(random, num_words) && uECC_vli_cmp(top, random, num_words) == 1) { + return 1; + } + } + return 0; } -int uECC_valid_point(const uECC_word_t *point, uECC_Curve curve) -{ - uECC_word_t tmp1[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - uECC_word_t tmp2[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - wordcount_t num_words = curve->num_words; +int uECC_valid_point(const uECC_word_t *point, uECC_Curve curve) { + uECC_word_t tmp1[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + uECC_word_t tmp2[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + wordcount_t num_words = curve->num_words; - /* The point at infinity is invalid. */ - if (EccPoint_isZero(point, curve)) { - return -1; - } + /* The point at infinity is invalid. */ + if (EccPoint_isZero(point, curve)) { + return -1; + } - /* x and y must be smaller than p. */ - if (uECC_vli_cmp_unsafe(curve->p, point, num_words) != 1 || - uECC_vli_cmp_unsafe(curve->p, point + num_words, num_words) != 1) { - return -2; - } + /* x and y must be smaller than p. */ + if (uECC_vli_cmp_unsafe(curve->p, point, num_words) != 1 || uECC_vli_cmp_unsafe(curve->p, point + num_words, num_words) != 1) { + return -2; + } - uECC_vli_modSquare_fast(tmp1, point + num_words, curve); - curve->x_side(tmp2, point, curve); /* tmp2 = x^3 + ax + b */ + uECC_vli_modSquare_fast(tmp1, point + num_words, curve); + curve->x_side(tmp2, point, curve); /* tmp2 = x^3 + ax + b */ - /* Make sure that y^2 == x^3 + ax + b */ - if (uECC_vli_equal(tmp1, tmp2, num_words) != 0) - return -3; + /* Make sure that y^2 == x^3 + ax + b */ + if (uECC_vli_equal(tmp1, tmp2, num_words) != 0) { + return -3; + } - return 0; + return 0; } -int uECC_valid_public_key(const uint8_t *public_key, uECC_Curve curve) -{ - uECC_word_t _public[NUM_ECC_WORDS * 2]; +int uECC_valid_public_key(const uint8_t *public_key, uECC_Curve curve) { + uECC_word_t _public[NUM_ECC_WORDS * 2]; - uECC_vli_bytesToNative(_public, public_key, curve->num_bytes); - uECC_vli_bytesToNative( - _public + curve->num_words, - public_key + curve->num_bytes, - curve->num_bytes); + uECC_vli_bytesToNative(_public, public_key, curve->num_bytes); + uECC_vli_bytesToNative(_public + curve->num_words, public_key + curve->num_bytes, curve->num_bytes); - if (uECC_vli_cmp_unsafe(_public, curve->G, NUM_ECC_WORDS * 2) == 0) { - return -4; - } + if (uECC_vli_cmp_unsafe(_public, curve->G, NUM_ECC_WORDS * 2) == 0) { + return -4; + } - return uECC_valid_point(_public, curve); + return uECC_valid_point(_public, curve); } -int uECC_compute_public_key(const uint8_t *private_key, uint8_t *public_key, - uECC_Curve curve) -{ - uECC_word_t _private[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - uECC_word_t _public[NUM_ECC_WORDS * 2]; +int uECC_compute_public_key(const uint8_t *private_key, uint8_t *public_key, uECC_Curve curve) { + uECC_word_t _private[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + uECC_word_t _public[NUM_ECC_WORDS * 2]; - uECC_vli_bytesToNative( - _private, - private_key, - BITS_TO_BYTES(curve->num_n_bits)); + uECC_vli_bytesToNative(_private, private_key, BITS_TO_BYTES(curve->num_n_bits)); - /* Make sure the private key is in the range [1, n-1]. */ - if (uECC_vli_isZero(_private, BITS_TO_WORDS(curve->num_n_bits))) { - return 0; - } + /* Make sure the private key is in the range [1, n-1]. */ + if (uECC_vli_isZero(_private, BITS_TO_WORDS(curve->num_n_bits))) { + return 0; + } - if (uECC_vli_cmp(curve->n, _private, BITS_TO_WORDS(curve->num_n_bits)) != 1) { - return 0; - } + if (uECC_vli_cmp(curve->n, _private, BITS_TO_WORDS(curve->num_n_bits)) != 1) { + return 0; + } - /* Compute public key. */ - if (!EccPoint_compute_public_key(_public, _private, curve)) { - return 0; - } + /* Compute public key. */ + if (!EccPoint_compute_public_key(_public, _private, curve)) { + return 0; + } - uECC_vli_nativeToBytes(public_key, curve->num_bytes, _public); - uECC_vli_nativeToBytes( - public_key + - curve->num_bytes, - curve->num_bytes, _public + curve->num_words); - return 1; + uECC_vli_nativeToBytes(public_key, curve->num_bytes, _public); + uECC_vli_nativeToBytes(public_key + curve->num_bytes, curve->num_bytes, _public + curve->num_words); + return 1; } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/ecc_dh.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/ecc_dh.c index e2995ef2a5..e26b152644 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/ecc_dh.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/ecc_dh.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* ec_dh.c - TinyCrypt implementation of EC-DH */ -/* +/* * Copyright (c) 2014, Kenneth MacKay * All rights reserved. * @@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ +#include "ecc_dh.h" #include "constants.h" #include "ecc.h" -#include "ecc_dh.h" #if defined(BFLB_BLE) #include "utils.h" #endif @@ -71,128 +71,103 @@ static uECC_RNG_Function g_rng_function = &default_CSPRNG; static uECC_RNG_Function g_rng_function = 0; #endif -int uECC_make_key_with_d(uint8_t *public_key, uint8_t *private_key, - unsigned int *d, uECC_Curve curve) -{ - uECC_word_t _private[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - uECC_word_t _public[NUM_ECC_WORDS * 2]; +int uECC_make_key_with_d(uint8_t *public_key, uint8_t *private_key, unsigned int *d, uECC_Curve curve) { + uECC_word_t _private[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + uECC_word_t _public[NUM_ECC_WORDS * 2]; - /* This function is designed for test purposes-only (such as validating NIST - * test vectors) as it uses a provided value for d instead of generating - * it uniformly at random. */ - memcpy(_private, d, NUM_ECC_BYTES); + /* This function is designed for test purposes-only (such as validating NIST + * test vectors) as it uses a provided value for d instead of generating + * it uniformly at random. */ + memcpy(_private, d, NUM_ECC_BYTES); - /* Computing public-key from private: */ - if (EccPoint_compute_public_key(_public, _private, curve)) { - /* Converting buffers to correct bit order: */ - uECC_vli_nativeToBytes(private_key, - BITS_TO_BYTES(curve->num_n_bits), - _private); - uECC_vli_nativeToBytes(public_key, - curve->num_bytes, - _public); - uECC_vli_nativeToBytes(public_key + curve->num_bytes, - curve->num_bytes, - _public + curve->num_words); - - /* erasing temporary buffer used to store secret: */ - _set_secure(_private, 0, NUM_ECC_BYTES); - - return 1; - } - return 0; + /* Computing public-key from private: */ + if (EccPoint_compute_public_key(_public, _private, curve)) { + /* Converting buffers to correct bit order: */ + uECC_vli_nativeToBytes(private_key, BITS_TO_BYTES(curve->num_n_bits), _private); + uECC_vli_nativeToBytes(public_key, curve->num_bytes, _public); + uECC_vli_nativeToBytes(public_key + curve->num_bytes, curve->num_bytes, _public + curve->num_words); + + /* erasing temporary buffer used to store secret: */ + _set_secure(_private, 0, NUM_ECC_BYTES); + + return 1; + } + return 0; } -int uECC_make_key(uint8_t *public_key, uint8_t *private_key, uECC_Curve curve) -{ - uECC_word_t _random[NUM_ECC_WORDS * 2]; - uECC_word_t _private[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - uECC_word_t _public[NUM_ECC_WORDS * 2]; - uECC_word_t tries; - - for (tries = 0; tries < uECC_RNG_MAX_TRIES; ++tries) { - /* Generating _private uniformly at random: */ - uECC_RNG_Function rng_function = uECC_get_rng(); - if (!rng_function || - !rng_function((uint8_t *)_random, 2 * NUM_ECC_WORDS * uECC_WORD_SIZE)) { - return 0; - } - - /* computing modular reduction of _random (see FIPS 186.4 B.4.1): */ - uECC_vli_mmod(_private, _random, curve->n, BITS_TO_WORDS(curve->num_n_bits)); - - /* Computing public-key from private: */ - if (EccPoint_compute_public_key(_public, _private, curve)) { - /* Converting buffers to correct bit order: */ - uECC_vli_nativeToBytes(private_key, - BITS_TO_BYTES(curve->num_n_bits), - _private); - uECC_vli_nativeToBytes(public_key, - curve->num_bytes, - _public); - uECC_vli_nativeToBytes(public_key + curve->num_bytes, - curve->num_bytes, - _public + curve->num_words); - - /* erasing temporary buffer that stored secret: */ - _set_secure(_private, 0, NUM_ECC_BYTES); - - return 1; - } +int uECC_make_key(uint8_t *public_key, uint8_t *private_key, uECC_Curve curve) { + uECC_word_t _random[NUM_ECC_WORDS * 2]; + uECC_word_t _private[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + uECC_word_t _public[NUM_ECC_WORDS * 2]; + uECC_word_t tries; + + for (tries = 0; tries < uECC_RNG_MAX_TRIES; ++tries) { + /* Generating _private uniformly at random: */ + uECC_RNG_Function rng_function = uECC_get_rng(); + if (!rng_function || !rng_function((uint8_t *)_random, 2 * NUM_ECC_WORDS * uECC_WORD_SIZE)) { + return 0; } - return 0; -} -int uECC_shared_secret(const uint8_t *public_key, const uint8_t *private_key, - uint8_t *secret, uECC_Curve curve) -{ - uECC_word_t _public[NUM_ECC_WORDS * 2]; - uECC_word_t _private[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + /* computing modular reduction of _random (see FIPS 186.4 B.4.1): */ + uECC_vli_mmod(_private, _random, curve->n, BITS_TO_WORDS(curve->num_n_bits)); - uECC_word_t tmp[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - uECC_word_t *p2[2] = { _private, tmp }; - uECC_word_t *initial_Z = 0; - uECC_word_t carry; - wordcount_t num_words = curve->num_words; - wordcount_t num_bytes = curve->num_bytes; - int r; + /* Computing public-key from private: */ + if (EccPoint_compute_public_key(_public, _private, curve)) { + /* Converting buffers to correct bit order: */ + uECC_vli_nativeToBytes(private_key, BITS_TO_BYTES(curve->num_n_bits), _private); + uECC_vli_nativeToBytes(public_key, curve->num_bytes, _public); + uECC_vli_nativeToBytes(public_key + curve->num_bytes, curve->num_bytes, _public + curve->num_words); - /* Converting buffers to correct bit order: */ - uECC_vli_bytesToNative(_private, - private_key, - BITS_TO_BYTES(curve->num_n_bits)); - uECC_vli_bytesToNative(_public, - public_key, - num_bytes); - uECC_vli_bytesToNative(_public + num_words, - public_key + num_bytes, - num_bytes); - - /* Regularize the bitcount for the private key so that attackers cannot use a - * side channel attack to learn the number of leading zeros. */ - carry = regularize_k(_private, _private, tmp, curve); - - /* If an RNG function was specified, try to get a random initial Z value to - * improve protection against side-channel attacks. */ - if (g_rng_function) { - if (!uECC_generate_random_int(p2[carry], curve->p, num_words)) { - r = 0; - goto clear_and_out; - } - initial_Z = p2[carry]; + /* erasing temporary buffer that stored secret: */ + _set_secure(_private, 0, NUM_ECC_BYTES); + + return 1; } + } + return 0; +} + +int uECC_shared_secret(const uint8_t *public_key, const uint8_t *private_key, uint8_t *secret, uECC_Curve curve) { + uECC_word_t _public[NUM_ECC_WORDS * 2]; + uECC_word_t _private[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + + uECC_word_t tmp[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + uECC_word_t *p2[2] = {_private, tmp}; + uECC_word_t *initial_Z = 0; + uECC_word_t carry; + wordcount_t num_words = curve->num_words; + wordcount_t num_bytes = curve->num_bytes; + int r; + + /* Converting buffers to correct bit order: */ + uECC_vli_bytesToNative(_private, private_key, BITS_TO_BYTES(curve->num_n_bits)); + uECC_vli_bytesToNative(_public, public_key, num_bytes); + uECC_vli_bytesToNative(_public + num_words, public_key + num_bytes, num_bytes); + + /* Regularize the bitcount for the private key so that attackers cannot use a + * side channel attack to learn the number of leading zeros. */ + carry = regularize_k(_private, _private, tmp, curve); + + /* If an RNG function was specified, try to get a random initial Z value to + * improve protection against side-channel attacks. */ + if (g_rng_function) { + if (!uECC_generate_random_int(p2[carry], curve->p, num_words)) { + r = 0; + goto clear_and_out; + } + initial_Z = p2[carry]; + } - EccPoint_mult(_public, _public, p2[!carry], initial_Z, curve->num_n_bits + 1, - curve); + EccPoint_mult(_public, _public, p2[!carry], initial_Z, curve->num_n_bits + 1, curve); - uECC_vli_nativeToBytes(secret, num_bytes, _public); - r = !EccPoint_isZero(_public, curve); + uECC_vli_nativeToBytes(secret, num_bytes, _public); + r = !EccPoint_isZero(_public, curve); clear_and_out: - /* erasing temporary buffer used to store secret: */ - _set_secure(p2, 0, sizeof(p2)); - _set_secure(tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp)); - _set_secure(_private, 0, sizeof(_private)); + /* erasing temporary buffer used to store secret: */ + _set_secure(p2, 0, sizeof(p2)); + _set_secure(tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp)); + _set_secure(_private, 0, sizeof(_private)); - return r; + return r; } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/ecc_dsa.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/ecc_dsa.c index 117e3d26dd..6bad09339e 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/ecc_dsa.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/ecc_dsa.c @@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ +#include "ecc_dsa.h" #include "constants.h" #include "ecc.h" -#include "ecc_dsa.h" #if defined(BL_MCU_SDK) #include "ecc_platform_specific.h" #endif @@ -66,229 +66,209 @@ static uECC_RNG_Function g_rng_function = &default_CSPRNG; static uECC_RNG_Function g_rng_function = 0; #endif -static void bits2int(uECC_word_t *native, const uint8_t *bits, - unsigned bits_size, uECC_Curve curve) -{ - unsigned num_n_bytes = BITS_TO_BYTES(curve->num_n_bits); - unsigned num_n_words = BITS_TO_WORDS(curve->num_n_bits); - int shift; - uECC_word_t carry; - uECC_word_t *ptr; - - if (bits_size > num_n_bytes) { - bits_size = num_n_bytes; - } - - uECC_vli_clear(native, num_n_words); - uECC_vli_bytesToNative(native, bits, bits_size); - if (bits_size * 8 <= (unsigned)curve->num_n_bits) { - return; - } - shift = bits_size * 8 - curve->num_n_bits; - carry = 0; - ptr = native + num_n_words; - while (ptr-- > native) { - uECC_word_t temp = *ptr; - *ptr = (temp >> shift) | carry; - carry = temp << (uECC_WORD_BITS - shift); - } - - /* Reduce mod curve_n */ - if (uECC_vli_cmp_unsafe(curve->n, native, num_n_words) != 1) { - uECC_vli_sub(native, native, curve->n, num_n_words); - } +static void bits2int(uECC_word_t *native, const uint8_t *bits, unsigned bits_size, uECC_Curve curve) { + unsigned num_n_bytes = BITS_TO_BYTES(curve->num_n_bits); + unsigned num_n_words = BITS_TO_WORDS(curve->num_n_bits); + int shift; + uECC_word_t carry; + uECC_word_t *ptr; + + if (bits_size > num_n_bytes) { + bits_size = num_n_bytes; + } + + uECC_vli_clear(native, num_n_words); + uECC_vli_bytesToNative(native, bits, bits_size); + if (bits_size * 8 <= (unsigned)curve->num_n_bits) { + return; + } + shift = bits_size * 8 - curve->num_n_bits; + carry = 0; + ptr = native + num_n_words; + while (ptr-- > native) { + uECC_word_t temp = *ptr; + *ptr = (temp >> shift) | carry; + carry = temp << (uECC_WORD_BITS - shift); + } + + /* Reduce mod curve_n */ + if (uECC_vli_cmp_unsafe(curve->n, native, num_n_words) != 1) { + uECC_vli_sub(native, native, curve->n, num_n_words); + } } -int uECC_sign_with_k(const uint8_t *private_key, const uint8_t *message_hash, - unsigned hash_size, uECC_word_t *k, uint8_t *signature, - uECC_Curve curve) -{ - uECC_word_t tmp[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - uECC_word_t s[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - uECC_word_t *k2[2] = { tmp, s }; - uECC_word_t p[NUM_ECC_WORDS * 2]; - uECC_word_t carry; - wordcount_t num_words = curve->num_words; - wordcount_t num_n_words = BITS_TO_WORDS(curve->num_n_bits); - bitcount_t num_n_bits = curve->num_n_bits; - - /* Make sure 0 < k < curve_n */ - if (uECC_vli_isZero(k, num_words) || - uECC_vli_cmp(curve->n, k, num_n_words) != 1) { - return 0; - } - - carry = regularize_k(k, tmp, s, curve); - EccPoint_mult(p, curve->G, k2[!carry], 0, num_n_bits + 1, curve); - if (uECC_vli_isZero(p, num_words)) { - return 0; - } +int uECC_sign_with_k(const uint8_t *private_key, const uint8_t *message_hash, unsigned hash_size, uECC_word_t *k, uint8_t *signature, uECC_Curve curve) { + uECC_word_t tmp[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + uECC_word_t s[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + uECC_word_t *k2[2] = {tmp, s}; + uECC_word_t p[NUM_ECC_WORDS * 2]; + uECC_word_t carry; + wordcount_t num_words = curve->num_words; + wordcount_t num_n_words = BITS_TO_WORDS(curve->num_n_bits); + bitcount_t num_n_bits = curve->num_n_bits; + + /* Make sure 0 < k < curve_n */ + if (uECC_vli_isZero(k, num_words) || uECC_vli_cmp(curve->n, k, num_n_words) != 1) { + return 0; + } - /* If an RNG function was specified, get a random number - to prevent side channel analysis of k. */ - if (!g_rng_function) { - uECC_vli_clear(tmp, num_n_words); - tmp[0] = 1; - } else if (!uECC_generate_random_int(tmp, curve->n, num_n_words)) { - return 0; - } + carry = regularize_k(k, tmp, s, curve); + EccPoint_mult(p, curve->G, k2[!carry], 0, num_n_bits + 1, curve); + if (uECC_vli_isZero(p, num_words)) { + return 0; + } + + /* If an RNG function was specified, get a random number + to prevent side channel analysis of k. */ + if (!g_rng_function) { + uECC_vli_clear(tmp, num_n_words); + tmp[0] = 1; + } else if (!uECC_generate_random_int(tmp, curve->n, num_n_words)) { + return 0; + } - /* Prevent side channel analysis of uECC_vli_modInv() to determine - bits of k / the private key by premultiplying by a random number */ - uECC_vli_modMult(k, k, tmp, curve->n, num_n_words); /* k' = rand * k */ - uECC_vli_modInv(k, k, curve->n, num_n_words); /* k = 1 / k' */ - uECC_vli_modMult(k, k, tmp, curve->n, num_n_words); /* k = 1 / k */ + /* Prevent side channel analysis of uECC_vli_modInv() to determine + bits of k / the private key by premultiplying by a random number */ + uECC_vli_modMult(k, k, tmp, curve->n, num_n_words); /* k' = rand * k */ + uECC_vli_modInv(k, k, curve->n, num_n_words); /* k = 1 / k' */ + uECC_vli_modMult(k, k, tmp, curve->n, num_n_words); /* k = 1 / k */ - uECC_vli_nativeToBytes(signature, curve->num_bytes, p); /* store r */ + uECC_vli_nativeToBytes(signature, curve->num_bytes, p); /* store r */ - /* tmp = d: */ - uECC_vli_bytesToNative(tmp, private_key, BITS_TO_BYTES(curve->num_n_bits)); + /* tmp = d: */ + uECC_vli_bytesToNative(tmp, private_key, BITS_TO_BYTES(curve->num_n_bits)); - s[num_n_words - 1] = 0; - uECC_vli_set(s, p, num_words); - uECC_vli_modMult(s, tmp, s, curve->n, num_n_words); /* s = r*d */ + s[num_n_words - 1] = 0; + uECC_vli_set(s, p, num_words); + uECC_vli_modMult(s, tmp, s, curve->n, num_n_words); /* s = r*d */ - bits2int(tmp, message_hash, hash_size, curve); - uECC_vli_modAdd(s, tmp, s, curve->n, num_n_words); /* s = e + r*d */ - uECC_vli_modMult(s, s, k, curve->n, num_n_words); /* s = (e + r*d) / k */ - if (uECC_vli_numBits(s, num_n_words) > (bitcount_t)curve->num_bytes * 8) { - return 0; - } + bits2int(tmp, message_hash, hash_size, curve); + uECC_vli_modAdd(s, tmp, s, curve->n, num_n_words); /* s = e + r*d */ + uECC_vli_modMult(s, s, k, curve->n, num_n_words); /* s = (e + r*d) / k */ + if (uECC_vli_numBits(s, num_n_words) > (bitcount_t)curve->num_bytes * 8) { + return 0; + } - uECC_vli_nativeToBytes(signature + curve->num_bytes, curve->num_bytes, s); - return 1; + uECC_vli_nativeToBytes(signature + curve->num_bytes, curve->num_bytes, s); + return 1; } -int uECC_sign(const uint8_t *private_key, const uint8_t *message_hash, - unsigned hash_size, uint8_t *signature, uECC_Curve curve) -{ - uECC_word_t _random[2 * NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - uECC_word_t k[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - uECC_word_t tries; - - for (tries = 0; tries < uECC_RNG_MAX_TRIES; ++tries) { - /* Generating _random uniformly at random: */ - uECC_RNG_Function rng_function = uECC_get_rng(); - if (!rng_function || - !rng_function((uint8_t *)_random, 2 * NUM_ECC_WORDS * uECC_WORD_SIZE)) { - return 0; - } - - // computing k as modular reduction of _random (see FIPS 186.4 B.5.1): - uECC_vli_mmod(k, _random, curve->n, BITS_TO_WORDS(curve->num_n_bits)); - - if (uECC_sign_with_k(private_key, message_hash, hash_size, k, signature, - curve)) { - return 1; - } +int uECC_sign(const uint8_t *private_key, const uint8_t *message_hash, unsigned hash_size, uint8_t *signature, uECC_Curve curve) { + uECC_word_t _random[2 * NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + uECC_word_t k[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + uECC_word_t tries; + + for (tries = 0; tries < uECC_RNG_MAX_TRIES; ++tries) { + /* Generating _random uniformly at random: */ + uECC_RNG_Function rng_function = uECC_get_rng(); + if (!rng_function || !rng_function((uint8_t *)_random, 2 * NUM_ECC_WORDS * uECC_WORD_SIZE)) { + return 0; } - return 0; -} -static bitcount_t smax(bitcount_t a, bitcount_t b) -{ - return (a > b ? a : b); -} + // computing k as modular reduction of _random (see FIPS 186.4 B.5.1): + uECC_vli_mmod(k, _random, curve->n, BITS_TO_WORDS(curve->num_n_bits)); -int uECC_verify(const uint8_t *public_key, const uint8_t *message_hash, - unsigned hash_size, const uint8_t *signature, - uECC_Curve curve) -{ - uECC_word_t u1[NUM_ECC_WORDS], u2[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - uECC_word_t z[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - uECC_word_t sum[NUM_ECC_WORDS * 2]; - uECC_word_t rx[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - uECC_word_t ry[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - uECC_word_t tx[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - uECC_word_t ty[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - uECC_word_t tz[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - const uECC_word_t *points[4]; - const uECC_word_t *point; - bitcount_t num_bits; - bitcount_t i; - - uECC_word_t _public[NUM_ECC_WORDS * 2]; - uECC_word_t r[NUM_ECC_WORDS], s[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; - wordcount_t num_words = curve->num_words; - wordcount_t num_n_words = BITS_TO_WORDS(curve->num_n_bits); - - rx[num_n_words - 1] = 0; - r[num_n_words - 1] = 0; - s[num_n_words - 1] = 0; - - uECC_vli_bytesToNative(_public, public_key, curve->num_bytes); - uECC_vli_bytesToNative(_public + num_words, public_key + curve->num_bytes, - curve->num_bytes); - uECC_vli_bytesToNative(r, signature, curve->num_bytes); - uECC_vli_bytesToNative(s, signature + curve->num_bytes, curve->num_bytes); - - /* r, s must not be 0. */ - if (uECC_vli_isZero(r, num_words) || uECC_vli_isZero(s, num_words)) { - return 0; + if (uECC_sign_with_k(private_key, message_hash, hash_size, k, signature, curve)) { + return 1; } + } + return 0; +} - /* r, s must be < n. */ - if (uECC_vli_cmp_unsafe(curve->n, r, num_n_words) != 1 || - uECC_vli_cmp_unsafe(curve->n, s, num_n_words) != 1) { - return 0; - } +static bitcount_t smax(bitcount_t a, bitcount_t b) { return (a > b ? a : b); } + +int uECC_verify(const uint8_t *public_key, const uint8_t *message_hash, unsigned hash_size, const uint8_t *signature, uECC_Curve curve) { + uECC_word_t u1[NUM_ECC_WORDS], u2[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + uECC_word_t z[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + uECC_word_t sum[NUM_ECC_WORDS * 2]; + uECC_word_t rx[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + uECC_word_t ry[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + uECC_word_t tx[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + uECC_word_t ty[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + uECC_word_t tz[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + const uECC_word_t *points[4]; + const uECC_word_t *point; + bitcount_t num_bits; + bitcount_t i; + + uECC_word_t _public[NUM_ECC_WORDS * 2]; + uECC_word_t r[NUM_ECC_WORDS], s[NUM_ECC_WORDS]; + wordcount_t num_words = curve->num_words; + wordcount_t num_n_words = BITS_TO_WORDS(curve->num_n_bits); + + rx[num_n_words - 1] = 0; + r[num_n_words - 1] = 0; + s[num_n_words - 1] = 0; + + uECC_vli_bytesToNative(_public, public_key, curve->num_bytes); + uECC_vli_bytesToNative(_public + num_words, public_key + curve->num_bytes, curve->num_bytes); + uECC_vli_bytesToNative(r, signature, curve->num_bytes); + uECC_vli_bytesToNative(s, signature + curve->num_bytes, curve->num_bytes); + + /* r, s must not be 0. */ + if (uECC_vli_isZero(r, num_words) || uECC_vli_isZero(s, num_words)) { + return 0; + } - /* Calculate u1 and u2. */ - uECC_vli_modInv(z, s, curve->n, num_n_words); /* z = 1/s */ - u1[num_n_words - 1] = 0; - bits2int(u1, message_hash, hash_size, curve); - uECC_vli_modMult(u1, u1, z, curve->n, num_n_words); /* u1 = e/s */ - uECC_vli_modMult(u2, r, z, curve->n, num_n_words); /* u2 = r/s */ - - /* Calculate sum = G + Q. */ - uECC_vli_set(sum, _public, num_words); - uECC_vli_set(sum + num_words, _public + num_words, num_words); - uECC_vli_set(tx, curve->G, num_words); - uECC_vli_set(ty, curve->G + num_words, num_words); - uECC_vli_modSub(z, sum, tx, curve->p, num_words); /* z = x2 - x1 */ - XYcZ_add(tx, ty, sum, sum + num_words, curve); - uECC_vli_modInv(z, z, curve->p, num_words); /* z = 1/z */ - apply_z(sum, sum + num_words, z, curve); - - /* Use Shamir's trick to calculate u1*G + u2*Q */ - points[0] = 0; - points[1] = curve->G; - points[2] = _public; - points[3] = sum; - num_bits = smax(uECC_vli_numBits(u1, num_n_words), - uECC_vli_numBits(u2, num_n_words)); - - point = points[(!!uECC_vli_testBit(u1, num_bits - 1)) | - ((!!uECC_vli_testBit(u2, num_bits - 1)) << 1)]; - uECC_vli_set(rx, point, num_words); - uECC_vli_set(ry, point + num_words, num_words); - uECC_vli_clear(z, num_words); - z[0] = 1; - - for (i = num_bits - 2; i >= 0; --i) { - uECC_word_t index; - curve->double_jacobian(rx, ry, z, curve); - - index = (!!uECC_vli_testBit(u1, i)) | ((!!uECC_vli_testBit(u2, i)) << 1); - point = points[index]; - if (point) { - uECC_vli_set(tx, point, num_words); - uECC_vli_set(ty, point + num_words, num_words); - apply_z(tx, ty, z, curve); - uECC_vli_modSub(tz, rx, tx, curve->p, num_words); /* Z = x2 - x1 */ - XYcZ_add(tx, ty, rx, ry, curve); - uECC_vli_modMult_fast(z, z, tz, curve); - } + /* r, s must be < n. */ + if (uECC_vli_cmp_unsafe(curve->n, r, num_n_words) != 1 || uECC_vli_cmp_unsafe(curve->n, s, num_n_words) != 1) { + return 0; + } + + /* Calculate u1 and u2. */ + uECC_vli_modInv(z, s, curve->n, num_n_words); /* z = 1/s */ + u1[num_n_words - 1] = 0; + bits2int(u1, message_hash, hash_size, curve); + uECC_vli_modMult(u1, u1, z, curve->n, num_n_words); /* u1 = e/s */ + uECC_vli_modMult(u2, r, z, curve->n, num_n_words); /* u2 = r/s */ + + /* Calculate sum = G + Q. */ + uECC_vli_set(sum, _public, num_words); + uECC_vli_set(sum + num_words, _public + num_words, num_words); + uECC_vli_set(tx, curve->G, num_words); + uECC_vli_set(ty, curve->G + num_words, num_words); + uECC_vli_modSub(z, sum, tx, curve->p, num_words); /* z = x2 - x1 */ + XYcZ_add(tx, ty, sum, sum + num_words, curve); + uECC_vli_modInv(z, z, curve->p, num_words); /* z = 1/z */ + apply_z(sum, sum + num_words, z, curve); + + /* Use Shamir's trick to calculate u1*G + u2*Q */ + points[0] = 0; + points[1] = curve->G; + points[2] = _public; + points[3] = sum; + num_bits = smax(uECC_vli_numBits(u1, num_n_words), uECC_vli_numBits(u2, num_n_words)); + + point = points[(!!uECC_vli_testBit(u1, num_bits - 1)) | ((!!uECC_vli_testBit(u2, num_bits - 1)) << 1)]; + uECC_vli_set(rx, point, num_words); + uECC_vli_set(ry, point + num_words, num_words); + uECC_vli_clear(z, num_words); + z[0] = 1; + + for (i = num_bits - 2; i >= 0; --i) { + uECC_word_t index; + curve->double_jacobian(rx, ry, z, curve); + + index = (!!uECC_vli_testBit(u1, i)) | ((!!uECC_vli_testBit(u2, i)) << 1); + point = points[index]; + if (point) { + uECC_vli_set(tx, point, num_words); + uECC_vli_set(ty, point + num_words, num_words); + apply_z(tx, ty, z, curve); + uECC_vli_modSub(tz, rx, tx, curve->p, num_words); /* Z = x2 - x1 */ + XYcZ_add(tx, ty, rx, ry, curve); + uECC_vli_modMult_fast(z, z, tz, curve); } + } - uECC_vli_modInv(z, z, curve->p, num_words); /* Z = 1/Z */ - apply_z(rx, ry, z, curve); + uECC_vli_modInv(z, z, curve->p, num_words); /* Z = 1/Z */ + apply_z(rx, ry, z, curve); - /* v = x1 (mod n) */ - if (uECC_vli_cmp_unsafe(curve->n, rx, num_n_words) != 1) { - uECC_vli_sub(rx, rx, curve->n, num_n_words); - } + /* v = x1 (mod n) */ + if (uECC_vli_cmp_unsafe(curve->n, rx, num_n_words) != 1) { + uECC_vli_sub(rx, rx, curve->n, num_n_words); + } - /* Accept only if v == r. */ - return (int)(uECC_vli_equal(rx, r, num_words) == 0); + /* Accept only if v == r. */ + return (int)(uECC_vli_equal(rx, r, num_words) == 0); } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/ecc_platform_specific.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/ecc_platform_specific.c index 42dfee828d..f958eb95b4 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/ecc_platform_specific.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/ecc_platform_specific.c @@ -55,13 +55,11 @@ * uECC_platform_specific.c -- Implementation of platform specific functions */ -#if defined(unix) || defined(__linux__) || defined(__unix__) || \ - defined(__unix) | (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)) || \ - defined(uECC_POSIX) +#if defined(unix) || defined(__linux__) || defined(__unix__) || defined(__unix) | (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)) || defined(uECC_POSIX) /* Some POSIX-like system with /dev/urandom or /dev/random. */ -#include #include +#include #include #include @@ -70,34 +68,34 @@ #define O_CLOEXEC 0 #endif -int default_CSPRNG(uint8_t *dest, unsigned int size) -{ - /* input sanity check: */ - if (dest == (uint8_t *)0 || (size <= 0)) - return 0; +int default_CSPRNG(uint8_t *dest, unsigned int size) { + /* input sanity check: */ + if (dest == (uint8_t *)0 || (size <= 0)) { + return 0; + } - int fd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC); + int fd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC); + if (fd == -1) { + fd = open("/dev/random", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC); if (fd == -1) { - fd = open("/dev/random", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC); - if (fd == -1) { - return 0; - } + return 0; } + } - char *ptr = (char *)dest; - size_t left = (size_t)size; - while (left > 0) { - ssize_t bytes_read = read(fd, ptr, left); - if (bytes_read <= 0) { // read failed - close(fd); - return 0; - } - left -= bytes_read; - ptr += bytes_read; + char *ptr = (char *)dest; + size_t left = (size_t)size; + while (left > 0) { + ssize_t bytes_read = read(fd, ptr, left); + if (bytes_read <= 0) { // read failed + close(fd); + return 0; } + left -= bytes_read; + ptr += bytes_read; + } - close(fd); - return 1; + close(fd); + return 1; } #endif /* platform */ diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/hmac.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/hmac.c index aee8a44e2d..287c323e9d 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/hmac.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/hmac.c @@ -34,112 +34,92 @@ #include "constants.h" #include "utils.h" -static void rekey(uint8_t *key, const uint8_t *new_key, unsigned int key_size) -{ - const uint8_t inner_pad = (uint8_t)0x36; - const uint8_t outer_pad = (uint8_t)0x5c; - unsigned int i; - - for (i = 0; i < key_size; ++i) { - key[i] = inner_pad ^ new_key[i]; - key[i + TC_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE] = outer_pad ^ new_key[i]; - } - for (; i < TC_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE; ++i) { - key[i] = inner_pad; - key[i + TC_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE] = outer_pad; - } +static void rekey(uint8_t *key, const uint8_t *new_key, unsigned int key_size) { + const uint8_t inner_pad = (uint8_t)0x36; + const uint8_t outer_pad = (uint8_t)0x5c; + unsigned int i; + + for (i = 0; i < key_size; ++i) { + key[i] = inner_pad ^ new_key[i]; + key[i + TC_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE] = outer_pad ^ new_key[i]; + } + for (; i < TC_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE; ++i) { + key[i] = inner_pad; + key[i + TC_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE] = outer_pad; + } } -int tc_hmac_set_key(TCHmacState_t ctx, const uint8_t *key, - unsigned int key_size) -{ - /* Input sanity check */ - if (ctx == (TCHmacState_t)0 || - key == (const uint8_t *)0 || - key_size == 0) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } - - const uint8_t dummy_key[TC_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE]; - struct tc_hmac_state_struct dummy_state; - - if (key_size <= TC_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE) { - /* - * The next three calls are dummy calls just to avoid - * certain timing attacks. Without these dummy calls, - * adversaries would be able to learn whether the key_size is - * greater than TC_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE by measuring the time - * consumed in this process. - */ - (void)tc_sha256_init(&dummy_state.hash_state); - (void)tc_sha256_update(&dummy_state.hash_state, - dummy_key, - key_size); - (void)tc_sha256_final(&dummy_state.key[TC_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE], - &dummy_state.hash_state); - - /* Actual code for when key_size <= TC_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE: */ - rekey(ctx->key, key, key_size); - } else { - (void)tc_sha256_init(&ctx->hash_state); - (void)tc_sha256_update(&ctx->hash_state, key, key_size); - (void)tc_sha256_final(&ctx->key[TC_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE], - &ctx->hash_state); - rekey(ctx->key, - &ctx->key[TC_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE], - TC_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE); - } - - return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; +int tc_hmac_set_key(TCHmacState_t ctx, const uint8_t *key, unsigned int key_size) { + /* Input sanity check */ + if (ctx == (TCHmacState_t)0 || key == (const uint8_t *)0 || key_size == 0) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } + + const uint8_t dummy_key[TC_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE]; + struct tc_hmac_state_struct dummy_state; + + if (key_size <= TC_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE) { + /* + * The next three calls are dummy calls just to avoid + * certain timing attacks. Without these dummy calls, + * adversaries would be able to learn whether the key_size is + * greater than TC_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE by measuring the time + * consumed in this process. + */ + (void)tc_sha256_init(&dummy_state.hash_state); + (void)tc_sha256_update(&dummy_state.hash_state, dummy_key, key_size); + (void)tc_sha256_final(&dummy_state.key[TC_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE], &dummy_state.hash_state); + + /* Actual code for when key_size <= TC_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE: */ + rekey(ctx->key, key, key_size); + } else { + (void)tc_sha256_init(&ctx->hash_state); + (void)tc_sha256_update(&ctx->hash_state, key, key_size); + (void)tc_sha256_final(&ctx->key[TC_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE], &ctx->hash_state); + rekey(ctx->key, &ctx->key[TC_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE], TC_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE); + } + + return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; } -int tc_hmac_init(TCHmacState_t ctx) -{ - /* input sanity check: */ - if (ctx == (TCHmacState_t)0) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } +int tc_hmac_init(TCHmacState_t ctx) { + /* input sanity check: */ + if (ctx == (TCHmacState_t)0) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } - (void)tc_sha256_init(&ctx->hash_state); - (void)tc_sha256_update(&ctx->hash_state, ctx->key, TC_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE); + (void)tc_sha256_init(&ctx->hash_state); + (void)tc_sha256_update(&ctx->hash_state, ctx->key, TC_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE); - return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; + return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; } -int tc_hmac_update(TCHmacState_t ctx, - const void *data, - unsigned int data_length) -{ - /* input sanity check: */ - if (ctx == (TCHmacState_t)0) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } +int tc_hmac_update(TCHmacState_t ctx, const void *data, unsigned int data_length) { + /* input sanity check: */ + if (ctx == (TCHmacState_t)0) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } - (void)tc_sha256_update(&ctx->hash_state, data, data_length); + (void)tc_sha256_update(&ctx->hash_state, data, data_length); - return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; + return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; } -int tc_hmac_final(uint8_t *tag, unsigned int taglen, TCHmacState_t ctx) -{ - /* input sanity check: */ - if (tag == (uint8_t *)0 || - taglen != TC_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE || - ctx == (TCHmacState_t)0) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } +int tc_hmac_final(uint8_t *tag, unsigned int taglen, TCHmacState_t ctx) { + /* input sanity check: */ + if (tag == (uint8_t *)0 || taglen != TC_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE || ctx == (TCHmacState_t)0) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } - (void)tc_sha256_final(tag, &ctx->hash_state); + (void)tc_sha256_final(tag, &ctx->hash_state); - (void)tc_sha256_init(&ctx->hash_state); - (void)tc_sha256_update(&ctx->hash_state, - &ctx->key[TC_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE], - TC_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE); - (void)tc_sha256_update(&ctx->hash_state, tag, TC_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE); - (void)tc_sha256_final(tag, &ctx->hash_state); + (void)tc_sha256_init(&ctx->hash_state); + (void)tc_sha256_update(&ctx->hash_state, &ctx->key[TC_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE], TC_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE); + (void)tc_sha256_update(&ctx->hash_state, tag, TC_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE); + (void)tc_sha256_final(tag, &ctx->hash_state); - /* destroy the current state */ - _set(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx)); + /* destroy the current state */ + _set(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx)); - return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; + return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/hmac_prng.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/hmac_prng.c index 8ef3c0c2b1..1c9971bd5f 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/hmac_prng.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/hmac_prng.c @@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ */ #include "hmac_prng.h" -#include "hmac.h" #include "constants.h" +#include "hmac.h" #include "utils.h" /* @@ -75,156 +75,137 @@ static const unsigned int MAX_OUT = (1 << 19); /* * Assumes: prng != NULL */ -static void update(TCHmacPrng_t prng, const uint8_t *data, unsigned int datalen, const uint8_t *additional_data, unsigned int additional_datalen) -{ - const uint8_t separator0 = 0x00; - const uint8_t separator1 = 0x01; - - /* configure the new prng key into the prng's instance of hmac */ - tc_hmac_set_key(&prng->h, prng->key, sizeof(prng->key)); +static void update(TCHmacPrng_t prng, const uint8_t *data, unsigned int datalen, const uint8_t *additional_data, unsigned int additional_datalen) { + const uint8_t separator0 = 0x00; + const uint8_t separator1 = 0x01; - /* use current state, e and separator 0 to compute a new prng key: */ - (void)tc_hmac_init(&prng->h); - (void)tc_hmac_update(&prng->h, prng->v, sizeof(prng->v)); - (void)tc_hmac_update(&prng->h, &separator0, sizeof(separator0)); - - if (data && datalen) - (void)tc_hmac_update(&prng->h, data, datalen); - if (additional_data && additional_datalen) - (void)tc_hmac_update(&prng->h, additional_data, additional_datalen); + /* configure the new prng key into the prng's instance of hmac */ + tc_hmac_set_key(&prng->h, prng->key, sizeof(prng->key)); - (void)tc_hmac_final(prng->key, sizeof(prng->key), &prng->h); - - /* configure the new prng key into the prng's instance of hmac */ - (void)tc_hmac_set_key(&prng->h, prng->key, sizeof(prng->key)); + /* use current state, e and separator 0 to compute a new prng key: */ + (void)tc_hmac_init(&prng->h); + (void)tc_hmac_update(&prng->h, prng->v, sizeof(prng->v)); + (void)tc_hmac_update(&prng->h, &separator0, sizeof(separator0)); - /* use the new key to compute a new state variable v */ - (void)tc_hmac_init(&prng->h); - (void)tc_hmac_update(&prng->h, prng->v, sizeof(prng->v)); - (void)tc_hmac_final(prng->v, sizeof(prng->v), &prng->h); - - if (data == 0 || datalen == 0) - return; - - /* configure the new prng key into the prng's instance of hmac */ - tc_hmac_set_key(&prng->h, prng->key, sizeof(prng->key)); - - /* use current state, e and separator 1 to compute a new prng key: */ - (void)tc_hmac_init(&prng->h); - (void)tc_hmac_update(&prng->h, prng->v, sizeof(prng->v)); - (void)tc_hmac_update(&prng->h, &separator1, sizeof(separator1)); + if (data && datalen) { (void)tc_hmac_update(&prng->h, data, datalen); - if (additional_data && additional_datalen) - (void)tc_hmac_update(&prng->h, additional_data, additional_datalen); - (void)tc_hmac_final(prng->key, sizeof(prng->key), &prng->h); - - /* configure the new prng key into the prng's instance of hmac */ - (void)tc_hmac_set_key(&prng->h, prng->key, sizeof(prng->key)); - - /* use the new key to compute a new state variable v */ - (void)tc_hmac_init(&prng->h); - (void)tc_hmac_update(&prng->h, prng->v, sizeof(prng->v)); - (void)tc_hmac_final(prng->v, sizeof(prng->v), &prng->h); + } + if (additional_data && additional_datalen) { + (void)tc_hmac_update(&prng->h, additional_data, additional_datalen); + } + + (void)tc_hmac_final(prng->key, sizeof(prng->key), &prng->h); + + /* configure the new prng key into the prng's instance of hmac */ + (void)tc_hmac_set_key(&prng->h, prng->key, sizeof(prng->key)); + + /* use the new key to compute a new state variable v */ + (void)tc_hmac_init(&prng->h); + (void)tc_hmac_update(&prng->h, prng->v, sizeof(prng->v)); + (void)tc_hmac_final(prng->v, sizeof(prng->v), &prng->h); + + if (data == 0 || datalen == 0) { + return; + } + + /* configure the new prng key into the prng's instance of hmac */ + tc_hmac_set_key(&prng->h, prng->key, sizeof(prng->key)); + + /* use current state, e and separator 1 to compute a new prng key: */ + (void)tc_hmac_init(&prng->h); + (void)tc_hmac_update(&prng->h, prng->v, sizeof(prng->v)); + (void)tc_hmac_update(&prng->h, &separator1, sizeof(separator1)); + (void)tc_hmac_update(&prng->h, data, datalen); + if (additional_data && additional_datalen) { + (void)tc_hmac_update(&prng->h, additional_data, additional_datalen); + } + (void)tc_hmac_final(prng->key, sizeof(prng->key), &prng->h); + + /* configure the new prng key into the prng's instance of hmac */ + (void)tc_hmac_set_key(&prng->h, prng->key, sizeof(prng->key)); + + /* use the new key to compute a new state variable v */ + (void)tc_hmac_init(&prng->h); + (void)tc_hmac_update(&prng->h, prng->v, sizeof(prng->v)); + (void)tc_hmac_final(prng->v, sizeof(prng->v), &prng->h); } -int tc_hmac_prng_init(TCHmacPrng_t prng, - const uint8_t *personalization, - unsigned int plen) -{ - /* input sanity check: */ - if (prng == (TCHmacPrng_t)0 || - personalization == (uint8_t *)0 || - plen > MAX_PLEN) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } +int tc_hmac_prng_init(TCHmacPrng_t prng, const uint8_t *personalization, unsigned int plen) { + /* input sanity check: */ + if (prng == (TCHmacPrng_t)0 || personalization == (uint8_t *)0 || plen > MAX_PLEN) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } - /* put the generator into a known state: */ - _set(prng->key, 0x00, sizeof(prng->key)); - _set(prng->v, 0x01, sizeof(prng->v)); + /* put the generator into a known state: */ + _set(prng->key, 0x00, sizeof(prng->key)); + _set(prng->v, 0x01, sizeof(prng->v)); - update(prng, personalization, plen, 0, 0); + update(prng, personalization, plen, 0, 0); - /* force a reseed before allowing tc_hmac_prng_generate to succeed: */ - prng->countdown = 0; + /* force a reseed before allowing tc_hmac_prng_generate to succeed: */ + prng->countdown = 0; - return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; + return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; } -int tc_hmac_prng_reseed(TCHmacPrng_t prng, - const uint8_t *seed, - unsigned int seedlen, - const uint8_t *additional_input, - unsigned int additionallen) -{ - /* input sanity check: */ - if (prng == (TCHmacPrng_t)0 || - seed == (const uint8_t *)0 || - seedlen < MIN_SLEN || - seedlen > MAX_SLEN) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } - - if (additional_input != (const uint8_t *)0) { - /* - * Abort if additional_input is provided but has inappropriate - * length - */ - if (additionallen == 0 || - additionallen > MAX_ALEN) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } else { - /* call update for the seed and additional_input */ - update(prng, seed, seedlen, additional_input, additionallen); - } +int tc_hmac_prng_reseed(TCHmacPrng_t prng, const uint8_t *seed, unsigned int seedlen, const uint8_t *additional_input, unsigned int additionallen) { + /* input sanity check: */ + if (prng == (TCHmacPrng_t)0 || seed == (const uint8_t *)0 || seedlen < MIN_SLEN || seedlen > MAX_SLEN) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } + + if (additional_input != (const uint8_t *)0) { + /* + * Abort if additional_input is provided but has inappropriate + * length + */ + if (additionallen == 0 || additionallen > MAX_ALEN) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; } else { - /* call update only for the seed */ - update(prng, seed, seedlen, 0, 0); + /* call update for the seed and additional_input */ + update(prng, seed, seedlen, additional_input, additionallen); } + } else { + /* call update only for the seed */ + update(prng, seed, seedlen, 0, 0); + } - /* ... and enable hmac_prng_generate */ - prng->countdown = MAX_GENS; + /* ... and enable hmac_prng_generate */ + prng->countdown = MAX_GENS; - return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; + return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; } -int tc_hmac_prng_generate(uint8_t *out, unsigned int outlen, TCHmacPrng_t prng) -{ - unsigned int bufferlen; - - /* input sanity check: */ - if (out == (uint8_t *)0 || - prng == (TCHmacPrng_t)0 || - outlen == 0 || - outlen > MAX_OUT) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } else if (prng->countdown == 0) { - return TC_HMAC_PRNG_RESEED_REQ; - } +int tc_hmac_prng_generate(uint8_t *out, unsigned int outlen, TCHmacPrng_t prng) { + unsigned int bufferlen; - prng->countdown--; + /* input sanity check: */ + if (out == (uint8_t *)0 || prng == (TCHmacPrng_t)0 || outlen == 0 || outlen > MAX_OUT) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } else if (prng->countdown == 0) { + return TC_HMAC_PRNG_RESEED_REQ; + } - while (outlen != 0) { - /* configure the new prng key into the prng's instance of hmac */ - tc_hmac_set_key(&prng->h, prng->key, sizeof(prng->key)); + prng->countdown--; - /* operate HMAC in OFB mode to create "random" outputs */ - (void)tc_hmac_init(&prng->h); - (void)tc_hmac_update(&prng->h, prng->v, sizeof(prng->v)); - (void)tc_hmac_final(prng->v, sizeof(prng->v), &prng->h); + while (outlen != 0) { + /* configure the new prng key into the prng's instance of hmac */ + tc_hmac_set_key(&prng->h, prng->key, sizeof(prng->key)); - bufferlen = (TC_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE > outlen) ? - outlen : - TC_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE; - (void)_copy(out, bufferlen, prng->v, bufferlen); + /* operate HMAC in OFB mode to create "random" outputs */ + (void)tc_hmac_init(&prng->h); + (void)tc_hmac_update(&prng->h, prng->v, sizeof(prng->v)); + (void)tc_hmac_final(prng->v, sizeof(prng->v), &prng->h); - out += bufferlen; - outlen = (outlen > TC_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE) ? - (outlen - TC_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE) : - 0; - } + bufferlen = (TC_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE > outlen) ? outlen : TC_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE; + (void)_copy(out, bufferlen, prng->v, bufferlen); + + out += bufferlen; + outlen = (outlen > TC_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE) ? (outlen - TC_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE) : 0; + } - /* block future PRNG compromises from revealing past state */ - update(prng, 0, 0, 0, 0); + /* block future PRNG compromises from revealing past state */ + update(prng, 0, 0, 0, 0); - return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; + return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/sha256.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/sha256.c index 57952104c7..1dab36071d 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/sha256.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/sha256.c @@ -36,103 +36,96 @@ static void compress(unsigned int *iv, const uint8_t *data); -int tc_sha256_init(TCSha256State_t s) -{ - /* input sanity check: */ - if (s == (TCSha256State_t)0) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } - - /* - * Setting the initial state values. - * These values correspond to the first 32 bits of the fractional parts - * of the square roots of the first 8 primes: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 - * and 19. - */ - _set((uint8_t *)s, 0x00, sizeof(*s)); - s->iv[0] = 0x6a09e667; - s->iv[1] = 0xbb67ae85; - s->iv[2] = 0x3c6ef372; - s->iv[3] = 0xa54ff53a; - s->iv[4] = 0x510e527f; - s->iv[5] = 0x9b05688c; - s->iv[6] = 0x1f83d9ab; - s->iv[7] = 0x5be0cd19; - - return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; +int tc_sha256_init(TCSha256State_t s) { + /* input sanity check: */ + if (s == (TCSha256State_t)0) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } + + /* + * Setting the initial state values. + * These values correspond to the first 32 bits of the fractional parts + * of the square roots of the first 8 primes: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 + * and 19. + */ + _set((uint8_t *)s, 0x00, sizeof(*s)); + s->iv[0] = 0x6a09e667; + s->iv[1] = 0xbb67ae85; + s->iv[2] = 0x3c6ef372; + s->iv[3] = 0xa54ff53a; + s->iv[4] = 0x510e527f; + s->iv[5] = 0x9b05688c; + s->iv[6] = 0x1f83d9ab; + s->iv[7] = 0x5be0cd19; + + return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; } -int tc_sha256_update(TCSha256State_t s, const uint8_t *data, size_t datalen) -{ - /* input sanity check: */ - if (s == (TCSha256State_t)0 || - data == (void *)0) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } else if (datalen == 0) { - return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; - } - - while (datalen-- > 0) { - s->leftover[s->leftover_offset++] = *(data++); - if (s->leftover_offset >= TC_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE) { - compress(s->iv, s->leftover); - s->leftover_offset = 0; - s->bits_hashed += (TC_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE << 3); - } +int tc_sha256_update(TCSha256State_t s, const uint8_t *data, size_t datalen) { + /* input sanity check: */ + if (s == (TCSha256State_t)0 || data == (void *)0) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } else if (datalen == 0) { + return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; + } + + while (datalen-- > 0) { + s->leftover[s->leftover_offset++] = *(data++); + if (s->leftover_offset >= TC_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE) { + compress(s->iv, s->leftover); + s->leftover_offset = 0; + s->bits_hashed += (TC_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE << 3); } + } - return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; + return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; } -int tc_sha256_final(uint8_t *digest, TCSha256State_t s) -{ - unsigned int i; +int tc_sha256_final(uint8_t *digest, TCSha256State_t s) { + unsigned int i; - /* input sanity check: */ - if (digest == (uint8_t *)0 || - s == (TCSha256State_t)0) { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } + /* input sanity check: */ + if (digest == (uint8_t *)0 || s == (TCSha256State_t)0) { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } - s->bits_hashed += (s->leftover_offset << 3); - - s->leftover[s->leftover_offset++] = 0x80; /* always room for one byte */ - if (s->leftover_offset > (sizeof(s->leftover) - 8)) { - /* there is not room for all the padding in this block */ - _set(s->leftover + s->leftover_offset, 0x00, - sizeof(s->leftover) - s->leftover_offset); - compress(s->iv, s->leftover); - s->leftover_offset = 0; - } + s->bits_hashed += (s->leftover_offset << 3); - /* add the padding and the length in big-Endian format */ - _set(s->leftover + s->leftover_offset, 0x00, - sizeof(s->leftover) - 8 - s->leftover_offset); - s->leftover[sizeof(s->leftover) - 1] = (uint8_t)(s->bits_hashed); - s->leftover[sizeof(s->leftover) - 2] = (uint8_t)(s->bits_hashed >> 8); - s->leftover[sizeof(s->leftover) - 3] = (uint8_t)(s->bits_hashed >> 16); - s->leftover[sizeof(s->leftover) - 4] = (uint8_t)(s->bits_hashed >> 24); - s->leftover[sizeof(s->leftover) - 5] = (uint8_t)(s->bits_hashed >> 32); - s->leftover[sizeof(s->leftover) - 6] = (uint8_t)(s->bits_hashed >> 40); - s->leftover[sizeof(s->leftover) - 7] = (uint8_t)(s->bits_hashed >> 48); - s->leftover[sizeof(s->leftover) - 8] = (uint8_t)(s->bits_hashed >> 56); - - /* hash the padding and length */ + s->leftover[s->leftover_offset++] = 0x80; /* always room for one byte */ + if (s->leftover_offset > (sizeof(s->leftover) - 8)) { + /* there is not room for all the padding in this block */ + _set(s->leftover + s->leftover_offset, 0x00, sizeof(s->leftover) - s->leftover_offset); compress(s->iv, s->leftover); - - /* copy the iv out to digest */ - for (i = 0; i < TC_SHA256_STATE_BLOCKS; ++i) { - unsigned int t = *((unsigned int *)&s->iv[i]); - *digest++ = (uint8_t)(t >> 24); - *digest++ = (uint8_t)(t >> 16); - *digest++ = (uint8_t)(t >> 8); - *digest++ = (uint8_t)(t); - } - - /* destroy the current state */ - _set(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); - - return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; + s->leftover_offset = 0; + } + + /* add the padding and the length in big-Endian format */ + _set(s->leftover + s->leftover_offset, 0x00, sizeof(s->leftover) - 8 - s->leftover_offset); + s->leftover[sizeof(s->leftover) - 1] = (uint8_t)(s->bits_hashed); + s->leftover[sizeof(s->leftover) - 2] = (uint8_t)(s->bits_hashed >> 8); + s->leftover[sizeof(s->leftover) - 3] = (uint8_t)(s->bits_hashed >> 16); + s->leftover[sizeof(s->leftover) - 4] = (uint8_t)(s->bits_hashed >> 24); + s->leftover[sizeof(s->leftover) - 5] = (uint8_t)(s->bits_hashed >> 32); + s->leftover[sizeof(s->leftover) - 6] = (uint8_t)(s->bits_hashed >> 40); + s->leftover[sizeof(s->leftover) - 7] = (uint8_t)(s->bits_hashed >> 48); + s->leftover[sizeof(s->leftover) - 8] = (uint8_t)(s->bits_hashed >> 56); + + /* hash the padding and length */ + compress(s->iv, s->leftover); + + /* copy the iv out to digest */ + for (i = 0; i < TC_SHA256_STATE_BLOCKS; ++i) { + unsigned int t = *((unsigned int *)&s->iv[i]); + *digest++ = (uint8_t)(t >> 24); + *digest++ = (uint8_t)(t >> 16); + *digest++ = (uint8_t)(t >> 8); + *digest++ = (uint8_t)(t); + } + + /* destroy the current state */ + _set(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); + + return TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS; } /* @@ -140,24 +133,13 @@ int tc_sha256_final(uint8_t *digest, TCSha256State_t s) * These values correspond to the first 32 bits of the fractional parts of the * cube roots of the first 64 primes between 2 and 311. */ -static const unsigned int k256[64] = { - 0x428a2f98, 0x71374491, 0xb5c0fbcf, 0xe9b5dba5, 0x3956c25b, 0x59f111f1, - 0x923f82a4, 0xab1c5ed5, 0xd807aa98, 0x12835b01, 0x243185be, 0x550c7dc3, - 0x72be5d74, 0x80deb1fe, 0x9bdc06a7, 0xc19bf174, 0xe49b69c1, 0xefbe4786, - 0x0fc19dc6, 0x240ca1cc, 0x2de92c6f, 0x4a7484aa, 0x5cb0a9dc, 0x76f988da, - 0x983e5152, 0xa831c66d, 0xb00327c8, 0xbf597fc7, 0xc6e00bf3, 0xd5a79147, - 0x06ca6351, 0x14292967, 0x27b70a85, 0x2e1b2138, 0x4d2c6dfc, 0x53380d13, - 0x650a7354, 0x766a0abb, 0x81c2c92e, 0x92722c85, 0xa2bfe8a1, 0xa81a664b, - 0xc24b8b70, 0xc76c51a3, 0xd192e819, 0xd6990624, 0xf40e3585, 0x106aa070, - 0x19a4c116, 0x1e376c08, 0x2748774c, 0x34b0bcb5, 0x391c0cb3, 0x4ed8aa4a, - 0x5b9cca4f, 0x682e6ff3, 0x748f82ee, 0x78a5636f, 0x84c87814, 0x8cc70208, - 0x90befffa, 0xa4506ceb, 0xbef9a3f7, 0xc67178f2 -}; - -static inline unsigned int ROTR(unsigned int a, unsigned int n) -{ - return (((a) >> n) | ((a) << (32 - n))); -} +static const unsigned int k256[64] = {0x428a2f98, 0x71374491, 0xb5c0fbcf, 0xe9b5dba5, 0x3956c25b, 0x59f111f1, 0x923f82a4, 0xab1c5ed5, 0xd807aa98, 0x12835b01, 0x243185be, 0x550c7dc3, 0x72be5d74, + 0x80deb1fe, 0x9bdc06a7, 0xc19bf174, 0xe49b69c1, 0xefbe4786, 0x0fc19dc6, 0x240ca1cc, 0x2de92c6f, 0x4a7484aa, 0x5cb0a9dc, 0x76f988da, 0x983e5152, 0xa831c66d, + 0xb00327c8, 0xbf597fc7, 0xc6e00bf3, 0xd5a79147, 0x06ca6351, 0x14292967, 0x27b70a85, 0x2e1b2138, 0x4d2c6dfc, 0x53380d13, 0x650a7354, 0x766a0abb, 0x81c2c92e, + 0x92722c85, 0xa2bfe8a1, 0xa81a664b, 0xc24b8b70, 0xc76c51a3, 0xd192e819, 0xd6990624, 0xf40e3585, 0x106aa070, 0x19a4c116, 0x1e376c08, 0x2748774c, 0x34b0bcb5, + 0x391c0cb3, 0x4ed8aa4a, 0x5b9cca4f, 0x682e6ff3, 0x748f82ee, 0x78a5636f, 0x84c87814, 0x8cc70208, 0x90befffa, 0xa4506ceb, 0xbef9a3f7, 0xc67178f2}; + +static inline unsigned int ROTR(unsigned int a, unsigned int n) { return (((a) >> n) | ((a) << (32 - n))); } #define Sigma0(a) (ROTR((a), 2) ^ ROTR((a), 13) ^ ROTR((a), 22)) #define Sigma1(a) (ROTR((a), 6) ^ ROTR((a), 11) ^ ROTR((a), 25)) @@ -167,75 +149,73 @@ static inline unsigned int ROTR(unsigned int a, unsigned int n) #define Ch(a, b, c) (((a) & (b)) ^ ((~(a)) & (c))) #define Maj(a, b, c) (((a) & (b)) ^ ((a) & (c)) ^ ((b) & (c))) -static inline unsigned int BigEndian(const uint8_t **c) -{ - unsigned int n = 0; +static inline unsigned int BigEndian(const uint8_t **c) { + unsigned int n = 0; - n = (((unsigned int)(*((*c)++))) << 24); - n |= ((unsigned int)(*((*c)++)) << 16); - n |= ((unsigned int)(*((*c)++)) << 8); - n |= ((unsigned int)(*((*c)++))); - return n; + n = (((unsigned int)(*((*c)++))) << 24); + n |= ((unsigned int)(*((*c)++)) << 16); + n |= ((unsigned int)(*((*c)++)) << 8); + n |= ((unsigned int)(*((*c)++))); + return n; } -static void compress(unsigned int *iv, const uint8_t *data) -{ - unsigned int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h; - unsigned int s0, s1; - unsigned int t1, t2; - unsigned int work_space[16]; - unsigned int n; - unsigned int i; - - a = iv[0]; - b = iv[1]; - c = iv[2]; - d = iv[3]; - e = iv[4]; - f = iv[5]; - g = iv[6]; - h = iv[7]; - - for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { - n = BigEndian(&data); - t1 = work_space[i] = n; - t1 += h + Sigma1(e) + Ch(e, f, g) + k256[i]; - t2 = Sigma0(a) + Maj(a, b, c); - h = g; - g = f; - f = e; - e = d + t1; - d = c; - c = b; - b = a; - a = t1 + t2; - } - - for (; i < 64; ++i) { - s0 = work_space[(i + 1) & 0x0f]; - s0 = sigma0(s0); - s1 = work_space[(i + 14) & 0x0f]; - s1 = sigma1(s1); - - t1 = work_space[i & 0xf] += s0 + s1 + work_space[(i + 9) & 0xf]; - t1 += h + Sigma1(e) + Ch(e, f, g) + k256[i]; - t2 = Sigma0(a) + Maj(a, b, c); - h = g; - g = f; - f = e; - e = d + t1; - d = c; - c = b; - b = a; - a = t1 + t2; - } - - iv[0] += a; - iv[1] += b; - iv[2] += c; - iv[3] += d; - iv[4] += e; - iv[5] += f; - iv[6] += g; - iv[7] += h; +static void compress(unsigned int *iv, const uint8_t *data) { + unsigned int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h; + unsigned int s0, s1; + unsigned int t1, t2; + unsigned int work_space[16]; + unsigned int n; + unsigned int i; + + a = iv[0]; + b = iv[1]; + c = iv[2]; + d = iv[3]; + e = iv[4]; + f = iv[5]; + g = iv[6]; + h = iv[7]; + + for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { + n = BigEndian(&data); + t1 = work_space[i] = n; + t1 += h + Sigma1(e) + Ch(e, f, g) + k256[i]; + t2 = Sigma0(a) + Maj(a, b, c); + h = g; + g = f; + f = e; + e = d + t1; + d = c; + c = b; + b = a; + a = t1 + t2; + } + + for (; i < 64; ++i) { + s0 = work_space[(i + 1) & 0x0f]; + s0 = sigma0(s0); + s1 = work_space[(i + 14) & 0x0f]; + s1 = sigma1(s1); + + t1 = work_space[i & 0xf] += s0 + s1 + work_space[(i + 9) & 0xf]; + t1 += h + Sigma1(e) + Ch(e, f, g) + k256[i]; + t2 = Sigma0(a) + Maj(a, b, c); + h = g; + g = f; + f = e; + e = d + t1; + d = c; + c = b; + b = a; + a = t1 + t2; + } + + iv[0] += a; + iv[1] += b; + iv[2] += c; + iv[3] += d; + iv[4] += e; + iv[5] += f; + iv[6] += g; + iv[7] += h; } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/utils.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/utils.c index 137702a868..2cef6b05b5 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/utils.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/tinycrypt/source/utils.c @@ -37,38 +37,29 @@ #define MASK_TWENTY_SEVEN 0x1b -unsigned int _copy(uint8_t *to, unsigned int to_len, - const uint8_t *from, unsigned int from_len) -{ - if (from_len <= to_len) { - (void)memcpy(to, from, from_len); - return from_len; - } else { - return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; - } +unsigned int _copy(uint8_t *to, unsigned int to_len, const uint8_t *from, unsigned int from_len) { + if (from_len <= to_len) { + (void)memcpy(to, from, from_len); + return from_len; + } else { + return TC_CRYPTO_FAIL; + } } -void _set(void *to, uint8_t val, unsigned int len) -{ - (void)memset(to, val, len); -} +void _set(void *to, uint8_t val, unsigned int len) { (void)memset(to, val, len); } /* * Doubles the value of a byte for values up to 127. */ -uint8_t _double_byte(uint8_t a) -{ - return ((a << 1) ^ ((a >> 7) * MASK_TWENTY_SEVEN)); -} +uint8_t _double_byte(uint8_t a) { return ((a << 1) ^ ((a >> 7) * MASK_TWENTY_SEVEN)); } -int _compare(const uint8_t *a, const uint8_t *b, size_t size) -{ - const uint8_t *tempa = a; - const uint8_t *tempb = b; - uint8_t result = 0; +int _compare(const uint8_t *a, const uint8_t *b, size_t size) { + const uint8_t *tempa = a; + const uint8_t *tempb = b; + uint8_t result = 0; - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++) { - result |= tempa[i] ^ tempb[i]; - } - return result; + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++) { + result |= tempa[i] ^ tempb[i]; + } + return result; } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/utils.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/utils.c index bde3392652..76071e3f39 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/utils.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/utils.c @@ -1,132 +1,125 @@ /***************************************************************************************** -* -* @file utils.c -* -* @brief entry -* -* Copyright (C) Bouffalo Lab 2019 -* -* History: 2019-11 crealted by Lanlan Gong @ Shanghai -* -*****************************************************************************************/ -#include + * + * @file utils.c + * + * @brief entry + * + * Copyright (C) Bouffalo Lab 2019 + * + * History: 2019-11 crealted by Lanlan Gong @ Shanghai + * + *****************************************************************************************/ #include +#include #include -void reverse_bytearray(uint8_t *src, uint8_t *result, int array_size) -{ - for (int i = 0; i < array_size; i++) { - result[array_size - i - 1] = src[i]; - } +void reverse_bytearray(uint8_t *src, uint8_t *result, int array_size) { + for (int i = 0; i < array_size; i++) { + result[array_size - i - 1] = src[i]; + } } -unsigned int find_msb_set(uint32_t data) -{ - uint32_t count = 0; - uint32_t mask = 0x80000000; +unsigned int find_msb_set(uint32_t data) { + uint32_t count = 0; + uint32_t mask = 0x80000000; - if (!data) { - return 0; - } - while ((data & mask) == 0) { - count += 1u; - mask = mask >> 1u; - } - return (32 - count); + if (!data) { + return 0; + } + while ((data & mask) == 0) { + count += 1u; + mask = mask >> 1u; + } + return (32 - count); } -unsigned int find_lsb_set(uint32_t data) -{ - uint32_t count = 0; - uint32_t mask = 0x00000001; +unsigned int find_lsb_set(uint32_t data) { + uint32_t count = 0; + uint32_t mask = 0x00000001; - if (!data) { - return 0; - } - while ((data & mask) == 0) { - count += 1u; - mask = mask << 1u; - } - return (1 + count); + if (!data) { + return 0; + } + while ((data & mask) == 0) { + count += 1u; + mask = mask << 1u; + } + return (1 + count); } -int char2hex(char c, uint8_t *x) -{ - if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { - *x = c - '0'; - } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { - *x = c - 'a' + 10; - } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { - *x = c - 'A' + 10; - } else { - return -1; - } - - return 0; +int char2hex(char c, uint8_t *x) { + if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { + *x = c - '0'; + } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { + *x = c - 'a' + 10; + } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { + *x = c - 'A' + 10; + } else { + return -1; + } + + return 0; } -int hex2char(uint8_t x, char *c) -{ - if (x <= 9) { - *c = x + '0'; - } else if (x <= 15) { - *c = x - 10 + 'a'; - } else { - return -1; - } +int hex2char(uint8_t x, char *c) { + if (x <= 9) { + *c = x + '0'; + } else if (x <= 15) { + *c = x - 10 + 'a'; + } else { + return -1; + } - return 0; + return 0; } -size_t bin2hex(const uint8_t *buf, size_t buflen, char *hex, size_t hexlen) -{ - if ((hexlen + 1) < buflen * 2) { - return 0; - } +size_t bin2hex(const uint8_t *buf, size_t buflen, char *hex, size_t hexlen) { + if ((hexlen + 1) < buflen * 2) { + return 0; + } - for (size_t i = 0; i < buflen; i++) { - if (hex2char(buf[i] >> 4, &hex[2 * i]) < 0) { - return 0; - } - if (hex2char(buf[i] & 0xf, &hex[2 * i + 1]) < 0) { - return 0; - } + for (size_t i = 0; i < buflen; i++) { + if (hex2char(buf[i] >> 4, &hex[2 * i]) < 0) { + return 0; + } + if (hex2char(buf[i] & 0xf, &hex[2 * i + 1]) < 0) { + return 0; } + } - hex[2 * buflen] = '\0'; - return 2 * buflen; + hex[2 * buflen] = '\0'; + return 2 * buflen; } -size_t hex2bin(const char *hex, size_t hexlen, uint8_t *buf, size_t buflen) -{ - uint8_t dec; +size_t hex2bin(const char *hex, size_t hexlen, uint8_t *buf, size_t buflen) { + uint8_t dec; - if (buflen < hexlen / 2 + hexlen % 2) { - return 0; - } + if (buflen < hexlen / 2 + hexlen % 2) { + return 0; + } - /* if hexlen is uneven, insert leading zero nibble */ - if (hexlen % 2) { - if (char2hex(hex[0], &dec) < 0) { - return 0; - } - buf[0] = dec; - hex++; - buf++; + /* if hexlen is uneven, insert leading zero nibble */ + if (hexlen % 2) { + if (char2hex(hex[0], &dec) < 0) { + return 0; + } + buf[0] = dec; + hex++; + buf++; + } + + /* regular hex conversion */ + for (size_t i = 0; i < hexlen / 2; i++) { + if (char2hex(hex[2 * i], &dec) < 0) { + return 0; } + buf[i] = dec << 4; - /* regular hex conversion */ - for (size_t i = 0; i < hexlen / 2; i++) { - if (char2hex(hex[2 * i], &dec) < 0) { - return 0; - } - buf[i] = dec << 4; - - if (char2hex(hex[2 * i + 1], &dec) < 0) { - return 0; - } - buf[i] += dec; + if (char2hex(hex[2 * i + 1], &dec) < 0) { + return 0; } + buf[i] += dec; + } - return hexlen / 2 + hexlen % 2; + return hexlen / 2 + hexlen % 2; } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/work_q.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/work_q.c index f8f72ad6f3..86d2285c11 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/work_q.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/common/work_q.c @@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ * Workqueue support functions */ -#include -#include #include "errno.h" +#include +#include struct k_thread work_q_thread; #if !defined(BFLB_BLE) @@ -21,328 +21,295 @@ static BT_STACK_NOINIT(work_q_stack, CONFIG_BT_WORK_QUEUE_STACK_SIZE); #endif struct k_work_q g_work_queue_main; -static void k_work_submit_to_queue(struct k_work_q *work_q, - struct k_work *work) -{ - if (!atomic_test_and_set_bit(work->flags, K_WORK_STATE_PENDING)) { - k_fifo_put(&work_q->fifo, work); - } +static void k_work_submit_to_queue(struct k_work_q *work_q, struct k_work *work) { + if (!atomic_test_and_set_bit(work->flags, K_WORK_STATE_PENDING)) { + k_fifo_put(&work_q->fifo, work); + } } #if defined(BFLB_BLE) -static void work_queue_main(void *p1) -{ - struct k_work *work; - UNUSED(p1); - - while (1) { - work = k_fifo_get(&g_work_queue_main.fifo, K_FOREVER); +static void work_queue_main(void *p1) { + struct k_work *work; + UNUSED(p1); - if (atomic_test_and_clear_bit(work->flags, K_WORK_STATE_PENDING)) { - work->handler(work); - } + while (1) { + work = k_fifo_get(&g_work_queue_main.fifo, K_FOREVER); - k_yield(); + if (atomic_test_and_clear_bit(work->flags, K_WORK_STATE_PENDING)) { + work->handler(work); } + + k_yield(); + } } -int k_work_q_start(void) -{ - k_fifo_init(&g_work_queue_main.fifo, 20); - return k_thread_create(&work_q_thread, "work_q_thread", - CONFIG_BT_WORK_QUEUE_STACK_SIZE, - work_queue_main, CONFIG_BT_WORK_QUEUE_PRIO); +int k_work_q_start(void) { + k_fifo_init(&g_work_queue_main.fifo, 20); + return k_thread_create(&work_q_thread, "work_q_thread", CONFIG_BT_WORK_QUEUE_STACK_SIZE, work_queue_main, CONFIG_BT_WORK_QUEUE_PRIO); } -int k_work_init(struct k_work *work, k_work_handler_t handler) -{ - ASSERT(work, "work is NULL"); +int k_work_init(struct k_work *work, k_work_handler_t handler) { + ASSERT(work, "work is NULL"); - atomic_clear(work->flags); - work->handler = handler; - return 0; + atomic_clear(work->flags); + work->handler = handler; + return 0; } -void k_work_submit(struct k_work *work) -{ - k_work_submit_to_queue(&g_work_queue_main, work); -} +void k_work_submit(struct k_work *work) { k_work_submit_to_queue(&g_work_queue_main, work); } -static void work_timeout(void *timer) -{ - /* Parameter timer type is */ - struct k_delayed_work *w = (struct k_delayed_work *)k_timer_get_id(timer); - if (w->work_q == NULL) { - return; - } +static void work_timeout(void *timer) { + /* Parameter timer type is */ + struct k_delayed_work *w = (struct k_delayed_work *)k_timer_get_id(timer); + if (w->work_q == NULL) { + return; + } - /* submit work to workqueue */ - if (!atomic_test_bit(w->work.flags, K_WORK_STATE_PERIODIC)) { - k_work_submit_to_queue(w->work_q, &w->work); - /* detach from workqueue, for cancel to return appropriate status */ - w->work_q = NULL; - } else { - /* For periodic timer, restart it.*/ - k_timer_reset(&w->timer); - k_work_submit_to_queue(w->work_q, &w->work); - } + /* submit work to workqueue */ + if (!atomic_test_bit(w->work.flags, K_WORK_STATE_PERIODIC)) { + k_work_submit_to_queue(w->work_q, &w->work); + /* detach from workqueue, for cancel to return appropriate status */ + w->work_q = NULL; + } else { + /* For periodic timer, restart it.*/ + k_timer_reset(&w->timer); + k_work_submit_to_queue(w->work_q, &w->work); + } } -void k_delayed_work_init(struct k_delayed_work *work, k_work_handler_t handler) -{ - ASSERT(work, "delay work is NULL"); - /* Added by bouffalolab */ - k_work_init(&work->work, handler); - k_timer_init(&work->timer, work_timeout, work); - work->work_q = NULL; +void k_delayed_work_init(struct k_delayed_work *work, k_work_handler_t handler) { + ASSERT(work, "delay work is NULL"); + /* Added by bouffalolab */ + k_work_init(&work->work, handler); + k_timer_init(&work->timer, work_timeout, work); + work->work_q = NULL; } -static int k_delayed_work_submit_to_queue(struct k_work_q *work_q, - struct k_delayed_work *work, - uint32_t delay) -{ - int err; +static int k_delayed_work_submit_to_queue(struct k_work_q *work_q, struct k_delayed_work *work, uint32_t delay) { + int err; - /* Work cannot be active in multiple queues */ - if (work->work_q && work->work_q != work_q) { - err = -EADDRINUSE; - goto done; - } + /* Work cannot be active in multiple queues */ + if (work->work_q && work->work_q != work_q) { + err = -EADDRINUSE; + goto done; + } - /* Cancel if work has been submitted */ - if (work->work_q == work_q) { - err = k_delayed_work_cancel(work); + /* Cancel if work has been submitted */ + if (work->work_q == work_q) { + err = k_delayed_work_cancel(work); - if (err < 0) { - goto done; - } + if (err < 0) { + goto done; } + } - if (!delay) { - /* Submit work if no ticks is 0 */ - k_work_submit_to_queue(work_q, &work->work); - work->work_q = NULL; - } else { - /* Add timeout */ - /* Attach workqueue so the timeout callback can submit it */ - k_timer_start(&work->timer, delay); - work->work_q = work_q; - } + if (!delay) { + /* Submit work if no ticks is 0 */ + k_work_submit_to_queue(work_q, &work->work); + work->work_q = NULL; + } else { + /* Add timeout */ + /* Attach workqueue so the timeout callback can submit it */ + k_timer_start(&work->timer, delay); + work->work_q = work_q; + } - err = 0; + err = 0; done: - return err; + return err; } -int k_delayed_work_submit(struct k_delayed_work *work, uint32_t delay) -{ - atomic_clear_bit(work->work.flags, K_WORK_STATE_PERIODIC); - return k_delayed_work_submit_to_queue(&g_work_queue_main, work, delay); +int k_delayed_work_submit(struct k_delayed_work *work, uint32_t delay) { + atomic_clear_bit(work->work.flags, K_WORK_STATE_PERIODIC); + return k_delayed_work_submit_to_queue(&g_work_queue_main, work, delay); } /* Added by bouffalolab */ -int k_delayed_work_submit_periodic(struct k_delayed_work *work, s32_t period) -{ - atomic_set_bit(work->work.flags, K_WORK_STATE_PERIODIC); - return k_delayed_work_submit_to_queue(&g_work_queue_main, work, period); +int k_delayed_work_submit_periodic(struct k_delayed_work *work, s32_t period) { + atomic_set_bit(work->work.flags, K_WORK_STATE_PERIODIC); + return k_delayed_work_submit_to_queue(&g_work_queue_main, work, period); } -int k_delayed_work_cancel(struct k_delayed_work *work) -{ - int err = 0; +int k_delayed_work_cancel(struct k_delayed_work *work) { + int err = 0; - if (atomic_test_bit(work->work.flags, K_WORK_STATE_PENDING)) { - err = -EINPROGRESS; - goto exit; - } + if (atomic_test_bit(work->work.flags, K_WORK_STATE_PENDING)) { + err = -EINPROGRESS; + goto exit; + } - if (!work->work_q) { - err = -EINVAL; - goto exit; - } + if (!work->work_q) { + err = -EINVAL; + goto exit; + } - k_timer_stop(&work->timer); - work->work_q = NULL; - work->timer.timeout = 0; - work->timer.start_ms = 0; + k_timer_stop(&work->timer); + work->work_q = NULL; + work->timer.timeout = 0; + work->timer.start_ms = 0; exit: - return err; + return err; } -s32_t k_delayed_work_remaining_get(struct k_delayed_work *work) -{ - int32_t remain; - k_timer_t *timer; +s32_t k_delayed_work_remaining_get(struct k_delayed_work *work) { + int32_t remain; + k_timer_t *timer; - if (work == NULL) { - return 0; - } - - timer = &work->timer; - remain = timer->timeout - (k_now_ms() - timer->start_ms); - if (remain < 0) { - remain = 0; - } - return remain; + if (work == NULL) { + return 0; + } + + timer = &work->timer; + remain = timer->timeout - (k_now_ms() - timer->start_ms); + if (remain < 0) { + remain = 0; + } + return remain; } -void k_delayed_work_del_timer(struct k_delayed_work *work) -{ - if (NULL == work || NULL == work->timer.timer.hdl) - return; +void k_delayed_work_del_timer(struct k_delayed_work *work) { + if (NULL == work || NULL == work->timer.timer.hdl) { + return; + } - k_timer_delete(&work->timer); - work->timer.timer.hdl = NULL; + k_timer_delete(&work->timer); + work->timer.timer.hdl = NULL; } /* Added by bouffalolab */ -int k_delayed_work_free(struct k_delayed_work *work) -{ - int err = 0; +int k_delayed_work_free(struct k_delayed_work *work) { + int err = 0; - if (atomic_test_bit(work->work.flags, K_WORK_STATE_PENDING)) { - err = -EINPROGRESS; - goto exit; - } + if (atomic_test_bit(work->work.flags, K_WORK_STATE_PENDING)) { + err = -EINPROGRESS; + goto exit; + } - k_delayed_work_del_timer(work); - work->work_q = NULL; - work->timer.timeout = 0; - work->timer.start_ms = 0; + k_delayed_work_del_timer(work); + work->work_q = NULL; + work->timer.timeout = 0; + work->timer.start_ms = 0; exit: - return err; + return err; } #else -static void work_q_main(void *work_q_ptr, void *p2, void *p3) -{ - struct k_work_q *work_q = work_q_ptr; - - ARG_UNUSED(p2); - ARG_UNUSED(p3); - - while (1) { - struct k_work *work; - k_work_handler_t handler; - - work = k_queue_get(&work_q->queue, K_FOREVER); - if (!work) { - continue; - } - - handler = work->handler; - - /* Reset pending state so it can be resubmitted by handler */ - if (atomic_test_and_clear_bit(work->flags, - K_WORK_STATE_PENDING)) { - handler(work); - } - - /* Make sure we don't hog up the CPU if the FIFO never (or - * very rarely) gets empty. - */ - k_yield(); +static void work_q_main(void *work_q_ptr, void *p2, void *p3) { + struct k_work_q *work_q = work_q_ptr; + + ARG_UNUSED(p2); + ARG_UNUSED(p3); + + while (1) { + struct k_work *work; + k_work_handler_t handler; + + work = k_queue_get(&work_q->queue, K_FOREVER); + if (!work) { + continue; } + + handler = work->handler; + + /* Reset pending state so it can be resubmitted by handler */ + if (atomic_test_and_clear_bit(work->flags, K_WORK_STATE_PENDING)) { + handler(work); + } + + /* Make sure we don't hog up the CPU if the FIFO never (or + * very rarely) gets empty. + */ + k_yield(); + } } -void k_work_q_start(struct k_work_q *work_q, k_thread_stack_t *stack, - size_t stack_size, int prio) -{ - k_queue_init(&work_q->queue, 20); - k_thread_create(&work_q->thread, stack, stack_size, work_q_main, - work_q, 0, 0, prio, 0, 0); - _k_object_init(work_q); +void k_work_q_start(struct k_work_q *work_q, k_thread_stack_t *stack, size_t stack_size, int prio) { + k_queue_init(&work_q->queue, 20); + k_thread_create(&work_q->thread, stack, stack_size, work_q_main, work_q, 0, 0, prio, 0, 0); + _k_object_init(work_q); } #ifdef CONFIG_SYS_CLOCK_EXISTS -static void work_timeout(struct _timeout *t) -{ - struct k_delayed_work *w = CONTAINER_OF(t, struct k_delayed_work, - timeout); +static void work_timeout(struct _timeout *t) { + struct k_delayed_work *w = CONTAINER_OF(t, struct k_delayed_work, timeout); - /* submit work to workqueue */ - k_work_submit_to_queue(w->work_q, &w->work); + /* submit work to workqueue */ + k_work_submit_to_queue(w->work_q, &w->work); } -void k_delayed_work_init(struct k_delayed_work *work, k_work_handler_t handler) -{ - k_work_init(&work->work, handler); - _init_timeout(&work->timeout, work_timeout); - work->work_q = NULL; +void k_delayed_work_init(struct k_delayed_work *work, k_work_handler_t handler) { + k_work_init(&work->work, handler); + _init_timeout(&work->timeout, work_timeout); + work->work_q = NULL; - _k_object_init(work); + _k_object_init(work); } -int k_delayed_work_submit_to_queue(struct k_work_q *work_q, - struct k_delayed_work *work, - s32_t delay) -{ - unsigned int key = irq_lock(); - int err; - - /* Work cannot be active in multiple queues */ - if (work->work_q && work->work_q != work_q) { - err = -EADDRINUSE; - goto done; +int k_delayed_work_submit_to_queue(struct k_work_q *work_q, struct k_delayed_work *work, s32_t delay) { + unsigned int key = irq_lock(); + int err; + + /* Work cannot be active in multiple queues */ + if (work->work_q && work->work_q != work_q) { + err = -EADDRINUSE; + goto done; + } + + /* Cancel if work has been submitted */ + if (work->work_q == work_q) { + err = k_delayed_work_cancel(work); + if (err < 0) { + goto done; } + } - /* Cancel if work has been submitted */ - if (work->work_q == work_q) { - err = k_delayed_work_cancel(work); - if (err < 0) { - goto done; - } - } - - /* Attach workqueue so the timeout callback can submit it */ - work->work_q = work_q; + /* Attach workqueue so the timeout callback can submit it */ + work->work_q = work_q; - if (!delay) { - /* Submit work if no ticks is 0 */ - k_work_submit_to_queue(work_q, &work->work); - } else { - /* Add timeout */ - _add_timeout(NULL, &work->timeout, NULL, - _TICK_ALIGN + _ms_to_ticks(delay)); - } + if (!delay) { + /* Submit work if no ticks is 0 */ + k_work_submit_to_queue(work_q, &work->work); + } else { + /* Add timeout */ + _add_timeout(NULL, &work->timeout, NULL, _TICK_ALIGN + _ms_to_ticks(delay)); + } - err = 0; + err = 0; done: - irq_unlock(key); + irq_unlock(key); - return err; + return err; } -int k_delayed_work_cancel(struct k_delayed_work *work) -{ - unsigned int key = irq_lock(); +int k_delayed_work_cancel(struct k_delayed_work *work) { + unsigned int key = irq_lock(); - if (!work->work_q) { - irq_unlock(key); - return -EINVAL; - } - - if (k_work_pending(&work->work)) { - /* Remove from the queue if already submitted */ - if (!k_queue_remove(&work->work_q->queue, &work->work)) { - irq_unlock(key); - return -EINVAL; - } - } else { - _abort_timeout(&work->timeout); + if (!work->work_q) { + irq_unlock(key); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (k_work_pending(&work->work)) { + /* Remove from the queue if already submitted */ + if (!k_queue_remove(&work->work_q->queue, &work->work)) { + irq_unlock(key); + return -EINVAL; } + } else { + _abort_timeout(&work->timeout); + } - /* Detach from workqueue */ - work->work_q = NULL; + /* Detach from workqueue */ + work->work_q = NULL; - atomic_clear_bit(work->work.flags, K_WORK_STATE_PENDING); - irq_unlock(key); + atomic_clear_bit(work->work.flags, K_WORK_STATE_PENDING); + irq_unlock(key); - return 0; + return 0; } #endif /* CONFIG_SYS_CLOCK_EXISTS */ #endif /* BFLB_BLE */ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/hci_onchip/hci_driver.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/hci_onchip/hci_driver.c index a992c5d1c6..47b1daf682 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/hci_onchip/hci_driver.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/hci_onchip/hci_driver.c @@ -10,20 +10,20 @@ #include #include -//#include -//#include -//#include -//#include +// #include +// #include +// #include +// #include #include #include -#include -#include #include +#include +#include #include -#include #include +#include #ifdef CONFIG_CLOCK_CONTROL_NRF5 #include @@ -32,20 +32,19 @@ #define BT_DBG_ENABLED IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_DEBUG_HCI_DRIVER) #include "log.h" -//#include "util/util.h" -//#include "hal/ccm.h" -//#include "hal/radio.h" -//#include "ll_sw/pdu.h" -//#include "ll_sw/ctrl.h" +// #include "util/util.h" +// #include "hal/ccm.h" +// #include "hal/radio.h" +// #include "ll_sw/pdu.h" +// #include "ll_sw/ctrl.h" #include "hci_internal.h" -//#include "init.h" -//#include "hal/debug.h" +// #include "init.h" +// #include "hal/debug.h" #if defined(BFLB_BLE) #include "bl_hci_wrapper.h" #endif -#define NODE_RX(_node) CONTAINER_OF(_node, struct radio_pdu_node_rx, \ - hdr.onion.node) +#define NODE_RX(_node) CONTAINER_OF(_node, struct radio_pdu_node_rx, hdr.onion.node) #if !defined(BFLB_BLE) static K_SEM_DEFINE(sem_prio_recv, 0, BT_UINT_MAX); @@ -54,13 +53,12 @@ static K_SEM_DEFINE(sem_prio_recv, 0, BT_UINT_MAX); K_FIFO_DEFINE(recv_fifo); #if (BFLB_BLE_CO_THREAD) extern struct k_sem g_poll_sem; -static int recv_fifo_count = 0; +static int recv_fifo_count = 0; #endif #if !defined(BFLB_BLE) struct k_thread prio_recv_thread_data; -static BT_STACK_NOINIT(prio_recv_thread_stack, - CONFIG_BT_CTLR_RX_PRIO_STACK_SIZE); +static BT_STACK_NOINIT(prio_recv_thread_stack, CONFIG_BT_CTLR_RX_PRIO_STACK_SIZE); #endif struct k_thread recv_thread_data; @@ -74,487 +72,452 @@ static u32_t rx_ts; #endif #if defined(CONFIG_BT_HCI_ACL_FLOW_CONTROL) -static struct k_poll_signal hbuf_signal = - K_POLL_SIGNAL_INITIALIZER(hbuf_signal); -static sys_slist_t hbuf_pend; -static s32_t hbuf_count; +static struct k_poll_signal hbuf_signal = K_POLL_SIGNAL_INITIALIZER(hbuf_signal); +static sys_slist_t hbuf_pend; +static s32_t hbuf_count; #endif #if !defined(BFLB_BLE) -static void prio_recv_thread(void *p1, void *p2, void *p3) -{ - while (1) { - struct radio_pdu_node_rx *node_rx; - u8_t num_cmplt; - u16_t handle; - - while ((num_cmplt = radio_rx_get(&node_rx, &handle))) { +static void prio_recv_thread(void *p1, void *p2, void *p3) { + while (1) { + struct radio_pdu_node_rx *node_rx; + u8_t num_cmplt; + u16_t handle; + + while ((num_cmplt = radio_rx_get(&node_rx, &handle))) { #if defined(CONFIG_BT_CONN) - struct net_buf *buf; + struct net_buf *buf; - buf = bt_buf_get_rx(BT_BUF_EVT, K_FOREVER); - hci_num_cmplt_encode(buf, handle, num_cmplt); - BT_DBG("Num Complete: 0x%04x:%u", handle, num_cmplt); - bt_recv_prio(buf); - k_yield(); + buf = bt_buf_get_rx(BT_BUF_EVT, K_FOREVER); + hci_num_cmplt_encode(buf, handle, num_cmplt); + BT_DBG("Num Complete: 0x%04x:%u", handle, num_cmplt); + bt_recv_prio(buf); + k_yield(); #endif - } + } - if (node_rx) { - radio_rx_dequeue(); + if (node_rx) { + radio_rx_dequeue(); - BT_DBG("RX node enqueue"); - k_fifo_put(&recv_fifo, node_rx); + BT_DBG("RX node enqueue"); + k_fifo_put(&recv_fifo, node_rx); - continue; - } + continue; + } - BT_DBG("sem take..."); - k_sem_take(&sem_prio_recv, K_FOREVER); - BT_DBG("sem taken"); + BT_DBG("sem take..."); + k_sem_take(&sem_prio_recv, K_FOREVER); + BT_DBG("sem taken"); #if defined(CONFIG_INIT_STACKS) - if (k_uptime_get_32() - prio_ts > K_SECONDS(5)) { - STACK_ANALYZE("prio recv thread stack", - prio_recv_thread_stack); - prio_ts = k_uptime_get_32(); - } -#endif + if (k_uptime_get_32() - prio_ts > K_SECONDS(5)) { + STACK_ANALYZE("prio recv thread stack", prio_recv_thread_stack); + prio_ts = k_uptime_get_32(); } +#endif + } } -static inline struct net_buf *encode_node(struct radio_pdu_node_rx *node_rx, - s8_t class) -{ - struct net_buf *buf = NULL; +static inline struct net_buf *encode_node(struct radio_pdu_node_rx *node_rx, s8_t class) { + struct net_buf *buf = NULL; - /* Check if we need to generate an HCI event or ACL data */ - switch (class) { - case HCI_CLASS_EVT_DISCARDABLE: - case HCI_CLASS_EVT_REQUIRED: - case HCI_CLASS_EVT_CONNECTION: - if (class == HCI_CLASS_EVT_DISCARDABLE) { - buf = bt_buf_get_rx(BT_BUF_EVT, K_NO_WAIT); - } else { - buf = bt_buf_get_rx(BT_BUF_EVT, K_FOREVER); - } - if (buf) { - hci_evt_encode(node_rx, buf); - } - break; + /* Check if we need to generate an HCI event or ACL data */ + switch (class) { + case HCI_CLASS_EVT_DISCARDABLE: + case HCI_CLASS_EVT_REQUIRED: + case HCI_CLASS_EVT_CONNECTION: + if (class == HCI_CLASS_EVT_DISCARDABLE) { + buf = bt_buf_get_rx(BT_BUF_EVT, K_NO_WAIT); + } else { + buf = bt_buf_get_rx(BT_BUF_EVT, K_FOREVER); + } + if (buf) { + hci_evt_encode(node_rx, buf); + } + break; #if defined(CONFIG_BT_CONN) - case HCI_CLASS_ACL_DATA: - /* generate ACL data */ - buf = bt_buf_get_rx(BT_BUF_ACL_IN, K_FOREVER); - hci_acl_encode(node_rx, buf); - break; + case HCI_CLASS_ACL_DATA: + /* generate ACL data */ + buf = bt_buf_get_rx(BT_BUF_ACL_IN, K_FOREVER); + hci_acl_encode(node_rx, buf); + break; #endif - default: - LL_ASSERT(0); - break; - } + default: + LL_ASSERT(0); + break; + } - radio_rx_fc_set(node_rx->hdr.handle, 0); - node_rx->hdr.onion.next = 0; - radio_rx_mem_release(&node_rx); + radio_rx_fc_set(node_rx->hdr.handle, 0); + node_rx->hdr.onion.next = 0; + radio_rx_mem_release(&node_rx); - return buf; + return buf; } -static inline struct net_buf *process_node(struct radio_pdu_node_rx *node_rx) -{ - s8_t class = hci_get_class(node_rx); - struct net_buf *buf = NULL; +static inline struct net_buf *process_node(struct radio_pdu_node_rx *node_rx) { + s8_t class = hci_get_class(node_rx); + struct net_buf *buf = NULL; #if defined(CONFIG_BT_HCI_ACL_FLOW_CONTROL) - if (hbuf_count != -1) { - bool pend = !sys_slist_is_empty(&hbuf_pend); - - /* controller to host flow control enabled */ - switch (class) { - case HCI_CLASS_EVT_DISCARDABLE: - case HCI_CLASS_EVT_REQUIRED: - break; - case HCI_CLASS_EVT_CONNECTION: - /* for conn-related events, only pend is relevant */ - hbuf_count = 1; - /* fallthrough */ - case HCI_CLASS_ACL_DATA: - if (pend || !hbuf_count) { - sys_slist_append(&hbuf_pend, - &node_rx->hdr.onion.node); - BT_DBG("FC: Queuing item: %d", class); - return NULL; - } - break; - default: - LL_ASSERT(0); - break; - } + if (hbuf_count != -1) { + bool pend = !sys_slist_is_empty(&hbuf_pend); + + /* controller to host flow control enabled */ + switch (class) { + case HCI_CLASS_EVT_DISCARDABLE: + case HCI_CLASS_EVT_REQUIRED: + break; + case HCI_CLASS_EVT_CONNECTION: + /* for conn-related events, only pend is relevant */ + hbuf_count = 1; + /* fallthrough */ + case HCI_CLASS_ACL_DATA: + if (pend || !hbuf_count) { + sys_slist_append(&hbuf_pend, &node_rx->hdr.onion.node); + BT_DBG("FC: Queuing item: %d", class); + return NULL; + } + break; + default: + LL_ASSERT(0); + break; } + } #endif - /* process regular node from radio */ - buf = encode_node(node_rx, class); + /* process regular node from radio */ + buf = encode_node(node_rx, class); - return buf; + return buf; } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_HCI_ACL_FLOW_CONTROL) -static inline struct net_buf *process_hbuf(struct radio_pdu_node_rx *n) -{ - /* shadow total count in case of preemption */ - struct radio_pdu_node_rx *node_rx = NULL; - s32_t hbuf_total = hci_hbuf_total; - struct net_buf *buf = NULL; - sys_snode_t *node = NULL; - s8_t class; - int reset; - - reset = atomic_test_and_clear_bit(&hci_state_mask, HCI_STATE_BIT_RESET); - if (reset) { - /* flush queue, no need to free, the LL has already done it */ - sys_slist_init(&hbuf_pend); +static inline struct net_buf *process_hbuf(struct radio_pdu_node_rx *n) { + /* shadow total count in case of preemption */ + struct radio_pdu_node_rx *node_rx = NULL; + s32_t hbuf_total = hci_hbuf_total; + struct net_buf *buf = NULL; + sys_snode_t *node = NULL; + s8_t class; + int reset; + + reset = atomic_test_and_clear_bit(&hci_state_mask, HCI_STATE_BIT_RESET); + if (reset) { + /* flush queue, no need to free, the LL has already done it */ + sys_slist_init(&hbuf_pend); + } + + if (hbuf_total <= 0) { + hbuf_count = -1; + return NULL; + } + + /* available host buffers */ + hbuf_count = hbuf_total - (hci_hbuf_sent - hci_hbuf_acked); + + /* host acked ACL packets, try to dequeue from hbuf */ + node = sys_slist_peek_head(&hbuf_pend); + if (!node) { + return NULL; + } + + /* Return early if this iteration already has a node to process */ + node_rx = NODE_RX(node); + class = hci_get_class(node_rx); + if (n) { + if (class == HCI_CLASS_EVT_CONNECTION || (class == HCI_CLASS_ACL_DATA && hbuf_count)) { + /* node to process later, schedule an iteration */ + BT_DBG("FC: signalling"); + k_poll_signal_raise(&hbuf_signal, 0x0); } - - if (hbuf_total <= 0) { - hbuf_count = -1; - return NULL; + return NULL; + } + + switch (class) { + case HCI_CLASS_EVT_CONNECTION: + BT_DBG("FC: dequeueing event"); + (void)sys_slist_get(&hbuf_pend); + break; + case HCI_CLASS_ACL_DATA: + if (hbuf_count) { + BT_DBG("FC: dequeueing ACL data"); + (void)sys_slist_get(&hbuf_pend); + } else { + /* no buffers, HCI will signal */ + node = NULL; } - - /* available host buffers */ + break; + case HCI_CLASS_EVT_DISCARDABLE: + case HCI_CLASS_EVT_REQUIRED: + default: + LL_ASSERT(0); + break; + } + + if (node) { + buf = encode_node(node_rx, class); + /* Update host buffers after encoding */ hbuf_count = hbuf_total - (hci_hbuf_sent - hci_hbuf_acked); - - /* host acked ACL packets, try to dequeue from hbuf */ + /* next node */ node = sys_slist_peek_head(&hbuf_pend); - if (!node) { - return NULL; - } - - /* Return early if this iteration already has a node to process */ - node_rx = NODE_RX(node); - class = hci_get_class(node_rx); - if (n) { - if (class == HCI_CLASS_EVT_CONNECTION || - (class == HCI_CLASS_ACL_DATA && hbuf_count)) { - /* node to process later, schedule an iteration */ - BT_DBG("FC: signalling"); - k_poll_signal_raise(&hbuf_signal, 0x0); - } - return NULL; - } - - switch (class) { - case HCI_CLASS_EVT_CONNECTION: - BT_DBG("FC: dequeueing event"); - (void)sys_slist_get(&hbuf_pend); - break; - case HCI_CLASS_ACL_DATA: - if (hbuf_count) { - BT_DBG("FC: dequeueing ACL data"); - (void)sys_slist_get(&hbuf_pend); - } else { - /* no buffers, HCI will signal */ - node = NULL; - } - break; - case HCI_CLASS_EVT_DISCARDABLE: - case HCI_CLASS_EVT_REQUIRED: - default: - LL_ASSERT(0); - break; - } - if (node) { - buf = encode_node(node_rx, class); - /* Update host buffers after encoding */ - hbuf_count = hbuf_total - (hci_hbuf_sent - hci_hbuf_acked); - /* next node */ - node = sys_slist_peek_head(&hbuf_pend); - if (node) { - node_rx = NODE_RX(node); - class = hci_get_class(node_rx); - - if (class == HCI_CLASS_EVT_CONNECTION || - (class == HCI_CLASS_ACL_DATA && hbuf_count)) { - /* more to process, schedule an - * iteration - */ - BT_DBG("FC: signalling"); - k_poll_signal_raise(&hbuf_signal, 0x0); - } - } + node_rx = NODE_RX(node); + class = hci_get_class(node_rx); + + if (class == HCI_CLASS_EVT_CONNECTION || (class == HCI_CLASS_ACL_DATA && hbuf_count)) { + /* more to process, schedule an + * iteration + */ + BT_DBG("FC: signalling"); + k_poll_signal_raise(&hbuf_signal, 0x0); + } } + } - return buf; + return buf; } #endif #endif #if defined(BFLB_BLE) #if (BFLB_BLE_CO_THREAD) -void co_rx_thread() -{ - struct net_buf *buf = NULL; - buf = net_buf_get(&recv_fifo, K_NO_WAIT); - if (buf) { - BT_DBG("Calling bt_recv(%p)", buf); - bt_recv(buf); - } +void co_rx_thread() { + struct net_buf *buf = NULL; + buf = net_buf_get(&recv_fifo, K_NO_WAIT); + if (buf) { + BT_DBG("Calling bt_recv(%p)", buf); + bt_recv(buf); + } } -void co_tx_rx_thread(void *p1) -{ - UNUSED(p1); - BT_DBG("using %s\n", __func__); - while (1) { - if (k_sem_count_get(&g_poll_sem) > 0) { - co_tx_thread(); - } - - if (recv_fifo_count > 0) { - recv_fifo_count--; - co_rx_thread(); - } - - k_sleep(portTICK_PERIOD_MS); - k_yield(); +void co_tx_rx_thread(void *p1) { + UNUSED(p1); + BT_DBG("using %s\n", __func__); + while (1) { + if (k_sem_count_get(&g_poll_sem) > 0) { + co_tx_thread(); } + + if (recv_fifo_count > 0) { + recv_fifo_count--; + co_rx_thread(); + } + + k_sleep(portTICK_PERIOD_MS); + k_yield(); + } } #else -static void recv_thread(void *p1) -{ - UNUSED(p1); +static void recv_thread(void *p1) { + UNUSED(p1); #if defined(CONFIG_BT_HCI_ACL_FLOW_CONTROL) - /* @todo: check if the events structure really needs to be static */ - static struct k_poll_event events[2] = { - K_POLL_EVENT_STATIC_INITIALIZER(K_POLL_TYPE_SIGNAL, - K_POLL_MODE_NOTIFY_ONLY, - &hbuf_signal, 0), - K_POLL_EVENT_STATIC_INITIALIZER(K_POLL_TYPE_FIFO_DATA_AVAILABLE, - K_POLL_MODE_NOTIFY_ONLY, - &recv_fifo, 0), - }; + /* @todo: check if the events structure really needs to be static */ + static struct k_poll_event events[2] = { + K_POLL_EVENT_STATIC_INITIALIZER(K_POLL_TYPE_SIGNAL, K_POLL_MODE_NOTIFY_ONLY, &hbuf_signal, 0), + K_POLL_EVENT_STATIC_INITIALIZER(K_POLL_TYPE_FIFO_DATA_AVAILABLE, K_POLL_MODE_NOTIFY_ONLY, &recv_fifo, 0), + }; #endif - while (1) { + while (1) { #if defined(BFLB_BLE) - struct net_buf *buf = NULL; - buf = net_buf_get(&recv_fifo, K_FOREVER); - if (buf) { - BT_DBG("Calling bt_recv(%p)", buf); - bt_recv(buf); - } + struct net_buf *buf = NULL; + buf = net_buf_get(&recv_fifo, K_FOREVER); + if (buf) { + BT_DBG("Calling bt_recv(%p)", buf); + bt_recv(buf); + } #else - struct radio_pdu_node_rx *node_rx = NULL; - struct net_buf *buf = NULL; + struct radio_pdu_node_rx *node_rx = NULL; + struct net_buf *buf = NULL; - BT_DBG("blocking"); + BT_DBG("blocking"); #if defined(CONFIG_BT_HCI_ACL_FLOW_CONTROL) - int err; + int err; - err = k_poll(events, 2, K_FOREVER); - LL_ASSERT(err == 0); - if (events[0].state == K_POLL_STATE_SIGNALED) { - events[0].signal->signaled = 0; - } else if (events[1].state == - K_POLL_STATE_FIFO_DATA_AVAILABLE) { - node_rx = k_fifo_get(events[1].fifo, 0); - } + err = k_poll(events, 2, K_FOREVER); + LL_ASSERT(err == 0); + if (events[0].state == K_POLL_STATE_SIGNALED) { + events[0].signal->signaled = 0; + } else if (events[1].state == K_POLL_STATE_FIFO_DATA_AVAILABLE) { + node_rx = k_fifo_get(events[1].fifo, 0); + } - events[0].state = K_POLL_STATE_NOT_READY; - events[1].state = K_POLL_STATE_NOT_READY; + events[0].state = K_POLL_STATE_NOT_READY; + events[1].state = K_POLL_STATE_NOT_READY; - /* process host buffers first if any */ - buf = process_hbuf(node_rx); + /* process host buffers first if any */ + buf = process_hbuf(node_rx); #else - node_rx = k_fifo_get(&recv_fifo, K_FOREVER); + node_rx = k_fifo_get(&recv_fifo, K_FOREVER); #endif - BT_DBG("unblocked"); - - if (node_rx && !buf) { - /* process regular node from radio */ - buf = process_node(node_rx); - } - - if (buf) { - if (buf->len) { - BT_DBG("Packet in: type:%u len:%u", - bt_buf_get_type(buf), buf->len); - bt_recv(buf); - } else { - net_buf_unref(buf); - } - } + BT_DBG("unblocked"); + + if (node_rx && !buf) { + /* process regular node from radio */ + buf = process_node(node_rx); + } + + if (buf) { + if (buf->len) { + BT_DBG("Packet in: type:%u len:%u", bt_buf_get_type(buf), buf->len); + bt_recv(buf); + } else { + net_buf_unref(buf); + } + } #endif - k_yield(); + k_yield(); #if defined(CONFIG_INIT_STACKS) - if (k_uptime_get_32() - rx_ts > K_SECONDS(5)) { - STACK_ANALYZE("recv thread stack", recv_thread_stack); - rx_ts = k_uptime_get_32(); - } -#endif + if (k_uptime_get_32() - rx_ts > K_SECONDS(5)) { + STACK_ANALYZE("recv thread stack", recv_thread_stack); + rx_ts = k_uptime_get_32(); } +#endif + } } #endif #endif #if !defined(BFLB_BLE) -static int cmd_handle(struct net_buf *buf) -{ - struct net_buf *evt; - - evt = hci_cmd_handle(buf); - if (evt) { - BT_DBG("Replying with event of %u bytes", evt->len); - bt_recv_prio(evt); - } +static int cmd_handle(struct net_buf *buf) { + struct net_buf *evt; + + evt = hci_cmd_handle(buf); + if (evt) { + BT_DBG("Replying with event of %u bytes", evt->len); + bt_recv_prio(evt); + } } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_CONN) -static int acl_handle(struct net_buf *buf) -{ - struct net_buf *evt; - int err; +static int acl_handle(struct net_buf *buf) { + struct net_buf *evt; + int err; - err = hci_acl_handle(buf, &evt); - if (evt) { - BT_DBG("Replying with event of %u bytes", evt->len); - bt_recv_prio(evt); - } + err = hci_acl_handle(buf, &evt); + if (evt) { + BT_DBG("Replying with event of %u bytes", evt->len); + bt_recv_prio(evt); + } - return err; + return err; } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_CONN */ #endif -static int hci_driver_send(struct net_buf *buf) -{ +static int hci_driver_send(struct net_buf *buf) { #if !defined(BFLB_BLE) - u8_t type; + u8_t type; #endif - int err; + int err; - BT_DBG("enter"); + BT_DBG("enter"); - if (!buf->len) { - BT_ERR("Empty HCI packet"); - return -EINVAL; - } + if (!buf->len) { + BT_ERR("Empty HCI packet"); + return -EINVAL; + } #if defined(BFLB_BLE) - err = bl_onchiphci_send_2_controller(buf); - net_buf_unref(buf); - return err; + err = bl_onchiphci_send_2_controller(buf); + net_buf_unref(buf); + return err; #else - type = bt_buf_get_type(buf); - switch (type) { + type = bt_buf_get_type(buf); + switch (type) { #if defined(CONFIG_BT_CONN) - case BT_BUF_ACL_OUT: - err = acl_handle(buf); - break; + case BT_BUF_ACL_OUT: + err = acl_handle(buf); + break; #endif /* CONFIG_BT_CONN */ - case BT_BUF_CMD: - err = cmd_handle(buf); + case BT_BUF_CMD: + err = cmd_handle(buf); - break; - default: - BT_ERR("Unknown HCI type %u", type); - return -EINVAL; - } + break; + default: + BT_ERR("Unknown HCI type %u", type); + return -EINVAL; + } - if (!err) { - net_buf_unref(buf); - } else { - } + if (!err) { + net_buf_unref(buf); + } else { + } - BT_DBG("exit: %d", err); + BT_DBG("exit: %d", err); #endif - return err; + return err; } -static int hci_driver_open(void) -{ +static int hci_driver_open(void) { #if !defined(BFLB_BLE) - u32_t err; + u32_t err; - DEBUG_INIT(); - k_sem_init(&sem_prio_recv, 0, BT_UINT_MAX); + DEBUG_INIT(); + k_sem_init(&sem_prio_recv, 0, BT_UINT_MAX); - err = ll_init(&sem_prio_recv); + err = ll_init(&sem_prio_recv); - if (err) { - BT_ERR("LL initialization failed: %u", err); - return err; - } + if (err) { + BT_ERR("LL initialization failed: %u", err); + return err; + } #endif #if !defined(BFLB_BLE) #if defined(CONFIG_BT_HCI_ACL_FLOW_CONTROL) - hci_init(&hbuf_signal); + hci_init(&hbuf_signal); #else - hci_init(NULL); + hci_init(NULL); #endif #endif - k_fifo_init(&recv_fifo, 20); + k_fifo_init(&recv_fifo, 20); #if defined(BFLB_BLE) #if (BFLB_BLE_CO_THREAD) - k_thread_create(&recv_thread_data, "co_tx_rx_thread", - CONFIG_BT_RX_STACK_SIZE, - co_tx_rx_thread, - K_PRIO_COOP(CONFIG_BT_RX_PRIO)); + k_thread_create(&recv_thread_data, "co_tx_rx_thread", CONFIG_BT_RX_STACK_SIZE, co_tx_rx_thread, K_PRIO_COOP(CONFIG_BT_RX_PRIO)); #else - k_thread_create(&recv_thread_data, "recv_thread", - CONFIG_BT_RX_STACK_SIZE /*K_THREAD_STACK_SIZEOF(recv_thread_stack)*/, - recv_thread, - K_PRIO_COOP(CONFIG_BT_RX_PRIO)); + k_thread_create(&recv_thread_data, "recv_thread", CONFIG_BT_RX_STACK_SIZE /*K_THREAD_STACK_SIZEOF(recv_thread_stack)*/, recv_thread, K_PRIO_COOP(CONFIG_BT_RX_PRIO)); #endif #else - k_thread_create(&prio_recv_thread_data, prio_recv_thread_stack, - K_THREAD_STACK_SIZEOF(prio_recv_thread_stack), - prio_recv_thread, NULL, NULL, NULL, - K_PRIO_COOP(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_RX_PRIO), 0, K_NO_WAIT); + k_thread_create(&prio_recv_thread_data, prio_recv_thread_stack, K_THREAD_STACK_SIZEOF(prio_recv_thread_stack), prio_recv_thread, NULL, NULL, NULL, K_PRIO_COOP(CONFIG_BT_CTLR_RX_PRIO), 0, K_NO_WAIT); #endif - BT_DBG("Success."); + BT_DBG("Success."); - return 0; + return 0; } -void hci_driver_enque_recvq(struct net_buf *buf) -{ - net_buf_put(&recv_fifo, buf); +void hci_driver_enque_recvq(struct net_buf *buf) { + net_buf_put(&recv_fifo, buf); #if (BFLB_BLE_CO_THREAD) - recv_fifo_count++; + recv_fifo_count++; #endif } static const struct bt_hci_driver drv = { .name = "Controller", - .bus = BT_HCI_DRIVER_BUS_VIRTUAL, + .bus = BT_HCI_DRIVER_BUS_VIRTUAL, .open = hci_driver_open, .send = hci_driver_send, }; #if defined(BFLB_BLE) -int hci_driver_init(void) -{ - bt_hci_driver_register(&drv); +int hci_driver_init(void) { + bt_hci_driver_register(&drv); - return 0; + return 0; } #else -static int _hci_driver_init(struct device *unused) -{ - ARG_UNUSED(unused); +static int _hci_driver_init(struct device *unused) { + ARG_UNUSED(unused); - bt_hci_driver_register(&drv); + bt_hci_driver_register(&drv); - return 0; + return 0; } -//SYS_INIT(_hci_driver_init, POST_KERNEL, CONFIG_KERNEL_INIT_PRIORITY_DEVICE); +// SYS_INIT(_hci_driver_init, POST_KERNEL, CONFIG_KERNEL_INIT_PRIORITY_DEVICE); #endif diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/a2dp.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/a2dp.c index 82901ed233..6a7ddc1bd3 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/a2dp.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/a2dp.c @@ -8,84 +8,61 @@ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ -#include -#include -#include +#include #include #include -#include +#include #include -#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include #include #include -#include -#include #include #define BT_DBG_ENABLED IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_DEBUG_A2DP) #define LOG_MODULE_NAME bt_a2dp #include "log.h" -#include "hci_core.h" -#include "conn_internal.h" -#include "avdtp_internal.h" -#include "a2dp_internal.h" #include "a2dp-codec.h" +#include "a2dp_internal.h" +#include "avdtp_internal.h" +#include "conn_internal.h" +#include "hci_core.h" #include "oi_codec_sbc.h" #define A2DP_NO_SPACE (-1) struct bt_a2dp { - struct bt_avdtp session; + struct bt_avdtp session; }; typedef struct { - OI_CODEC_SBC_DECODER_CONTEXT decoder_context; - uint32_t context_data[CODEC_DATA_WORDS(SBC_MAX_CHANNELS, SBC_CODEC_FAST_FILTER_BUFFERS)]; - int16_t decode_buf[15 * SBC_MAX_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME * SBC_MAX_CHANNELS]; + OI_CODEC_SBC_DECODER_CONTEXT decoder_context; + uint32_t context_data[CODEC_DATA_WORDS(SBC_MAX_CHANNELS, SBC_CODEC_FAST_FILTER_BUFFERS)]; + int16_t decode_buf[15 * SBC_MAX_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME * SBC_MAX_CHANNELS]; } A2DP_SBC_DECODER; static A2DP_SBC_DECODER sbc_decoder; /* Connections */ -static struct bt_a2dp connection[CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN]; +static struct bt_a2dp connection[CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN]; static struct bt_avdtp_stream stream[CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN]; static struct bt_sdp_attribute a2dp_attrs[] = { BT_SDP_NEW_SERVICE, - BT_SDP_LIST( - BT_SDP_ATTR_SVCLASS_ID_LIST, - BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE_VAR(BT_SDP_SEQ8, 3), - BT_SDP_DATA_ELEM_LIST( - { BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE(BT_SDP_UUID16), - BT_SDP_ARRAY_16(BT_SDP_AUDIO_SINK_SVCLASS) }, )), - BT_SDP_LIST( - BT_SDP_ATTR_PROTO_DESC_LIST, - BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE_VAR(BT_SDP_SEQ8, 16), - BT_SDP_DATA_ELEM_LIST( - { BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE_VAR(BT_SDP_SEQ8, 6), - BT_SDP_DATA_ELEM_LIST( - { BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE(BT_SDP_UUID16), - BT_SDP_ARRAY_16(BT_SDP_PROTO_L2CAP) }, - { BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE(BT_SDP_UINT16), - BT_SDP_ARRAY_16(BT_L2CAP_PSM_AVDTP) }, ) }, - { BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE_VAR(BT_SDP_SEQ8, 6), - BT_SDP_DATA_ELEM_LIST( - { BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE(BT_SDP_UUID16), - BT_SDP_ARRAY_16(BT_L2CAP_PSM_AVDTP) }, - { BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE(BT_SDP_UINT16), - BT_SDP_ARRAY_16(0x0102) }, ) }, )), - BT_SDP_LIST( - BT_SDP_ATTR_PROFILE_DESC_LIST, - BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE_VAR(BT_SDP_SEQ8, 8), - BT_SDP_DATA_ELEM_LIST( - { BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE_VAR(BT_SDP_SEQ8, 6), - BT_SDP_DATA_ELEM_LIST( - { BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE(BT_SDP_UUID16), - BT_SDP_ARRAY_16(BT_SDP_ADVANCED_AUDIO_SVCLASS) }, - { BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE(BT_SDP_UINT16), - BT_SDP_ARRAY_16(0x0102) }, ) }, )), + BT_SDP_LIST(BT_SDP_ATTR_SVCLASS_ID_LIST, BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE_VAR(BT_SDP_SEQ8, 3), BT_SDP_DATA_ELEM_LIST({BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE(BT_SDP_UUID16), BT_SDP_ARRAY_16(BT_SDP_AUDIO_SINK_SVCLASS)}, )), + BT_SDP_LIST(BT_SDP_ATTR_PROTO_DESC_LIST, BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE_VAR(BT_SDP_SEQ8, 16), + BT_SDP_DATA_ELEM_LIST({BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE_VAR(BT_SDP_SEQ8, 6), BT_SDP_DATA_ELEM_LIST({BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE(BT_SDP_UUID16), BT_SDP_ARRAY_16(BT_SDP_PROTO_L2CAP)}, + {BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE(BT_SDP_UINT16), BT_SDP_ARRAY_16(BT_L2CAP_PSM_AVDTP)}, )}, + {BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE_VAR(BT_SDP_SEQ8, 6), + BT_SDP_DATA_ELEM_LIST({BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE(BT_SDP_UUID16), BT_SDP_ARRAY_16(BT_L2CAP_PSM_AVDTP)}, {BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE(BT_SDP_UINT16), BT_SDP_ARRAY_16(0x0102)}, )}, )), + BT_SDP_LIST(BT_SDP_ATTR_PROFILE_DESC_LIST, BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE_VAR(BT_SDP_SEQ8, 8), + BT_SDP_DATA_ELEM_LIST({BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE_VAR(BT_SDP_SEQ8, 6), BT_SDP_DATA_ELEM_LIST({BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE(BT_SDP_UUID16), BT_SDP_ARRAY_16(BT_SDP_ADVANCED_AUDIO_SVCLASS)}, + {BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE(BT_SDP_UINT16), BT_SDP_ARRAY_16(0x0102)}, )}, )), BT_SDP_SERVICE_NAME("A2DP sink"), }; @@ -96,164 +73,131 @@ struct bt_a2dp_endpoint endpoint_2; struct bt_a2dp_codec_sbc_params sbc_info; -void bt_a2dp_set_sbc_codec_info() -{ - sbc_info.config[0] = - //Sampling Frequency - A2DP_SBC_SAMP_FREQ_48000 | - A2DP_SBC_SAMP_FREQ_44100 | - A2DP_SBC_SAMP_FREQ_32000 | - A2DP_SBC_SAMP_FREQ_16000 | - //Channel Mode - A2DP_SBC_CH_MODE_JOINT | - A2DP_SBC_CH_MODE_STREO | - A2DP_SBC_CH_MODE_DUAL | - A2DP_SBC_CH_MODE_MONO; - sbc_info.config[1] = - //Block Length - A2DP_SBC_BLK_LEN_16 | - A2DP_SBC_BLK_LEN_12 | - A2DP_SBC_BLK_LEN_8 | - A2DP_SBC_BLK_LEN_4 | - //Subbands - A2DP_SBC_SUBBAND_8 | - A2DP_SBC_SUBBAND_4 | - //Allocation Method - A2DP_SBC_ALLOC_MTHD_SNR | - A2DP_SBC_ALLOC_MTHD_LOUDNESS; - sbc_info.min_bitpool = 2; - sbc_info.max_bitpool = 53; +void bt_a2dp_set_sbc_codec_info() { + sbc_info.config[0] = + // Sampling Frequency + A2DP_SBC_SAMP_FREQ_48000 | A2DP_SBC_SAMP_FREQ_44100 | A2DP_SBC_SAMP_FREQ_32000 | A2DP_SBC_SAMP_FREQ_16000 | + // Channel Mode + A2DP_SBC_CH_MODE_JOINT | A2DP_SBC_CH_MODE_STREO | A2DP_SBC_CH_MODE_DUAL | A2DP_SBC_CH_MODE_MONO; + sbc_info.config[1] = + // Block Length + A2DP_SBC_BLK_LEN_16 | A2DP_SBC_BLK_LEN_12 | A2DP_SBC_BLK_LEN_8 | A2DP_SBC_BLK_LEN_4 | + // Subbands + A2DP_SBC_SUBBAND_8 | A2DP_SBC_SUBBAND_4 | + // Allocation Method + A2DP_SBC_ALLOC_MTHD_SNR | A2DP_SBC_ALLOC_MTHD_LOUDNESS; + sbc_info.min_bitpool = 2; + sbc_info.max_bitpool = 53; } -void a2d_reset(struct bt_a2dp *a2dp_conn) -{ - (void)memset(a2dp_conn, 0, sizeof(struct bt_a2dp)); -} +void a2d_reset(struct bt_a2dp *a2dp_conn) { (void)memset(a2dp_conn, 0, sizeof(struct bt_a2dp)); } -void stream_reset(struct bt_avdtp_stream *stream_conn) -{ - (void)memset(stream_conn, 0, sizeof(struct bt_avdtp_stream)); -} +void stream_reset(struct bt_avdtp_stream *stream_conn) { (void)memset(stream_conn, 0, sizeof(struct bt_avdtp_stream)); } + +struct bt_a2dp *get_new_connection(struct bt_conn *conn) { + int8_t i, free; -struct bt_a2dp *get_new_connection(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - int8_t i, free; + free = A2DP_NO_SPACE; - free = A2DP_NO_SPACE; + if (!conn) { + BT_ERR("Invalid Input (err: %d)", -EINVAL); + return NULL; + } - if (!conn) { - BT_ERR("Invalid Input (err: %d)", -EINVAL); + /* Find a space */ + for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN; i++) { + if (connection[i].session.br_chan.chan.conn == conn) { + BT_DBG("Conn already exists"); + if (!connection[i].session.streams->chan.chan.conn) { + BT_DBG("Create AV stream"); + return &connection[i]; + } else { + BT_DBG("A2DP signal stream and AV stream already exists"); return NULL; + } } - /* Find a space */ - for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN; i++) { - if (connection[i].session.br_chan.chan.conn == conn) { - BT_DBG("Conn already exists"); - if (!connection[i].session.streams->chan.chan.conn) { - BT_DBG("Create AV stream"); - return &connection[i]; - } else { - BT_DBG("A2DP signal stream and AV stream already exists"); - return NULL; - } - } - - if (!connection[i].session.br_chan.chan.conn && - free == A2DP_NO_SPACE) { - BT_DBG("Create signal stream"); - free = i; - } + if (!connection[i].session.br_chan.chan.conn && free == A2DP_NO_SPACE) { + BT_DBG("Create signal stream"); + free = i; } + } - if (free == A2DP_NO_SPACE) { - BT_DBG("More connection cannot be supported"); - return NULL; - } + if (free == A2DP_NO_SPACE) { + BT_DBG("More connection cannot be supported"); + return NULL; + } - /* Clean the memory area before returning */ - a2d_reset(&connection[free]); - stream_reset(&stream[free]); - connection[free].session.streams = &stream[free]; + /* Clean the memory area before returning */ + a2d_reset(&connection[free]); + stream_reset(&stream[free]); + connection[free].session.streams = &stream[free]; - return &connection[free]; + return &connection[free]; } -int a2dp_accept(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_avdtp **session) -{ - struct bt_a2dp *a2dp_conn; +int a2dp_accept(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_avdtp **session) { + struct bt_a2dp *a2dp_conn; - a2dp_conn = get_new_connection(conn); - if (!a2dp_conn) { - return -ENOMEM; - } + a2dp_conn = get_new_connection(conn); + if (!a2dp_conn) { + return -ENOMEM; + } - *session = &(a2dp_conn->session); - BT_DBG("session: %p", &(a2dp_conn->session)); + *session = &(a2dp_conn->session); + BT_DBG("session: %p", &(a2dp_conn->session)); - return 0; + return 0; } -int a2dp_sbc_decode_init() -{ - OI_STATUS status = OI_CODEC_SBC_DecoderReset(&sbc_decoder.decoder_context, - sbc_decoder.context_data, - sizeof(sbc_decoder.context_data), - 2, - 2, - false, - false); - if (!OI_SUCCESS(status)) { - BT_ERR("decode init failed with error: %d\n", status); - return status; - } +int a2dp_sbc_decode_init() { + OI_STATUS status = OI_CODEC_SBC_DecoderReset(&sbc_decoder.decoder_context, sbc_decoder.context_data, sizeof(sbc_decoder.context_data), 2, 2, false, false); + if (!OI_SUCCESS(status)) { + BT_ERR("decode init failed with error: %d\n", status); + return status; + } - return 0; + return 0; } #if PCM_PRINTF -extern int16_t cool_edit[]; +extern int16_t cool_edit[]; extern uint32_t byte_index; #endif -int a2dp_sbc_decode_process(uint8_t media_data[], uint16_t data_len) -{ - //remove media header, expose sbc frame - const OI_BYTE *data = media_data + 12 + 1; - OI_UINT32 data_size = data_len - 12 - 1; - - if (data_size <= 0) { - BT_ERR("empty packet\n"); - return -1; - } +int a2dp_sbc_decode_process(uint8_t media_data[], uint16_t data_len) { + // remove media header, expose sbc frame + const OI_BYTE *data = media_data + 12 + 1; + OI_UINT32 data_size = data_len - 12 - 1; - if (data[0] != 0x9c) { - BT_ERR("sbc frame syncword error \n"); - } + if (data_size <= 0) { + BT_ERR("empty packet\n"); + return -1; + } - OI_INT16 *pcm = sbc_decoder.decode_buf; - OI_UINT32 pcm_size = sizeof(sbc_decoder.decode_buf); + if (data[0] != 0x9c) { + BT_ERR("sbc frame syncword error \n"); + } - OI_INT16 frame_count = OI_CODEC_SBC_FrameCount((OI_BYTE *)data, data_size); - BT_DBG("frame_count: %d\n", frame_count); + OI_INT16 *pcm = sbc_decoder.decode_buf; + OI_UINT32 pcm_size = sizeof(sbc_decoder.decode_buf); - for (int i = 0; i < frame_count; i++) { - OI_STATUS status = OI_CODEC_SBC_DecodeFrame(&sbc_decoder.decoder_context, - &data, - &data_size, - pcm, - &pcm_size); - if (!OI_SUCCESS(status)) { - BT_ERR("decoding failure with error: %d \n", status); - return -1; - } + OI_INT16 frame_count = OI_CODEC_SBC_FrameCount((OI_BYTE *)data, data_size); + BT_DBG("frame_count: %d\n", frame_count); + + for (int i = 0; i < frame_count; i++) { + OI_STATUS status = OI_CODEC_SBC_DecodeFrame(&sbc_decoder.decoder_context, &data, &data_size, pcm, &pcm_size); + if (!OI_SUCCESS(status)) { + BT_ERR("decoding failure with error: %d \n", status); + return -1; + } #if PCM_PRINTF - memcpy((OI_INT8 *)cool_edit + byte_index, pcm, pcm_size); - byte_index += pcm_size; + memcpy((OI_INT8 *)cool_edit + byte_index, pcm, pcm_size); + byte_index += pcm_size; #endif - } + } - return 0; + return 0; } /* Callback for incoming requests */ @@ -262,82 +206,75 @@ static struct bt_avdtp_ind_cb cb_ind = { }; /* The above callback structures need to be packed and passed to AVDTP */ -static struct bt_avdtp_event_cb avdtp_cb = { - .ind = &cb_ind, - .accept = a2dp_accept -}; - -int bt_a2dp_init(void) -{ - int err; - - /* Register event handlers with AVDTP */ - err = bt_avdtp_register(&avdtp_cb); - if (err < 0) { - BT_ERR("A2DP registration failed"); - return err; - } - - /* Register SDP record */ - err = bt_sdp_register_service(&a2dp_rec); - if (err < 0) { - BT_ERR("A2DP regist sdp record failed"); - return err; - } - - int reg_1 = bt_a2dp_register_endpoint(&endpoint_1, BT_A2DP_AUDIO, BT_A2DP_SINK); - int reg_2 = bt_a2dp_register_endpoint(&endpoint_2, BT_A2DP_AUDIO, BT_A2DP_SINK); - if (reg_1 || reg_2) { - BT_ERR("A2DP registration endpoint 1 failed"); - return err; - } - - bt_a2dp_set_sbc_codec_info(); - - err = a2dp_sbc_decode_init(); - if (err < 0) { - BT_ERR("sbc codec init failed"); - return err; - } - - BT_DBG("A2DP Initialized successfully."); - return 0; +static struct bt_avdtp_event_cb avdtp_cb = {.ind = &cb_ind, .accept = a2dp_accept}; + +int bt_a2dp_init(void) { + int err; + + /* Register event handlers with AVDTP */ + err = bt_avdtp_register(&avdtp_cb); + if (err < 0) { + BT_ERR("A2DP registration failed"); + return err; + } + + /* Register SDP record */ + err = bt_sdp_register_service(&a2dp_rec); + if (err < 0) { + BT_ERR("A2DP regist sdp record failed"); + return err; + } + + int reg_1 = bt_a2dp_register_endpoint(&endpoint_1, BT_A2DP_AUDIO, BT_A2DP_SINK); + int reg_2 = bt_a2dp_register_endpoint(&endpoint_2, BT_A2DP_AUDIO, BT_A2DP_SINK); + if (reg_1 || reg_2) { + BT_ERR("A2DP registration endpoint 1 failed"); + return err; + } + + bt_a2dp_set_sbc_codec_info(); + + err = a2dp_sbc_decode_init(); + if (err < 0) { + BT_ERR("sbc codec init failed"); + return err; + } + + BT_DBG("A2DP Initialized successfully."); + return 0; } -struct bt_a2dp *bt_a2dp_connect(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - struct bt_a2dp *a2dp_conn; - int err; - - a2dp_conn = get_new_connection(conn); - if (!a2dp_conn) { - BT_ERR("Cannot allocate memory"); - return NULL; - } - - err = bt_avdtp_connect(conn, &(a2dp_conn->session)); - if (err < 0) { - /* If error occurs, undo the saving and return the error */ - a2d_reset(a2dp_conn); - BT_DBG("AVDTP Connect failed"); - return NULL; - } - - BT_DBG("Connect request sent"); - return a2dp_conn; +struct bt_a2dp *bt_a2dp_connect(struct bt_conn *conn) { + struct bt_a2dp *a2dp_conn; + int err; + + a2dp_conn = get_new_connection(conn); + if (!a2dp_conn) { + BT_ERR("Cannot allocate memory"); + return NULL; + } + + err = bt_avdtp_connect(conn, &(a2dp_conn->session)); + if (err < 0) { + /* If error occurs, undo the saving and return the error */ + a2d_reset(a2dp_conn); + BT_DBG("AVDTP Connect failed"); + return NULL; + } + + BT_DBG("Connect request sent"); + return a2dp_conn; } -int bt_a2dp_register_endpoint(struct bt_a2dp_endpoint *endpoint, - uint8_t media_type, uint8_t role) -{ - int err; +int bt_a2dp_register_endpoint(struct bt_a2dp_endpoint *endpoint, uint8_t media_type, uint8_t role) { + int err; - BT_ASSERT(endpoint); + BT_ASSERT(endpoint); - err = bt_avdtp_register_sep(media_type, role, &(endpoint->info)); - if (err < 0) { - return err; - } + err = bt_avdtp_register_sep(media_type, role, &(endpoint->info)); + if (err < 0) { + return err; + } - return 0; + return 0; } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/at.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/at.c index 189ff4b2a6..0f1feaf496 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/at.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/at.c @@ -9,295 +9,264 @@ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ -#include #include -#include -#include +#include #include +#include +#include #include "at.h" -static void next_list(struct at_client *at) -{ - if (at->buf[at->pos] == ',') { - at->pos++; - } +static void next_list(struct at_client *at) { + if (at->buf[at->pos] == ',') { + at->pos++; + } } -int at_check_byte(struct net_buf *buf, char check_byte) -{ - const unsigned char *str = buf->data; +int at_check_byte(struct net_buf *buf, char check_byte) { + const unsigned char *str = buf->data; - if (*str != check_byte) { - return -EINVAL; - } - net_buf_pull(buf, 1); + if (*str != check_byte) { + return -EINVAL; + } + net_buf_pull(buf, 1); - return 0; + return 0; } -static void skip_space(struct at_client *at) -{ - while (at->buf[at->pos] == ' ') { - at->pos++; - } +static void skip_space(struct at_client *at) { + while (at->buf[at->pos] == ' ') { + at->pos++; + } } -int at_get_number(struct at_client *at, uint32_t *val) -{ - uint32_t i; +int at_get_number(struct at_client *at, uint32_t *val) { + uint32_t i; - skip_space(at); + skip_space(at); - for (i = 0U, *val = 0U; - isdigit((unsigned char)at->buf[at->pos]); - at->pos++, i++) { - *val = *val * 10U + at->buf[at->pos] - '0'; - } + for (i = 0U, *val = 0U; isdigit((unsigned char)at->buf[at->pos]); at->pos++, i++) { + *val = *val * 10U + at->buf[at->pos] - '0'; + } - if (i == 0U) { - return -ENODATA; - } + if (i == 0U) { + return -ENODATA; + } - next_list(at); - return 0; + next_list(at); + return 0; } -static bool str_has_prefix(const char *str, const char *prefix) -{ - if (strncmp(str, prefix, strlen(prefix)) != 0) { - return false; - } +static bool str_has_prefix(const char *str, const char *prefix) { + if (strncmp(str, prefix, strlen(prefix)) != 0) { + return false; + } - return true; + return true; } -static int at_parse_result(const char *str, struct net_buf *buf, - enum at_result *result) -{ - /* Map the result and check for end lf */ - if ((!strncmp(str, "OK", 2)) && (at_check_byte(buf, '\n') == 0)) { - *result = AT_RESULT_OK; - return 0; - } +static int at_parse_result(const char *str, struct net_buf *buf, enum at_result *result) { + /* Map the result and check for end lf */ + if ((!strncmp(str, "OK", 2)) && (at_check_byte(buf, '\n') == 0)) { + *result = AT_RESULT_OK; + return 0; + } - if ((!strncmp(str, "ERROR", 5)) && (at_check_byte(buf, '\n')) == 0) { - *result = AT_RESULT_ERROR; - return 0; - } + if ((!strncmp(str, "ERROR", 5)) && (at_check_byte(buf, '\n')) == 0) { + *result = AT_RESULT_ERROR; + return 0; + } - return -ENOMSG; + return -ENOMSG; } -static int get_cmd_value(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf, - char stop_byte, enum at_cmd_state cmd_state) -{ - int cmd_len = 0; - uint8_t pos = at->pos; - const char *str = (char *)buf->data; - - while (cmd_len < buf->len && at->pos != at->buf_max_len) { - if (*str != stop_byte) { - at->buf[at->pos++] = *str; - cmd_len++; - str++; - pos = at->pos; - } else { - cmd_len++; - at->buf[at->pos] = '\0'; - at->pos = 0U; - at->cmd_state = cmd_state; - break; - } - } - net_buf_pull(buf, cmd_len); +static int get_cmd_value(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf, char stop_byte, enum at_cmd_state cmd_state) { + int cmd_len = 0; + uint8_t pos = at->pos; + const char *str = (char *)buf->data; - if (pos == at->buf_max_len) { - return -ENOBUFS; + while (cmd_len < buf->len && at->pos != at->buf_max_len) { + if (*str != stop_byte) { + at->buf[at->pos++] = *str; + cmd_len++; + str++; + pos = at->pos; + } else { + cmd_len++; + at->buf[at->pos] = '\0'; + at->pos = 0U; + at->cmd_state = cmd_state; + break; } + } + net_buf_pull(buf, cmd_len); - return 0; + if (pos == at->buf_max_len) { + return -ENOBUFS; + } + + return 0; } -static int get_response_string(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf, - char stop_byte, enum at_state state) -{ - int cmd_len = 0; - uint8_t pos = at->pos; - const char *str = (char *)buf->data; - - while (cmd_len < buf->len && at->pos != at->buf_max_len) { - if (*str != stop_byte) { - at->buf[at->pos++] = *str; - cmd_len++; - str++; - pos = at->pos; - } else { - cmd_len++; - at->buf[at->pos] = '\0'; - at->pos = 0U; - at->state = state; - break; - } - } - net_buf_pull(buf, cmd_len); +static int get_response_string(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf, char stop_byte, enum at_state state) { + int cmd_len = 0; + uint8_t pos = at->pos; + const char *str = (char *)buf->data; - if (pos == at->buf_max_len) { - return -ENOBUFS; + while (cmd_len < buf->len && at->pos != at->buf_max_len) { + if (*str != stop_byte) { + at->buf[at->pos++] = *str; + cmd_len++; + str++; + pos = at->pos; + } else { + cmd_len++; + at->buf[at->pos] = '\0'; + at->pos = 0U; + at->state = state; + break; } + } + net_buf_pull(buf, cmd_len); - return 0; + if (pos == at->buf_max_len) { + return -ENOBUFS; + } + + return 0; } -static void reset_buffer(struct at_client *at) -{ - (void)memset(at->buf, 0, at->buf_max_len); - at->pos = 0U; +static void reset_buffer(struct at_client *at) { + (void)memset(at->buf, 0, at->buf_max_len); + at->pos = 0U; } -static int at_state_start(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - int err; +static int at_state_start(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf) { + int err; - err = at_check_byte(buf, '\r'); - if (err < 0) { - return err; - } - at->state = AT_STATE_START_CR; + err = at_check_byte(buf, '\r'); + if (err < 0) { + return err; + } + at->state = AT_STATE_START_CR; - return 0; + return 0; } -static int at_state_start_cr(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - int err; +static int at_state_start_cr(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf) { + int err; - err = at_check_byte(buf, '\n'); - if (err < 0) { - return err; - } - at->state = AT_STATE_START_LF; + err = at_check_byte(buf, '\n'); + if (err < 0) { + return err; + } + at->state = AT_STATE_START_LF; - return 0; + return 0; } -static int at_state_start_lf(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - reset_buffer(at); - if (at_check_byte(buf, '+') == 0) { - at->state = AT_STATE_GET_CMD_STRING; - return 0; - } else if (isalpha(*buf->data)) { - at->state = AT_STATE_GET_RESULT_STRING; - return 0; - } +static int at_state_start_lf(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf) { + reset_buffer(at); + if (at_check_byte(buf, '+') == 0) { + at->state = AT_STATE_GET_CMD_STRING; + return 0; + } else if (isalpha(*buf->data)) { + at->state = AT_STATE_GET_RESULT_STRING; + return 0; + } - return -ENODATA; + return -ENODATA; } -static int at_state_get_cmd_string(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - return get_response_string(at, buf, ':', AT_STATE_PROCESS_CMD); -} +static int at_state_get_cmd_string(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf) { return get_response_string(at, buf, ':', AT_STATE_PROCESS_CMD); } -static bool is_cmer(struct at_client *at) -{ - if (strncmp(at->buf, "CME ERROR", 9) == 0) { - return true; - } +static bool is_cmer(struct at_client *at) { + if (strncmp(at->buf, "CME ERROR", 9) == 0) { + return true; + } - return false; + return false; } -static int at_state_process_cmd(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - if (is_cmer(at)) { - at->state = AT_STATE_PROCESS_AG_NW_ERR; - return 0; - } +static int at_state_process_cmd(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf) { + if (is_cmer(at)) { + at->state = AT_STATE_PROCESS_AG_NW_ERR; + return 0; + } - if (at->resp) { - at->resp(at, buf); - at->resp = NULL; - return 0; - } - at->state = AT_STATE_UNSOLICITED_CMD; + if (at->resp) { + at->resp(at, buf); + at->resp = NULL; return 0; + } + at->state = AT_STATE_UNSOLICITED_CMD; + return 0; } -static int at_state_get_result_string(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - return get_response_string(at, buf, '\r', AT_STATE_PROCESS_RESULT); -} +static int at_state_get_result_string(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf) { return get_response_string(at, buf, '\r', AT_STATE_PROCESS_RESULT); } -static bool is_ring(struct at_client *at) -{ - if (strncmp(at->buf, "RING", 4) == 0) { - return true; - } +static bool is_ring(struct at_client *at) { + if (strncmp(at->buf, "RING", 4) == 0) { + return true; + } - return false; + return false; } -static int at_state_process_result(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - enum at_cme cme_err; - enum at_result result; +static int at_state_process_result(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf) { + enum at_cme cme_err; + enum at_result result; - if (is_ring(at)) { - at->state = AT_STATE_UNSOLICITED_CMD; - return 0; - } + if (is_ring(at)) { + at->state = AT_STATE_UNSOLICITED_CMD; + return 0; + } - if (at_parse_result(at->buf, buf, &result) == 0) { - if (at->finish) { - /* cme_err is 0 - Is invalid until result is - * AT_RESULT_CME_ERROR - */ - cme_err = 0; - at->finish(at, result, cme_err); - } + if (at_parse_result(at->buf, buf, &result) == 0) { + if (at->finish) { + /* cme_err is 0 - Is invalid until result is + * AT_RESULT_CME_ERROR + */ + cme_err = 0; + at->finish(at, result, cme_err); } + } - /* Reset the state to process unsolicited response */ - at->cmd_state = AT_CMD_START; - at->state = AT_STATE_START; + /* Reset the state to process unsolicited response */ + at->cmd_state = AT_CMD_START; + at->state = AT_STATE_START; - return 0; + return 0; } -int cme_handle(struct at_client *at) -{ - enum at_cme cme_err; - uint32_t val; +int cme_handle(struct at_client *at) { + enum at_cme cme_err; + uint32_t val; - if (!at_get_number(at, &val) && val <= CME_ERROR_NETWORK_NOT_ALLOWED) { - cme_err = val; - } else { - cme_err = CME_ERROR_UNKNOWN; - } + if (!at_get_number(at, &val) && val <= CME_ERROR_NETWORK_NOT_ALLOWED) { + cme_err = val; + } else { + cme_err = CME_ERROR_UNKNOWN; + } - if (at->finish) { - at->finish(at, AT_RESULT_CME_ERROR, cme_err); - } + if (at->finish) { + at->finish(at, AT_RESULT_CME_ERROR, cme_err); + } - return 0; + return 0; } -static int at_state_process_ag_nw_err(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - at->cmd_state = AT_CMD_GET_VALUE; - return at_parse_cmd_input(at, buf, NULL, cme_handle, - AT_CMD_TYPE_NORMAL); +static int at_state_process_ag_nw_err(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf) { + at->cmd_state = AT_CMD_GET_VALUE; + return at_parse_cmd_input(at, buf, NULL, cme_handle, AT_CMD_TYPE_NORMAL); } -static int at_state_unsolicited_cmd(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - if (at->unsolicited) { - return at->unsolicited(at, buf); - } +static int at_state_unsolicited_cmd(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf) { + if (at->unsolicited) { + return at->unsolicited(at, buf); + } - return -ENODATA; + return -ENODATA; } /* The order of handler function should match the enum at_state */ @@ -313,84 +282,71 @@ static handle_parse_input_t parser_cb[] = { at_state_unsolicited_cmd /* AT_STATE_UNSOLICITED_CMD */ }; -int at_parse_input(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - int ret; - - while (buf->len) { - if (at->state < AT_STATE_START || at->state >= AT_STATE_END) { - return -EINVAL; - } - ret = parser_cb[at->state](at, buf); - if (ret < 0) { - /* Reset the state in case of error */ - at->cmd_state = AT_CMD_START; - at->state = AT_STATE_START; - return ret; - } +int at_parse_input(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf) { + int ret; + + while (buf->len) { + if (at->state < AT_STATE_START || at->state >= AT_STATE_END) { + return -EINVAL; } + ret = parser_cb[at->state](at, buf); + if (ret < 0) { + /* Reset the state in case of error */ + at->cmd_state = AT_CMD_START; + at->state = AT_STATE_START; + return ret; + } + } - return 0; + return 0; } -static int at_cmd_start(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf, - const char *prefix, parse_val_t func, - enum at_cmd_type type) -{ - if (!str_has_prefix(at->buf, prefix)) { - if (type == AT_CMD_TYPE_NORMAL) { - at->state = AT_STATE_UNSOLICITED_CMD; - } - return -ENODATA; - } - - if (type == AT_CMD_TYPE_OTHER) { - /* Skip for Other type such as ..RING.. which does not have - * values to get processed. - */ - at->cmd_state = AT_CMD_PROCESS_VALUE; - } else { - at->cmd_state = AT_CMD_GET_VALUE; +static int at_cmd_start(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf, const char *prefix, parse_val_t func, enum at_cmd_type type) { + if (!str_has_prefix(at->buf, prefix)) { + if (type == AT_CMD_TYPE_NORMAL) { + at->state = AT_STATE_UNSOLICITED_CMD; } + return -ENODATA; + } + + if (type == AT_CMD_TYPE_OTHER) { + /* Skip for Other type such as ..RING.. which does not have + * values to get processed. + */ + at->cmd_state = AT_CMD_PROCESS_VALUE; + } else { + at->cmd_state = AT_CMD_GET_VALUE; + } - return 0; + return 0; } -static int at_cmd_get_value(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf, - const char *prefix, parse_val_t func, - enum at_cmd_type type) -{ - /* Reset buffer before getting the values */ - reset_buffer(at); - return get_cmd_value(at, buf, '\r', AT_CMD_PROCESS_VALUE); +static int at_cmd_get_value(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf, const char *prefix, parse_val_t func, enum at_cmd_type type) { + /* Reset buffer before getting the values */ + reset_buffer(at); + return get_cmd_value(at, buf, '\r', AT_CMD_PROCESS_VALUE); } -static int at_cmd_process_value(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf, - const char *prefix, parse_val_t func, - enum at_cmd_type type) -{ - int ret; +static int at_cmd_process_value(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf, const char *prefix, parse_val_t func, enum at_cmd_type type) { + int ret; - ret = func(at); - at->cmd_state = AT_CMD_STATE_END_LF; + ret = func(at); + at->cmd_state = AT_CMD_STATE_END_LF; - return ret; + return ret; } -static int at_cmd_state_end_lf(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf, - const char *prefix, parse_val_t func, - enum at_cmd_type type) -{ - int err; +static int at_cmd_state_end_lf(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf, const char *prefix, parse_val_t func, enum at_cmd_type type) { + int err; - err = at_check_byte(buf, '\n'); - if (err < 0) { - return err; - } + err = at_check_byte(buf, '\n'); + if (err < 0) { + return err; + } - at->cmd_state = AT_CMD_START; - at->state = AT_STATE_START; - return 0; + at->cmd_state = AT_CMD_START; + at->state = AT_STATE_START; + return 0; } /* The order of handler function should match the enum at_cmd_state */ @@ -401,137 +357,122 @@ static handle_cmd_input_t cmd_parser_cb[] = { at_cmd_state_end_lf /* AT_CMD_STATE_END_LF */ }; -int at_parse_cmd_input(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf, - const char *prefix, parse_val_t func, - enum at_cmd_type type) -{ - int ret; - - while (buf->len) { - if (at->cmd_state < AT_CMD_START || - at->cmd_state >= AT_CMD_STATE_END) { - return -EINVAL; - } - ret = cmd_parser_cb[at->cmd_state](at, buf, prefix, func, type); - if (ret < 0) { - return ret; - } - /* Check for main state, the end of cmd parsing and return. */ - if (at->state == AT_STATE_START) { - return 0; - } +int at_parse_cmd_input(struct at_client *at, struct net_buf *buf, const char *prefix, parse_val_t func, enum at_cmd_type type) { + int ret; + + while (buf->len) { + if (at->cmd_state < AT_CMD_START || at->cmd_state >= AT_CMD_STATE_END) { + return -EINVAL; + } + ret = cmd_parser_cb[at->cmd_state](at, buf, prefix, func, type); + if (ret < 0) { + return ret; + } + /* Check for main state, the end of cmd parsing and return. */ + if (at->state == AT_STATE_START) { + return 0; } + } - return 0; + return 0; } -int at_has_next_list(struct at_client *at) -{ - return at->buf[at->pos] != '\0'; -} +int at_has_next_list(struct at_client *at) { return at->buf[at->pos] != '\0'; } -int at_open_list(struct at_client *at) -{ - skip_space(at); +int at_open_list(struct at_client *at) { + skip_space(at); - /* The list shall start with '(' open parenthesis */ - if (at->buf[at->pos] != '(') { - return -ENODATA; - } - at->pos++; + /* The list shall start with '(' open parenthesis */ + if (at->buf[at->pos] != '(') { + return -ENODATA; + } + at->pos++; - return 0; + return 0; } -int at_close_list(struct at_client *at) -{ - skip_space(at); +int at_close_list(struct at_client *at) { + skip_space(at); - if (at->buf[at->pos] != ')') { - return -ENODATA; - } - at->pos++; + if (at->buf[at->pos] != ')') { + return -ENODATA; + } + at->pos++; - next_list(at); + next_list(at); - return 0; + return 0; } -int at_list_get_string(struct at_client *at, char *name, uint8_t len) -{ - int i = 0; - - skip_space(at); +int at_list_get_string(struct at_client *at, char *name, uint8_t len) { + int i = 0; - if (at->buf[at->pos] != '"') { - return -ENODATA; - } - at->pos++; + skip_space(at); - while (at->buf[at->pos] != '\0' && at->buf[at->pos] != '"') { - if (i == len) { - return -ENODATA; - } - name[i++] = at->buf[at->pos++]; - } + if (at->buf[at->pos] != '"') { + return -ENODATA; + } + at->pos++; + while (at->buf[at->pos] != '\0' && at->buf[at->pos] != '"') { if (i == len) { - return -ENODATA; + return -ENODATA; } + name[i++] = at->buf[at->pos++]; + } - name[i] = '\0'; + if (i == len) { + return -ENODATA; + } - if (at->buf[at->pos] != '"') { - return -ENODATA; - } - at->pos++; + name[i] = '\0'; + + if (at->buf[at->pos] != '"') { + return -ENODATA; + } + at->pos++; - skip_space(at); - next_list(at); + skip_space(at); + next_list(at); - return 0; + return 0; } -int at_list_get_range(struct at_client *at, uint32_t *min, uint32_t *max) -{ - uint32_t low, high; - int ret; +int at_list_get_range(struct at_client *at, uint32_t *min, uint32_t *max) { + uint32_t low, high; + int ret; - ret = at_get_number(at, &low); - if (ret < 0) { - return ret; - } + ret = at_get_number(at, &low); + if (ret < 0) { + return ret; + } - if (at->buf[at->pos] == '-') { - at->pos++; - goto out; - } + if (at->buf[at->pos] == '-') { + at->pos++; + goto out; + } - if (!isdigit((unsigned char)at->buf[at->pos])) { - return -ENODATA; - } + if (!isdigit((unsigned char)at->buf[at->pos])) { + return -ENODATA; + } out: - ret = at_get_number(at, &high); - if (ret < 0) { - return ret; - } + ret = at_get_number(at, &high); + if (ret < 0) { + return ret; + } - *min = low; - *max = high; + *min = low; + *max = high; - next_list(at); + next_list(at); - return 0; + return 0; } -void at_register_unsolicited(struct at_client *at, at_resp_cb_t unsolicited) -{ - at->unsolicited = unsolicited; -} +void at_register_unsolicited(struct at_client *at, at_resp_cb_t unsolicited) { at->unsolicited = unsolicited; } -void at_register(struct at_client *at, at_resp_cb_t resp, at_finish_cb_t finish) -{ - at->resp = resp; - at->finish = finish; - at->state = AT_STATE_START; +void at_register(struct at_client *at, at_resp_cb_t resp, at_finish_cb_t finish) { + at->resp = resp; + at->finish = finish; + at->state = AT_STATE_START; } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/att.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/att.c index d792f0b6e1..52f2ad92c7 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/att.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/att.c @@ -6,29 +6,29 @@ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ -#include -#include -#include -#include #include +#include #include #include +#include +#include +#include -#include #include -#include #include #include +#include +#include #define BT_DBG_ENABLED IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_DEBUG_ATT) #include "log.h" -#include "hci_core.h" +#include "att_internal.h" #include "conn_internal.h" +#include "gatt_internal.h" +#include "hci_core.h" #include "l2cap_internal.h" #include "smp.h" -#include "att_internal.h" -#include "gatt_internal.h" #define ATT_CHAN(_ch) CONTAINER_OF(_ch, struct bt_att, chan.chan) #define ATT_REQ(_node) CONTAINER_OF(_node, struct bt_att_req, node) @@ -38,53 +38,52 @@ #define ATT_TIMEOUT K_SECONDS(30) typedef enum __packed { - ATT_COMMAND, - ATT_REQUEST, - ATT_RESPONSE, - ATT_NOTIFICATION, - ATT_CONFIRMATION, - ATT_INDICATION, - ATT_UNKNOWN, + ATT_COMMAND, + ATT_REQUEST, + ATT_RESPONSE, + ATT_NOTIFICATION, + ATT_CONFIRMATION, + ATT_INDICATION, + ATT_UNKNOWN, } att_type_t; static att_type_t att_op_get_type(u8_t op); #if CONFIG_BT_ATT_PREPARE_COUNT > 0 struct bt_attr_data { - u16_t handle; - u16_t offset; + u16_t handle; + u16_t offset; }; #if !defined(BFLB_DYNAMIC_ALLOC_MEM) /* Pool for incoming ATT packets */ -NET_BUF_POOL_DEFINE(prep_pool, CONFIG_BT_ATT_PREPARE_COUNT, BT_ATT_MTU, - sizeof(struct bt_attr_data), NULL); +NET_BUF_POOL_DEFINE(prep_pool, CONFIG_BT_ATT_PREPARE_COUNT, BT_ATT_MTU, sizeof(struct bt_attr_data), NULL); #else struct net_buf_pool prep_pool; #endif #endif /* CONFIG_BT_ATT_PREPARE_COUNT */ enum { - ATT_PENDING_RSP, - ATT_PENDING_CFM, - ATT_DISCONNECTED, + ATT_PENDING_RSP, + ATT_PENDING_CFM, + ATT_DISCONNECTED, - /* Total number of flags - must be at the end of the enum */ - ATT_NUM_FLAGS, + /* Total number of flags - must be at the end of the enum */ + ATT_NUM_FLAGS, }; /* ATT channel specific context */ struct bt_att { - /* The channel this context is associated with */ - struct bt_l2cap_le_chan chan; - ATOMIC_DEFINE(flags, ATT_NUM_FLAGS); - struct bt_att_req *req; - sys_slist_t reqs; - struct k_delayed_work timeout_work; - struct k_sem tx_sem; - struct k_fifo tx_queue; + /* The channel this context is associated with */ + struct bt_l2cap_le_chan chan; + ATOMIC_DEFINE(flags, ATT_NUM_FLAGS); + struct bt_att_req *req; + sys_slist_t reqs; + struct k_delayed_work timeout_work; + struct k_sem tx_sem; + struct k_fifo tx_queue; #if CONFIG_BT_ATT_PREPARE_COUNT > 0 - struct k_fifo prep_queue; + struct k_fifo prep_queue; #endif }; @@ -92,2359 +91,2113 @@ struct bt_att { extern volatile u8_t event_flag; #endif -static struct bt_att bt_req_pool[CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN]; +static struct bt_att bt_req_pool[CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN]; static struct bt_att_req cancel; #if defined(CONFIG_BLE_AT_CMD) static u16_t mtu_size = BT_ATT_MTU; -void set_mtu_size(u16_t size) -{ - mtu_size = size; -} +void set_mtu_size(u16_t size) { mtu_size = size; } #endif -static void att_req_destroy(struct bt_att_req *req) -{ - BT_DBG("req %p", req); +static void att_req_destroy(struct bt_att_req *req) { + BT_DBG("req %p", req); - if (req->buf) { - net_buf_unref(req->buf); - } + if (req->buf) { + net_buf_unref(req->buf); + } - if (req->destroy) { - req->destroy(req); - } + if (req->destroy) { + req->destroy(req); + } - (void)memset(req, 0, sizeof(*req)); + (void)memset(req, 0, sizeof(*req)); } -static struct bt_att *att_get(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - struct bt_l2cap_chan *chan; +static struct bt_att *att_get(struct bt_conn *conn) { + struct bt_l2cap_chan *chan; - chan = bt_l2cap_le_lookup_tx_cid(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT); - __ASSERT(chan, "No ATT channel found"); + chan = bt_l2cap_le_lookup_tx_cid(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT); + __ASSERT(chan, "No ATT channel found"); - return CONTAINER_OF(chan, struct bt_att, chan); + return CONTAINER_OF(chan, struct bt_att, chan); } static bt_conn_tx_cb_t att_cb(struct net_buf *buf); -static int att_send(struct bt_conn *conn, struct net_buf *buf, - bt_conn_tx_cb_t cb, void *user_data) -{ - struct bt_att_hdr *hdr; +static int att_send(struct bt_conn *conn, struct net_buf *buf, bt_conn_tx_cb_t cb, void *user_data) { + struct bt_att_hdr *hdr; - hdr = (void *)buf->data; + hdr = (void *)buf->data; - BT_DBG("code 0x%02x", hdr->code); + BT_DBG("code 0x%02x", hdr->code); #if defined(CONFIG_BT_SMP) && defined(CONFIG_BT_SIGNING) - if (hdr->code == BT_ATT_OP_SIGNED_WRITE_CMD) { - int err; - - err = bt_smp_sign(conn, buf); - if (err) { - BT_ERR("Error signing data"); - net_buf_unref(buf); - return err; - } + if (hdr->code == BT_ATT_OP_SIGNED_WRITE_CMD) { + int err; + + err = bt_smp_sign(conn, buf); + if (err) { + BT_ERR("Error signing data"); + net_buf_unref(buf); + return err; } + } #endif - return bt_l2cap_send_cb(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, buf, - cb ? cb : att_cb(buf), - user_data); + return bt_l2cap_send_cb(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, buf, cb ? cb : att_cb(buf), user_data); } -void att_pdu_sent(struct bt_conn *conn, void *user_data) -{ - struct bt_att *att = att_get(conn); - struct net_buf *buf; +void att_pdu_sent(struct bt_conn *conn, void *user_data) { + struct bt_att *att = att_get(conn); + struct net_buf *buf; - BT_DBG("conn %p att %p", conn, att); + BT_DBG("conn %p att %p", conn, att); - while ((buf = net_buf_get(&att->tx_queue, K_NO_WAIT))) { - /* Check if the queued buf is a request */ - if (att->req && att->req->buf == buf) { - /* Save request state so it can be resent */ - net_buf_simple_save(&att->req->buf->b, - &att->req->state); - } + while ((buf = net_buf_get(&att->tx_queue, K_NO_WAIT))) { + /* Check if the queued buf is a request */ + if (att->req && att->req->buf == buf) { + /* Save request state so it can be resent */ + net_buf_simple_save(&att->req->buf->b, &att->req->state); + } - if (!att_send(conn, buf, NULL, NULL)) { - return; - } + if (!att_send(conn, buf, NULL, NULL)) { + return; } + } - k_sem_give(&att->tx_sem); + k_sem_give(&att->tx_sem); } -void att_cfm_sent(struct bt_conn *conn, void *user_data) -{ - struct bt_att *att = att_get(conn); +void att_cfm_sent(struct bt_conn *conn, void *user_data) { + struct bt_att *att = att_get(conn); - BT_DBG("conn %p att %p", conn, att); + BT_DBG("conn %p att %p", conn, att); - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_ATT_ENFORCE_FLOW)) { - atomic_clear_bit(att->flags, ATT_PENDING_CFM); - } + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_ATT_ENFORCE_FLOW)) { + atomic_clear_bit(att->flags, ATT_PENDING_CFM); + } - att_pdu_sent(conn, user_data); + att_pdu_sent(conn, user_data); } -void att_rsp_sent(struct bt_conn *conn, void *user_data) -{ - struct bt_att *att = att_get(conn); +void att_rsp_sent(struct bt_conn *conn, void *user_data) { + struct bt_att *att = att_get(conn); - BT_DBG("conn %p att %p", conn, att); + BT_DBG("conn %p att %p", conn, att); - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_ATT_ENFORCE_FLOW)) { - atomic_clear_bit(att->flags, ATT_PENDING_RSP); - } + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_ATT_ENFORCE_FLOW)) { + atomic_clear_bit(att->flags, ATT_PENDING_RSP); + } - att_pdu_sent(conn, user_data); + att_pdu_sent(conn, user_data); } -void att_req_sent(struct bt_conn *conn, void *user_data) -{ - struct bt_att *att = att_get(conn); +void att_req_sent(struct bt_conn *conn, void *user_data) { + struct bt_att *att = att_get(conn); - BT_DBG("conn %p att %p att->req %p", conn, att, att->req); + BT_DBG("conn %p att %p att->req %p", conn, att, att->req); - /* Start timeout work */ - if (att->req) { - k_delayed_work_submit(&att->timeout_work, ATT_TIMEOUT); - } + /* Start timeout work */ + if (att->req) { + k_delayed_work_submit(&att->timeout_work, ATT_TIMEOUT); + } - att_pdu_sent(conn, user_data); -} - -static bt_conn_tx_cb_t att_cb(struct net_buf *buf) -{ - switch (att_op_get_type(buf->data[0])) { - case ATT_RESPONSE: - return att_rsp_sent; - case ATT_CONFIRMATION: - return att_cfm_sent; - case ATT_REQUEST: - case ATT_INDICATION: - return att_req_sent; - default: - return att_pdu_sent; - } + att_pdu_sent(conn, user_data); } -static void send_err_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t req, u16_t handle, - u8_t err) -{ - struct bt_att_error_rsp *rsp; - struct net_buf *buf; +static bt_conn_tx_cb_t att_cb(struct net_buf *buf) { + switch (att_op_get_type(buf->data[0])) { + case ATT_RESPONSE: + return att_rsp_sent; + case ATT_CONFIRMATION: + return att_cfm_sent; + case ATT_REQUEST: + case ATT_INDICATION: + return att_req_sent; + default: + return att_pdu_sent; + } +} - /* Ignore opcode 0x00 */ - if (!req) { - return; - } +static void send_err_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t req, u16_t handle, u8_t err) { + struct bt_att_error_rsp *rsp; + struct net_buf *buf; - buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_ERROR_RSP, sizeof(*rsp)); - if (!buf) { - return; - } + /* Ignore opcode 0x00 */ + if (!req) { + return; + } - rsp = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*rsp)); - rsp->request = req; - rsp->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(handle); - rsp->error = err; + buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_ERROR_RSP, sizeof(*rsp)); + if (!buf) { + return; + } - (void)bt_l2cap_send_cb(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, buf, att_rsp_sent, NULL); + rsp = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*rsp)); + rsp->request = req; + rsp->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(handle); + rsp->error = err; + + (void)bt_l2cap_send_cb(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, buf, att_rsp_sent, NULL); } -static u8_t att_mtu_req(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; - struct bt_att_exchange_mtu_req *req; - struct bt_att_exchange_mtu_rsp *rsp; - struct net_buf *pdu; - u16_t mtu_client, mtu_server; +static u8_t att_mtu_req(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) { + struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; + struct bt_att_exchange_mtu_req *req; + struct bt_att_exchange_mtu_rsp *rsp; + struct net_buf *pdu; + u16_t mtu_client, mtu_server; - req = (void *)buf->data; + req = (void *)buf->data; - mtu_client = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->mtu); + mtu_client = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->mtu); - BT_DBG("Client MTU %u", mtu_client); + BT_DBG("Client MTU %u", mtu_client); - /* Check if MTU is valid */ - if (mtu_client < BT_ATT_DEFAULT_LE_MTU) { - return BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_PDU; - } + /* Check if MTU is valid */ + if (mtu_client < BT_ATT_DEFAULT_LE_MTU) { + return BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_PDU; + } - pdu = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_MTU_RSP, sizeof(*rsp)); - if (!pdu) { - return BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY; - } + pdu = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_MTU_RSP, sizeof(*rsp)); + if (!pdu) { + return BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY; + } - mtu_server = BT_ATT_MTU; + mtu_server = BT_ATT_MTU; - BT_DBG("Server MTU %u", mtu_server); + BT_DBG("Server MTU %u", mtu_server); - rsp = net_buf_add(pdu, sizeof(*rsp)); - rsp->mtu = sys_cpu_to_le16(mtu_server); + rsp = net_buf_add(pdu, sizeof(*rsp)); + rsp->mtu = sys_cpu_to_le16(mtu_server); - (void)bt_l2cap_send_cb(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, pdu, att_rsp_sent, NULL); + (void)bt_l2cap_send_cb(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, pdu, att_rsp_sent, NULL); - /* BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 4.2 [Vol 3, Part F] page 484: - * - * A device's Exchange MTU Request shall contain the same MTU as the - * device's Exchange MTU Response (i.e. the MTU shall be symmetric). - */ - att->chan.rx.mtu = MIN(mtu_client, mtu_server); - att->chan.tx.mtu = att->chan.rx.mtu; + /* BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 4.2 [Vol 3, Part F] page 484: + * + * A device's Exchange MTU Request shall contain the same MTU as the + * device's Exchange MTU Response (i.e. the MTU shall be symmetric). + */ + att->chan.rx.mtu = MIN(mtu_client, mtu_server); + att->chan.tx.mtu = att->chan.rx.mtu; - BT_DBG("Negotiated MTU %u", att->chan.rx.mtu); + BT_DBG("Negotiated MTU %u", att->chan.rx.mtu); #if defined(BFLB_BLE_MTU_CHANGE_CB) - if (att->chan.chan.ops->mtu_changed) - att->chan.chan.ops->mtu_changed(&(att->chan.chan), att->chan.rx.mtu); + if (att->chan.chan.ops->mtu_changed) { + att->chan.chan.ops->mtu_changed(&(att->chan.chan), att->chan.rx.mtu); + } #endif - return 0; + return 0; } -static inline bool att_is_connected(struct bt_att *att) -{ - return (att->chan.chan.conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED || - !atomic_test_bit(att->flags, ATT_DISCONNECTED)); -} +static inline bool att_is_connected(struct bt_att *att) { return (att->chan.chan.conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED || !atomic_test_bit(att->flags, ATT_DISCONNECTED)); } -static int att_send_req(struct bt_att *att, struct bt_att_req *req) -{ - int err; +static int att_send_req(struct bt_att *att, struct bt_att_req *req) { + int err; - __ASSERT_NO_MSG(req); - __ASSERT_NO_MSG(req->func); - __ASSERT_NO_MSG(!att->req); + __ASSERT_NO_MSG(req); + __ASSERT_NO_MSG(req->func); + __ASSERT_NO_MSG(!att->req); - BT_DBG("req %p", req); + BT_DBG("req %p", req); - att->req = req; + att->req = req; - if (k_sem_take(&att->tx_sem, K_NO_WAIT) < 0) { - k_fifo_put(&att->tx_queue, req->buf); - return 0; - } + if (k_sem_take(&att->tx_sem, K_NO_WAIT) < 0) { + k_fifo_put(&att->tx_queue, req->buf); + return 0; + } - /* Save request state so it can be resent */ - net_buf_simple_save(&req->buf->b, &req->state); + /* Save request state so it can be resent */ + net_buf_simple_save(&req->buf->b, &req->state); - /* Keep a reference for resending in case of an error */ - err = bt_l2cap_send_cb(att->chan.chan.conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, - net_buf_ref(req->buf), att_cb(req->buf), NULL); - if (err) { - net_buf_unref(req->buf); - req->buf = NULL; - return err; - } + /* Keep a reference for resending in case of an error */ + err = bt_l2cap_send_cb(att->chan.chan.conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, net_buf_ref(req->buf), att_cb(req->buf), NULL); + if (err) { + net_buf_unref(req->buf); + req->buf = NULL; + return err; + } - return 0; + return 0; } -static void att_process(struct bt_att *att) -{ - sys_snode_t *node; +static void att_process(struct bt_att *att) { + sys_snode_t *node; - BT_DBG(""); + BT_DBG(""); - /* Pull next request from the list */ - node = sys_slist_get(&att->reqs); - if (!node) { - return; - } + /* Pull next request from the list */ + node = sys_slist_get(&att->reqs); + if (!node) { + return; + } - att_send_req(att, ATT_REQ(node)); + att_send_req(att, ATT_REQ(node)); } -static u8_t att_handle_rsp(struct bt_att *att, void *pdu, u16_t len, u8_t err) -{ - bt_att_func_t func; +static u8_t att_handle_rsp(struct bt_att *att, void *pdu, u16_t len, u8_t err) { + bt_att_func_t func; - BT_DBG("err 0x%02x len %u: %s", err, len, bt_hex(pdu, len)); + BT_DBG("err 0x%02x len %u: %s", err, len, bt_hex(pdu, len)); - /* Cancel timeout if ongoing */ - k_delayed_work_cancel(&att->timeout_work); + /* Cancel timeout if ongoing */ + k_delayed_work_cancel(&att->timeout_work); - if (!att->req) { - BT_WARN("No pending ATT request"); - goto process; - } + if (!att->req) { + BT_WARN("No pending ATT request"); + goto process; + } - /* Check if request has been cancelled */ - if (att->req == &cancel) { - att->req = NULL; - goto process; - } + /* Check if request has been cancelled */ + if (att->req == &cancel) { + att->req = NULL; + goto process; + } - /* Release original buffer */ - if (att->req->buf) { - net_buf_unref(att->req->buf); - att->req->buf = NULL; - } + /* Release original buffer */ + if (att->req->buf) { + net_buf_unref(att->req->buf); + att->req->buf = NULL; + } - /* Reset func so it can be reused by the callback */ - func = att->req->func; - att->req->func = NULL; + /* Reset func so it can be reused by the callback */ + func = att->req->func; + att->req->func = NULL; - func(att->chan.chan.conn, err, pdu, len, att->req); + func(att->chan.chan.conn, err, pdu, len, att->req); - /* Don't destroy if callback had reused the request */ - if (!att->req->func) { - att_req_destroy(att->req); - } + /* Don't destroy if callback had reused the request */ + if (!att->req->func) { + att_req_destroy(att->req); + } - att->req = NULL; + att->req = NULL; process: - /* Process pending requests */ - att_process(att); + /* Process pending requests */ + att_process(att); - return 0; + return 0; } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_CLIENT) -static u8_t att_mtu_rsp(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - struct bt_att_exchange_mtu_rsp *rsp; - u16_t mtu; +static u8_t att_mtu_rsp(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) { + struct bt_att_exchange_mtu_rsp *rsp; + u16_t mtu; - if (!att) { - return 0; - } + if (!att) { + return 0; + } - rsp = (void *)buf->data; + rsp = (void *)buf->data; - mtu = sys_le16_to_cpu(rsp->mtu); + mtu = sys_le16_to_cpu(rsp->mtu); - BT_DBG("Server MTU %u", mtu); + BT_DBG("Server MTU %u", mtu); - /* Check if MTU is valid */ - if (mtu < BT_ATT_DEFAULT_LE_MTU) { - return att_handle_rsp(att, NULL, 0, BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_PDU); - } + /* Check if MTU is valid */ + if (mtu < BT_ATT_DEFAULT_LE_MTU) { + return att_handle_rsp(att, NULL, 0, BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_PDU); + } - att->chan.rx.mtu = MIN(mtu, BT_ATT_MTU); + att->chan.rx.mtu = MIN(mtu, BT_ATT_MTU); - /* BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 4.2 [Vol 3, Part F] page 484: - * - * A device's Exchange MTU Request shall contain the same MTU as the - * device's Exchange MTU Response (i.e. the MTU shall be symmetric). - */ - att->chan.tx.mtu = att->chan.rx.mtu; + /* BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 4.2 [Vol 3, Part F] page 484: + * + * A device's Exchange MTU Request shall contain the same MTU as the + * device's Exchange MTU Response (i.e. the MTU shall be symmetric). + */ + att->chan.tx.mtu = att->chan.rx.mtu; - BT_DBG("Negotiated MTU %u", att->chan.rx.mtu); + BT_DBG("Negotiated MTU %u", att->chan.rx.mtu); - return att_handle_rsp(att, rsp, buf->len, 0); + return att_handle_rsp(att, rsp, buf->len, 0); } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_GATT_CLIENT */ -static bool range_is_valid(u16_t start, u16_t end, u16_t *err) -{ - /* Handle 0 is invalid */ - if (!start || !end) { - if (err) { - *err = 0U; - } - return false; +static bool range_is_valid(u16_t start, u16_t end, u16_t *err) { + /* Handle 0 is invalid */ + if (!start || !end) { + if (err) { + *err = 0U; } + return false; + } - /* Check if range is valid */ - if (start > end) { - if (err) { - *err = start; - } - return false; + /* Check if range is valid */ + if (start > end) { + if (err) { + *err = start; } + return false; + } - return true; + return true; } struct find_info_data { - struct bt_att *att; - struct net_buf *buf; - struct bt_att_find_info_rsp *rsp; - union { - struct bt_att_info_16 *info16; - struct bt_att_info_128 *info128; - }; + struct bt_att *att; + struct net_buf *buf; + struct bt_att_find_info_rsp *rsp; + union { + struct bt_att_info_16 *info16; + struct bt_att_info_128 *info128; + }; }; -static u8_t find_info_cb(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) -{ - struct find_info_data *data = user_data; - struct bt_att *att = data->att; +static u8_t find_info_cb(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) { + struct find_info_data *data = user_data; + struct bt_att *att = data->att; - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x", attr->handle); + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x", attr->handle); - /* Initialize rsp at first entry */ - if (!data->rsp) { - data->rsp = net_buf_add(data->buf, sizeof(*data->rsp)); - data->rsp->format = (attr->uuid->type == BT_UUID_TYPE_16) ? - BT_ATT_INFO_16 : - BT_ATT_INFO_128; - } + /* Initialize rsp at first entry */ + if (!data->rsp) { + data->rsp = net_buf_add(data->buf, sizeof(*data->rsp)); + data->rsp->format = (attr->uuid->type == BT_UUID_TYPE_16) ? BT_ATT_INFO_16 : BT_ATT_INFO_128; + } - switch (data->rsp->format) { - case BT_ATT_INFO_16: - if (attr->uuid->type != BT_UUID_TYPE_16) { - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; - } - - /* Fast forward to next item position */ - data->info16 = net_buf_add(data->buf, sizeof(*data->info16)); - data->info16->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(attr->handle); - data->info16->uuid = sys_cpu_to_le16(BT_UUID_16(attr->uuid)->val); - - if (att->chan.tx.mtu - data->buf->len > - sizeof(*data->info16)) { - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; - } - - break; - case BT_ATT_INFO_128: - if (attr->uuid->type != BT_UUID_TYPE_128) { - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; - } - - /* Fast forward to next item position */ - data->info128 = net_buf_add(data->buf, sizeof(*data->info128)); - data->info128->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(attr->handle); - memcpy(data->info128->uuid, BT_UUID_128(attr->uuid)->val, - sizeof(data->info128->uuid)); - - if (att->chan.tx.mtu - data->buf->len > - sizeof(*data->info128)) { - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; - } + switch (data->rsp->format) { + case BT_ATT_INFO_16: + if (attr->uuid->type != BT_UUID_TYPE_16) { + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; } - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; -} - -static u8_t att_find_info_rsp(struct bt_att *att, u16_t start_handle, - u16_t end_handle) -{ - struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; - struct find_info_data data; + /* Fast forward to next item position */ + data->info16 = net_buf_add(data->buf, sizeof(*data->info16)); + data->info16->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(attr->handle); + data->info16->uuid = sys_cpu_to_le16(BT_UUID_16(attr->uuid)->val); - (void)memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); + if (att->chan.tx.mtu - data->buf->len > sizeof(*data->info16)) { + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + } - data.buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_FIND_INFO_RSP, 0); - if (!data.buf) { - return BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY; + break; + case BT_ATT_INFO_128: + if (attr->uuid->type != BT_UUID_TYPE_128) { + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; } - data.att = att; - bt_gatt_foreach_attr(start_handle, end_handle, find_info_cb, &data); + /* Fast forward to next item position */ + data->info128 = net_buf_add(data->buf, sizeof(*data->info128)); + data->info128->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(attr->handle); + memcpy(data->info128->uuid, BT_UUID_128(attr->uuid)->val, sizeof(data->info128->uuid)); - if (!data.rsp) { - net_buf_unref(data.buf); - /* Respond since handle is set */ - send_err_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_FIND_INFO_REQ, start_handle, - BT_ATT_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND); - return 0; + if (att->chan.tx.mtu - data->buf->len > sizeof(*data->info128)) { + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; } + } + + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; +} + +static u8_t att_find_info_rsp(struct bt_att *att, u16_t start_handle, u16_t end_handle) { + struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; + struct find_info_data data; - (void)bt_l2cap_send_cb(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, data.buf, att_rsp_sent, - NULL); + (void)memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); + data.buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_FIND_INFO_RSP, 0); + if (!data.buf) { + return BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY; + } + + data.att = att; + bt_gatt_foreach_attr(start_handle, end_handle, find_info_cb, &data); + + if (!data.rsp) { + net_buf_unref(data.buf); + /* Respond since handle is set */ + send_err_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_FIND_INFO_REQ, start_handle, BT_ATT_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND); return 0; + } + + (void)bt_l2cap_send_cb(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, data.buf, att_rsp_sent, NULL); + + return 0; } -static u8_t att_find_info_req(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; - struct bt_att_find_info_req *req; - u16_t start_handle, end_handle, err_handle; +static u8_t att_find_info_req(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) { + struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; + struct bt_att_find_info_req *req; + u16_t start_handle, end_handle, err_handle; - req = (void *)buf->data; + req = (void *)buf->data; - start_handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->start_handle); - end_handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->end_handle); + start_handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->start_handle); + end_handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->end_handle); - BT_DBG("start_handle 0x%04x end_handle 0x%04x", start_handle, - end_handle); + BT_DBG("start_handle 0x%04x end_handle 0x%04x", start_handle, end_handle); - if (!range_is_valid(start_handle, end_handle, &err_handle)) { - send_err_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_FIND_INFO_REQ, err_handle, - BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE); - return 0; - } + if (!range_is_valid(start_handle, end_handle, &err_handle)) { + send_err_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_FIND_INFO_REQ, err_handle, BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE); + return 0; + } - return att_find_info_rsp(att, start_handle, end_handle); + return att_find_info_rsp(att, start_handle, end_handle); } struct find_type_data { - struct bt_att *att; - struct net_buf *buf; - struct bt_att_handle_group *group; - const void *value; - u8_t value_len; - u8_t err; + struct bt_att *att; + struct net_buf *buf; + struct bt_att_handle_group *group; + const void *value; + u8_t value_len; + u8_t err; }; -static u8_t find_type_cb(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) -{ - struct find_type_data *data = user_data; - struct bt_att *att = data->att; - struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; - int read; - u8_t uuid[16]; - - /* Skip secondary services */ - if (!bt_uuid_cmp(attr->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_SECONDARY)) { - goto skip; - } +static u8_t find_type_cb(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) { + struct find_type_data *data = user_data; + struct bt_att *att = data->att; + struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; + int read; + u8_t uuid[16]; + + /* Skip secondary services */ + if (!bt_uuid_cmp(attr->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_SECONDARY)) { + goto skip; + } - /* Update group end_handle if not a primary service */ - if (bt_uuid_cmp(attr->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_PRIMARY)) { - if (data->group && - attr->handle > sys_le16_to_cpu(data->group->end_handle)) { - data->group->end_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(attr->handle); - } - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + /* Update group end_handle if not a primary service */ + if (bt_uuid_cmp(attr->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_PRIMARY)) { + if (data->group && attr->handle > sys_le16_to_cpu(data->group->end_handle)) { + data->group->end_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(attr->handle); } + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + } - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x", attr->handle); + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x", attr->handle); - /* stop if there is no space left */ - if (att->chan.tx.mtu - data->buf->len < sizeof(*data->group)) { - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; - } + /* stop if there is no space left */ + if (att->chan.tx.mtu - data->buf->len < sizeof(*data->group)) { + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; + } - /* Read attribute value and store in the buffer */ - read = attr->read(conn, attr, uuid, sizeof(uuid), 0); - if (read < 0) { - /* - * Since we don't know if it is the service with requested UUID, - * we cannot respond with an error to this request. - */ - goto skip; - } + /* Read attribute value and store in the buffer */ + read = attr->read(conn, attr, uuid, sizeof(uuid), 0); + if (read < 0) { + /* + * Since we don't know if it is the service with requested UUID, + * we cannot respond with an error to this request. + */ + goto skip; + } - /* Check if data matches */ - if (read != data->value_len) { - /* Use bt_uuid_cmp() to compare UUIDs of different form. */ - struct bt_uuid_128 ref_uuid; - struct bt_uuid_128 recvd_uuid; - - if (!bt_uuid_create(&recvd_uuid.uuid, data->value, data->value_len)) { - BT_WARN("Unable to create UUID: size %u", data->value_len); - goto skip; - } - if (!bt_uuid_create(&ref_uuid.uuid, uuid, read)) { - BT_WARN("Unable to create UUID: size %d", read); - goto skip; - } - if (bt_uuid_cmp(&recvd_uuid.uuid, &ref_uuid.uuid)) { - goto skip; - } - } else if (memcmp(data->value, uuid, read)) { - goto skip; + /* Check if data matches */ + if (read != data->value_len) { + /* Use bt_uuid_cmp() to compare UUIDs of different form. */ + struct bt_uuid_128 ref_uuid; + struct bt_uuid_128 recvd_uuid; + + if (!bt_uuid_create(&recvd_uuid.uuid, data->value, data->value_len)) { + BT_WARN("Unable to create UUID: size %u", data->value_len); + goto skip; + } + if (!bt_uuid_create(&ref_uuid.uuid, uuid, read)) { + BT_WARN("Unable to create UUID: size %d", read); + goto skip; } + if (bt_uuid_cmp(&recvd_uuid.uuid, &ref_uuid.uuid)) { + goto skip; + } + } else if (memcmp(data->value, uuid, read)) { + goto skip; + } - /* If service has been found, error should be cleared */ - data->err = 0x00; + /* If service has been found, error should be cleared */ + data->err = 0x00; - /* Fast forward to next item position */ - data->group = net_buf_add(data->buf, sizeof(*data->group)); - data->group->start_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(attr->handle); - data->group->end_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(attr->handle); + /* Fast forward to next item position */ + data->group = net_buf_add(data->buf, sizeof(*data->group)); + data->group->start_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(attr->handle); + data->group->end_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(attr->handle); - /* continue to find the end_handle */ - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + /* continue to find the end_handle */ + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; skip: - data->group = NULL; - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + data->group = NULL; + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; } -static u8_t att_find_type_rsp(struct bt_att *att, u16_t start_handle, - u16_t end_handle, const void *value, - u8_t value_len) -{ - struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; - struct find_type_data data; +static u8_t att_find_type_rsp(struct bt_att *att, u16_t start_handle, u16_t end_handle, const void *value, u8_t value_len) { + struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; + struct find_type_data data; - (void)memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); + (void)memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); - data.buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_FIND_TYPE_RSP, 0); - if (!data.buf) { - return BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY; - } + data.buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_FIND_TYPE_RSP, 0); + if (!data.buf) { + return BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY; + } - data.att = att; - data.group = NULL; - data.value = value; - data.value_len = value_len; + data.att = att; + data.group = NULL; + data.value = value; + data.value_len = value_len; - /* Pre-set error in case no service will be found */ - data.err = BT_ATT_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND; + /* Pre-set error in case no service will be found */ + data.err = BT_ATT_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND; - bt_gatt_foreach_attr(start_handle, end_handle, find_type_cb, &data); + bt_gatt_foreach_attr(start_handle, end_handle, find_type_cb, &data); - /* If error has not been cleared, no service has been found */ - if (data.err) { - net_buf_unref(data.buf); - /* Respond since handle is set */ - send_err_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_FIND_TYPE_REQ, start_handle, - data.err); + /* If error has not been cleared, no service has been found */ + if (data.err) { + net_buf_unref(data.buf); + /* Respond since handle is set */ + send_err_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_FIND_TYPE_REQ, start_handle, data.err); #if defined(CONFIG_BT_STACK_PTS) - /*PTS sends a request to the iut discover all primary services it contains */ - if (event_flag == att_find_by_type_value_ind) { - BT_PTS("rsp err : [%d] start_handle = [0x%04x]\r\n", data.err, start_handle); - } -#endif - return 0; + /*PTS sends a request to the iut discover all primary services it contains */ + if (event_flag == att_find_by_type_value_ind) { + BT_PTS("rsp err : [%d] start_handle = [0x%04x]\r\n", data.err, start_handle); } +#endif + return 0; + } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_STACK_PTS) - /*when PTS sends a request to the iut discover all primary services it contains, set event flag - * to @att_find_by_type_value_ind make it easy for the user to check whether the messages is correct in the console. - */ - if (event_flag == att_find_by_type_value_ind) { - u8_t i = 0; - u8_t *req_val = (u8_t *)data.value; - u8_t src[20]; + /*when PTS sends a request to the iut discover all primary services it contains, set event flag + * to @att_find_by_type_value_ind make it easy for the user to check whether the messages is correct in the console. + */ + if (event_flag == att_find_by_type_value_ind) { + u8_t i = 0; + u8_t *req_val = (u8_t *)data.value; + u8_t src[20]; - (void)memcpy(src, req_val, data.value_len); + (void)memcpy(src, req_val, data.value_len); - BT_PTS("uuid = ["); - for (i = 0; i < value_len; i++) { - BT_PTS("%02x", src[value_len - 1 - i]); - } - BT_PTS("]\r\n"); - - BT_PTS("start_handle = [0x%04x] end_handle = [0x%04x]\r\n", data.buf->data[1] | data.buf->data[2] << 8, - data.buf->data[3] | data.buf->data[4] << 8); + BT_PTS("uuid = ["); + for (i = 0; i < value_len; i++) { + BT_PTS("%02x", src[value_len - 1 - i]); } + BT_PTS("]\r\n"); + + BT_PTS("start_handle = [0x%04x] end_handle = [0x%04x]\r\n", data.buf->data[1] | data.buf->data[2] << 8, data.buf->data[3] | data.buf->data[4] << 8); + } #endif - (void)bt_l2cap_send_cb(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, data.buf, att_rsp_sent, - NULL); + (void)bt_l2cap_send_cb(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, data.buf, att_rsp_sent, NULL); - return 0; + return 0; } -static u8_t att_find_type_req(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; - struct bt_att_find_type_req *req; - u16_t start_handle, end_handle, err_handle, type; - u8_t *value; +static u8_t att_find_type_req(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) { + struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; + struct bt_att_find_type_req *req; + u16_t start_handle, end_handle, err_handle, type; + u8_t *value; - req = net_buf_pull_mem(buf, sizeof(*req)); + req = net_buf_pull_mem(buf, sizeof(*req)); - start_handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->start_handle); - end_handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->end_handle); - type = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->type); - value = buf->data; + start_handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->start_handle); + end_handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->end_handle); + type = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->type); + value = buf->data; - BT_DBG("start_handle 0x%04x end_handle 0x%04x type %u", start_handle, - end_handle, type); + BT_DBG("start_handle 0x%04x end_handle 0x%04x type %u", start_handle, end_handle, type); - if (!range_is_valid(start_handle, end_handle, &err_handle)) { - send_err_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_FIND_TYPE_REQ, err_handle, - BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE); - return 0; - } - - /* The Attribute Protocol Find By Type Value Request shall be used with - * the Attribute Type parameter set to the UUID for "Primary Service" - * and the Attribute Value set to the 16-bit Bluetooth UUID or 128-bit - * UUID for the specific primary service. - */ - if (bt_uuid_cmp(BT_UUID_DECLARE_16(type), BT_UUID_GATT_PRIMARY)) { - send_err_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_FIND_TYPE_REQ, start_handle, - BT_ATT_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND); - return 0; - } + if (!range_is_valid(start_handle, end_handle, &err_handle)) { + send_err_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_FIND_TYPE_REQ, err_handle, BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE); + return 0; + } + + /* The Attribute Protocol Find By Type Value Request shall be used with + * the Attribute Type parameter set to the UUID for "Primary Service" + * and the Attribute Value set to the 16-bit Bluetooth UUID or 128-bit + * UUID for the specific primary service. + */ + if (bt_uuid_cmp(BT_UUID_DECLARE_16(type), BT_UUID_GATT_PRIMARY)) { + send_err_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_FIND_TYPE_REQ, start_handle, BT_ATT_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND); + return 0; + } - return att_find_type_rsp(att, start_handle, end_handle, value, - buf->len); + return att_find_type_rsp(att, start_handle, end_handle, value, buf->len); } -static u8_t err_to_att(int err) -{ - BT_DBG("%d", err); +static u8_t err_to_att(int err) { + BT_DBG("%d", err); - if (err < 0 && err >= -0xff) { - return -err; - } + if (err < 0 && err >= -0xff) { + return -err; + } - return BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY; + return BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY; } struct read_type_data { - struct bt_att *att; - struct bt_uuid *uuid; - struct net_buf *buf; - struct bt_att_read_type_rsp *rsp; - struct bt_att_data *item; - u8_t err; + struct bt_att *att; + struct bt_uuid *uuid; + struct net_buf *buf; + struct bt_att_read_type_rsp *rsp; + struct bt_att_data *item; + u8_t err; }; -static u8_t read_type_cb(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) -{ - struct read_type_data *data = user_data; - struct bt_att *att = data->att; - struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; - int read; - - /* Skip if doesn't match */ - if (bt_uuid_cmp(attr->uuid, data->uuid)) { - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; - } - - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x", attr->handle); +static u8_t read_type_cb(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) { + struct read_type_data *data = user_data; + struct bt_att *att = data->att; + struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; + int read; - /* - * If an attribute in the set of requested attributes would cause an - * Error Response then this attribute cannot be included in a - * Read By Type Response and the attributes before this attribute - * shall be returned - * - * If the first attribute in the set of requested attributes would - * cause an Error Response then no other attributes in the requested - * attributes can be considered. - */ - data->err = bt_gatt_check_perm(conn, attr, BT_GATT_PERM_READ_MASK); - if (data->err) { - if (data->rsp->len) { - data->err = 0x00; - } - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; - } - - /* - * If any attribute is founded in handle range it means that error - * should be changed from pre-set: attr not found error to no error. - */ - data->err = 0x00; - - /* Fast forward to next item position */ - data->item = net_buf_add(data->buf, sizeof(*data->item)); - data->item->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(attr->handle); - - /* Read attribute value and store in the buffer */ - read = attr->read(conn, attr, data->buf->data + data->buf->len, - att->chan.tx.mtu - data->buf->len, 0); - if (read < 0) { - data->err = err_to_att(read); - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; - } - - if (!data->rsp->len) { - /* Set len to be the first item found */ - data->rsp->len = read + sizeof(*data->item); - } else if (data->rsp->len != read + sizeof(*data->item)) { - /* All items should have the same size */ - data->buf->len -= sizeof(*data->item); - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; + /* Skip if doesn't match */ + if (bt_uuid_cmp(attr->uuid, data->uuid)) { + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + } + + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x", attr->handle); + + /* + * If an attribute in the set of requested attributes would cause an + * Error Response then this attribute cannot be included in a + * Read By Type Response and the attributes before this attribute + * shall be returned + * + * If the first attribute in the set of requested attributes would + * cause an Error Response then no other attributes in the requested + * attributes can be considered. + */ + data->err = bt_gatt_check_perm(conn, attr, BT_GATT_PERM_READ_MASK); + if (data->err) { + if (data->rsp->len) { + data->err = 0x00; } + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; + } + + /* + * If any attribute is founded in handle range it means that error + * should be changed from pre-set: attr not found error to no error. + */ + data->err = 0x00; + + /* Fast forward to next item position */ + data->item = net_buf_add(data->buf, sizeof(*data->item)); + data->item->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(attr->handle); + + /* Read attribute value and store in the buffer */ + read = attr->read(conn, attr, data->buf->data + data->buf->len, att->chan.tx.mtu - data->buf->len, 0); + if (read < 0) { + data->err = err_to_att(read); + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; + } + + if (!data->rsp->len) { + /* Set len to be the first item found */ + data->rsp->len = read + sizeof(*data->item); + } else if (data->rsp->len != read + sizeof(*data->item)) { + /* All items should have the same size */ + data->buf->len -= sizeof(*data->item); + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; + } - net_buf_add(data->buf, read); + net_buf_add(data->buf, read); - /* return true only if there are still space for more items */ - return att->chan.tx.mtu - data->buf->len > data->rsp->len ? - BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE : - BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; + /* return true only if there are still space for more items */ + return att->chan.tx.mtu - data->buf->len > data->rsp->len ? BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE : BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; } -static u8_t att_read_type_rsp(struct bt_att *att, struct bt_uuid *uuid, - u16_t start_handle, u16_t end_handle) -{ - struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; - struct read_type_data data; +static u8_t att_read_type_rsp(struct bt_att *att, struct bt_uuid *uuid, u16_t start_handle, u16_t end_handle) { + struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; + struct read_type_data data; - (void)memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); + (void)memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); - data.buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_TYPE_RSP, - sizeof(*data.rsp)); - if (!data.buf) { - return BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY; - } + data.buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_TYPE_RSP, sizeof(*data.rsp)); + if (!data.buf) { + return BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY; + } - data.att = att; - data.uuid = uuid; - data.rsp = net_buf_add(data.buf, sizeof(*data.rsp)); - data.rsp->len = 0U; + data.att = att; + data.uuid = uuid; + data.rsp = net_buf_add(data.buf, sizeof(*data.rsp)); + data.rsp->len = 0U; - /* Pre-set error if no attr will be found in handle */ - data.err = BT_ATT_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND; + /* Pre-set error if no attr will be found in handle */ + data.err = BT_ATT_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND; - bt_gatt_foreach_attr(start_handle, end_handle, read_type_cb, &data); + bt_gatt_foreach_attr(start_handle, end_handle, read_type_cb, &data); - if (data.err) { - net_buf_unref(data.buf); - /* Response here since handle is set */ - send_err_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_TYPE_REQ, start_handle, - data.err); - return 0; - } + if (data.err) { + net_buf_unref(data.buf); + /* Response here since handle is set */ + send_err_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_TYPE_REQ, start_handle, data.err); + return 0; + } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_STACK_PTS) - if (event_flag == att_read_by_type_ind) - BT_PTS("handle : [0x%04x]\r\n", data.rsp->data->handle); + if (event_flag == att_read_by_type_ind) { + BT_PTS("handle : [0x%04x]\r\n", data.rsp->data->handle); + } #endif - (void)bt_l2cap_send_cb(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, data.buf, att_rsp_sent, - NULL); + (void)bt_l2cap_send_cb(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, data.buf, att_rsp_sent, NULL); - return 0; + return 0; } -static u8_t att_read_type_req(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; - struct bt_att_read_type_req *req; - u16_t start_handle, end_handle, err_handle; - union { - struct bt_uuid uuid; - struct bt_uuid_16 u16; - struct bt_uuid_128 u128; - } u; - u8_t uuid_len = buf->len - sizeof(*req); - - /* Type can only be UUID16 or UUID128 */ - if (uuid_len != 2 && uuid_len != 16) { - return BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_PDU; - } +static u8_t att_read_type_req(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) { + struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; + struct bt_att_read_type_req *req; + u16_t start_handle, end_handle, err_handle; + union { + struct bt_uuid uuid; + struct bt_uuid_16 u16; + struct bt_uuid_128 u128; + } u; + u8_t uuid_len = buf->len - sizeof(*req); - req = net_buf_pull_mem(buf, sizeof(*req)); + /* Type can only be UUID16 or UUID128 */ + if (uuid_len != 2 && uuid_len != 16) { + return BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_PDU; + } - start_handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->start_handle); - end_handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->end_handle); - if (!bt_uuid_create(&u.uuid, req->uuid, uuid_len)) { - return BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY; - } + req = net_buf_pull_mem(buf, sizeof(*req)); - BT_DBG("start_handle 0x%04x end_handle 0x%04x type %s", - start_handle, end_handle, bt_uuid_str(&u.uuid)); + start_handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->start_handle); + end_handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->end_handle); + if (!bt_uuid_create(&u.uuid, req->uuid, uuid_len)) { + return BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY; + } - if (!range_is_valid(start_handle, end_handle, &err_handle)) { - send_err_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_TYPE_REQ, err_handle, - BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE); - return 0; - } + BT_DBG("start_handle 0x%04x end_handle 0x%04x type %s", start_handle, end_handle, bt_uuid_str(&u.uuid)); + + if (!range_is_valid(start_handle, end_handle, &err_handle)) { + send_err_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_TYPE_REQ, err_handle, BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE); + return 0; + } - return att_read_type_rsp(att, &u.uuid, start_handle, end_handle); + return att_read_type_rsp(att, &u.uuid, start_handle, end_handle); } struct read_data { - struct bt_att *att; - u16_t offset; - struct net_buf *buf; - struct bt_att_read_rsp *rsp; - u8_t err; + struct bt_att *att; + u16_t offset; + struct net_buf *buf; + struct bt_att_read_rsp *rsp; + u8_t err; }; -static u8_t read_cb(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) -{ - struct read_data *data = user_data; - struct bt_att *att = data->att; - struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; - int read; +static u8_t read_cb(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) { + struct read_data *data = user_data; + struct bt_att *att = data->att; + struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; + int read; - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x", attr->handle); + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x", attr->handle); - data->rsp = net_buf_add(data->buf, sizeof(*data->rsp)); + data->rsp = net_buf_add(data->buf, sizeof(*data->rsp)); - /* - * If any attribute is founded in handle range it means that error - * should be changed from pre-set: invalid handle error to no error. - */ - data->err = 0x00; - - /* Check attribute permissions */ - data->err = bt_gatt_check_perm(conn, attr, BT_GATT_PERM_READ_MASK); - if (data->err) { - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; - } + /* + * If any attribute is founded in handle range it means that error + * should be changed from pre-set: invalid handle error to no error. + */ + data->err = 0x00; - /* Read attribute value and store in the buffer */ - read = attr->read(conn, attr, data->buf->data + data->buf->len, - att->chan.tx.mtu - data->buf->len, data->offset); - if (read < 0) { - data->err = err_to_att(read); - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; - } + /* Check attribute permissions */ + data->err = bt_gatt_check_perm(conn, attr, BT_GATT_PERM_READ_MASK); + if (data->err) { + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; + } + + /* Read attribute value and store in the buffer */ + read = attr->read(conn, attr, data->buf->data + data->buf->len, att->chan.tx.mtu - data->buf->len, data->offset); + if (read < 0) { + data->err = err_to_att(read); + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; + } - net_buf_add(data->buf, read); + net_buf_add(data->buf, read); - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; } -static u8_t att_read_rsp(struct bt_att *att, u8_t op, u8_t rsp, u16_t handle, - u16_t offset) -{ - struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; - struct read_data data; +static u8_t att_read_rsp(struct bt_att *att, u8_t op, u8_t rsp, u16_t handle, u16_t offset) { + struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; + struct read_data data; - if (!bt_gatt_change_aware(conn, true)) { - return BT_ATT_ERR_DB_OUT_OF_SYNC; - } + if (!bt_gatt_change_aware(conn, true)) { + return BT_ATT_ERR_DB_OUT_OF_SYNC; + } - if (!handle) { - return BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; - } + if (!handle) { + return BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; + } - (void)memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); + (void)memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); - data.buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, rsp, 0); - if (!data.buf) { - return BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY; - } + data.buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, rsp, 0); + if (!data.buf) { + return BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY; + } - data.att = att; - data.offset = offset; + data.att = att; + data.offset = offset; - /* Pre-set error if no attr will be found in handle */ - data.err = BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; + /* Pre-set error if no attr will be found in handle */ + data.err = BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; - bt_gatt_foreach_attr(handle, handle, read_cb, &data); + bt_gatt_foreach_attr(handle, handle, read_cb, &data); - /* In case of error discard data and respond with an error */ - if (data.err) { - net_buf_unref(data.buf); - /* Respond here since handle is set */ - send_err_rsp(conn, op, handle, data.err); - return 0; - } + /* In case of error discard data and respond with an error */ + if (data.err) { + net_buf_unref(data.buf); + /* Respond here since handle is set */ + send_err_rsp(conn, op, handle, data.err); + return 0; + } - (void)bt_l2cap_send_cb(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, data.buf, att_rsp_sent, - NULL); + (void)bt_l2cap_send_cb(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, data.buf, att_rsp_sent, NULL); - return 0; + return 0; } -static u8_t att_read_req(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - struct bt_att_read_req *req; - u16_t handle; +static u8_t att_read_req(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) { + struct bt_att_read_req *req; + u16_t handle; - req = (void *)buf->data; + req = (void *)buf->data; - handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->handle); + handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->handle); - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x", handle); + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x", handle); - return att_read_rsp(att, BT_ATT_OP_READ_REQ, BT_ATT_OP_READ_RSP, - handle, 0); + return att_read_rsp(att, BT_ATT_OP_READ_REQ, BT_ATT_OP_READ_RSP, handle, 0); } -static u8_t att_read_blob_req(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - struct bt_att_read_blob_req *req; - u16_t handle, offset; +static u8_t att_read_blob_req(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) { + struct bt_att_read_blob_req *req; + u16_t handle, offset; - req = (void *)buf->data; + req = (void *)buf->data; - handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->handle); - offset = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->offset); + handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->handle); + offset = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->offset); - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x offset %u", handle, offset); + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x offset %u", handle, offset); - return att_read_rsp(att, BT_ATT_OP_READ_BLOB_REQ, - BT_ATT_OP_READ_BLOB_RSP, handle, offset); + return att_read_rsp(att, BT_ATT_OP_READ_BLOB_REQ, BT_ATT_OP_READ_BLOB_RSP, handle, offset); } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_READ_MULTIPLE) -static u8_t att_read_mult_req(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; - struct read_data data; - u16_t handle; +static u8_t att_read_mult_req(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) { + struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; + struct read_data data; + u16_t handle; - (void)memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); + (void)memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); - data.buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_MULT_RSP, 0); - if (!data.buf) { - return BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY; - } + data.buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_MULT_RSP, 0); + if (!data.buf) { + return BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY; + } - data.att = att; + data.att = att; - while (buf->len >= sizeof(u16_t)) { - handle = net_buf_pull_le16(buf); + while (buf->len >= sizeof(u16_t)) { + handle = net_buf_pull_le16(buf); - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x ", handle); + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x ", handle); - /* An Error Response shall be sent by the server in response to - * the Read Multiple Request [....] if a read operation is not - * permitted on any of the Characteristic Values. - * - * If handle is not valid then return invalid handle error. - * If handle is found error will be cleared by read_cb. - */ - data.err = BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; + /* An Error Response shall be sent by the server in response to + * the Read Multiple Request [....] if a read operation is not + * permitted on any of the Characteristic Values. + * + * If handle is not valid then return invalid handle error. + * If handle is found error will be cleared by read_cb. + */ + data.err = BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; - bt_gatt_foreach_attr(handle, handle, read_cb, &data); + bt_gatt_foreach_attr(handle, handle, read_cb, &data); - /* Stop reading in case of error */ - if (data.err) { - net_buf_unref(data.buf); - /* Respond here since handle is set */ - send_err_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_MULT_REQ, handle, - data.err); - return 0; - } + /* Stop reading in case of error */ + if (data.err) { + net_buf_unref(data.buf); + /* Respond here since handle is set */ + send_err_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_MULT_REQ, handle, data.err); + return 0; } + } - (void)bt_l2cap_send_cb(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, data.buf, att_rsp_sent, - NULL); + (void)bt_l2cap_send_cb(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, data.buf, att_rsp_sent, NULL); - return 0; + return 0; } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_GATT_READ_MULTIPLE */ struct read_group_data { - struct bt_att *att; - struct bt_uuid *uuid; - struct net_buf *buf; - struct bt_att_read_group_rsp *rsp; - struct bt_att_group_data *group; + struct bt_att *att; + struct bt_uuid *uuid; + struct net_buf *buf; + struct bt_att_read_group_rsp *rsp; + struct bt_att_group_data *group; }; -static u8_t read_group_cb(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) -{ - struct read_group_data *data = user_data; - struct bt_att *att = data->att; - struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; - int read; - - /* Update group end_handle if attribute is not a service */ - if (bt_uuid_cmp(attr->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_PRIMARY) && - bt_uuid_cmp(attr->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_SECONDARY)) { - if (data->group && - attr->handle > sys_le16_to_cpu(data->group->end_handle)) { - data->group->end_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(attr->handle); - } - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; - } +static u8_t read_group_cb(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) { + struct read_group_data *data = user_data; + struct bt_att *att = data->att; + struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; + int read; - /* If Group Type don't match skip */ - if (bt_uuid_cmp(attr->uuid, data->uuid)) { - data->group = NULL; - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + /* Update group end_handle if attribute is not a service */ + if (bt_uuid_cmp(attr->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_PRIMARY) && bt_uuid_cmp(attr->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_SECONDARY)) { + if (data->group && attr->handle > sys_le16_to_cpu(data->group->end_handle)) { + data->group->end_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(attr->handle); } + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + } - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x", attr->handle); + /* If Group Type don't match skip */ + if (bt_uuid_cmp(attr->uuid, data->uuid)) { + data->group = NULL; + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + } - /* Stop if there is no space left */ - if (data->rsp->len && - att->chan.tx.mtu - data->buf->len < data->rsp->len) { - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; - } + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x", attr->handle); - /* Fast forward to next group position */ - data->group = net_buf_add(data->buf, sizeof(*data->group)); + /* Stop if there is no space left */ + if (data->rsp->len && att->chan.tx.mtu - data->buf->len < data->rsp->len) { + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; + } - /* Initialize group handle range */ - data->group->start_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(attr->handle); - data->group->end_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(attr->handle); + /* Fast forward to next group position */ + data->group = net_buf_add(data->buf, sizeof(*data->group)); - /* Read attribute value and store in the buffer */ - read = attr->read(conn, attr, data->buf->data + data->buf->len, - att->chan.tx.mtu - data->buf->len, 0); - if (read < 0) { - /* TODO: Handle read errors */ - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; - } + /* Initialize group handle range */ + data->group->start_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(attr->handle); + data->group->end_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(attr->handle); - if (!data->rsp->len) { - /* Set len to be the first group found */ - data->rsp->len = read + sizeof(*data->group); - } else if (data->rsp->len != read + sizeof(*data->group)) { - /* All groups entries should have the same size */ - data->buf->len -= sizeof(*data->group); - return false; - } + /* Read attribute value and store in the buffer */ + read = attr->read(conn, attr, data->buf->data + data->buf->len, att->chan.tx.mtu - data->buf->len, 0); + if (read < 0) { + /* TODO: Handle read errors */ + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; + } - net_buf_add(data->buf, read); + if (!data->rsp->len) { + /* Set len to be the first group found */ + data->rsp->len = read + sizeof(*data->group); + } else if (data->rsp->len != read + sizeof(*data->group)) { + /* All groups entries should have the same size */ + data->buf->len -= sizeof(*data->group); + return false; + } - /* Continue to find the end handle */ - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + net_buf_add(data->buf, read); + + /* Continue to find the end handle */ + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; } -static u8_t att_read_group_rsp(struct bt_att *att, struct bt_uuid *uuid, - u16_t start_handle, u16_t end_handle) -{ - struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; - struct read_group_data data; +static u8_t att_read_group_rsp(struct bt_att *att, struct bt_uuid *uuid, u16_t start_handle, u16_t end_handle) { + struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; + struct read_group_data data; - (void)memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); + (void)memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); - data.buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_GROUP_RSP, - sizeof(*data.rsp)); - if (!data.buf) { - return BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY; - } + data.buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_GROUP_RSP, sizeof(*data.rsp)); + if (!data.buf) { + return BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY; + } - data.att = att; - data.uuid = uuid; - data.rsp = net_buf_add(data.buf, sizeof(*data.rsp)); - data.rsp->len = 0U; - data.group = NULL; + data.att = att; + data.uuid = uuid; + data.rsp = net_buf_add(data.buf, sizeof(*data.rsp)); + data.rsp->len = 0U; + data.group = NULL; - bt_gatt_foreach_attr(start_handle, end_handle, read_group_cb, &data); + bt_gatt_foreach_attr(start_handle, end_handle, read_group_cb, &data); - if (!data.rsp->len) { - net_buf_unref(data.buf); - /* Respond here since handle is set */ - send_err_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_GROUP_REQ, start_handle, - BT_ATT_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND); - return 0; - } + if (!data.rsp->len) { + net_buf_unref(data.buf); + /* Respond here since handle is set */ + send_err_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_GROUP_REQ, start_handle, BT_ATT_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND); + return 0; + } - (void)bt_l2cap_send_cb(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, data.buf, att_rsp_sent, - NULL); + (void)bt_l2cap_send_cb(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, data.buf, att_rsp_sent, NULL); - return 0; + return 0; } -static u8_t att_read_group_req(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; - struct bt_att_read_group_req *req; - u16_t start_handle, end_handle, err_handle; - union { - struct bt_uuid uuid; - struct bt_uuid_16 u16; - struct bt_uuid_128 u128; - } u; - u8_t uuid_len = buf->len - sizeof(*req); - - /* Type can only be UUID16 or UUID128 */ - if (uuid_len != 2 && uuid_len != 16) { - return BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_PDU; - } +static u8_t att_read_group_req(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) { + struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; + struct bt_att_read_group_req *req; + u16_t start_handle, end_handle, err_handle; + union { + struct bt_uuid uuid; + struct bt_uuid_16 u16; + struct bt_uuid_128 u128; + } u; + u8_t uuid_len = buf->len - sizeof(*req); - req = net_buf_pull_mem(buf, sizeof(*req)); + /* Type can only be UUID16 or UUID128 */ + if (uuid_len != 2 && uuid_len != 16) { + return BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_PDU; + } - start_handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->start_handle); - end_handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->end_handle); + req = net_buf_pull_mem(buf, sizeof(*req)); - if (!bt_uuid_create(&u.uuid, req->uuid, uuid_len)) { - return BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY; - } + start_handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->start_handle); + end_handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->end_handle); - BT_DBG("start_handle 0x%04x end_handle 0x%04x type %s", - start_handle, end_handle, bt_uuid_str(&u.uuid)); + if (!bt_uuid_create(&u.uuid, req->uuid, uuid_len)) { + return BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY; + } - if (!range_is_valid(start_handle, end_handle, &err_handle)) { - send_err_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_GROUP_REQ, err_handle, - BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE); - return 0; - } + BT_DBG("start_handle 0x%04x end_handle 0x%04x type %s", start_handle, end_handle, bt_uuid_str(&u.uuid)); - /* Core v4.2, Vol 3, sec 2.5.3 Attribute Grouping: - * Not all of the grouping attributes can be used in the ATT - * Read By Group Type Request. The "Primary Service" and "Secondary - * Service" grouping types may be used in the Read By Group Type - * Request. The "Characteristic" grouping type shall not be used in - * the ATT Read By Group Type Request. - */ - if (bt_uuid_cmp(&u.uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_PRIMARY) && - bt_uuid_cmp(&u.uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_SECONDARY)) { - send_err_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_GROUP_REQ, start_handle, - BT_ATT_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_GROUP_TYPE); - return 0; - } + if (!range_is_valid(start_handle, end_handle, &err_handle)) { + send_err_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_GROUP_REQ, err_handle, BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE); + return 0; + } + + /* Core v4.2, Vol 3, sec 2.5.3 Attribute Grouping: + * Not all of the grouping attributes can be used in the ATT + * Read By Group Type Request. The "Primary Service" and "Secondary + * Service" grouping types may be used in the Read By Group Type + * Request. The "Characteristic" grouping type shall not be used in + * the ATT Read By Group Type Request. + */ + if (bt_uuid_cmp(&u.uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_PRIMARY) && bt_uuid_cmp(&u.uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_SECONDARY)) { + send_err_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_GROUP_REQ, start_handle, BT_ATT_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_GROUP_TYPE); + return 0; + } - return att_read_group_rsp(att, &u.uuid, start_handle, end_handle); + return att_read_group_rsp(att, &u.uuid, start_handle, end_handle); } struct write_data { - struct bt_conn *conn; - struct net_buf *buf; - u8_t req; - const void *value; - u16_t len; - u16_t offset; - u8_t err; + struct bt_conn *conn; + struct net_buf *buf; + u8_t req; + const void *value; + u16_t len; + u16_t offset; + u8_t err; }; -static u8_t write_cb(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) -{ - struct write_data *data = user_data; - int write; - u8_t flags = 0U; +static u8_t write_cb(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) { + struct write_data *data = user_data; + int write; + u8_t flags = 0U; - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x offset %u", attr->handle, data->offset); + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x offset %u", attr->handle, data->offset); - /* Check attribute permissions */ - data->err = bt_gatt_check_perm(data->conn, attr, - BT_GATT_PERM_WRITE_MASK); - if (data->err) { - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; - } + /* Check attribute permissions */ + data->err = bt_gatt_check_perm(data->conn, attr, BT_GATT_PERM_WRITE_MASK); + if (data->err) { + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; + } - /* Set command flag if not a request */ - if (!data->req) { - flags |= BT_GATT_WRITE_FLAG_CMD; - } + /* Set command flag if not a request */ + if (!data->req) { + flags |= BT_GATT_WRITE_FLAG_CMD; + } - /* Write attribute value */ - write = attr->write(data->conn, attr, data->value, data->len, - data->offset, flags); - if (write < 0 || write != data->len) { - data->err = err_to_att(write); - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; - } + /* Write attribute value */ + write = attr->write(data->conn, attr, data->value, data->len, data->offset, flags); + if (write < 0 || write != data->len) { + data->err = err_to_att(write); + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; + } - data->err = 0U; + data->err = 0U; - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; } -static u8_t att_write_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t req, u8_t rsp, - u16_t handle, u16_t offset, const void *value, - u16_t len) -{ - struct write_data data; +static u8_t att_write_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t req, u8_t rsp, u16_t handle, u16_t offset, const void *value, u16_t len) { + struct write_data data; - if (!bt_gatt_change_aware(conn, req ? true : false)) { - return BT_ATT_ERR_DB_OUT_OF_SYNC; - } + if (!bt_gatt_change_aware(conn, req ? true : false)) { + return BT_ATT_ERR_DB_OUT_OF_SYNC; + } - if (!handle) { - return BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; - } + if (!handle) { + return BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; + } - (void)memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); + (void)memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); - /* Only allocate buf if required to respond */ - if (rsp) { - data.buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, rsp, 0); - if (!data.buf) { - return BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY; - } + /* Only allocate buf if required to respond */ + if (rsp) { + data.buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, rsp, 0); + if (!data.buf) { + return BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY; } + } - data.conn = conn; - data.req = req; - data.offset = offset; - data.value = value; - data.len = len; - data.err = BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; + data.conn = conn; + data.req = req; + data.offset = offset; + data.value = value; + data.len = len; + data.err = BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; - bt_gatt_foreach_attr(handle, handle, write_cb, &data); + bt_gatt_foreach_attr(handle, handle, write_cb, &data); - if (data.err) { - /* In case of error discard data and respond with an error */ - if (rsp) { - net_buf_unref(data.buf); - /* Respond here since handle is set */ - send_err_rsp(conn, req, handle, data.err); - } - return req == BT_ATT_OP_EXEC_WRITE_REQ ? data.err : 0; + if (data.err) { + /* In case of error discard data and respond with an error */ + if (rsp) { + net_buf_unref(data.buf); + /* Respond here since handle is set */ + send_err_rsp(conn, req, handle, data.err); } + return req == BT_ATT_OP_EXEC_WRITE_REQ ? data.err : 0; + } - if (data.buf) { - (void)bt_l2cap_send_cb(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, data.buf, - att_rsp_sent, NULL); - } + if (data.buf) { + (void)bt_l2cap_send_cb(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, data.buf, att_rsp_sent, NULL); + } - return 0; + return 0; } -static u8_t att_write_req(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; - u16_t handle; +static u8_t att_write_req(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) { + struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; + u16_t handle; - handle = net_buf_pull_le16(buf); + handle = net_buf_pull_le16(buf); - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x", handle); + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x", handle); - return att_write_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_WRITE_REQ, BT_ATT_OP_WRITE_RSP, - handle, 0, buf->data, buf->len); + return att_write_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_WRITE_REQ, BT_ATT_OP_WRITE_RSP, handle, 0, buf->data, buf->len); } #if CONFIG_BT_ATT_PREPARE_COUNT > 0 struct prep_data { - struct bt_conn *conn; - struct net_buf *buf; - const void *value; - u16_t len; - u16_t offset; - u8_t err; + struct bt_conn *conn; + struct net_buf *buf; + const void *value; + u16_t len; + u16_t offset; + u8_t err; }; -static u8_t prep_write_cb(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) -{ - struct prep_data *data = user_data; - struct bt_attr_data *attr_data; - int write; +static u8_t prep_write_cb(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) { + struct prep_data *data = user_data; + struct bt_attr_data *attr_data; + int write; - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x offset %u", attr->handle, data->offset); + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x offset %u", attr->handle, data->offset); - /* Check attribute permissions */ - data->err = bt_gatt_check_perm(data->conn, attr, - BT_GATT_PERM_WRITE_MASK); - if (data->err) { - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; - } + /* Check attribute permissions */ + data->err = bt_gatt_check_perm(data->conn, attr, BT_GATT_PERM_WRITE_MASK); + if (data->err) { + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; + } - /* Check if attribute requires handler to accept the data */ - if (!(attr->perm & BT_GATT_PERM_PREPARE_WRITE)) { - goto append; - } + /* Check if attribute requires handler to accept the data */ + if (!(attr->perm & BT_GATT_PERM_PREPARE_WRITE)) { + goto append; + } - /* Write attribute value to check if device is authorized */ - write = attr->write(data->conn, attr, data->value, data->len, - data->offset, BT_GATT_WRITE_FLAG_PREPARE); - if (write != 0) { - data->err = err_to_att(write); - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; - } + /* Write attribute value to check if device is authorized */ + write = attr->write(data->conn, attr, data->value, data->len, data->offset, BT_GATT_WRITE_FLAG_PREPARE); + if (write != 0) { + data->err = err_to_att(write); + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; + } append: - /* Copy data into the outstanding queue */ - data->buf = net_buf_alloc(&prep_pool, K_NO_WAIT); - if (!data->buf) { - data->err = BT_ATT_ERR_PREPARE_QUEUE_FULL; - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; - } + /* Copy data into the outstanding queue */ + data->buf = net_buf_alloc(&prep_pool, K_NO_WAIT); + if (!data->buf) { + data->err = BT_ATT_ERR_PREPARE_QUEUE_FULL; + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; + } - attr_data = net_buf_user_data(data->buf); - attr_data->handle = attr->handle; - attr_data->offset = data->offset; + attr_data = net_buf_user_data(data->buf); + attr_data->handle = attr->handle; + attr_data->offset = data->offset; - net_buf_add_mem(data->buf, data->value, data->len); + net_buf_add_mem(data->buf, data->value, data->len); - data->err = 0U; + data->err = 0U; - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; } -static u8_t att_prep_write_rsp(struct bt_att *att, u16_t handle, u16_t offset, - const void *value, u16_t len) -{ - struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; - struct prep_data data; - struct bt_att_prepare_write_rsp *rsp; +static u8_t att_prep_write_rsp(struct bt_att *att, u16_t handle, u16_t offset, const void *value, u16_t len) { + struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; + struct prep_data data; + struct bt_att_prepare_write_rsp *rsp; - if (!bt_gatt_change_aware(conn, true)) { - return BT_ATT_ERR_DB_OUT_OF_SYNC; - } + if (!bt_gatt_change_aware(conn, true)) { + return BT_ATT_ERR_DB_OUT_OF_SYNC; + } - if (!handle) { - return BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; - } + if (!handle) { + return BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; + } - (void)memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); + (void)memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); - data.conn = conn; - data.offset = offset; - data.value = value; - data.len = len; - data.err = BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; + data.conn = conn; + data.offset = offset; + data.value = value; + data.len = len; + data.err = BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; - bt_gatt_foreach_attr(handle, handle, prep_write_cb, &data); + bt_gatt_foreach_attr(handle, handle, prep_write_cb, &data); - if (data.err) { - /* Respond here since handle is set */ - send_err_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_PREPARE_WRITE_REQ, handle, - data.err); - return 0; - } + if (data.err) { + /* Respond here since handle is set */ + send_err_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_PREPARE_WRITE_REQ, handle, data.err); + return 0; + } - BT_DBG("buf %p handle 0x%04x offset %u", data.buf, handle, offset); + BT_DBG("buf %p handle 0x%04x offset %u", data.buf, handle, offset); - /* Store buffer in the outstanding queue */ - net_buf_put(&att->prep_queue, data.buf); + /* Store buffer in the outstanding queue */ + net_buf_put(&att->prep_queue, data.buf); - /* Generate response */ - data.buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_PREPARE_WRITE_RSP, 0); - if (!data.buf) { - return BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY; - } + /* Generate response */ + data.buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_PREPARE_WRITE_RSP, 0); + if (!data.buf) { + return BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY; + } - rsp = net_buf_add(data.buf, sizeof(*rsp)); - rsp->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(handle); - rsp->offset = sys_cpu_to_le16(offset); - net_buf_add(data.buf, len); - memcpy(rsp->value, value, len); + rsp = net_buf_add(data.buf, sizeof(*rsp)); + rsp->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(handle); + rsp->offset = sys_cpu_to_le16(offset); + net_buf_add(data.buf, len); + memcpy(rsp->value, value, len); - (void)bt_l2cap_send_cb(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, data.buf, att_rsp_sent, - NULL); + (void)bt_l2cap_send_cb(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, data.buf, att_rsp_sent, NULL); - return 0; + return 0; } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_ATT_PREPARE_COUNT */ -static u8_t att_prepare_write_req(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) -{ +static u8_t att_prepare_write_req(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) { #if CONFIG_BT_ATT_PREPARE_COUNT == 0 - return BT_ATT_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; + return BT_ATT_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; #else - struct bt_att_prepare_write_req *req; - u16_t handle, offset; + struct bt_att_prepare_write_req *req; + u16_t handle, offset; - req = net_buf_pull_mem(buf, sizeof(*req)); + req = net_buf_pull_mem(buf, sizeof(*req)); - handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->handle); - offset = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->offset); + handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->handle); + offset = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->offset); - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x offset %u", handle, offset); + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x offset %u", handle, offset); - return att_prep_write_rsp(att, handle, offset, buf->data, buf->len); + return att_prep_write_rsp(att, handle, offset, buf->data, buf->len); #endif /* CONFIG_BT_ATT_PREPARE_COUNT */ } #if CONFIG_BT_ATT_PREPARE_COUNT > 0 -static u8_t att_exec_write_rsp(struct bt_att *att, u8_t flags) -{ - struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; - struct net_buf *buf; - u8_t err = 0U; - - while ((buf = net_buf_get(&att->prep_queue, K_NO_WAIT))) { - struct bt_attr_data *data = net_buf_user_data(buf); - - BT_DBG("buf %p handle 0x%04x offset %u", buf, data->handle, - data->offset); - - /* Just discard the data if an error was set */ - if (!err && flags == BT_ATT_FLAG_EXEC) { - err = att_write_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_EXEC_WRITE_REQ, 0, - data->handle, data->offset, - buf->data, buf->len); - if (err) { - /* Respond here since handle is set */ - send_err_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_EXEC_WRITE_REQ, - data->handle, err); - } - } - - net_buf_unref(buf); - } +static u8_t att_exec_write_rsp(struct bt_att *att, u8_t flags) { + struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; + struct net_buf *buf; + u8_t err = 0U; - if (err) { - return 0; - } + while ((buf = net_buf_get(&att->prep_queue, K_NO_WAIT))) { + struct bt_attr_data *data = net_buf_user_data(buf); - /* Generate response */ - buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_EXEC_WRITE_RSP, 0); - if (!buf) { - return BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY; + BT_DBG("buf %p handle 0x%04x offset %u", buf, data->handle, data->offset); + + /* Just discard the data if an error was set */ + if (!err && flags == BT_ATT_FLAG_EXEC) { + err = att_write_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_EXEC_WRITE_REQ, 0, data->handle, data->offset, buf->data, buf->len); + if (err) { + /* Respond here since handle is set */ + send_err_rsp(conn, BT_ATT_OP_EXEC_WRITE_REQ, data->handle, err); + } } - (void)bt_l2cap_send_cb(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, buf, att_rsp_sent, NULL); + net_buf_unref(buf); + } + if (err) { return 0; + } + + /* Generate response */ + buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_EXEC_WRITE_RSP, 0); + if (!buf) { + return BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY; + } + + (void)bt_l2cap_send_cb(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, buf, att_rsp_sent, NULL); + + return 0; } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_ATT_PREPARE_COUNT */ -static u8_t att_exec_write_req(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) -{ +static u8_t att_exec_write_req(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) { #if CONFIG_BT_ATT_PREPARE_COUNT == 0 - return BT_ATT_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; + return BT_ATT_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; #else - struct bt_att_exec_write_req *req; + struct bt_att_exec_write_req *req; - req = (void *)buf->data; + req = (void *)buf->data; - BT_DBG("flags 0x%02x", req->flags); + BT_DBG("flags 0x%02x", req->flags); - return att_exec_write_rsp(att, req->flags); + return att_exec_write_rsp(att, req->flags); #endif /* CONFIG_BT_ATT_PREPARE_COUNT */ } -static u8_t att_write_cmd(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; - u16_t handle; +static u8_t att_write_cmd(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) { + struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; + u16_t handle; - handle = net_buf_pull_le16(buf); + handle = net_buf_pull_le16(buf); - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x", handle); + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x", handle); - return att_write_rsp(conn, 0, 0, handle, 0, buf->data, buf->len); + return att_write_rsp(conn, 0, 0, handle, 0, buf->data, buf->len); } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_SIGNING) -static u8_t att_signed_write_cmd(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; - struct bt_att_signed_write_cmd *req; - u16_t handle; - int err; +static u8_t att_signed_write_cmd(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) { + struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; + struct bt_att_signed_write_cmd *req; + u16_t handle; + int err; - req = (void *)buf->data; + req = (void *)buf->data; - handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->handle); + handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(req->handle); - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x", handle); + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x", handle); - /* Verifying data requires full buffer including attribute header */ - net_buf_push(buf, sizeof(struct bt_att_hdr)); - err = bt_smp_sign_verify(conn, buf); - if (err) { - BT_ERR("Error verifying data"); - /* No response for this command */ - return 0; - } + /* Verifying data requires full buffer including attribute header */ + net_buf_push(buf, sizeof(struct bt_att_hdr)); + err = bt_smp_sign_verify(conn, buf); + if (err) { + BT_ERR("Error verifying data"); + /* No response for this command */ + return 0; + } - net_buf_pull(buf, sizeof(struct bt_att_hdr)); - net_buf_pull(buf, sizeof(*req)); + net_buf_pull(buf, sizeof(struct bt_att_hdr)); + net_buf_pull(buf, sizeof(*req)); - return att_write_rsp(conn, 0, 0, handle, 0, buf->data, - buf->len - sizeof(struct bt_att_signature)); + return att_write_rsp(conn, 0, 0, handle, 0, buf->data, buf->len - sizeof(struct bt_att_signature)); } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_SIGNING */ #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_CLIENT) #if defined(CONFIG_BT_SMP) -static int att_change_security(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t err) -{ - bt_security_t sec; - - switch (err) { - case BT_ATT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_ENCRYPTION: - if (conn->sec_level >= BT_SECURITY_L2) - return -EALREADY; - sec = BT_SECURITY_L2; - break; - case BT_ATT_ERR_AUTHENTICATION: - if (conn->sec_level < BT_SECURITY_L2) { - /* BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 4.2 [Vol 3, Part C] - * page 375: - * - * If an LTK is not available, the service request - * shall be rejected with the error code 'Insufficient - * Authentication'. - * Note: When the link is not encrypted, the error code - * "Insufficient Authentication" does not indicate that - * MITM protection is required. - */ - sec = BT_SECURITY_L2; - } else if (conn->sec_level < BT_SECURITY_L3) { - /* BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 4.2 [Vol 3, Part C] - * page 375: - * - * If an authenticated pairing is required but only an - * unauthenticated pairing has occurred and the link is - * currently encrypted, the service request shall be - * rejected with the error code 'Insufficient - * Authentication'. - * Note: When unauthenticated pairing has occurred and - * the link is currently encrypted, the error code - * 'Insufficient Authentication' indicates that MITM - * protection is required. - */ - sec = BT_SECURITY_L3; - } else if (conn->sec_level < BT_SECURITY_L4) { - /* BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 4.2 [Vol 3, Part C] - * page 375: - * - * If LE Secure Connections authenticated pairing is - * required but LE legacy pairing has occurred and the - * link is currently encrypted, the service request - * shall be rejected with the error code ''Insufficient - * Authentication'. - */ - sec = BT_SECURITY_L4; - } else { - return -EALREADY; - } - break; - default: - return -EINVAL; +static int att_change_security(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t err) { + bt_security_t sec; + + switch (err) { + case BT_ATT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_ENCRYPTION: + if (conn->sec_level >= BT_SECURITY_L2) { + return -EALREADY; + } + sec = BT_SECURITY_L2; + break; + case BT_ATT_ERR_AUTHENTICATION: + if (conn->sec_level < BT_SECURITY_L2) { + /* BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 4.2 [Vol 3, Part C] + * page 375: + * + * If an LTK is not available, the service request + * shall be rejected with the error code 'Insufficient + * Authentication'. + * Note: When the link is not encrypted, the error code + * "Insufficient Authentication" does not indicate that + * MITM protection is required. + */ + sec = BT_SECURITY_L2; + } else if (conn->sec_level < BT_SECURITY_L3) { + /* BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 4.2 [Vol 3, Part C] + * page 375: + * + * If an authenticated pairing is required but only an + * unauthenticated pairing has occurred and the link is + * currently encrypted, the service request shall be + * rejected with the error code 'Insufficient + * Authentication'. + * Note: When unauthenticated pairing has occurred and + * the link is currently encrypted, the error code + * 'Insufficient Authentication' indicates that MITM + * protection is required. + */ + sec = BT_SECURITY_L3; + } else if (conn->sec_level < BT_SECURITY_L4) { + /* BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 4.2 [Vol 3, Part C] + * page 375: + * + * If LE Secure Connections authenticated pairing is + * required but LE legacy pairing has occurred and the + * link is currently encrypted, the service request + * shall be rejected with the error code ''Insufficient + * Authentication'. + */ + sec = BT_SECURITY_L4; + } else { + return -EALREADY; } + break; + default: + return -EINVAL; + } - return bt_conn_set_security(conn, sec); + return bt_conn_set_security(conn, sec); } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_SMP */ -static u8_t att_error_rsp(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - struct bt_att_error_rsp *rsp; - u8_t err; +static u8_t att_error_rsp(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) { + struct bt_att_error_rsp *rsp; + u8_t err; - rsp = (void *)buf->data; + rsp = (void *)buf->data; - BT_DBG("request 0x%02x handle 0x%04x error 0x%02x", rsp->request, - sys_le16_to_cpu(rsp->handle), rsp->error); + BT_DBG("request 0x%02x handle 0x%04x error 0x%02x", rsp->request, sys_le16_to_cpu(rsp->handle), rsp->error); - /* Don't retry if there is no req pending or it has been cancelled */ - if (!att->req || att->req == &cancel) { - err = BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY; - goto done; - } + /* Don't retry if there is no req pending or it has been cancelled */ + if (!att->req || att->req == &cancel) { + err = BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY; + goto done; + } - if (att->req->buf) { - /* Restore state to be resent */ - net_buf_simple_restore(&att->req->buf->b, &att->req->state); - } + if (att->req->buf) { + /* Restore state to be resent */ + net_buf_simple_restore(&att->req->buf->b, &att->req->state); + } - err = rsp->error; + err = rsp->error; #if defined(CONFIG_BT_SMP) - if (att->req->retrying) { - goto done; - } - - /* Check if security needs to be changed */ - if (!att_change_security(att->chan.chan.conn, err)) { - att->req->retrying = true; - /* Wait security_changed: TODO: Handle fail case */ - return 0; - } + if (att->req->retrying) { + goto done; + } + + /* Check if security needs to be changed */ + if (!att_change_security(att->chan.chan.conn, err)) { + att->req->retrying = true; + /* Wait security_changed: TODO: Handle fail case */ + return 0; + } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_SMP */ done: - return att_handle_rsp(att, NULL, 0, err); + return att_handle_rsp(att, NULL, 0, err); } -static u8_t att_handle_find_info_rsp(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - BT_DBG(""); +static u8_t att_handle_find_info_rsp(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) { + BT_DBG(""); - return att_handle_rsp(att, buf->data, buf->len, 0); + return att_handle_rsp(att, buf->data, buf->len, 0); } -static u8_t att_handle_find_type_rsp(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - BT_DBG(""); +static u8_t att_handle_find_type_rsp(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) { + BT_DBG(""); - return att_handle_rsp(att, buf->data, buf->len, 0); + return att_handle_rsp(att, buf->data, buf->len, 0); } -static u8_t att_handle_read_type_rsp(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - BT_DBG(""); +static u8_t att_handle_read_type_rsp(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) { + BT_DBG(""); - return att_handle_rsp(att, buf->data, buf->len, 0); + return att_handle_rsp(att, buf->data, buf->len, 0); } -static u8_t att_handle_read_rsp(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - BT_DBG(""); +static u8_t att_handle_read_rsp(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) { + BT_DBG(""); - return att_handle_rsp(att, buf->data, buf->len, 0); + return att_handle_rsp(att, buf->data, buf->len, 0); } -static u8_t att_handle_read_blob_rsp(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - BT_DBG(""); +static u8_t att_handle_read_blob_rsp(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) { + BT_DBG(""); - return att_handle_rsp(att, buf->data, buf->len, 0); + return att_handle_rsp(att, buf->data, buf->len, 0); } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_READ_MULTIPLE) -static u8_t att_handle_read_mult_rsp(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - BT_DBG(""); +static u8_t att_handle_read_mult_rsp(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) { + BT_DBG(""); - return att_handle_rsp(att, buf->data, buf->len, 0); + return att_handle_rsp(att, buf->data, buf->len, 0); } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_GATT_READ_MULTIPLE */ -static u8_t att_handle_read_group_rsp(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - BT_DBG(""); +static u8_t att_handle_read_group_rsp(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) { + BT_DBG(""); - return att_handle_rsp(att, buf->data, buf->len, 0); + return att_handle_rsp(att, buf->data, buf->len, 0); } -static u8_t att_handle_write_rsp(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - BT_DBG(""); +static u8_t att_handle_write_rsp(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) { + BT_DBG(""); - return att_handle_rsp(att, buf->data, buf->len, 0); + return att_handle_rsp(att, buf->data, buf->len, 0); } -static u8_t att_handle_prepare_write_rsp(struct bt_att *att, - struct net_buf *buf) -{ - BT_DBG(""); +static u8_t att_handle_prepare_write_rsp(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) { + BT_DBG(""); - return att_handle_rsp(att, buf->data, buf->len, 0); + return att_handle_rsp(att, buf->data, buf->len, 0); } -static u8_t att_handle_exec_write_rsp(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - BT_DBG(""); +static u8_t att_handle_exec_write_rsp(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) { + BT_DBG(""); - return att_handle_rsp(att, buf->data, buf->len, 0); + return att_handle_rsp(att, buf->data, buf->len, 0); } -static u8_t att_notify(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; - u16_t handle; +static u8_t att_notify(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) { + struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; + u16_t handle; - handle = net_buf_pull_le16(buf); - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x", handle); + handle = net_buf_pull_le16(buf); + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x", handle); - bt_gatt_notification(conn, handle, buf->data, buf->len); - return 0; + bt_gatt_notification(conn, handle, buf->data, buf->len); + return 0; } -static u8_t att_indicate(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; - u16_t handle; +static u8_t att_indicate(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) { + struct bt_conn *conn = att->chan.chan.conn; + u16_t handle; - handle = net_buf_pull_le16(buf); + handle = net_buf_pull_le16(buf); - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x", handle); + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x", handle); - bt_gatt_notification(conn, handle, buf->data, buf->len); + bt_gatt_notification(conn, handle, buf->data, buf->len); - buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_CONFIRM, 0); - if (!buf) { - return 0; - } + buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_CONFIRM, 0); + if (!buf) { + return 0; + } - (void)bt_l2cap_send_cb(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, buf, att_cfm_sent, NULL); + (void)bt_l2cap_send_cb(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, buf, att_cfm_sent, NULL); - return 0; + return 0; } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_GATT_CLIENT */ -static u8_t att_confirm(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - BT_DBG(""); +static u8_t att_confirm(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf) { + BT_DBG(""); - return att_handle_rsp(att, buf->data, buf->len, 0); + return att_handle_rsp(att, buf->data, buf->len, 0); } static const struct att_handler { - u8_t op; - u8_t expect_len; - att_type_t type; - u8_t (*func)(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf); + u8_t op; + u8_t expect_len; + att_type_t type; + u8_t (*func)(struct bt_att *att, struct net_buf *buf); } handlers[] = { - { BT_ATT_OP_MTU_REQ, - sizeof(struct bt_att_exchange_mtu_req), - ATT_REQUEST, - att_mtu_req }, - { BT_ATT_OP_FIND_INFO_REQ, - sizeof(struct bt_att_find_info_req), - ATT_REQUEST, - att_find_info_req }, - { BT_ATT_OP_FIND_TYPE_REQ, - sizeof(struct bt_att_find_type_req), - ATT_REQUEST, - att_find_type_req }, - { BT_ATT_OP_READ_TYPE_REQ, - sizeof(struct bt_att_read_type_req), - ATT_REQUEST, - att_read_type_req }, - { BT_ATT_OP_READ_REQ, - sizeof(struct bt_att_read_req), - ATT_REQUEST, - att_read_req }, - { BT_ATT_OP_READ_BLOB_REQ, - sizeof(struct bt_att_read_blob_req), - ATT_REQUEST, - att_read_blob_req }, + { BT_ATT_OP_MTU_REQ, sizeof(struct bt_att_exchange_mtu_req), ATT_REQUEST, att_mtu_req}, + { BT_ATT_OP_FIND_INFO_REQ, sizeof(struct bt_att_find_info_req), ATT_REQUEST, att_find_info_req}, + { BT_ATT_OP_FIND_TYPE_REQ, sizeof(struct bt_att_find_type_req), ATT_REQUEST, att_find_type_req}, + { BT_ATT_OP_READ_TYPE_REQ, sizeof(struct bt_att_read_type_req), ATT_REQUEST, att_read_type_req}, + { BT_ATT_OP_READ_REQ, sizeof(struct bt_att_read_req), ATT_REQUEST, att_read_req}, + { BT_ATT_OP_READ_BLOB_REQ, sizeof(struct bt_att_read_blob_req), ATT_REQUEST, att_read_blob_req}, #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_READ_MULTIPLE) - { BT_ATT_OP_READ_MULT_REQ, - BT_ATT_READ_MULT_MIN_LEN_REQ, - ATT_REQUEST, - att_read_mult_req }, -#endif /* CONFIG_BT_GATT_READ_MULTIPLE */ - { BT_ATT_OP_READ_GROUP_REQ, - sizeof(struct bt_att_read_group_req), - ATT_REQUEST, - att_read_group_req }, - { BT_ATT_OP_WRITE_REQ, - sizeof(struct bt_att_write_req), - ATT_REQUEST, - att_write_req }, - { BT_ATT_OP_PREPARE_WRITE_REQ, - sizeof(struct bt_att_prepare_write_req), - ATT_REQUEST, - att_prepare_write_req }, - { BT_ATT_OP_EXEC_WRITE_REQ, - sizeof(struct bt_att_exec_write_req), - ATT_REQUEST, - att_exec_write_req }, - { BT_ATT_OP_CONFIRM, - 0, - ATT_CONFIRMATION, - att_confirm }, - { BT_ATT_OP_WRITE_CMD, - sizeof(struct bt_att_write_cmd), - ATT_COMMAND, - att_write_cmd }, + { BT_ATT_OP_READ_MULT_REQ, BT_ATT_READ_MULT_MIN_LEN_REQ, ATT_REQUEST, att_read_mult_req}, +#endif /* CONFIG_BT_GATT_READ_MULTIPLE */ + { BT_ATT_OP_READ_GROUP_REQ, sizeof(struct bt_att_read_group_req), ATT_REQUEST, att_read_group_req}, + { BT_ATT_OP_WRITE_REQ, sizeof(struct bt_att_write_req), ATT_REQUEST, att_write_req}, + {BT_ATT_OP_PREPARE_WRITE_REQ, sizeof(struct bt_att_prepare_write_req), ATT_REQUEST, att_prepare_write_req}, + { BT_ATT_OP_EXEC_WRITE_REQ, sizeof(struct bt_att_exec_write_req), ATT_REQUEST, att_exec_write_req}, + { BT_ATT_OP_CONFIRM, 0, ATT_CONFIRMATION, att_confirm}, + { BT_ATT_OP_WRITE_CMD, sizeof(struct bt_att_write_cmd), ATT_COMMAND, att_write_cmd}, #if defined(CONFIG_BT_SIGNING) - { BT_ATT_OP_SIGNED_WRITE_CMD, - (sizeof(struct bt_att_write_cmd) + - sizeof(struct bt_att_signature)), - ATT_COMMAND, - att_signed_write_cmd }, -#endif /* CONFIG_BT_SIGNING */ + { BT_ATT_OP_SIGNED_WRITE_CMD, (sizeof(struct bt_att_write_cmd) + sizeof(struct bt_att_signature)), ATT_COMMAND, att_signed_write_cmd}, +#endif /* CONFIG_BT_SIGNING */ #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_CLIENT) - { BT_ATT_OP_ERROR_RSP, - sizeof(struct bt_att_error_rsp), - ATT_RESPONSE, - att_error_rsp }, - { BT_ATT_OP_MTU_RSP, - sizeof(struct bt_att_exchange_mtu_rsp), - ATT_RESPONSE, - att_mtu_rsp }, - { BT_ATT_OP_FIND_INFO_RSP, - sizeof(struct bt_att_find_info_rsp), - ATT_RESPONSE, - att_handle_find_info_rsp }, - { BT_ATT_OP_FIND_TYPE_RSP, - sizeof(struct bt_att_find_type_rsp), - ATT_RESPONSE, - att_handle_find_type_rsp }, - { BT_ATT_OP_READ_TYPE_RSP, - sizeof(struct bt_att_read_type_rsp), - ATT_RESPONSE, - att_handle_read_type_rsp }, - { BT_ATT_OP_READ_RSP, - sizeof(struct bt_att_read_rsp), - ATT_RESPONSE, - att_handle_read_rsp }, - { BT_ATT_OP_READ_BLOB_RSP, - sizeof(struct bt_att_read_blob_rsp), - ATT_RESPONSE, - att_handle_read_blob_rsp }, + { BT_ATT_OP_ERROR_RSP, sizeof(struct bt_att_error_rsp), ATT_RESPONSE, att_error_rsp}, + { BT_ATT_OP_MTU_RSP, sizeof(struct bt_att_exchange_mtu_rsp), ATT_RESPONSE, att_mtu_rsp}, + { BT_ATT_OP_FIND_INFO_RSP, sizeof(struct bt_att_find_info_rsp), ATT_RESPONSE, att_handle_find_info_rsp}, + { BT_ATT_OP_FIND_TYPE_RSP, sizeof(struct bt_att_find_type_rsp), ATT_RESPONSE, att_handle_find_type_rsp}, + { BT_ATT_OP_READ_TYPE_RSP, sizeof(struct bt_att_read_type_rsp), ATT_RESPONSE, att_handle_read_type_rsp}, + { BT_ATT_OP_READ_RSP, sizeof(struct bt_att_read_rsp), ATT_RESPONSE, att_handle_read_rsp}, + { BT_ATT_OP_READ_BLOB_RSP, sizeof(struct bt_att_read_blob_rsp), ATT_RESPONSE, att_handle_read_blob_rsp}, #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_READ_MULTIPLE) - { BT_ATT_OP_READ_MULT_RSP, - sizeof(struct bt_att_read_mult_rsp), - ATT_RESPONSE, - att_handle_read_mult_rsp }, -#endif /* CONFIG_BT_GATT_READ_MULTIPLE */ - { BT_ATT_OP_READ_GROUP_RSP, - sizeof(struct bt_att_read_group_rsp), - ATT_RESPONSE, - att_handle_read_group_rsp }, - { BT_ATT_OP_WRITE_RSP, - 0, - ATT_RESPONSE, - att_handle_write_rsp }, - { BT_ATT_OP_PREPARE_WRITE_RSP, - sizeof(struct bt_att_prepare_write_rsp), - ATT_RESPONSE, - att_handle_prepare_write_rsp }, - { BT_ATT_OP_EXEC_WRITE_RSP, - 0, - ATT_RESPONSE, - att_handle_exec_write_rsp }, - { BT_ATT_OP_NOTIFY, - sizeof(struct bt_att_notify), - ATT_NOTIFICATION, - att_notify }, - { BT_ATT_OP_INDICATE, - sizeof(struct bt_att_indicate), - ATT_INDICATION, - att_indicate }, -#endif /* CONFIG_BT_GATT_CLIENT */ + { BT_ATT_OP_READ_MULT_RSP, sizeof(struct bt_att_read_mult_rsp), ATT_RESPONSE, att_handle_read_mult_rsp}, +#endif /* CONFIG_BT_GATT_READ_MULTIPLE */ + { BT_ATT_OP_READ_GROUP_RSP, sizeof(struct bt_att_read_group_rsp), ATT_RESPONSE, att_handle_read_group_rsp}, + { BT_ATT_OP_WRITE_RSP, 0, ATT_RESPONSE, att_handle_write_rsp}, + {BT_ATT_OP_PREPARE_WRITE_RSP, sizeof(struct bt_att_prepare_write_rsp), ATT_RESPONSE, att_handle_prepare_write_rsp}, + { BT_ATT_OP_EXEC_WRITE_RSP, 0, ATT_RESPONSE, att_handle_exec_write_rsp}, + { BT_ATT_OP_NOTIFY, sizeof(struct bt_att_notify), ATT_NOTIFICATION, att_notify}, + { BT_ATT_OP_INDICATE, sizeof(struct bt_att_indicate), ATT_INDICATION, att_indicate}, +#endif /* CONFIG_BT_GATT_CLIENT */ }; -static att_type_t att_op_get_type(u8_t op) -{ - switch (op) { - case BT_ATT_OP_MTU_REQ: - case BT_ATT_OP_FIND_INFO_REQ: - case BT_ATT_OP_FIND_TYPE_REQ: - case BT_ATT_OP_READ_TYPE_REQ: - case BT_ATT_OP_READ_REQ: - case BT_ATT_OP_READ_BLOB_REQ: - case BT_ATT_OP_READ_MULT_REQ: - case BT_ATT_OP_READ_GROUP_REQ: - case BT_ATT_OP_WRITE_REQ: - case BT_ATT_OP_PREPARE_WRITE_REQ: - case BT_ATT_OP_EXEC_WRITE_REQ: - return ATT_REQUEST; - case BT_ATT_OP_CONFIRM: - return ATT_CONFIRMATION; - case BT_ATT_OP_WRITE_CMD: - case BT_ATT_OP_SIGNED_WRITE_CMD: - return ATT_COMMAND; - case BT_ATT_OP_ERROR_RSP: - case BT_ATT_OP_MTU_RSP: - case BT_ATT_OP_FIND_INFO_RSP: - case BT_ATT_OP_FIND_TYPE_RSP: - case BT_ATT_OP_READ_TYPE_RSP: - case BT_ATT_OP_READ_RSP: - case BT_ATT_OP_READ_BLOB_RSP: - case BT_ATT_OP_READ_MULT_RSP: - case BT_ATT_OP_READ_GROUP_RSP: - case BT_ATT_OP_WRITE_RSP: - case BT_ATT_OP_PREPARE_WRITE_RSP: - case BT_ATT_OP_EXEC_WRITE_RSP: - return ATT_RESPONSE; - case BT_ATT_OP_NOTIFY: - return ATT_NOTIFICATION; - case BT_ATT_OP_INDICATE: - return ATT_INDICATION; - } - - if (op & ATT_CMD_MASK) { - return ATT_COMMAND; - } - - return ATT_UNKNOWN; -} - -static int bt_att_recv(struct bt_l2cap_chan *chan, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - struct bt_att *att = ATT_CHAN(chan); - struct bt_att_hdr *hdr; - const struct att_handler *handler; - u8_t err; - size_t i; - - if (buf->len < sizeof(*hdr)) { - BT_ERR("Too small ATT PDU received"); - return 0; - } - - hdr = net_buf_pull_mem(buf, sizeof(*hdr)); - BT_DBG("Received ATT code 0x%02x len %u", hdr->code, buf->len); - - for (i = 0, handler = NULL; i < ARRAY_SIZE(handlers); i++) { - if (hdr->code == handlers[i].op) { - handler = &handlers[i]; - break; - } - } - - if (!handler) { - BT_WARN("Unhandled ATT code 0x%02x", hdr->code); - if (att_op_get_type(hdr->code) != ATT_COMMAND) { - send_err_rsp(chan->conn, hdr->code, 0, - BT_ATT_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); - } - return 0; - } - - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_ATT_ENFORCE_FLOW)) { - if (handler->type == ATT_REQUEST && - atomic_test_and_set_bit(att->flags, ATT_PENDING_RSP)) { - BT_WARN("Ignoring unexpected request"); - return 0; - } else if (handler->type == ATT_INDICATION && - atomic_test_and_set_bit(att->flags, - ATT_PENDING_CFM)) { - BT_WARN("Ignoring unexpected indication"); - return 0; - } - } - - if (buf->len < handler->expect_len) { - BT_ERR("Invalid len %u for code 0x%02x", buf->len, hdr->code); - err = BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_PDU; - } else { - err = handler->func(att, buf); - } - - if (handler->type == ATT_REQUEST && err) { - BT_DBG("ATT error 0x%02x", err); - send_err_rsp(chan->conn, hdr->code, 0, err); - } - +static att_type_t att_op_get_type(u8_t op) { + switch (op) { + case BT_ATT_OP_MTU_REQ: + case BT_ATT_OP_FIND_INFO_REQ: + case BT_ATT_OP_FIND_TYPE_REQ: + case BT_ATT_OP_READ_TYPE_REQ: + case BT_ATT_OP_READ_REQ: + case BT_ATT_OP_READ_BLOB_REQ: + case BT_ATT_OP_READ_MULT_REQ: + case BT_ATT_OP_READ_GROUP_REQ: + case BT_ATT_OP_WRITE_REQ: + case BT_ATT_OP_PREPARE_WRITE_REQ: + case BT_ATT_OP_EXEC_WRITE_REQ: + return ATT_REQUEST; + case BT_ATT_OP_CONFIRM: + return ATT_CONFIRMATION; + case BT_ATT_OP_WRITE_CMD: + case BT_ATT_OP_SIGNED_WRITE_CMD: + return ATT_COMMAND; + case BT_ATT_OP_ERROR_RSP: + case BT_ATT_OP_MTU_RSP: + case BT_ATT_OP_FIND_INFO_RSP: + case BT_ATT_OP_FIND_TYPE_RSP: + case BT_ATT_OP_READ_TYPE_RSP: + case BT_ATT_OP_READ_RSP: + case BT_ATT_OP_READ_BLOB_RSP: + case BT_ATT_OP_READ_MULT_RSP: + case BT_ATT_OP_READ_GROUP_RSP: + case BT_ATT_OP_WRITE_RSP: + case BT_ATT_OP_PREPARE_WRITE_RSP: + case BT_ATT_OP_EXEC_WRITE_RSP: + return ATT_RESPONSE; + case BT_ATT_OP_NOTIFY: + return ATT_NOTIFICATION; + case BT_ATT_OP_INDICATE: + return ATT_INDICATION; + } + + if (op & ATT_CMD_MASK) { + return ATT_COMMAND; + } + + return ATT_UNKNOWN; +} + +static int bt_att_recv(struct bt_l2cap_chan *chan, struct net_buf *buf) { + struct bt_att *att = ATT_CHAN(chan); + struct bt_att_hdr *hdr; + const struct att_handler *handler; + u8_t err; + size_t i; + + if (buf->len < sizeof(*hdr)) { + BT_ERR("Too small ATT PDU received"); return 0; -} - -static struct bt_att *att_chan_get(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - struct bt_l2cap_chan *chan; - struct bt_att *att; - - if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { - BT_WARN("Not connected"); - return NULL; - } - - chan = bt_l2cap_le_lookup_rx_cid(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT); - if (!chan) { - BT_ERR("Unable to find ATT channel"); - return NULL; - } - - att = ATT_CHAN(chan); - if (atomic_test_bit(att->flags, ATT_DISCONNECTED)) { - BT_WARN("ATT context flagged as disconnected"); - return NULL; - } - - return att; -} + } -struct net_buf *bt_att_create_pdu(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t op, size_t len) -{ - struct bt_att_hdr *hdr; - struct net_buf *buf; - struct bt_att *att; + hdr = net_buf_pull_mem(buf, sizeof(*hdr)); + BT_DBG("Received ATT code 0x%02x len %u", hdr->code, buf->len); - att = att_chan_get(conn); - if (!att) { - return NULL; + for (i = 0, handler = NULL; i < ARRAY_SIZE(handlers); i++) { + if (hdr->code == handlers[i].op) { + handler = &handlers[i]; + break; } + } - if (len + sizeof(op) > att->chan.tx.mtu) { - BT_WARN("ATT MTU exceeded, max %u, wanted %zu", - att->chan.tx.mtu, len + sizeof(op)); - return NULL; + if (!handler) { + BT_WARN("Unhandled ATT code 0x%02x", hdr->code); + if (att_op_get_type(hdr->code) != ATT_COMMAND) { + send_err_rsp(chan->conn, hdr->code, 0, BT_ATT_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); } - - switch (att_op_get_type(op)) { - case ATT_RESPONSE: - case ATT_CONFIRMATION: - /* Use a timeout only when responding/confirming */ - buf = bt_l2cap_create_pdu_timeout(NULL, 0, ATT_TIMEOUT); - break; - default: - buf = bt_l2cap_create_pdu(NULL, 0); - } - - if (!buf) { - BT_ERR("Unable to allocate buffer for op 0x%02x", op); - return NULL; - } - - hdr = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*hdr)); - hdr->code = op; - - return buf; -} - -static void att_reset(struct bt_att *att) -{ - struct bt_att_req *req, *tmp; - int i; - struct net_buf *buf; + return 0; + } + + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_ATT_ENFORCE_FLOW)) { + if (handler->type == ATT_REQUEST && atomic_test_and_set_bit(att->flags, ATT_PENDING_RSP)) { + BT_WARN("Ignoring unexpected request"); + return 0; + } else if (handler->type == ATT_INDICATION && atomic_test_and_set_bit(att->flags, ATT_PENDING_CFM)) { + BT_WARN("Ignoring unexpected indication"); + return 0; + } + } + + if (buf->len < handler->expect_len) { + BT_ERR("Invalid len %u for code 0x%02x", buf->len, hdr->code); + err = BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_PDU; + } else { + err = handler->func(att, buf); + } + + if (handler->type == ATT_REQUEST && err) { + BT_DBG("ATT error 0x%02x", err); + send_err_rsp(chan->conn, hdr->code, 0, err); + } + + return 0; +} + +static struct bt_att *att_chan_get(struct bt_conn *conn) { + struct bt_l2cap_chan *chan; + struct bt_att *att; + + if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { + BT_WARN("Not connected"); + return NULL; + } + + chan = bt_l2cap_le_lookup_rx_cid(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT); + if (!chan) { + BT_ERR("Unable to find ATT channel"); + return NULL; + } + + att = ATT_CHAN(chan); + if (atomic_test_bit(att->flags, ATT_DISCONNECTED)) { + BT_WARN("ATT context flagged as disconnected"); + return NULL; + } + + return att; +} + +struct net_buf *bt_att_create_pdu(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t op, size_t len) { + struct bt_att_hdr *hdr; + struct net_buf *buf; + struct bt_att *att; + + att = att_chan_get(conn); + if (!att) { + return NULL; + } + + if (len + sizeof(op) > att->chan.tx.mtu) { + BT_WARN("ATT MTU exceeded, max %u, wanted %zu", att->chan.tx.mtu, len + sizeof(op)); + return NULL; + } + + switch (att_op_get_type(op)) { + case ATT_RESPONSE: + case ATT_CONFIRMATION: + /* Use a timeout only when responding/confirming */ + buf = bt_l2cap_create_pdu_timeout(NULL, 0, ATT_TIMEOUT); + break; + default: + buf = bt_l2cap_create_pdu(NULL, 0); + } + + if (!buf) { + BT_ERR("Unable to allocate buffer for op 0x%02x", op); + return NULL; + } + + hdr = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*hdr)); + hdr->code = op; + + return buf; +} + +static void att_reset(struct bt_att *att) { + struct bt_att_req *req, *tmp; + int i; + struct net_buf *buf; #if CONFIG_BT_ATT_PREPARE_COUNT > 0 - /* Discard queued buffers */ - while ((buf = k_fifo_get(&att->prep_queue, K_NO_WAIT))) { - net_buf_unref(buf); - } + /* Discard queued buffers */ + while ((buf = k_fifo_get(&att->prep_queue, K_NO_WAIT))) { + net_buf_unref(buf); + } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_ATT_PREPARE_COUNT > 0 */ - while ((buf = k_fifo_get(&att->tx_queue, K_NO_WAIT))) { - net_buf_unref(buf); - } - - atomic_set_bit(att->flags, ATT_DISCONNECTED); + while ((buf = k_fifo_get(&att->tx_queue, K_NO_WAIT))) { + net_buf_unref(buf); + } - /* Ensure that any waiters are woken up */ - for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_BT_ATT_TX_MAX; i++) { - k_sem_give(&att->tx_sem); - } + atomic_set_bit(att->flags, ATT_DISCONNECTED); - /* Notify pending requests */ - SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_CONTAINER_SAFE(&att->reqs, req, tmp, node) - { - if (req->func) { - req->func(NULL, BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY, NULL, 0, req); - } + /* Ensure that any waiters are woken up */ + for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_BT_ATT_TX_MAX; i++) { + k_sem_give(&att->tx_sem); + } - att_req_destroy(req); + /* Notify pending requests */ + SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_CONTAINER_SAFE(&att->reqs, req, tmp, node) { + if (req->func) { + req->func(NULL, BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY, NULL, 0, req); } - /* Reset list */ - sys_slist_init(&att->reqs); + att_req_destroy(req); + } - if (!att->req) { - return; - } + /* Reset list */ + sys_slist_init(&att->reqs); - /* Notify outstanding request */ - att_handle_rsp(att, NULL, 0, BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY); + if (!att->req) { + return; + } + + /* Notify outstanding request */ + att_handle_rsp(att, NULL, 0, BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY); } -static void att_timeout(struct k_work *work) -{ - struct bt_att *att = CONTAINER_OF(work, struct bt_att, timeout_work); - struct bt_l2cap_le_chan *ch = &att->chan; +static void att_timeout(struct k_work *work) { + struct bt_att *att = CONTAINER_OF(work, struct bt_att, timeout_work); + struct bt_l2cap_le_chan *ch = &att->chan; - BT_ERR("ATT Timeout"); + BT_ERR("ATT Timeout"); - /* BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 4.2 [Vol 3, Part F] page 480: - * - * A transaction not completed within 30 seconds shall time out. Such a - * transaction shall be considered to have failed and the local higher - * layers shall be informed of this failure. No more attribute protocol - * requests, commands, indications or notifications shall be sent to the - * target device on this ATT Bearer. - */ - att_reset(att); + /* BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 4.2 [Vol 3, Part F] page 480: + * + * A transaction not completed within 30 seconds shall time out. Such a + * transaction shall be considered to have failed and the local higher + * layers shall be informed of this failure. No more attribute protocol + * requests, commands, indications or notifications shall be sent to the + * target device on this ATT Bearer. + */ + att_reset(att); - /* Consider the channel disconnected */ - bt_gatt_disconnected(ch->chan.conn); - ch->chan.conn = NULL; + /* Consider the channel disconnected */ + bt_gatt_disconnected(ch->chan.conn); + ch->chan.conn = NULL; } -static void bt_att_connected(struct bt_l2cap_chan *chan) -{ - struct bt_att *att = ATT_CHAN(chan); - struct bt_l2cap_le_chan *ch = BT_L2CAP_LE_CHAN(chan); +static void bt_att_connected(struct bt_l2cap_chan *chan) { + struct bt_att *att = ATT_CHAN(chan); + struct bt_l2cap_le_chan *ch = BT_L2CAP_LE_CHAN(chan); - BT_DBG("chan %p cid 0x%04x", ch, ch->tx.cid); + BT_DBG("chan %p cid 0x%04x", ch, ch->tx.cid); - k_fifo_init(&att->tx_queue, 20); + k_fifo_init(&att->tx_queue, 20); #if CONFIG_BT_ATT_PREPARE_COUNT > 0 - k_fifo_init(&att->prep_queue, 20); + k_fifo_init(&att->prep_queue, 20); #endif - ch->tx.mtu = BT_ATT_DEFAULT_LE_MTU; - ch->rx.mtu = BT_ATT_DEFAULT_LE_MTU; + ch->tx.mtu = BT_ATT_DEFAULT_LE_MTU; + ch->rx.mtu = BT_ATT_DEFAULT_LE_MTU; - k_delayed_work_init(&att->timeout_work, att_timeout); - sys_slist_init(&att->reqs); + k_delayed_work_init(&att->timeout_work, att_timeout); + sys_slist_init(&att->reqs); } -static void bt_att_disconnected(struct bt_l2cap_chan *chan) -{ - struct bt_att *att = ATT_CHAN(chan); - struct bt_l2cap_le_chan *ch = BT_L2CAP_LE_CHAN(chan); +static void bt_att_disconnected(struct bt_l2cap_chan *chan) { + struct bt_att *att = ATT_CHAN(chan); + struct bt_l2cap_le_chan *ch = BT_L2CAP_LE_CHAN(chan); - BT_DBG("chan %p cid 0x%04x", ch, ch->tx.cid); + BT_DBG("chan %p cid 0x%04x", ch, ch->tx.cid); - att_reset(att); + att_reset(att); - bt_gatt_disconnected(ch->chan.conn); + bt_gatt_disconnected(ch->chan.conn); #ifdef BFLB_BLE_PATCH_FREE_ALLOCATED_BUFFER_IN_OS - if (att->timeout_work.timer.timer.hdl) - k_delayed_work_del_timer(&att->timeout_work); + if (att->timeout_work.timer.timer.hdl) { + k_delayed_work_del_timer(&att->timeout_work); + } - if (att->tx_queue._queue.hdl) { - k_queue_free(&att->tx_queue._queue); - att->tx_queue._queue.hdl = NULL; - } + if (att->tx_queue._queue.hdl) { + k_queue_free(&att->tx_queue._queue); + att->tx_queue._queue.hdl = NULL; + } #if CONFIG_BT_ATT_PREPARE_COUNT > 0 - if (att->prep_queue._queue.hdl) { - k_queue_free(&att->prep_queue._queue); - att->prep_queue._queue.hdl = NULL; - } + if (att->prep_queue._queue.hdl) { + k_queue_free(&att->prep_queue._queue); + att->prep_queue._queue.hdl = NULL; + } #endif - if (att->tx_sem.sem.hdl) - k_sem_delete(&att->tx_sem); + if (att->tx_sem.sem.hdl) { + k_sem_delete(&att->tx_sem); + } #endif } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_SMP) -static void bt_att_encrypt_change(struct bt_l2cap_chan *chan, - u8_t hci_status) -{ - struct bt_att *att = ATT_CHAN(chan); - struct bt_l2cap_le_chan *ch = BT_L2CAP_LE_CHAN(chan); - struct bt_conn *conn = ch->chan.conn; - - BT_DBG("chan %p conn %p handle %u sec_level 0x%02x status 0x%02x", ch, - conn, conn->handle, conn->sec_level, hci_status); - - /* - * If status (HCI status of security procedure) is non-zero, notify - * outstanding request about security failure. - */ - if (hci_status) { - att_handle_rsp(att, NULL, 0, BT_ATT_ERR_AUTHENTICATION); - return; - } - - bt_gatt_encrypt_change(conn); - - if (conn->sec_level == BT_SECURITY_L1) { - return; - } - - if (!att->req || !att->req->retrying) { - return; - } - - k_sem_take(&att->tx_sem, K_FOREVER); - if (!att_is_connected(att)) { - BT_WARN("Disconnected"); - k_sem_give(&att->tx_sem); - return; - } +static void bt_att_encrypt_change(struct bt_l2cap_chan *chan, u8_t hci_status) { + struct bt_att *att = ATT_CHAN(chan); + struct bt_l2cap_le_chan *ch = BT_L2CAP_LE_CHAN(chan); + struct bt_conn *conn = ch->chan.conn; + + BT_DBG("chan %p conn %p handle %u sec_level 0x%02x status 0x%02x", ch, conn, conn->handle, conn->sec_level, hci_status); + + /* + * If status (HCI status of security procedure) is non-zero, notify + * outstanding request about security failure. + */ + if (hci_status) { + att_handle_rsp(att, NULL, 0, BT_ATT_ERR_AUTHENTICATION); + return; + } + + bt_gatt_encrypt_change(conn); + + if (conn->sec_level == BT_SECURITY_L1) { + return; + } + + if (!att->req || !att->req->retrying) { + return; + } + + k_sem_take(&att->tx_sem, K_FOREVER); + if (!att_is_connected(att)) { + BT_WARN("Disconnected"); + k_sem_give(&att->tx_sem); + return; + } - BT_DBG("Retrying"); + BT_DBG("Retrying"); - /* Resend buffer */ - (void)bt_l2cap_send_cb(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, att->req->buf, - att_cb(att->req->buf), NULL); - att->req->buf = NULL; + /* Resend buffer */ + (void)bt_l2cap_send_cb(conn, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, att->req->buf, att_cb(att->req->buf), NULL); + att->req->buf = NULL; } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_SMP */ #if defined(BFLB_BLE_MTU_CHANGE_CB) -void bt_att_mtu_changed(struct bt_l2cap_chan *chan, u16_t mtu) -{ - bt_gatt_mtu_changed(chan->conn, mtu); -} +void bt_att_mtu_changed(struct bt_l2cap_chan *chan, u16_t mtu) { bt_gatt_mtu_changed(chan->conn, mtu); } #endif -static int bt_att_accept(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_l2cap_chan **chan) -{ - int i; - static struct bt_l2cap_chan_ops ops = { - .connected = bt_att_connected, - .disconnected = bt_att_disconnected, - .recv = bt_att_recv, +static int bt_att_accept(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_l2cap_chan **chan) { + int i; + static struct bt_l2cap_chan_ops ops = { + .connected = bt_att_connected, + .disconnected = bt_att_disconnected, + .recv = bt_att_recv, #if defined(CONFIG_BT_SMP) - .encrypt_change = bt_att_encrypt_change, + .encrypt_change = bt_att_encrypt_change, #endif /* CONFIG_BT_SMP */ #if defined(BFLB_BLE_MTU_CHANGE_CB) - .mtu_changed = bt_att_mtu_changed, + .mtu_changed = bt_att_mtu_changed, #endif - }; + }; - BT_DBG("conn %p handle %u", conn, conn->handle); + BT_DBG("conn %p handle %u", conn, conn->handle); - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(bt_req_pool); i++) { - struct bt_att *att = &bt_req_pool[i]; + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(bt_req_pool); i++) { + struct bt_att *att = &bt_req_pool[i]; - if (att->chan.chan.conn) { - continue; - } + if (att->chan.chan.conn) { + continue; + } - (void)memset(att, 0, sizeof(*att)); - att->chan.chan.ops = &ops; - k_sem_init(&att->tx_sem, CONFIG_BT_ATT_TX_MAX, - CONFIG_BT_ATT_TX_MAX); + (void)memset(att, 0, sizeof(*att)); + att->chan.chan.ops = &ops; + k_sem_init(&att->tx_sem, CONFIG_BT_ATT_TX_MAX, CONFIG_BT_ATT_TX_MAX); - *chan = &att->chan.chan; + *chan = &att->chan.chan; - return 0; - } + return 0; + } - BT_ERR("No available ATT context for conn %p", conn); + BT_ERR("No available ATT context for conn %p", conn); - return -ENOMEM; + return -ENOMEM; } BT_L2CAP_CHANNEL_DEFINE(att_fixed_chan, BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, bt_att_accept); -void bt_att_init(void) -{ +void bt_att_init(void) { #if defined(BFLB_BLE_DISABLE_STATIC_CHANNEL) - static struct bt_l2cap_fixed_chan chan = { - .cid = BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, - .accept = bt_att_accept, - }; + static struct bt_l2cap_fixed_chan chan = { + .cid = BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT, + .accept = bt_att_accept, + }; - bt_l2cap_le_fixed_chan_register(&chan); + bt_l2cap_le_fixed_chan_register(&chan); #endif #if CONFIG_BT_ATT_PREPARE_COUNT > 0 #if defined(BFLB_DYNAMIC_ALLOC_MEM) - net_buf_init(&prep_pool, CONFIG_BT_ATT_PREPARE_COUNT, BT_ATT_MTU, NULL); + net_buf_init(&prep_pool, CONFIG_BT_ATT_PREPARE_COUNT, BT_ATT_MTU, NULL); #endif #endif - bt_gatt_init(); + bt_gatt_init(); } -u16_t bt_att_get_mtu(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - struct bt_att *att; +u16_t bt_att_get_mtu(struct bt_conn *conn) { + struct bt_att *att; - att = att_chan_get(conn); - if (!att) { - return 0; - } + att = att_chan_get(conn); + if (!att) { + return 0; + } - /* tx and rx MTU shall be symmetric */ - return att->chan.tx.mtu; + /* tx and rx MTU shall be symmetric */ + return att->chan.tx.mtu; } -int bt_att_send(struct bt_conn *conn, struct net_buf *buf, bt_conn_tx_cb_t cb, - void *user_data) -{ - struct bt_att *att; - int err; +int bt_att_send(struct bt_conn *conn, struct net_buf *buf, bt_conn_tx_cb_t cb, void *user_data) { + struct bt_att *att; + int err; - __ASSERT_NO_MSG(conn); - __ASSERT_NO_MSG(buf); + __ASSERT_NO_MSG(conn); + __ASSERT_NO_MSG(buf); - att = att_chan_get(conn); - if (!att) { - net_buf_unref(buf); - return -ENOTCONN; - } + att = att_chan_get(conn); + if (!att) { + net_buf_unref(buf); + return -ENOTCONN; + } - /* Don't use tx_sem if caller has set it own callback */ - if (!cb) { - /* Queue buffer to be send later */ - if (k_sem_take(&att->tx_sem, K_NO_WAIT) < 0) { - k_fifo_put(&att->tx_queue, buf); - return 0; - } + /* Don't use tx_sem if caller has set it own callback */ + if (!cb) { + /* Queue buffer to be send later */ + if (k_sem_take(&att->tx_sem, K_NO_WAIT) < 0) { + k_fifo_put(&att->tx_queue, buf); + return 0; } + } - err = att_send(conn, buf, cb, user_data); - if (err) { - if (!cb) { - k_sem_give(&att->tx_sem); - } - return err; + err = att_send(conn, buf, cb, user_data); + if (err) { + if (!cb) { + k_sem_give(&att->tx_sem); } + return err; + } - return 0; + return 0; } -int bt_att_req_send(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_att_req *req) -{ - struct bt_att *att; +int bt_att_req_send(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_att_req *req) { + struct bt_att *att; - BT_DBG("conn %p req %p", conn, req); + BT_DBG("conn %p req %p", conn, req); - __ASSERT_NO_MSG(conn); - __ASSERT_NO_MSG(req); + __ASSERT_NO_MSG(conn); + __ASSERT_NO_MSG(req); - att = att_chan_get(conn); - if (!att) { - net_buf_unref(req->buf); - req->buf = NULL; - return -ENOTCONN; - } + att = att_chan_get(conn); + if (!att) { + net_buf_unref(req->buf); + req->buf = NULL; + return -ENOTCONN; + } - /* Check if there is a request outstanding */ - if (att->req) { - /* Queue the request to be send later */ - sys_slist_append(&att->reqs, &req->node); - return 0; - } + /* Check if there is a request outstanding */ + if (att->req) { + /* Queue the request to be send later */ + sys_slist_append(&att->reqs, &req->node); + return 0; + } - return att_send_req(att, req); + return att_send_req(att, req); } -void bt_att_req_cancel(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_att_req *req) -{ - struct bt_att *att; +void bt_att_req_cancel(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_att_req *req) { + struct bt_att *att; - BT_DBG("req %p", req); + BT_DBG("req %p", req); - if (!conn || !req) { - return; - } + if (!conn || !req) { + return; + } - att = att_chan_get(conn); - if (!att) { - return; - } + att = att_chan_get(conn); + if (!att) { + return; + } - /* Check if request is outstanding */ - if (att->req == req) { - att->req = &cancel; - } else { - /* Remove request from the list */ - sys_slist_find_and_remove(&att->reqs, &req->node); - } + /* Check if request is outstanding */ + if (att->req == req) { + att->req = &cancel; + } else { + /* Remove request from the list */ + sys_slist_find_and_remove(&att->reqs, &req->node); + } - att_req_destroy(req); + att_req_destroy(req); } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/att_internal.h b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/att_internal.h index f591a8b895..68fd834846 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/att_internal.h +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/att_internal.h @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ - +#include "conn_internal.h" #define BT_ATT_DEFAULT_LE_MTU 23 #if BT_L2CAP_RX_MTU < CONFIG_BT_L2CAP_TX_MTU diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/avdtp_internal.h b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/avdtp_internal.h index e182689f4b..7825a6e46a 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/avdtp_internal.h +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/avdtp_internal.h @@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ */ #include +#include "l2cap.h" +#ifndef BLE_STACK_HOST_AVDTP_INTERNAL_H_ +#define BLE_STACK_HOST_AVDTP_INTERNAL_H_ /* @brief A2DP ROLE's */ #define A2DP_SRC_ROLE 0x00 @@ -173,3 +176,5 @@ int bt_avdtp_register_sep(uint8_t media_type, uint8_t role, /* AVDTP Discover Request */ int bt_avdtp_discover(struct bt_avdtp *session, struct bt_avdtp_discover_params *param); + +#endif \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/conn.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/conn.c index 6644abcd12..1e389faeb2 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/conn.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/conn.c @@ -6,49 +6,48 @@ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ -#include -#include -#include -#include #include +#include +#include #include -#include #include #include -#include +#include +#include +#include +#include -#include +#include #include #include #include -#include +#include #define BT_DBG_ENABLED IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_DEBUG_CONN) #define LOG_MODULE_NAME bt_conn #include "log.h" +#include "att_internal.h" +#include "gatt_internal.h" #include "hci_core.h" -#include "conn_internal.h" -#include "l2cap_internal.h" #include "keys.h" +#include "l2cap_internal.h" #include "smp.h" -#include "att_internal.h" -#include "gatt_internal.h" + +#include "conn_internal.h" #if defined(BFLB_BLE) #include "ble_config.h" extern struct k_sem g_poll_sem; #endif struct tx_meta { - struct bt_conn_tx *tx; + struct bt_conn_tx *tx; }; #define tx_data(buf) ((struct tx_meta *)net_buf_user_data(buf)) #if !defined(BFLB_DYNAMIC_ALLOC_MEM) -NET_BUF_POOL_DEFINE(acl_tx_pool, CONFIG_BT_L2CAP_TX_BUF_COUNT, - BT_L2CAP_BUF_SIZE(CONFIG_BT_L2CAP_TX_MTU), - sizeof(struct tx_meta), NULL); +NET_BUF_POOL_DEFINE(acl_tx_pool, CONFIG_BT_L2CAP_TX_BUF_COUNT, BT_L2CAP_BUF_SIZE(CONFIG_BT_L2CAP_TX_MTU), sizeof(struct tx_meta), NULL); #else struct net_buf_pool acl_tx_pool; #endif @@ -68,8 +67,7 @@ struct net_buf_pool acl_tx_pool; * are queued up in the TX queue. In such a situation, trying to allocate * another buffer from the acl_tx_pool would result in a deadlock. */ -NET_BUF_POOL_FIXED_DEFINE(frag_pool, CONFIG_BT_L2CAP_TX_FRAG_COUNT, FRAG_SIZE, - NULL); +NET_BUF_POOL_FIXED_DEFINE(frag_pool, CONFIG_BT_L2CAP_TX_FRAG_COUNT, FRAG_SIZE, NULL); #else struct net_buf_pool frag_pool; #endif @@ -82,7 +80,7 @@ struct net_buf_pool frag_pool; const struct bt_conn_auth_cb *bt_auth; #endif /* CONFIG_BT_SMP || CONFIG_BT_BREDR */ -static struct bt_conn conns[CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN]; +static struct bt_conn conns[CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN]; static struct bt_conn_cb *callback_list; static struct bt_conn_tx conn_tx[CONFIG_BT_CONN_TX_MAX]; @@ -92,2605 +90,2410 @@ K_FIFO_DEFINE(free_tx); static struct bt_conn sco_conns[CONFIG_BT_MAX_SCO_CONN]; enum pairing_method { - LEGACY, /* Legacy (pre-SSP) pairing */ - JUST_WORKS, /* JustWorks pairing */ - PASSKEY_INPUT, /* Passkey Entry input */ - PASSKEY_DISPLAY, /* Passkey Entry display */ - PASSKEY_CONFIRM, /* Passkey confirm */ + LEGACY, /* Legacy (pre-SSP) pairing */ + JUST_WORKS, /* JustWorks pairing */ + PASSKEY_INPUT, /* Passkey Entry input */ + PASSKEY_DISPLAY, /* Passkey Entry display */ + PASSKEY_CONFIRM, /* Passkey confirm */ }; /* based on table 5.7, Core Spec 4.2, Vol.3 Part C, */ static const u8_t ssp_method[4 /* remote */][4 /* local */] = { - { JUST_WORKS, JUST_WORKS, PASSKEY_INPUT, JUST_WORKS }, - { JUST_WORKS, PASSKEY_CONFIRM, PASSKEY_INPUT, JUST_WORKS }, - { PASSKEY_DISPLAY, PASSKEY_DISPLAY, PASSKEY_INPUT, JUST_WORKS }, - { JUST_WORKS, JUST_WORKS, JUST_WORKS, JUST_WORKS }, + { JUST_WORKS, JUST_WORKS, PASSKEY_INPUT, JUST_WORKS}, + { JUST_WORKS, PASSKEY_CONFIRM, PASSKEY_INPUT, JUST_WORKS}, + {PASSKEY_DISPLAY, PASSKEY_DISPLAY, PASSKEY_INPUT, JUST_WORKS}, + { JUST_WORKS, JUST_WORKS, JUST_WORKS, JUST_WORKS}, }; #endif /* CONFIG_BT_BREDR */ -struct k_sem *bt_conn_get_pkts(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ +struct k_sem *bt_conn_get_pkts(struct bt_conn *conn) { #if defined(CONFIG_BT_BREDR) - if (conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_BR || !bt_dev.le.mtu) { - return &bt_dev.br.pkts; - } + if (conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_BR || !bt_dev.le.mtu) { + return &bt_dev.br.pkts; + } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_BREDR */ - return &bt_dev.le.pkts; + return &bt_dev.le.pkts; } -static inline const char *state2str(bt_conn_state_t state) -{ - switch (state) { - case BT_CONN_DISCONNECTED: - return "disconnected"; - case BT_CONN_CONNECT_SCAN: - return "connect-scan"; - case BT_CONN_CONNECT_DIR_ADV: - return "connect-dir-adv"; - case BT_CONN_CONNECT: - return "connect"; - case BT_CONN_CONNECTED: - return "connected"; - case BT_CONN_DISCONNECT: - return "disconnect"; - default: - return "(unknown)"; - } +static inline const char *state2str(bt_conn_state_t state) { + switch (state) { + case BT_CONN_DISCONNECTED: + return "disconnected"; + case BT_CONN_CONNECT_SCAN: + return "connect-scan"; + case BT_CONN_CONNECT_DIR_ADV: + return "connect-dir-adv"; + case BT_CONN_CONNECT: + return "connect"; + case BT_CONN_CONNECTED: + return "connected"; + case BT_CONN_DISCONNECT: + return "disconnect"; + default: + return "(unknown)"; + } } -static void notify_connected(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - struct bt_conn_cb *cb; +static void notify_connected(struct bt_conn *conn) { + struct bt_conn_cb *cb; #if defined(CONFIG_BT_BREDR) - if (conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_BR && conn->err) { - if (atomic_test_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_ISCAN)) { - atomic_clear_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_ISCAN); - } - if (atomic_test_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_PSCAN)) { - atomic_clear_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_PSCAN); - } + if (conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_BR && conn->err) { + if (atomic_test_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_ISCAN)) { + atomic_clear_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_ISCAN); } + if (atomic_test_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_PSCAN)) { + atomic_clear_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_PSCAN); + } + } #endif - for (cb = callback_list; cb; cb = cb->_next) { - if (cb->connected) { - cb->connected(conn, conn->err); - } + for (cb = callback_list; cb; cb = cb->_next) { + if (cb->connected) { + cb->connected(conn, conn->err); } + } - if (!conn->err) { - bt_gatt_connected(conn); - } + if (!conn->err) { + bt_gatt_connected(conn); + } } -static void notify_disconnected(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - struct bt_conn_cb *cb; +static void notify_disconnected(struct bt_conn *conn) { + struct bt_conn_cb *cb; #if defined(CONFIG_BT_BREDR) - if (conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_BR) { - if (atomic_test_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_ISCAN)) { - atomic_clear_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_ISCAN); - } - if (atomic_test_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_PSCAN)) { - atomic_clear_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_PSCAN); - } + if (conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_BR) { + if (atomic_test_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_ISCAN)) { + atomic_clear_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_ISCAN); + } + if (atomic_test_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_PSCAN)) { + atomic_clear_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_PSCAN); } + } #endif - for (cb = callback_list; cb; cb = cb->_next) { - if (cb->disconnected) { - cb->disconnected(conn, conn->err); - } + for (cb = callback_list; cb; cb = cb->_next) { + if (cb->disconnected) { + cb->disconnected(conn, conn->err); } + } } -void notify_le_param_updated(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - struct bt_conn_cb *cb; +void notify_le_param_updated(struct bt_conn *conn) { + struct bt_conn_cb *cb; - /* If new connection parameters meet requirement of pending - * parameters don't send slave conn param request anymore on timeout - */ - if (atomic_test_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_SLAVE_PARAM_SET) && - conn->le.interval >= conn->le.interval_min && - conn->le.interval <= conn->le.interval_max && - conn->le.latency == conn->le.pending_latency && - conn->le.timeout == conn->le.pending_timeout) { - atomic_clear_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_SLAVE_PARAM_SET); - } + /* If new connection parameters meet requirement of pending + * parameters don't send slave conn param request anymore on timeout + */ + if (atomic_test_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_SLAVE_PARAM_SET) && conn->le.interval >= conn->le.interval_min && conn->le.interval <= conn->le.interval_max && + conn->le.latency == conn->le.pending_latency && conn->le.timeout == conn->le.pending_timeout) { + atomic_clear_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_SLAVE_PARAM_SET); + } - for (cb = callback_list; cb; cb = cb->_next) { - if (cb->le_param_updated) { - cb->le_param_updated(conn, conn->le.interval, - conn->le.latency, - conn->le.timeout); - } + for (cb = callback_list; cb; cb = cb->_next) { + if (cb->le_param_updated) { + cb->le_param_updated(conn, conn->le.interval, conn->le.latency, conn->le.timeout); } + } } -bool le_param_req(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_le_conn_param *param) -{ - struct bt_conn_cb *cb; +bool le_param_req(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_le_conn_param *param) { + struct bt_conn_cb *cb; - if (!bt_le_conn_params_valid(param)) { - return false; - } + if (!bt_le_conn_params_valid(param)) { + return false; + } - for (cb = callback_list; cb; cb = cb->_next) { - if (!cb->le_param_req) { - continue; - } + for (cb = callback_list; cb; cb = cb->_next) { + if (!cb->le_param_req) { + continue; + } - if (!cb->le_param_req(conn, param)) { - return false; - } + if (!cb->le_param_req(conn, param)) { + return false; + } - /* The callback may modify the parameters so we need to - * double-check that it returned valid parameters. - */ - if (!bt_le_conn_params_valid(param)) { - return false; - } + /* The callback may modify the parameters so we need to + * double-check that it returned valid parameters. + */ + if (!bt_le_conn_params_valid(param)) { + return false; } + } - /* Default to accepting if there's no app callback */ - return true; + /* Default to accepting if there's no app callback */ + return true; } -static int send_conn_le_param_update(struct bt_conn *conn, - const struct bt_le_conn_param *param) -{ - BT_DBG("conn %p features 0x%02x params (%d-%d %d %d)", conn, - conn->le.features[0], param->interval_min, - param->interval_max, param->latency, param->timeout); - - /* Use LE connection parameter request if both local and remote support - * it; or if local role is master then use LE connection update. - */ - if ((BT_FEAT_LE_CONN_PARAM_REQ_PROC(bt_dev.le.features) && - BT_FEAT_LE_CONN_PARAM_REQ_PROC(conn->le.features) && - !atomic_test_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_SLAVE_PARAM_L2CAP)) || - (conn->role == BT_HCI_ROLE_MASTER)) { - int rc; +static int send_conn_le_param_update(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_le_conn_param *param) { + BT_DBG("conn %p features 0x%02x params (%d-%d %d %d)", conn, conn->le.features[0], param->interval_min, param->interval_max, param->latency, param->timeout); - rc = bt_conn_le_conn_update(conn, param); + /* Use LE connection parameter request if both local and remote support + * it; or if local role is master then use LE connection update. + */ + if ((BT_FEAT_LE_CONN_PARAM_REQ_PROC(bt_dev.le.features) && BT_FEAT_LE_CONN_PARAM_REQ_PROC(conn->le.features) && !atomic_test_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_SLAVE_PARAM_L2CAP)) || + (conn->role == BT_HCI_ROLE_MASTER)) { + int rc; - /* store those in case of fallback to L2CAP */ - if (rc == 0) { - conn->le.pending_latency = param->latency; - conn->le.pending_timeout = param->timeout; - } + rc = bt_conn_le_conn_update(conn, param); - return rc; + /* store those in case of fallback to L2CAP */ + if (rc == 0) { + conn->le.pending_latency = param->latency; + conn->le.pending_timeout = param->timeout; } - /* If remote master does not support LL Connection Parameters Request - * Procedure - */ - return bt_l2cap_update_conn_param(conn, param); + return rc; + } + + /* If remote master does not support LL Connection Parameters Request + * Procedure + */ + return bt_l2cap_update_conn_param(conn, param); } -static void tx_free(struct bt_conn_tx *tx) -{ - tx->cb = NULL; - tx->user_data = NULL; - tx->pending_no_cb = 0U; - k_fifo_put(&free_tx, tx); +static void tx_free(struct bt_conn_tx *tx) { + tx->cb = NULL; + tx->user_data = NULL; + tx->pending_no_cb = 0U; + k_fifo_put(&free_tx, tx); } -static void tx_notify(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - BT_DBG("conn %p", conn); +static void tx_notify(struct bt_conn *conn) { + BT_DBG("conn %p", conn); - while (1) { - struct bt_conn_tx *tx; - unsigned int key; - bt_conn_tx_cb_t cb; - void *user_data; + while (1) { + struct bt_conn_tx *tx; + unsigned int key; + bt_conn_tx_cb_t cb; + void *user_data; - key = irq_lock(); - if (sys_slist_is_empty(&conn->tx_complete)) { - irq_unlock(key); - break; - } + key = irq_lock(); + if (sys_slist_is_empty(&conn->tx_complete)) { + irq_unlock(key); + break; + } - tx = (void *)sys_slist_get_not_empty(&conn->tx_complete); - irq_unlock(key); + tx = (void *)sys_slist_get_not_empty(&conn->tx_complete); + irq_unlock(key); - BT_DBG("tx %p cb %p user_data %p", tx, tx->cb, tx->user_data); + BT_DBG("tx %p cb %p user_data %p", tx, tx->cb, tx->user_data); - /* Copy over the params */ - cb = tx->cb; - user_data = tx->user_data; + /* Copy over the params */ + cb = tx->cb; + user_data = tx->user_data; - /* Free up TX notify since there may be user waiting */ - tx_free(tx); + /* Free up TX notify since there may be user waiting */ + tx_free(tx); - /* Run the callback, at this point it should be safe to - * allocate new buffers since the TX should have been - * unblocked by tx_free. - */ - cb(conn, user_data); - } + /* Run the callback, at this point it should be safe to + * allocate new buffers since the TX should have been + * unblocked by tx_free. + */ + cb(conn, user_data); + } } -static void tx_complete_work(struct k_work *work) -{ - struct bt_conn *conn = CONTAINER_OF(work, struct bt_conn, - tx_complete_work); +static void tx_complete_work(struct k_work *work) { + struct bt_conn *conn = CONTAINER_OF(work, struct bt_conn, tx_complete_work); - BT_DBG("conn %p", conn); + BT_DBG("conn %p", conn); - tx_notify(conn); + tx_notify(conn); } -static void conn_update_timeout(struct k_work *work) -{ - struct bt_conn *conn = CONTAINER_OF(work, struct bt_conn, update_work); - const struct bt_le_conn_param *param; +static void conn_update_timeout(struct k_work *work) { + struct bt_conn *conn = CONTAINER_OF(work, struct bt_conn, update_work); + const struct bt_le_conn_param *param; - BT_DBG("conn %p", conn); + BT_DBG("conn %p", conn); - if (conn->state == BT_CONN_DISCONNECTED) { - bt_l2cap_disconnected(conn); - notify_disconnected(conn); + if (conn->state == BT_CONN_DISCONNECTED) { + bt_l2cap_disconnected(conn); + notify_disconnected(conn); - /* Release the reference we took for the very first - * state transition. - */ - bt_conn_unref(conn); - return; - } - - if (conn->type != BT_CONN_TYPE_LE) { - return; - } - - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_CENTRAL) && - conn->role == BT_CONN_ROLE_MASTER) { - /* we don't call bt_conn_disconnect as it would also clear - * auto connect flag if it was set, instead just cancel - * connection directly - */ - bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_LE_CREATE_CONN_CANCEL, NULL, NULL); - return; - } + /* Release the reference we took for the very first + * state transition. + */ + bt_conn_unref(conn); + return; + } + + if (conn->type != BT_CONN_TYPE_LE) { + return; + } + + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_CENTRAL) && conn->role == BT_CONN_ROLE_MASTER) { + /* we don't call bt_conn_disconnect as it would also clear + * auto connect flag if it was set, instead just cancel + * connection directly + */ + bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_LE_CREATE_CONN_CANCEL, NULL, NULL); + return; + } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GAP_PERIPHERAL_PREF_PARAMS) - /* if application set own params use those, otherwise use defaults */ - if (atomic_test_and_clear_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_SLAVE_PARAM_SET)) { - param = BT_LE_CONN_PARAM(conn->le.interval_min, - conn->le.interval_max, - conn->le.pending_latency, - conn->le.pending_timeout); - - send_conn_le_param_update(conn, param); - } else { - param = BT_LE_CONN_PARAM(CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_MIN_INT, - CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_MAX_INT, - CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_SLAVE_LATENCY, - CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_TIMEOUT); + /* if application set own params use those, otherwise use defaults */ + if (atomic_test_and_clear_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_SLAVE_PARAM_SET)) { + param = BT_LE_CONN_PARAM(conn->le.interval_min, conn->le.interval_max, conn->le.pending_latency, conn->le.pending_timeout); - send_conn_le_param_update(conn, param); - } + send_conn_le_param_update(conn, param); + } else { + param = BT_LE_CONN_PARAM(CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_MIN_INT, CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_MAX_INT, CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_SLAVE_LATENCY, CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_TIMEOUT); + + send_conn_le_param_update(conn, param); + } #else - /* update only if application set own params */ - if (atomic_test_and_clear_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_SLAVE_PARAM_SET)) { - param = BT_LE_CONN_PARAM(conn->le.interval_min, - conn->le.interval_max, - conn->le.latency, - conn->le.timeout); + /* update only if application set own params */ + if (atomic_test_and_clear_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_SLAVE_PARAM_SET)) { + param = BT_LE_CONN_PARAM(conn->le.interval_min, conn->le.interval_max, conn->le.latency, conn->le.timeout); - send_conn_le_param_update(conn, param); - } + send_conn_le_param_update(conn, param); + } #endif - atomic_set_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_SLAVE_PARAM_UPDATE); + atomic_set_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_SLAVE_PARAM_UPDATE); } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_AUDIO) -struct bt_conn *iso_conn_new(struct bt_conn *conns, size_t size) -{ - struct bt_conn *conn = NULL; - int i; +struct bt_conn *iso_conn_new(struct bt_conn *conns, size_t size) { + struct bt_conn *conn = NULL; + int i; - for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { - if (atomic_cas(&conns[i].ref, 0, 1)) { - conn = &conns[i]; - break; - } + for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { + if (atomic_cas(&conns[i].ref, 0, 1)) { + conn = &conns[i]; + break; } + } - if (!conn) { - return NULL; - } + if (!conn) { + return NULL; + } - (void)memset(conn, 0, offsetof(struct bt_conn, ref)); + (void)memset(conn, 0, offsetof(struct bt_conn, ref)); - return conn; + return conn; } #endif -static struct bt_conn *conn_new(void) -{ - struct bt_conn *conn = NULL; - int i; +static struct bt_conn *conn_new(void) { + struct bt_conn *conn = NULL; + int i; - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(conns); i++) { - if (!atomic_get(&conns[i].ref)) { - conn = &conns[i]; - break; - } + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(conns); i++) { + if (!atomic_get(&conns[i].ref)) { + conn = &conns[i]; + break; } + } - if (!conn) { - return NULL; - } + if (!conn) { + return NULL; + } - (void)memset(conn, 0, sizeof(*conn)); - k_delayed_work_init(&conn->update_work, conn_update_timeout); + (void)memset(conn, 0, sizeof(*conn)); + k_delayed_work_init(&conn->update_work, conn_update_timeout); - k_work_init(&conn->tx_complete_work, tx_complete_work); + k_work_init(&conn->tx_complete_work, tx_complete_work); - atomic_set(&conn->ref, 1); + atomic_set(&conn->ref, 1); - return conn; + return conn; } #if defined(BFLB_BLE) -bool le_check_valid_conn(void) -{ - int i; +bool le_check_valid_conn(void) { + size_t i; - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(conns); i++) { - if (atomic_get(&conns[i].ref)) { - return true; - } + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(conns); i++) { + if (atomic_get(&conns[i].ref)) { + return true; } + } - return false; + return false; } #if defined(BFLB_HOST_ASSISTANT) -void bt_notify_disconnected(void) -{ - int i; +void bt_notify_disconnected(void) { + size_t i; - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(conns); i++) { - if (atomic_get(&conns[i].ref)) { - conns[i].err = BT_HCI_ERR_UNSPECIFIED; - notify_disconnected(&conns[i]); - } + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(conns); i++) { + if (atomic_get(&conns[i].ref)) { + conns[i].err = BT_HCI_ERR_UNSPECIFIED; + notify_disconnected(&conns[i]); } + } } -#endif //#if defined(BFLB_HOST_ASSISTANT) +#endif // #if defined(BFLB_HOST_ASSISTANT) #endif #if defined(CONFIG_BT_BREDR) -void bt_sco_cleanup(struct bt_conn *sco_conn) -{ - bt_conn_unref(sco_conn->sco.acl); - sco_conn->sco.acl = NULL; - bt_conn_unref(sco_conn); +void bt_sco_cleanup(struct bt_conn *sco_conn) { + bt_conn_unref(sco_conn->sco.acl); + sco_conn->sco.acl = NULL; + bt_conn_unref(sco_conn); } -static struct bt_conn *sco_conn_new(void) -{ - struct bt_conn *sco_conn = NULL; - int i; +static struct bt_conn *sco_conn_new(void) { + struct bt_conn *sco_conn = NULL; + int i; - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sco_conns); i++) { - if (!atomic_get(&sco_conns[i].ref)) { - sco_conn = &sco_conns[i]; - break; - } + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sco_conns); i++) { + if (!atomic_get(&sco_conns[i].ref)) { + sco_conn = &sco_conns[i]; + break; } + } - if (!sco_conn) { - return NULL; - } + if (!sco_conn) { + return NULL; + } - (void)memset(sco_conn, 0, sizeof(*sco_conn)); + (void)memset(sco_conn, 0, sizeof(*sco_conn)); - atomic_set(&sco_conn->ref, 1); + atomic_set(&sco_conn->ref, 1); - return sco_conn; + return sco_conn; } -struct bt_conn *bt_conn_create_br(const bt_addr_t *peer, - const struct bt_br_conn_param *param) -{ - struct bt_hci_cp_connect *cp; - struct bt_conn *conn; - struct net_buf *buf; +struct bt_conn *bt_conn_create_br(const bt_addr_t *peer, const struct bt_br_conn_param *param) { + struct bt_hci_cp_connect *cp; + struct bt_conn *conn; + struct net_buf *buf; - conn = bt_conn_lookup_addr_br(peer); - if (conn) { - switch (conn->state) { - case BT_CONN_CONNECT: - case BT_CONN_CONNECTED: - return conn; - default: - bt_conn_unref(conn); - return NULL; - } + conn = bt_conn_lookup_addr_br(peer); + if (conn) { + switch (conn->state) { + case BT_CONN_CONNECT: + case BT_CONN_CONNECTED: + return conn; + default: + bt_conn_unref(conn); + return NULL; } + } - conn = bt_conn_add_br(peer); - if (!conn) { - return NULL; - } + conn = bt_conn_add_br(peer); + if (!conn) { + return NULL; + } - buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_CONNECT, sizeof(*cp)); - if (!buf) { - bt_conn_unref(conn); - return NULL; - } + buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_CONNECT, sizeof(*cp)); + if (!buf) { + bt_conn_unref(conn); + return NULL; + } - cp = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*cp)); + cp = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*cp)); - (void)memset(cp, 0, sizeof(*cp)); + (void)memset(cp, 0, sizeof(*cp)); - memcpy(&cp->bdaddr, peer, sizeof(cp->bdaddr)); - cp->packet_type = sys_cpu_to_le16(0xcc18); /* DM1 DH1 DM3 DH5 DM5 DH5 */ - cp->pscan_rep_mode = 0x02; /* R2 */ - cp->allow_role_switch = param->allow_role_switch ? 0x01 : 0x00; - cp->clock_offset = 0x0000; /* TODO used cached clock offset */ + memcpy(&cp->bdaddr, peer, sizeof(cp->bdaddr)); + cp->packet_type = sys_cpu_to_le16(0xcc18); /* DM1 DH1 DM3 DH5 DM5 DH5 */ + cp->pscan_rep_mode = 0x02; /* R2 */ + cp->allow_role_switch = param->allow_role_switch ? 0x01 : 0x00; + cp->clock_offset = 0x0000; /* TODO used cached clock offset */ - if (bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_CONNECT, buf, NULL) < 0) { - bt_conn_unref(conn); - return NULL; - } + if (bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_CONNECT, buf, NULL) < 0) { + bt_conn_unref(conn); + return NULL; + } - bt_conn_set_state(conn, BT_CONN_CONNECT); - conn->role = BT_CONN_ROLE_MASTER; + bt_conn_set_state(conn, BT_CONN_CONNECT); + conn->role = BT_CONN_ROLE_MASTER; - return conn; + return conn; } -struct bt_conn *bt_conn_create_sco(const bt_addr_t *peer) -{ - struct bt_hci_cp_setup_sync_conn *cp; - struct bt_conn *sco_conn; - struct net_buf *buf; - int link_type; +struct bt_conn *bt_conn_create_sco(const bt_addr_t *peer) { + struct bt_hci_cp_setup_sync_conn *cp; + struct bt_conn *sco_conn; + struct net_buf *buf; + int link_type; - sco_conn = bt_conn_lookup_addr_sco(peer); - if (sco_conn) { - switch (sco_conn->state) { - case BT_CONN_CONNECT: - case BT_CONN_CONNECTED: - return sco_conn; - default: - bt_conn_unref(sco_conn); - return NULL; - } + sco_conn = bt_conn_lookup_addr_sco(peer); + if (sco_conn) { + switch (sco_conn->state) { + case BT_CONN_CONNECT: + case BT_CONN_CONNECTED: + return sco_conn; + default: + bt_conn_unref(sco_conn); + return NULL; } + } - if (BT_FEAT_LMP_ESCO_CAPABLE(bt_dev.features)) { - link_type = BT_HCI_ESCO; - } else { - link_type = BT_HCI_SCO; - } + if (BT_FEAT_LMP_ESCO_CAPABLE(bt_dev.features)) { + link_type = BT_HCI_ESCO; + } else { + link_type = BT_HCI_SCO; + } - sco_conn = bt_conn_add_sco(peer, link_type); - if (!sco_conn) { - return NULL; - } + sco_conn = bt_conn_add_sco(peer, link_type); + if (!sco_conn) { + return NULL; + } - buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_SETUP_SYNC_CONN, sizeof(*cp)); - if (!buf) { - bt_sco_cleanup(sco_conn); - return NULL; - } + buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_SETUP_SYNC_CONN, sizeof(*cp)); + if (!buf) { + bt_sco_cleanup(sco_conn); + return NULL; + } - cp = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*cp)); + cp = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*cp)); - (void)memset(cp, 0, sizeof(*cp)); + (void)memset(cp, 0, sizeof(*cp)); - BT_ERR("handle : %x", sco_conn->sco.acl->handle); + BT_ERR("handle : %x", sco_conn->sco.acl->handle); - cp->handle = sco_conn->sco.acl->handle; - cp->pkt_type = sco_conn->sco.pkt_type; - cp->tx_bandwidth = 0x00001f40; - cp->rx_bandwidth = 0x00001f40; - cp->max_latency = 0x0007; - cp->retrans_effort = 0x01; - cp->content_format = BT_VOICE_CVSD_16BIT; + cp->handle = sco_conn->sco.acl->handle; + cp->pkt_type = sco_conn->sco.pkt_type; + cp->tx_bandwidth = 0x00001f40; + cp->rx_bandwidth = 0x00001f40; + cp->max_latency = 0x0007; + cp->retrans_effort = 0x01; + cp->content_format = BT_VOICE_CVSD_16BIT; - if (bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_SETUP_SYNC_CONN, buf, - NULL) < 0) { - bt_sco_cleanup(sco_conn); - return NULL; - } + if (bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_SETUP_SYNC_CONN, buf, NULL) < 0) { + bt_sco_cleanup(sco_conn); + return NULL; + } - bt_conn_set_state(sco_conn, BT_CONN_CONNECT); + bt_conn_set_state(sco_conn, BT_CONN_CONNECT); - return sco_conn; + return sco_conn; } -struct bt_conn *bt_conn_lookup_addr_sco(const bt_addr_t *peer) -{ - int i; +struct bt_conn *bt_conn_lookup_addr_sco(const bt_addr_t *peer) { + size_t i; - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sco_conns); i++) { - if (!atomic_get(&sco_conns[i].ref)) { - continue; - } + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sco_conns); i++) { + if (!atomic_get(&sco_conns[i].ref)) { + continue; + } - if (sco_conns[i].type != BT_CONN_TYPE_SCO) { - continue; - } + if (sco_conns[i].type != BT_CONN_TYPE_SCO) { + continue; + } - if (!bt_addr_cmp(peer, &sco_conns[i].sco.acl->br.dst)) { - return bt_conn_ref(&sco_conns[i]); - } + if (!bt_addr_cmp(peer, &sco_conns[i].sco.acl->br.dst)) { + return bt_conn_ref(&sco_conns[i]); } + } - return NULL; + return NULL; } -struct bt_conn *bt_conn_lookup_addr_br(const bt_addr_t *peer) -{ - int i; +struct bt_conn *bt_conn_lookup_addr_br(const bt_addr_t *peer) { + size_t i; - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(conns); i++) { - if (!atomic_get(&conns[i].ref)) { - continue; - } + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(conns); i++) { + if (!atomic_get(&conns[i].ref)) { + continue; + } - if (conns[i].type != BT_CONN_TYPE_BR) { - continue; - } + if (conns[i].type != BT_CONN_TYPE_BR) { + continue; + } - if (!bt_addr_cmp(peer, &conns[i].br.dst)) { - return bt_conn_ref(&conns[i]); - } + if (!bt_addr_cmp(peer, &conns[i].br.dst)) { + return bt_conn_ref(&conns[i]); } + } - return NULL; + return NULL; } -struct bt_conn *bt_conn_add_sco(const bt_addr_t *peer, int link_type) -{ - struct bt_conn *sco_conn = sco_conn_new(); +struct bt_conn *bt_conn_add_sco(const bt_addr_t *peer, int link_type) { + struct bt_conn *sco_conn = sco_conn_new(); - if (!sco_conn) { - return NULL; - } + if (!sco_conn) { + return NULL; + } - sco_conn->sco.acl = bt_conn_lookup_addr_br(peer); - sco_conn->type = BT_CONN_TYPE_SCO; + sco_conn->sco.acl = bt_conn_lookup_addr_br(peer); + sco_conn->type = BT_CONN_TYPE_SCO; - if (link_type == BT_HCI_SCO) { - if (BT_FEAT_LMP_ESCO_CAPABLE(bt_dev.features)) { - sco_conn->sco.pkt_type = (bt_dev.br.esco_pkt_type & - ESCO_PKT_MASK); - } else { - sco_conn->sco.pkt_type = (bt_dev.br.esco_pkt_type & - SCO_PKT_MASK); - } - } else if (link_type == BT_HCI_ESCO) { - sco_conn->sco.pkt_type = (bt_dev.br.esco_pkt_type & - ~EDR_ESCO_PKT_MASK); + if (link_type == BT_HCI_SCO) { + if (BT_FEAT_LMP_ESCO_CAPABLE(bt_dev.features)) { + sco_conn->sco.pkt_type = (bt_dev.br.esco_pkt_type & ESCO_PKT_MASK); + } else { + sco_conn->sco.pkt_type = (bt_dev.br.esco_pkt_type & SCO_PKT_MASK); } + } else if (link_type == BT_HCI_ESCO) { + sco_conn->sco.pkt_type = (bt_dev.br.esco_pkt_type & ~EDR_ESCO_PKT_MASK); + } - return sco_conn; + return sco_conn; } -struct bt_conn *bt_conn_add_br(const bt_addr_t *peer) -{ - struct bt_conn *conn = conn_new(); +struct bt_conn *bt_conn_add_br(const bt_addr_t *peer) { + struct bt_conn *conn = conn_new(); - if (!conn) { - return NULL; - } + if (!conn) { + return NULL; + } - bt_addr_copy(&conn->br.dst, peer); - conn->type = BT_CONN_TYPE_BR; + bt_addr_copy(&conn->br.dst, peer); + conn->type = BT_CONN_TYPE_BR; - return conn; + return conn; } -static int pin_code_neg_reply(const bt_addr_t *bdaddr) -{ - struct bt_hci_cp_pin_code_neg_reply *cp; - struct net_buf *buf; +static int pin_code_neg_reply(const bt_addr_t *bdaddr) { + struct bt_hci_cp_pin_code_neg_reply *cp; + struct net_buf *buf; - BT_DBG(""); + BT_DBG(""); - buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_PIN_CODE_NEG_REPLY, sizeof(*cp)); - if (!buf) { - return -ENOBUFS; - } + buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_PIN_CODE_NEG_REPLY, sizeof(*cp)); + if (!buf) { + return -ENOBUFS; + } - cp = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*cp)); - bt_addr_copy(&cp->bdaddr, bdaddr); + cp = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*cp)); + bt_addr_copy(&cp->bdaddr, bdaddr); - return bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_PIN_CODE_NEG_REPLY, buf, NULL); + return bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_PIN_CODE_NEG_REPLY, buf, NULL); } -static int pin_code_reply(struct bt_conn *conn, const char *pin, u8_t len) -{ - struct bt_hci_cp_pin_code_reply *cp; - struct net_buf *buf; +static int pin_code_reply(struct bt_conn *conn, const char *pin, u8_t len) { + struct bt_hci_cp_pin_code_reply *cp; + struct net_buf *buf; - BT_DBG(""); + BT_DBG(""); - buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_PIN_CODE_REPLY, sizeof(*cp)); - if (!buf) { - return -ENOBUFS; - } + buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_PIN_CODE_REPLY, sizeof(*cp)); + if (!buf) { + return -ENOBUFS; + } - cp = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*cp)); + cp = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*cp)); - bt_addr_copy(&cp->bdaddr, &conn->br.dst); - cp->pin_len = len; - strncpy((char *)cp->pin_code, pin, sizeof(cp->pin_code)); + bt_addr_copy(&cp->bdaddr, &conn->br.dst); + cp->pin_len = len; + strncpy((char *)cp->pin_code, pin, sizeof(cp->pin_code)); - return bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_PIN_CODE_REPLY, buf, NULL); + return bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_PIN_CODE_REPLY, buf, NULL); } -int bt_conn_auth_pincode_entry(struct bt_conn *conn, const char *pin) -{ - size_t len; +int bt_conn_auth_pincode_entry(struct bt_conn *conn, const char *pin) { + size_t len; - if (!bt_auth) { - return -EINVAL; - } + if (!bt_auth) { + return -EINVAL; + } - if (conn->type != BT_CONN_TYPE_BR) { - return -EINVAL; - } + if (conn->type != BT_CONN_TYPE_BR) { + return -EINVAL; + } - len = strlen(pin); - if (len > 16) { - return -EINVAL; - } + len = strlen(pin); + if (len > 16) { + return -EINVAL; + } - if (conn->required_sec_level == BT_SECURITY_L3 && len < 16) { - BT_WARN("PIN code for %s is not 16 bytes wide", - bt_addr_str(&conn->br.dst)); - return -EPERM; - } + if (conn->required_sec_level == BT_SECURITY_L3 && len < 16) { + BT_WARN("PIN code for %s is not 16 bytes wide", bt_addr_str(&conn->br.dst)); + return -EPERM; + } - /* Allow user send entered PIN to remote, then reset user state. */ - if (!atomic_test_and_clear_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_USER)) { - return -EPERM; - } + /* Allow user send entered PIN to remote, then reset user state. */ + if (!atomic_test_and_clear_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_USER)) { + return -EPERM; + } - if (len == 16) { - atomic_set_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_BR_LEGACY_SECURE); - } + if (len == 16) { + atomic_set_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_BR_LEGACY_SECURE); + } - return pin_code_reply(conn, pin, len); + return pin_code_reply(conn, pin, len); } -void bt_conn_pin_code_req(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - if (bt_auth && bt_auth->pincode_entry) { - bool secure = false; - - if (conn->required_sec_level == BT_SECURITY_L3) { - secure = true; - } +void bt_conn_pin_code_req(struct bt_conn *conn) { + if (bt_auth && bt_auth->pincode_entry) { + bool secure = false; - atomic_set_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_USER); - atomic_set_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_BR_PAIRING); - bt_auth->pincode_entry(conn, secure); - } else { - pin_code_neg_reply(&conn->br.dst); + if (conn->required_sec_level == BT_SECURITY_L3) { + secure = true; } + + atomic_set_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_USER); + atomic_set_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_BR_PAIRING); + bt_auth->pincode_entry(conn, secure); + } else { + pin_code_neg_reply(&conn->br.dst); + } } -u8_t bt_conn_get_io_capa(void) -{ - if (!bt_auth) { - return BT_IO_NO_INPUT_OUTPUT; - } +u8_t bt_conn_get_io_capa(void) { + if (!bt_auth) { + return BT_IO_NO_INPUT_OUTPUT; + } - if (bt_auth->passkey_confirm && bt_auth->passkey_display) { - return BT_IO_DISPLAY_YESNO; - } + if (bt_auth->passkey_confirm && bt_auth->passkey_display) { + return BT_IO_DISPLAY_YESNO; + } - if (bt_auth->passkey_entry) { - return BT_IO_KEYBOARD_ONLY; - } + if (bt_auth->passkey_entry) { + return BT_IO_KEYBOARD_ONLY; + } - if (bt_auth->passkey_display) { - return BT_IO_DISPLAY_ONLY; - } + if (bt_auth->passkey_display) { + return BT_IO_DISPLAY_ONLY; + } - return BT_IO_NO_INPUT_OUTPUT; + return BT_IO_NO_INPUT_OUTPUT; } -static u8_t ssp_pair_method(const struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - return ssp_method[conn->br.remote_io_capa][bt_conn_get_io_capa()]; -} +static u8_t ssp_pair_method(const struct bt_conn *conn) { return ssp_method[conn->br.remote_io_capa][bt_conn_get_io_capa()]; } -u8_t bt_conn_ssp_get_auth(const struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - /* Validate no bond auth request, and if valid use it. */ - if ((conn->br.remote_auth == BT_HCI_NO_BONDING) || - ((conn->br.remote_auth == BT_HCI_NO_BONDING_MITM) && - (ssp_pair_method(conn) > JUST_WORKS))) { - return conn->br.remote_auth; - } +u8_t bt_conn_ssp_get_auth(const struct bt_conn *conn) { + /* Validate no bond auth request, and if valid use it. */ + if ((conn->br.remote_auth == BT_HCI_NO_BONDING) || ((conn->br.remote_auth == BT_HCI_NO_BONDING_MITM) && (ssp_pair_method(conn) > JUST_WORKS))) { + return conn->br.remote_auth; + } - /* Local & remote have enough IO capabilities to get MITM protection. */ - if (ssp_pair_method(conn) > JUST_WORKS) { - return conn->br.remote_auth | BT_MITM; - } + /* Local & remote have enough IO capabilities to get MITM protection. */ + if (ssp_pair_method(conn) > JUST_WORKS) { + return conn->br.remote_auth | BT_MITM; + } - /* No MITM protection possible so ignore remote MITM requirement. */ - return (conn->br.remote_auth & ~BT_MITM); + /* No MITM protection possible so ignore remote MITM requirement. */ + return (conn->br.remote_auth & ~BT_MITM); } -static int ssp_confirm_reply(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - struct bt_hci_cp_user_confirm_reply *cp; - struct net_buf *buf; +static int ssp_confirm_reply(struct bt_conn *conn) { + struct bt_hci_cp_user_confirm_reply *cp; + struct net_buf *buf; - BT_DBG(""); + BT_DBG(""); - buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_USER_CONFIRM_REPLY, sizeof(*cp)); - if (!buf) { - return -ENOBUFS; - } + buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_USER_CONFIRM_REPLY, sizeof(*cp)); + if (!buf) { + return -ENOBUFS; + } - cp = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*cp)); - bt_addr_copy(&cp->bdaddr, &conn->br.dst); + cp = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*cp)); + bt_addr_copy(&cp->bdaddr, &conn->br.dst); - return bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_USER_CONFIRM_REPLY, buf, NULL); + return bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_USER_CONFIRM_REPLY, buf, NULL); } -static int ssp_confirm_neg_reply(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - struct bt_hci_cp_user_confirm_reply *cp; - struct net_buf *buf; +static int ssp_confirm_neg_reply(struct bt_conn *conn) { + struct bt_hci_cp_user_confirm_reply *cp; + struct net_buf *buf; - BT_DBG(""); + BT_DBG(""); - buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_USER_CONFIRM_NEG_REPLY, sizeof(*cp)); - if (!buf) { - return -ENOBUFS; - } + buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_USER_CONFIRM_NEG_REPLY, sizeof(*cp)); + if (!buf) { + return -ENOBUFS; + } - cp = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*cp)); - bt_addr_copy(&cp->bdaddr, &conn->br.dst); + cp = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*cp)); + bt_addr_copy(&cp->bdaddr, &conn->br.dst); - return bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_USER_CONFIRM_NEG_REPLY, buf, - NULL); + return bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_USER_CONFIRM_NEG_REPLY, buf, NULL); } -void bt_conn_ssp_auth_complete(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t status) -{ - if (!status) { - bool bond = !atomic_test_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_BR_NOBOND); +void bt_conn_ssp_auth_complete(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t status) { + if (!status) { + bool bond = !atomic_test_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_BR_NOBOND); - if (bt_auth && bt_auth->pairing_complete) { - bt_auth->pairing_complete(conn, bond); - } - } else { - if (bt_auth && bt_auth->pairing_failed) { - bt_auth->pairing_failed(conn, status); - } + if (bt_auth && bt_auth->pairing_complete) { + bt_auth->pairing_complete(conn, bond); } + } else { + if (bt_auth && bt_auth->pairing_failed) { + bt_auth->pairing_failed(conn, status); + } + } } -void bt_conn_ssp_auth(struct bt_conn *conn, u32_t passkey) -{ - conn->br.pairing_method = ssp_pair_method(conn); +void bt_conn_ssp_auth(struct bt_conn *conn, u32_t passkey) { + conn->br.pairing_method = ssp_pair_method(conn); + + /* + * If local required security is HIGH then MITM is mandatory. + * MITM protection is no achievable when SSP 'justworks' is applied. + */ + if (conn->required_sec_level > BT_SECURITY_L2 && conn->br.pairing_method == JUST_WORKS) { + BT_DBG("MITM protection infeasible for required security"); + ssp_confirm_neg_reply(conn); + return; + } + switch (conn->br.pairing_method) { + case PASSKEY_CONFIRM: + atomic_set_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_USER); + bt_auth->passkey_confirm(conn, passkey); + break; + case PASSKEY_DISPLAY: + atomic_set_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_USER); + bt_auth->passkey_display(conn, passkey); + break; + case PASSKEY_INPUT: + atomic_set_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_USER); + bt_auth->passkey_entry(conn); + break; + case JUST_WORKS: /* - * If local required security is HIGH then MITM is mandatory. - * MITM protection is no achievable when SSP 'justworks' is applied. - */ - if (conn->required_sec_level > BT_SECURITY_L2 && - conn->br.pairing_method == JUST_WORKS) { - BT_DBG("MITM protection infeasible for required security"); - ssp_confirm_neg_reply(conn); - return; + * When local host works as pairing acceptor and 'justworks' + * model is applied then notify user about such pairing request. + * [BT Core 4.2 table 5.7, Vol 3, Part C,] + */ + if (bt_auth && bt_auth->pairing_confirm && !atomic_test_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_BR_PAIRING_INITIATOR)) { + atomic_set_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_USER); + bt_auth->pairing_confirm(conn); + break; } + ssp_confirm_reply(conn); + break; + default: + break; + } +} - switch (conn->br.pairing_method) { - case PASSKEY_CONFIRM: - atomic_set_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_USER); - bt_auth->passkey_confirm(conn, passkey); - break; - case PASSKEY_DISPLAY: - atomic_set_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_USER); - bt_auth->passkey_display(conn, passkey); - break; - case PASSKEY_INPUT: - atomic_set_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_USER); - bt_auth->passkey_entry(conn); - break; - case JUST_WORKS: - /* - * When local host works as pairing acceptor and 'justworks' - * model is applied then notify user about such pairing request. - * [BT Core 4.2 table 5.7, Vol 3, Part C,] - */ - if (bt_auth && bt_auth->pairing_confirm && - !atomic_test_bit(conn->flags, - BT_CONN_BR_PAIRING_INITIATOR)) { - atomic_set_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_USER); - bt_auth->pairing_confirm(conn); - break; - } - ssp_confirm_reply(conn); - break; - default: - break; - } -} - -static int ssp_passkey_reply(struct bt_conn *conn, unsigned int passkey) -{ - struct bt_hci_cp_user_passkey_reply *cp; - struct net_buf *buf; - - BT_DBG(""); - - buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_USER_PASSKEY_REPLY, sizeof(*cp)); - if (!buf) { - return -ENOBUFS; - } +static int ssp_passkey_reply(struct bt_conn *conn, unsigned int passkey) { + struct bt_hci_cp_user_passkey_reply *cp; + struct net_buf *buf; - cp = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*cp)); - bt_addr_copy(&cp->bdaddr, &conn->br.dst); - cp->passkey = sys_cpu_to_le32(passkey); + BT_DBG(""); - return bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_USER_PASSKEY_REPLY, buf, NULL); + buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_USER_PASSKEY_REPLY, sizeof(*cp)); + if (!buf) { + return -ENOBUFS; + } + + cp = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*cp)); + bt_addr_copy(&cp->bdaddr, &conn->br.dst); + cp->passkey = sys_cpu_to_le32(passkey); + + return bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_USER_PASSKEY_REPLY, buf, NULL); } -static int ssp_passkey_neg_reply(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - struct bt_hci_cp_user_passkey_neg_reply *cp; - struct net_buf *buf; +static int ssp_passkey_neg_reply(struct bt_conn *conn) { + struct bt_hci_cp_user_passkey_neg_reply *cp; + struct net_buf *buf; - BT_DBG(""); + BT_DBG(""); - buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_USER_PASSKEY_NEG_REPLY, sizeof(*cp)); - if (!buf) { - return -ENOBUFS; - } + buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_USER_PASSKEY_NEG_REPLY, sizeof(*cp)); + if (!buf) { + return -ENOBUFS; + } - cp = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*cp)); - bt_addr_copy(&cp->bdaddr, &conn->br.dst); + cp = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*cp)); + bt_addr_copy(&cp->bdaddr, &conn->br.dst); - return bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_USER_PASSKEY_NEG_REPLY, buf, - NULL); + return bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_USER_PASSKEY_NEG_REPLY, buf, NULL); } -static int bt_hci_connect_br_cancel(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - struct bt_hci_cp_connect_cancel *cp; - struct bt_hci_rp_connect_cancel *rp; - struct net_buf *buf, *rsp; - int err; +static int bt_hci_connect_br_cancel(struct bt_conn *conn) { + struct bt_hci_cp_connect_cancel *cp; + struct bt_hci_rp_connect_cancel *rp; + struct net_buf *buf, *rsp; + int err; - buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_CONNECT_CANCEL, sizeof(*cp)); - if (!buf) { - return -ENOBUFS; - } + buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_CONNECT_CANCEL, sizeof(*cp)); + if (!buf) { + return -ENOBUFS; + } - cp = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*cp)); - memcpy(&cp->bdaddr, &conn->br.dst, sizeof(cp->bdaddr)); + cp = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*cp)); + memcpy(&cp->bdaddr, &conn->br.dst, sizeof(cp->bdaddr)); - err = bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_CONNECT_CANCEL, buf, &rsp); - if (err) { - return err; - } + err = bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_CONNECT_CANCEL, buf, &rsp); + if (err) { + return err; + } - rp = (void *)rsp->data; + rp = (void *)rsp->data; - err = rp->status ? -EIO : 0; + err = rp->status ? -EIO : 0; - net_buf_unref(rsp); + net_buf_unref(rsp); - return err; + return err; } -static int conn_auth(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - struct bt_hci_cp_auth_requested *auth; - struct net_buf *buf; +static int conn_auth(struct bt_conn *conn) { + struct bt_hci_cp_auth_requested *auth; + struct net_buf *buf; - BT_DBG(""); + BT_DBG(""); - buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_AUTH_REQUESTED, sizeof(*auth)); - if (!buf) { - return -ENOBUFS; - } + buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_AUTH_REQUESTED, sizeof(*auth)); + if (!buf) { + return -ENOBUFS; + } - auth = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*auth)); - auth->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(conn->handle); + auth = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*auth)); + auth->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(conn->handle); - atomic_set_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_BR_PAIRING_INITIATOR); + atomic_set_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_BR_PAIRING_INITIATOR); - return bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_AUTH_REQUESTED, buf, NULL); + return bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_AUTH_REQUESTED, buf, NULL); } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_BREDR */ #if defined(CONFIG_BT_SMP) -void bt_conn_identity_resolved(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - const bt_addr_le_t *rpa; - struct bt_conn_cb *cb; +void bt_conn_identity_resolved(struct bt_conn *conn) { + const bt_addr_le_t *rpa; + struct bt_conn_cb *cb; - if (conn->role == BT_HCI_ROLE_MASTER) { - rpa = &conn->le.resp_addr; - } else { - rpa = &conn->le.init_addr; - } + if (conn->role == BT_HCI_ROLE_MASTER) { + rpa = &conn->le.resp_addr; + } else { + rpa = &conn->le.init_addr; + } - for (cb = callback_list; cb; cb = cb->_next) { - if (cb->identity_resolved) { - cb->identity_resolved(conn, rpa, &conn->le.dst); - } + for (cb = callback_list; cb; cb = cb->_next) { + if (cb->identity_resolved) { + cb->identity_resolved(conn, rpa, &conn->le.dst); } + } } -int bt_conn_le_start_encryption(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t rand[8], - u8_t ediv[2], const u8_t *ltk, size_t len) -{ - struct bt_hci_cp_le_start_encryption *cp; - struct net_buf *buf; +int bt_conn_le_start_encryption(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t rand[8], u8_t ediv[2], const u8_t *ltk, size_t len) { + struct bt_hci_cp_le_start_encryption *cp; + struct net_buf *buf; - buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_LE_START_ENCRYPTION, sizeof(*cp)); - if (!buf) { - return -ENOBUFS; - } + buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_LE_START_ENCRYPTION, sizeof(*cp)); + if (!buf) { + return -ENOBUFS; + } - cp = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*cp)); - cp->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(conn->handle); - memcpy(&cp->rand, rand, sizeof(cp->rand)); - memcpy(&cp->ediv, ediv, sizeof(cp->ediv)); + cp = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*cp)); + cp->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(conn->handle); + memcpy(&cp->rand, rand, sizeof(cp->rand)); + memcpy(&cp->ediv, ediv, sizeof(cp->ediv)); - memcpy(cp->ltk, ltk, len); - if (len < sizeof(cp->ltk)) { - (void)memset(cp->ltk + len, 0, sizeof(cp->ltk) - len); - } + memcpy(cp->ltk, ltk, len); + if (len < sizeof(cp->ltk)) { + (void)memset(cp->ltk + len, 0, sizeof(cp->ltk) - len); + } - return bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_LE_START_ENCRYPTION, buf, NULL); + return bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_LE_START_ENCRYPTION, buf, NULL); } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_SMP */ #if defined(CONFIG_BT_SMP) || defined(CONFIG_BT_BREDR) -u8_t bt_conn_enc_key_size(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - //GATT/SR/GAR/BV-04-C - // if the connection instance is valid - if (!conn) { - return 0; - } +u8_t bt_conn_enc_key_size(struct bt_conn *conn) { + // GATT/SR/GAR/BV-04-C + // if the connection instance is valid + if (!conn) { + return 0; + } - if (!conn->encrypt) { - return 0; - } + if (!conn->encrypt) { + return 0; + } - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_BREDR) && - conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_BR) { - struct bt_hci_cp_read_encryption_key_size *cp; - struct bt_hci_rp_read_encryption_key_size *rp; - struct net_buf *buf; - struct net_buf *rsp; - u8_t key_size; + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_BREDR) && conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_BR) { + struct bt_hci_cp_read_encryption_key_size *cp; + struct bt_hci_rp_read_encryption_key_size *rp; + struct net_buf *buf; + struct net_buf *rsp; + u8_t key_size; - buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_READ_ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE, - sizeof(*cp)); - if (!buf) { - return 0; - } + buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_READ_ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE, sizeof(*cp)); + if (!buf) { + return 0; + } - cp = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*cp)); - cp->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(conn->handle); + cp = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*cp)); + cp->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(conn->handle); - if (bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_READ_ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE, - buf, &rsp)) { - return 0; - } + if (bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_READ_ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE, buf, &rsp)) { + return 0; + } - rp = (void *)rsp->data; + rp = (void *)rsp->data; - key_size = rp->status ? 0 : rp->key_size; + key_size = rp->status ? 0 : rp->key_size; - net_buf_unref(rsp); + net_buf_unref(rsp); - return key_size; - } + return key_size; + } - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SMP)) { - return conn->le.keys ? conn->le.keys->enc_size : 0; - } + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SMP)) { + return conn->le.keys ? conn->le.keys->enc_size : 0; + } - return 0; + return 0; } -void bt_conn_security_changed(struct bt_conn *conn, enum bt_security_err err) -{ - struct bt_conn_cb *cb; +void bt_conn_security_changed(struct bt_conn *conn, enum bt_security_err err) { + struct bt_conn_cb *cb; - for (cb = callback_list; cb; cb = cb->_next) { - if (cb->security_changed) { - cb->security_changed(conn, conn->sec_level, err); - } + for (cb = callback_list; cb; cb = cb->_next) { + if (cb->security_changed) { + cb->security_changed(conn, conn->sec_level, err); } + } #if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_KEYS_OVERWRITE_OLDEST) - if (!err && conn->sec_level >= BT_SECURITY_L2) { - bt_keys_update_usage(conn->id, bt_conn_get_dst(conn)); - } + if (!err && conn->sec_level >= BT_SECURITY_L2) { + bt_keys_update_usage(conn->id, bt_conn_get_dst(conn)); + } #endif } -static int start_security(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ +static int start_security(struct bt_conn *conn) { #if defined(CONFIG_BT_BREDR) - if (conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_BR) { - if (atomic_test_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_BR_PAIRING)) { - return -EBUSY; - } - - if (conn->required_sec_level > BT_SECURITY_L3) { - return -ENOTSUP; - } + if (conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_BR) { + if (atomic_test_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_BR_PAIRING)) { + return -EBUSY; + } - if (bt_conn_get_io_capa() == BT_IO_NO_INPUT_OUTPUT && - conn->required_sec_level > BT_SECURITY_L2) { - return -EINVAL; - } + if (conn->required_sec_level > BT_SECURITY_L3) { + return -ENOTSUP; + } - return conn_auth(conn); + if (bt_conn_get_io_capa() == BT_IO_NO_INPUT_OUTPUT && conn->required_sec_level > BT_SECURITY_L2) { + return -EINVAL; } + + return conn_auth(conn); + } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_BREDR */ - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SMP)) { - return bt_smp_start_security(conn); - } + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SMP)) { + return bt_smp_start_security(conn); + } - return -EINVAL; + return -EINVAL; } -int bt_conn_set_security(struct bt_conn *conn, bt_security_t sec) -{ - int err; +int bt_conn_set_security(struct bt_conn *conn, bt_security_t sec) { + int err; - if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { - return -ENOTCONN; - } + if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { + return -ENOTCONN; + } - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SMP_SC_ONLY) && - sec < BT_SECURITY_L4) { - return -EOPNOTSUPP; - } + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SMP_SC_ONLY) && sec < BT_SECURITY_L4) { + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + } - /* nothing to do */ - if (conn->sec_level >= sec || conn->required_sec_level >= sec) { - return 0; - } + /* nothing to do */ + if (conn->sec_level >= sec || conn->required_sec_level >= sec) { + return 0; + } - atomic_set_bit_to(conn->flags, BT_CONN_FORCE_PAIR, - sec & BT_SECURITY_FORCE_PAIR); - conn->required_sec_level = sec & ~BT_SECURITY_FORCE_PAIR; + atomic_set_bit_to(conn->flags, BT_CONN_FORCE_PAIR, sec & BT_SECURITY_FORCE_PAIR); + conn->required_sec_level = sec & ~BT_SECURITY_FORCE_PAIR; - err = start_security(conn); + err = start_security(conn); - /* reset required security level in case of error */ - if (err) { - conn->required_sec_level = conn->sec_level; - } + /* reset required security level in case of error */ + if (err) { + conn->required_sec_level = conn->sec_level; + } - return err; + return err; } -bt_security_t bt_conn_get_security(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - return conn->sec_level; -} +bt_security_t bt_conn_get_security(struct bt_conn *conn) { return conn->sec_level; } #else -bt_security_t bt_conn_get_security(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - return BT_SECURITY_L1; -} +bt_security_t bt_conn_get_security(struct bt_conn *conn) { return BT_SECURITY_L1; } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_SMP */ -void bt_conn_cb_register(struct bt_conn_cb *cb) -{ - cb->_next = callback_list; - callback_list = cb; +void bt_conn_cb_register(struct bt_conn_cb *cb) { + cb->_next = callback_list; + callback_list = cb; } -void bt_conn_reset_rx_state(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - if (!conn->rx_len) { - return; - } +void bt_conn_reset_rx_state(struct bt_conn *conn) { + if (!conn->rx_len) { + return; + } - net_buf_unref(conn->rx); - conn->rx = NULL; - conn->rx_len = 0U; + net_buf_unref(conn->rx); + conn->rx = NULL; + conn->rx_len = 0U; } -void bt_conn_recv(struct bt_conn *conn, struct net_buf *buf, u8_t flags) -{ - struct bt_l2cap_hdr *hdr; - u16_t len; - - /* Make sure we notify any pending TX callbacks before processing - * new data for this connection. - */ - tx_notify(conn); - - BT_DBG("handle %u len %u flags %02x", conn->handle, buf->len, flags); - - /* Check packet boundary flags */ - switch (flags) { - case BT_ACL_START: - hdr = (void *)buf->data; - len = sys_le16_to_cpu(hdr->len); - - BT_DBG("First, len %u final %u", buf->len, len); - - if (conn->rx_len) { - BT_ERR("Unexpected first L2CAP frame"); - bt_conn_reset_rx_state(conn); - } - - conn->rx_len = (sizeof(*hdr) + len) - buf->len; - BT_DBG("rx_len %u", conn->rx_len); - if (conn->rx_len) { - conn->rx = buf; - return; - } - - break; - case BT_ACL_CONT: - if (!conn->rx_len) { - BT_ERR("Unexpected L2CAP continuation"); - bt_conn_reset_rx_state(conn); - net_buf_unref(buf); - return; - } - - if (buf->len > conn->rx_len) { - BT_ERR("L2CAP data overflow"); - bt_conn_reset_rx_state(conn); - net_buf_unref(buf); - return; - } - - BT_DBG("Cont, len %u rx_len %u", buf->len, conn->rx_len); - - if (buf->len > net_buf_tailroom(conn->rx)) { - BT_ERR("Not enough buffer space for L2CAP data"); - bt_conn_reset_rx_state(conn); - net_buf_unref(buf); - return; - } - - net_buf_add_mem(conn->rx, buf->data, buf->len); - conn->rx_len -= buf->len; - net_buf_unref(buf); - - if (conn->rx_len) { - return; - } - - buf = conn->rx; - conn->rx = NULL; - conn->rx_len = 0U; - - break; - default: - BT_ERR("Unexpected ACL flags (0x%02x)", flags); - bt_conn_reset_rx_state(conn); - net_buf_unref(buf); - return; - } +void bt_conn_recv(struct bt_conn *conn, struct net_buf *buf, u8_t flags) { + struct bt_l2cap_hdr *hdr; + u16_t len; + /* Make sure we notify any pending TX callbacks before processing + * new data for this connection. + */ + tx_notify(conn); + + BT_DBG("handle %u len %u flags %02x", conn->handle, buf->len, flags); + + /* Check packet boundary flags */ + switch (flags) { + case BT_ACL_START: hdr = (void *)buf->data; len = sys_le16_to_cpu(hdr->len); - if (sizeof(*hdr) + len != buf->len) { - BT_ERR("ACL len mismatch (%u != %u)", len, buf->len); - net_buf_unref(buf); - return; + BT_DBG("First, len %u final %u", buf->len, len); + + if (conn->rx_len) { + BT_ERR("Unexpected first L2CAP frame"); + bt_conn_reset_rx_state(conn); + } + + conn->rx_len = (sizeof(*hdr) + len) - buf->len; + BT_DBG("rx_len %u", conn->rx_len); + if (conn->rx_len) { + conn->rx = buf; + return; + } + + break; + case BT_ACL_CONT: + if (!conn->rx_len) { + BT_ERR("Unexpected L2CAP continuation"); + bt_conn_reset_rx_state(conn); + net_buf_unref(buf); + return; + } + + if (buf->len > conn->rx_len) { + BT_ERR("L2CAP data overflow"); + bt_conn_reset_rx_state(conn); + net_buf_unref(buf); + return; + } + + BT_DBG("Cont, len %u rx_len %u", buf->len, conn->rx_len); + + if (buf->len > net_buf_tailroom(conn->rx)) { + BT_ERR("Not enough buffer space for L2CAP data"); + bt_conn_reset_rx_state(conn); + net_buf_unref(buf); + return; + } + + net_buf_add_mem(conn->rx, buf->data, buf->len); + conn->rx_len -= buf->len; + net_buf_unref(buf); + + if (conn->rx_len) { + return; } - BT_DBG("Successfully parsed %u byte L2CAP packet", buf->len); + buf = conn->rx; + conn->rx = NULL; + conn->rx_len = 0U; + + break; + default: + BT_ERR("Unexpected ACL flags (0x%02x)", flags); + bt_conn_reset_rx_state(conn); + net_buf_unref(buf); + return; + } + + hdr = (void *)buf->data; + len = sys_le16_to_cpu(hdr->len); + + if (sizeof(*hdr) + len != buf->len) { + BT_ERR("ACL len mismatch (%u != %u)", len, buf->len); + net_buf_unref(buf); + return; + } - bt_l2cap_recv(conn, buf); + BT_DBG("Successfully parsed %u byte L2CAP packet", buf->len); + + bt_l2cap_recv(conn, buf); } -static struct bt_conn_tx *conn_tx_alloc(void) -{ - /* The TX context always get freed in the system workqueue, - * so if we're in the same workqueue but there are no immediate - * contexts available, there's no chance we'll get one by waiting. - */ +static struct bt_conn_tx *conn_tx_alloc(void) { + /* The TX context always get freed in the system workqueue, + * so if we're in the same workqueue but there are no immediate + * contexts available, there's no chance we'll get one by waiting. + */ #if !defined(BFLB_BLE) - if (k_current_get() == &k_sys_work_q.thread) { - return k_fifo_get(&free_tx, K_NO_WAIT); - } + if (k_current_get() == &k_sys_work_q.thread) { + return k_fifo_get(&free_tx, K_NO_WAIT); + } #endif - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_DEBUG_CONN)) { - struct bt_conn_tx *tx = k_fifo_get(&free_tx, K_NO_WAIT); + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_DEBUG_CONN)) { + struct bt_conn_tx *tx = k_fifo_get(&free_tx, K_NO_WAIT); - if (tx) { - return tx; - } - - BT_WARN("Unable to get an immediate free conn_tx"); + if (tx) { + return tx; } - return k_fifo_get(&free_tx, K_FOREVER); + BT_WARN("Unable to get an immediate free conn_tx"); + } + + return k_fifo_get(&free_tx, K_FOREVER); } -int bt_conn_send_cb(struct bt_conn *conn, struct net_buf *buf, - bt_conn_tx_cb_t cb, void *user_data) -{ - struct bt_conn_tx *tx; +int bt_conn_send_cb(struct bt_conn *conn, struct net_buf *buf, bt_conn_tx_cb_t cb, void *user_data) { + struct bt_conn_tx *tx; - BT_DBG("conn handle %u buf len %u cb %p user_data %p", conn->handle, - buf->len, cb, user_data); + BT_DBG("conn handle %u buf len %u cb %p user_data %p", conn->handle, buf->len, cb, user_data); + if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { + BT_ERR("not connected!"); + net_buf_unref(buf); + return -ENOTCONN; + } + + if (cb) { + tx = conn_tx_alloc(); + if (!tx) { + BT_ERR("Unable to allocate TX context"); + net_buf_unref(buf); + return -ENOBUFS; + } + + /* Verify that we're still connected after blocking */ if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { - BT_ERR("not connected!"); - net_buf_unref(buf); - return -ENOTCONN; - } - - if (cb) { - tx = conn_tx_alloc(); - if (!tx) { - BT_ERR("Unable to allocate TX context"); - net_buf_unref(buf); - return -ENOBUFS; - } - - /* Verify that we're still connected after blocking */ - if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { - BT_WARN("Disconnected while allocating context"); - net_buf_unref(buf); - tx_free(tx); - return -ENOTCONN; - } - - tx->cb = cb; - tx->user_data = user_data; - tx->pending_no_cb = 0U; - - tx_data(buf)->tx = tx; - } else { - tx_data(buf)->tx = NULL; + BT_WARN("Disconnected while allocating context"); + net_buf_unref(buf); + tx_free(tx); + return -ENOTCONN; } - net_buf_put(&conn->tx_queue, buf); + tx->cb = cb; + tx->user_data = user_data; + tx->pending_no_cb = 0U; + + tx_data(buf)->tx = tx; + } else { + tx_data(buf)->tx = NULL; + } + + net_buf_put(&conn->tx_queue, buf); #if defined(BFLB_BLE) - k_sem_give(&g_poll_sem); + k_sem_give(&g_poll_sem); #endif - return 0; + return 0; } -static bool send_frag(struct bt_conn *conn, struct net_buf *buf, u8_t flags, - bool always_consume) -{ - struct bt_conn_tx *tx = tx_data(buf)->tx; - struct bt_hci_acl_hdr *hdr; - u32_t *pending_no_cb; - unsigned int key; - int err; +static bool send_frag(struct bt_conn *conn, struct net_buf *buf, u8_t flags, bool always_consume) { + struct bt_conn_tx *tx = tx_data(buf)->tx; + struct bt_hci_acl_hdr *hdr; + u32_t *pending_no_cb; + unsigned int key; + int err; - BT_DBG("conn %p buf %p len %u flags 0x%02x", conn, buf, buf->len, - flags); + BT_DBG("conn %p buf %p len %u flags 0x%02x", conn, buf, buf->len, flags); - /* Wait until the controller can accept ACL packets */ - k_sem_take(bt_conn_get_pkts(conn), K_FOREVER); + /* Wait until the controller can accept ACL packets */ + k_sem_take(bt_conn_get_pkts(conn), K_FOREVER); - /* Check for disconnection while waiting for pkts_sem */ - if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { - goto fail; + /* Check for disconnection while waiting for pkts_sem */ + if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { + goto fail; + } + + hdr = net_buf_push(buf, sizeof(*hdr)); + hdr->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(bt_acl_handle_pack(conn->handle, flags)); + hdr->len = sys_cpu_to_le16(buf->len - sizeof(*hdr)); + + /* Add to pending, it must be done before bt_buf_set_type */ + key = irq_lock(); + if (tx) { + sys_slist_append(&conn->tx_pending, &tx->node); + } else { + struct bt_conn_tx *tail_tx; + + tail_tx = (void *)sys_slist_peek_tail(&conn->tx_pending); + if (tail_tx) { + pending_no_cb = &tail_tx->pending_no_cb; + } else { + pending_no_cb = &conn->pending_no_cb; } - hdr = net_buf_push(buf, sizeof(*hdr)); - hdr->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(bt_acl_handle_pack(conn->handle, flags)); - hdr->len = sys_cpu_to_le16(buf->len - sizeof(*hdr)); + (*pending_no_cb)++; + } + irq_unlock(key); - /* Add to pending, it must be done before bt_buf_set_type */ + bt_buf_set_type(buf, BT_BUF_ACL_OUT); + + err = bt_send(buf); + if (err) { + BT_ERR("Unable to send to driver (err %d)", err); key = irq_lock(); + /* Roll back the pending TX info */ if (tx) { - sys_slist_append(&conn->tx_pending, &tx->node); + sys_slist_find_and_remove(&conn->tx_pending, &tx->node); } else { - struct bt_conn_tx *tail_tx; - - tail_tx = (void *)sys_slist_peek_tail(&conn->tx_pending); - if (tail_tx) { - pending_no_cb = &tail_tx->pending_no_cb; - } else { - pending_no_cb = &conn->pending_no_cb; - } - - (*pending_no_cb)++; + __ASSERT_NO_MSG(*pending_no_cb > 0); + (*pending_no_cb)--; } irq_unlock(key); + goto fail; + } - bt_buf_set_type(buf, BT_BUF_ACL_OUT); - - err = bt_send(buf); - if (err) { - BT_ERR("Unable to send to driver (err %d)", err); - key = irq_lock(); - /* Roll back the pending TX info */ - if (tx) { - sys_slist_find_and_remove(&conn->tx_pending, &tx->node); - } else { - __ASSERT_NO_MSG(*pending_no_cb > 0); - (*pending_no_cb)--; - } - irq_unlock(key); - goto fail; - } - - return true; + return true; fail: - k_sem_give(bt_conn_get_pkts(conn)); - if (tx) { - tx_free(tx); - } + k_sem_give(bt_conn_get_pkts(conn)); + if (tx) { + tx_free(tx); + } - if (always_consume) { - net_buf_unref(buf); - } - return false; + if (always_consume) { + net_buf_unref(buf); + } + return false; } -static inline u16_t conn_mtu(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ +static inline u16_t conn_mtu(struct bt_conn *conn) { #if defined(CONFIG_BT_BREDR) - if (conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_BR || !bt_dev.le.mtu) { - return bt_dev.br.mtu; - } + if (conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_BR || !bt_dev.le.mtu) { + return bt_dev.br.mtu; + } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_BREDR */ - return bt_dev.le.mtu; + return bt_dev.le.mtu; } -static struct net_buf *create_frag(struct bt_conn *conn, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - struct net_buf *frag; - u16_t frag_len; +static struct net_buf *create_frag(struct bt_conn *conn, struct net_buf *buf) { + struct net_buf *frag; + u16_t frag_len; #if CONFIG_BT_L2CAP_TX_FRAG_COUNT > 0 - frag = bt_conn_create_pdu(&frag_pool, 0); + frag = bt_conn_create_pdu(&frag_pool, 0); #else - frag = bt_conn_create_pdu(NULL, 0); + frag = bt_conn_create_pdu(NULL, 0); #endif - if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { - net_buf_unref(frag); - return NULL; - } + if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { + net_buf_unref(frag); + return NULL; + } - /* Fragments never have a TX completion callback */ - tx_data(frag)->tx = NULL; + /* Fragments never have a TX completion callback */ + tx_data(frag)->tx = NULL; - frag_len = MIN(conn_mtu(conn), net_buf_tailroom(frag)); + frag_len = MIN(conn_mtu(conn), net_buf_tailroom(frag)); - net_buf_add_mem(frag, buf->data, frag_len); - net_buf_pull(buf, frag_len); + net_buf_add_mem(frag, buf->data, frag_len); + net_buf_pull(buf, frag_len); - return frag; + return frag; } -static bool send_buf(struct bt_conn *conn, struct net_buf *buf) -{ - struct net_buf *frag; +static bool send_buf(struct bt_conn *conn, struct net_buf *buf) { + struct net_buf *frag; - BT_DBG("conn %p buf %p len %u", conn, buf, buf->len); + BT_DBG("conn %p buf %p len %u", conn, buf, buf->len); - /* Send directly if the packet fits the ACL MTU */ - if (buf->len <= conn_mtu(conn)) { - return send_frag(conn, buf, BT_ACL_START_NO_FLUSH, false); - } + /* Send directly if the packet fits the ACL MTU */ + if (buf->len <= conn_mtu(conn)) { + return send_frag(conn, buf, BT_ACL_START_NO_FLUSH, false); + } + + /* Create & enqueue first fragment */ + frag = create_frag(conn, buf); + if (!frag) { + return false; + } + + if (!send_frag(conn, frag, BT_ACL_START_NO_FLUSH, true)) { + return false; + } - /* Create & enqueue first fragment */ + /* + * Send the fragments. For the last one simply use the original + * buffer (which works since we've used net_buf_pull on it. + */ + while (buf->len > conn_mtu(conn)) { frag = create_frag(conn, buf); if (!frag) { - return false; - } - - if (!send_frag(conn, frag, BT_ACL_START_NO_FLUSH, true)) { - return false; + return false; } - /* - * Send the fragments. For the last one simply use the original - * buffer (which works since we've used net_buf_pull on it. - */ - while (buf->len > conn_mtu(conn)) { - frag = create_frag(conn, buf); - if (!frag) { - return false; - } - - if (!send_frag(conn, frag, BT_ACL_CONT, true)) { - return false; - } + if (!send_frag(conn, frag, BT_ACL_CONT, true)) { + return false; } + } - return send_frag(conn, buf, BT_ACL_CONT, false); + return send_frag(conn, buf, BT_ACL_CONT, false); } -static struct k_poll_signal conn_change = - K_POLL_SIGNAL_INITIALIZER(conn_change); - -static void conn_cleanup(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - struct net_buf *buf; +static struct k_poll_signal conn_change = K_POLL_SIGNAL_INITIALIZER(conn_change); - /* Give back any allocated buffers */ - while ((buf = net_buf_get(&conn->tx_queue, K_NO_WAIT))) { - if (tx_data(buf)->tx) { - tx_free(tx_data(buf)->tx); - } +static void conn_cleanup(struct bt_conn *conn) { + struct net_buf *buf; - net_buf_unref(buf); + /* Give back any allocated buffers */ + while ((buf = net_buf_get(&conn->tx_queue, K_NO_WAIT))) { + if (tx_data(buf)->tx) { + tx_free(tx_data(buf)->tx); } - __ASSERT(sys_slist_is_empty(&conn->tx_pending), "Pending TX packets"); - __ASSERT_NO_MSG(conn->pending_no_cb == 0); + net_buf_unref(buf); + } - bt_conn_reset_rx_state(conn); + __ASSERT(sys_slist_is_empty(&conn->tx_pending), "Pending TX packets"); + __ASSERT_NO_MSG(conn->pending_no_cb == 0); + + bt_conn_reset_rx_state(conn); - k_delayed_work_submit(&conn->update_work, K_NO_WAIT); + k_delayed_work_submit(&conn->update_work, K_NO_WAIT); #ifdef BFLB_BLE_PATCH_FREE_ALLOCATED_BUFFER_IN_OS - k_queue_free(&conn->tx_queue._queue); - // k_queue_free(&conn->tx_notify._queue); - conn->tx_queue._queue.hdl = NULL; - //conn->tx_notify._queue.hdl = NULL; - if (conn->update_work.timer.timer.hdl) - k_delayed_work_del_timer(&conn->update_work); + k_queue_free(&conn->tx_queue._queue); + // k_queue_free(&conn->tx_notify._queue); + conn->tx_queue._queue.hdl = NULL; + // conn->tx_notify._queue.hdl = NULL; + if (conn->update_work.timer.timer.hdl) { + k_delayed_work_del_timer(&conn->update_work); + } #endif } -int bt_conn_prepare_events(struct k_poll_event events[]) -{ - int i, ev_count = 0; +int bt_conn_prepare_events(struct k_poll_event events[]) { + int i, ev_count = 0; - BT_DBG(""); + BT_DBG(""); - conn_change.signaled = 0U; - k_poll_event_init(&events[ev_count++], K_POLL_TYPE_SIGNAL, - K_POLL_MODE_NOTIFY_ONLY, &conn_change); + conn_change.signaled = 0U; + k_poll_event_init(&events[ev_count++], K_POLL_TYPE_SIGNAL, K_POLL_MODE_NOTIFY_ONLY, &conn_change); - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(conns); i++) { - struct bt_conn *conn = &conns[i]; + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(conns); i++) { + struct bt_conn *conn = &conns[i]; - if (!atomic_get(&conn->ref)) { - continue; - } + if (!atomic_get(&conn->ref)) { + continue; + } - if (conn->state == BT_CONN_DISCONNECTED && - atomic_test_and_clear_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_CLEANUP)) { - conn_cleanup(conn); - continue; - } + if (conn->state == BT_CONN_DISCONNECTED && atomic_test_and_clear_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_CLEANUP)) { + conn_cleanup(conn); + continue; + } - if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { - continue; - } + if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { + continue; + } - BT_DBG("Adding conn %p to poll list", conn); + BT_DBG("Adding conn %p to poll list", conn); - k_poll_event_init(&events[ev_count], - K_POLL_TYPE_FIFO_DATA_AVAILABLE, - K_POLL_MODE_NOTIFY_ONLY, - &conn->tx_queue); - events[ev_count++].tag = BT_EVENT_CONN_TX_QUEUE; - } + k_poll_event_init(&events[ev_count], K_POLL_TYPE_FIFO_DATA_AVAILABLE, K_POLL_MODE_NOTIFY_ONLY, &conn->tx_queue); + events[ev_count++].tag = BT_EVENT_CONN_TX_QUEUE; + } - return ev_count; + return ev_count; } -void bt_conn_process_tx(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - struct net_buf *buf; +void bt_conn_process_tx(struct bt_conn *conn) { + struct net_buf *buf; - BT_DBG("conn %p", conn); + BT_DBG("conn %p", conn); - if (conn->state == BT_CONN_DISCONNECTED && - atomic_test_and_clear_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_CLEANUP)) { - BT_DBG("handle %u disconnected - cleaning up", conn->handle); - conn_cleanup(conn); - return; - } + if (conn->state == BT_CONN_DISCONNECTED && atomic_test_and_clear_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_CLEANUP)) { + BT_DBG("handle %u disconnected - cleaning up", conn->handle); + conn_cleanup(conn); + return; + } - /* Get next ACL packet for connection */ - buf = net_buf_get(&conn->tx_queue, K_NO_WAIT); - BT_ASSERT(buf); - if (!send_buf(conn, buf)) { - net_buf_unref(buf); - } + /* Get next ACL packet for connection */ + buf = net_buf_get(&conn->tx_queue, K_NO_WAIT); + BT_ASSERT(buf); + if (!send_buf(conn, buf)) { + net_buf_unref(buf); + } } -struct bt_conn *bt_conn_add_le(u8_t id, const bt_addr_le_t *peer) -{ - struct bt_conn *conn = conn_new(); +struct bt_conn *bt_conn_add_le(u8_t id, const bt_addr_le_t *peer) { + struct bt_conn *conn = conn_new(); - if (!conn) { - return NULL; - } + if (!conn) { + return NULL; + } - conn->id = id; - bt_addr_le_copy(&conn->le.dst, peer); + conn->id = id; + bt_addr_le_copy(&conn->le.dst, peer); #if defined(CONFIG_BT_SMP) - conn->sec_level = BT_SECURITY_L1; - conn->required_sec_level = BT_SECURITY_L1; + conn->sec_level = BT_SECURITY_L1; + conn->required_sec_level = BT_SECURITY_L1; #endif /* CONFIG_BT_SMP */ - conn->type = BT_CONN_TYPE_LE; - conn->le.interval_min = BT_GAP_INIT_CONN_INT_MIN; - conn->le.interval_max = BT_GAP_INIT_CONN_INT_MAX; + conn->type = BT_CONN_TYPE_LE; + conn->le.interval_min = BT_GAP_INIT_CONN_INT_MIN; + conn->le.interval_max = BT_GAP_INIT_CONN_INT_MAX; - return conn; + return conn; } -static void process_unack_tx(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - /* Return any unacknowledged packets */ - while (1) { - struct bt_conn_tx *tx; - sys_snode_t *node; - unsigned int key; +static void process_unack_tx(struct bt_conn *conn) { + /* Return any unacknowledged packets */ + while (1) { + struct bt_conn_tx *tx; + sys_snode_t *node; + unsigned int key; - key = irq_lock(); + key = irq_lock(); - if (conn->pending_no_cb) { - conn->pending_no_cb--; - irq_unlock(key); - k_sem_give(bt_conn_get_pkts(conn)); - continue; - } + if (conn->pending_no_cb) { + conn->pending_no_cb--; + irq_unlock(key); + k_sem_give(bt_conn_get_pkts(conn)); + continue; + } - node = sys_slist_get(&conn->tx_pending); - irq_unlock(key); + node = sys_slist_get(&conn->tx_pending); + irq_unlock(key); - if (!node) { - break; - } + if (!node) { + break; + } - tx = CONTAINER_OF(node, struct bt_conn_tx, node); + tx = CONTAINER_OF(node, struct bt_conn_tx, node); - key = irq_lock(); - conn->pending_no_cb = tx->pending_no_cb; - tx->pending_no_cb = 0U; - irq_unlock(key); + key = irq_lock(); + conn->pending_no_cb = tx->pending_no_cb; + tx->pending_no_cb = 0U; + irq_unlock(key); - tx_free(tx); + tx_free(tx); - k_sem_give(bt_conn_get_pkts(conn)); + k_sem_give(bt_conn_get_pkts(conn)); + } +} + +void bt_conn_set_state(struct bt_conn *conn, bt_conn_state_t state) { + bt_conn_state_t old_state; + + BT_DBG("%s -> %s", state2str(conn->state), state2str(state)); + + if (conn->state == state) { + BT_WARN("no transition"); + return; + } + + old_state = conn->state; + conn->state = state; + + /* Actions needed for exiting the old state */ + switch (old_state) { + case BT_CONN_DISCONNECTED: + /* Take a reference for the first state transition after + * bt_conn_add_le() and keep it until reaching DISCONNECTED + * again. + */ + bt_conn_ref(conn); + break; + case BT_CONN_CONNECT: + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_CENTRAL) && conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_LE) { + k_delayed_work_cancel(&conn->update_work); + } + break; + default: + break; + } + + /* Actions needed for entering the new state */ + switch (conn->state) { + case BT_CONN_CONNECTED: + if (conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_SCO) { + /* TODO: Notify sco connected */ + break; + } + k_fifo_init(&conn->tx_queue, 20); + k_poll_signal_raise(&conn_change, 0); + + sys_slist_init(&conn->channels); + + bt_l2cap_connected(conn); + notify_connected(conn); + break; + case BT_CONN_DISCONNECTED: + if (conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_SCO) { + /* TODO: Notify sco disconnected */ + bt_conn_unref(conn); + break; + } + /* Notify disconnection and queue a dummy buffer to wake + * up and stop the tx thread for states where it was + * running. + */ + if (old_state == BT_CONN_CONNECTED || old_state == BT_CONN_DISCONNECT) { + process_unack_tx(conn); + tx_notify(conn); + + /* Cancel Connection Update if it is pending */ + if (conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_LE) { + k_delayed_work_cancel(&conn->update_work); + } + + atomic_set_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_CLEANUP); + k_poll_signal_raise(&conn_change, 0); + /* The last ref will be dropped during cleanup */ + } else if (old_state == BT_CONN_CONNECT) { + /* conn->err will be set in this case */ + notify_connected(conn); + bt_conn_unref(conn); + } else if (old_state == BT_CONN_CONNECT_SCAN) { + /* this indicate LE Create Connection failed */ + if (conn->err) { + notify_connected(conn); + } + + bt_conn_unref(conn); + } else if (old_state == BT_CONN_CONNECT_DIR_ADV) { + /* this indicate Directed advertising stopped */ + if (conn->err) { + notify_connected(conn); + } + + bt_conn_unref(conn); + } + + break; + case BT_CONN_CONNECT_SCAN: + break; + case BT_CONN_CONNECT_DIR_ADV: + break; + case BT_CONN_CONNECT: + if (conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_SCO) { + break; } -} - -void bt_conn_set_state(struct bt_conn *conn, bt_conn_state_t state) -{ - bt_conn_state_t old_state; - - BT_DBG("%s -> %s", state2str(conn->state), state2str(state)); - - if (conn->state == state) { - BT_WARN("no transition"); - return; + /* + * Timer is needed only for LE. For other link types controller + * will handle connection timeout. + */ + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_CENTRAL) && conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_LE) { + k_delayed_work_submit(&conn->update_work, CONN_TIMEOUT); } - old_state = conn->state; - conn->state = state; + break; + case BT_CONN_DISCONNECT: + break; + default: + BT_WARN("no valid (%u) state was set", state); - /* Actions needed for exiting the old state */ - switch (old_state) { - case BT_CONN_DISCONNECTED: - /* Take a reference for the first state transition after - * bt_conn_add_le() and keep it until reaching DISCONNECTED - * again. - */ - bt_conn_ref(conn); - break; - case BT_CONN_CONNECT: - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_CENTRAL) && - conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_LE) { - k_delayed_work_cancel(&conn->update_work); - } - break; - default: - break; - } + break; + } +} - /* Actions needed for entering the new state */ - switch (conn->state) { - case BT_CONN_CONNECTED: - if (conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_SCO) { - /* TODO: Notify sco connected */ - break; - } - k_fifo_init(&conn->tx_queue, 20); - k_poll_signal_raise(&conn_change, 0); - - sys_slist_init(&conn->channels); - - bt_l2cap_connected(conn); - notify_connected(conn); - break; - case BT_CONN_DISCONNECTED: - if (conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_SCO) { - /* TODO: Notify sco disconnected */ - bt_conn_unref(conn); - break; - } - /* Notify disconnection and queue a dummy buffer to wake - * up and stop the tx thread for states where it was - * running. - */ - if (old_state == BT_CONN_CONNECTED || - old_state == BT_CONN_DISCONNECT) { - process_unack_tx(conn); - tx_notify(conn); - - /* Cancel Connection Update if it is pending */ - if (conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_LE) { - k_delayed_work_cancel(&conn->update_work); - } - - atomic_set_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_CLEANUP); - k_poll_signal_raise(&conn_change, 0); - /* The last ref will be dropped during cleanup */ - } else if (old_state == BT_CONN_CONNECT) { - /* conn->err will be set in this case */ - notify_connected(conn); - bt_conn_unref(conn); - } else if (old_state == BT_CONN_CONNECT_SCAN) { - /* this indicate LE Create Connection failed */ - if (conn->err) { - notify_connected(conn); - } - - bt_conn_unref(conn); - } else if (old_state == BT_CONN_CONNECT_DIR_ADV) { - /* this indicate Directed advertising stopped */ - if (conn->err) { - notify_connected(conn); - } - - bt_conn_unref(conn); - } - - break; - case BT_CONN_CONNECT_SCAN: - break; - case BT_CONN_CONNECT_DIR_ADV: - break; - case BT_CONN_CONNECT: - if (conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_SCO) { - break; - } - /* - * Timer is needed only for LE. For other link types controller - * will handle connection timeout. - */ - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_CENTRAL) && - conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_LE) { - k_delayed_work_submit(&conn->update_work, CONN_TIMEOUT); - } - - break; - case BT_CONN_DISCONNECT: - break; - default: - BT_WARN("no valid (%u) state was set", state); - - break; - } -} - -struct bt_conn *bt_conn_lookup_handle(u16_t handle) -{ - int i; +struct bt_conn *bt_conn_lookup_handle(u16_t handle) { + size_t i; - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(conns); i++) { - if (!atomic_get(&conns[i].ref)) { - continue; - } + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(conns); i++) { + if (!atomic_get(&conns[i].ref)) { + continue; + } - /* We only care about connections with a valid handle */ - if (conns[i].state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED && - conns[i].state != BT_CONN_DISCONNECT) { - continue; - } + /* We only care about connections with a valid handle */ + if (conns[i].state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED && conns[i].state != BT_CONN_DISCONNECT) { + continue; + } - if (conns[i].handle == handle) { - return bt_conn_ref(&conns[i]); - } + if (conns[i].handle == handle) { + return bt_conn_ref(&conns[i]); } + } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_BREDR) - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sco_conns); i++) { - if (!atomic_get(&sco_conns[i].ref)) { - continue; - } + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sco_conns); i++) { + if (!atomic_get(&sco_conns[i].ref)) { + continue; + } - /* We only care about connections with a valid handle */ - if (sco_conns[i].state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED && - sco_conns[i].state != BT_CONN_DISCONNECT) { - continue; - } + /* We only care about connections with a valid handle */ + if (sco_conns[i].state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED && sco_conns[i].state != BT_CONN_DISCONNECT) { + continue; + } - if (sco_conns[i].handle == handle) { - return bt_conn_ref(&sco_conns[i]); - } + if (sco_conns[i].handle == handle) { + return bt_conn_ref(&sco_conns[i]); } + } #endif - return NULL; + return NULL; } -int bt_conn_addr_le_cmp(const struct bt_conn *conn, const bt_addr_le_t *peer) -{ - /* Check against conn dst address as it may be the identity address */ - if (!bt_addr_le_cmp(peer, &conn->le.dst)) { - return 0; - } +int bt_conn_addr_le_cmp(const struct bt_conn *conn, const bt_addr_le_t *peer) { + /* Check against conn dst address as it may be the identity address */ + if (!bt_addr_le_cmp(peer, &conn->le.dst)) { + return 0; + } - /* Check against initial connection address */ - if (conn->role == BT_HCI_ROLE_MASTER) { - return bt_addr_le_cmp(peer, &conn->le.resp_addr); - } + /* Check against initial connection address */ + if (conn->role == BT_HCI_ROLE_MASTER) { + return bt_addr_le_cmp(peer, &conn->le.resp_addr); + } - return bt_addr_le_cmp(peer, &conn->le.init_addr); + return bt_addr_le_cmp(peer, &conn->le.init_addr); } -struct bt_conn *bt_conn_lookup_addr_le(u8_t id, const bt_addr_le_t *peer) -{ - int i; +struct bt_conn *bt_conn_lookup_addr_le(u8_t id, const bt_addr_le_t *peer) { + size_t i; - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(conns); i++) { - if (!atomic_get(&conns[i].ref)) { - continue; - } + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(conns); i++) { + if (!atomic_get(&conns[i].ref)) { + continue; + } - if (conns[i].type != BT_CONN_TYPE_LE) { - continue; - } + if (conns[i].type != BT_CONN_TYPE_LE) { + continue; + } - if (conns[i].id == id && - !bt_conn_addr_le_cmp(&conns[i], peer)) { - return bt_conn_ref(&conns[i]); - } + if (conns[i].id == id && !bt_conn_addr_le_cmp(&conns[i], peer)) { + return bt_conn_ref(&conns[i]); } + } - return NULL; + return NULL; } -struct bt_conn *bt_conn_lookup_state_le(const bt_addr_le_t *peer, - const bt_conn_state_t state) -{ - int i; +struct bt_conn *bt_conn_lookup_state_le(const bt_addr_le_t *peer, const bt_conn_state_t state) { + size_t i; - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(conns); i++) { - if (!atomic_get(&conns[i].ref)) { - continue; - } + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(conns); i++) { + if (!atomic_get(&conns[i].ref)) { + continue; + } - if (conns[i].type != BT_CONN_TYPE_LE) { - continue; - } + if (conns[i].type != BT_CONN_TYPE_LE) { + continue; + } - if (peer && bt_conn_addr_le_cmp(&conns[i], peer)) { - continue; - } + if (peer && bt_conn_addr_le_cmp(&conns[i], peer)) { + continue; + } - if (conns[i].state == state) { - return bt_conn_ref(&conns[i]); - } + if (conns[i].state == state) { + return bt_conn_ref(&conns[i]); } + } - return NULL; + return NULL; } -void bt_conn_foreach(int type, void (*func)(struct bt_conn *conn, void *data), - void *data) -{ - int i; +void bt_conn_foreach(int type, void (*func)(struct bt_conn *conn, void *data), void *data) { + size_t i; - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(conns); i++) { - if (!atomic_get(&conns[i].ref)) { - continue; - } - - if (!(conns[i].type & type)) { - continue; - } + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(conns); i++) { + if (!atomic_get(&conns[i].ref)) { + continue; + } - func(&conns[i], data); + if (!(conns[i].type & type)) { + continue; } + + func(&conns[i], data); + } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_BREDR) - if (type & BT_CONN_TYPE_SCO) { - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sco_conns); i++) { - if (!atomic_get(&sco_conns[i].ref)) { - continue; - } + if (type & BT_CONN_TYPE_SCO) { + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sco_conns); i++) { + if (!atomic_get(&sco_conns[i].ref)) { + continue; + } - func(&sco_conns[i], data); - } + func(&sco_conns[i], data); } + } #endif /* defined(CONFIG_BT_BREDR) */ } -static void disconnect_all(struct bt_conn *conn, void *data) -{ - u8_t *id = (u8_t *)data; +static void disconnect_all(struct bt_conn *conn, void *data) { + u8_t *id = (u8_t *)data; - if (conn->id == *id && conn->state == BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { - bt_conn_disconnect(conn, BT_HCI_ERR_REMOTE_USER_TERM_CONN); - } + if (conn->id == *id && conn->state == BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { + bt_conn_disconnect(conn, BT_HCI_ERR_REMOTE_USER_TERM_CONN); + } } -void bt_conn_disconnect_all(u8_t id) -{ - bt_conn_foreach(BT_CONN_TYPE_ALL, disconnect_all, &id); -} +void bt_conn_disconnect_all(u8_t id) { bt_conn_foreach(BT_CONN_TYPE_ALL, disconnect_all, &id); } -struct bt_conn *bt_conn_ref(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - atomic_inc(&conn->ref); +struct bt_conn *bt_conn_ref(struct bt_conn *conn) { + atomic_inc(&conn->ref); - BT_DBG("handle %u ref %u", conn->handle, atomic_get(&conn->ref)); + BT_DBG("handle %u ref %u", conn->handle, atomic_get(&conn->ref)); - return conn; + return conn; } -void bt_conn_unref(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - atomic_dec(&conn->ref); +void bt_conn_unref(struct bt_conn *conn) { + atomic_dec(&conn->ref); - BT_DBG("handle %u ref %u", conn->handle, atomic_get(&conn->ref)); + BT_DBG("handle %u ref %u", conn->handle, atomic_get(&conn->ref)); } -const bt_addr_le_t *bt_conn_get_dst(const struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - return &conn->le.dst; -} +const bt_addr_le_t *bt_conn_get_dst(const struct bt_conn *conn) { return &conn->le.dst; } -int bt_conn_get_info(const struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_conn_info *info) -{ - info->type = conn->type; - info->role = conn->role; - info->id = conn->id; +int bt_conn_get_info(const struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_conn_info *info) { + info->type = conn->type; + info->role = conn->role; + info->id = conn->id; - switch (conn->type) { - case BT_CONN_TYPE_LE: - info->le.dst = &conn->le.dst; - info->le.src = &bt_dev.id_addr[conn->id]; - if (conn->role == BT_HCI_ROLE_MASTER) { - info->le.local = &conn->le.init_addr; - info->le.remote = &conn->le.resp_addr; - } else { - info->le.local = &conn->le.resp_addr; - info->le.remote = &conn->le.init_addr; - } - info->le.interval = conn->le.interval; - info->le.latency = conn->le.latency; - info->le.timeout = conn->le.timeout; - return 0; + switch (conn->type) { + case BT_CONN_TYPE_LE: + info->le.dst = &conn->le.dst; + info->le.src = &bt_dev.id_addr[conn->id]; + if (conn->role == BT_HCI_ROLE_MASTER) { + info->le.local = &conn->le.init_addr; + info->le.remote = &conn->le.resp_addr; + } else { + info->le.local = &conn->le.resp_addr; + info->le.remote = &conn->le.init_addr; + } + info->le.interval = conn->le.interval; + info->le.latency = conn->le.latency; + info->le.timeout = conn->le.timeout; + return 0; #if defined(CONFIG_BT_BREDR) - case BT_CONN_TYPE_BR: - info->br.dst = &conn->br.dst; - return 0; + case BT_CONN_TYPE_BR: + info->br.dst = &conn->br.dst; + return 0; #endif - } + } - return -EINVAL; + return -EINVAL; } -int bt_conn_get_remote_dev_info(struct bt_conn_info *info) -{ - int link_num = 0; +int bt_conn_get_remote_dev_info(struct bt_conn_info *info) { + int link_num = 0; - for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(conns); i++) { - if (!atomic_get(&conns[i].ref)) { - continue; - } - bt_conn_get_info(&conns[i], &info[link_num]); - link_num++; + for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(conns); i++) { + if (!atomic_get(&conns[i].ref)) { + continue; } + bt_conn_get_info(&conns[i], &info[link_num]); + link_num++; + } - return link_num; + return link_num; } -static int bt_hci_disconnect(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t reason) -{ - struct net_buf *buf; - struct bt_hci_cp_disconnect *disconn; - int err; +static int bt_hci_disconnect(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t reason) { + struct net_buf *buf; + struct bt_hci_cp_disconnect *disconn; + int err; - buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_DISCONNECT, sizeof(*disconn)); - if (!buf) { - return -ENOBUFS; - } + buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_DISCONNECT, sizeof(*disconn)); + if (!buf) { + return -ENOBUFS; + } - disconn = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*disconn)); - disconn->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(conn->handle); - disconn->reason = reason; + disconn = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*disconn)); + disconn->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(conn->handle); + disconn->reason = reason; - err = bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_DISCONNECT, buf, NULL); - if (err) { - return err; - } + err = bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_DISCONNECT, buf, NULL); + if (err) { + return err; + } - bt_conn_set_state(conn, BT_CONN_DISCONNECT); + bt_conn_set_state(conn, BT_CONN_DISCONNECT); - return 0; + return 0; } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_STACK_PTS) -int pts_bt_conn_le_param_update(struct bt_conn *conn, - const struct bt_le_conn_param *param) -{ - BT_DBG("conn %p features 0x%02x params (%d-%d %d %d)", conn, - conn->le.features[0], param->interval_min, - param->interval_max, param->latency, param->timeout); +int pts_bt_conn_le_param_update(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_le_conn_param *param) { + BT_DBG("conn %p features 0x%02x params (%d-%d %d %d)", conn, conn->le.features[0], param->interval_min, param->interval_max, param->latency, param->timeout); - /* Check if there's a need to update conn params */ - if (conn->le.interval >= param->interval_min && - conn->le.interval <= param->interval_max && - conn->le.latency == param->latency && - conn->le.timeout == param->timeout) { - return -EALREADY; - } + /* Check if there's a need to update conn params */ + if (conn->le.interval >= param->interval_min && conn->le.interval <= param->interval_max && conn->le.latency == param->latency && conn->le.timeout == param->timeout) { + return -EALREADY; + } - /* Cancel any pending update */ - k_delayed_work_cancel(&conn->update_work); + /* Cancel any pending update */ + k_delayed_work_cancel(&conn->update_work); - return bt_l2cap_update_conn_param(conn, param); + return bt_l2cap_update_conn_param(conn, param); } #endif -int bt_conn_le_param_update(struct bt_conn *conn, - const struct bt_le_conn_param *param) -{ - BT_DBG("conn %p features 0x%02x params (%d-%d %d %d)", conn, - conn->le.features[0], param->interval_min, - param->interval_max, param->latency, param->timeout); - - /* Check if there's a need to update conn params */ - if (conn->le.interval >= param->interval_min && - conn->le.interval <= param->interval_max && - conn->le.latency == param->latency && - conn->le.timeout == param->timeout) { - atomic_clear_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_SLAVE_PARAM_SET); - return -EALREADY; - } +int bt_conn_le_param_update(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_le_conn_param *param) { + BT_DBG("conn %p features 0x%02x params (%d-%d %d %d)", conn, conn->le.features[0], param->interval_min, param->interval_max, param->latency, param->timeout); + + /* Check if there's a need to update conn params */ + if (conn->le.interval >= param->interval_min && conn->le.interval <= param->interval_max && conn->le.latency == param->latency && conn->le.timeout == param->timeout) { + atomic_clear_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_SLAVE_PARAM_SET); + return -EALREADY; + } + + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_CENTRAL) && conn->role == BT_CONN_ROLE_MASTER) { + return send_conn_le_param_update(conn, param); + } + + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL)) { + /* if slave conn param update timer expired just send request */ + if (atomic_test_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_SLAVE_PARAM_UPDATE)) { + return send_conn_le_param_update(conn, param); + } + + /* store new conn params to be used by update timer */ + conn->le.interval_min = param->interval_min; + conn->le.interval_max = param->interval_max; + conn->le.pending_latency = param->latency; + conn->le.pending_timeout = param->timeout; + atomic_set_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_SLAVE_PARAM_SET); + } + + return 0; +} + +int bt_conn_disconnect(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t reason) { + /* Disconnection is initiated by us, so auto connection shall + * be disabled. Otherwise the passive scan would be enabled + * and we could send LE Create Connection as soon as the remote + * starts advertising. + */ +#if !defined(CONFIG_BT_WHITELIST) + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_CENTRAL) && conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_LE) { + bt_le_set_auto_conn(&conn->le.dst, NULL); + } +#endif /* !defined(CONFIG_BT_WHITELIST) */ - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_CENTRAL) && - conn->role == BT_CONN_ROLE_MASTER) { - return send_conn_le_param_update(conn, param); + switch (conn->state) { + case BT_CONN_CONNECT_SCAN: + conn->err = reason; + bt_conn_set_state(conn, BT_CONN_DISCONNECTED); + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_CENTRAL)) { + bt_le_scan_update(false); } - + return 0; + case BT_CONN_CONNECT_DIR_ADV: + conn->err = reason; + bt_conn_set_state(conn, BT_CONN_DISCONNECTED); if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL)) { - /* if slave conn param update timer expired just send request */ - if (atomic_test_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_SLAVE_PARAM_UPDATE)) { - return send_conn_le_param_update(conn, param); - } - - /* store new conn params to be used by update timer */ - conn->le.interval_min = param->interval_min; - conn->le.interval_max = param->interval_max; - conn->le.pending_latency = param->latency; - conn->le.pending_timeout = param->timeout; - atomic_set_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_SLAVE_PARAM_SET); + /* User should unref connection object when receiving + * error in connection callback. + */ + return bt_le_adv_stop(); } - return 0; -} - -int bt_conn_disconnect(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t reason) -{ - /* Disconnection is initiated by us, so auto connection shall - * be disabled. Otherwise the passive scan would be enabled - * and we could send LE Create Connection as soon as the remote - * starts advertising. - */ -#if !defined(CONFIG_BT_WHITELIST) - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_CENTRAL) && - conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_LE) { - bt_le_set_auto_conn(&conn->le.dst, NULL); - } -#endif /* !defined(CONFIG_BT_WHITELIST) */ - - switch (conn->state) { - case BT_CONN_CONNECT_SCAN: - conn->err = reason; - bt_conn_set_state(conn, BT_CONN_DISCONNECTED); - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_CENTRAL)) { - bt_le_scan_update(false); - } - return 0; - case BT_CONN_CONNECT_DIR_ADV: - conn->err = reason; - bt_conn_set_state(conn, BT_CONN_DISCONNECTED); - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL)) { - /* User should unref connection object when receiving - * error in connection callback. - */ - return bt_le_adv_stop(); - } - return 0; - case BT_CONN_CONNECT: + case BT_CONN_CONNECT: #if defined(CONFIG_BT_BREDR) - if (conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_BR) { - return bt_hci_connect_br_cancel(conn); - } + if (conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_BR) { + return bt_hci_connect_br_cancel(conn); + } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_BREDR */ - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_CENTRAL)) { - k_delayed_work_cancel(&conn->update_work); - return bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_LE_CREATE_CONN_CANCEL, - NULL, NULL); - } - - return 0; - case BT_CONN_CONNECTED: - return bt_hci_disconnect(conn, reason); - case BT_CONN_DISCONNECT: - return 0; - case BT_CONN_DISCONNECTED: - default: - return -ENOTCONN; + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_CENTRAL)) { + k_delayed_work_cancel(&conn->update_work); + return bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_LE_CREATE_CONN_CANCEL, NULL, NULL); } + + return 0; + case BT_CONN_CONNECTED: + return bt_hci_disconnect(conn, reason); + case BT_CONN_DISCONNECT: + return 0; + case BT_CONN_DISCONNECTED: + default: + return -ENOTCONN; + } } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_CENTRAL) -static void bt_conn_set_param_le(struct bt_conn *conn, - const struct bt_le_conn_param *param) -{ - conn->le.interval_min = param->interval_min; - conn->le.interval_max = param->interval_max; - conn->le.latency = param->latency; - conn->le.timeout = param->timeout; +static void bt_conn_set_param_le(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_le_conn_param *param) { + conn->le.interval_min = param->interval_min; + conn->le.interval_max = param->interval_max; + conn->le.latency = param->latency; + conn->le.timeout = param->timeout; #if defined(CONFIG_BT_STACK_PTS) - conn->le.own_adder_type = param->own_address_type; + conn->le.own_adder_type = param->own_address_type; #endif } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_WHITELIST) -int bt_conn_create_auto_le(const struct bt_le_conn_param *param) -{ - struct bt_conn *conn; - int err; +int bt_conn_create_auto_le(const struct bt_le_conn_param *param) { + struct bt_conn *conn; + int err; - if (!atomic_test_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_READY)) { - return -EINVAL; - } + if (!atomic_test_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_READY)) { + return -EINVAL; + } - if (!bt_le_conn_params_valid(param)) { - return -EINVAL; - } + if (!bt_le_conn_params_valid(param)) { + return -EINVAL; + } - if (atomic_test_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_EXPLICIT_SCAN)) { - return -EINVAL; - } + if (atomic_test_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_EXPLICIT_SCAN)) { + return -EINVAL; + } - if (atomic_test_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_AUTO_CONN)) { - return -EALREADY; - } + if (atomic_test_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_AUTO_CONN)) { + return -EALREADY; + } - if (!bt_dev.le.wl_entries) { - return -EINVAL; - } + if (!bt_dev.le.wl_entries) { + return -EINVAL; + } - /* Don't start initiator if we have general discovery procedure. */ - conn = bt_conn_lookup_state_le(NULL, BT_CONN_CONNECT_SCAN); - if (conn) { - bt_conn_unref(conn); - return -EINVAL; - } + /* Don't start initiator if we have general discovery procedure. */ + conn = bt_conn_lookup_state_le(NULL, BT_CONN_CONNECT_SCAN); + if (conn) { + bt_conn_unref(conn); + return -EINVAL; + } - /* Don't start initiator if we have direct discovery procedure. */ - conn = bt_conn_lookup_state_le(NULL, BT_CONN_CONNECT); - if (conn) { - bt_conn_unref(conn); - return -EINVAL; - } + /* Don't start initiator if we have direct discovery procedure. */ + conn = bt_conn_lookup_state_le(NULL, BT_CONN_CONNECT); + if (conn) { + bt_conn_unref(conn); + return -EINVAL; + } - err = bt_le_auto_conn(param); - if (err) { - BT_ERR("Failed to start whitelist scan"); - return err; - } + err = bt_le_auto_conn(param); + if (err) { + BT_ERR("Failed to start whitelist scan"); + return err; + } - return 0; + return 0; } -int bt_conn_create_auto_stop(void) -{ - int err; +int bt_conn_create_auto_stop(void) { + int err; - if (!atomic_test_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_READY)) { - return -EINVAL; - } + if (!atomic_test_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_READY)) { + return -EINVAL; + } - if (!atomic_test_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_AUTO_CONN)) { - return -EINVAL; - } + if (!atomic_test_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_AUTO_CONN)) { + return -EINVAL; + } - err = bt_le_auto_conn_cancel(); - if (err) { - BT_ERR("Failed to stop initiator"); - return err; - } + err = bt_le_auto_conn_cancel(); + if (err) { + BT_ERR("Failed to stop initiator"); + return err; + } - return 0; + return 0; } #endif /* defined(CONFIG_BT_WHITELIST) */ -struct bt_conn *bt_conn_create_le(const bt_addr_le_t *peer, - const struct bt_le_conn_param *param) -{ - struct bt_conn *conn; - bt_addr_le_t dst; - - if (!atomic_test_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_READY)) { - return NULL; - } +struct bt_conn *bt_conn_create_le(const bt_addr_le_t *peer, const struct bt_le_conn_param *param) { + struct bt_conn *conn; + bt_addr_le_t dst; - if (!bt_le_conn_params_valid(param)) { - return NULL; - } + if (!atomic_test_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_READY)) { + return NULL; + } - if (atomic_test_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_EXPLICIT_SCAN)) { - return NULL; - } + if (!bt_le_conn_params_valid(param)) { + return NULL; + } - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_WHITELIST) && - atomic_test_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_AUTO_CONN)) { - return NULL; - } + if (atomic_test_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_EXPLICIT_SCAN)) { + return NULL; + } - conn = bt_conn_lookup_addr_le(BT_ID_DEFAULT, peer); - if (conn) { - switch (conn->state) { - case BT_CONN_CONNECT_SCAN: - bt_conn_set_param_le(conn, param); - return conn; - case BT_CONN_CONNECT: - case BT_CONN_CONNECTED: - return conn; - case BT_CONN_DISCONNECTED: - BT_WARN("Found valid but disconnected conn object"); - goto start_scan; - default: - bt_conn_unref(conn); - return NULL; - } - } - - if (peer->type == BT_ADDR_LE_PUBLIC_ID || - peer->type == BT_ADDR_LE_RANDOM_ID) { - bt_addr_le_copy(&dst, peer); - dst.type -= BT_ADDR_LE_PUBLIC_ID; - } else { - bt_addr_le_copy(&dst, bt_lookup_id_addr(BT_ID_DEFAULT, peer)); - } + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_WHITELIST) && atomic_test_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_AUTO_CONN)) { + return NULL; + } - /* Only default identity supported for now */ - conn = bt_conn_add_le(BT_ID_DEFAULT, &dst); - if (!conn) { - return NULL; - } + conn = bt_conn_lookup_addr_le(BT_ID_DEFAULT, peer); + if (conn) { + switch (conn->state) { + case BT_CONN_CONNECT_SCAN: + bt_conn_set_param_le(conn, param); + return conn; + case BT_CONN_CONNECT: + case BT_CONN_CONNECTED: + return conn; + case BT_CONN_DISCONNECTED: + BT_WARN("Found valid but disconnected conn object"); + goto start_scan; + default: + bt_conn_unref(conn); + return NULL; + } + } + + if (peer->type == BT_ADDR_LE_PUBLIC_ID || peer->type == BT_ADDR_LE_RANDOM_ID) { + bt_addr_le_copy(&dst, peer); + dst.type -= BT_ADDR_LE_PUBLIC_ID; + } else { + bt_addr_le_copy(&dst, bt_lookup_id_addr(BT_ID_DEFAULT, peer)); + } + + /* Only default identity supported for now */ + conn = bt_conn_add_le(BT_ID_DEFAULT, &dst); + if (!conn) { + return NULL; + } start_scan: - bt_conn_set_param_le(conn, param); + bt_conn_set_param_le(conn, param); - bt_conn_set_state(conn, BT_CONN_CONNECT_SCAN); + bt_conn_set_state(conn, BT_CONN_CONNECT_SCAN); - bt_le_scan_update(true); + bt_le_scan_update(true); - return conn; + return conn; } #if !defined(CONFIG_BT_WHITELIST) -int bt_le_set_auto_conn(const bt_addr_le_t *addr, - const struct bt_le_conn_param *param) -{ - struct bt_conn *conn; +int bt_le_set_auto_conn(const bt_addr_le_t *addr, const struct bt_le_conn_param *param) { + struct bt_conn *conn; - if (param && !bt_le_conn_params_valid(param)) { - return -EINVAL; - } + if (param && !bt_le_conn_params_valid(param)) { + return -EINVAL; + } - /* Only default identity is supported */ - conn = bt_conn_lookup_addr_le(BT_ID_DEFAULT, addr); + /* Only default identity is supported */ + conn = bt_conn_lookup_addr_le(BT_ID_DEFAULT, addr); + if (!conn) { + conn = bt_conn_add_le(BT_ID_DEFAULT, addr); if (!conn) { - conn = bt_conn_add_le(BT_ID_DEFAULT, addr); - if (!conn) { - return -ENOMEM; - } + return -ENOMEM; } + } - if (param) { - bt_conn_set_param_le(conn, param); + if (param) { + bt_conn_set_param_le(conn, param); - if (!atomic_test_and_set_bit(conn->flags, - BT_CONN_AUTO_CONNECT)) { - bt_conn_ref(conn); - } - } else { - if (atomic_test_and_clear_bit(conn->flags, - BT_CONN_AUTO_CONNECT)) { - bt_conn_unref(conn); - if (conn->state == BT_CONN_CONNECT_SCAN) { - bt_conn_set_state(conn, BT_CONN_DISCONNECTED); - } - } + if (!atomic_test_and_set_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_AUTO_CONNECT)) { + bt_conn_ref(conn); } + } else { + if (atomic_test_and_clear_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_AUTO_CONNECT)) { + bt_conn_unref(conn); + if (conn->state == BT_CONN_CONNECT_SCAN) { + bt_conn_set_state(conn, BT_CONN_DISCONNECTED); + } + } + } - if (conn->state == BT_CONN_DISCONNECTED && - atomic_test_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_READY)) { - if (param) { - bt_conn_set_state(conn, BT_CONN_CONNECT_SCAN); - } - bt_le_scan_update(false); + if (conn->state == BT_CONN_DISCONNECTED && atomic_test_bit(bt_dev.flags, BT_DEV_READY)) { + if (param) { + bt_conn_set_state(conn, BT_CONN_CONNECT_SCAN); } + bt_le_scan_update(false); + } - bt_conn_unref(conn); + bt_conn_unref(conn); - return 0; + return 0; } #endif /* !defined(CONFIG_BT_WHITELIST) */ #endif /* CONFIG_BT_CENTRAL */ #if defined(CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL) -struct bt_conn *bt_conn_create_slave_le(const bt_addr_le_t *peer, - const struct bt_le_adv_param *param) -{ - int err; - struct bt_conn *conn; - struct bt_le_adv_param param_int; - - memcpy(¶m_int, param, sizeof(param_int)); - param_int.options |= (BT_LE_ADV_OPT_CONNECTABLE | - BT_LE_ADV_OPT_ONE_TIME); - - conn = bt_conn_lookup_addr_le(param->id, peer); - if (conn) { - switch (conn->state) { - case BT_CONN_CONNECT_DIR_ADV: - /* Handle the case when advertising is stopped with - * bt_le_adv_stop function - */ - err = bt_le_adv_start_internal(¶m_int, NULL, 0, - NULL, 0, peer); - if (err && (err != -EALREADY)) { - BT_WARN("Directed advertising could not be" - " started: %d", - err); - bt_conn_unref(conn); - return NULL; - } - __attribute__((fallthrough)); - case BT_CONN_CONNECT: - case BT_CONN_CONNECTED: - return conn; - case BT_CONN_DISCONNECTED: - BT_WARN("Found valid but disconnected conn object"); - goto start_adv; - default: - bt_conn_unref(conn); - return NULL; - } - } - - conn = bt_conn_add_le(param->id, peer); - if (!conn) { +struct bt_conn *bt_conn_create_slave_le(const bt_addr_le_t *peer, const struct bt_le_adv_param *param) { + int err; + struct bt_conn *conn; + struct bt_le_adv_param param_int; + + memcpy(¶m_int, param, sizeof(param_int)); + param_int.options |= (BT_LE_ADV_OPT_CONNECTABLE | BT_LE_ADV_OPT_ONE_TIME); + + conn = bt_conn_lookup_addr_le(param->id, peer); + if (conn) { + switch (conn->state) { + case BT_CONN_CONNECT_DIR_ADV: + /* Handle the case when advertising is stopped with + * bt_le_adv_stop function + */ + err = bt_le_adv_start_internal(¶m_int, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, peer); + if (err && (err != -EALREADY)) { + BT_WARN("Directed advertising could not be" + " started: %d", + err); + bt_conn_unref(conn); return NULL; - } + } + __attribute__((fallthrough)); + case BT_CONN_CONNECT: + case BT_CONN_CONNECTED: + return conn; + case BT_CONN_DISCONNECTED: + BT_WARN("Found valid but disconnected conn object"); + goto start_adv; + default: + bt_conn_unref(conn); + return NULL; + } + } + + conn = bt_conn_add_le(param->id, peer); + if (!conn) { + return NULL; + } start_adv: - bt_conn_set_state(conn, BT_CONN_CONNECT_DIR_ADV); + bt_conn_set_state(conn, BT_CONN_CONNECT_DIR_ADV); - err = bt_le_adv_start_internal(¶m_int, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, peer); - if (err) { - BT_WARN("Directed advertising could not be started: %d", err); + err = bt_le_adv_start_internal(¶m_int, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, peer); + if (err) { + BT_WARN("Directed advertising could not be started: %d", err); - bt_conn_unref(conn); - return NULL; - } + bt_conn_unref(conn); + return NULL; + } - return conn; + return conn; } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL */ -int bt_conn_le_conn_update(struct bt_conn *conn, - const struct bt_le_conn_param *param) -{ - struct hci_cp_le_conn_update *conn_update; - struct net_buf *buf; +int bt_conn_le_conn_update(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_le_conn_param *param) { + struct hci_cp_le_conn_update *conn_update; + struct net_buf *buf; - buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_LE_CONN_UPDATE, - sizeof(*conn_update)); - if (!buf) { - return -ENOBUFS; - } + buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_LE_CONN_UPDATE, sizeof(*conn_update)); + if (!buf) { + return -ENOBUFS; + } - conn_update = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*conn_update)); - (void)memset(conn_update, 0, sizeof(*conn_update)); - conn_update->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(conn->handle); - conn_update->conn_interval_min = sys_cpu_to_le16(param->interval_min); - conn_update->conn_interval_max = sys_cpu_to_le16(param->interval_max); - conn_update->conn_latency = sys_cpu_to_le16(param->latency); - conn_update->supervision_timeout = sys_cpu_to_le16(param->timeout); + conn_update = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*conn_update)); + (void)memset(conn_update, 0, sizeof(*conn_update)); + conn_update->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(conn->handle); + conn_update->conn_interval_min = sys_cpu_to_le16(param->interval_min); + conn_update->conn_interval_max = sys_cpu_to_le16(param->interval_max); + conn_update->conn_latency = sys_cpu_to_le16(param->latency); + conn_update->supervision_timeout = sys_cpu_to_le16(param->timeout); - return bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_LE_CONN_UPDATE, buf, NULL); + return bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_LE_CONN_UPDATE, buf, NULL); } -struct net_buf *bt_conn_create_pdu_timeout(struct net_buf_pool *pool, - size_t reserve, s32_t timeout) -{ - struct net_buf *buf; - - /* - * PDU must not be allocated from ISR as we block with 'K_FOREVER' - * during the allocation - */ - __ASSERT_NO_MSG(!k_is_in_isr()); +struct net_buf *bt_conn_create_pdu_timeout(struct net_buf_pool *pool, size_t reserve, s32_t timeout) { + struct net_buf *buf; - if (!pool) { - pool = &acl_tx_pool; - } + /* + * PDU must not be allocated from ISR as we block with 'K_FOREVER' + * during the allocation + */ + __ASSERT_NO_MSG(!k_is_in_isr()); - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_DEBUG_CONN)) { - buf = net_buf_alloc(pool, K_NO_WAIT); - if (!buf) { - BT_WARN("Unable to allocate buffer with K_NO_WAIT"); - buf = net_buf_alloc(pool, timeout); - } - } else { - buf = net_buf_alloc(pool, timeout); - } + if (!pool) { + pool = &acl_tx_pool; + } + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_DEBUG_CONN)) { + buf = net_buf_alloc(pool, K_NO_WAIT); if (!buf) { - BT_WARN("Unable to allocate buffer: timeout %d", timeout); - return NULL; + BT_WARN("Unable to allocate buffer with K_NO_WAIT"); + buf = net_buf_alloc(pool, timeout); } + } else { + buf = net_buf_alloc(pool, timeout); + } + + if (!buf) { + BT_WARN("Unable to allocate buffer: timeout %d", timeout); + return NULL; + } - reserve += sizeof(struct bt_hci_acl_hdr) + BT_BUF_RESERVE; - net_buf_reserve(buf, reserve); + reserve += sizeof(struct bt_hci_acl_hdr) + BT_BUF_RESERVE; + net_buf_reserve(buf, reserve); - return buf; + return buf; } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_SMP) || defined(CONFIG_BT_BREDR) -int bt_conn_auth_cb_register(const struct bt_conn_auth_cb *cb) -{ - if (!cb) { - bt_auth = NULL; - return 0; - } +int bt_conn_auth_cb_register(const struct bt_conn_auth_cb *cb) { + if (!cb) { + bt_auth = NULL; + return 0; + } - if (bt_auth) { - return -EALREADY; - } + if (bt_auth) { + return -EALREADY; + } - /* The cancel callback must always be provided if the app provides - * interactive callbacks. - */ - if (!cb->cancel && - (cb->passkey_display || cb->passkey_entry || cb->passkey_confirm || + /* The cancel callback must always be provided if the app provides + * interactive callbacks. + */ + if (!cb->cancel && (cb->passkey_display || cb->passkey_entry || cb->passkey_confirm || #if defined(CONFIG_BT_BREDR) - cb->pincode_entry || + cb->pincode_entry || #endif - cb->pairing_confirm)) { - return -EINVAL; - } + cb->pairing_confirm)) { + return -EINVAL; + } - bt_auth = cb; - return 0; + bt_auth = cb; + return 0; } -int bt_conn_auth_passkey_entry(struct bt_conn *conn, unsigned int passkey) -{ - if (!bt_auth) { - return -EINVAL; - } +int bt_conn_auth_passkey_entry(struct bt_conn *conn, unsigned int passkey) { + if (!bt_auth) { + return -EINVAL; + } - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SMP) && conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_LE) { - bt_smp_auth_passkey_entry(conn, passkey); - return 0; - } + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SMP) && conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_LE) { + bt_smp_auth_passkey_entry(conn, passkey); + return 0; + } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_BREDR) - if (conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_BR) { - /* User entered passkey, reset user state. */ - if (!atomic_test_and_clear_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_USER)) { - return -EPERM; - } + if (conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_BR) { + /* User entered passkey, reset user state. */ + if (!atomic_test_and_clear_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_USER)) { + return -EPERM; + } - if (conn->br.pairing_method == PASSKEY_INPUT) { - return ssp_passkey_reply(conn, passkey); - } + if (conn->br.pairing_method == PASSKEY_INPUT) { + return ssp_passkey_reply(conn, passkey); } + } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_BREDR */ - return -EINVAL; + return -EINVAL; } -int bt_conn_auth_passkey_confirm(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - if (!bt_auth) { - return -EINVAL; - } +int bt_conn_auth_passkey_confirm(struct bt_conn *conn) { + if (!bt_auth) { + return -EINVAL; + } - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SMP) && - conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_LE) { - return bt_smp_auth_passkey_confirm(conn); - } + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SMP) && conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_LE) { + return bt_smp_auth_passkey_confirm(conn); + } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_BREDR) - if (conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_BR) { - /* Allow user confirm passkey value, then reset user state. */ - if (!atomic_test_and_clear_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_USER)) { - return -EPERM; - } - - return ssp_confirm_reply(conn); + if (conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_BR) { + /* Allow user confirm passkey value, then reset user state. */ + if (!atomic_test_and_clear_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_USER)) { + return -EPERM; } + + return ssp_confirm_reply(conn); + } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_BREDR */ - return -EINVAL; + return -EINVAL; } -int bt_conn_auth_cancel(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - if (!bt_auth) { - return -EINVAL; - } +int bt_conn_auth_cancel(struct bt_conn *conn) { + if (!bt_auth) { + return -EINVAL; + } - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SMP) && conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_LE) { - return bt_smp_auth_cancel(conn); - } + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SMP) && conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_LE) { + return bt_smp_auth_cancel(conn); + } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_BREDR) - if (conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_BR) { - /* Allow user cancel authentication, then reset user state. */ - if (!atomic_test_and_clear_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_USER)) { - return -EPERM; - } - - switch (conn->br.pairing_method) { - case JUST_WORKS: - case PASSKEY_CONFIRM: - return ssp_confirm_neg_reply(conn); - case PASSKEY_INPUT: - return ssp_passkey_neg_reply(conn); - case PASSKEY_DISPLAY: - return bt_conn_disconnect(conn, - BT_HCI_ERR_AUTH_FAIL); - case LEGACY: - return pin_code_neg_reply(&conn->br.dst); - default: - break; - } + if (conn->type == BT_CONN_TYPE_BR) { + /* Allow user cancel authentication, then reset user state. */ + if (!atomic_test_and_clear_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_USER)) { + return -EPERM; } + + switch (conn->br.pairing_method) { + case JUST_WORKS: + case PASSKEY_CONFIRM: + return ssp_confirm_neg_reply(conn); + case PASSKEY_INPUT: + return ssp_passkey_neg_reply(conn); + case PASSKEY_DISPLAY: + return bt_conn_disconnect(conn, BT_HCI_ERR_AUTH_FAIL); + case LEGACY: + return pin_code_neg_reply(&conn->br.dst); + default: + break; + } + } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_BREDR */ - return -EINVAL; + return -EINVAL; } -int bt_conn_auth_pairing_confirm(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - if (!bt_auth) { - return -EINVAL; - } +int bt_conn_auth_pairing_confirm(struct bt_conn *conn) { + if (!bt_auth) { + return -EINVAL; + } - switch (conn->type) { + switch (conn->type) { #if defined(CONFIG_BT_SMP) - case BT_CONN_TYPE_LE: - return bt_smp_auth_pairing_confirm(conn); + case BT_CONN_TYPE_LE: + return bt_smp_auth_pairing_confirm(conn); #endif /* CONFIG_BT_SMP */ #if defined(CONFIG_BT_BREDR) - case BT_CONN_TYPE_BR: - return ssp_confirm_reply(conn); + case BT_CONN_TYPE_BR: + return ssp_confirm_reply(conn); #endif /* CONFIG_BT_BREDR */ - default: - return -EINVAL; - } + default: + return -EINVAL; + } } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_SMP || CONFIG_BT_BREDR */ -u8_t bt_conn_index(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - u8_t index = conn - conns; +u8_t bt_conn_index(struct bt_conn *conn) { + u8_t index = conn - conns; - __ASSERT(index < CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN, "Invalid bt_conn pointer"); - return index; + __ASSERT(index < CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN, "Invalid bt_conn pointer"); + return index; } -struct bt_conn *bt_conn_lookup_id(u8_t id) -{ - struct bt_conn *conn; +struct bt_conn *bt_conn_lookup_id(u8_t id) { + struct bt_conn *conn; - if (id >= ARRAY_SIZE(conns)) { - return NULL; - } + if (id >= ARRAY_SIZE(conns)) { + return NULL; + } - conn = &conns[id]; + conn = &conns[id]; - if (!atomic_get(&conn->ref)) { - return NULL; - } + if (!atomic_get(&conn->ref)) { + return NULL; + } - return bt_conn_ref(conn); + return bt_conn_ref(conn); } -int bt_conn_init(void) -{ +int bt_conn_init(void) { #if defined(CONFIG_BT_SMP) - int err; + int err; #endif - int i; + size_t i; #if defined(BFLB_BLE) #if defined(BFLB_DYNAMIC_ALLOC_MEM) - net_buf_init(&acl_tx_pool, CONFIG_BT_L2CAP_TX_BUF_COUNT, BT_L2CAP_BUF_SIZE(CONFIG_BT_L2CAP_TX_MTU), NULL); + net_buf_init(&acl_tx_pool, CONFIG_BT_L2CAP_TX_BUF_COUNT, BT_L2CAP_BUF_SIZE(CONFIG_BT_L2CAP_TX_MTU), NULL); #if CONFIG_BT_L2CAP_TX_FRAG_COUNT > 0 - net_buf_init(&frag_pool, CONFIG_BT_L2CAP_TX_FRAG_COUNT, FRAG_SIZE, NULL); + net_buf_init(&frag_pool, CONFIG_BT_L2CAP_TX_FRAG_COUNT, FRAG_SIZE, NULL); #endif -#else //BFLB_DYNAMIC_ALLOC_MEM - struct net_buf_pool num_complete_pool; - struct net_buf_pool acl_tx_pool; +#else // BFLB_DYNAMIC_ALLOC_MEM + struct net_buf_pool num_complete_pool; + struct net_buf_pool acl_tx_pool; #if CONFIG_BT_L2CAP_TX_FRAG_COUNT > 0 - struct net_buf_pool frag_pool; + struct net_buf_pool frag_pool; #endif -#endif //BFLB_DYNAMIC_ALLOC_MEM - k_fifo_init(&free_tx, 20); +#endif // BFLB_DYNAMIC_ALLOC_MEM + k_fifo_init(&free_tx, 20); #endif - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(conn_tx); i++) { - k_fifo_put(&free_tx, &conn_tx[i]); - } + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(conn_tx); i++) { + k_fifo_put(&free_tx, &conn_tx[i]); + } - bt_att_init(); + bt_att_init(); #if defined(CONFIG_BT_SMP) - err = bt_smp_init(); - if (err) { - return err; - } + err = bt_smp_init(); + if (err) { + return err; + } #endif - bt_l2cap_init(); + bt_l2cap_init(); - /* Initialize background scan */ - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_CENTRAL)) { - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(conns); i++) { - struct bt_conn *conn = &conns[i]; + /* Initialize background scan */ + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_CENTRAL)) { + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(conns); i++) { + struct bt_conn *conn = &conns[i]; - if (!atomic_get(&conn->ref)) { - continue; - } + if (!atomic_get(&conn->ref)) { + continue; + } - if (atomic_test_bit(conn->flags, - BT_CONN_AUTO_CONNECT)) { - /* Only the default identity is supported */ - conn->id = BT_ID_DEFAULT; - bt_conn_set_state(conn, BT_CONN_CONNECT_SCAN); - } - } + if (atomic_test_bit(conn->flags, BT_CONN_AUTO_CONNECT)) { + /* Only the default identity is supported */ + conn->id = BT_ID_DEFAULT; + bt_conn_set_state(conn, BT_CONN_CONNECT_SCAN); + } } + } - return 0; + return 0; } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/conn_internal.h b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/conn_internal.h index 3e6f0fe7b5..180864e37c 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/conn_internal.h +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/conn_internal.h @@ -1,6 +1,9 @@ /** @file * @brief Internal APIs for Bluetooth connection handling. */ +#ifndef BLE_STACK_HOST_CONN_INTERNAL_H_ +#define BLE_STACK_HOST_CONN_INTERNAL_H_ + #include "addr.h" #include "atomic.h" #include "slist.h" @@ -8,6 +11,12 @@ #include "work_q.h" #include #include +#include "conn.h" + + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif /* * Copyright (c) 2015 Intel Corporation * @@ -324,3 +333,9 @@ void bt_conn_process_tx(struct bt_conn *conn); */ int bt_hci_get_conn_handle(const struct bt_conn *conn, u16_t *conn_handle); #endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +}; +#endif + +#endif //BLE_STACK_HOST_CONN_INTERNAL_H_ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/crypto.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/crypto.c index b1eeb8390e..5bcf4b2e85 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/crypto.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/crypto.c @@ -5,19 +5,19 @@ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ -#include #include +#include -#include #include +#include #include -#include #include +#include +#include #include #include -#include #include #define BT_DBG_ENABLED IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_DEBUG_HCI_CORE) @@ -28,140 +28,132 @@ static struct tc_hmac_prng_struct prng; -static int prng_reseed(struct tc_hmac_prng_struct *h) -{ - u8_t seed[32]; - s64_t extra; - int ret, i; +static int prng_reseed(struct tc_hmac_prng_struct *h) { + u8_t seed[32]; + s64_t extra; + int ret, i; - for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(seed) / 8); i++) { - struct bt_hci_rp_le_rand *rp; - struct net_buf *rsp; + for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(seed) / 8); i++) { + struct bt_hci_rp_le_rand *rp; + struct net_buf *rsp; - ret = bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_LE_RAND, NULL, &rsp); - if (ret) { - return ret; - } + ret = bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_LE_RAND, NULL, &rsp); + if (ret) { + return ret; + } - rp = (void *)rsp->data; - memcpy(&seed[i * 8], rp->rand, 8); + rp = (void *)rsp->data; + memcpy(&seed[i * 8], rp->rand, 8); - net_buf_unref(rsp); - } + net_buf_unref(rsp); + } - extra = k_uptime_get(); + extra = k_uptime_get(); - ret = tc_hmac_prng_reseed(h, seed, sizeof(seed), (u8_t *)&extra, - sizeof(extra)); - if (ret == TC_CRYPTO_FAIL) { - BT_ERR("Failed to re-seed PRNG"); - return -EIO; - } + ret = tc_hmac_prng_reseed(h, seed, sizeof(seed), (u8_t *)&extra, sizeof(extra)); + if (ret == TC_CRYPTO_FAIL) { + BT_ERR("Failed to re-seed PRNG"); + return -EIO; + } - return 0; + return 0; } -int prng_init(void) -{ - struct bt_hci_rp_le_rand *rp; - struct net_buf *rsp; - int ret; +int prng_init(void) { + struct bt_hci_rp_le_rand *rp; + struct net_buf *rsp; + int ret; - /* Check first that HCI_LE_Rand is supported */ - if (!BT_CMD_TEST(bt_dev.supported_commands, 27, 7)) { - return -ENOTSUP; - } + /* Check first that HCI_LE_Rand is supported */ + if (!BT_CMD_TEST(bt_dev.supported_commands, 27, 7)) { + return -ENOTSUP; + } - ret = bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_LE_RAND, NULL, &rsp); - if (ret) { - return ret; - } + ret = bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_LE_RAND, NULL, &rsp); + if (ret) { + return ret; + } - rp = (void *)rsp->data; + rp = (void *)rsp->data; - ret = tc_hmac_prng_init(&prng, rp->rand, sizeof(rp->rand)); + ret = tc_hmac_prng_init(&prng, rp->rand, sizeof(rp->rand)); - net_buf_unref(rsp); + net_buf_unref(rsp); - if (ret == TC_CRYPTO_FAIL) { - BT_ERR("Failed to initialize PRNG"); - return -EIO; - } + if (ret == TC_CRYPTO_FAIL) { + BT_ERR("Failed to initialize PRNG"); + return -EIO; + } - /* re-seed is needed after init */ - return prng_reseed(&prng); + /* re-seed is needed after init */ + return prng_reseed(&prng); } -int bt_rand(void *buf, size_t len) -{ +int bt_rand(void *buf, size_t len) { #if !defined(CONFIG_BT_GEN_RANDOM_BY_SW) - k_get_random_byte_array(buf, len); - return 0; + k_get_random_byte_array(buf, len); + return 0; #else - int ret; - ret = tc_hmac_prng_generate(buf, len, &prng); - if (ret == TC_HMAC_PRNG_RESEED_REQ) { - ret = prng_reseed(&prng); - if (ret) { - return ret; - } - - ret = tc_hmac_prng_generate(buf, len, &prng); + int ret; + ret = tc_hmac_prng_generate(buf, len, &prng); + if (ret == TC_HMAC_PRNG_RESEED_REQ) { + ret = prng_reseed(&prng); + if (ret) { + return ret; } - if (ret == TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS) { - return 0; - } + ret = tc_hmac_prng_generate(buf, len, &prng); + } - return -EIO; + if (ret == TC_CRYPTO_SUCCESS) { + return 0; + } + + return -EIO; #endif } -int bt_encrypt_le(const u8_t key[16], const u8_t plaintext[16], - u8_t enc_data[16]) -{ - struct tc_aes_key_sched_struct s; - u8_t tmp[16]; +int bt_encrypt_le(const u8_t key[16], const u8_t plaintext[16], u8_t enc_data[16]) { + struct tc_aes_key_sched_struct s; + u8_t tmp[16]; - BT_DBG("key %s", bt_hex(key, 16)); - BT_DBG("plaintext %s", bt_hex(plaintext, 16)); + BT_DBG("key %s", bt_hex(key, 16)); + BT_DBG("plaintext %s", bt_hex(plaintext, 16)); - sys_memcpy_swap(tmp, key, 16); + sys_memcpy_swap(tmp, key, 16); - if (tc_aes128_set_encrypt_key(&s, tmp) == TC_CRYPTO_FAIL) { - return -EINVAL; - } + if (tc_aes128_set_encrypt_key(&s, tmp) == TC_CRYPTO_FAIL) { + return -EINVAL; + } - sys_memcpy_swap(tmp, plaintext, 16); + sys_memcpy_swap(tmp, plaintext, 16); - if (tc_aes_encrypt(enc_data, tmp, &s) == TC_CRYPTO_FAIL) { - return -EINVAL; - } + if (tc_aes_encrypt(enc_data, tmp, &s) == TC_CRYPTO_FAIL) { + return -EINVAL; + } - sys_mem_swap(enc_data, 16); + sys_mem_swap(enc_data, 16); - BT_DBG("enc_data %s", bt_hex(enc_data, 16)); + BT_DBG("enc_data %s", bt_hex(enc_data, 16)); - return 0; + return 0; } -int bt_encrypt_be(const u8_t key[16], const u8_t plaintext[16], - u8_t enc_data[16]) -{ - struct tc_aes_key_sched_struct s; +int bt_encrypt_be(const u8_t key[16], const u8_t plaintext[16], u8_t enc_data[16]) { + struct tc_aes_key_sched_struct s; - BT_DBG("key %s", bt_hex(key, 16)); - BT_DBG("plaintext %s", bt_hex(plaintext, 16)); + BT_DBG("key %s", bt_hex(key, 16)); + BT_DBG("plaintext %s", bt_hex(plaintext, 16)); - if (tc_aes128_set_encrypt_key(&s, key) == TC_CRYPTO_FAIL) { - return -EINVAL; - } + if (tc_aes128_set_encrypt_key(&s, key) == TC_CRYPTO_FAIL) { + return -EINVAL; + } - if (tc_aes_encrypt(enc_data, plaintext, &s) == TC_CRYPTO_FAIL) { - return -EINVAL; - } + if (tc_aes_encrypt(enc_data, plaintext, &s) == TC_CRYPTO_FAIL) { + return -EINVAL; + } - BT_DBG("enc_data %s", bt_hex(enc_data, 16)); + BT_DBG("enc_data %s", bt_hex(enc_data, 16)); - return 0; + return 0; } diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/ecc.h b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/ecc.h index 70908c7faf..f740dc180f 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/ecc.h +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/ecc.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* ecc.h - ECDH helpers */ - +#include "types.h" /* * Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation * diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/gatt.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/gatt.c index e6ed08ae45..ef9856cb50 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/gatt.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/gatt.c @@ -6,29 +6,29 @@ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include #include +#include #include #include +#include +#include +#include +#include #include #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_CACHING) -#include -#include #include -#include #include +#include +#include +#include #endif /* CONFIG_BT_GATT_CACHING */ -#include #include -#include #include #include +#include +#include #if defined(BFLB_BLE) #include "ble_config.h" #include @@ -48,14 +48,14 @@ extern u8_t event_flag; #define LOG_MODULE_NAME bt_gatt #include "log.h" -#include "hci_core.h" +#include "att_internal.h" #include "conn_internal.h" +#include "gatt_internal.h" +#include "hci_core.h" #include "keys.h" #include "l2cap_internal.h" -#include "att_internal.h" -#include "smp.h" #include "settings.h" -#include "gatt_internal.h" +#include "smp.h" #define SC_TIMEOUT K_MSEC(10) #define CCC_STORE_DELAY K_SECONDS(1) @@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ static u16_t last_static_handle; /* Persistent storage format for GATT CCC */ struct ccc_store { - u16_t handle; - u16_t value; + u16_t handle; + u16_t value; }; #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_CLIENT) @@ -86,91 +86,69 @@ static atomic_t init; bt_gatt_mtu_changed_cb_t gatt_mtu_changed_cb; #endif -static ssize_t read_name(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, - void *buf, u16_t len, u16_t offset) -{ - const char *name = bt_get_name(); +static ssize_t read_name(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, u16_t len, u16_t offset) { + const char *name = bt_get_name(); - return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, name, - strlen(name)); + return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, name, strlen(name)); } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_DEVICE_NAME_GATT_WRITABLE) -static ssize_t write_name(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, - const void *buf, u16_t len, u16_t offset, - u8_t flags) -{ - char value[CONFIG_BT_DEVICE_NAME_MAX] = {}; +static ssize_t write_name(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, const void *buf, u16_t len, u16_t offset, u8_t flags) { + char value[CONFIG_BT_DEVICE_NAME_MAX] = {}; - if (offset) { - return BT_GATT_ERR(BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_OFFSET); - } + if (offset) { + return BT_GATT_ERR(BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_OFFSET); + } - if (len >= sizeof(value)) { - return BT_GATT_ERR(BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_LEN); - } + if (len >= sizeof(value)) { + return BT_GATT_ERR(BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_LEN); + } - memcpy(value, buf, len); + memcpy(value, buf, len); - bt_set_name(value); + bt_set_name(value); - return len; + return len; } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_DEVICE_NAME_GATT_WRITABLE */ -static ssize_t read_appearance(struct bt_conn *conn, - const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, - u16_t len, u16_t offset) -{ - u16_t appearance = sys_cpu_to_le16(gap_appearance); +static ssize_t read_appearance(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, u16_t len, u16_t offset) { + u16_t appearance = sys_cpu_to_le16(gap_appearance); - return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, &appearance, - sizeof(appearance)); + return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, &appearance, sizeof(appearance)); } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GAP_PERIPHERAL_PREF_PARAMS) /* This checks if the range entered is valid */ -BUILD_ASSERT(!(CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_MIN_INT > 3200 && - CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_MIN_INT < 0xffff)); -BUILD_ASSERT(!(CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_MAX_INT > 3200 && - CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_MAX_INT < 0xffff)); -BUILD_ASSERT(!(CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_TIMEOUT > 3200 && - CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_TIMEOUT < 0xffff)); -BUILD_ASSERT((CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_MIN_INT == 0xffff) || - (CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_MIN_INT <= - CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_MAX_INT)); - -static ssize_t read_ppcp(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, - void *buf, u16_t len, u16_t offset) -{ - struct __packed { - u16_t min_int; - u16_t max_int; - u16_t latency; - u16_t timeout; - } ppcp; - - ppcp.min_int = sys_cpu_to_le16(CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_MIN_INT); - ppcp.max_int = sys_cpu_to_le16(CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_MAX_INT); - ppcp.latency = sys_cpu_to_le16(CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_SLAVE_LATENCY); - ppcp.timeout = sys_cpu_to_le16(CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_TIMEOUT); - - return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, &ppcp, - sizeof(ppcp)); +BUILD_ASSERT(!(CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_MIN_INT > 3200 && CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_MIN_INT < 0xffff)); +BUILD_ASSERT(!(CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_MAX_INT > 3200 && CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_MAX_INT < 0xffff)); +BUILD_ASSERT(!(CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_TIMEOUT > 3200 && CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_TIMEOUT < 0xffff)); +BUILD_ASSERT((CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_MIN_INT == 0xffff) || (CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_MIN_INT <= CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_MAX_INT)); + +static ssize_t read_ppcp(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, u16_t len, u16_t offset) { + struct __packed { + u16_t min_int; + u16_t max_int; + u16_t latency; + u16_t timeout; + } ppcp; + + ppcp.min_int = sys_cpu_to_le16(CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_MIN_INT); + ppcp.max_int = sys_cpu_to_le16(CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_MAX_INT); + ppcp.latency = sys_cpu_to_le16(CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_SLAVE_LATENCY); + ppcp.timeout = sys_cpu_to_le16(CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_TIMEOUT); + + return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, &ppcp, sizeof(ppcp)); } #endif #if defined(CONFIG_BT_CENTRAL) && defined(CONFIG_BT_PRIVACY) -static ssize_t read_central_addr_res(struct bt_conn *conn, - const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, - u16_t len, u16_t offset) -{ - u8_t central_addr_res = BT_GATT_CENTRAL_ADDR_RES_SUPP; +static ssize_t read_central_addr_res(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, u16_t len, u16_t offset) { + u8_t central_addr_res = BT_GATT_CENTRAL_ADDR_RES_SUPP; - return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, - ¢ral_addr_res, sizeof(central_addr_res)); + return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, ¢ral_addr_res, sizeof(central_addr_res)); } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_CENTRAL && CONFIG_BT_PRIVACY */ @@ -183,24 +161,16 @@ BT_GATT_SERVICE_DEFINE(_2_gap_svc, #if defined(CONFIG_BT_DEVICE_NAME_GATT_WRITABLE) /* Require pairing for writes to device name */ - BT_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC(BT_UUID_GAP_DEVICE_NAME, - BT_GATT_CHRC_READ | BT_GATT_CHRC_WRITE, - BT_GATT_PERM_READ | BT_GATT_PERM_WRITE, - read_name, write_name, bt_dev.name), + BT_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC(BT_UUID_GAP_DEVICE_NAME, BT_GATT_CHRC_READ | BT_GATT_CHRC_WRITE, BT_GATT_PERM_READ | BT_GATT_PERM_WRITE, read_name, write_name, bt_dev.name), #else - BT_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC(BT_UUID_GAP_DEVICE_NAME, BT_GATT_CHRC_READ, - BT_GATT_PERM_READ, read_name, NULL, NULL), + BT_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC(BT_UUID_GAP_DEVICE_NAME, BT_GATT_CHRC_READ, BT_GATT_PERM_READ, read_name, NULL, NULL), #endif /* CONFIG_BT_DEVICE_NAME_GATT_WRITABLE */ - BT_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC(BT_UUID_GAP_APPEARANCE, BT_GATT_CHRC_READ, - BT_GATT_PERM_READ, read_appearance, NULL, NULL), + BT_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC(BT_UUID_GAP_APPEARANCE, BT_GATT_CHRC_READ, BT_GATT_PERM_READ, read_appearance, NULL, NULL), #if defined(CONFIG_BT_CENTRAL) && defined(CONFIG_BT_PRIVACY) - BT_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC(BT_UUID_CENTRAL_ADDR_RES, - BT_GATT_CHRC_READ, BT_GATT_PERM_READ, - read_central_addr_res, NULL, NULL), + BT_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC(BT_UUID_CENTRAL_ADDR_RES, BT_GATT_CHRC_READ, BT_GATT_PERM_READ, read_central_addr_res, NULL, NULL), #endif /* CONFIG_BT_CENTRAL && CONFIG_BT_PRIVACY */ #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GAP_PERIPHERAL_PREF_PARAMS) - BT_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC(BT_UUID_GAP_PPCP, BT_GATT_CHRC_READ, - BT_GATT_PERM_READ, read_ppcp, NULL, NULL), + BT_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC(BT_UUID_GAP_PPCP, BT_GATT_CHRC_READ, BT_GATT_PERM_READ, read_ppcp, NULL, NULL), #endif #if defined(BFLB_BLE_DISABLE_STATIC_ATTR) }; @@ -213,508 +183,459 @@ static struct bt_gatt_service gap_svc = BT_GATT_SERVICE(gap_attrs); #endif struct sc_data { - u16_t start; - u16_t end; + u16_t start; + u16_t end; } __packed; struct gatt_sc_cfg { - u8_t id; - bt_addr_le_t peer; - struct { - u16_t start; - u16_t end; - } data; + u8_t id; + bt_addr_le_t peer; + struct { + u16_t start; + u16_t end; + } data; }; #define SC_CFG_MAX (CONFIG_BT_MAX_PAIRED + CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN) static struct gatt_sc_cfg sc_cfg[SC_CFG_MAX]; BUILD_ASSERT(sizeof(struct sc_data) == sizeof(sc_cfg[0].data)); -static struct gatt_sc_cfg *find_sc_cfg(u8_t id, bt_addr_le_t *addr) -{ - BT_DBG("id: %u, addr: %s", id, bt_addr_le_str(addr)); +static struct gatt_sc_cfg *find_sc_cfg(u8_t id, bt_addr_le_t *addr) { + BT_DBG("id: %u, addr: %s", id, bt_addr_le_str(addr)); - for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sc_cfg); i++) { - if (id == sc_cfg[i].id && - !bt_addr_le_cmp(&sc_cfg[i].peer, addr)) { - return &sc_cfg[i]; - } + for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sc_cfg); i++) { + if (id == sc_cfg[i].id && !bt_addr_le_cmp(&sc_cfg[i].peer, addr)) { + return &sc_cfg[i]; } + } - return NULL; + return NULL; } -static void sc_store(struct gatt_sc_cfg *cfg) -{ - char key[BT_SETTINGS_KEY_MAX]; - int err; +static void sc_store(struct gatt_sc_cfg *cfg) { + char key[BT_SETTINGS_KEY_MAX]; + int err; - if (cfg->id) { - char id_str[4]; + if (cfg->id) { + char id_str[4]; - u8_to_dec(id_str, sizeof(id_str), cfg->id); - bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "sc", - &cfg->peer, id_str); - } else { - bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "sc", - &cfg->peer, NULL); - } + u8_to_dec(id_str, sizeof(id_str), cfg->id); + bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "sc", &cfg->peer, id_str); + } else { + bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "sc", &cfg->peer, NULL); + } - err = settings_save_one(key, (u8_t *)&cfg->data, sizeof(cfg->data)); - if (err) { - BT_ERR("failed to store SC (err %d)", err); - return; - } + err = settings_save_one(key, (u8_t *)&cfg->data, sizeof(cfg->data)); + if (err) { + BT_ERR("failed to store SC (err %d)", err); + return; + } - BT_DBG("stored SC for %s (%s, 0x%04x-0x%04x)", - bt_addr_le_str(&cfg->peer), log_strdup(key), cfg->data.start, - cfg->data.end); + BT_DBG("stored SC for %s (%s, 0x%04x-0x%04x)", bt_addr_le_str(&cfg->peer), log_strdup(key), cfg->data.start, cfg->data.end); } -static void sc_clear(struct gatt_sc_cfg *cfg) -{ - BT_DBG("peer %s", bt_addr_le_str(&cfg->peer)); +static void sc_clear(struct gatt_sc_cfg *cfg) { + BT_DBG("peer %s", bt_addr_le_str(&cfg->peer)); - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS)) { - bool modified = false; + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS)) { + bool modified = false; - if (cfg->data.start || cfg->data.end) { - modified = true; - } + if (cfg->data.start || cfg->data.end) { + modified = true; + } - if (modified && bt_addr_le_is_bonded(cfg->id, &cfg->peer)) { - char key[BT_SETTINGS_KEY_MAX]; - int err; - - if (cfg->id) { - char id_str[4]; - - u8_to_dec(id_str, sizeof(id_str), cfg->id); - bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "sc", - &cfg->peer, id_str); - } else { - bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "sc", - &cfg->peer, NULL); - } - - err = settings_delete(key); - if (err) { - BT_ERR("failed to delete SC (err %d)", err); - } else { - BT_DBG("deleted SC for %s (%s)", - bt_addr_le_str(&cfg->peer), - log_strdup(key)); - } - } + if (modified && bt_addr_le_is_bonded(cfg->id, &cfg->peer)) { + char key[BT_SETTINGS_KEY_MAX]; + int err; + + if (cfg->id) { + char id_str[4]; + + u8_to_dec(id_str, sizeof(id_str), cfg->id); + bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "sc", &cfg->peer, id_str); + } else { + bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "sc", &cfg->peer, NULL); + } + + err = settings_delete(key); + if (err) { + BT_ERR("failed to delete SC (err %d)", err); + } else { + BT_DBG("deleted SC for %s (%s)", bt_addr_le_str(&cfg->peer), log_strdup(key)); + } } + } - memset(cfg, 0, sizeof(*cfg)); + memset(cfg, 0, sizeof(*cfg)); } -static void sc_reset(struct gatt_sc_cfg *cfg) -{ - BT_DBG("peer %s", bt_addr_le_str(&cfg->peer)); +static void sc_reset(struct gatt_sc_cfg *cfg) { + BT_DBG("peer %s", bt_addr_le_str(&cfg->peer)); - memset(&cfg->data, 0, sizeof(cfg->data)); + memset(&cfg->data, 0, sizeof(cfg->data)); - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS)) { - sc_store(cfg); - } + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS)) { + sc_store(cfg); + } } -static bool update_range(u16_t *start, u16_t *end, u16_t new_start, - u16_t new_end) -{ - BT_DBG("start 0x%04x end 0x%04x new_start 0x%04x new_end 0x%04x", - *start, *end, new_start, new_end); +static bool update_range(u16_t *start, u16_t *end, u16_t new_start, u16_t new_end) { + BT_DBG("start 0x%04x end 0x%04x new_start 0x%04x new_end 0x%04x", *start, *end, new_start, new_end); - /* Check if inside existing range */ - if (new_start >= *start && new_end <= *end) { - return false; - } + /* Check if inside existing range */ + if (new_start >= *start && new_end <= *end) { + return false; + } - /* Update range */ - if (*start > new_start) { - *start = new_start; - } + /* Update range */ + if (*start > new_start) { + *start = new_start; + } - if (*end < new_end) { - *end = new_end; - } + if (*end < new_end) { + *end = new_end; + } - return true; + return true; } -static void sc_save(u8_t id, bt_addr_le_t *peer, u16_t start, u16_t end) -{ - struct gatt_sc_cfg *cfg; - bool modified = false; +static void sc_save(u8_t id, bt_addr_le_t *peer, u16_t start, u16_t end) { + struct gatt_sc_cfg *cfg; + bool modified = false; - BT_DBG("peer %s start 0x%04x end 0x%04x", bt_addr_le_str(peer), start, - end); + BT_DBG("peer %s start 0x%04x end 0x%04x", bt_addr_le_str(peer), start, end); - cfg = find_sc_cfg(id, peer); + cfg = find_sc_cfg(id, peer); + if (!cfg) { + /* Find and initialize a free sc_cfg entry */ + cfg = find_sc_cfg(BT_ID_DEFAULT, BT_ADDR_LE_ANY); if (!cfg) { - /* Find and initialize a free sc_cfg entry */ - cfg = find_sc_cfg(BT_ID_DEFAULT, BT_ADDR_LE_ANY); - if (!cfg) { - BT_ERR("unable to save SC: no cfg left"); - return; - } - - cfg->id = id; - bt_addr_le_copy(&cfg->peer, peer); + BT_ERR("unable to save SC: no cfg left"); + return; } - /* Check if there is any change stored */ - if (!(cfg->data.start || cfg->data.end)) { - cfg->data.start = start; - cfg->data.end = end; - modified = true; - goto done; - } + cfg->id = id; + bt_addr_le_copy(&cfg->peer, peer); + } + + /* Check if there is any change stored */ + if (!(cfg->data.start || cfg->data.end)) { + cfg->data.start = start; + cfg->data.end = end; + modified = true; + goto done; + } - modified = update_range(&cfg->data.start, &cfg->data.end, start, end); + modified = update_range(&cfg->data.start, &cfg->data.end, start, end); done: - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS) && - modified && bt_addr_le_is_bonded(cfg->id, &cfg->peer)) { - sc_store(cfg); - } + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS) && modified && bt_addr_le_is_bonded(cfg->id, &cfg->peer)) { + sc_store(cfg); + } } -static bool sc_ccc_cfg_write(struct bt_conn *conn, - const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, - u16_t value) -{ - BT_DBG("value 0x%04x", value); +static bool sc_ccc_cfg_write(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, u16_t value) { + BT_DBG("value 0x%04x", value); - if (value == BT_GATT_CCC_INDICATE) { - /* Create a new SC configuration entry if subscribed */ - sc_save(conn->id, &conn->le.dst, 0, 0); - } else { - struct gatt_sc_cfg *cfg; + if (value == BT_GATT_CCC_INDICATE) { + /* Create a new SC configuration entry if subscribed */ + sc_save(conn->id, &conn->le.dst, 0, 0); + } else { + struct gatt_sc_cfg *cfg; - /* Clear SC configuration if unsubscribed */ - cfg = find_sc_cfg(conn->id, &conn->le.dst); - if (cfg) { - sc_clear(cfg); - } + /* Clear SC configuration if unsubscribed */ + cfg = find_sc_cfg(conn->id, &conn->le.dst); + if (cfg) { + sc_clear(cfg); } + } - return true; + return true; } -static struct _bt_gatt_ccc sc_ccc = BT_GATT_CCC_INITIALIZER(NULL, - sc_ccc_cfg_write, - NULL); +static struct _bt_gatt_ccc sc_ccc = BT_GATT_CCC_INITIALIZER(NULL, sc_ccc_cfg_write, NULL); #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_CACHING) enum { - CF_CHANGE_AWARE, /* Client is changed aware */ - CF_OUT_OF_SYNC, /* Client is out of sync */ + CF_CHANGE_AWARE, /* Client is changed aware */ + CF_OUT_OF_SYNC, /* Client is out of sync */ - /* Total number of flags - must be at the end of the enum */ - CF_NUM_FLAGS, + /* Total number of flags - must be at the end of the enum */ + CF_NUM_FLAGS, }; #define CF_ROBUST_CACHING(_cfg) (_cfg->data[0] & BIT(0)) struct gatt_cf_cfg { - u8_t id; - bt_addr_le_t peer; - u8_t data[1]; - ATOMIC_DEFINE(flags, CF_NUM_FLAGS); + u8_t id; + bt_addr_le_t peer; + u8_t data[1]; + ATOMIC_DEFINE(flags, CF_NUM_FLAGS); }; #define CF_CFG_MAX (CONFIG_BT_MAX_PAIRED + CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN) static struct gatt_cf_cfg cf_cfg[CF_CFG_MAX] = {}; -static struct gatt_cf_cfg *find_cf_cfg(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - int i; - - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(cf_cfg); i++) { - if (!conn) { - if (!bt_addr_le_cmp(&cf_cfg[i].peer, BT_ADDR_LE_ANY)) { - return &cf_cfg[i]; - } - } else if (!bt_conn_addr_le_cmp(conn, &cf_cfg[i].peer)) { - return &cf_cfg[i]; - } +static struct gatt_cf_cfg *find_cf_cfg(struct bt_conn *conn) { + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(cf_cfg); i++) { + if (!conn) { + if (!bt_addr_le_cmp(&cf_cfg[i].peer, BT_ADDR_LE_ANY)) { + return &cf_cfg[i]; + } + } else if (!bt_conn_addr_le_cmp(conn, &cf_cfg[i].peer)) { + return &cf_cfg[i]; } + } - return NULL; + return NULL; } -static ssize_t cf_read(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, - void *buf, u16_t len, u16_t offset) -{ - struct gatt_cf_cfg *cfg; - u8_t data[1] = {}; +static ssize_t cf_read(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, u16_t len, u16_t offset) { + struct gatt_cf_cfg *cfg; + u8_t data[1] = {}; - cfg = find_cf_cfg(conn); - if (cfg) { - memcpy(data, cfg->data, sizeof(data)); - } + cfg = find_cf_cfg(conn); + if (cfg) { + memcpy(data, cfg->data, sizeof(data)); + } - return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, data, - sizeof(data)); + return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, data, sizeof(data)); } -static bool cf_set_value(struct gatt_cf_cfg *cfg, const u8_t *value, u16_t len) -{ - u16_t i; - u8_t last_byte = 1U; - u8_t last_bit = 1U; - - /* Validate the bits */ - for (i = 0U; i < len && i < last_byte; i++) { - u8_t chg_bits = value[i] ^ cfg->data[i]; - u8_t bit; - - for (bit = 0U; bit < last_bit; bit++) { - /* A client shall never clear a bit it has set */ - if ((BIT(bit) & chg_bits) && - (BIT(bit) & cfg->data[i])) { - return false; - } - } - } +static bool cf_set_value(struct gatt_cf_cfg *cfg, const u8_t *value, u16_t len) { + u16_t i; + u8_t last_byte = 1U; + u8_t last_bit = 1U; + + /* Validate the bits */ + for (i = 0U; i < len && i < last_byte; i++) { + u8_t chg_bits = value[i] ^ cfg->data[i]; + u8_t bit; - /* Set the bits for each octect */ - for (i = 0U; i < len && i < last_byte; i++) { - cfg->data[i] |= value[i] & ((1 << last_bit) - 1); - BT_DBG("byte %u: data 0x%02x value 0x%02x", i, cfg->data[i], - value[i]); + for (bit = 0U; bit < last_bit; bit++) { + /* A client shall never clear a bit it has set */ + if ((BIT(bit) & chg_bits) && (BIT(bit) & cfg->data[i])) { + return false; + } } + } - return true; + /* Set the bits for each octect */ + for (i = 0U; i < len && i < last_byte; i++) { + cfg->data[i] |= value[i] & ((1 << last_bit) - 1); + BT_DBG("byte %u: data 0x%02x value 0x%02x", i, cfg->data[i], value[i]); + } + + return true; } -static ssize_t cf_write(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, - const void *buf, u16_t len, u16_t offset, u8_t flags) -{ - struct gatt_cf_cfg *cfg; - const u8_t *value = buf; +static ssize_t cf_write(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, const void *buf, u16_t len, u16_t offset, u8_t flags) { + struct gatt_cf_cfg *cfg; + const u8_t *value = buf; - if (offset > sizeof(cfg->data)) { - return BT_GATT_ERR(BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_OFFSET); - } + if (offset > sizeof(cfg->data)) { + return BT_GATT_ERR(BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_OFFSET); + } - if (offset + len > sizeof(cfg->data)) { - return BT_GATT_ERR(BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_LEN); - } + if (offset + len > sizeof(cfg->data)) { + return BT_GATT_ERR(BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_LEN); + } - cfg = find_cf_cfg(conn); - if (!cfg) { - cfg = find_cf_cfg(NULL); - } + cfg = find_cf_cfg(conn); + if (!cfg) { + cfg = find_cf_cfg(NULL); + } - if (!cfg) { - BT_WARN("No space to store Client Supported Features"); - return BT_GATT_ERR(BT_ATT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES); - } + if (!cfg) { + BT_WARN("No space to store Client Supported Features"); + return BT_GATT_ERR(BT_ATT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES); + } - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x len %u", attr->handle, len); + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x len %u", attr->handle, len); - if (!cf_set_value(cfg, value, len)) { - return BT_GATT_ERR(BT_ATT_ERR_VALUE_NOT_ALLOWED); - } + if (!cf_set_value(cfg, value, len)) { + return BT_GATT_ERR(BT_ATT_ERR_VALUE_NOT_ALLOWED); + } - bt_addr_le_copy(&cfg->peer, &conn->le.dst); - atomic_set_bit(cfg->flags, CF_CHANGE_AWARE); + bt_addr_le_copy(&cfg->peer, &conn->le.dst); + atomic_set_bit(cfg->flags, CF_CHANGE_AWARE); - return len; + return len; } -static u8_t db_hash[16]; +static u8_t db_hash[16]; struct k_delayed_work db_hash_work; struct gen_hash_state { - struct tc_cmac_struct state; - int err; + struct tc_cmac_struct state; + int err; }; -static u8_t gen_hash_m(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) -{ - struct gen_hash_state *state = user_data; - struct bt_uuid_16 *u16; - u8_t data[16]; - ssize_t len; - u16_t value; - - if (attr->uuid->type != BT_UUID_TYPE_16) - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; - - u16 = (struct bt_uuid_16 *)attr->uuid; - - switch (u16->val) { - /* Attributes to hash: handle + UUID + value */ - case 0x2800: /* GATT Primary Service */ - case 0x2801: /* GATT Secondary Service */ - case 0x2802: /* GATT Include Service */ - case 0x2803: /* GATT Characteristic */ - case 0x2900: /* GATT Characteristic Extended Properties */ - value = sys_cpu_to_le16(attr->handle); - if (tc_cmac_update(&state->state, (uint8_t *)&value, - sizeof(attr->handle)) == TC_CRYPTO_FAIL) { - state->err = -EINVAL; - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; - } - - value = sys_cpu_to_le16(u16->val); - if (tc_cmac_update(&state->state, (uint8_t *)&value, - sizeof(u16->val)) == TC_CRYPTO_FAIL) { - state->err = -EINVAL; - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; - } - - len = attr->read(NULL, attr, data, sizeof(data), 0); - if (len < 0) { - state->err = len; - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; - } - - if (tc_cmac_update(&state->state, data, len) == - TC_CRYPTO_FAIL) { - state->err = -EINVAL; - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; - } - - break; - /* Attributes to hash: handle + UUID */ - case 0x2901: /* GATT Characteristic User Descriptor */ - case 0x2902: /* GATT Client Characteristic Configuration */ - case 0x2903: /* GATT Server Characteristic Configuration */ - case 0x2904: /* GATT Characteristic Presentation Format */ - case 0x2905: /* GATT Characteristic Aggregated Format */ - value = sys_cpu_to_le16(attr->handle); - if (tc_cmac_update(&state->state, (uint8_t *)&value, - sizeof(attr->handle)) == TC_CRYPTO_FAIL) { - state->err = -EINVAL; - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; - } - - value = sys_cpu_to_le16(u16->val); - if (tc_cmac_update(&state->state, (uint8_t *)&value, - sizeof(u16->val)) == TC_CRYPTO_FAIL) { - state->err = -EINVAL; - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; - } - break; - default: - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; - } +static u8_t gen_hash_m(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) { + struct gen_hash_state *state = user_data; + struct bt_uuid_16 *u16; + u8_t data[16]; + ssize_t len; + u16_t value; + if (attr->uuid->type != BT_UUID_TYPE_16) { return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; -} + } -static void db_hash_store(void) -{ - int err; + u16 = (struct bt_uuid_16 *)attr->uuid; - err = settings_save_one("bt/hash", &db_hash, sizeof(db_hash)); - if (err) { - BT_ERR("Failed to save Database Hash (err %d)", err); + switch (u16->val) { + /* Attributes to hash: handle + UUID + value */ + case 0x2800: /* GATT Primary Service */ + case 0x2801: /* GATT Secondary Service */ + case 0x2802: /* GATT Include Service */ + case 0x2803: /* GATT Characteristic */ + case 0x2900: /* GATT Characteristic Extended Properties */ + value = sys_cpu_to_le16(attr->handle); + if (tc_cmac_update(&state->state, (uint8_t *)&value, sizeof(attr->handle)) == TC_CRYPTO_FAIL) { + state->err = -EINVAL; + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; } - BT_DBG("Database Hash stored"); -} + value = sys_cpu_to_le16(u16->val); + if (tc_cmac_update(&state->state, (uint8_t *)&value, sizeof(u16->val)) == TC_CRYPTO_FAIL) { + state->err = -EINVAL; + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; + } -static void db_hash_gen(bool store) -{ - u8_t key[16] = {}; - struct tc_aes_key_sched_struct sched; - struct gen_hash_state state; + len = attr->read(NULL, attr, data, sizeof(data), 0); + if (len < 0) { + state->err = len; + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; + } - if (tc_cmac_setup(&state.state, key, &sched) == TC_CRYPTO_FAIL) { - BT_ERR("Unable to setup AES CMAC"); - return; + if (tc_cmac_update(&state->state, data, len) == TC_CRYPTO_FAIL) { + state->err = -EINVAL; + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; } - bt_gatt_foreach_attr(0x0001, 0xffff, gen_hash_m, &state); + break; + /* Attributes to hash: handle + UUID */ + case 0x2901: /* GATT Characteristic User Descriptor */ + case 0x2902: /* GATT Client Characteristic Configuration */ + case 0x2903: /* GATT Server Characteristic Configuration */ + case 0x2904: /* GATT Characteristic Presentation Format */ + case 0x2905: /* GATT Characteristic Aggregated Format */ + value = sys_cpu_to_le16(attr->handle); + if (tc_cmac_update(&state->state, (uint8_t *)&value, sizeof(attr->handle)) == TC_CRYPTO_FAIL) { + state->err = -EINVAL; + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; + } - if (tc_cmac_final(db_hash, &state.state) == TC_CRYPTO_FAIL) { - BT_ERR("Unable to calculate hash"); - return; + value = sys_cpu_to_le16(u16->val); + if (tc_cmac_update(&state->state, (uint8_t *)&value, sizeof(u16->val)) == TC_CRYPTO_FAIL) { + state->err = -EINVAL; + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; } + break; + default: + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + } + + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; +} + +static void db_hash_store(void) { + int err; + + err = settings_save_one("bt/hash", &db_hash, sizeof(db_hash)); + if (err) { + BT_ERR("Failed to save Database Hash (err %d)", err); + } + + BT_DBG("Database Hash stored"); +} + +static void db_hash_gen(bool store) { + u8_t key[16] = {}; + struct tc_aes_key_sched_struct sched; + struct gen_hash_state state; + + if (tc_cmac_setup(&state.state, key, &sched) == TC_CRYPTO_FAIL) { + BT_ERR("Unable to setup AES CMAC"); + return; + } + + bt_gatt_foreach_attr(0x0001, 0xffff, gen_hash_m, &state); + + if (tc_cmac_final(db_hash, &state.state) == TC_CRYPTO_FAIL) { + BT_ERR("Unable to calculate hash"); + return; + } - /** - * Core 5.1 does not state the endianess of the hash. - * However Vol 3, Part F, 3.3.1 says that multi-octet Characteristic - * Values shall be LE unless otherwise defined. PTS expects hash to be - * in little endianess as well. bt_smp_aes_cmac calculates the hash in - * big endianess so we have to swap. - */ - sys_mem_swap(db_hash, sizeof(db_hash)); + /** + * Core 5.1 does not state the endianess of the hash. + * However Vol 3, Part F, 3.3.1 says that multi-octet Characteristic + * Values shall be LE unless otherwise defined. PTS expects hash to be + * in little endianess as well. bt_smp_aes_cmac calculates the hash in + * big endianess so we have to swap. + */ + sys_mem_swap(db_hash, sizeof(db_hash)); #if !defined(BFLB_BLE) - BT_HEXDUMP_DBG(db_hash, sizeof(db_hash), "Hash: "); + BT_HEXDUMP_DBG(db_hash, sizeof(db_hash), "Hash: "); #endif - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS) && store) { - db_hash_store(); - } + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS) && store) { + db_hash_store(); + } } -static void db_hash_process(struct k_work *work) -{ - db_hash_gen(true); -} +static void db_hash_process(struct k_work *work) { db_hash_gen(true); } -static ssize_t db_hash_read(struct bt_conn *conn, - const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, - void *buf, u16_t len, u16_t offset) -{ - /* Check if db_hash is already pending in which case it shall be - * generated immediately instead of waiting the work to complete. - */ - if (k_delayed_work_remaining_get(&db_hash_work)) { - k_delayed_work_cancel(&db_hash_work); - db_hash_gen(true); - } +static ssize_t db_hash_read(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, u16_t len, u16_t offset) { + /* Check if db_hash is already pending in which case it shall be + * generated immediately instead of waiting the work to complete. + */ + if (k_delayed_work_remaining_get(&db_hash_work)) { + k_delayed_work_cancel(&db_hash_work); + db_hash_gen(true); + } - /* BLUETOOTH CORE SPECIFICATION Version 5.1 | Vol 3, Part G page 2347: - * Robust Caching - * A connected client becomes change-aware when... - * The client reads the Database Hash characteristic and then the server - * receives another ATT request from the client. - */ - bt_gatt_change_aware(conn, true); + /* BLUETOOTH CORE SPECIFICATION Version 5.1 | Vol 3, Part G page 2347: + * Robust Caching + * A connected client becomes change-aware when... + * The client reads the Database Hash characteristic and then the server + * receives another ATT request from the client. + */ + bt_gatt_change_aware(conn, true); - return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, db_hash, - sizeof(db_hash)); + return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, db_hash, sizeof(db_hash)); } -static void clear_cf_cfg(struct gatt_cf_cfg *cfg) -{ - bt_addr_le_copy(&cfg->peer, BT_ADDR_LE_ANY); - memset(cfg->data, 0, sizeof(cfg->data)); - atomic_set(cfg->flags, 0); +static void clear_cf_cfg(struct gatt_cf_cfg *cfg) { + bt_addr_le_copy(&cfg->peer, BT_ADDR_LE_ANY); + memset(cfg->data, 0, sizeof(cfg->data)); + atomic_set(cfg->flags, 0); } -static void remove_cf_cfg(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - struct gatt_cf_cfg *cfg; - - cfg = find_cf_cfg(conn); - if (!cfg) { - return; - } +static void remove_cf_cfg(struct bt_conn *conn) { + struct gatt_cf_cfg *cfg; - /* BLUETOOTH CORE SPECIFICATION Version 5.1 | Vol 3, Part G page 2405: - * For clients with a trusted relationship, the characteristic value - * shall be persistent across connections. For clients without a - * trusted relationship the characteristic value shall be set to the - * default value at each connection. - */ - if (!bt_addr_le_is_bonded(conn->id, &conn->le.dst)) { - clear_cf_cfg(cfg); - } else { - /* Update address in case it has changed */ - bt_addr_le_copy(&cfg->peer, &conn->le.dst); - } + cfg = find_cf_cfg(conn); + if (!cfg) { + return; + } + + /* BLUETOOTH CORE SPECIFICATION Version 5.1 | Vol 3, Part G page 2405: + * For clients with a trusted relationship, the characteristic value + * shall be persistent across connections. For clients without a + * trusted relationship the characteristic value shall be set to the + * default value at each connection. + */ + if (!bt_addr_le_is_bonded(conn->id, &conn->le.dst)) { + clear_cf_cfg(cfg); + } else { + /* Update address in case it has changed */ + bt_addr_le_copy(&cfg->peer, &conn->le.dst); + } } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_GATT_CACHING */ @@ -727,23 +648,17 @@ BT_GATT_SERVICE_DEFINE(_1_gatt_svc, #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_SERVICE_CHANGED) /* Bluetooth 5.0, Vol3 Part G: - * The Service Changed characteristic Attribute Handle on the server - * shall not change if the server has a trusted relationship with any - * client. - */ - BT_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC(BT_UUID_GATT_SC, BT_GATT_CHRC_INDICATE, - BT_GATT_PERM_NONE, NULL, NULL, NULL), + * The Service Changed characteristic Attribute Handle on the server + * shall not change if the server has a trusted relationship with any + * client. + */ + BT_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC(BT_UUID_GATT_SC, BT_GATT_CHRC_INDICATE, BT_GATT_PERM_NONE, NULL, NULL, NULL), BT_GATT_CCC_MANAGED(&sc_ccc, BT_GATT_PERM_READ | BT_GATT_PERM_WRITE), #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_CACHING) - BT_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC(BT_UUID_GATT_CLIENT_FEATURES, - BT_GATT_CHRC_READ | BT_GATT_CHRC_WRITE, - BT_GATT_PERM_READ | BT_GATT_PERM_WRITE, - cf_read, cf_write, NULL), - BT_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC(BT_UUID_GATT_DB_HASH, - BT_GATT_CHRC_READ, BT_GATT_PERM_READ, - db_hash_read, NULL, NULL), + BT_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC(BT_UUID_GATT_CLIENT_FEATURES, BT_GATT_CHRC_READ | BT_GATT_CHRC_WRITE, BT_GATT_PERM_READ | BT_GATT_PERM_WRITE, cf_read, cf_write, NULL), + BT_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC(BT_UUID_GATT_DB_HASH, BT_GATT_CHRC_READ, BT_GATT_PERM_READ, db_hash_read, NULL, NULL), #endif /* CONFIG_BT_GATT_CACHING */ #endif /* CONFIG_BT_GATT_SERVICE_CHANGED */ #if defined(BFLB_BLE_DISABLE_STATIC_ATTR) @@ -757,3233 +672,2905 @@ static struct bt_gatt_service gatt_svc = BT_GATT_SERVICE(gatt_attrs); #endif #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_DYNAMIC_DB) -static u8_t found_attr(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) -{ - const struct bt_gatt_attr **found = user_data; +static u8_t found_attr(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) { + const struct bt_gatt_attr **found = user_data; - *found = attr; + *found = attr; - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; } -static const struct bt_gatt_attr *find_attr(uint16_t handle) -{ - const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr = NULL; +static const struct bt_gatt_attr *find_attr(uint16_t handle) { + const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr = NULL; - bt_gatt_foreach_attr(handle, handle, found_attr, &attr); + bt_gatt_foreach_attr(handle, handle, found_attr, &attr); - return attr; + return attr; } -static void gatt_insert(struct bt_gatt_service *svc, u16_t last_handle) -{ - struct bt_gatt_service *tmp, *prev = NULL; - - if (last_handle == 0 || svc->attrs[0].handle > last_handle) { - sys_slist_append(&db, &svc->node); - return; - } +static void gatt_insert(struct bt_gatt_service *svc, u16_t last_handle) { + struct bt_gatt_service *tmp, *prev = NULL; - /* DB shall always have its service in ascending order */ - SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_CONTAINER(&db, tmp, node) - { - if (tmp->attrs[0].handle > svc->attrs[0].handle) { - if (prev) { - sys_slist_insert(&db, &prev->node, &svc->node); - } else { - sys_slist_prepend(&db, &svc->node); - } - return; - } + if (last_handle == 0 || svc->attrs[0].handle > last_handle) { + sys_slist_append(&db, &svc->node); + return; + } - prev = tmp; + /* DB shall always have its service in ascending order */ + SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_CONTAINER(&db, tmp, node) { + if (tmp->attrs[0].handle > svc->attrs[0].handle) { + if (prev) { + sys_slist_insert(&db, &prev->node, &svc->node); + } else { + sys_slist_prepend(&db, &svc->node); + } + return; } + + prev = tmp; + } } -static int gatt_register(struct bt_gatt_service *svc) -{ - struct bt_gatt_service *last; - u16_t handle, last_handle; - struct bt_gatt_attr *attrs = svc->attrs; - u16_t count = svc->attr_count; - - if (sys_slist_is_empty(&db)) { - handle = last_static_handle; - last_handle = 0; - goto populate; - } +static int gatt_register(struct bt_gatt_service *svc) { + struct bt_gatt_service *last; + u16_t handle, last_handle; + struct bt_gatt_attr *attrs = svc->attrs; + u16_t count = svc->attr_count; - last = SYS_SLIST_PEEK_TAIL_CONTAINER(&db, last, node); - handle = last->attrs[last->attr_count - 1].handle; - last_handle = handle; + if (sys_slist_is_empty(&db)) { + handle = last_static_handle; + last_handle = 0; + goto populate; + } -populate: - /* Populate the handles and append them to the list */ - for (; attrs && count; attrs++, count--) { - if (!attrs->handle) { - /* Allocate handle if not set already */ - attrs->handle = ++handle; - } else if (attrs->handle > handle) { - /* Use existing handle if valid */ - handle = attrs->handle; - } else if (find_attr(attrs->handle)) { - /* Service has conflicting handles */ - BT_ERR("Unable to register handle 0x%04x", - attrs->handle); - return -EINVAL; - } + last = SYS_SLIST_PEEK_TAIL_CONTAINER(&db, last, node); + handle = last->attrs[last->attr_count - 1].handle; + last_handle = handle; - BT_DBG("attr %p handle 0x%04x uuid %s perm 0x%02x", - attrs, attrs->handle, bt_uuid_str(attrs->uuid), - attrs->perm); +populate: + /* Populate the handles and append them to the list */ + for (; attrs && count; attrs++, count--) { + if (!attrs->handle) { + /* Allocate handle if not set already */ + attrs->handle = ++handle; + } else if (attrs->handle > handle) { + /* Use existing handle if valid */ + handle = attrs->handle; + } else if (find_attr(attrs->handle)) { + /* Service has conflicting handles */ + BT_ERR("Unable to register handle 0x%04x", attrs->handle); + return -EINVAL; } - gatt_insert(svc, last_handle); + BT_DBG("attr %p handle 0x%04x uuid %s perm 0x%02x", attrs, attrs->handle, bt_uuid_str(attrs->uuid), attrs->perm); + } - return 0; + gatt_insert(svc, last_handle); + + return 0; } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_GATT_DYNAMIC_DB */ enum { - SC_RANGE_CHANGED, /* SC range changed */ - SC_INDICATE_PENDING, /* SC indicate pending */ + SC_RANGE_CHANGED, /* SC range changed */ + SC_INDICATE_PENDING, /* SC indicate pending */ - /* Total number of flags - must be at the end of the enum */ - SC_NUM_FLAGS, + /* Total number of flags - must be at the end of the enum */ + SC_NUM_FLAGS, }; static struct gatt_sc { - struct bt_gatt_indicate_params params; - u16_t start; - u16_t end; - struct k_delayed_work work; - ATOMIC_DEFINE(flags, SC_NUM_FLAGS); + struct bt_gatt_indicate_params params; + u16_t start; + u16_t end; + struct k_delayed_work work; + ATOMIC_DEFINE(flags, SC_NUM_FLAGS); } gatt_sc; -static void sc_indicate_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, - const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, u8_t err) -{ +static void sc_indicate_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, u8_t err) { #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_CACHING) - struct gatt_cf_cfg *cfg; + struct gatt_cf_cfg *cfg; #endif - BT_DBG("err 0x%02x", err); + BT_DBG("err 0x%02x", err); - atomic_clear_bit(gatt_sc.flags, SC_INDICATE_PENDING); + atomic_clear_bit(gatt_sc.flags, SC_INDICATE_PENDING); - /* Check if there is new change in the meantime */ - if (atomic_test_bit(gatt_sc.flags, SC_RANGE_CHANGED)) { - /* Reschedule without any delay since it is waiting already */ - k_delayed_work_submit(&gatt_sc.work, K_NO_WAIT); - } + /* Check if there is new change in the meantime */ + if (atomic_test_bit(gatt_sc.flags, SC_RANGE_CHANGED)) { + /* Reschedule without any delay since it is waiting already */ + k_delayed_work_submit(&gatt_sc.work, K_NO_WAIT); + } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_CACHING) - /* BLUETOOTH CORE SPECIFICATION Version 5.1 | Vol 3, Part G page 2347: - * Robust Caching - * A connected client becomes change-aware when... - * The client receives and confirms a Service Changed indication. - */ - cfg = find_cf_cfg(conn); - if (cfg && CF_ROBUST_CACHING(cfg)) { - atomic_set_bit(cfg->flags, CF_CHANGE_AWARE); - BT_DBG("%s change-aware", bt_addr_le_str(&cfg->peer)); - } + /* BLUETOOTH CORE SPECIFICATION Version 5.1 | Vol 3, Part G page 2347: + * Robust Caching + * A connected client becomes change-aware when... + * The client receives and confirms a Service Changed indication. + */ + cfg = find_cf_cfg(conn); + if (cfg && CF_ROBUST_CACHING(cfg)) { + atomic_set_bit(cfg->flags, CF_CHANGE_AWARE); + BT_DBG("%s change-aware", bt_addr_le_str(&cfg->peer)); + } #endif } -static void sc_process(struct k_work *work) -{ - struct gatt_sc *sc = CONTAINER_OF(work, struct gatt_sc, work); - u16_t sc_range[2]; +static void sc_process(struct k_work *work) { + struct gatt_sc *sc = CONTAINER_OF(work, struct gatt_sc, work); + u16_t sc_range[2]; - __ASSERT(!atomic_test_bit(sc->flags, SC_INDICATE_PENDING), - "Indicate already pending"); + __ASSERT(!atomic_test_bit(sc->flags, SC_INDICATE_PENDING), "Indicate already pending"); - BT_DBG("start 0x%04x end 0x%04x", sc->start, sc->end); + BT_DBG("start 0x%04x end 0x%04x", sc->start, sc->end); - sc_range[0] = sys_cpu_to_le16(sc->start); - sc_range[1] = sys_cpu_to_le16(sc->end); + sc_range[0] = sys_cpu_to_le16(sc->start); + sc_range[1] = sys_cpu_to_le16(sc->end); - atomic_clear_bit(sc->flags, SC_RANGE_CHANGED); - sc->start = 0U; - sc->end = 0U; + atomic_clear_bit(sc->flags, SC_RANGE_CHANGED); + sc->start = 0U; + sc->end = 0U; #if defined(BFLB_BLE_DISABLE_STATIC_ATTR) - sc->params.attr = &gatt_attrs[2]; + sc->params.attr = &gatt_attrs[2]; #else - sc->params.attr = &_1_gatt_svc.attrs[2]; + sc->params.attr = &_1_gatt_svc.attrs[2]; #endif - sc->params.func = sc_indicate_rsp; - sc->params.data = &sc_range[0]; - sc->params.len = sizeof(sc_range); + sc->params.func = sc_indicate_rsp; + sc->params.data = &sc_range[0]; + sc->params.len = sizeof(sc_range); - if (bt_gatt_indicate(NULL, &sc->params)) { - /* No connections to indicate */ - return; - } + if (bt_gatt_indicate(NULL, &sc->params)) { + /* No connections to indicate */ + return; + } - atomic_set_bit(sc->flags, SC_INDICATE_PENDING); + atomic_set_bit(sc->flags, SC_INDICATE_PENDING); } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_STACK_PTS) -int service_change_test(struct bt_gatt_indicate_params *params, const struct bt_conn *con) -{ - u16_t sc_range[2]; +int service_change_test(struct bt_gatt_indicate_params *params, const struct bt_conn *con) { + u16_t sc_range[2]; - if (!params->attr) { + if (!params->attr) { #if defined(BFLB_BLE_DISABLE_STATIC_ATTR) - params->attr = &gatt_attrs[2]; + params->attr = &gatt_attrs[2]; #else - params->attr = &_1_gatt_svc.attrs[2]; + params->attr = &_1_gatt_svc.attrs[2]; #endif - } - sc_range[0] = 0x000e; - sc_range[1] = 0x001e; + } + sc_range[0] = 0x000e; + sc_range[1] = 0x001e; - params->data = &sc_range[0]; - params->len = sizeof(sc_range); + params->data = &sc_range[0]; + params->len = sizeof(sc_range); - if (bt_gatt_indicate(con, params)) { - /* No connections to indicate */ - return; - } + if (bt_gatt_indicate(con, params)) { + /* No connections to indicate */ + return; + } } #endif #if defined(CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS_CCC_STORE_ON_WRITE) static struct gatt_ccc_store { - struct bt_conn *conn_list[CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN]; - struct k_delayed_work work; + struct bt_conn *conn_list[CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN]; + struct k_delayed_work work; } gatt_ccc_store; -static bool gatt_ccc_conn_is_queued(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - return (conn == gatt_ccc_store.conn_list[bt_conn_index(conn)]); -} +static bool gatt_ccc_conn_is_queued(struct bt_conn *conn) { return (conn == gatt_ccc_store.conn_list[bt_conn_index(conn)]); } -static void gatt_ccc_conn_unqueue(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - u8_t index = bt_conn_index(conn); +static void gatt_ccc_conn_unqueue(struct bt_conn *conn) { + u8_t index = bt_conn_index(conn); - if (gatt_ccc_store.conn_list[index] != NULL) { - bt_conn_unref(gatt_ccc_store.conn_list[index]); - gatt_ccc_store.conn_list[index] = NULL; - } + if (gatt_ccc_store.conn_list[index] != NULL) { + bt_conn_unref(gatt_ccc_store.conn_list[index]); + gatt_ccc_store.conn_list[index] = NULL; + } } -static bool gatt_ccc_conn_queue_is_empty(void) -{ - for (size_t i = 0; i < CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN; i++) { - if (gatt_ccc_store.conn_list[i]) { - return false; - } +static bool gatt_ccc_conn_queue_is_empty(void) { + for (size_t i = 0; i < CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN; i++) { + if (gatt_ccc_store.conn_list[i]) { + return false; } + } - return true; + return true; } -static void ccc_delayed_store(struct k_work *work) -{ - struct gatt_ccc_store *ccc_store = - CONTAINER_OF(work, struct gatt_ccc_store, work); +static void ccc_delayed_store(struct k_work *work) { + struct gatt_ccc_store *ccc_store = CONTAINER_OF(work, struct gatt_ccc_store, work); - for (size_t i = 0; i < CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN; i++) { - struct bt_conn *conn = ccc_store->conn_list[i]; + for (size_t i = 0; i < CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN; i++) { + struct bt_conn *conn = ccc_store->conn_list[i]; - if (!conn) { - continue; - } + if (!conn) { + continue; + } - if (bt_addr_le_is_bonded(conn->id, &conn->le.dst)) { - bt_gatt_store_ccc(conn->id, &conn->le.dst); - bt_conn_unref(conn); - ccc_store->conn_list[i] = NULL; - } + if (bt_addr_le_is_bonded(conn->id, &conn->le.dst)) { + bt_gatt_store_ccc(conn->id, &conn->le.dst); + bt_conn_unref(conn); + ccc_store->conn_list[i] = NULL; } + } } #endif -void bt_gatt_init(void) -{ - if (!atomic_cas(&init, 0, 1)) { - return; - } +void bt_gatt_init(void) { + if (!atomic_cas(&init, 0, 1)) { + return; + } #if defined(BFLB_BLE_DISABLE_STATIC_ATTR) - /* Register mandatory services */ - gatt_register(&gap_svc); - gatt_register(&gatt_svc); + /* Register mandatory services */ + gatt_register(&gap_svc); + gatt_register(&gatt_svc); #else - Z_STRUCT_SECTION_FOREACH(bt_gatt_service_static, svc) - { - last_static_handle += svc->attr_count; - } + Z_STRUCT_SECTION_FOREACH(bt_gatt_service_static, svc) { last_static_handle += svc->attr_count; } #endif #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_CACHING) - k_delayed_work_init(&db_hash_work, db_hash_process); + k_delayed_work_init(&db_hash_work, db_hash_process); - /* Submit work to Generate initial hash as there could be static - * services already in the database. - */ - k_delayed_work_submit(&db_hash_work, DB_HASH_TIMEOUT); + /* Submit work to Generate initial hash as there could be static + * services already in the database. + */ + k_delayed_work_submit(&db_hash_work, DB_HASH_TIMEOUT); #endif /* CONFIG_BT_GATT_CACHING */ - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_GATT_SERVICE_CHANGED)) { - k_delayed_work_init(&gatt_sc.work, sc_process); - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS)) { - /* Make sure to not send SC indications until SC - * settings are loaded - */ - atomic_set_bit(gatt_sc.flags, SC_INDICATE_PENDING); - } + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_GATT_SERVICE_CHANGED)) { + k_delayed_work_init(&gatt_sc.work, sc_process); + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS)) { + /* Make sure to not send SC indications until SC + * settings are loaded + */ + atomic_set_bit(gatt_sc.flags, SC_INDICATE_PENDING); } + } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS_CCC_STORE_ON_WRITE) - k_delayed_work_init(&gatt_ccc_store.work, ccc_delayed_store); + k_delayed_work_init(&gatt_ccc_store.work, ccc_delayed_store); #endif } #if defined(BFLB_BLE) -void bt_gatt_deinit(void) -{ +void bt_gatt_deinit(void) { #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_CACHING) - k_delayed_work_del_timer(&db_hash_work); + k_delayed_work_del_timer(&db_hash_work); #endif - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_GATT_SERVICE_CHANGED)) { - k_delayed_work_del_timer(&gatt_sc.work); - } + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_GATT_SERVICE_CHANGED)) { + k_delayed_work_del_timer(&gatt_sc.work); + } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS_CCC_STORE_ON_WRITE) - k_delayed_work_del_timer(&gatt_ccc_store.work); + k_delayed_work_del_timer(&gatt_ccc_store.work); #endif } #endif -#if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_DYNAMIC_DB) || \ - (defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_CACHING) && defined(CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS)) -static void sc_indicate(u16_t start, u16_t end) -{ - BT_DBG("start 0x%04x end 0x%04x", start, end); +#if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_DYNAMIC_DB) || (defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_CACHING) && defined(CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS)) +static void sc_indicate(u16_t start, u16_t end) { + BT_DBG("start 0x%04x end 0x%04x", start, end); #if defined(BFLB_BLE_PATCH_SET_SCRANGE_CHAGD_ONLY_IN_CONNECTED_STATE) - struct bt_conn *conn = bt_conn_lookup_state_le(NULL, BT_CONN_CONNECTED); - if (conn) { + struct bt_conn *conn = bt_conn_lookup_state_le(NULL, BT_CONN_CONNECTED); + if (conn) { #endif - if (!atomic_test_and_set_bit(gatt_sc.flags, SC_RANGE_CHANGED)) { - gatt_sc.start = start; - gatt_sc.end = end; - goto submit; - } -#if defined(BFLB_BLE_PATCH_SET_SCRANGE_CHAGD_ONLY_IN_CONNECTED_STATE) + if (!atomic_test_and_set_bit(gatt_sc.flags, SC_RANGE_CHANGED)) { + gatt_sc.start = start; + gatt_sc.end = end; + goto submit; } +#if defined(BFLB_BLE_PATCH_SET_SCRANGE_CHAGD_ONLY_IN_CONNECTED_STATE) + } #endif - if (!update_range(&gatt_sc.start, &gatt_sc.end, start, end)) { - return; - } + if (!update_range(&gatt_sc.start, &gatt_sc.end, start, end)) { + return; + } submit: - if (atomic_test_bit(gatt_sc.flags, SC_INDICATE_PENDING)) { - BT_DBG("indicate pending, waiting until complete..."); - return; - } + if (atomic_test_bit(gatt_sc.flags, SC_INDICATE_PENDING)) { + BT_DBG("indicate pending, waiting until complete..."); + return; + } #if defined(BFLB_BLE_PATCH_SET_SCRANGE_CHAGD_ONLY_IN_CONNECTED_STATE) - if (conn) { + if (conn) { #endif - /* Reschedule since the range has changed */ - k_delayed_work_submit(&gatt_sc.work, SC_TIMEOUT); + /* Reschedule since the range has changed */ + k_delayed_work_submit(&gatt_sc.work, SC_TIMEOUT); #if defined(BFLB_BLE_PATCH_SET_SCRANGE_CHAGD_ONLY_IN_CONNECTED_STATE) - bt_conn_unref(conn); - } + bt_conn_unref(conn); + } #endif } #endif /* BT_GATT_DYNAMIC_DB || (BT_GATT_CACHING && BT_SETTINGS) */ #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_DYNAMIC_DB) -static void db_changed(void) -{ +static void db_changed(void) { #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_CACHING) - int i; + int i; - k_delayed_work_submit(&db_hash_work, DB_HASH_TIMEOUT); + k_delayed_work_submit(&db_hash_work, DB_HASH_TIMEOUT); - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(cf_cfg); i++) { - struct gatt_cf_cfg *cfg = &cf_cfg[i]; + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(cf_cfg); i++) { + struct gatt_cf_cfg *cfg = &cf_cfg[i]; - if (!bt_addr_le_cmp(&cfg->peer, BT_ADDR_LE_ANY)) { - continue; - } + if (!bt_addr_le_cmp(&cfg->peer, BT_ADDR_LE_ANY)) { + continue; + } - if (CF_ROBUST_CACHING(cfg)) { - /* Core Spec 5.1 | Vol 3, Part G, Robust Caching - *... the database changes again before the client - * becomes change-aware in which case the error response - * shall be sent again. - */ - atomic_clear_bit(cfg->flags, CF_OUT_OF_SYNC); - if (atomic_test_and_clear_bit(cfg->flags, - CF_CHANGE_AWARE)) { - BT_DBG("%s change-unaware", - bt_addr_le_str(&cfg->peer)); - } - } + if (CF_ROBUST_CACHING(cfg)) { + /* Core Spec 5.1 | Vol 3, Part G, Robust Caching + *... the database changes again before the client + * becomes change-aware in which case the error response + * shall be sent again. + */ + atomic_clear_bit(cfg->flags, CF_OUT_OF_SYNC); + if (atomic_test_and_clear_bit(cfg->flags, CF_CHANGE_AWARE)) { + BT_DBG("%s change-unaware", bt_addr_le_str(&cfg->peer)); + } } + } #endif } -int bt_gatt_service_register(struct bt_gatt_service *svc) -{ - int err; +int bt_gatt_service_register(struct bt_gatt_service *svc) { + int err; - __ASSERT(svc, "invalid parameters\n"); - __ASSERT(svc->attrs, "invalid parameters\n"); - __ASSERT(svc->attr_count, "invalid parameters\n"); + __ASSERT(svc, "invalid parameters\n"); + __ASSERT(svc->attrs, "invalid parameters\n"); + __ASSERT(svc->attr_count, "invalid parameters\n"); - /* Init GATT core services */ - bt_gatt_init(); + /* Init GATT core services */ + bt_gatt_init(); - /* Do no allow to register mandatory services twice */ - if (!bt_uuid_cmp(svc->attrs[0].uuid, BT_UUID_GAP) || - !bt_uuid_cmp(svc->attrs[0].uuid, BT_UUID_GATT)) { - return -EALREADY; - } + /* Do no allow to register mandatory services twice */ + if (!bt_uuid_cmp(svc->attrs[0].uuid, BT_UUID_GAP) || !bt_uuid_cmp(svc->attrs[0].uuid, BT_UUID_GATT)) { + return -EALREADY; + } - err = gatt_register(svc); - if (err < 0) { - return err; - } + err = gatt_register(svc); + if (err < 0) { + return err; + } - sc_indicate(svc->attrs[0].handle, - svc->attrs[svc->attr_count - 1].handle); + sc_indicate(svc->attrs[0].handle, svc->attrs[svc->attr_count - 1].handle); - db_changed(); + db_changed(); - return 0; + return 0; } -int bt_gatt_service_unregister(struct bt_gatt_service *svc) -{ - __ASSERT(svc, "invalid parameters\n"); +int bt_gatt_service_unregister(struct bt_gatt_service *svc) { + __ASSERT(svc, "invalid parameters\n"); - if (!sys_slist_find_and_remove(&db, &svc->node)) { - return -ENOENT; - } + if (!sys_slist_find_and_remove(&db, &svc->node)) { + return -ENOENT; + } - sc_indicate(svc->attrs[0].handle, - svc->attrs[svc->attr_count - 1].handle); + sc_indicate(svc->attrs[0].handle, svc->attrs[svc->attr_count - 1].handle); - db_changed(); + db_changed(); - return 0; + return 0; } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_GATT_DYNAMIC_DB */ -ssize_t bt_gatt_attr_read(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, - void *buf, u16_t buf_len, u16_t offset, - const void *value, u16_t value_len) -{ - u16_t len; +ssize_t bt_gatt_attr_read(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, u16_t buf_len, u16_t offset, const void *value, u16_t value_len) { + u16_t len; #if defined(CONFIG_BT_STACK_PTS) - u8_t *data = NULL; - u8_t i = 0; + u8_t *data = NULL; + u8_t i = 0; #endif - if (offset > value_len) { - return BT_GATT_ERR(BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_OFFSET); - } + if (offset > value_len) { + return BT_GATT_ERR(BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_OFFSET); + } - len = MIN(buf_len, value_len - offset); + len = MIN(buf_len, value_len - offset); - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x offset %u length %u", attr->handle, offset, - len); + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x offset %u length %u", attr->handle, offset, len); - memcpy(buf, (u8_t *)value + offset, len); + memcpy(buf, (u8_t *)value + offset, len); #if defined(CONFIG_BT_STACK_PTS) - /* PTS sends a request to iut read all primary services it contains. - * Set event flags to avoid comflicts when other test cases need to add reference codes. - */ - if (event_flag == att_read_by_group_type_ind) { - data = (u8_t *)buf; - for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { - BT_PTS("%s:handle = [0x%04x], data[%d] = [0x%x]\r\n", __func__, - attr->handle, i, data[i]); - } - } + /* PTS sends a request to iut read all primary services it contains. + * Set event flags to avoid comflicts when other test cases need to add reference codes. + */ + if (event_flag == att_read_by_group_type_ind) { + data = (u8_t *)buf; + for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { + BT_PTS("%s:handle = [0x%04x], data[%d] = [0x%x]\r\n", __func__, attr->handle, i, data[i]); + } + } #endif - return len; + return len; } -ssize_t bt_gatt_attr_read_service(struct bt_conn *conn, - const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, - void *buf, u16_t len, u16_t offset) -{ - struct bt_uuid *uuid = attr->user_data; +ssize_t bt_gatt_attr_read_service(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, u16_t len, u16_t offset) { + struct bt_uuid *uuid = attr->user_data; - if (uuid->type == BT_UUID_TYPE_16) { - u16_t uuid16 = sys_cpu_to_le16(BT_UUID_16(uuid)->val); + if (uuid->type == BT_UUID_TYPE_16) { + u16_t uuid16 = sys_cpu_to_le16(BT_UUID_16(uuid)->val); - return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, - &uuid16, 2); - } + return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, &uuid16, 2); + } - return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, - BT_UUID_128(uuid)->val, 16); + return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, BT_UUID_128(uuid)->val, 16); } struct gatt_incl { - u16_t start_handle; - u16_t end_handle; - u16_t uuid16; + u16_t start_handle; + u16_t end_handle; + u16_t uuid16; } __packed; -static u8_t get_service_handles(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, - void *user_data) -{ - struct gatt_incl *include = user_data; +static u8_t get_service_handles(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) { + struct gatt_incl *include = user_data; - /* Stop if attribute is a service */ - if (!bt_uuid_cmp(attr->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_PRIMARY) || - !bt_uuid_cmp(attr->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_SECONDARY)) { - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; - } + /* Stop if attribute is a service */ + if (!bt_uuid_cmp(attr->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_PRIMARY) || !bt_uuid_cmp(attr->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_SECONDARY)) { + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; + } - include->end_handle = attr->handle; + include->end_handle = attr->handle; - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; } #if !defined(BFLB_BLE_DISABLE_STATIC_ATTR) -static u16_t find_static_attr(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr) -{ - u16_t handle = 1; +static u16_t find_static_attr(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr) { + u16_t handle = 1; - Z_STRUCT_SECTION_FOREACH(bt_gatt_service_static, static_svc) - { - for (int i = 0; i < static_svc->attr_count; i++, handle++) { - if (attr == &static_svc->attrs[i]) { - return handle; - } - } + Z_STRUCT_SECTION_FOREACH(bt_gatt_service_static, static_svc) { + for (int i = 0; i < static_svc->attr_count; i++, handle++) { + if (attr == &static_svc->attrs[i]) { + return handle; + } } + } - return 0; + return 0; } #endif -ssize_t bt_gatt_attr_read_included(struct bt_conn *conn, - const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, - void *buf, u16_t len, u16_t offset) -{ - struct bt_gatt_attr *incl = attr->user_data; +ssize_t bt_gatt_attr_read_included(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, u16_t len, u16_t offset) { + struct bt_gatt_attr *incl = attr->user_data; #if defined(BFLB_BLE_DISABLE_STATIC_ATTR) - u16_t handle = incl->handle; + u16_t handle = incl->handle; #else - u16_t handle = incl->handle ?: find_static_attr(incl); + u16_t handle = incl->handle ?: find_static_attr(incl); #endif - struct bt_uuid *uuid = incl->user_data; - struct gatt_incl pdu; - u8_t value_len; - - /* first attr points to the start handle */ - pdu.start_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(handle); - value_len = sizeof(pdu.start_handle) + sizeof(pdu.end_handle); - - /* - * Core 4.2, Vol 3, Part G, 3.2, - * The Service UUID shall only be present when the UUID is a - * 16-bit Bluetooth UUID. - */ - if (uuid->type == BT_UUID_TYPE_16) { - pdu.uuid16 = sys_cpu_to_le16(BT_UUID_16(uuid)->val); - value_len += sizeof(pdu.uuid16); - } + struct bt_uuid *uuid = incl->user_data; + struct gatt_incl pdu; + u8_t value_len; + + /* first attr points to the start handle */ + pdu.start_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(handle); + value_len = sizeof(pdu.start_handle) + sizeof(pdu.end_handle); + + /* + * Core 4.2, Vol 3, Part G, 3.2, + * The Service UUID shall only be present when the UUID is a + * 16-bit Bluetooth UUID. + */ + if (uuid->type == BT_UUID_TYPE_16) { + pdu.uuid16 = sys_cpu_to_le16(BT_UUID_16(uuid)->val); + value_len += sizeof(pdu.uuid16); + } - /* Lookup for service end handle */ - bt_gatt_foreach_attr(handle + 1, 0xffff, get_service_handles, &pdu); + /* Lookup for service end handle */ + bt_gatt_foreach_attr(handle + 1, 0xffff, get_service_handles, &pdu); - return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, &pdu, value_len); + return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, &pdu, value_len); } struct gatt_chrc { - u8_t properties; - u16_t value_handle; - union { - u16_t uuid16; - u8_t uuid[16]; - }; + u8_t properties; + u16_t value_handle; + union { + u16_t uuid16; + u8_t uuid[16]; + }; } __packed; -uint16_t bt_gatt_attr_value_handle(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr) -{ - u16_t handle = 0; +uint16_t bt_gatt_attr_value_handle(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr) { + u16_t handle = 0; - if ((attr != NULL) && (attr->read == bt_gatt_attr_read_chrc)) { - struct bt_gatt_chrc *chrc = attr->user_data; + if ((attr != NULL) && (attr->read == bt_gatt_attr_read_chrc)) { + struct bt_gatt_chrc *chrc = attr->user_data; - handle = chrc->value_handle; + handle = chrc->value_handle; #if !defined(BFLB_BLE_DISABLE_STATIC_ATTR) - if (handle == 0) { - /* Fall back to Zephyr value handle policy */ - handle = (attr->handle ?: find_static_attr(attr)) + 1U; - } -#endif + if (handle == 0) { + /* Fall back to Zephyr value handle policy */ + handle = (attr->handle ?: find_static_attr(attr)) + 1U; } +#endif + } - return handle; + return handle; } -ssize_t bt_gatt_attr_read_chrc(struct bt_conn *conn, - const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, - u16_t len, u16_t offset) -{ - struct bt_gatt_chrc *chrc = attr->user_data; - struct gatt_chrc pdu; - u8_t value_len; - - pdu.properties = chrc->properties; - /* BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 4.2 [Vol 3, Part G] page 534: - * 3.3.2 Characteristic Value Declaration - * The Characteristic Value declaration contains the value of the - * characteristic. It is the first Attribute after the characteristic - * declaration. All characteristic definitions shall have a - * Characteristic Value declaration. - */ - pdu.value_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(bt_gatt_attr_value_handle(attr)); - - value_len = sizeof(pdu.properties) + sizeof(pdu.value_handle); - - if (chrc->uuid->type == BT_UUID_TYPE_16) { - pdu.uuid16 = sys_cpu_to_le16(BT_UUID_16(chrc->uuid)->val); - value_len += 2U; - } else { - memcpy(pdu.uuid, BT_UUID_128(chrc->uuid)->val, 16); - value_len += 16U; - } +ssize_t bt_gatt_attr_read_chrc(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, u16_t len, u16_t offset) { + struct bt_gatt_chrc *chrc = attr->user_data; + struct gatt_chrc pdu; + u8_t value_len; + + pdu.properties = chrc->properties; + /* BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 4.2 [Vol 3, Part G] page 534: + * 3.3.2 Characteristic Value Declaration + * The Characteristic Value declaration contains the value of the + * characteristic. It is the first Attribute after the characteristic + * declaration. All characteristic definitions shall have a + * Characteristic Value declaration. + */ + pdu.value_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(bt_gatt_attr_value_handle(attr)); - return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, &pdu, value_len); + value_len = sizeof(pdu.properties) + sizeof(pdu.value_handle); + + if (chrc->uuid->type == BT_UUID_TYPE_16) { + pdu.uuid16 = sys_cpu_to_le16(BT_UUID_16(chrc->uuid)->val); + value_len += 2U; + } else { + memcpy(pdu.uuid, BT_UUID_128(chrc->uuid)->val, 16); + value_len += 16U; + } + + return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, &pdu, value_len); } -static u8_t gatt_foreach_iter(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, - u16_t start_handle, u16_t end_handle, - const struct bt_uuid *uuid, - const void *attr_data, uint16_t *num_matches, - bt_gatt_attr_func_t func, void *user_data) -{ - u8_t result; +static u8_t gatt_foreach_iter(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, u16_t start_handle, u16_t end_handle, const struct bt_uuid *uuid, const void *attr_data, uint16_t *num_matches, bt_gatt_attr_func_t func, + void *user_data) { + u8_t result; - /* Stop if over the requested range */ - if (attr->handle > end_handle) { - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; - } + /* Stop if over the requested range */ + if (attr->handle > end_handle) { + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; + } - /* Check if attribute handle is within range */ - if (attr->handle < start_handle) { - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; - } + /* Check if attribute handle is within range */ + if (attr->handle < start_handle) { + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + } - /* Match attribute UUID if set */ - if (uuid && bt_uuid_cmp(uuid, attr->uuid)) { - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; - } + /* Match attribute UUID if set */ + if (uuid && bt_uuid_cmp(uuid, attr->uuid)) { + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + } - /* Match attribute user_data if set */ - if (attr_data && attr_data != attr->user_data) { - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; - } + /* Match attribute user_data if set */ + if (attr_data && attr_data != attr->user_data) { + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + } - *num_matches -= 1; + *num_matches -= 1; - result = func(attr, user_data); + result = func(attr, user_data); - if (!*num_matches) { - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; - } + if (!*num_matches) { + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; + } - return result; + return result; } -static void foreach_attr_type_dyndb(u16_t start_handle, u16_t end_handle, - const struct bt_uuid *uuid, - const void *attr_data, uint16_t num_matches, - bt_gatt_attr_func_t func, void *user_data) -{ +static void foreach_attr_type_dyndb(u16_t start_handle, u16_t end_handle, const struct bt_uuid *uuid, const void *attr_data, uint16_t num_matches, bt_gatt_attr_func_t func, void *user_data) { #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_DYNAMIC_DB) - int i; + int i; - struct bt_gatt_service *svc; + struct bt_gatt_service *svc; - SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_CONTAINER(&db, svc, node) - { - struct bt_gatt_service *next; + SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_CONTAINER(&db, svc, node) { + struct bt_gatt_service *next; - next = SYS_SLIST_PEEK_NEXT_CONTAINER(svc, node); - if (next) { - /* Skip ahead if start is not within service handles */ - if (next->attrs[0].handle <= start_handle) { - continue; - } - } + next = SYS_SLIST_PEEK_NEXT_CONTAINER(svc, node); + if (next) { + /* Skip ahead if start is not within service handles */ + if (next->attrs[0].handle <= start_handle) { + continue; + } + } - for (i = 0; i < svc->attr_count; i++) { - struct bt_gatt_attr *attr = &svc->attrs[i]; - - if (gatt_foreach_iter(attr, - start_handle, - end_handle, - uuid, attr_data, - &num_matches, - func, user_data) == - BT_GATT_ITER_STOP) { - return; - } - } + for (i = 0; i < svc->attr_count; i++) { + struct bt_gatt_attr *attr = &svc->attrs[i]; + + if (gatt_foreach_iter(attr, start_handle, end_handle, uuid, attr_data, &num_matches, func, user_data) == BT_GATT_ITER_STOP) { + return; + } } + } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_GATT_DYNAMIC_DB */ } -void bt_gatt_foreach_attr_type(u16_t start_handle, u16_t end_handle, - const struct bt_uuid *uuid, - const void *attr_data, uint16_t num_matches, - bt_gatt_attr_func_t func, void *user_data) -{ - int i; +void bt_gatt_foreach_attr_type(u16_t start_handle, u16_t end_handle, const struct bt_uuid *uuid, const void *attr_data, uint16_t num_matches, bt_gatt_attr_func_t func, void *user_data) { + int i; - if (!num_matches) { - num_matches = UINT16_MAX; - } + if (!num_matches) { + num_matches = UINT16_MAX; + } #if !defined(BFLB_BLE_DISABLE_STATIC_ATTR) - if (start_handle <= last_static_handle) { - u16_t handle = 1; - - Z_STRUCT_SECTION_FOREACH(bt_gatt_service_static, static_svc) - { - /* Skip ahead if start is not within service handles */ - if (handle + static_svc->attr_count < start_handle) { - handle += static_svc->attr_count; - continue; - } - - for (i = 0; i < static_svc->attr_count; i++, handle++) { - struct bt_gatt_attr attr; - - memcpy(&attr, &static_svc->attrs[i], - sizeof(attr)); - - attr.handle = handle; - - if (gatt_foreach_iter(&attr, start_handle, - end_handle, uuid, - attr_data, &num_matches, - func, user_data) == - BT_GATT_ITER_STOP) { - return; - } - } + if (start_handle <= last_static_handle) { + u16_t handle = 1; + + Z_STRUCT_SECTION_FOREACH(bt_gatt_service_static, static_svc) { + /* Skip ahead if start is not within service handles */ + if (handle + static_svc->attr_count < start_handle) { + handle += static_svc->attr_count; + continue; + } + + for (i = 0; i < static_svc->attr_count; i++, handle++) { + struct bt_gatt_attr attr; + + memcpy(&attr, &static_svc->attrs[i], sizeof(attr)); + + attr.handle = handle; + + if (gatt_foreach_iter(&attr, start_handle, end_handle, uuid, attr_data, &num_matches, func, user_data) == BT_GATT_ITER_STOP) { + return; } + } } + } #endif - /* Iterate over dynamic db */ - foreach_attr_type_dyndb(start_handle, end_handle, uuid, attr_data, - num_matches, func, user_data); + /* Iterate over dynamic db */ + foreach_attr_type_dyndb(start_handle, end_handle, uuid, attr_data, num_matches, func, user_data); } -static u8_t find_next(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) -{ - struct bt_gatt_attr **next = user_data; +static u8_t find_next(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) { + struct bt_gatt_attr **next = user_data; - *next = (struct bt_gatt_attr *)attr; + *next = (struct bt_gatt_attr *)attr; - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; } -struct bt_gatt_attr *bt_gatt_attr_next(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr) -{ - struct bt_gatt_attr *next = NULL; +struct bt_gatt_attr *bt_gatt_attr_next(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr) { + struct bt_gatt_attr *next = NULL; #if defined(BFLB_BLE_DISABLE_STATIC_ATTR) - u16_t handle = attr->handle; + u16_t handle = attr->handle; #else - u16_t handle = attr->handle ?: find_static_attr(attr); + u16_t handle = attr->handle ?: find_static_attr(attr); #endif - bt_gatt_foreach_attr(handle + 1, handle + 1, find_next, &next); + bt_gatt_foreach_attr(handle + 1, handle + 1, find_next, &next); - return next; + return next; } -static void clear_ccc_cfg(struct bt_gatt_ccc_cfg *cfg) -{ - bt_addr_le_copy(&cfg->peer, BT_ADDR_LE_ANY); - cfg->id = 0U; - cfg->value = 0U; +static void clear_ccc_cfg(struct bt_gatt_ccc_cfg *cfg) { + bt_addr_le_copy(&cfg->peer, BT_ADDR_LE_ANY); + cfg->id = 0U; + cfg->value = 0U; } -static struct bt_gatt_ccc_cfg *find_ccc_cfg(const struct bt_conn *conn, - struct _bt_gatt_ccc *ccc) -{ - for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ccc->cfg); i++) { - if (conn) { - if (conn->id == ccc->cfg[i].id && - !bt_conn_addr_le_cmp(conn, &ccc->cfg[i].peer)) { - return &ccc->cfg[i]; - } - } else if (!bt_addr_le_cmp(&ccc->cfg[i].peer, BT_ADDR_LE_ANY)) { - return &ccc->cfg[i]; - } +static struct bt_gatt_ccc_cfg *find_ccc_cfg(const struct bt_conn *conn, struct _bt_gatt_ccc *ccc) { + for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ccc->cfg); i++) { + if (conn) { + if (conn->id == ccc->cfg[i].id && !bt_conn_addr_le_cmp(conn, &ccc->cfg[i].peer)) { + return &ccc->cfg[i]; + } + } else if (!bt_addr_le_cmp(&ccc->cfg[i].peer, BT_ADDR_LE_ANY)) { + return &ccc->cfg[i]; } + } - return NULL; + return NULL; } -ssize_t bt_gatt_attr_read_ccc(struct bt_conn *conn, - const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, - u16_t len, u16_t offset) -{ - struct _bt_gatt_ccc *ccc = attr->user_data; - const struct bt_gatt_ccc_cfg *cfg; - u16_t value; +ssize_t bt_gatt_attr_read_ccc(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, u16_t len, u16_t offset) { + struct _bt_gatt_ccc *ccc = attr->user_data; + const struct bt_gatt_ccc_cfg *cfg; + u16_t value; - cfg = find_ccc_cfg(conn, ccc); - if (cfg) { - value = sys_cpu_to_le16(cfg->value); - } else { - /* Default to disable if there is no cfg for the peer */ - value = 0x0000; - } + cfg = find_ccc_cfg(conn, ccc); + if (cfg) { + value = sys_cpu_to_le16(cfg->value); + } else { + /* Default to disable if there is no cfg for the peer */ + value = 0x0000; + } - return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, &value, - sizeof(value)); + return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, &value, sizeof(value)); } -static void gatt_ccc_changed(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, - struct _bt_gatt_ccc *ccc) -{ - int i; - u16_t value = 0x0000; +static void gatt_ccc_changed(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, struct _bt_gatt_ccc *ccc) { + int i; + u16_t value = 0x0000; - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ccc->cfg); i++) { - if (ccc->cfg[i].value > value) { - value = ccc->cfg[i].value; - } + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ccc->cfg); i++) { + if (ccc->cfg[i].value > value) { + value = ccc->cfg[i].value; } + } - BT_DBG("ccc %p value 0x%04x", ccc, value); + BT_DBG("ccc %p value 0x%04x", ccc, value); - if (value != ccc->value) { - ccc->value = value; - if (ccc->cfg_changed) { - ccc->cfg_changed(attr, value); - } + if (value != ccc->value) { + ccc->value = value; + if (ccc->cfg_changed) { + ccc->cfg_changed(attr, value); } + } } -ssize_t bt_gatt_attr_write_ccc(struct bt_conn *conn, - const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, const void *buf, - u16_t len, u16_t offset, u8_t flags) -{ - struct _bt_gatt_ccc *ccc = attr->user_data; - struct bt_gatt_ccc_cfg *cfg; - u16_t value; +ssize_t bt_gatt_attr_write_ccc(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, const void *buf, u16_t len, u16_t offset, u8_t flags) { + struct _bt_gatt_ccc *ccc = attr->user_data; + struct bt_gatt_ccc_cfg *cfg; + u16_t value; - if (offset) { - return BT_GATT_ERR(BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_OFFSET); - } + if (offset) { + return BT_GATT_ERR(BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_OFFSET); + } - if (!len || len > sizeof(u16_t)) { - return BT_GATT_ERR(BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_LEN); - } + if (!len || len > sizeof(u16_t)) { + return BT_GATT_ERR(BT_ATT_ERR_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_LEN); + } - if (len < sizeof(u16_t)) { - value = *(u8_t *)buf; - } else { - value = sys_get_le16(buf); + if (len < sizeof(u16_t)) { + value = *(u8_t *)buf; + } else { + value = sys_get_le16(buf); + } + + cfg = find_ccc_cfg(conn, ccc); + if (!cfg) { + /* If there's no existing entry, but the new value is zero, + * we don't need to do anything, since a disabled CCC is + * behavioraly the same as no written CCC. + */ + if (!value) { + return len; } - cfg = find_ccc_cfg(conn, ccc); + cfg = find_ccc_cfg(NULL, ccc); if (!cfg) { - /* If there's no existing entry, but the new value is zero, - * we don't need to do anything, since a disabled CCC is - * behavioraly the same as no written CCC. - */ - if (!value) { - return len; - } - - cfg = find_ccc_cfg(NULL, ccc); - if (!cfg) { - BT_WARN("No space to store CCC cfg"); - return BT_GATT_ERR(BT_ATT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES); - } - - bt_addr_le_copy(&cfg->peer, &conn->le.dst); - cfg->id = conn->id; + BT_WARN("No space to store CCC cfg"); + return BT_GATT_ERR(BT_ATT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES); } - /* Confirm write if cfg is managed by application */ - if (ccc->cfg_write && !ccc->cfg_write(conn, attr, value)) { - return BT_GATT_ERR(BT_ATT_ERR_WRITE_NOT_PERMITTED); - } + bt_addr_le_copy(&cfg->peer, &conn->le.dst); + cfg->id = conn->id; + } - cfg->value = value; + /* Confirm write if cfg is managed by application */ + if (ccc->cfg_write && !ccc->cfg_write(conn, attr, value)) { + return BT_GATT_ERR(BT_ATT_ERR_WRITE_NOT_PERMITTED); + } - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x value %u", attr->handle, cfg->value); + cfg->value = value; - /* Update cfg if don't match */ - if (cfg->value != ccc->value) { - gatt_ccc_changed(attr, ccc); + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x value %u", attr->handle, cfg->value); + + /* Update cfg if don't match */ + if (cfg->value != ccc->value) { + gatt_ccc_changed(attr, ccc); #if defined(CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS_CCC_STORE_ON_WRITE) - if ((!gatt_ccc_conn_is_queued(conn)) && - bt_addr_le_is_bonded(conn->id, &conn->le.dst)) { - /* Store the connection with the same index it has in - * the conns array - */ - gatt_ccc_store.conn_list[bt_conn_index(conn)] = - bt_conn_ref(conn); - k_delayed_work_submit(&gatt_ccc_store.work, - CCC_STORE_DELAY); - } -#endif + if ((!gatt_ccc_conn_is_queued(conn)) && bt_addr_le_is_bonded(conn->id, &conn->le.dst)) { + /* Store the connection with the same index it has in + * the conns array + */ + gatt_ccc_store.conn_list[bt_conn_index(conn)] = bt_conn_ref(conn); + k_delayed_work_submit(&gatt_ccc_store.work, CCC_STORE_DELAY); } +#endif + } - /* Disabled CCC is the same as no configured CCC, so clear the entry */ - if (!value) { - clear_ccc_cfg(cfg); - } + /* Disabled CCC is the same as no configured CCC, so clear the entry */ + if (!value) { + clear_ccc_cfg(cfg); + } - return len; + return len; } -ssize_t bt_gatt_attr_read_cep(struct bt_conn *conn, - const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, - u16_t len, u16_t offset) -{ - const struct bt_gatt_cep *value = attr->user_data; - u16_t props = sys_cpu_to_le16(value->properties); +ssize_t bt_gatt_attr_read_cep(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, u16_t len, u16_t offset) { + const struct bt_gatt_cep *value = attr->user_data; + u16_t props = sys_cpu_to_le16(value->properties); - return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, &props, - sizeof(props)); + return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, &props, sizeof(props)); } -ssize_t bt_gatt_attr_read_cud(struct bt_conn *conn, - const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, - u16_t len, u16_t offset) -{ - const char *value = attr->user_data; +ssize_t bt_gatt_attr_read_cud(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, u16_t len, u16_t offset) { + const char *value = attr->user_data; - return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, value, - strlen(value)); + return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, value, strlen(value)); } -ssize_t bt_gatt_attr_read_cpf(struct bt_conn *conn, - const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, - u16_t len, u16_t offset) -{ - const struct bt_gatt_cpf *value = attr->user_data; +ssize_t bt_gatt_attr_read_cpf(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, u16_t len, u16_t offset) { + const struct bt_gatt_cpf *value = attr->user_data; - return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, value, - sizeof(*value)); + return bt_gatt_attr_read(conn, attr, buf, len, offset, value, sizeof(*value)); } struct notify_data { - int err; - u16_t type; - union { - struct bt_gatt_notify_params *nfy_params; - struct bt_gatt_indicate_params *ind_params; - }; + int err; + u16_t type; + union { + struct bt_gatt_notify_params *nfy_params; + struct bt_gatt_indicate_params *ind_params; + }; }; -static int gatt_notify(struct bt_conn *conn, u16_t handle, - struct bt_gatt_notify_params *params) -{ - struct net_buf *buf; - struct bt_att_notify *nfy; +static int gatt_notify(struct bt_conn *conn, u16_t handle, struct bt_gatt_notify_params *params) { + struct net_buf *buf; + struct bt_att_notify *nfy; #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_ENFORCE_CHANGE_UNAWARE) - /* BLUETOOTH CORE SPECIFICATION Version 5.1 | Vol 3, Part G page 2350: - * Except for the Handle Value indication, the server shall not send - * notifications and indications to such a client until it becomes - * change-aware. - */ - if (!bt_gatt_change_aware(conn, false)) { - return -EAGAIN; - } + /* BLUETOOTH CORE SPECIFICATION Version 5.1 | Vol 3, Part G page 2350: + * Except for the Handle Value indication, the server shall not send + * notifications and indications to such a client until it becomes + * change-aware. + */ + if (!bt_gatt_change_aware(conn, false)) { + return -EAGAIN; + } #endif - buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_NOTIFY, - sizeof(*nfy) + params->len); - if (!buf) { - BT_WARN("No buffer available to send notification"); - return -ENOMEM; - } + buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_NOTIFY, sizeof(*nfy) + params->len); + if (!buf) { + BT_WARN("No buffer available to send notification"); + return -ENOMEM; + } - BT_DBG("conn %p handle 0x%04x", conn, handle); + BT_DBG("conn %p handle 0x%04x", conn, handle); - nfy = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*nfy)); - nfy->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(handle); + nfy = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*nfy)); + nfy->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(handle); - net_buf_add(buf, params->len); - memcpy(nfy->value, params->data, params->len); + net_buf_add(buf, params->len); + memcpy(nfy->value, params->data, params->len); - return bt_att_send(conn, buf, params->func, params->user_data); + return bt_att_send(conn, buf, params->func, params->user_data); } -static void gatt_indicate_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t err, - const void *pdu, u16_t length, void *user_data) -{ - struct bt_gatt_indicate_params *params = user_data; +static void gatt_indicate_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t err, const void *pdu, u16_t length, void *user_data) { + struct bt_gatt_indicate_params *params = user_data; - params->func(conn, params->attr, err); + params->func(conn, params->attr, err); } -static int gatt_send(struct bt_conn *conn, struct net_buf *buf, - bt_att_func_t func, void *params, - bt_att_destroy_t destroy) -{ - int err; +static int gatt_send(struct bt_conn *conn, struct net_buf *buf, bt_att_func_t func, void *params, bt_att_destroy_t destroy) { + int err; - if (params) { - struct bt_att_req *req = params; - req->buf = buf; - req->func = func; - req->destroy = destroy; + if (params) { + struct bt_att_req *req = params; + req->buf = buf; + req->func = func; + req->destroy = destroy; - err = bt_att_req_send(conn, req); - } else { - err = bt_att_send(conn, buf, NULL, NULL); - } + err = bt_att_req_send(conn, req); + } else { + err = bt_att_send(conn, buf, NULL, NULL); + } - if (err) { - BT_ERR("Error sending ATT PDU: %d", err); - } + if (err) { + BT_ERR("Error sending ATT PDU: %d", err); + } - return err; + return err; } -static int gatt_indicate(struct bt_conn *conn, u16_t handle, - struct bt_gatt_indicate_params *params) -{ - struct net_buf *buf; - struct bt_att_indicate *ind; +static int gatt_indicate(struct bt_conn *conn, u16_t handle, struct bt_gatt_indicate_params *params) { + struct net_buf *buf; + struct bt_att_indicate *ind; #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_ENFORCE_CHANGE_UNAWARE) - /* BLUETOOTH CORE SPECIFICATION Version 5.1 | Vol 3, Part G page 2350: - * Except for the Handle Value indication, the server shall not send - * notifications and indications to such a client until it becomes - * change-aware. - */ - if (!(params->func && (params->func == sc_indicate_rsp || - params->func == sc_restore_rsp)) && - !bt_gatt_change_aware(conn, false)) { - return -EAGAIN; - } + /* BLUETOOTH CORE SPECIFICATION Version 5.1 | Vol 3, Part G page 2350: + * Except for the Handle Value indication, the server shall not send + * notifications and indications to such a client until it becomes + * change-aware. + */ + if (!(params->func && (params->func == sc_indicate_rsp || params->func == sc_restore_rsp)) && !bt_gatt_change_aware(conn, false)) { + return -EAGAIN; + } #endif - buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_INDICATE, - sizeof(*ind) + params->len); - if (!buf) { - BT_WARN("No buffer available to send indication"); - return -ENOMEM; - } + buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_INDICATE, sizeof(*ind) + params->len); + if (!buf) { + BT_WARN("No buffer available to send indication"); + return -ENOMEM; + } - BT_DBG("conn %p handle 0x%04x", conn, handle); + BT_DBG("conn %p handle 0x%04x", conn, handle); - ind = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*ind)); - ind->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(handle); + ind = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*ind)); + ind->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(handle); - net_buf_add(buf, params->len); - memcpy(ind->value, params->data, params->len); + net_buf_add(buf, params->len); + memcpy(ind->value, params->data, params->len); - if (!params->func) { - return gatt_send(conn, buf, NULL, NULL, NULL); - } + if (!params->func) { + return gatt_send(conn, buf, NULL, NULL, NULL); + } - return gatt_send(conn, buf, gatt_indicate_rsp, params, NULL); + return gatt_send(conn, buf, gatt_indicate_rsp, params, NULL); } -static u8_t notify_cb(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) -{ - struct notify_data *data = user_data; - struct _bt_gatt_ccc *ccc; - size_t i; +static u8_t notify_cb(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) { + struct notify_data *data = user_data; + struct _bt_gatt_ccc *ccc; + size_t i; - /* Check attribute user_data must be of type struct _bt_gatt_ccc */ - if (attr->write != bt_gatt_attr_write_ccc) { - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; - } + /* Check attribute user_data must be of type struct _bt_gatt_ccc */ + if (attr->write != bt_gatt_attr_write_ccc) { + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + } - ccc = attr->user_data; - - /* Save Service Changed data if peer is not connected */ - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_GATT_SERVICE_CHANGED) && ccc == &sc_ccc) { - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sc_cfg); i++) { - struct gatt_sc_cfg *cfg = &sc_cfg[i]; - struct bt_conn *conn; - - if (!bt_addr_le_cmp(&cfg->peer, BT_ADDR_LE_ANY)) { - continue; - } - - conn = bt_conn_lookup_state_le(&cfg->peer, - BT_CONN_CONNECTED); - if (!conn) { - struct sc_data *sc; - - sc = (struct sc_data *)data->ind_params->data; - sc_save(cfg->id, &cfg->peer, - sys_le16_to_cpu(sc->start), - sys_le16_to_cpu(sc->end)); - continue; - } - bt_conn_unref(conn); - } + ccc = attr->user_data; + + /* Save Service Changed data if peer is not connected */ + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_GATT_SERVICE_CHANGED) && ccc == &sc_ccc) { + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sc_cfg); i++) { + struct gatt_sc_cfg *cfg = &sc_cfg[i]; + struct bt_conn *conn; + + if (!bt_addr_le_cmp(&cfg->peer, BT_ADDR_LE_ANY)) { + continue; + } + + conn = bt_conn_lookup_state_le(&cfg->peer, BT_CONN_CONNECTED); + if (!conn) { + struct sc_data *sc; + + sc = (struct sc_data *)data->ind_params->data; + sc_save(cfg->id, &cfg->peer, sys_le16_to_cpu(sc->start), sys_le16_to_cpu(sc->end)); + continue; + } + bt_conn_unref(conn); } + } - /* Notify all peers configured */ - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ccc->cfg); i++) { - struct bt_gatt_ccc_cfg *cfg = &ccc->cfg[i]; - struct bt_conn *conn; - int err; - - /* Check if config value matches data type since consolidated - * value may be for a different peer. - */ - if (cfg->value != data->type) { - continue; - } + /* Notify all peers configured */ + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ccc->cfg); i++) { + struct bt_gatt_ccc_cfg *cfg = &ccc->cfg[i]; + struct bt_conn *conn; + int err; - conn = bt_conn_lookup_addr_le(cfg->id, &cfg->peer); - if (!conn) { - continue; - } + /* Check if config value matches data type since consolidated + * value may be for a different peer. + */ + if (cfg->value != data->type) { + continue; + } - if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { - bt_conn_unref(conn); - continue; - } + conn = bt_conn_lookup_addr_le(cfg->id, &cfg->peer); + if (!conn) { + continue; + } - /* Confirm match if cfg is managed by application */ - if (ccc->cfg_match && !ccc->cfg_match(conn, attr)) { - bt_conn_unref(conn); - continue; - } + if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { + bt_conn_unref(conn); + continue; + } - if (data->type == BT_GATT_CCC_INDICATE) { - err = gatt_indicate(conn, attr->handle - 1, - data->ind_params); - } else { - err = gatt_notify(conn, attr->handle - 1, - data->nfy_params); - } + /* Confirm match if cfg is managed by application */ + if (ccc->cfg_match && !ccc->cfg_match(conn, attr)) { + bt_conn_unref(conn); + continue; + } - bt_conn_unref(conn); + if (data->type == BT_GATT_CCC_INDICATE) { + err = gatt_indicate(conn, attr->handle - 1, data->ind_params); + } else { + err = gatt_notify(conn, attr->handle - 1, data->nfy_params); + } - if (err < 0) { - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; - } + bt_conn_unref(conn); - data->err = 0; + if (err < 0) { + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; } - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + data->err = 0; + } + + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; } -static u8_t match_uuid(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) -{ - const struct bt_gatt_attr **found = user_data; +static u8_t match_uuid(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) { + const struct bt_gatt_attr **found = user_data; - *found = attr; + *found = attr; - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; } -int bt_gatt_notify_cb(struct bt_conn *conn, - struct bt_gatt_notify_params *params) -{ - struct notify_data data; - const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr; - u16_t handle; +int bt_gatt_notify_cb(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_notify_params *params) { + struct notify_data data; + const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr; + u16_t handle; + + __ASSERT(params, "invalid parameters\n"); + __ASSERT(params->attr, "invalid parameters\n"); - __ASSERT(params, "invalid parameters\n"); - __ASSERT(params->attr, "invalid parameters\n"); + attr = params->attr; + + if (conn && conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { + return -ENOTCONN; + } +#if !defined(BFLB_BLE_DISABLE_STATIC_ATTR) + handle = attr->handle ?: find_static_attr(attr); +#endif + if (!handle) { + return -ENOENT; + } - attr = params->attr; + /* Lookup UUID if it was given */ + if (params->uuid) { + attr = NULL; - if (conn && conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { - return -ENOTCONN; + bt_gatt_foreach_attr_type(handle, 0xffff, params->uuid, NULL, 1, match_uuid, &attr); + if (!attr) { + return -ENOENT; } #if !defined(BFLB_BLE_DISABLE_STATIC_ATTR) handle = attr->handle ?: find_static_attr(attr); #endif if (!handle) { - return -ENOENT; + return -ENOENT; } + } - /* Lookup UUID if it was given */ - if (params->uuid) { - attr = NULL; + /* Check if attribute is a characteristic then adjust the handle */ + if (!bt_uuid_cmp(attr->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_CHRC)) { + struct bt_gatt_chrc *chrc = attr->user_data; - bt_gatt_foreach_attr_type(handle, 0xffff, params->uuid, - NULL, 1, match_uuid, &attr); - if (!attr) { - return -ENOENT; - } -#if !defined(BFLB_BLE_DISABLE_STATIC_ATTR) - handle = attr->handle ?: find_static_attr(attr); -#endif - if (!handle) { - return -ENOENT; - } + if (!(chrc->properties & BT_GATT_CHRC_NOTIFY)) { + return -EINVAL; } - /* Check if attribute is a characteristic then adjust the handle */ - if (!bt_uuid_cmp(attr->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_CHRC)) { - struct bt_gatt_chrc *chrc = attr->user_data; + handle = bt_gatt_attr_value_handle(attr); + } - if (!(chrc->properties & BT_GATT_CHRC_NOTIFY)) { - return -EINVAL; - } + if (conn) { + return gatt_notify(conn, handle, params); + } - handle = bt_gatt_attr_value_handle(attr); - } + data.err = -ENOTCONN; + data.type = BT_GATT_CCC_NOTIFY; + data.nfy_params = params; - if (conn) { - return gatt_notify(conn, handle, params); - } + bt_gatt_foreach_attr_type(handle, 0xffff, BT_UUID_GATT_CCC, NULL, 1, notify_cb, &data); - data.err = -ENOTCONN; - data.type = BT_GATT_CCC_NOTIFY; - data.nfy_params = params; + return data.err; +} - bt_gatt_foreach_attr_type(handle, 0xffff, BT_UUID_GATT_CCC, NULL, 1, - notify_cb, &data); +int bt_gatt_indicate(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_indicate_params *params) { + struct notify_data data; + const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr; + u16_t handle; - return data.err; -} + __ASSERT(params, "invalid parameters\n"); + __ASSERT(params->attr, "invalid parameters\n"); -int bt_gatt_indicate(struct bt_conn *conn, - struct bt_gatt_indicate_params *params) -{ - struct notify_data data; - const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr; - u16_t handle; + attr = params->attr; - __ASSERT(params, "invalid parameters\n"); - __ASSERT(params->attr, "invalid parameters\n"); + if (conn && conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { + return -ENOTCONN; + } +#if !defined(BFLB_BLE_DISABLE_STATIC_ATTR) + handle = attr->handle ?: find_static_attr(attr); +#endif + if (!handle) { + return -ENOENT; + } - attr = params->attr; + /* Lookup UUID if it was given */ + if (params->uuid) { + attr = NULL; - if (conn && conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { - return -ENOTCONN; + bt_gatt_foreach_attr_type(handle, 0xffff, params->uuid, NULL, 1, match_uuid, &attr); + if (!attr) { + return -ENOENT; } #if !defined(BFLB_BLE_DISABLE_STATIC_ATTR) handle = attr->handle ?: find_static_attr(attr); #endif if (!handle) { - return -ENOENT; + return -ENOENT; } + } - /* Lookup UUID if it was given */ - if (params->uuid) { - attr = NULL; + /* Check if attribute is a characteristic then adjust the handle */ + if (!bt_uuid_cmp(attr->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_CHRC)) { + struct bt_gatt_chrc *chrc = params->attr->user_data; - bt_gatt_foreach_attr_type(handle, 0xffff, params->uuid, - NULL, 1, match_uuid, &attr); - if (!attr) { - return -ENOENT; - } -#if !defined(BFLB_BLE_DISABLE_STATIC_ATTR) - handle = attr->handle ?: find_static_attr(attr); -#endif - if (!handle) { - return -ENOENT; - } + if (!(chrc->properties & BT_GATT_CHRC_INDICATE)) { + return -EINVAL; } - /* Check if attribute is a characteristic then adjust the handle */ - if (!bt_uuid_cmp(attr->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_CHRC)) { - struct bt_gatt_chrc *chrc = params->attr->user_data; - - if (!(chrc->properties & BT_GATT_CHRC_INDICATE)) { - return -EINVAL; - } - - handle = bt_gatt_attr_value_handle(params->attr); - } + handle = bt_gatt_attr_value_handle(params->attr); + } - if (conn) { - return gatt_indicate(conn, handle, params); - } + if (conn) { + return gatt_indicate(conn, handle, params); + } - data.err = -ENOTCONN; - data.type = BT_GATT_CCC_INDICATE; - data.ind_params = params; + data.err = -ENOTCONN; + data.type = BT_GATT_CCC_INDICATE; + data.ind_params = params; - bt_gatt_foreach_attr_type(handle, 0xffff, BT_UUID_GATT_CCC, NULL, 1, - notify_cb, &data); + bt_gatt_foreach_attr_type(handle, 0xffff, BT_UUID_GATT_CCC, NULL, 1, notify_cb, &data); - return data.err; + return data.err; } -u16_t bt_gatt_get_mtu(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - return bt_att_get_mtu(conn); -} +u16_t bt_gatt_get_mtu(struct bt_conn *conn) { return bt_att_get_mtu(conn); } -u8_t bt_gatt_check_perm(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, - u8_t mask) -{ - if ((mask & BT_GATT_PERM_READ) && - (!(attr->perm & BT_GATT_PERM_READ_MASK) || !attr->read)) { - return BT_ATT_ERR_READ_NOT_PERMITTED; - } +u8_t bt_gatt_check_perm(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, u8_t mask) { + if ((mask & BT_GATT_PERM_READ) && (!(attr->perm & BT_GATT_PERM_READ_MASK) || !attr->read)) { + return BT_ATT_ERR_READ_NOT_PERMITTED; + } - if ((mask & BT_GATT_PERM_WRITE) && - (!(attr->perm & BT_GATT_PERM_WRITE_MASK) || !attr->write)) { - return BT_ATT_ERR_WRITE_NOT_PERMITTED; - } + if ((mask & BT_GATT_PERM_WRITE) && (!(attr->perm & BT_GATT_PERM_WRITE_MASK) || !attr->write)) { + return BT_ATT_ERR_WRITE_NOT_PERMITTED; + } - mask &= attr->perm; - if (mask & BT_GATT_PERM_AUTHEN_MASK) { - if (bt_conn_get_security(conn) < BT_SECURITY_L3) { - return BT_ATT_ERR_AUTHENTICATION; - } + mask &= attr->perm; + if (mask & BT_GATT_PERM_AUTHEN_MASK) { + if (bt_conn_get_security(conn) < BT_SECURITY_L3) { + return BT_ATT_ERR_AUTHENTICATION; } + } - if ((mask & BT_GATT_PERM_ENCRYPT_MASK)) { + if ((mask & BT_GATT_PERM_ENCRYPT_MASK)) { #if defined(CONFIG_BT_SMP) - if (!conn->encrypt) { - return BT_ATT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_ENCRYPTION; - } + if (!conn->encrypt) { + return BT_ATT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_ENCRYPTION; + } #else - return BT_ATT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_ENCRYPTION; + return BT_ATT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_ENCRYPTION; #endif /* CONFIG_BT_SMP */ - } + } - return 0; + return 0; } -static void sc_restore_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, - const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, u8_t err) -{ +static void sc_restore_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, u8_t err) { #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_CACHING) - struct gatt_cf_cfg *cfg; + struct gatt_cf_cfg *cfg; #endif - BT_DBG("err 0x%02x", err); + BT_DBG("err 0x%02x", err); #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_CACHING) - /* BLUETOOTH CORE SPECIFICATION Version 5.1 | Vol 3, Part G page 2347: - * Robust Caching - * A connected client becomes change-aware when... - * The client receives and confirms a Service Changed indication. - */ - cfg = find_cf_cfg(conn); - if (cfg && CF_ROBUST_CACHING(cfg)) { - atomic_set_bit(cfg->flags, CF_CHANGE_AWARE); - BT_DBG("%s change-aware", bt_addr_le_str(&cfg->peer)); - } + /* BLUETOOTH CORE SPECIFICATION Version 5.1 | Vol 3, Part G page 2347: + * Robust Caching + * A connected client becomes change-aware when... + * The client receives and confirms a Service Changed indication. + */ + cfg = find_cf_cfg(conn); + if (cfg && CF_ROBUST_CACHING(cfg)) { + atomic_set_bit(cfg->flags, CF_CHANGE_AWARE); + BT_DBG("%s change-aware", bt_addr_le_str(&cfg->peer)); + } #endif } static struct bt_gatt_indicate_params sc_restore_params[CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN]; -static void sc_restore(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - struct gatt_sc_cfg *cfg; - u16_t sc_range[2]; - u8_t index; +static void sc_restore(struct bt_conn *conn) { + struct gatt_sc_cfg *cfg; + u16_t sc_range[2]; + u8_t index; - cfg = find_sc_cfg(conn->id, &conn->le.dst); - if (!cfg) { - BT_DBG("no SC data found"); - return; - } + cfg = find_sc_cfg(conn->id, &conn->le.dst); + if (!cfg) { + BT_DBG("no SC data found"); + return; + } - if (!(cfg->data.start || cfg->data.end)) { - return; - } + if (!(cfg->data.start || cfg->data.end)) { + return; + } - BT_DBG("peer %s start 0x%04x end 0x%04x", bt_addr_le_str(&cfg->peer), - cfg->data.start, cfg->data.end); + BT_DBG("peer %s start 0x%04x end 0x%04x", bt_addr_le_str(&cfg->peer), cfg->data.start, cfg->data.end); - sc_range[0] = sys_cpu_to_le16(cfg->data.start); - sc_range[1] = sys_cpu_to_le16(cfg->data.end); + sc_range[0] = sys_cpu_to_le16(cfg->data.start); + sc_range[1] = sys_cpu_to_le16(cfg->data.end); - index = bt_conn_index(conn); + index = bt_conn_index(conn); #if defined(BFLB_BLE_DISABLE_STATIC_ATTR) - sc_restore_params[index].attr = &gatt_attrs[2]; + sc_restore_params[index].attr = &gatt_attrs[2]; #else - sc_restore_params[index].attr = &_1_gatt_svc.attrs[2]; + sc_restore_params[index].attr = &_1_gatt_svc.attrs[2]; #endif - sc_restore_params[index].func = sc_restore_rsp; - sc_restore_params[index].data = &sc_range[0]; - sc_restore_params[index].len = sizeof(sc_range); + sc_restore_params[index].func = sc_restore_rsp; + sc_restore_params[index].data = &sc_range[0]; + sc_restore_params[index].len = sizeof(sc_range); - if (bt_gatt_indicate(conn, &sc_restore_params[index])) { - BT_ERR("SC restore indication failed"); - } + if (bt_gatt_indicate(conn, &sc_restore_params[index])) { + BT_ERR("SC restore indication failed"); + } - /* Reset config data */ - sc_reset(cfg); + /* Reset config data */ + sc_reset(cfg); } struct conn_data { - struct bt_conn *conn; - bt_security_t sec; + struct bt_conn *conn; + bt_security_t sec; }; -static u8_t update_ccc(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) -{ - struct conn_data *data = user_data; - struct bt_conn *conn = data->conn; - struct _bt_gatt_ccc *ccc; - size_t i; - u8_t err; - - /* Check attribute user_data must be of type struct _bt_gatt_ccc */ - if (attr->write != bt_gatt_attr_write_ccc) { - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; +static u8_t update_ccc(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) { + struct conn_data *data = user_data; + struct bt_conn *conn = data->conn; + struct _bt_gatt_ccc *ccc; + size_t i; + u8_t err; + + /* Check attribute user_data must be of type struct _bt_gatt_ccc */ + if (attr->write != bt_gatt_attr_write_ccc) { + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + } + + ccc = attr->user_data; + + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ccc->cfg); i++) { + /* Ignore configuration for different peer */ + if (bt_conn_addr_le_cmp(conn, &ccc->cfg[i].peer)) { + continue; } - ccc = attr->user_data; + /* Check if attribute requires encryption/authentication */ + err = bt_gatt_check_perm(conn, attr, BT_GATT_PERM_WRITE_MASK); + if (err) { + bt_security_t sec; - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ccc->cfg); i++) { - /* Ignore configuration for different peer */ - if (bt_conn_addr_le_cmp(conn, &ccc->cfg[i].peer)) { - continue; - } + if (err == BT_ATT_ERR_WRITE_NOT_PERMITTED) { + BT_WARN("CCC %p not writable", attr); + continue; + } - /* Check if attribute requires encryption/authentication */ - err = bt_gatt_check_perm(conn, attr, BT_GATT_PERM_WRITE_MASK); - if (err) { - bt_security_t sec; - - if (err == BT_ATT_ERR_WRITE_NOT_PERMITTED) { - BT_WARN("CCC %p not writable", attr); - continue; - } - - sec = BT_SECURITY_L2; - - if (err == BT_ATT_ERR_AUTHENTICATION) { - sec = BT_SECURITY_L3; - } - - /* Check if current security is enough */ - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SMP) && - bt_conn_get_security(conn) < sec) { - if (data->sec < sec) { - data->sec = sec; - } - continue; - } - } + sec = BT_SECURITY_L2; + + if (err == BT_ATT_ERR_AUTHENTICATION) { + sec = BT_SECURITY_L3; + } - if (ccc->cfg[i].value) { - gatt_ccc_changed(attr, ccc); - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_GATT_SERVICE_CHANGED) && - ccc == &sc_ccc) { - sc_restore(conn); - } - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + /* Check if current security is enough */ + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SMP) && bt_conn_get_security(conn) < sec) { + if (data->sec < sec) { + data->sec = sec; } + continue; + } } - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + if (ccc->cfg[i].value) { + gatt_ccc_changed(attr, ccc); + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_GATT_SERVICE_CHANGED) && ccc == &sc_ccc) { + sc_restore(conn); + } + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + } + } + + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; } -static u8_t disconnected_cb(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) -{ - struct bt_conn *conn = user_data; - struct _bt_gatt_ccc *ccc; - bool value_used; - size_t i; - - /* Check attribute user_data must be of type struct _bt_gatt_ccc */ - if (attr->write != bt_gatt_attr_write_ccc) { - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; - } +static u8_t disconnected_cb(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) { + struct bt_conn *conn = user_data; + struct _bt_gatt_ccc *ccc; + bool value_used; + size_t i; - ccc = attr->user_data; + /* Check attribute user_data must be of type struct _bt_gatt_ccc */ + if (attr->write != bt_gatt_attr_write_ccc) { + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + } - /* If already disabled skip */ - if (!ccc->value) { - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; - } + ccc = attr->user_data; - /* Checking if all values are disabled */ - value_used = false; + /* If already disabled skip */ + if (!ccc->value) { + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + } - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ccc->cfg); i++) { - struct bt_gatt_ccc_cfg *cfg = &ccc->cfg[i]; + /* Checking if all values are disabled */ + value_used = false; - /* Ignore configurations with disabled value */ - if (!cfg->value) { - continue; - } + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ccc->cfg); i++) { + struct bt_gatt_ccc_cfg *cfg = &ccc->cfg[i]; - if (conn->id != cfg->id || - bt_conn_addr_le_cmp(conn, &cfg->peer)) { - struct bt_conn *tmp; - - /* Skip if there is another peer connected */ - tmp = bt_conn_lookup_addr_le(cfg->id, &cfg->peer); - if (tmp) { - if (tmp->state == BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { - value_used = true; - } - - bt_conn_unref(tmp); - } - } else { - /* Clear value if not paired */ - if (!bt_addr_le_is_bonded(conn->id, &conn->le.dst)) { - clear_ccc_cfg(cfg); - } else { - /* Update address in case it has changed */ - bt_addr_le_copy(&cfg->peer, &conn->le.dst); - } - } + /* Ignore configurations with disabled value */ + if (!cfg->value) { + continue; } - /* If all values are now disabled, reset value while disconnected */ - if (!value_used) { - ccc->value = 0U; - if (ccc->cfg_changed) { - ccc->cfg_changed(attr, ccc->value); + if (conn->id != cfg->id || bt_conn_addr_le_cmp(conn, &cfg->peer)) { + struct bt_conn *tmp; + + /* Skip if there is another peer connected */ + tmp = bt_conn_lookup_addr_le(cfg->id, &cfg->peer); + if (tmp) { + if (tmp->state == BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { + value_used = true; } - BT_DBG("ccc %p reseted", ccc); + bt_conn_unref(tmp); + } + } else { + /* Clear value if not paired */ + if (!bt_addr_le_is_bonded(conn->id, &conn->le.dst)) { + clear_ccc_cfg(cfg); + } else { + /* Update address in case it has changed */ + bt_addr_le_copy(&cfg->peer, &conn->le.dst); + } } + } - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; -} + /* If all values are now disabled, reset value while disconnected */ + if (!value_used) { + ccc->value = 0U; + if (ccc->cfg_changed) { + ccc->cfg_changed(attr, ccc->value); + } -bool bt_gatt_is_subscribed(struct bt_conn *conn, - const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, u16_t ccc_value) -{ - const struct _bt_gatt_ccc *ccc; + BT_DBG("ccc %p reseted", ccc); + } - __ASSERT(conn, "invalid parameter\n"); - __ASSERT(attr, "invalid parameter\n"); + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; +} - if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { - return false; - } +bool bt_gatt_is_subscribed(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, u16_t ccc_value) { + const struct _bt_gatt_ccc *ccc; - /* Check if attribute is a characteristic declaration */ - if (!bt_uuid_cmp(attr->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_CHRC)) { - struct bt_gatt_chrc *chrc = attr->user_data; + __ASSERT(conn, "invalid parameter\n"); + __ASSERT(attr, "invalid parameter\n"); - if (!(chrc->properties & - (BT_GATT_CHRC_NOTIFY | BT_GATT_CHRC_INDICATE))) { - /* Characteristic doesn't support subscription */ - return false; - } + if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { + return false; + } - attr = bt_gatt_attr_next(attr); - } + /* Check if attribute is a characteristic declaration */ + if (!bt_uuid_cmp(attr->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_CHRC)) { + struct bt_gatt_chrc *chrc = attr->user_data; - /* Check if attribute is a characteristic value */ - if (bt_uuid_cmp(attr->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_CCC) != 0) { - attr = bt_gatt_attr_next(attr); + if (!(chrc->properties & (BT_GATT_CHRC_NOTIFY | BT_GATT_CHRC_INDICATE))) { + /* Characteristic doesn't support subscription */ + return false; } - /* Check if the attribute is the CCC Descriptor */ - if (bt_uuid_cmp(attr->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_CCC) != 0) { - return false; - } + attr = bt_gatt_attr_next(attr); + } - ccc = attr->user_data; + /* Check if attribute is a characteristic value */ + if (bt_uuid_cmp(attr->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_CCC) != 0) { + attr = bt_gatt_attr_next(attr); + } - /* Check if the connection is subscribed */ - for (size_t i = 0; i < BT_GATT_CCC_MAX; i++) { - if (conn->id == ccc->cfg[i].id && - !bt_conn_addr_le_cmp(conn, &ccc->cfg[i].peer) && - (ccc_value & ccc->cfg[i].value)) { - return true; - } + /* Check if the attribute is the CCC Descriptor */ + if (bt_uuid_cmp(attr->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_CCC) != 0) { + return false; + } + + ccc = attr->user_data; + + /* Check if the connection is subscribed */ + for (size_t i = 0; i < BT_GATT_CCC_MAX; i++) { + if (conn->id == ccc->cfg[i].id && !bt_conn_addr_le_cmp(conn, &ccc->cfg[i].peer) && (ccc_value & ccc->cfg[i].value)) { + return true; } + } - return false; + return false; } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_CLIENT) -void bt_gatt_notification(struct bt_conn *conn, u16_t handle, - const void *data, u16_t length) -{ - struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *params, *tmp; +void bt_gatt_notification(struct bt_conn *conn, u16_t handle, const void *data, u16_t length) { + struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *params, *tmp; - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x length %u", handle, length); + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x length %u", handle, length); - SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_CONTAINER_SAFE(&subscriptions, params, tmp, node) - { - if (bt_conn_addr_le_cmp(conn, ¶ms->_peer) || - handle != params->value_handle) { - continue; - } + SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_CONTAINER_SAFE(&subscriptions, params, tmp, node) { + if (bt_conn_addr_le_cmp(conn, ¶ms->_peer) || handle != params->value_handle) { + continue; + } - if (params->notify(conn, params, data, length) == - BT_GATT_ITER_STOP) { - bt_gatt_unsubscribe(conn, params); - } + if (params->notify(conn, params, data, length) == BT_GATT_ITER_STOP) { + bt_gatt_unsubscribe(conn, params); } + } } -static void update_subscription(struct bt_conn *conn, - struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *params) -{ - if (params->_peer.type == BT_ADDR_LE_PUBLIC) { - return; - } +static void update_subscription(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *params) { + if (params->_peer.type == BT_ADDR_LE_PUBLIC) { + return; + } - /* Update address */ - bt_addr_le_copy(¶ms->_peer, &conn->le.dst); + /* Update address */ + bt_addr_le_copy(¶ms->_peer, &conn->le.dst); } -static void gatt_subscription_remove(struct bt_conn *conn, sys_snode_t *prev, - struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *params) -{ - /* Remove subscription from the list*/ - sys_slist_remove(&subscriptions, prev, ¶ms->node); +static void gatt_subscription_remove(struct bt_conn *conn, sys_snode_t *prev, struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *params) { + /* Remove subscription from the list*/ + sys_slist_remove(&subscriptions, prev, ¶ms->node); - params->notify(conn, params, NULL, 0); + params->notify(conn, params, NULL, 0); } -static void remove_subscriptions(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *params, *tmp; - sys_snode_t *prev = NULL; - - /* Lookup existing subscriptions */ - SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_CONTAINER_SAFE(&subscriptions, params, tmp, node) - { - if (bt_conn_addr_le_cmp(conn, ¶ms->_peer)) { - prev = ¶ms->node; - continue; - } +static void remove_subscriptions(struct bt_conn *conn) { + struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *params, *tmp; + sys_snode_t *prev = NULL; - if (!bt_addr_le_is_bonded(conn->id, &conn->le.dst) || - (atomic_test_bit(params->flags, - BT_GATT_SUBSCRIBE_FLAG_VOLATILE))) { - /* Remove subscription */ - params->value = 0U; - gatt_subscription_remove(conn, prev, params); - } else { - update_subscription(conn, params); - prev = ¶ms->node; - } + /* Lookup existing subscriptions */ + SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_CONTAINER_SAFE(&subscriptions, params, tmp, node) { + if (bt_conn_addr_le_cmp(conn, ¶ms->_peer)) { + prev = ¶ms->node; + continue; + } + + if (!bt_addr_le_is_bonded(conn->id, &conn->le.dst) || (atomic_test_bit(params->flags, BT_GATT_SUBSCRIBE_FLAG_VOLATILE))) { + /* Remove subscription */ + params->value = 0U; + gatt_subscription_remove(conn, prev, params); + } else { + update_subscription(conn, params); + prev = ¶ms->node; } + } } -static void gatt_mtu_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t err, const void *pdu, - u16_t length, void *user_data) -{ - struct bt_gatt_exchange_params *params = user_data; +static void gatt_mtu_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t err, const void *pdu, u16_t length, void *user_data) { + struct bt_gatt_exchange_params *params = user_data; - params->func(conn, err, params); + params->func(conn, err, params); } #if defined(CONFIG_BLE_AT_CMD) -int bt_at_gatt_exchange_mtu(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_exchange_params *params, u16_t mtu_size) -{ - struct bt_att_exchange_mtu_req *req; - struct net_buf *buf; - u16_t mtu; +int bt_at_gatt_exchange_mtu(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_exchange_params *params, u16_t mtu_size) { + struct bt_att_exchange_mtu_req *req; + struct net_buf *buf; + u16_t mtu; - __ASSERT(conn, "invalid parameter\n"); - __ASSERT(params && params->func, "invalid parameters\n"); + __ASSERT(conn, "invalid parameter\n"); + __ASSERT(params && params->func, "invalid parameters\n"); - if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { - return -ENOTCONN; - } + if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { + return -ENOTCONN; + } - buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_MTU_REQ, sizeof(*req)); - if (!buf) { - return -ENOMEM; - } + buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_MTU_REQ, sizeof(*req)); + if (!buf) { + return -ENOMEM; + } - mtu = mtu_size; + mtu = mtu_size; #if defined(CONFIG_BLE_AT_CMD) - set_mtu_size(mtu); + set_mtu_size(mtu); #endif - BT_DBG("Client MTU %u", mtu); + BT_DBG("Client MTU %u", mtu); - req = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*req)); - req->mtu = sys_cpu_to_le16(mtu); + req = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*req)); + req->mtu = sys_cpu_to_le16(mtu); - return gatt_send(conn, buf, gatt_mtu_rsp, params, NULL); + return gatt_send(conn, buf, gatt_mtu_rsp, params, NULL); } #endif -int bt_gatt_exchange_mtu(struct bt_conn *conn, - struct bt_gatt_exchange_params *params) -{ - struct bt_att_exchange_mtu_req *req; - struct net_buf *buf; - u16_t mtu; +int bt_gatt_exchange_mtu(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_exchange_params *params) { + struct bt_att_exchange_mtu_req *req; + struct net_buf *buf; + u16_t mtu; - __ASSERT(conn, "invalid parameter\n"); - __ASSERT(params && params->func, "invalid parameters\n"); + __ASSERT(conn, "invalid parameter\n"); + __ASSERT(params && params->func, "invalid parameters\n"); - if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { - return -ENOTCONN; - } + if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { + return -ENOTCONN; + } - buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_MTU_REQ, sizeof(*req)); - if (!buf) { - return -ENOMEM; - } + buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_MTU_REQ, sizeof(*req)); + if (!buf) { + return -ENOMEM; + } - mtu = BT_ATT_MTU; + mtu = BT_ATT_MTU; - BT_DBG("Client MTU %u", mtu); + BT_DBG("Client MTU %u", mtu); - req = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*req)); - req->mtu = sys_cpu_to_le16(mtu); + req = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*req)); + req->mtu = sys_cpu_to_le16(mtu); - return gatt_send(conn, buf, gatt_mtu_rsp, params, NULL); + return gatt_send(conn, buf, gatt_mtu_rsp, params, NULL); } -static void gatt_discover_next(struct bt_conn *conn, u16_t last_handle, - struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params) -{ - /* Skip if last_handle is not set */ - if (!last_handle) - goto discover; - - /* Continue from the last found handle */ - params->start_handle = last_handle; - if (params->start_handle < UINT16_MAX) { - params->start_handle++; - } else { - goto done; - } +static void gatt_discover_next(struct bt_conn *conn, u16_t last_handle, struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params) { + /* Skip if last_handle is not set */ + if (!last_handle) { + goto discover; + } - /* Stop if over the range or the requests */ - if (params->start_handle > params->end_handle) { - goto done; - } + /* Continue from the last found handle */ + params->start_handle = last_handle; + if (params->start_handle < UINT16_MAX) { + params->start_handle++; + } else { + goto done; + } + + /* Stop if over the range or the requests */ + if (params->start_handle > params->end_handle) { + goto done; + } discover: - /* Discover next range */ - if (!bt_gatt_discover(conn, params)) { - return; - } + /* Discover next range */ + if (!bt_gatt_discover(conn, params)) { + return; + } done: - params->func(conn, NULL, params); + params->func(conn, NULL, params); } -static void gatt_find_type_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t err, - const void *pdu, u16_t length, - void *user_data) -{ - const struct bt_att_find_type_rsp *rsp = pdu; - struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params = user_data; - u8_t i; - u16_t end_handle = 0U, start_handle; +static void gatt_find_type_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t err, const void *pdu, u16_t length, void *user_data) { + const struct bt_att_find_type_rsp *rsp = pdu; + struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params = user_data; + u8_t i; + u16_t end_handle = 0U, start_handle; - BT_DBG("err 0x%02x", err); + BT_DBG("err 0x%02x", err); - if (err) { - goto done; - } + if (err) { + goto done; + } - /* Parse attributes found */ - for (i = 0U; length >= sizeof(rsp->list[i]); - i++, length -= sizeof(rsp->list[i])) { - struct bt_gatt_attr attr = {}; - struct bt_gatt_service_val value; + /* Parse attributes found */ + for (i = 0U; length >= sizeof(rsp->list[i]); i++, length -= sizeof(rsp->list[i])) { + struct bt_gatt_attr attr = {}; + struct bt_gatt_service_val value; - start_handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(rsp->list[i].start_handle); - end_handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(rsp->list[i].end_handle); + start_handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(rsp->list[i].start_handle); + end_handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(rsp->list[i].end_handle); - BT_DBG("start_handle 0x%04x end_handle 0x%04x", start_handle, - end_handle); + BT_DBG("start_handle 0x%04x end_handle 0x%04x", start_handle, end_handle); - if (params->type == BT_GATT_DISCOVER_PRIMARY) { - attr.uuid = BT_UUID_GATT_PRIMARY; - } else { - attr.uuid = BT_UUID_GATT_SECONDARY; - } + if (params->type == BT_GATT_DISCOVER_PRIMARY) { + attr.uuid = BT_UUID_GATT_PRIMARY; + } else { + attr.uuid = BT_UUID_GATT_SECONDARY; + } - value.end_handle = end_handle; - value.uuid = params->uuid; + value.end_handle = end_handle; + value.uuid = params->uuid; - attr.handle = start_handle; - attr.user_data = &value; + attr.handle = start_handle; + attr.user_data = &value; - if (params->func(conn, &attr, params) == BT_GATT_ITER_STOP) { - return; - } + if (params->func(conn, &attr, params) == BT_GATT_ITER_STOP) { + return; } + } - /* Stop if could not parse the whole PDU */ - if (length > 0) { - goto done; - } + /* Stop if could not parse the whole PDU */ + if (length > 0) { + goto done; + } - gatt_discover_next(conn, end_handle, params); + gatt_discover_next(conn, end_handle, params); - return; + return; done: - params->func(conn, NULL, params); -} - -static int gatt_find_type(struct bt_conn *conn, - struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params) -{ - struct net_buf *buf; - struct bt_att_find_type_req *req; - struct bt_uuid *uuid; + params->func(conn, NULL, params); +} + +static int gatt_find_type(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params) { + struct net_buf *buf; + struct bt_att_find_type_req *req; + struct bt_uuid *uuid; + + buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_FIND_TYPE_REQ, sizeof(*req)); + if (!buf) { + return -ENOMEM; + } + + req = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*req)); + req->start_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->start_handle); + req->end_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->end_handle); + + if (params->type == BT_GATT_DISCOVER_PRIMARY) { + uuid = BT_UUID_GATT_PRIMARY; + } else { + uuid = BT_UUID_GATT_SECONDARY; + } + + req->type = sys_cpu_to_le16(BT_UUID_16(uuid)->val); + + BT_DBG("uuid %s start_handle 0x%04x end_handle 0x%04x", bt_uuid_str(params->uuid), params->start_handle, params->end_handle); + + switch (params->uuid->type) { + case BT_UUID_TYPE_16: + net_buf_add_le16(buf, BT_UUID_16(params->uuid)->val); + break; + case BT_UUID_TYPE_128: + net_buf_add_mem(buf, BT_UUID_128(params->uuid)->val, 16); + break; + default: + BT_ERR("Unknown UUID type %u", params->uuid->type); + net_buf_unref(buf); + return -EINVAL; + } - buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_FIND_TYPE_REQ, sizeof(*req)); - if (!buf) { - return -ENOMEM; - } + return gatt_send(conn, buf, gatt_find_type_rsp, params, NULL); +} - req = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*req)); - req->start_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->start_handle); - req->end_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->end_handle); +static void read_included_uuid_cb(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t err, const void *pdu, u16_t length, void *user_data) { + struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params = user_data; + struct bt_gatt_include value; + struct bt_gatt_attr *attr; + union { + struct bt_uuid uuid; + struct bt_uuid_128 u128; + } u; - if (params->type == BT_GATT_DISCOVER_PRIMARY) { - uuid = BT_UUID_GATT_PRIMARY; - } else { - uuid = BT_UUID_GATT_SECONDARY; - } - - req->type = sys_cpu_to_le16(BT_UUID_16(uuid)->val); - - BT_DBG("uuid %s start_handle 0x%04x end_handle 0x%04x", - bt_uuid_str(params->uuid), params->start_handle, - params->end_handle); - - switch (params->uuid->type) { - case BT_UUID_TYPE_16: - net_buf_add_le16(buf, BT_UUID_16(params->uuid)->val); - break; - case BT_UUID_TYPE_128: - net_buf_add_mem(buf, BT_UUID_128(params->uuid)->val, 16); - break; - default: - BT_ERR("Unknown UUID type %u", params->uuid->type); - net_buf_unref(buf); - return -EINVAL; - } + if (length != 16U) { + BT_ERR("Invalid data len %u", length); + params->func(conn, NULL, params); + return; + } + + value.start_handle = params->_included.start_handle; + value.end_handle = params->_included.end_handle; + value.uuid = &u.uuid; + u.uuid.type = BT_UUID_TYPE_128; + memcpy(u.u128.val, pdu, length); + + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x uuid %s start_handle 0x%04x " + "end_handle 0x%04x\n", + params->_included.attr_handle, bt_uuid_str(&u.uuid), value.start_handle, value.end_handle); + + /* Skip if UUID is set but doesn't match */ + if (params->uuid && bt_uuid_cmp(&u.uuid, params->uuid)) { + goto next; + } + + attr = (&(struct bt_gatt_attr){ + .uuid = BT_UUID_GATT_INCLUDE, + .user_data = &value, + }); + attr->handle = params->_included.attr_handle; + + if (params->func(conn, attr, params) == BT_GATT_ITER_STOP) { + return; + } +next: + gatt_discover_next(conn, params->start_handle, params); - return gatt_send(conn, buf, gatt_find_type_rsp, params, NULL); + return; } -static void read_included_uuid_cb(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t err, - const void *pdu, u16_t length, - void *user_data) -{ - struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params = user_data; - struct bt_gatt_include value; - struct bt_gatt_attr *attr; - union { - struct bt_uuid uuid; - struct bt_uuid_128 u128; - } u; - - if (length != 16U) { - BT_ERR("Invalid data len %u", length); - params->func(conn, NULL, params); - return; - } - - value.start_handle = params->_included.start_handle; - value.end_handle = params->_included.end_handle; - value.uuid = &u.uuid; - u.uuid.type = BT_UUID_TYPE_128; - memcpy(u.u128.val, pdu, length); +static int read_included_uuid(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params) { + struct net_buf *buf; + struct bt_att_read_req *req; - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x uuid %s start_handle 0x%04x " - "end_handle 0x%04x\n", - params->_included.attr_handle, - bt_uuid_str(&u.uuid), value.start_handle, value.end_handle); + buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_REQ, sizeof(*req)); + if (!buf) { + return -ENOMEM; + } - /* Skip if UUID is set but doesn't match */ - if (params->uuid && bt_uuid_cmp(&u.uuid, params->uuid)) { - goto next; - } - - attr = (&(struct bt_gatt_attr){ - .uuid = BT_UUID_GATT_INCLUDE, - .user_data = &value, - }); - attr->handle = params->_included.attr_handle; + req = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*req)); + req->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->_included.start_handle); - if (params->func(conn, attr, params) == BT_GATT_ITER_STOP) { - return; - } -next: - gatt_discover_next(conn, params->start_handle, params); + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x", params->_included.start_handle); - return; + return gatt_send(conn, buf, read_included_uuid_cb, params, NULL); } -static int read_included_uuid(struct bt_conn *conn, - struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params) -{ - struct net_buf *buf; - struct bt_att_read_req *req; +static u16_t parse_include(struct bt_conn *conn, const void *pdu, struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params, u16_t length) { + const struct bt_att_read_type_rsp *rsp = pdu; + u16_t handle = 0U; + struct bt_gatt_include value; + union { + struct bt_uuid uuid; + struct bt_uuid_16 u16; + struct bt_uuid_128 u128; + } u; - buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_REQ, sizeof(*req)); - if (!buf) { - return -ENOMEM; + /* Data can be either in UUID16 or UUID128 */ + switch (rsp->len) { + case 8: /* UUID16 */ + u.uuid.type = BT_UUID_TYPE_16; + break; + case 6: /* UUID128 */ + /* BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 4.2 [Vol 3, Part G] page 550 + * To get the included service UUID when the included service + * uses a 128-bit UUID, the Read Request is used. + */ + u.uuid.type = BT_UUID_TYPE_128; + break; + default: + BT_ERR("Invalid data len %u", rsp->len); + goto done; + } + + /* Parse include found */ + for (length--, pdu = rsp->data; length >= rsp->len; length -= rsp->len, pdu = (const u8_t *)pdu + rsp->len) { + struct bt_gatt_attr *attr; + const struct bt_att_data *data = pdu; + struct gatt_incl *incl = (void *)data->value; + + handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(data->handle); + /* Handle 0 is invalid */ + if (!handle) { + goto done; } - req = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*req)); - req->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->_included.start_handle); + /* Convert include data, bt_gatt_incl and gatt_incl + * have different formats so the conversion have to be done + * field by field. + */ + value.start_handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(incl->start_handle); + value.end_handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(incl->end_handle); - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x", params->_included.start_handle); - - return gatt_send(conn, buf, read_included_uuid_cb, params, NULL); -} + switch (u.uuid.type) { + case BT_UUID_TYPE_16: + value.uuid = &u.uuid; + u.u16.val = sys_le16_to_cpu(incl->uuid16); + break; + case BT_UUID_TYPE_128: + params->_included.attr_handle = handle; + params->_included.start_handle = value.start_handle; + params->_included.end_handle = value.end_handle; -static u16_t parse_include(struct bt_conn *conn, const void *pdu, - struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params, - u16_t length) -{ - const struct bt_att_read_type_rsp *rsp = pdu; - u16_t handle = 0U; - struct bt_gatt_include value; - union { - struct bt_uuid uuid; - struct bt_uuid_16 u16; - struct bt_uuid_128 u128; - } u; - - /* Data can be either in UUID16 or UUID128 */ - switch (rsp->len) { - case 8: /* UUID16 */ - u.uuid.type = BT_UUID_TYPE_16; - break; - case 6: /* UUID128 */ - /* BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 4.2 [Vol 3, Part G] page 550 - * To get the included service UUID when the included service - * uses a 128-bit UUID, the Read Request is used. - */ - u.uuid.type = BT_UUID_TYPE_128; - break; - default: - BT_ERR("Invalid data len %u", rsp->len); - goto done; + return read_included_uuid(conn, params); } - /* Parse include found */ - for (length--, pdu = rsp->data; length >= rsp->len; - length -= rsp->len, pdu = (const u8_t *)pdu + rsp->len) { - struct bt_gatt_attr *attr; - const struct bt_att_data *data = pdu; - struct gatt_incl *incl = (void *)data->value; - - handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(data->handle); - /* Handle 0 is invalid */ - if (!handle) { - goto done; - } - - /* Convert include data, bt_gatt_incl and gatt_incl - * have different formats so the conversion have to be done - * field by field. - */ - value.start_handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(incl->start_handle); - value.end_handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(incl->end_handle); - - switch (u.uuid.type) { - case BT_UUID_TYPE_16: - value.uuid = &u.uuid; - u.u16.val = sys_le16_to_cpu(incl->uuid16); - break; - case BT_UUID_TYPE_128: - params->_included.attr_handle = handle; - params->_included.start_handle = value.start_handle; - params->_included.end_handle = value.end_handle; - - return read_included_uuid(conn, params); - } - - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x uuid %s start_handle 0x%04x " - "end_handle 0x%04x\n", - handle, bt_uuid_str(&u.uuid), - value.start_handle, value.end_handle); + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x uuid %s start_handle 0x%04x " + "end_handle 0x%04x\n", + handle, bt_uuid_str(&u.uuid), value.start_handle, value.end_handle); - /* Skip if UUID is set but doesn't match */ - if (params->uuid && bt_uuid_cmp(&u.uuid, params->uuid)) { - continue; - } + /* Skip if UUID is set but doesn't match */ + if (params->uuid && bt_uuid_cmp(&u.uuid, params->uuid)) { + continue; + } - attr = (&(struct bt_gatt_attr){ - .uuid = BT_UUID_GATT_INCLUDE, - .user_data = &value, - }); - attr->handle = handle; + attr = (&(struct bt_gatt_attr){ + .uuid = BT_UUID_GATT_INCLUDE, + .user_data = &value, + }); + attr->handle = handle; - if (params->func(conn, attr, params) == BT_GATT_ITER_STOP) { - return 0; - } + if (params->func(conn, attr, params) == BT_GATT_ITER_STOP) { + return 0; } + } - /* Whole PDU read without error */ - if (length == 0U && handle) { - return handle; - } + /* Whole PDU read without error */ + if (length == 0U && handle) { + return handle; + } done: - params->func(conn, NULL, params); - return 0; -} - -#define BT_GATT_CHRC(_uuid, _handle, _props) \ - BT_GATT_ATTRIBUTE(BT_UUID_GATT_CHRC, BT_GATT_PERM_READ, \ - bt_gatt_attr_read_chrc, NULL, \ - (&(struct bt_gatt_chrc){ \ - .uuid = _uuid, \ - .value_handle = _handle, \ - .properties = _props, \ - })) - -static u16_t parse_characteristic(struct bt_conn *conn, const void *pdu, - struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params, - u16_t length) -{ - const struct bt_att_read_type_rsp *rsp = pdu; - u16_t handle = 0U; - union { - struct bt_uuid uuid; - struct bt_uuid_16 u16; - struct bt_uuid_128 u128; - } u; - - /* Data can be either in UUID16 or UUID128 */ - switch (rsp->len) { - case 7: /* UUID16 */ - u.uuid.type = BT_UUID_TYPE_16; - break; - case 21: /* UUID128 */ - u.uuid.type = BT_UUID_TYPE_128; - break; - default: - BT_ERR("Invalid data len %u", rsp->len); - goto done; + params->func(conn, NULL, params); + return 0; +} + +#define BT_GATT_CHRC(_uuid, _handle, _props) \ + BT_GATT_ATTRIBUTE(BT_UUID_GATT_CHRC, BT_GATT_PERM_READ, bt_gatt_attr_read_chrc, NULL, \ + (&(struct bt_gatt_chrc){ \ + .uuid = _uuid, \ + .value_handle = _handle, \ + .properties = _props, \ + })) + +static u16_t parse_characteristic(struct bt_conn *conn, const void *pdu, struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params, u16_t length) { + const struct bt_att_read_type_rsp *rsp = pdu; + u16_t handle = 0U; + union { + struct bt_uuid uuid; + struct bt_uuid_16 u16; + struct bt_uuid_128 u128; + } u; + + /* Data can be either in UUID16 or UUID128 */ + switch (rsp->len) { + case 7: /* UUID16 */ + u.uuid.type = BT_UUID_TYPE_16; + break; + case 21: /* UUID128 */ + u.uuid.type = BT_UUID_TYPE_128; + break; + default: + BT_ERR("Invalid data len %u", rsp->len); + goto done; + } + + /* Parse characteristics found */ + for (length--, pdu = rsp->data; length >= rsp->len; length -= rsp->len, pdu = (const u8_t *)pdu + rsp->len) { + struct bt_gatt_attr *attr; + const struct bt_att_data *data = pdu; + struct gatt_chrc *chrc = (void *)data->value; + + handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(data->handle); + /* Handle 0 is invalid */ + if (!handle) { + goto done; } - /* Parse characteristics found */ - for (length--, pdu = rsp->data; length >= rsp->len; - length -= rsp->len, pdu = (const u8_t *)pdu + rsp->len) { - struct bt_gatt_attr *attr; - const struct bt_att_data *data = pdu; - struct gatt_chrc *chrc = (void *)data->value; - - handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(data->handle); - /* Handle 0 is invalid */ - if (!handle) { - goto done; - } - - switch (u.uuid.type) { - case BT_UUID_TYPE_16: - u.u16.val = sys_le16_to_cpu(chrc->uuid16); - break; - case BT_UUID_TYPE_128: - memcpy(u.u128.val, chrc->uuid, sizeof(chrc->uuid)); - break; - } + switch (u.uuid.type) { + case BT_UUID_TYPE_16: + u.u16.val = sys_le16_to_cpu(chrc->uuid16); + break; + case BT_UUID_TYPE_128: + memcpy(u.u128.val, chrc->uuid, sizeof(chrc->uuid)); + break; + } - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x uuid %s properties 0x%02x", handle, - bt_uuid_str(&u.uuid), chrc->properties); + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x uuid %s properties 0x%02x", handle, bt_uuid_str(&u.uuid), chrc->properties); #if defined(CONFIG_BT_STACK_PTS) - if (event_flag != gatt_discover_chara) { - /* Skip if UUID is set but doesn't match */ - if (params->uuid && bt_uuid_cmp(&u.uuid, params->uuid)) - continue; - } + if (event_flag != gatt_discover_chara) { + /* Skip if UUID is set but doesn't match */ + if (params->uuid && bt_uuid_cmp(&u.uuid, params->uuid)) { + continue; + } + } #else - /* Skip if UUID is set but doesn't match */ - if (params->uuid && bt_uuid_cmp(&u.uuid, params->uuid)) { - continue; - } + /* Skip if UUID is set but doesn't match */ + if (params->uuid && bt_uuid_cmp(&u.uuid, params->uuid)) { + continue; + } #endif - attr = (&(struct bt_gatt_attr)BT_GATT_CHRC(&u.uuid, - chrc->value_handle, - chrc->properties)); - attr->handle = handle; + attr = (&(struct bt_gatt_attr)BT_GATT_CHRC(&u.uuid, chrc->value_handle, chrc->properties)); + attr->handle = handle; - if (params->func(conn, attr, params) == BT_GATT_ITER_STOP) { - return 0; - } + if (params->func(conn, attr, params) == BT_GATT_ITER_STOP) { + return 0; } + } - /* Whole PDU read without error */ - if (length == 0U && handle) { - return handle; - } + /* Whole PDU read without error */ + if (length == 0U && handle) { + return handle; + } done: - params->func(conn, NULL, params); - return 0; + params->func(conn, NULL, params); + return 0; } -static void gatt_read_type_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t err, - const void *pdu, u16_t length, - void *user_data) -{ - struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params = user_data; - u16_t handle; +static void gatt_read_type_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t err, const void *pdu, u16_t length, void *user_data) { + struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params = user_data; + u16_t handle; - BT_DBG("err 0x%02x", err); + BT_DBG("err 0x%02x", err); - if (err) { - params->func(conn, NULL, params); - return; - } + if (err) { + params->func(conn, NULL, params); + return; + } - if (params->type == BT_GATT_DISCOVER_INCLUDE) { - handle = parse_include(conn, pdu, params, length); - } else { - handle = parse_characteristic(conn, pdu, params, length); - } + if (params->type == BT_GATT_DISCOVER_INCLUDE) { + handle = parse_include(conn, pdu, params, length); + } else { + handle = parse_characteristic(conn, pdu, params, length); + } - if (!handle) { - return; - } + if (!handle) { + return; + } - gatt_discover_next(conn, handle, params); + gatt_discover_next(conn, handle, params); } -static int gatt_read_type(struct bt_conn *conn, - struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params) -{ - struct net_buf *buf; - struct bt_att_read_type_req *req; +static int gatt_read_type(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params) { + struct net_buf *buf; + struct bt_att_read_type_req *req; - buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_TYPE_REQ, sizeof(*req)); - if (!buf) { - return -ENOMEM; - } + buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_TYPE_REQ, sizeof(*req)); + if (!buf) { + return -ENOMEM; + } - req = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*req)); - req->start_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->start_handle); - req->end_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->end_handle); + req = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*req)); + req->start_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->start_handle); + req->end_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->end_handle); - if (params->type == BT_GATT_DISCOVER_INCLUDE) { - net_buf_add_le16(buf, BT_UUID_16(BT_UUID_GATT_INCLUDE)->val); - } else { - net_buf_add_le16(buf, BT_UUID_16(BT_UUID_GATT_CHRC)->val); - } + if (params->type == BT_GATT_DISCOVER_INCLUDE) { + net_buf_add_le16(buf, BT_UUID_16(BT_UUID_GATT_INCLUDE)->val); + } else { + net_buf_add_le16(buf, BT_UUID_16(BT_UUID_GATT_CHRC)->val); + } - BT_DBG("start_handle 0x%04x end_handle 0x%04x", params->start_handle, - params->end_handle); + BT_DBG("start_handle 0x%04x end_handle 0x%04x", params->start_handle, params->end_handle); - return gatt_send(conn, buf, gatt_read_type_rsp, params, NULL); + return gatt_send(conn, buf, gatt_read_type_rsp, params, NULL); } -static u16_t parse_service(struct bt_conn *conn, const void *pdu, - struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params, - u16_t length) -{ - const struct bt_att_read_group_rsp *rsp = pdu; - u16_t start_handle, end_handle = 0U; - union { - struct bt_uuid uuid; - struct bt_uuid_16 u16; - struct bt_uuid_128 u128; - } u; - - /* Data can be either in UUID16 or UUID128 */ - switch (rsp->len) { - case 6: /* UUID16 */ - u.uuid.type = BT_UUID_TYPE_16; - break; - case 20: /* UUID128 */ - u.uuid.type = BT_UUID_TYPE_128; - break; - default: - BT_ERR("Invalid data len %u", rsp->len); - goto done; - } - - /* Parse services found */ - for (length--, pdu = rsp->data; length >= rsp->len; - length -= rsp->len, pdu = (const u8_t *)pdu + rsp->len) { - struct bt_gatt_attr attr = {}; - struct bt_gatt_service_val value; - const struct bt_att_group_data *data = pdu; - - start_handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(data->start_handle); - if (!start_handle) { - goto done; - } - - end_handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(data->end_handle); - if (!end_handle || end_handle < start_handle) { - goto done; - } - - switch (u.uuid.type) { - case BT_UUID_TYPE_16: - memcpy(&u.u16.val, data->value, sizeof(u.u16.val)); - u.u16.val = sys_le16_to_cpu(u.u16.val); - break; - case BT_UUID_TYPE_128: - memcpy(u.u128.val, data->value, sizeof(u.u128.val)); - break; - } - - BT_DBG("start_handle 0x%04x end_handle 0x%04x uuid %s", - start_handle, end_handle, bt_uuid_str(&u.uuid)); +static u16_t parse_service(struct bt_conn *conn, const void *pdu, struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params, u16_t length) { + const struct bt_att_read_group_rsp *rsp = pdu; + u16_t start_handle, end_handle = 0U; + union { + struct bt_uuid uuid; + struct bt_uuid_16 u16; + struct bt_uuid_128 u128; + } u; - if (params->type == BT_GATT_DISCOVER_PRIMARY) { - attr.uuid = BT_UUID_GATT_PRIMARY; - } else { - attr.uuid = BT_UUID_GATT_SECONDARY; - } + /* Data can be either in UUID16 or UUID128 */ + switch (rsp->len) { + case 6: /* UUID16 */ + u.uuid.type = BT_UUID_TYPE_16; + break; + case 20: /* UUID128 */ + u.uuid.type = BT_UUID_TYPE_128; + break; + default: + BT_ERR("Invalid data len %u", rsp->len); + goto done; + } - value.end_handle = end_handle; - value.uuid = &u.uuid; + /* Parse services found */ + for (length--, pdu = rsp->data; length >= rsp->len; length -= rsp->len, pdu = (const u8_t *)pdu + rsp->len) { + struct bt_gatt_attr attr = {}; + struct bt_gatt_service_val value; + const struct bt_att_group_data *data = pdu; - attr.handle = start_handle; - attr.user_data = &value; + start_handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(data->start_handle); + if (!start_handle) { + goto done; + } - if (params->func(conn, &attr, params) == BT_GATT_ITER_STOP) { - return 0; - } + end_handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(data->end_handle); + if (!end_handle || end_handle < start_handle) { + goto done; } - /* Whole PDU read without error */ - if (length == 0U && end_handle) { - return end_handle; + switch (u.uuid.type) { + case BT_UUID_TYPE_16: + memcpy(&u.u16.val, data->value, sizeof(u.u16.val)); + u.u16.val = sys_le16_to_cpu(u.u16.val); + break; + case BT_UUID_TYPE_128: + memcpy(u.u128.val, data->value, sizeof(u.u128.val)); + break; } -done: - params->func(conn, NULL, params); - return 0; -} + BT_DBG("start_handle 0x%04x end_handle 0x%04x uuid %s", start_handle, end_handle, bt_uuid_str(&u.uuid)); -static void gatt_read_group_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t err, - const void *pdu, u16_t length, - void *user_data) -{ - struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params = user_data; - u16_t handle; + if (params->type == BT_GATT_DISCOVER_PRIMARY) { + attr.uuid = BT_UUID_GATT_PRIMARY; + } else { + attr.uuid = BT_UUID_GATT_SECONDARY; + } - BT_DBG("err 0x%02x", err); + value.end_handle = end_handle; + value.uuid = &u.uuid; - if (err) { - params->func(conn, NULL, params); - return; - } + attr.handle = start_handle; + attr.user_data = &value; - handle = parse_service(conn, pdu, params, length); - if (!handle) { - return; + if (params->func(conn, &attr, params) == BT_GATT_ITER_STOP) { + return 0; } + } - gatt_discover_next(conn, handle, params); -} - -static int gatt_read_group(struct bt_conn *conn, - struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params) -{ - struct net_buf *buf; - struct bt_att_read_group_req *req; + /* Whole PDU read without error */ + if (length == 0U && end_handle) { + return end_handle; + } - buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_GROUP_REQ, sizeof(*req)); - if (!buf) { - return -ENOMEM; - } +done: + params->func(conn, NULL, params); + return 0; +} - req = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*req)); - req->start_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->start_handle); - req->end_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->end_handle); +static void gatt_read_group_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t err, const void *pdu, u16_t length, void *user_data) { + struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params = user_data; + u16_t handle; - if (params->type == BT_GATT_DISCOVER_PRIMARY) { - net_buf_add_le16(buf, BT_UUID_16(BT_UUID_GATT_PRIMARY)->val); - } else { - net_buf_add_le16(buf, BT_UUID_16(BT_UUID_GATT_SECONDARY)->val); - } + BT_DBG("err 0x%02x", err); - BT_DBG("start_handle 0x%04x end_handle 0x%04x", params->start_handle, - params->end_handle); + if (err) { + params->func(conn, NULL, params); + return; + } - return gatt_send(conn, buf, gatt_read_group_rsp, params, NULL); -} + handle = parse_service(conn, pdu, params, length); + if (!handle) { + return; + } + + gatt_discover_next(conn, handle, params); +} + +static int gatt_read_group(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params) { + struct net_buf *buf; + struct bt_att_read_group_req *req; + + buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_GROUP_REQ, sizeof(*req)); + if (!buf) { + return -ENOMEM; + } + + req = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*req)); + req->start_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->start_handle); + req->end_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->end_handle); + + if (params->type == BT_GATT_DISCOVER_PRIMARY) { + net_buf_add_le16(buf, BT_UUID_16(BT_UUID_GATT_PRIMARY)->val); + } else { + net_buf_add_le16(buf, BT_UUID_16(BT_UUID_GATT_SECONDARY)->val); + } + + BT_DBG("start_handle 0x%04x end_handle 0x%04x", params->start_handle, params->end_handle); + + return gatt_send(conn, buf, gatt_read_group_rsp, params, NULL); +} + +static void gatt_find_info_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t err, const void *pdu, u16_t length, void *user_data) { + const struct bt_att_find_info_rsp *rsp = pdu; + struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params = user_data; + u16_t handle = 0U; + u16_t len; + union { + const struct bt_att_info_16 *i16; + const struct bt_att_info_128 *i128; + } info; + union { + struct bt_uuid uuid; + struct bt_uuid_16 u16; + struct bt_uuid_128 u128; + } u; + int i; + bool skip = false; + + BT_DBG("err 0x%02x", err); + + if (err) { + goto done; + } + + /* Data can be either in UUID16 or UUID128 */ + switch (rsp->format) { + case BT_ATT_INFO_16: + u.uuid.type = BT_UUID_TYPE_16; + len = sizeof(*info.i16); + break; + case BT_ATT_INFO_128: + u.uuid.type = BT_UUID_TYPE_128; + len = sizeof(*info.i128); + break; + default: + BT_ERR("Invalid format %u", rsp->format); + goto done; + } + + length--; + + /* Check if there is a least one descriptor in the response */ + if (length < len) { + goto done; + } + + /* Parse descriptors found */ + for (i = length / len, pdu = rsp->info; i != 0; i--, pdu = (const u8_t *)pdu + len) { + struct bt_gatt_attr *attr; -static void gatt_find_info_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t err, - const void *pdu, u16_t length, - void *user_data) -{ - const struct bt_att_find_info_rsp *rsp = pdu; - struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params = user_data; - u16_t handle = 0U; - u16_t len; - union { - const struct bt_att_info_16 *i16; - const struct bt_att_info_128 *i128; - } info; - union { - struct bt_uuid uuid; - struct bt_uuid_16 u16; - struct bt_uuid_128 u128; - } u; - int i; - bool skip = false; - - BT_DBG("err 0x%02x", err); + info.i16 = pdu; + handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(info.i16->handle); - if (err) { - goto done; + if (skip) { + skip = false; + continue; } - /* Data can be either in UUID16 or UUID128 */ - switch (rsp->format) { - case BT_ATT_INFO_16: - u.uuid.type = BT_UUID_TYPE_16; - len = sizeof(*info.i16); - break; - case BT_ATT_INFO_128: - u.uuid.type = BT_UUID_TYPE_128; - len = sizeof(*info.i128); - break; - default: - BT_ERR("Invalid format %u", rsp->format); - goto done; + switch (u.uuid.type) { + case BT_UUID_TYPE_16: + u.u16.val = sys_le16_to_cpu(info.i16->uuid); + break; + case BT_UUID_TYPE_128: + memcpy(u.u128.val, info.i128->uuid, 16); + break; } - length--; + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x uuid %s", handle, bt_uuid_str(&u.uuid)); - /* Check if there is a least one descriptor in the response */ - if (length < len) { - goto done; + /* Skip if UUID is set but doesn't match */ + if (params->uuid && bt_uuid_cmp(&u.uuid, params->uuid)) { + continue; } - /* Parse descriptors found */ - for (i = length / len, pdu = rsp->info; i != 0; - i--, pdu = (const u8_t *)pdu + len) { - struct bt_gatt_attr *attr; - - info.i16 = pdu; - handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(info.i16->handle); - - if (skip) { - skip = false; - continue; - } - - switch (u.uuid.type) { - case BT_UUID_TYPE_16: - u.u16.val = sys_le16_to_cpu(info.i16->uuid); - break; - case BT_UUID_TYPE_128: - memcpy(u.u128.val, info.i128->uuid, 16); - break; - } - - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x uuid %s", handle, bt_uuid_str(&u.uuid)); - - /* Skip if UUID is set but doesn't match */ - if (params->uuid && bt_uuid_cmp(&u.uuid, params->uuid)) { - continue; - } + if (params->type == BT_GATT_DISCOVER_DESCRIPTOR) { + /* Skip attributes that are not considered + * descriptors. + */ + if (!bt_uuid_cmp(&u.uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_PRIMARY) || !bt_uuid_cmp(&u.uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_SECONDARY) || !bt_uuid_cmp(&u.uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_INCLUDE)) { + continue; + } - if (params->type == BT_GATT_DISCOVER_DESCRIPTOR) { - /* Skip attributes that are not considered - * descriptors. - */ - if (!bt_uuid_cmp(&u.uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_PRIMARY) || - !bt_uuid_cmp(&u.uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_SECONDARY) || - !bt_uuid_cmp(&u.uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_INCLUDE)) { - continue; - } - - /* If Characteristic Declaration skip ahead as the next - * entry must be its value. - */ - if (!bt_uuid_cmp(&u.uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_CHRC)) { - skip = true; - continue; - } - } + /* If Characteristic Declaration skip ahead as the next + * entry must be its value. + */ + if (!bt_uuid_cmp(&u.uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_CHRC)) { + skip = true; + continue; + } + } - attr = (&(struct bt_gatt_attr) - BT_GATT_DESCRIPTOR(&u.uuid, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL)); - attr->handle = handle; + attr = (&(struct bt_gatt_attr)BT_GATT_DESCRIPTOR(&u.uuid, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL)); + attr->handle = handle; - if (params->func(conn, attr, params) == BT_GATT_ITER_STOP) { - return; - } + if (params->func(conn, attr, params) == BT_GATT_ITER_STOP) { + return; } + } - gatt_discover_next(conn, handle, params); + gatt_discover_next(conn, handle, params); - return; + return; done: - params->func(conn, NULL, params); + params->func(conn, NULL, params); } -static int gatt_find_info(struct bt_conn *conn, - struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params) -{ - struct net_buf *buf; - struct bt_att_find_info_req *req; +static int gatt_find_info(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params) { + struct net_buf *buf; + struct bt_att_find_info_req *req; - buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_FIND_INFO_REQ, sizeof(*req)); - if (!buf) { - return -ENOMEM; - } + buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_FIND_INFO_REQ, sizeof(*req)); + if (!buf) { + return -ENOMEM; + } - req = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*req)); - req->start_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->start_handle); - req->end_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->end_handle); + req = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*req)); + req->start_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->start_handle); + req->end_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->end_handle); - BT_DBG("start_handle 0x%04x end_handle 0x%04x", params->start_handle, - params->end_handle); + BT_DBG("start_handle 0x%04x end_handle 0x%04x", params->start_handle, params->end_handle); - return gatt_send(conn, buf, gatt_find_info_rsp, params, NULL); + return gatt_send(conn, buf, gatt_find_info_rsp, params, NULL); } -int bt_gatt_discover(struct bt_conn *conn, - struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params) -{ - __ASSERT(conn, "invalid parameters\n"); - __ASSERT(params && params->func, "invalid parameters\n"); - __ASSERT((params->start_handle && params->end_handle), - "invalid parameters\n"); - __ASSERT((params->start_handle <= params->end_handle), - "invalid parameters\n"); +int bt_gatt_discover(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params) { + __ASSERT(conn, "invalid parameters\n"); + __ASSERT(params && params->func, "invalid parameters\n"); + __ASSERT((params->start_handle && params->end_handle), "invalid parameters\n"); + __ASSERT((params->start_handle <= params->end_handle), "invalid parameters\n"); - if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { - return -ENOTCONN; - } + if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { + return -ENOTCONN; + } - switch (params->type) { - case BT_GATT_DISCOVER_PRIMARY: - case BT_GATT_DISCOVER_SECONDARY: - if (params->uuid) { - return gatt_find_type(conn, params); - } - return gatt_read_group(conn, params); - case BT_GATT_DISCOVER_INCLUDE: - case BT_GATT_DISCOVER_CHARACTERISTIC: - return gatt_read_type(conn, params); - case BT_GATT_DISCOVER_DESCRIPTOR: - /* Only descriptors can be filtered */ - if (params->uuid && - (!bt_uuid_cmp(params->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_PRIMARY) || - !bt_uuid_cmp(params->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_SECONDARY) || - !bt_uuid_cmp(params->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_INCLUDE) || - !bt_uuid_cmp(params->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_CHRC))) { - return -EINVAL; - } + switch (params->type) { + case BT_GATT_DISCOVER_PRIMARY: + case BT_GATT_DISCOVER_SECONDARY: + if (params->uuid) { + return gatt_find_type(conn, params); + } + return gatt_read_group(conn, params); + case BT_GATT_DISCOVER_INCLUDE: + case BT_GATT_DISCOVER_CHARACTERISTIC: + return gatt_read_type(conn, params); + case BT_GATT_DISCOVER_DESCRIPTOR: + /* Only descriptors can be filtered */ + if (params->uuid && (!bt_uuid_cmp(params->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_PRIMARY) || !bt_uuid_cmp(params->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_SECONDARY) || !bt_uuid_cmp(params->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_INCLUDE) || + !bt_uuid_cmp(params->uuid, BT_UUID_GATT_CHRC))) { + return -EINVAL; + } #if defined(BFLB_BLE) - __attribute__((fallthrough)); + __attribute__((fallthrough)); #endif - /* Fallthrough. */ - case BT_GATT_DISCOVER_ATTRIBUTE: - return gatt_find_info(conn, params); - default: - BT_ERR("Invalid discovery type: %u", params->type); - } + /* Fallthrough. */ + case BT_GATT_DISCOVER_ATTRIBUTE: + return gatt_find_info(conn, params); + default: + BT_ERR("Invalid discovery type: %u", params->type); + } - return -EINVAL; + return -EINVAL; } -static void parse_read_by_uuid(struct bt_conn *conn, - struct bt_gatt_read_params *params, - const void *pdu, u16_t length) -{ - const struct bt_att_read_type_rsp *rsp = pdu; +static void parse_read_by_uuid(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_read_params *params, const void *pdu, u16_t length) { + const struct bt_att_read_type_rsp *rsp = pdu; - /* Parse values found */ - for (length--, pdu = rsp->data; length; - length -= rsp->len, pdu = (const u8_t *)pdu + rsp->len) { - const struct bt_att_data *data = pdu; - u16_t handle; - u16_t len; + /* Parse values found */ + for (length--, pdu = rsp->data; length; length -= rsp->len, pdu = (const u8_t *)pdu + rsp->len) { + const struct bt_att_data *data = pdu; + u16_t handle; + u16_t len; - handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(data->handle); + handle = sys_le16_to_cpu(data->handle); - /* Handle 0 is invalid */ - if (!handle) { - BT_ERR("Invalid handle"); - return; - } - - len = rsp->len > length ? length - 2 : rsp->len - 2; - - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x len %u value %u", handle, rsp->len, len); + /* Handle 0 is invalid */ + if (!handle) { + BT_ERR("Invalid handle"); + return; + } - /* Update start_handle */ - params->by_uuid.start_handle = handle; + len = rsp->len > length ? length - 2 : rsp->len - 2; - if (params->func(conn, 0, params, data->value, len) == - BT_GATT_ITER_STOP) { - return; - } + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x len %u value %u", handle, rsp->len, len); - /* Check if long attribute */ - if (rsp->len > length) { - break; - } + /* Update start_handle */ + params->by_uuid.start_handle = handle; - /* Stop if it's the last handle to be read */ - if (params->by_uuid.start_handle == params->by_uuid.end_handle) { - params->func(conn, 0, params, NULL, 0); - return; - } + if (params->func(conn, 0, params, data->value, len) == BT_GATT_ITER_STOP) { + return; + } - params->by_uuid.start_handle++; + /* Check if long attribute */ + if (rsp->len > length) { + break; } - /* Continue reading the attributes */ - if (bt_gatt_read(conn, params) < 0) { - params->func(conn, BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY, params, NULL, 0); + /* Stop if it's the last handle to be read */ + if (params->by_uuid.start_handle == params->by_uuid.end_handle) { + params->func(conn, 0, params, NULL, 0); + return; } -} -static void gatt_read_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t err, const void *pdu, - u16_t length, void *user_data) -{ - struct bt_gatt_read_params *params = user_data; + params->by_uuid.start_handle++; + } - BT_DBG("err 0x%02x", err); + /* Continue reading the attributes */ + if (bt_gatt_read(conn, params) < 0) { + params->func(conn, BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY, params, NULL, 0); + } +} - if (err || !length) { - params->func(conn, err, params, NULL, 0); - return; - } +static void gatt_read_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t err, const void *pdu, u16_t length, void *user_data) { + struct bt_gatt_read_params *params = user_data; - if (!params->handle_count) { - parse_read_by_uuid(conn, params, pdu, length); - return; - } + BT_DBG("err 0x%02x", err); - if (params->func(conn, 0, params, pdu, length) == BT_GATT_ITER_STOP) { - return; - } + if (err || !length) { + params->func(conn, err, params, NULL, 0); + return; + } - /* - * Core Spec 4.2, Vol. 3, Part G, 4.8.1 - * If the Characteristic Value is greater than (ATT_MTU - 1) octets - * in length, the Read Long Characteristic Value procedure may be used - * if the rest of the Characteristic Value is required. - */ - if (length < (bt_att_get_mtu(conn) - 1)) { - params->func(conn, 0, params, NULL, 0); - return; - } + if (!params->handle_count) { + parse_read_by_uuid(conn, params, pdu, length); + return; + } + + if (params->func(conn, 0, params, pdu, length) == BT_GATT_ITER_STOP) { + return; + } + + /* + * Core Spec 4.2, Vol. 3, Part G, 4.8.1 + * If the Characteristic Value is greater than (ATT_MTU - 1) octets + * in length, the Read Long Characteristic Value procedure may be used + * if the rest of the Characteristic Value is required. + */ + if (length < (bt_att_get_mtu(conn) - 1)) { + params->func(conn, 0, params, NULL, 0); + return; + } - params->single.offset += length; + params->single.offset += length; - /* Continue reading the attribute */ - if (bt_gatt_read(conn, params) < 0) { - params->func(conn, BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY, params, NULL, 0); - } + /* Continue reading the attribute */ + if (bt_gatt_read(conn, params) < 0) { + params->func(conn, BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY, params, NULL, 0); + } } -static int gatt_read_blob(struct bt_conn *conn, - struct bt_gatt_read_params *params) -{ - struct net_buf *buf; - struct bt_att_read_blob_req *req; +static int gatt_read_blob(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_read_params *params) { + struct net_buf *buf; + struct bt_att_read_blob_req *req; - buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_BLOB_REQ, sizeof(*req)); - if (!buf) { - return -ENOMEM; - } + buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_BLOB_REQ, sizeof(*req)); + if (!buf) { + return -ENOMEM; + } - req = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*req)); - req->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->single.handle); - req->offset = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->single.offset); + req = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*req)); + req->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->single.handle); + req->offset = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->single.offset); - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x offset 0x%04x", params->single.handle, - params->single.offset); + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x offset 0x%04x", params->single.handle, params->single.offset); - return gatt_send(conn, buf, gatt_read_rsp, params, NULL); + return gatt_send(conn, buf, gatt_read_rsp, params, NULL); } -static int gatt_read_uuid(struct bt_conn *conn, - struct bt_gatt_read_params *params) -{ - struct net_buf *buf; - struct bt_att_read_type_req *req; +static int gatt_read_uuid(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_read_params *params) { + struct net_buf *buf; + struct bt_att_read_type_req *req; - buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_TYPE_REQ, sizeof(*req)); - if (!buf) { - return -ENOMEM; - } + buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_TYPE_REQ, sizeof(*req)); + if (!buf) { + return -ENOMEM; + } - req = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*req)); - req->start_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->by_uuid.start_handle); - req->end_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->by_uuid.end_handle); + req = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*req)); + req->start_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->by_uuid.start_handle); + req->end_handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->by_uuid.end_handle); - if (params->by_uuid.uuid->type == BT_UUID_TYPE_16) { - net_buf_add_le16(buf, BT_UUID_16(params->by_uuid.uuid)->val); - } else { - net_buf_add_mem(buf, BT_UUID_128(params->by_uuid.uuid)->val, 16); - } + if (params->by_uuid.uuid->type == BT_UUID_TYPE_16) { + net_buf_add_le16(buf, BT_UUID_16(params->by_uuid.uuid)->val); + } else { + net_buf_add_mem(buf, BT_UUID_128(params->by_uuid.uuid)->val, 16); + } - BT_DBG("start_handle 0x%04x end_handle 0x%04x uuid %s", - params->by_uuid.start_handle, params->by_uuid.end_handle, - bt_uuid_str(params->by_uuid.uuid)); + BT_DBG("start_handle 0x%04x end_handle 0x%04x uuid %s", params->by_uuid.start_handle, params->by_uuid.end_handle, bt_uuid_str(params->by_uuid.uuid)); - return gatt_send(conn, buf, gatt_read_rsp, params, NULL); + return gatt_send(conn, buf, gatt_read_rsp, params, NULL); } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_READ_MULTIPLE) -static void gatt_read_multiple_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t err, - const void *pdu, u16_t length, - void *user_data) -{ - struct bt_gatt_read_params *params = user_data; +static void gatt_read_multiple_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t err, const void *pdu, u16_t length, void *user_data) { + struct bt_gatt_read_params *params = user_data; - BT_DBG("err 0x%02x", err); + BT_DBG("err 0x%02x", err); - if (err || !length) { - params->func(conn, err, params, NULL, 0); - return; - } + if (err || !length) { + params->func(conn, err, params, NULL, 0); + return; + } - params->func(conn, 0, params, pdu, length); + params->func(conn, 0, params, pdu, length); - /* mark read as complete since read multiple is single response */ - params->func(conn, 0, params, NULL, 0); + /* mark read as complete since read multiple is single response */ + params->func(conn, 0, params, NULL, 0); } -static int gatt_read_multiple(struct bt_conn *conn, - struct bt_gatt_read_params *params) -{ - struct net_buf *buf; - u8_t i; +static int gatt_read_multiple(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_read_params *params) { + struct net_buf *buf; + u8_t i; - buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_MULT_REQ, - params->handle_count * sizeof(u16_t)); - if (!buf) { - return -ENOMEM; - } + buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_MULT_REQ, params->handle_count * sizeof(u16_t)); + if (!buf) { + return -ENOMEM; + } - for (i = 0U; i < params->handle_count; i++) { - net_buf_add_le16(buf, params->handles[i]); - } + for (i = 0U; i < params->handle_count; i++) { + net_buf_add_le16(buf, params->handles[i]); + } - return gatt_send(conn, buf, gatt_read_multiple_rsp, params, NULL); + return gatt_send(conn, buf, gatt_read_multiple_rsp, params, NULL); } #else -static int gatt_read_multiple(struct bt_conn *conn, - struct bt_gatt_read_params *params) -{ - return -ENOTSUP; -} +static int gatt_read_multiple(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_read_params *params) { return -ENOTSUP; } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_GATT_READ_MULTIPLE */ -int bt_gatt_read(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_read_params *params) -{ - struct net_buf *buf; - struct bt_att_read_req *req; +int bt_gatt_read(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_read_params *params) { + struct net_buf *buf; + struct bt_att_read_req *req; - __ASSERT(conn, "invalid parameters\n"); - __ASSERT(params && params->func, "invalid parameters\n"); + __ASSERT(conn, "invalid parameters\n"); + __ASSERT(params && params->func, "invalid parameters\n"); - if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { - return -ENOTCONN; - } + if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { + return -ENOTCONN; + } - if (params->handle_count == 0) { - return gatt_read_uuid(conn, params); - } + if (params->handle_count == 0) { + return gatt_read_uuid(conn, params); + } - if (params->handle_count > 1) { - return gatt_read_multiple(conn, params); - } + if (params->handle_count > 1) { + return gatt_read_multiple(conn, params); + } - if (params->single.offset) { - return gatt_read_blob(conn, params); - } + if (params->single.offset) { + return gatt_read_blob(conn, params); + } - buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_REQ, sizeof(*req)); - if (!buf) { - return -ENOMEM; - } + buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_READ_REQ, sizeof(*req)); + if (!buf) { + return -ENOMEM; + } - req = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*req)); - req->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->single.handle); + req = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*req)); + req->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->single.handle); - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x", params->single.handle); + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x", params->single.handle); - return gatt_send(conn, buf, gatt_read_rsp, params, NULL); + return gatt_send(conn, buf, gatt_read_rsp, params, NULL); } -static void gatt_write_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t err, const void *pdu, - u16_t length, void *user_data) -{ - struct bt_gatt_write_params *params = user_data; +static void gatt_write_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t err, const void *pdu, u16_t length, void *user_data) { + struct bt_gatt_write_params *params = user_data; - BT_DBG("err 0x%02x", err); + BT_DBG("err 0x%02x", err); - params->func(conn, err, params); + params->func(conn, err, params); } -int bt_gatt_write_without_response_cb(struct bt_conn *conn, u16_t handle, - const void *data, u16_t length, bool sign, - bt_gatt_complete_func_t func, - void *user_data) -{ - struct net_buf *buf; - struct bt_att_write_cmd *cmd; +int bt_gatt_write_without_response_cb(struct bt_conn *conn, u16_t handle, const void *data, u16_t length, bool sign, bt_gatt_complete_func_t func, void *user_data) { + struct net_buf *buf; + struct bt_att_write_cmd *cmd; - __ASSERT(conn, "invalid parameters\n"); - __ASSERT(handle, "invalid parameters\n"); + __ASSERT(conn, "invalid parameters\n"); + __ASSERT(handle, "invalid parameters\n"); - if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { - return -ENOTCONN; - } + if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { + return -ENOTCONN; + } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_SMP) - if (conn->encrypt) { - /* Don't need to sign if already encrypted */ - sign = false; - } + if (conn->encrypt) { + /* Don't need to sign if already encrypted */ + sign = false; + } #endif - if (sign) { - buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_SIGNED_WRITE_CMD, - sizeof(*cmd) + length + 12); - } else { - buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_WRITE_CMD, - sizeof(*cmd) + length); - } - if (!buf) { - return -ENOMEM; - } + if (sign) { + buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_SIGNED_WRITE_CMD, sizeof(*cmd) + length + 12); + } else { + buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_WRITE_CMD, sizeof(*cmd) + length); + } + if (!buf) { + return -ENOMEM; + } - cmd = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*cmd)); - cmd->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(handle); - memcpy(cmd->value, data, length); - net_buf_add(buf, length); + cmd = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*cmd)); + cmd->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(handle); + memcpy(cmd->value, data, length); + net_buf_add(buf, length); - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x length %u", handle, length); + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x length %u", handle, length); - return bt_att_send(conn, buf, func, user_data); + return bt_att_send(conn, buf, func, user_data); } -static int gatt_exec_write(struct bt_conn *conn, - struct bt_gatt_write_params *params) -{ - struct net_buf *buf; - struct bt_att_exec_write_req *req; +static int gatt_exec_write(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_write_params *params) { + struct net_buf *buf; + struct bt_att_exec_write_req *req; - buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_EXEC_WRITE_REQ, sizeof(*req)); - if (!buf) { - return -ENOMEM; - } + buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_EXEC_WRITE_REQ, sizeof(*req)); + if (!buf) { + return -ENOMEM; + } - req = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*req)); + req = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*req)); #if defined(CONFIG_BT_STACK_PTS) - if (event_flag == gatt_cancel_write_req) - req->flags = BT_ATT_FLAG_CANCEL; - else - req->flags = BT_ATT_FLAG_EXEC; -#else + if (event_flag == gatt_cancel_write_req) { + req->flags = BT_ATT_FLAG_CANCEL; + } else { req->flags = BT_ATT_FLAG_EXEC; + } +#else + req->flags = BT_ATT_FLAG_EXEC; #endif - BT_DBG(""); + BT_DBG(""); - return gatt_send(conn, buf, gatt_write_rsp, params, NULL); + return gatt_send(conn, buf, gatt_write_rsp, params, NULL); } -static void gatt_prepare_write_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t err, - const void *pdu, u16_t length, - void *user_data) -{ - struct bt_gatt_write_params *params = user_data; +static void gatt_prepare_write_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t err, const void *pdu, u16_t length, void *user_data) { + struct bt_gatt_write_params *params = user_data; - BT_DBG("err 0x%02x", err); + BT_DBG("err 0x%02x", err); - /* Don't continue in case of error */ - if (err) { - params->func(conn, err, params); - return; - } - /* If there is no more data execute */ - if (!params->length) { - gatt_exec_write(conn, params); - return; - } + /* Don't continue in case of error */ + if (err) { + params->func(conn, err, params); + return; + } + /* If there is no more data execute */ + if (!params->length) { + gatt_exec_write(conn, params); + return; + } - /* Write next chunk */ - bt_gatt_write(conn, params); + /* Write next chunk */ + bt_gatt_write(conn, params); } -static int gatt_prepare_write(struct bt_conn *conn, - struct bt_gatt_write_params *params) +static int gatt_prepare_write(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_write_params *params) { - struct net_buf *buf; - struct bt_att_prepare_write_req *req; - u16_t len; + struct net_buf *buf; + struct bt_att_prepare_write_req *req; + u16_t len; - len = MIN(params->length, bt_att_get_mtu(conn) - sizeof(*req) - 1); + len = MIN(params->length, bt_att_get_mtu(conn) - sizeof(*req) - 1); - buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_PREPARE_WRITE_REQ, - sizeof(*req) + len); - if (!buf) { - return -ENOMEM; - } + buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_PREPARE_WRITE_REQ, sizeof(*req) + len); + if (!buf) { + return -ENOMEM; + } - req = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*req)); - req->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->handle); - req->offset = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->offset); - memcpy(req->value, params->data, len); - net_buf_add(buf, len); + req = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*req)); + req->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->handle); + req->offset = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->offset); + memcpy(req->value, params->data, len); + net_buf_add(buf, len); - /* Update params */ - params->offset += len; - params->data = (const u8_t *)params->data + len; - params->length -= len; + /* Update params */ + params->offset += len; + params->data = (const u8_t *)params->data + len; + params->length -= len; - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x offset %u len %u", params->handle, params->offset, - params->length); + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x offset %u len %u", params->handle, params->offset, params->length); - return gatt_send(conn, buf, gatt_prepare_write_rsp, params, NULL); + return gatt_send(conn, buf, gatt_prepare_write_rsp, params, NULL); } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_STACK_PTS) -int bt_gatt_prepare_write(struct bt_conn *conn, - struct bt_gatt_write_params *params) -{ - return gatt_prepare_write(conn, params); -} +int bt_gatt_prepare_write(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_write_params *params) { return gatt_prepare_write(conn, params); } #endif -int bt_gatt_write(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_write_params *params) -{ - struct net_buf *buf; - struct bt_att_write_req *req; - - __ASSERT(conn, "invalid parameters\n"); - __ASSERT(params && params->func, "invalid parameters\n"); - __ASSERT(params->handle, "invalid parameters\n"); +int bt_gatt_write(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_write_params *params) { + struct net_buf *buf; + struct bt_att_write_req *req; - if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { - return -ENOTCONN; - } + __ASSERT(conn, "invalid parameters\n"); + __ASSERT(params && params->func, "invalid parameters\n"); + __ASSERT(params->handle, "invalid parameters\n"); - /* Use Prepare Write if offset is set or Long Write is required */ - if (params->offset || - params->length > (bt_att_get_mtu(conn) - sizeof(*req) - 1)) { - return gatt_prepare_write(conn, params); - } + if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { + return -ENOTCONN; + } - buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_WRITE_REQ, - sizeof(*req) + params->length); - if (!buf) { - return -ENOMEM; - } - - req = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*req)); - req->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->handle); - memcpy(req->value, params->data, params->length); - net_buf_add(buf, params->length); - - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x length %u", params->handle, params->length); - - return gatt_send(conn, buf, gatt_write_rsp, params, NULL); -} - -static void gatt_subscription_add(struct bt_conn *conn, - struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *params) -{ - bt_addr_le_copy(¶ms->_peer, &conn->le.dst); - - /* Prepend subscription */ - sys_slist_prepend(&subscriptions, ¶ms->node); -} - -static void gatt_write_ccc_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t err, - const void *pdu, u16_t length, - void *user_data) -{ - struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *params = user_data; - - BT_DBG("err 0x%02x", err); + /* Use Prepare Write if offset is set or Long Write is required */ + if (params->offset || params->length > (bt_att_get_mtu(conn) - sizeof(*req) - 1)) { + return gatt_prepare_write(conn, params); + } - atomic_clear_bit(params->flags, BT_GATT_SUBSCRIBE_FLAG_WRITE_PENDING); + buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_WRITE_REQ, sizeof(*req) + params->length); + if (!buf) { + return -ENOMEM; + } - /* if write to CCC failed we remove subscription and notify app */ - if (err) { - sys_snode_t *node, *tmp, *prev = NULL; - UNUSED(prev); + req = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*req)); + req->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(params->handle); + memcpy(req->value, params->data, params->length); + net_buf_add(buf, params->length); - SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_NODE_SAFE(&subscriptions, node, tmp) - { - if (node == ¶ms->node) { - gatt_subscription_remove(conn, tmp, params); - break; - } + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x length %u", params->handle, params->length); - prev = node; - } - } else if (!params->value) { - /* Notify with NULL data to complete unsubscribe */ - params->notify(conn, params, NULL, 0); - } -#if defined(BFLB_BLE_PATCH_NOTIFY_WRITE_CCC_RSP) - else { - params->notify(conn, params, NULL, 0); - } -#endif + return gatt_send(conn, buf, gatt_write_rsp, params, NULL); } -static int gatt_write_ccc(struct bt_conn *conn, u16_t handle, u16_t value, - bt_att_func_t func, - struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *params) -{ - struct net_buf *buf; - struct bt_att_write_req *req; - - buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_WRITE_REQ, - sizeof(*req) + sizeof(u16_t)); - if (!buf) { - return -ENOMEM; - } +static void gatt_subscription_add(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *params) { + bt_addr_le_copy(¶ms->_peer, &conn->le.dst); - req = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*req)); - req->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(handle); - net_buf_add_le16(buf, value); + /* Prepend subscription */ + sys_slist_prepend(&subscriptions, ¶ms->node); +} - BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x value 0x%04x", handle, value); +static void gatt_write_ccc_rsp(struct bt_conn *conn, u8_t err, const void *pdu, u16_t length, void *user_data) { + struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *params = user_data; - atomic_set_bit(params->flags, BT_GATT_SUBSCRIBE_FLAG_WRITE_PENDING); + BT_DBG("err 0x%02x", err); - return gatt_send(conn, buf, func, params, NULL); -} + atomic_clear_bit(params->flags, BT_GATT_SUBSCRIBE_FLAG_WRITE_PENDING); -int bt_gatt_subscribe(struct bt_conn *conn, - struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *params) -{ - struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *tmp; - bool has_subscription = false; + /* if write to CCC failed we remove subscription and notify app */ + if (err) { + sys_snode_t *node, *tmp, *prev = NULL; + UNUSED(prev); - __ASSERT(conn, "invalid parameters\n"); - __ASSERT(params && params->notify, "invalid parameters\n"); - __ASSERT(params->value, "invalid parameters\n"); - __ASSERT(params->ccc_handle, "invalid parameters\n"); + SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_NODE_SAFE(&subscriptions, node, tmp) { + if (node == ¶ms->node) { + gatt_subscription_remove(conn, tmp, params); + break; + } - if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { - return -ENOTCONN; + prev = node; } + } else if (!params->value) { + /* Notify with NULL data to complete unsubscribe */ + params->notify(conn, params, NULL, 0); + } +#if defined(BFLB_BLE_PATCH_NOTIFY_WRITE_CCC_RSP) + else { + params->notify(conn, params, NULL, 0); + } +#endif +} - /* Lookup existing subscriptions */ - SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_CONTAINER(&subscriptions, tmp, node) - { - /* Fail if entry already exists */ - if (tmp == params) { - return -EALREADY; - } +static int gatt_write_ccc(struct bt_conn *conn, u16_t handle, u16_t value, bt_att_func_t func, struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *params) { + struct net_buf *buf; + struct bt_att_write_req *req; - /* Check if another subscription exists */ - if (!bt_conn_addr_le_cmp(conn, &tmp->_peer) && - tmp->value_handle == params->value_handle && - tmp->value >= params->value) { - has_subscription = true; - } - } + buf = bt_att_create_pdu(conn, BT_ATT_OP_WRITE_REQ, sizeof(*req) + sizeof(u16_t)); + if (!buf) { + return -ENOMEM; + } - /* Skip write if already subscribed */ - if (!has_subscription) { - int err; + req = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*req)); + req->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(handle); + net_buf_add_le16(buf, value); - err = gatt_write_ccc(conn, params->ccc_handle, params->value, - gatt_write_ccc_rsp, params); - if (err) { - return err; - } - } + BT_DBG("handle 0x%04x value 0x%04x", handle, value); - /* - * Add subscription before write complete as some implementation were - * reported to send notification before reply to CCC write. - */ - gatt_subscription_add(conn, params); + atomic_set_bit(params->flags, BT_GATT_SUBSCRIBE_FLAG_WRITE_PENDING); - return 0; + return gatt_send(conn, buf, func, params, NULL); } -int bt_gatt_unsubscribe(struct bt_conn *conn, - struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *params) -{ - struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *tmp, *next; - bool has_subscription = false, found = false; - sys_snode_t *prev = NULL; +int bt_gatt_subscribe(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *params) { + struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *tmp; + bool has_subscription = false; - __ASSERT(conn, "invalid parameters\n"); - __ASSERT(params, "invalid parameters\n"); + __ASSERT(conn, "invalid parameters\n"); + __ASSERT(params && params->notify, "invalid parameters\n"); + __ASSERT(params->value, "invalid parameters\n"); + __ASSERT(params->ccc_handle, "invalid parameters\n"); - if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { - return -ENOTCONN; - } + if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { + return -ENOTCONN; + } - /* Lookup existing subscriptions */ - SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_CONTAINER_SAFE(&subscriptions, tmp, next, node) - { - /* Remove subscription */ - if (params == tmp) { - found = true; - sys_slist_remove(&subscriptions, prev, &tmp->node); - /* Attempt to cancel if write is pending */ - if (atomic_test_bit(params->flags, - BT_GATT_SUBSCRIBE_FLAG_WRITE_PENDING)) { - bt_gatt_cancel(conn, params); - } - continue; - } else { - prev = &tmp->node; - } + /* Lookup existing subscriptions */ + SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_CONTAINER(&subscriptions, tmp, node) { + /* Fail if entry already exists */ + if (tmp == params) { + return -EALREADY; + } - /* Check if there still remains any other subscription */ - if (!bt_conn_addr_le_cmp(conn, &tmp->_peer) && - tmp->value_handle == params->value_handle) { - has_subscription = true; - } + /* Check if another subscription exists */ + if (!bt_conn_addr_le_cmp(conn, &tmp->_peer) && tmp->value_handle == params->value_handle && tmp->value >= params->value) { + has_subscription = true; } + } + + /* Skip write if already subscribed */ + if (!has_subscription) { + int err; - if (!found) { - return -EINVAL; + err = gatt_write_ccc(conn, params->ccc_handle, params->value, gatt_write_ccc_rsp, params); + if (err) { + return err; + } + } + + /* + * Add subscription before write complete as some implementation were + * reported to send notification before reply to CCC write. + */ + gatt_subscription_add(conn, params); + + return 0; +} + +int bt_gatt_unsubscribe(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *params) { + struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *tmp, *next; + bool has_subscription = false, found = false; + sys_snode_t *prev = NULL; + + __ASSERT(conn, "invalid parameters\n"); + __ASSERT(params, "invalid parameters\n"); + + if (conn->state != BT_CONN_CONNECTED) { + return -ENOTCONN; + } + + /* Lookup existing subscriptions */ + SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_CONTAINER_SAFE(&subscriptions, tmp, next, node) { + /* Remove subscription */ + if (params == tmp) { + found = true; + sys_slist_remove(&subscriptions, prev, &tmp->node); + /* Attempt to cancel if write is pending */ + if (atomic_test_bit(params->flags, BT_GATT_SUBSCRIBE_FLAG_WRITE_PENDING)) { + bt_gatt_cancel(conn, params); + } + continue; + } else { + prev = &tmp->node; } - if (has_subscription) { - /* Notify with NULL data to complete unsubscribe */ - params->notify(conn, params, NULL, 0); - return 0; + /* Check if there still remains any other subscription */ + if (!bt_conn_addr_le_cmp(conn, &tmp->_peer) && tmp->value_handle == params->value_handle) { + has_subscription = true; } + } - params->value = 0x0000; + if (!found) { + return -EINVAL; + } - return gatt_write_ccc(conn, params->ccc_handle, params->value, - gatt_write_ccc_rsp, params); -} + if (has_subscription) { + /* Notify with NULL data to complete unsubscribe */ + params->notify(conn, params, NULL, 0); + return 0; + } -void bt_gatt_cancel(struct bt_conn *conn, void *params) -{ - bt_att_req_cancel(conn, params); + params->value = 0x0000; + + return gatt_write_ccc(conn, params->ccc_handle, params->value, gatt_write_ccc_rsp, params); } -static void add_subscriptions(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *params; +void bt_gatt_cancel(struct bt_conn *conn, void *params) { bt_att_req_cancel(conn, params); } - /* Lookup existing subscriptions */ - SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_CONTAINER(&subscriptions, params, node) - { - if (bt_conn_addr_le_cmp(conn, ¶ms->_peer)) { - continue; - } +static void add_subscriptions(struct bt_conn *conn) { + struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *params; - /* Force write to CCC to workaround devices that don't track - * it properly. - */ - gatt_write_ccc(conn, params->ccc_handle, params->value, - gatt_write_ccc_rsp, params); + /* Lookup existing subscriptions */ + SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_CONTAINER(&subscriptions, params, node) { + if (bt_conn_addr_le_cmp(conn, ¶ms->_peer)) { + continue; } + + /* Force write to CCC to workaround devices that don't track + * it properly. + */ + gatt_write_ccc(conn, params->ccc_handle, params->value, gatt_write_ccc_rsp, params); + } } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_GATT_CLIENT */ #define CCC_STORE_MAX 48 -static struct bt_gatt_ccc_cfg *ccc_find_cfg(struct _bt_gatt_ccc *ccc, - const bt_addr_le_t *addr, - u8_t id) -{ - for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ccc->cfg); i++) { - if (id == ccc->cfg[i].id && - !bt_addr_le_cmp(&ccc->cfg[i].peer, addr)) { - return &ccc->cfg[i]; - } +static struct bt_gatt_ccc_cfg *ccc_find_cfg(struct _bt_gatt_ccc *ccc, const bt_addr_le_t *addr, u8_t id) { + for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ccc->cfg); i++) { + if (id == ccc->cfg[i].id && !bt_addr_le_cmp(&ccc->cfg[i].peer, addr)) { + return &ccc->cfg[i]; } + } - return NULL; + return NULL; } struct addr_with_id { - const bt_addr_le_t *addr; - u8_t id; + const bt_addr_le_t *addr; + u8_t id; }; struct ccc_load { - struct addr_with_id addr_with_id; - struct ccc_store *entry; - size_t count; + struct addr_with_id addr_with_id; + struct ccc_store *entry; + size_t count; }; -static void ccc_clear(struct _bt_gatt_ccc *ccc, - const bt_addr_le_t *addr, - u8_t id) -{ - struct bt_gatt_ccc_cfg *cfg; +static void ccc_clear(struct _bt_gatt_ccc *ccc, const bt_addr_le_t *addr, u8_t id) { + struct bt_gatt_ccc_cfg *cfg; - cfg = ccc_find_cfg(ccc, addr, id); - if (!cfg) { - BT_DBG("Unable to clear CCC: cfg not found"); - return; - } + cfg = ccc_find_cfg(ccc, addr, id); + if (!cfg) { + BT_DBG("Unable to clear CCC: cfg not found"); + return; + } - clear_ccc_cfg(cfg); + clear_ccc_cfg(cfg); } -static u8_t ccc_load(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) -{ - struct ccc_load *load = user_data; - struct _bt_gatt_ccc *ccc; - struct bt_gatt_ccc_cfg *cfg; - - /* Check if attribute is a CCC */ - if (attr->write != bt_gatt_attr_write_ccc) { - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; - } +static u8_t ccc_load(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) { + struct ccc_load *load = user_data; + struct _bt_gatt_ccc *ccc; + struct bt_gatt_ccc_cfg *cfg; - ccc = attr->user_data; + /* Check if attribute is a CCC */ + if (attr->write != bt_gatt_attr_write_ccc) { + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + } - /* Clear if value was invalidated */ - if (!load->entry) { - ccc_clear(ccc, load->addr_with_id.addr, load->addr_with_id.id); - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; - } else if (!load->count) { - return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; - } + ccc = attr->user_data; - /* Skip if value is not for the given attribute */ - if (load->entry->handle != attr->handle) { - /* If attribute handle is bigger then it means - * the attribute no longer exists and cannot - * be restored. - */ - if (load->entry->handle < attr->handle) { - BT_DBG("Unable to restore CCC: handle 0x%04x cannot be" - " found", - load->entry->handle); - goto next; - } - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + /* Clear if value was invalidated */ + if (!load->entry) { + ccc_clear(ccc, load->addr_with_id.addr, load->addr_with_id.id); + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + } else if (!load->count) { + return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; + } + + /* Skip if value is not for the given attribute */ + if (load->entry->handle != attr->handle) { + /* If attribute handle is bigger then it means + * the attribute no longer exists and cannot + * be restored. + */ + if (load->entry->handle < attr->handle) { + BT_DBG("Unable to restore CCC: handle 0x%04x cannot be" + " found", + load->entry->handle); + goto next; } + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + } - BT_DBG("Restoring CCC: handle 0x%04x value 0x%04x", load->entry->handle, - load->entry->value); + BT_DBG("Restoring CCC: handle 0x%04x value 0x%04x", load->entry->handle, load->entry->value); - cfg = ccc_find_cfg(ccc, load->addr_with_id.addr, load->addr_with_id.id); + cfg = ccc_find_cfg(ccc, load->addr_with_id.addr, load->addr_with_id.id); + if (!cfg) { + cfg = ccc_find_cfg(ccc, BT_ADDR_LE_ANY, 0); if (!cfg) { - cfg = ccc_find_cfg(ccc, BT_ADDR_LE_ANY, 0); - if (!cfg) { - BT_DBG("Unable to restore CCC: no cfg left"); - goto next; - } - bt_addr_le_copy(&cfg->peer, load->addr_with_id.addr); - cfg->id = load->addr_with_id.id; + BT_DBG("Unable to restore CCC: no cfg left"); + goto next; } + bt_addr_le_copy(&cfg->peer, load->addr_with_id.addr); + cfg->id = load->addr_with_id.id; + } - cfg->value = load->entry->value; + cfg->value = load->entry->value; next: - load->entry++; - load->count--; + load->entry++; + load->count--; - return load->count ? BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE : BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; + return load->count ? BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE : BT_GATT_ITER_STOP; } #if defined(BFLB_BLE) static int ccc_set(const char *key, u8_t id, bt_addr_le_t *addr) #else -static int ccc_set(const char *name, size_t len_rd, settings_read_cb read_cb, - void *cb_arg) +static int ccc_set(const char *name, size_t len_rd, settings_read_cb read_cb, void *cb_arg) #endif { - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS)) { - struct ccc_store ccc_store[CCC_STORE_MAX]; - struct ccc_load load; + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS)) { + struct ccc_store ccc_store[CCC_STORE_MAX]; + struct ccc_load load; #if defined(BFLB_BLE) - size_t len; - int err; + size_t len; + int err; #else - bt_addr_le_t addr; - const char *next; - int len, err; + bt_addr_le_t addr; + const char *next; + int len, err; #endif #if defined(BFLB_BLE) - err = bt_settings_get_bin(key, (u8_t *)ccc_store, CCC_STORE_MAX, &len); - if (err) - return err; - - load.addr_with_id.id = id; - load.addr_with_id.addr = addr; - load.entry = ccc_store; - load.count = len / sizeof(*ccc_store); + err = bt_settings_get_bin(key, (u8_t *)ccc_store, CCC_STORE_MAX, &len); + if (err) { + return err; + } + + load.addr_with_id.id = id; + load.addr_with_id.addr = addr; + load.entry = ccc_store; + load.count = len / sizeof(*ccc_store); #else - settings_name_next(name, &next); - - if (!name) { - BT_ERR("Insufficient number of arguments"); - return -EINVAL; - } else if (!next) { - load.addr_with_id.id = BT_ID_DEFAULT; - } else { - load.addr_with_id.id = strtol(next, NULL, 10); - } + settings_name_next(name, &next); - err = bt_settings_decode_key(name, &addr); - if (err) { - BT_ERR("Unable to decode address %s", log_strdup(name)); - return -EINVAL; - } + if (!name) { + BT_ERR("Insufficient number of arguments"); + return -EINVAL; + } else if (!next) { + load.addr_with_id.id = BT_ID_DEFAULT; + } else { + load.addr_with_id.id = strtol(next, NULL, 10); + } - load.addr_with_id.addr = &addr; + err = bt_settings_decode_key(name, &addr); + if (err) { + BT_ERR("Unable to decode address %s", log_strdup(name)); + return -EINVAL; + } + + load.addr_with_id.addr = &addr; - if (len_rd) { - len = read_cb(cb_arg, ccc_store, sizeof(ccc_store)); + if (len_rd) { + len = read_cb(cb_arg, ccc_store, sizeof(ccc_store)); - if (len < 0) { - BT_ERR("Failed to decode value (err %d)", len); - return len; - } + if (len < 0) { + BT_ERR("Failed to decode value (err %d)", len); + return len; + } - load.entry = ccc_store; - load.count = len / sizeof(*ccc_store); + load.entry = ccc_store; + load.count = len / sizeof(*ccc_store); - for (int i = 0; i < load.count; i++) { - BT_DBG("Read CCC: handle 0x%04x value 0x%04x", - ccc_store[i].handle, ccc_store[i].value); - } - } else { - load.entry = NULL; - load.count = 0; - } + for (int i = 0; i < load.count; i++) { + BT_DBG("Read CCC: handle 0x%04x value 0x%04x", ccc_store[i].handle, ccc_store[i].value); + } + } else { + load.entry = NULL; + load.count = 0; + } #endif - bt_gatt_foreach_attr(0x0001, 0xffff, ccc_load, &load); + bt_gatt_foreach_attr(0x0001, 0xffff, ccc_load, &load); - BT_DBG("Restored CCC for id:%x" - "PRIu8" - " addr:%s", - load.addr_with_id.id, - bt_addr_le_str(load.addr_with_id.addr)); - } + BT_DBG("Restored CCC for id:%x" + "PRIu8" + " addr:%s", + load.addr_with_id.id, bt_addr_le_str(load.addr_with_id.addr)); + } - return 0; + return 0; } #if !defined(BFLB_BLE) @@ -3994,23 +3581,21 @@ SETTINGS_STATIC_HANDLER_DEFINE(bt_ccc, "bt/ccc", NULL, ccc_set, NULL, NULL); #endif #if !defined(BFLB_BLE) -static int ccc_set_direct(const char *key, size_t len, settings_read_cb read_cb, - void *cb_arg, void *param) -{ - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS)) { - const char *name; +static int ccc_set_direct(const char *key, size_t len, settings_read_cb read_cb, void *cb_arg, void *param) { + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS)) { + const char *name; - BT_DBG("key: %s", log_strdup((const char *)param)); - - /* Only "bt/ccc" settings should ever come here */ - if (!settings_name_steq((const char *)param, "bt/ccc", &name)) { - BT_ERR("Invalid key"); - return -EINVAL; - } + BT_DBG("key: %s", log_strdup((const char *)param)); - return ccc_set(name, len, read_cb, cb_arg); + /* Only "bt/ccc" settings should ever come here */ + if (!settings_name_steq((const char *)param, "bt/ccc", &name)) { + BT_ERR("Invalid key"); + return -EINVAL; } - return 0; + + return ccc_set(name, len, read_cb, cb_arg); + } + return 0; } #endif @@ -4022,566 +3607,527 @@ static int sc_commit(void); #endif #endif #endif -void bt_gatt_connected(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - struct conn_data data; +void bt_gatt_connected(struct bt_conn *conn) { + struct conn_data data; - BT_DBG("conn %p", conn); + BT_DBG("conn %p", conn); - data.conn = conn; - data.sec = BT_SECURITY_L1; + data.conn = conn; + data.sec = BT_SECURITY_L1; - /* Load CCC settings from backend if bonded */ - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS_CCC_LAZY_LOADING) && - bt_addr_le_is_bonded(conn->id, &conn->le.dst)) { - char key[BT_SETTINGS_KEY_MAX]; + /* Load CCC settings from backend if bonded */ + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS_CCC_LAZY_LOADING) && bt_addr_le_is_bonded(conn->id, &conn->le.dst)) { + char key[BT_SETTINGS_KEY_MAX]; - if (conn->id) { - char id_str[4]; + if (conn->id) { + char id_str[4]; - u8_to_dec(id_str, sizeof(id_str), conn->id); - bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "ccc", - &conn->le.dst, id_str); - } else { - bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "ccc", - &conn->le.dst, NULL); - } + u8_to_dec(id_str, sizeof(id_str), conn->id); + bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "ccc", &conn->le.dst, id_str); + } else { + bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "ccc", &conn->le.dst, NULL); + } #if defined(BFLB_BLE) - ccc_set(key, conn->id, &conn->le.dst); + ccc_set(key, conn->id, &conn->le.dst); #else - settings_load_subtree_direct(key, ccc_set_direct, (void *)key); + settings_load_subtree_direct(key, ccc_set_direct, (void *)key); #endif - } - - bt_gatt_foreach_attr(0x0001, 0xffff, update_ccc, &data); - - /* BLUETOOTH CORE SPECIFICATION Version 5.1 | Vol 3, Part C page 2192: - * - * Handling of GATT indications and notifications - * - * A client requests a server to send indications and notifications - * by appropriately configuring the server via a Client Characteristic - * Configuration Descriptor. Since the configuration is persistent - * across a disconnection and reconnection, security requirements must - * be checked against the configuration upon a reconnection before - * sending indications or notifications. When a server reconnects to a - * client to send an indication or notification for which security is - * required, the server shall initiate or request encryption with the - * client prior to sending an indication or notification. If the client - * does not have an LTK indicating that the client has lost the bond, - * enabling encryption will fail. - */ - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SMP) && - bt_conn_get_security(conn) < data.sec) { - bt_conn_set_security(conn, data.sec); - } + } + + bt_gatt_foreach_attr(0x0001, 0xffff, update_ccc, &data); + + /* BLUETOOTH CORE SPECIFICATION Version 5.1 | Vol 3, Part C page 2192: + * + * Handling of GATT indications and notifications + * + * A client requests a server to send indications and notifications + * by appropriately configuring the server via a Client Characteristic + * Configuration Descriptor. Since the configuration is persistent + * across a disconnection and reconnection, security requirements must + * be checked against the configuration upon a reconnection before + * sending indications or notifications. When a server reconnects to a + * client to send an indication or notification for which security is + * required, the server shall initiate or request encryption with the + * client prior to sending an indication or notification. If the client + * does not have an LTK indicating that the client has lost the bond, + * enabling encryption will fail. + */ + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SMP) && bt_conn_get_security(conn) < data.sec) { + bt_conn_set_security(conn, data.sec); + } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_CLIENT) - add_subscriptions(conn); + add_subscriptions(conn); #endif /* CONFIG_BT_GATT_CLIENT */ #if defined(BFLB_BLE) #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_SERVICE_CHANGED) #if defined(CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS) - sc_set(conn->id, &conn->le.dst); - sc_commit(); + sc_set(conn->id, &conn->le.dst); + sc_commit(); #endif #endif #endif } -void bt_gatt_encrypt_change(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - struct conn_data data; +void bt_gatt_encrypt_change(struct bt_conn *conn) { + struct conn_data data; - BT_DBG("conn %p", conn); + BT_DBG("conn %p", conn); - data.conn = conn; - data.sec = BT_SECURITY_L1; + data.conn = conn; + data.sec = BT_SECURITY_L1; - bt_gatt_foreach_attr(0x0001, 0xffff, update_ccc, &data); + bt_gatt_foreach_attr(0x0001, 0xffff, update_ccc, &data); } -bool bt_gatt_change_aware(struct bt_conn *conn, bool req) -{ +bool bt_gatt_change_aware(struct bt_conn *conn, bool req) { #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_CACHING) - struct gatt_cf_cfg *cfg; + struct gatt_cf_cfg *cfg; - cfg = find_cf_cfg(conn); - if (!cfg || !CF_ROBUST_CACHING(cfg)) { - return true; - } - - if (atomic_test_bit(cfg->flags, CF_CHANGE_AWARE)) { - return true; - } + cfg = find_cf_cfg(conn); + if (!cfg || !CF_ROBUST_CACHING(cfg)) { + return true; + } - /* BLUETOOTH CORE SPECIFICATION Version 5.1 | Vol 3, Part G page 2350: - * If a change-unaware client sends an ATT command, the server shall - * ignore it. - */ - if (!req) { - return false; - } + if (atomic_test_bit(cfg->flags, CF_CHANGE_AWARE)) { + return true; + } - /* BLUETOOTH CORE SPECIFICATION Version 5.1 | Vol 3, Part G page 2347: - * Robust Caching - * A connected client becomes change-aware when... - * The server sends the client a response with the error code set to - * Database Out Of Sync and then the server receives another ATT - * request from the client. - */ - if (atomic_test_bit(cfg->flags, CF_OUT_OF_SYNC)) { - atomic_clear_bit(cfg->flags, CF_OUT_OF_SYNC); - atomic_set_bit(cfg->flags, CF_CHANGE_AWARE); - BT_DBG("%s change-aware", bt_addr_le_str(&cfg->peer)); - return true; - } + /* BLUETOOTH CORE SPECIFICATION Version 5.1 | Vol 3, Part G page 2350: + * If a change-unaware client sends an ATT command, the server shall + * ignore it. + */ + if (!req) { + return false; + } + + /* BLUETOOTH CORE SPECIFICATION Version 5.1 | Vol 3, Part G page 2347: + * Robust Caching + * A connected client becomes change-aware when... + * The server sends the client a response with the error code set to + * Database Out Of Sync and then the server receives another ATT + * request from the client. + */ + if (atomic_test_bit(cfg->flags, CF_OUT_OF_SYNC)) { + atomic_clear_bit(cfg->flags, CF_OUT_OF_SYNC); + atomic_set_bit(cfg->flags, CF_CHANGE_AWARE); + BT_DBG("%s change-aware", bt_addr_le_str(&cfg->peer)); + return true; + } - atomic_set_bit(cfg->flags, CF_OUT_OF_SYNC); + atomic_set_bit(cfg->flags, CF_OUT_OF_SYNC); - return false; + return false; #else - return true; + return true; #endif } -static int bt_gatt_store_cf(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ +static int bt_gatt_store_cf(struct bt_conn *conn) { #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_CACHING) - struct gatt_cf_cfg *cfg; - char key[BT_SETTINGS_KEY_MAX]; - char *str; - size_t len; - int err; - - cfg = find_cf_cfg(conn); - if (!cfg) { - /* No cfg found, just clear it */ - BT_DBG("No config for CF"); - str = NULL; - len = 0; - } else { - str = (char *)cfg->data; - len = sizeof(cfg->data); - - if (conn->id) { - char id_str[4]; - - u8_to_dec(id_str, sizeof(id_str), conn->id); - bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "cf", - &conn->le.dst, id_str); - } - } - - if (!cfg || !conn->id) { - bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "cf", - &conn->le.dst, NULL); - } + struct gatt_cf_cfg *cfg; + char key[BT_SETTINGS_KEY_MAX]; + char *str; + size_t len; + int err; + + cfg = find_cf_cfg(conn); + if (!cfg) { + /* No cfg found, just clear it */ + BT_DBG("No config for CF"); + str = NULL; + len = 0; + } else { + str = (char *)cfg->data; + len = sizeof(cfg->data); + + if (conn->id) { + char id_str[4]; + + u8_to_dec(id_str, sizeof(id_str), conn->id); + bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "cf", &conn->le.dst, id_str); + } + } + + if (!cfg || !conn->id) { + bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "cf", &conn->le.dst, NULL); + } #if defined(BFLB_BLE) - err = settings_save_one(key, (u8_t *)str, len); + err = settings_save_one(key, (u8_t *)str, len); #else - err = settings_save_one(key, str, len); + err = settings_save_one(key, str, len); #endif - if (err) { - BT_ERR("Failed to store Client Features (err %d)", err); - return err; - } + if (err) { + BT_ERR("Failed to store Client Features (err %d)", err); + return err; + } - BT_DBG("Stored CF for %s (%s)", bt_addr_le_str(&conn->le.dst), log_strdup(key)); + BT_DBG("Stored CF for %s (%s)", bt_addr_le_str(&conn->le.dst), log_strdup(key)); #endif /* CONFIG_BT_GATT_CACHING */ - return 0; + return 0; } -void bt_gatt_disconnected(struct bt_conn *conn) -{ - BT_DBG("conn %p", conn); - bt_gatt_foreach_attr(0x0001, 0xffff, disconnected_cb, conn); +void bt_gatt_disconnected(struct bt_conn *conn) { + BT_DBG("conn %p", conn); + bt_gatt_foreach_attr(0x0001, 0xffff, disconnected_cb, conn); #if defined(CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS_CCC_STORE_ON_WRITE) - gatt_ccc_conn_unqueue(conn); + gatt_ccc_conn_unqueue(conn); - if (gatt_ccc_conn_queue_is_empty()) { - k_delayed_work_cancel(&gatt_ccc_store.work); - } + if (gatt_ccc_conn_queue_is_empty()) { + k_delayed_work_cancel(&gatt_ccc_store.work); + } #endif - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS) && - bt_addr_le_is_bonded(conn->id, &conn->le.dst)) { - bt_gatt_store_ccc(conn->id, &conn->le.dst); - bt_gatt_store_cf(conn); - } + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS) && bt_addr_le_is_bonded(conn->id, &conn->le.dst)) { + bt_gatt_store_ccc(conn->id, &conn->le.dst); + bt_gatt_store_cf(conn); + } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_CLIENT) - remove_subscriptions(conn); + remove_subscriptions(conn); #endif /* CONFIG_BT_GATT_CLIENT */ #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_CACHING) - remove_cf_cfg(conn); + remove_cf_cfg(conn); #endif } #if defined(BFLB_BLE_MTU_CHANGE_CB) -void bt_gatt_mtu_changed(struct bt_conn *conn, u16_t mtu) -{ - if (gatt_mtu_changed_cb) - gatt_mtu_changed_cb(conn, (int)mtu); +void bt_gatt_mtu_changed(struct bt_conn *conn, u16_t mtu) { + if (gatt_mtu_changed_cb) { + gatt_mtu_changed_cb(conn, (int)mtu); + } } -void bt_gatt_register_mtu_callback(bt_gatt_mtu_changed_cb_t cb) -{ - gatt_mtu_changed_cb = cb; -} +void bt_gatt_register_mtu_callback(bt_gatt_mtu_changed_cb_t cb) { gatt_mtu_changed_cb = cb; } #endif #if defined(CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS) struct ccc_save { - struct addr_with_id addr_with_id; - struct ccc_store store[CCC_STORE_MAX]; - size_t count; + struct addr_with_id addr_with_id; + struct ccc_store store[CCC_STORE_MAX]; + size_t count; }; -static u8_t ccc_save(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) -{ - struct ccc_save *save = user_data; - struct _bt_gatt_ccc *ccc; - struct bt_gatt_ccc_cfg *cfg; +static u8_t ccc_save(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) { + struct ccc_save *save = user_data; + struct _bt_gatt_ccc *ccc; + struct bt_gatt_ccc_cfg *cfg; - /* Check if attribute is a CCC */ - if (attr->write != bt_gatt_attr_write_ccc) { - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; - } + /* Check if attribute is a CCC */ + if (attr->write != bt_gatt_attr_write_ccc) { + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + } - ccc = attr->user_data; + ccc = attr->user_data; - /* Check if there is a cfg for the peer */ - cfg = ccc_find_cfg(ccc, save->addr_with_id.addr, save->addr_with_id.id); - if (!cfg) { - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; - } + /* Check if there is a cfg for the peer */ + cfg = ccc_find_cfg(ccc, save->addr_with_id.addr, save->addr_with_id.id); + if (!cfg) { + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + } - BT_DBG("Storing CCCs handle 0x%04x value 0x%04x", attr->handle, - cfg->value); + BT_DBG("Storing CCCs handle 0x%04x value 0x%04x", attr->handle, cfg->value); - save->store[save->count].handle = attr->handle; - save->store[save->count].value = cfg->value; - save->count++; + save->store[save->count].handle = attr->handle; + save->store[save->count].value = cfg->value; + save->count++; - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; } -int bt_gatt_store_ccc(u8_t id, const bt_addr_le_t *addr) -{ - struct ccc_save save; - char key[BT_SETTINGS_KEY_MAX]; - size_t len; - char *str; - int err; +int bt_gatt_store_ccc(u8_t id, const bt_addr_le_t *addr) { + struct ccc_save save; + char key[BT_SETTINGS_KEY_MAX]; + size_t len; + char *str; + int err; - save.addr_with_id.addr = addr; - save.addr_with_id.id = id; - save.count = 0; + save.addr_with_id.addr = addr; + save.addr_with_id.id = id; + save.count = 0; - bt_gatt_foreach_attr(0x0001, 0xffff, ccc_save, &save); + bt_gatt_foreach_attr(0x0001, 0xffff, ccc_save, &save); - if (id) { - char id_str[4]; + if (id) { + char id_str[4]; - u8_to_dec(id_str, sizeof(id_str), id); - bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "ccc", - (bt_addr_le_t *)addr, id_str); - } else { - bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "ccc", - (bt_addr_le_t *)addr, NULL); - } + u8_to_dec(id_str, sizeof(id_str), id); + bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "ccc", (bt_addr_le_t *)addr, id_str); + } else { + bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "ccc", (bt_addr_le_t *)addr, NULL); + } - if (save.count) { - str = (char *)save.store; - len = save.count * sizeof(*save.store); - } else { - /* No entries to encode, just clear */ - str = NULL; - len = 0; - } + if (save.count) { + str = (char *)save.store; + len = save.count * sizeof(*save.store); + } else { + /* No entries to encode, just clear */ + str = NULL; + len = 0; + } - err = settings_save_one(key, (const u8_t *)str, len); - if (err) { - BT_ERR("Failed to store CCCs (err %d)", err); - return err; - } + err = settings_save_one(key, (const u8_t *)str, len); + if (err) { + BT_ERR("Failed to store CCCs (err %d)", err); + return err; + } - BT_DBG("Stored CCCs for %s (%s)", bt_addr_le_str(addr), - log_strdup(key)); - if (len) { - for (int i = 0; i < save.count; i++) { - BT_DBG(" CCC: handle 0x%04x value 0x%04x", - save.store[i].handle, save.store[i].value); - } - } else { - BT_DBG(" CCC: NULL"); + BT_DBG("Stored CCCs for %s (%s)", bt_addr_le_str(addr), log_strdup(key)); + if (len) { + for (int i = 0; i < save.count; i++) { + BT_DBG(" CCC: handle 0x%04x value 0x%04x", save.store[i].handle, save.store[i].value); } + } else { + BT_DBG(" CCC: NULL"); + } - return 0; + return 0; } -static u8_t remove_peer_from_attr(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, - void *user_data) -{ - const struct addr_with_id *addr_with_id = user_data; - struct _bt_gatt_ccc *ccc; - struct bt_gatt_ccc_cfg *cfg; +static u8_t remove_peer_from_attr(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *user_data) { + const struct addr_with_id *addr_with_id = user_data; + struct _bt_gatt_ccc *ccc; + struct bt_gatt_ccc_cfg *cfg; - /* Check if attribute is a CCC */ - if (attr->write != bt_gatt_attr_write_ccc) { - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; - } + /* Check if attribute is a CCC */ + if (attr->write != bt_gatt_attr_write_ccc) { + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + } - ccc = attr->user_data; + ccc = attr->user_data; - /* Check if there is a cfg for the peer */ - cfg = ccc_find_cfg(ccc, addr_with_id->addr, addr_with_id->id); - if (cfg) { - memset(cfg, 0, sizeof(*cfg)); - } + /* Check if there is a cfg for the peer */ + cfg = ccc_find_cfg(ccc, addr_with_id->addr, addr_with_id->id); + if (cfg) { + memset(cfg, 0, sizeof(*cfg)); + } - return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; + return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE; } -static int bt_gatt_clear_ccc(u8_t id, const bt_addr_le_t *addr) -{ - char key[BT_SETTINGS_KEY_MAX]; - struct addr_with_id addr_with_id = { - .addr = addr, - .id = id, - }; +static int bt_gatt_clear_ccc(u8_t id, const bt_addr_le_t *addr) { + char key[BT_SETTINGS_KEY_MAX]; + struct addr_with_id addr_with_id = { + .addr = addr, + .id = id, + }; - if (id) { - char id_str[4]; + if (id) { + char id_str[4]; - u8_to_dec(id_str, sizeof(id_str), id); - bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "ccc", - (bt_addr_le_t *)addr, id_str); - } else { - bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "ccc", - (bt_addr_le_t *)addr, NULL); - } + u8_to_dec(id_str, sizeof(id_str), id); + bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "ccc", (bt_addr_le_t *)addr, id_str); + } else { + bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "ccc", (bt_addr_le_t *)addr, NULL); + } - bt_gatt_foreach_attr(0x0001, 0xffff, remove_peer_from_attr, - &addr_with_id); + bt_gatt_foreach_attr(0x0001, 0xffff, remove_peer_from_attr, &addr_with_id); - return settings_delete(key); + return settings_delete(key); } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_CACHING) -static struct gatt_cf_cfg *find_cf_cfg_by_addr(const bt_addr_le_t *addr) -{ - int i; +static struct gatt_cf_cfg *find_cf_cfg_by_addr(const bt_addr_le_t *addr) { + int i; - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(cf_cfg); i++) { - if (!bt_addr_le_cmp(addr, &cf_cfg[i].peer)) { - return &cf_cfg[i]; - } + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(cf_cfg); i++) { + if (!bt_addr_le_cmp(addr, &cf_cfg[i].peer)) { + return &cf_cfg[i]; } + } - return NULL; + return NULL; } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_GATT_CACHING */ -static int bt_gatt_clear_cf(u8_t id, const bt_addr_le_t *addr) -{ +static int bt_gatt_clear_cf(u8_t id, const bt_addr_le_t *addr) { #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_CACHING) - char key[BT_SETTINGS_KEY_MAX]; - struct gatt_cf_cfg *cfg; + char key[BT_SETTINGS_KEY_MAX]; + struct gatt_cf_cfg *cfg; - if (id) { - char id_str[4]; + if (id) { + char id_str[4]; - u8_to_dec(id_str, sizeof(id_str), id); - bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "cf", - (bt_addr_le_t *)addr, id_str); - } else { - bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "cf", - (bt_addr_le_t *)addr, NULL); - } + u8_to_dec(id_str, sizeof(id_str), id); + bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "cf", (bt_addr_le_t *)addr, id_str); + } else { + bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "cf", (bt_addr_le_t *)addr, NULL); + } - cfg = find_cf_cfg_by_addr(addr); - if (cfg) { - clear_cf_cfg(cfg); - } + cfg = find_cf_cfg_by_addr(addr); + if (cfg) { + clear_cf_cfg(cfg); + } - return settings_delete(key); + return settings_delete(key); #endif /* CONFIG_BT_GATT_CACHING */ - return 0; + return 0; } -static int sc_clear_by_addr(u8_t id, const bt_addr_le_t *addr) -{ - if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_GATT_SERVICE_CHANGED)) { - struct gatt_sc_cfg *cfg; +static int sc_clear_by_addr(u8_t id, const bt_addr_le_t *addr) { + if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_GATT_SERVICE_CHANGED)) { + struct gatt_sc_cfg *cfg; - cfg = find_sc_cfg(id, (bt_addr_le_t *)addr); - if (cfg) { - sc_clear(cfg); - } + cfg = find_sc_cfg(id, (bt_addr_le_t *)addr); + if (cfg) { + sc_clear(cfg); } - return 0; + } + return 0; } -static void bt_gatt_clear_subscriptions(const bt_addr_le_t *addr) -{ +static void bt_gatt_clear_subscriptions(const bt_addr_le_t *addr) { #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_CLIENT) - struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *params, *tmp; - sys_snode_t *prev = NULL; - - SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_CONTAINER_SAFE(&subscriptions, params, tmp, node) - { - if (bt_addr_le_cmp(addr, ¶ms->_peer)) { - prev = ¶ms->node; - continue; - } - params->value = 0U; - gatt_subscription_remove(NULL, prev, params); + struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *params, *tmp; + sys_snode_t *prev = NULL; + + SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_CONTAINER_SAFE(&subscriptions, params, tmp, node) { + if (bt_addr_le_cmp(addr, ¶ms->_peer)) { + prev = ¶ms->node; + continue; } + params->value = 0U; + gatt_subscription_remove(NULL, prev, params); + } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_GATT_CLIENT */ } -int bt_gatt_clear(u8_t id, const bt_addr_le_t *addr) -{ - int err; +int bt_gatt_clear(u8_t id, const bt_addr_le_t *addr) { + int err; - err = bt_gatt_clear_ccc(id, addr); - if (err < 0) { - return err; - } + err = bt_gatt_clear_ccc(id, addr); + if (err < 0) { + return err; + } - err = sc_clear_by_addr(id, addr); - if (err < 0) { - return err; - } + err = sc_clear_by_addr(id, addr); + if (err < 0) { + return err; + } - err = bt_gatt_clear_cf(id, addr); - if (err < 0) { - return err; - } + err = bt_gatt_clear_cf(id, addr); + if (err < 0) { + return err; + } - bt_gatt_clear_subscriptions(addr); + bt_gatt_clear_subscriptions(addr); - return 0; + return 0; } #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_SERVICE_CHANGED) #if defined(BFLB_BLE) static int sc_set(u8_t id, bt_addr_le_t *addr) #else -static int sc_set(const char *name, size_t len_rd, settings_read_cb read_cb, - void *cb_arg) +static int sc_set(const char *name, size_t len_rd, settings_read_cb read_cb, void *cb_arg) #endif { - struct gatt_sc_cfg *cfg; + struct gatt_sc_cfg *cfg; #if !defined(BFLB_BLE) - u8_t id; - bt_addr_le_t addr; - int len, err; - const char *next; + u8_t id; + bt_addr_le_t addr; + int len, err; + const char *next; #endif #if defined(BFLB_BLE) - int err; - char key[BT_SETTINGS_KEY_MAX]; + int err; + char key[BT_SETTINGS_KEY_MAX]; - cfg = find_sc_cfg(id, addr); + cfg = find_sc_cfg(id, addr); + if (!cfg) { + /* Find and initialize a free sc_cfg entry */ + cfg = find_sc_cfg(BT_ID_DEFAULT, BT_ADDR_LE_ANY); if (!cfg) { - /* Find and initialize a free sc_cfg entry */ - cfg = find_sc_cfg(BT_ID_DEFAULT, BT_ADDR_LE_ANY); - if (!cfg) { - BT_ERR("Unable to restore SC: no cfg left"); - return -ENOMEM; - } - - cfg->id = id; - bt_addr_le_copy(&cfg->peer, addr); + BT_ERR("Unable to restore SC: no cfg left"); + return -ENOMEM; } - if (id) { - char id_str[4]; + cfg->id = id; + bt_addr_le_copy(&cfg->peer, addr); + } - u8_to_dec(id_str, sizeof(id_str), id); - bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "sc", - addr, id_str); - } else { - bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "sc", - addr, NULL); - } + if (id) { + char id_str[4]; - err = bt_settings_get_bin(key, (u8_t *)cfg, sizeof(*cfg), NULL); - if (err) - memset(cfg, 0, sizeof(*cfg)); - return err; + u8_to_dec(id_str, sizeof(id_str), id); + bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "sc", addr, id_str); + } else { + bt_settings_encode_key(key, sizeof(key), "sc", addr, NULL); + } + + err = bt_settings_get_bin(key, (u8_t *)cfg, sizeof(*cfg), NULL); + if (err) { + memset(cfg, 0, sizeof(*cfg)); + } + return err; #else - if (!name) { - BT_ERR("Insufficient number of arguments"); - return -EINVAL; - } + if (!name) { + BT_ERR("Insufficient number of arguments"); + return -EINVAL; + } - err = bt_settings_decode_key(name, &addr); - if (err) { - BT_ERR("Unable to decode address %s", log_strdup(name)); - return -EINVAL; - } + err = bt_settings_decode_key(name, &addr); + if (err) { + BT_ERR("Unable to decode address %s", log_strdup(name)); + return -EINVAL; + } - settings_name_next(name, &next); + settings_name_next(name, &next); - if (!next) { - id = BT_ID_DEFAULT; - } else { - id = strtol(next, NULL, 10); + if (!next) { + id = BT_ID_DEFAULT; + } else { + id = strtol(next, NULL, 10); + } + + cfg = find_sc_cfg(id, &addr); + if (!cfg && len_rd) { + /* Find and initialize a free sc_cfg entry */ + cfg = find_sc_cfg(BT_ID_DEFAULT, BT_ADDR_LE_ANY); + if (!cfg) { + BT_ERR("Unable to restore SC: no cfg left"); + return -ENOMEM; } - cfg = find_sc_cfg(id, &addr); - if (!cfg && len_rd) { - /* Find and initialize a free sc_cfg entry */ - cfg = find_sc_cfg(BT_ID_DEFAULT, BT_ADDR_LE_ANY); - if (!cfg) { - BT_ERR("Unable to restore SC: no cfg left"); - return -ENOMEM; - } + cfg->id = id; + bt_addr_le_copy(&cfg->peer, &addr); + } - cfg->id = id; - bt_addr_le_copy(&cfg->peer, &addr); + if (len_rd) { + len = read_cb(cb_arg, &cfg->data, sizeof(cfg->data)); + if (len < 0) { + BT_ERR("Failed to decode value (err %d)", len); + return len; } + BT_DBG("Read SC: len %d", len); - if (len_rd) { - len = read_cb(cb_arg, &cfg->data, sizeof(cfg->data)); - if (len < 0) { - BT_ERR("Failed to decode value (err %d)", len); - return len; - } - BT_DBG("Read SC: len %d", len); - - BT_DBG("Restored SC for %s", bt_addr_le_str(&addr)); - } else if (cfg) { - /* Clear configuration */ - memset(cfg, 0, sizeof(*cfg)); + BT_DBG("Restored SC for %s", bt_addr_le_str(&addr)); + } else if (cfg) { + /* Clear configuration */ + memset(cfg, 0, sizeof(*cfg)); - BT_DBG("Removed SC for %s", bt_addr_le_str(&addr)); - } + BT_DBG("Removed SC for %s", bt_addr_le_str(&addr)); + } - return 0; + return 0; #endif } -static int sc_commit(void) -{ - atomic_clear_bit(gatt_sc.flags, SC_INDICATE_PENDING); +static int sc_commit(void) { + atomic_clear_bit(gatt_sc.flags, SC_INDICATE_PENDING); - if (atomic_test_bit(gatt_sc.flags, SC_RANGE_CHANGED)) { - /* Schedule SC indication since the range has changed */ - k_delayed_work_submit(&gatt_sc.work, SC_TIMEOUT); - } + if (atomic_test_bit(gatt_sc.flags, SC_RANGE_CHANGED)) { + /* Schedule SC indication since the range has changed */ + k_delayed_work_submit(&gatt_sc.work, SC_TIMEOUT); + } - return 0; + return 0; } #if !defined(BFLB_BLE) @@ -4590,103 +4136,97 @@ SETTINGS_STATIC_HANDLER_DEFINE(bt_sc, "bt/sc", NULL, sc_set, sc_commit, NULL); #endif /* CONFIG_BT_GATT_SERVICE_CHANGED */ #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_CACHING) -static int cf_set(const char *name, size_t len_rd, settings_read_cb read_cb, - void *cb_arg) -{ - struct gatt_cf_cfg *cfg; - bt_addr_le_t addr; - int len, err; +static int cf_set(const char *name, size_t len_rd, settings_read_cb read_cb, void *cb_arg) { + struct gatt_cf_cfg *cfg; + bt_addr_le_t addr; + int len, err; - if (!name) { - BT_ERR("Insufficient number of arguments"); - return -EINVAL; - } + if (!name) { + BT_ERR("Insufficient number of arguments"); + return -EINVAL; + } - err = bt_settings_decode_key(name, &addr); - if (err) { - BT_ERR("Unable to decode address %s", log_strdup(name)); - return -EINVAL; - } + err = bt_settings_decode_key(name, &addr); + if (err) { + BT_ERR("Unable to decode address %s", log_strdup(name)); + return -EINVAL; + } - cfg = find_cf_cfg_by_addr(&addr); + cfg = find_cf_cfg_by_addr(&addr); + if (!cfg) { + cfg = find_cf_cfg(NULL); if (!cfg) { - cfg = find_cf_cfg(NULL); - if (!cfg) { - BT_ERR("Unable to restore CF: no cfg left"); - return 0; - } + BT_ERR("Unable to restore CF: no cfg left"); + return 0; } + } - if (len_rd) { - len = read_cb(cb_arg, cfg->data, sizeof(cfg->data)); - if (len < 0) { - BT_ERR("Failed to decode value (err %d)", len); - return len; - } - - BT_DBG("Read CF: len %d", len); - } else { - clear_cf_cfg(cfg); + if (len_rd) { + len = read_cb(cb_arg, cfg->data, sizeof(cfg->data)); + if (len < 0) { + BT_ERR("Failed to decode value (err %d)", len); + return len; } - BT_DBG("Restored CF for %s", bt_addr_le_str(&addr)); + BT_DBG("Read CF: len %d", len); + } else { + clear_cf_cfg(cfg); + } - return 0; + BT_DBG("Restored CF for %s", bt_addr_le_str(&addr)); + + return 0; } SETTINGS_STATIC_HANDLER_DEFINE(bt_cf, "bt/cf", NULL, cf_set, NULL, NULL); static u8_t stored_hash[16]; -static int db_hash_set(const char *name, size_t len_rd, - settings_read_cb read_cb, void *cb_arg) -{ - int len; +static int db_hash_set(const char *name, size_t len_rd, settings_read_cb read_cb, void *cb_arg) { + int len; - len = read_cb(cb_arg, stored_hash, sizeof(stored_hash)); - if (len < 0) { - BT_ERR("Failed to decode value (err %d)", len); - return len; - } + len = read_cb(cb_arg, stored_hash, sizeof(stored_hash)); + if (len < 0) { + BT_ERR("Failed to decode value (err %d)", len); + return len; + } - BT_HEXDUMP_DBG(stored_hash, sizeof(stored_hash), "Stored Hash: "); + BT_HEXDUMP_DBG(stored_hash, sizeof(stored_hash), "Stored Hash: "); - return 0; + return 0; } -static int db_hash_commit(void) -{ - /* Stop work and generate the hash */ - if (k_delayed_work_remaining_get(&db_hash_work)) { - k_delayed_work_cancel(&db_hash_work); - db_hash_gen(false); - } +static int db_hash_commit(void) { + /* Stop work and generate the hash */ + if (k_delayed_work_remaining_get(&db_hash_work)) { + k_delayed_work_cancel(&db_hash_work); + db_hash_gen(false); + } - /* Check if hash matches then skip SC update */ - if (!memcmp(stored_hash, db_hash, sizeof(stored_hash))) { - BT_DBG("Database Hash matches"); - k_delayed_work_cancel(&gatt_sc.work); - return 0; - } + /* Check if hash matches then skip SC update */ + if (!memcmp(stored_hash, db_hash, sizeof(stored_hash))) { + BT_DBG("Database Hash matches"); + k_delayed_work_cancel(&gatt_sc.work); + return 0; + } - BT_HEXDUMP_DBG(db_hash, sizeof(db_hash), "New Hash: "); + BT_HEXDUMP_DBG(db_hash, sizeof(db_hash), "New Hash: "); - /** - * GATT database has been modified since last boot, likely due to - * a firmware update or a dynamic service that was not re-registered on - * boot. Indicate Service Changed to all bonded devices for the full - * database range to invalidate client-side cache and force discovery on - * reconnect. - */ - sc_indicate(0x0001, 0xffff); + /** + * GATT database has been modified since last boot, likely due to + * a firmware update or a dynamic service that was not re-registered on + * boot. Indicate Service Changed to all bonded devices for the full + * database range to invalidate client-side cache and force discovery on + * reconnect. + */ + sc_indicate(0x0001, 0xffff); - /* Hash did not match overwrite with current hash */ - db_hash_store(); + /* Hash did not match overwrite with current hash */ + db_hash_store(); - return 0; + return 0; } -SETTINGS_STATIC_HANDLER_DEFINE(bt_hash, "bt/hash", NULL, db_hash_set, - db_hash_commit, NULL); +SETTINGS_STATIC_HANDLER_DEFINE(bt_hash, "bt/hash", NULL, db_hash_set, db_hash_commit, NULL); #endif /*CONFIG_BT_GATT_CACHING */ #endif /* CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS */ diff --git a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/hci_core.c b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/hci_core.c index f6bbf28ae1..bfcdc05bd5 100644 --- a/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/hci_core.c +++ b/source/Core/BSP/Pinecilv2/bl_mcu_sdk/components/ble/ble_stack/host/hci_core.c @@ -7,42 +7,42 @@ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ -#include -#include -#include -#include #include -#include -#include +#include +#include #include +#include #include -#include -//#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +// #include #include #include